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Be thankful that you dont have everything you desire If you did, what would there be to look forward

to? Be thankful for the difficult times Its during those times you grow Be thankful for your limitations because they give you opportunities for improvement Be thankful for your mistakes They will teach you valuable lessons Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can become your blessings __ Has life been good? Let GOD hear your, THANK YOU. Has it been bad? Just say, LORD, I TRUST YOU. Has it been unfair? Shhh, just have FAITH in HIM. __ Real treasures are not what the hands can grasp, but what the HEART can HOLD Real peace cannot be found outside ourselves but within with GOD John 16:33 __ The monument I want after I am dead is a monument with two legs going around the world a saved sinner telling about the salvation of Jesus Christ. D. L. Moody __ A story worth reading

Teacher: Did God create everything? Students: Yes. T: If so, then God also created evil. Therefore, God is evil. (a student stood up) Student: Sir, does cold exist? T: Yes, it does. S: Actually, sir, it does not. Based on the laws of physics, cold is simply the absence of heat, and so, does dark exist, Sir? T: Of course, it does. S: Dark doesnt exist. Dark is only the absence of light. Just like evil, it is only the absence of God in a mans heart. T: (speechless) __ When things go wrong, PUSH When you wish for something, PUSH When people dont understand you, PUSH When you wish for love, PUSH P-ray U-ntil S-omething H-appens

__ God sometimes pushes us out of our comfortable lives to teach us to trust HIM. We may fall a bit, But HE will never let us hit the ground __ Whenever you share the goodness in your heart, You always end up winning Because LIFE IS AN ECHO It gives you what you have given Stay nice even when others are not __ It is easy to worship God when things are going great in your life When He has provided food, friends, family, health, and happy situations. But circumstances are not always pleasant. The deepest level of worship is praising God in spite of pain, thanking God during trials, trusting Him when tempted __ There is no such thing as unanswered prayer. Only unbelieving, insincere, and impatient prayer. Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God. __ A turtle once said: No matter how heavy my bearings are, its God choice to make me carry the luggage For its the only way I will be protected

so whatever we have in life, may it be a problem or pain, remember that God gave it to us for a purpose __ God knows whats best for us, so why should we complain We always want the sunshine but He knows there must be rain. We love the sound of laughter and the merriment of cheer But our hearts will lose their tenderness if we never shed a tear. God tests us not to punish us but to help us meet tomorrow. So whenever we are in trouble and everything goes wrong Its just God working on us to make our spirit strong. __

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