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"Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down.

Doctors de stroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governmen ts destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy sp irituality." Michael Ellner What's the difference between heaven and hell? Heaven is where all the lovers are Italian, the cooks are all French, the cops a re all English, the bureaucrats are all German, and the entire place is run by t he Swiss. Hell is just the opposite: All the lovers are Swiss, the cooks are all English, the cops are all German, th e bureaucrats are all French, and the entire place is run by the Italians. Tao Te Ching Section 57 The greater the number of laws and restrictions, the poorer the people who inhab it the land. The sharper the weapons of battle and war, the greater the troubles besetting the land. The greater the cunning with which people are ruled, the st ranger the things which occur in the land. The harder the rules and regulations, the greater the number of those who will steal. The sage therefore does not con trive, in order to bring about reform, but teaches the people peace of mind, in order that they might enjoy their lives. A paraphrased quote from Dune, via the Sisterhood: Find freedom and become slave to your desires. Find your discipline and be free. Internet Poster "svs" Life, and happiness, will only be possible elsewhere. This is one of the things that excessive energy availability does. By expanding man s possibilities, it expa nds the possibilities where happiness may be looked for and so man looks for it everywhere, on all continents, inside his iPad, in his bank balance, everywhere except inside himself. Paul Levy, Wetiko A PARASITE OF A DIFFERENT ORDER When people are infected by the wetiko virus, Forbes writes, they are the host fo r the wetiko parasites. The wetiko germ is a psychic tapeworm, a parasite of the mind. Just like certain computer viruses or malware infect and program a compute r to self-destruct, mind-viruses like wetiko can program the human bio-computer to think, believe and behave in ways that result in our self-destruction.Wetiko is a virulent, psychic pathogen that insinuates thought-forms into our mind whic h, when unconsciously en-acted, feed it, and ultimately kills its host (us). It doesn t want to kill us too quickly however, for to successfully implement its age nda of reproducing and propagating itself throughout the field, it must let the host live long enough to spread the virus. If the host dies too soon, the bug wo uld be prematurely evicted and would suffer the inconvenience of having to find a new residence. Like a cancer of the mind that metastasizes, in wetiko disease, a pathological p art of the psyche co-opts and subsumes all of the healthy parts of the psyche in to itself so as to serve its pathology. To quote Jung, an unknown something has ta ken possession of a smaller or greater portion of the psyche and asserts its hat eful and harmful existence undeterred by all our insight, reason, and energy, th ereby proclaiming the power of the unconscious over the conscious mind, the sove reign power of possession. The personality then self-organizes an outer display o f coherence around this pathogenic core, which masks the inner dysfunction, making it hard to recognize. In a psychic coup d etat, the wetiko bug can usurp and disp

lace the person, who becomes its puppet and marionette. Like a parasite, the wet iko virus can take over the will of an animal more evolved than itself, enlistin g that creature into serving its nefarious agenda. Once the parasite becomes suf ficiently entrenched within the psyche, the prime directive coordinating a perso n s behavior comes from the disease, as it is now the one calling the shots. Just as someone infected with the rabies virus will resist drinking water, which woul d flush out the infection, someone taken over by the wetiko parasite will have n othing to do with anything that will help them get rid of the disease.Wetikos ar e phobic towards the light of truth, which they avoid like the plague. In advanc ed stages, this process takes over the person so completely that we could rightf ully say the person is no longer there; they are just an empty shell carrying th e disease. In a sense there is just the disease, operating through what appears to be a human being. The person becomes fully identified with their mask, their persona, but it is as if there is no one behind the mask.

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