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Welcome To QUANTUM BLEEP: the art of visualizing

A PLAYFUL APPROACH TO A POWERFUL CONCEPT and a friendly users guide to very personal quantum fields by Suzanna B. Stinnett First Edition August 13, 2004 Second Edition January 11, 2011 QUANTUM BLEEP Copyright 2011 Suzanna B. Stinnett All Rights Reserved No part of this digital property should be copied or altered in any way without the express permission of the author

QUANTUM BLEEP What it is: This book is intended to provide new perspectives about the art of visualization, help people who are not sure they are "doing it right," and maybe expand our brain capacity a little bit toward a better understanding of the use and the power of using imagination to create desired mental images. What it is not: It is not a prescription. It comes with no guarantees. It is not intended to be a cure-all nor in fact a cure-anything. It must be assumed that we are adults who have the choice to engage the endless information of our world in any way we choose. While the author does indeed find these exercises of imagery very helpful, and has spoken with many others who also enjoy and reap benefits from the meditative activities described here, the outcome for any individual reader is entirely unknown. Isnt that what makes it interesting?

Do you meditate, visualize, imagine, or daydream? These are arts which are put to very good use by all sorts of people, from high-level executives and world-class athletes to people in healing professions and anyone else who is interested in having more of a sense of steering their own life. What you will need: Some relaxed quiet time, and a carton of eggs.

Thinking is the pivot point. DaVinci did not need the arrival of quantum physics to make that observation (and neither did Einstein). For centuries, philosophers have made the point that our thinking has a big effect on our lives. Many refer to the activity of thinking, but if you don't mind, I will call it thought. It's the same thing. David Allen wrote a very useful book called "Getting Things Done." My life improved measurably before I reached the end of the first chapter. (I did the exercises, of course.) Allen explains early in the book that how we think about our lives and our work dictates the way we live and all our outcomes. How we don't think also plays a role. He works with high-level executives who learn how to apply thought to what is piling up on their desks and in their minds. It's all very sophisticated and very effective stuff. I'm telling you about David Allen's book to further illustrate that this conversation about how thought creates reality is not a bunch of hooey. It can be used in hooey-ful ways, of course, and it certainly is easy to exploit as some kind of magic snake oil. Ever is the way of the world. I'm a pragmatic gal. I'm also very curious, easy to amuse, creative, tolerant and patient. But if you want to get me riled up, act stupid. Especially bothersome are stupid acts that affect me or lots of other people. Now I'm getting really steamed. I'm telling you this because I want you to know that I love to openly engage a world full of possibility. (You'll certainly know that if you finish this little book.) To me, a recognition of possibility opens us to self expression. I love to engage possibility, I seek to work with probability, and I resist the dark side of "attraction" and "thought creation" that seems to lead people to a near-catatonic state of submission. (That's the stupid part.) The glories of life belong to people of action. And getting to the action can be a lot easier if you can begin with imagination. That's what I'm after with Quantum Bleep. Begin with imagination - specifically with pictures you summon in your imagination - and you may find a great deal more motivation for those all-important actions.

Table of Contents Dedication Whats This Book For? Overview Greetings from the Author Welcome To The World of Possibilities Chapter One: Imagery Images of Energy Your Quantum Field: The Domes Touch It Vibrating on a Dome The Egg Exercise See Your Old Wiring Recap Chapter Two: Your Brain I Strongly Suggest Breathing, Fat, Meditate Chapter Three: Personal Stories of Change A Note Regarding Visions Quantum This Heart Flows Step One: Neutralize the Field Step Two: Recognize Possibilities Adding Sensory Triggers Quantum Rinse Create Your Day The Quantum Field of Dreams: Pondering Possibilities Resources Little Shifts Excerpt

DEDICATION This book is dedicated to people who are optimistic enough to do playful and imaginative work. In all of you resides the flow of love.

