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LESSON3 - INTERRUPTS LABELS AND DB know, if we want to, let say do a program thats just run, the struc

I showed you before is not complete because, it will not exit, we must tell dos we want to exit, then how will we do it : simply by using the operator "int" which calls to interrupt (0..0FFH) and instruct him what to do, so lets detailt of some int's : 009h 010h 013h 016h 017h 021h the the the the the the keyboard interrupt screen interrupt sectors, (format, read, write) interrupt keyboard interrupt printer interrupt main dos command

know each interrupt got many command and each one needs difrrent parameters (if you want to know get the complete int list from your local BBS) INT 21 - TERMINATE ah - 4ch al - errorlevel so in order to initiate this interrupt we will do : mov ah,4ch mov al,0 int 21h ; if you want it can every value ; and then the program will exit to dos

but how will the compiler know where to start, well we have to tell him, the compiler will know to start excatly in the first, label label is a name which you can jump to him, the label will be like : Name : - "start :", "now :", "rt :" all of those are labels, so this is a basic (working) assembly program : Sseg segment db 10 dup (?) ; will be disscused late ends Dseg segment ends Cseg segment assume cs:cseg,ds:dseg,ss:sseg start : mov ah,4ch mov al,0 int 21h ends end start end ; the compiler will start here

; ; ; ;

terminate the segment must finish before the label close the label tell compiler script ends here

that was easy, it's the main assembly struc, but it can be much more complexed now in the sseg (stack) there was "db" now what is that, well if (most of the times) assembly registers are not enough so you (like pascal,c) can define variables, how ???? well you have to operators - db,dw,dd,dt : DB - define byte, the var will be 1 byte (8 bit)

DW - define word, the var will be 2 bytes (word, 16 bit) DD - define double, the var will be 4 bytes (double word,32 bit) DT - define ten, then var will be 10 bytes (not used) the decleration goes like this : name type [number] value. examples : try db 1 - it will define tru dw 4 - it will define ytu dw ? - it will define value now lets say that you want to define

"try" as 1 byte with starting value 1 "tru" as 2 byte with starting value 4 "ytu" as 2 byte with unknown starting

an array (like pascal : a:array[1..10]of like c : int c[100]) you do as follow : name type number dup(value). lets say : gvr db 10 dup(2) - it will define "gvr" as 10 byte which each one has value of 2. but what if I want to define a messege or multiple values then what ?? then it should be like : messege - mes db "this is a messege",10,13,"$" now the numbers after the second """ are optional, it's needed only for some interrupt. multiple values (vectors, etc.) then : vec db 23,54,76,34,234,14,23,123,245 db 124,34,245,23,52,34,52,43,13 db 213,213,123,123 the db can be dw,dd or dt, and you can do it for how much you want but you must not pass the 64k limit. but what if you want to write a messege then ??? you will search the int which do that : int 21h - write string ah - 9 ds:dx points to string (in the end "$" for termination) so how will we do it ??? Sseg segment db 10 dup (?) ends Dseg segment msg db "dr. encryption",10,13,"$" ; for termination ends Cseg segment assume cs:cseg,ds:dseg,ss:sseg start : ; the compiler will start here

mov dx,offset msg ; ds is already pointing to dseg mov ah,9 int 21h ; whop there he is mov ah,4ch mov al,0

int 21h ends end start end

; ; ; ;

terminate the segment must finish before the label close the label tell compiler script ends here

now what offset is, well offset will return the offset of the argument so if you write : mov dx,offset msg then dx will be the offset of the msg (offset is 16bit and so is segment ,so "mov al,offset ..." will be wrong) the operator seg will return the segment of the argument, but if you change ds and not return his original value the system will hang. so then the stack comes to buisness.

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