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Human Computer Interaction

Sometimes called as Man-Machine Interaction or Interfacing, concept of Human-Computer Interaction/Interfacing (HCI) was automatically represented with the emerging of computer, or more generally machine, itself. The reason, in fact, is clear: most sophisticated machines are worthless unless they can be used properly by men. This basic argument simply presents the main terms that should be considered in the design of HCI: Functionality:

Functionality of a system is defined by the set of actions or services that it provides to its users. However,
the value of functionality is visible only when it becomes possible to be efficiently utilized by the user And Usability:

Usability of a system with a certain functionality is the range and degree by which the system can be used
efficiently and adequately to accomplish certain goals for certain users. The actual effectiveness of a system is achieved when there is a proper balance between the functionality and usability of a system

What is HCI?
It is a discipline concerned with the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computer systems for human use and the study of major phenomena surrounding then. HCI has to do with the space created for you to work with technology. HCI is a design that should produce a fit between the machine, user and the it provides.

Existing HCI Technologies

In the design of HCI, the degree of activity that involves a user with a machine should be thoroughly thought. The user activity has three different levels: 1. 2. 3. Physical- aspect determines the mechanics of interaction between human and computer Cognitive- cognitive aspect deals with ways that users can understand the system and interact with it Affective- tries not only to make the interaction a pleasurable experience for the user but also to affect the user in a way that make user continue to use the machine by changing attitudes and emotions toward the user.

The existing physical technologies for HCI basically can be categorized by the relative human sense that the device is designed for. These devices are basically relying on three human senses: vision (Switch-based i.e.

buttons & Pointing devices), audition, and touch (Haptic devices- generally made for virtual reality or disability assistive applications). The recent methods and technologies in HCI are now trying to combine former methods of interaction together and with other advancing technologies such as networking and animation. These new advances can be categorized in three sections: 1. 2. 3. wearable devices, wireless devices and virtual devices

Some new devices upgraded and integrated previous methods of interaction. As an illustration in case, there is the solution to keyboarding that has been offered by Compaqs iPAQ which is called Canesta keyboard.

Usability: The extent to which a product can be used by specied users to achieve specied goals with
effectiveness, efciency and satisfaction in a specied context of use. It has been define similarly above. The three measurable usability attributes dened by ISO are: Effectiveness: accuracy and completeness with which users achieve specied goals. Efciency: resources expended in relation to the accuracy and completeness with which users achieve goals. Satisfaction: freedom from discomfort, and positive attitudes towards the use of the product.

Six Usability Attributes:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Effectiveness: completeness with which users achieve their goal. Learnability: ease of learning for novice users. Efciency: steady-state performance of expert users. Memorability: ease of using system intermittently for casual users. Errors: error rate for minor and catastrophic errors. Subjective Satisfaction: how pleasant system is to use

These usability attributes could be measured. Usability Evaluation There are types of evaluation, according to the purpose of the evaluation: 1. Exploratory - how is it (or will it be) used? 2. Predictive - estimating how good it will be. 3. Formative - how can it be made better? 4. Summative - how good is it? A Good way to understand the last two is:
When the cook tastes a meal-Formative assessment, when the guest tastes the meal- Summative assessment

Usability Evaluation Methods The methods of usability evaluation can also be classied according to who performs them: Usability Inspection Methods: Inspection of interface design by usability specialists using heuristics and judgment (no test users). Usability Testing Methods: Empirical testing of interface design with real users

*The Usability Engineering Lifecycle

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