Whats this book for? PLAYFUL POSSIBILITIES. These playful tools may help you: RECOGNIZE possibilities

RELEASE the past EMPOWER your choices CHANGE behavior ATTRACT what you really want CREATE motivation Be forewarned! Use of these tools could result in: Feelings of optimism Enhanced creativity Deep relaxation Heightened perception Increased energy Happiness What does quantum physics have to do with your life? (Editorial note: I simply must make a small disclaimer here. The two films I refer to are of interest to me because they bring forward the brain and the imagination as key pieces of a vibrant and engaged life. There were parts of both films that I found to be jaw-droppingly bad. As I said, I'm a tolerant and patient person. I tolerate the paradox that this conversation includes people who use visualization to gain mastery and full engagement in life, and people who use these concepts to justify being hopeless jellybrains. I sure hope my readers are the type of people who will use visualization as a tool to motivate and strengthen the actions which are behind all change.) If you saw the films, What The Bleep Do We Know? and "The Secret," you may wonder if there is any practical way to use the concepts to make positive change in your own life. This book shows you one way to enter the realm of possibilities, choose what you want, and unplug your energy from the same old mistakes. It is a playful way to use your imagination with potentially dramatic results. Didnt see the film? That's fine, just read the overview. The material in this guide is similar to many philosophies. Put in the context of the film, and using playful imagery and language, the tools may be easier to access. Just relax and have fun with it. You already know this stuff. OVERVIEW The material in this guide developed during the creation of another book I wrote called Little Shifts. (See Resource section for more information about Little Shifts.) I've has been working with the concepts in this guide for a long time. The film, What The Bleep Do We Know discusses the same concepts and provides a language and a context for the material. It also has some animated scenes depicting the brain, with neurons firing and chemicals flying. I have to tell you I absolutely loved that part.

After the film had been out for a few months, I recognized a split between people who naturally visualize and use their imaginations to summon pictures of how they'd like to add to or change their lives, and people who do nothing of the sort. It seemed that some people just can't allow themselves to think this way, perhaps due to entrenched cynicism, bad woo-woo experiences, or a desperate fear of looking silly. This book is not for those people. Others would like to try it, but actually don't know how to visualize. If you are nodding your head now, this book is for you. That was a bit of an epiphany for me. I can't stop visualizing. I've always seen pictures in my mind. Well, guess what. Not true for everyone. And that makes participating in this conversation a little awkward. Now let's get on with some of the ideas I'm talking about. Quantum physics presents both a mystery and a miracle. Are we creating reality with our thoughts? If so, doesnt that mean we have an infinite number of possibilities available at any time? How can we enter this realm of possibility consciously? What can we actually do with these concepts that can make a difference in our lives? Can we create our way beyond repetitive mistakes and failures? As they said at the end of the film, Dont just take it at face value. Test it out and see if it is true!

Greetings from the Author Howdy. Suzanna B. Stinnett here. I have been working and playing with the imagination all my life. I wrote the book, Little Shifts, which shows how to engage your imagination to create a dynamic, connected life. (See Resources page). This users guide, Quantum Bleep, shows another way to use your imagination. It also opens a door to how to visualize, for people who have a hard time with that or are just not sure how to do it. When I saw the film, What The Bleep Do We Know? I kept waiting for the part where they show how to put the concepts into play. Eventually I realized thats not what What The Bleep is about. The film is about presenting the questions with so much richness that we have a foundation and some common language so we can begin a conversation. (When I wrote this book, there was very little information available about the concepts. The website has tons of stuff on it now, so you may find more tools there.)

Welcome to the world of possibilities your possibilities. We live in an age of self-creation. Many of us are wandering around trying to figure out what we want to be when we grow up. At the same time, people want to make a difference in the world, build a better future, live more creatively, have more energy, find love, and make good money. Isnt there some little key that we can use to open up our worlds? Yep. There sure is. Ready to find out? Okay! Take a great big breath and let it out. Relax your shoulders. This is your brain were talking about, and you have to give it oxygen if you expect it to work. More about that later. While I cant predict exactly what will happen when you start playing with these concepts and exercises, I think it is safe to say that at the very least, you will have the beginnings of a new relationship with your mind. What we are doing here is raising our capacity to embrace possibility.

