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1. Paraules ds corrent: things / thinks, which, with, cannot, advice (n) - advise (v), for example, believe, etc. 2. Paraules acabades en -Y canviaran la y en i quan afegim un sufix: baby > babies, happy > happiness, pretty > prettier per es conserva la y quan va precedida de vocal: boy > boys, play > played . Els verbs acabats en y mantenen la y quan afegim -ing: study > studying 3. Sescriuen en majscula els dies de la setmana (on Friday), els mesos de lany (in July) i els adjectius de nacionalitat (Spanish), per no les estacions de lany (in summer). 4. Posici dels Elements de la Frase: Subjecte + (Auxiliar) + verb principal + Objecte de persona + Objecte de cosa + Compl. Manera + Compl. Lloc + Compl. Temps. Si la pregunta s indirecta cal utilitzar el mateix ordre que en les oracions enunciatives : They asked me if I went to the opera on Mondays. 5. LADJECTIU : davant dels substantiu (a big car).


(the books are interesting).

6. LADVERBI : de freqncia apareix davant del verb principal (He usually works , She doesnt always stay at home , Do you usually go ...?) excepte quan est el verb TO BE aleshores anir darrere: (He is always at home, Are they sometimes at home?). Les FRASES ADVERBIALS van al final de loraci (He is at home twice a week, John works here everyday,) 7. El SUBJECTE : sempre ha dhaver un subjecte precedint al verb : I think it is better, I dont know but it is probable, It is very hot here. Tampoc es pot abusar de IT: * Watching TV it is very boring Quan el subjecte de la frase s un verb , aquest ha destar en gerundi o infinitiu: Riding a horse is fascinating , To ride a horse is fascinating . O utilitzar IT+infinitive: It is fascinating to ride a horse. 8. PLURALS: recorda que els substantius acabats en -o, -x, -sh, -ch, -ss formen el plural amb -ES : tomatoes, boxes, glasses, churches, brushes, i els acabats en y si van precedits de consonant canvien la y en i i afegeixen -ES: babies ; quan van precedits de vocal sols afegim -S : boys. Tot a s aplicable a la terminaci ES de la 3 pers. sing. Present Simple: watches, goes, fishes, fixes, kisses, studies, plays. La paraula PEOPLE s sempre plural: People are ... , These people dont speak ... (*Persons are ...)

9. Tots els compostos de SOME- , ANY- , EVERY- , NO- (somebody, anyone, nobody, everywhere) sn SINGULARS : Everybody is here 10. Construccions de FINALITAT : TO + infinitiu : I went to Greece to learn Greek. Tamb es pot utilitzar in order to / so that . FOR + gerundi per a indicar ls que es dna a un objecte : A thermometre is used for measuring the temperature So that + subjunctiu : Everything is prepared so that you can come home. 11. COM: a) interrogatiu: How are you? b) conjunci: As I had no money I didnt go to the party. He behaved as if he hadnt seen us. Nobody knows her as I do. c) donant exemples: There are much fruit such as apples, pears and oranges. Famous people like Sophia Loren, Bob Dylan and Prince Charles have been here. LIKE AS

(used as a preposition) : He ran like the wind (= comparison) He worked like a slave many years ago (= he worked very hard) He worked as a slave ... (= he was a slave. It was his job) (used as a conjunction before a clause) : AS We often drink tea after lunch, as they do in Britain. 12. MODALS: no porten -S de 3 persona Present Simple : He can , no porten auxiliars : He cannot, May I go out?, van seguits dinfinitiu sense TO (excepte OUGHT TO): John must leave now. 13. TRADUCCIONS INCORRECTES: Magrada el cotxe= I like the car (*the car likes me), Magrada = I like it (*It likes me). Recorda: I like playing tennis per I would like to play tennis. Tinc vuit anys = I am 8 years old sobretot = mainly, above all (*overcoat) amb el temps / finalment= eventually (* with the time) 14. FALSE FRIENDS : actually = en realitat, assist = ajudar, attend = assistir, success = xit, pretend = fingir, aparentar, large = gran , realize = adonar-sen , etc. 15. the same + substantiu + as : He is the same age as me =ell t la mateixa edat que jo He is older than me = ell s major que jo 16. ARTICLES: A / AN + substantiu singular comptable / oficis : a car / a house / an hour / a university / an apple / a teacher THE no sutilitza per fer generalitzacions: I love pets 17. MUCH + substantiu incomptable: much rice MANY+ substantius comptables plurals: many potatoes (A) LITTLE+ substantiu incomptable: little sugar (A) FEW + substantius comptables plurals: few friends

VERY + adjectiu : The book is very interesting (*There are very beaches) A LOT OF + substantiu incomptable/ substantius comptables plurals: a lot of water/ a lot of milk

18. OTHER (adjectiu) : other houses , other packet of milk OTHER/S (pronom) : Here is one of my gloves. Where is the other? Some pupils travel by bus, others by train. ANOTHER (adjectiu) + substantiu singular comptable: Can I read another book? 19. THIS (singular) THESE (plural) // THAT (singular) THOSE (plural)

20. Els COMPLEMENTS DIRECTE i INDIRECTE normalment no porten la preposici TO quan van darrere del verb: He gave me an apple / He invited us to the wedding Per recorda que hi ha verbs que van seguits duna determinada preposici: listen to, write to (somebody) He listened to me, John wrote to Paul, etc. 22. Confusi entre AFTER (preposici) i AFTER (conjunci): (preposici + noun/gerund) You shouldnt bathe after a huge meal. You shouldnt bathe after eating. If we dont have a noun or gerund we must use afterwards, after that, later or then They bought an ice-cream, after that we went to the cinema (*They bought an ice-cream, after we went to the cinema) (conjunction + clause) : We went to the cinema after we bought an ice-cream After we bought an ice-cream, we went to the cinema

ERROR ANALYSIS: Correct all the possible mistakes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. My mother is doctor. There was a lot of people at Susans party. She wants that Mary comes to the party. Shell see David with his others friends. He hate the personal questions. Bilbao is bigger that Granada. Spanish is spoken in lots of differents countrys. He would like reading that types of magazines because are very entertaining. I dont like july because is hot. I went to Barcelona for visit the Frum. We must to get up early. Already she has finished her homework. There are very cinemas in this city. I studied much things last year. Chicago is a film very famous. We watched TV during two hours. She didnt go nowhere. Rafael always is friendly. John asked that they gave him a book. The book which I bought it is interested. My brother hasnt got much friends. Everybody are here. Live in the country is healthy. The persons who we saw were dancing.

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

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