CHAPTER ONE: IMAGERY GETTING STARTED All through this guide you will be using your imagination. In the exercises, you are asked to create images that help you navigate your own personal quantum field. You may be confused by what you read. Just relax and be playful. The creative process is about play as much as anything. Striving to understand something new has one quantifiable outcome: you will grow a few new dendrites on your brain cells! The process of learning to work with your quantum field will feel very similar to learning a new language. In fact, a lot of this process IS learning a new language.

IMAGES OF ENERGY First of all, lets agree on some simple images we will use to describe the quantum field. Your imagination may come up with very different images. Pay attention to these! Write them down, or even make a sketch of your mental pictures. For now, however, we need a common language, so lets use these images and definitions to move through the concepts. If you are concerned about being able to "picture" these images, be patient, relax, and read through this. I will give you a special exercise after the descriptions of the images. Make sure you've got that carton of eggs. It's best if it is a full dozen, or even a whole flat of eggs.

Your Quantum Field: THE DOMES

Imagine that you have walked to the edge of a plateau, and you are now looking out over an expanse the size of the Grand Canyon. But instead of a canyon, you see white spheres, crowded together, in a mass that extends as far as you can see, up to and beyond the horizon. These spheres are so close together that you can see only the tops, so they look like domes. You dont see your feet below you, either, just the domes stretching from you outward in every direction. Lets call this your quantum field. Take a moment to close your eyes and get a picture of domes. Let it arise. It takes longer for some people than for others. Breathe, and relax your neck and shoulders while you view the domes. Each one of them is a possibility in your personal life. Every dome is available to you, and every one of them is neutral. You can extend your arm, and touch the top of a dome to activate its possibility. You can choose any of them at any time.

TOUCH IT: VIBRATING ON A DOME Try it now. Stretch your arm out, and touch the top of a dome. Now, see it vibrate in response to your touch. Maybe it lights up, or glows, or blinks. Do this again. Reach and touch. This is part of the exercise you will do repeatedly through this manual. Remember to see your arm stretched out and touching the top of the dome. Lets add another dimension. Stand looking across your field at the domes. Now, think about something that makes you happy. Think of something that you would like to have in your life, something that really rings your chimes. For this exercise, think of a desire that you do believe you can have. Maybe it is a trip you want to go on, a contest you want to win, a job or career you want. This is not the whole, complex, ultimate life youre imagining, just a small piece, a step along the way. Once you have a thought in mind, reach out across the domes again, and touch one, as if you are giving the energy of that desire to that particular dome. Let the dome vibrate. Maybe you can feel the vibration on your fingertip. Breathe evenly, and see if you can sense any kind of shift in your energy when you do this. Dont worry if you dont feel anything. You will later on, if you keep practicing, and stay open and playful with it. Thats the second kind of exercise you will be doing. Lets call this vibrating on a dome. Time to get out those eggs Okay, for my readers out there who have felt left out or been frustrated by trying to

visualize and not understanding how it works, here is some help. Since the early days of Shakti Gawain, we've been told to visualize. As I state elsewhere in this book, I was surprised to realize that not everyone can automatically do this. The fact is, not everyone is visual and not everyone uses visual imagery all the time. The thing to realize is that your imagination is actually a tool that helps you "sense" things. We all do this. In this exercise you will be able to use other senses to make a mental bridge to the more visual aspects of your imagination.

THE EGG EXERCISE I want you to sit at a table or counter with the eggs in front of you. Just take a look at them first. Now, close your eyes and touch the tops of the eggs gently. Lightly move your fingers across all the eggs. Now pretend there are many dozens of eggs. This is essentially the "sense" that visual people are getting when they picture the domes as a quantum field. Each time we work with the domes, return to your eggs if you need to.

SEE YOUR OLD WIRING Okay, now lets go in a different direction. Think about something in your life that doesnt seem to work very well. Its fine if it is your car, or your roommate, or the computer you want to replace. Make it personal, though, because we are working with your personal quantum field. What is close to you is what counts most. The point of this part is to look across your quantum field at a negative thought pattern. Okay? Once you have the thought in mind, look out across the field. This is not easy for everyone to do. You are holding a thought, or hanging out in the thought-space, with something in your life that you really want to change. You are not happy with it right now. Okay, that's not very fun to do. At the same time, you are engaging your imagination and actually working your brain to get it to provide imagery. Relax and breathe. You might sense a color or a vibration that goes with the thought. Its okay if you dont, just allow your imagination here. Now you've got that problem thought, and you are looking at your mental imagery as I've described, the field of domes. Choose a certain area of the field that seems "near" you, and focus on that.

For me, it is usually off to the left. When I realize I am having a negative response to something, I "click in" to my quantum field and take a look. I will see some domes, maybe a string of them or a grouping, that are lit up, usually a kind of dull red. This is the negative thought path. It could also be thought of as the brain neurons that are hardwired to take you on a specific route, and keep you responding to stimuli in the same old way. This is what you are going to be changing. You are actually going to change the pathways in your brain. Cool, huh? Once you have that image in your view, relax and breathe. Dont worry about it. Worry only deepens the rut in your brain it has already created. Later on I will show you a way to divert energy from that negative string. Lets call this image old wiring. Did you get that? When I say "old wiring," I am talking about the visual imagery of the domes that you saw when you held the problem thought. For me, it's a dull red glow sort of off to the left in the field of domes. You might want to write down what it looked like for you to help you return to it later. RECAP: These are the concepts and images I will be referring to in the next examples, as I show you how to navigate through some of our common challenges: Your Quantum Field: The Domes Touch it: Vibrate On the Domes The Egg Exercise Old Wiring


KEEP THE NEURAL NET FIRING Every exercise in this little guide depends on one thing: Your thought process. And while the ideas here may be abstract, the thought process itself is not. It is a physical process with physical demands. While you can work with your quantum field to your hearts content, if you are having trouble staying with it, you just may need some quality time with your body.

Working with quantum fields will have the best outcome in an optimized environment. This means feeling good. Being healthy. Im willing to bet you have seen these recommendations before. Theres a reason for that. They work. Health and fitness are not really such a mystery. But what you may not realize is that your brain power is limited to the delivery of oxygen you can provide. So lets focus on that one aspect of your physical well-being. You may find, if you take great care of your brain, you dont need to do much else to stay healthy overall. I STRONGLY SUGGEST Heres the short list, recommended by lots of thoughtful professionals including Dr. Dharma Singh Khalsa who wrote Brain Longevity (see Resources section), and tested with spectacular results by yours truly: Drink lots of water. Go for a 30 minute walk at least once a day. Stretch. Eat some fresh stuff. Fruit, salad, veggies, nuts. Use high quality vitamins and be selective. Do some reading at your health food store and ask around, because there are a lot of supplements that arent worth much, so dont waste your money on them. Consider the supplement LECITHIN. It is acetylcholine, which is what the brain needs to fire neurons, or trigger thought. Its not expensive. Consider fish oil. Research is consistent on the benefits. Again, be selective. (I also use alpha-lipoic acid in supplement form. It's really hard to know if vitamins are helping, because the placebo effect is incredibly powerful. But this one sure seems to make a difference in my brain performance. I put enormous demands on my brain. I'm sorry I can't give you more specific recommendations. It would be irresponsible of me to tell you exactly what to do in this regard, as the jury is definitely out.) And pay special attention here: A. Do breathing exercises. The goal is to keep your brain oxygenated. Okay? Here are two that work fine: 1. Breathe in for the count of four. Hold the breath for a count of four. Breathe out for a count of eight. Do this three times. 2. Breathe in and out through your nose rapidly. Faster than a breath per second. Really fast. Feel your diaphragm (just above your stomach area) move in and out. Do this for one minute. Its like a shot of caffeine straight to the brain, only better. B. Avoid all hydrogenated fats. They make your brain cells turn rancid. I am not kidding. These fats are in most processed snack foods, and you can replace them with

different snack foods found at health food stores that taste just as good. Just read the ingredients. No partially hydrogenated anything. Ever. C. Meditate, or do something that is meditative, every day. Why is this so commonly recommended and so rarely done? Its not hard. You do not have to sit cross-legged on an uncomfortable stool. You do not have to join a chanting group. (Not that theres anything wrong with either of those.) I have a few tricks I use when, for some bizarre reason, I am not actually meditating on a regular basis. (When I am, let me tell you, life improves immediately.) 1. Count backwards from 300. Really! Just sit comfortably, in your car, on your couch, on the bus. Close your eyes and start counting backwards slowly. Try this. Really weird things happen, like relaxation. 2. Set a timer for 10 minutes and sit with your eyes closed, listening to your breathing. Thoughts can race all over the place, just breathe, and pay very close attention to when you finish exhaling and your start inhaling, and then when you start exhaling again. 3. Look at the Create Your Day section of this book for more ideas about how to engage a meditative state. Okay! Lets get on with the practice of navigating your quantum field.

CHAPTER THREE: PERSONAL STORIES OF CHANGE Now that you have the basic images in mind, we have some examples of day-to-day challenges where the concepts can be useful.

Dear Suzanna, I always have been a really creative person. I have a million ideas and most of them are good ones! But every time I get excited about something, I start thinking about how many times Ive tried to start something new. I just have that kind of personality. I dont always finish things. Lately, my friends have started to treat me like a mental patient. Oh sure, sure, they say, thats exciting, yeah, you have a lot of great ideas, and then they look at me over the top of their coffee cups, and nod at me. I cant blame them, Ive been doing this so long, it seems like nothing will ever come of my visions. Why cant I put something together that is real? Id love to show everyone who knows me that they were wrong. But what if theyre not? Signed, Bright Idea or Dim Bulb? Dear Bright One, I'm not sure what to tell you about your friends. But let's get you started with some exercises. You need to trust yourself more. That can come with a deeper connection to your imagination.

This process has four parts. First, you will be viewing your quantum field and taking a look at the messages, both from your chemical makeup, and from the outside, that are triggering the behaviors that keep you from taking productive actions. Second, you will write down the statements that you hear from other people, or that you think they are thinking, (same thing). John is thinking he knows I wont follow through with this. Hes nodding and looking at me with that little smile. How can I argue with him? He has plenty of evidence to prove hes right. Third, write down your thoughts about what is possible, especially cultural beliefs. See if you can tell the difference between what you really think and what the culture is saying. For example: Most businesses fail. Creativity doesnt pay. How many rich poets do you know? You cant create something from nothing. Write all that down. You expose the messages, make them vulnerable, when you make them visible by writing them. Now, listen to your own stream of thoughts. First, you were really excited by an idea. Think about the process. At some point, did you start to get really tired? This is an indication that you are triggering a chemical cascade that takes you away from being able to produce anything. (I know this one really well.) Fourth: Okay, now it is time to look at your quantum field again. See if you can sense where the old route is, the chemical route that takes you away from your vision. If you cant sense it, then deliberately place it over to the left by picturing it in your quantum field. Use your imagination to make it appear, so you can make visual changes. Neutralize the quantum field, all over, including your chemical route. Now reach out to the right and touch a dome, and give it a name like manifestation or completion. Let your own word for this vibration come to mind. Hold that vibration. Give yourself a chance to feel a rush from it. If that doesnt happen, think about the word you would give to a finished project, or the feeling of having accomplished something that makes everyone, especially you, sit up and take notice. How does it feel? Touch a dome with that feeling in mind, and sense it resonating through your body. Breathe slowly, relax, and smile to yourself. You are starting a new neural pathway

diverting energy from the negative. Keep practicing this. A note regarding visions: Outside of the quantum field work, you can assist the process by tracking. Tracking means you write down or record your behavior, whether it is the money you spend, the time going by, calls you make. You can track anything. Track it. Track things that are related to working with a given project. And dont worry if it is the right project. You can also abandon a project, as long as you have taken some steps and tracked them. That in itself is a shift that will start a new neural pathway. Allow for the fact that many visions are there just to get us moving down a path, and they evaporate when they are no longer needed. Our culture values completing things whether they have meaning or not. You are a creative, and that process can dampen your energy to the point where you will not be able to complete anything. However, sometimes completion needs to happen in order to gain confidence for bigger challenges. If you are worried about being able to follow through, try completing little things to gain confidence. Really little things, like emptying out your purse or your desk drawer and straightening it. Pick one little thing and complete it. It may seem like a pointless activity, but if you state your intention to yourself, even write it down, and then carry it out to absolute completion, you are actually creating a new neural path with a positive outcome. You can complete anything if you are properly motivated! Try to be completely aware and present when you are performing a little completion, so your neurons become familiar with a new pathway. Just about everything we want to do in life can be accomplished by paying a little more attention to the process. When other people talk negative: Give yourself the gift of knowing yourself, deep inside. Value your visions. By playing and practicing with these exercises, create new neural pathways to quickly access when people come along and put negative vibes on you. They are just another possibility in the quantum field, and you are free to choose any possibility, pursue it as long as you like, and change it whenever you want.


Dear Suzanna: My boyfriend and I have been talking marriage. We had just decided that we would live together for a while and learn more about each other. Hes my best friend and we have a blast together. Then, I got offered a chance to go to school in Europe for six months. I am so torn up about being away from him. It just seems like we are reaching such a perfect point in our relationship, growing together, learning new things. I cant get to a place where I feel okay about leaving for that long, and I cant bring myself to turn down an opportunity that will mean so much to my career. Is there something I can do with my quantum fields to get rid of conflict? Im really freaking out. Plus, we have been planning to travel together, and now Im going to be off on my own. Please tell me, how do I Quantum This? Signed, Freaking Out. Dear Out, Wow, you really chose some interesting growth! In the quantum field, you are looking at a highly charged area with a hoard of established pathways. To work with it, you will need to practice recognizing the energy connected to your grief. Refer to Chapter 1, Images of Energy. See the red domes representing the emotional pathway you find yourself subject to. Now. If I read between the lines a bit in your letter, you are looking for another way to experience this big challenge in your life. What you apparently want is to experience peacefulness around these events. When you think of the down side of the choices youre making, namely being away from the man you are so in love with, you head over to these red domes. They are deeply connected to many parts of you. If you were in therapy, you might be working on what else in your past has made you feel this way. But with quantum fields, you can work with the present, with what is right in front of you. This process has three steps. STEP ONE: NEUTRALIZE THE FIELD The best way to quickly change the painful feelings youre experiencing is to neutralize the entire quantum field. This is always the first thing you want to do. Now, look over the field, red domes and all, and neutralize it by picturing all the domes transparent, white, or a friendly pale tone, green, or blue, or whatever works for you. Do you have the neutral domes in your view? Now, think about your darling dear. Do

the red domes spring back up? Thats okay, you love him. Neutralize again. Do this exercise for a while, and be careful not to get frustrated that it has to be done repeatedly. Every time you do it you strengthen your ability to choose something different.

STEP TWO: RECOGNIZE POSSIBILITIES The next step is to recognize some other possibilities. You might want to give them names, like, deep comfort, or something that feels good to you. View the quantum field again, neutral now, and reach out over the domes, touching one, while you say the name of the better feeling. Breathe, deep and slow, exhale, touch it again. If you are engaged with the quantum field you may get a rush from this exercise. Pay attention to that. Let it spread out through your body. Where in your body do you experience it? A spinal rush? Face flushing? Warmth somewhere? Touch the possibility of the comfort feeling, or whatever you are calling it, and then another dome next to it. What you are doing is teaching the neurons in your brain to follow a new pathway. Your brain physiology and your body chemistry are major players in how you respond to the world, and how you view what is possible for you. This is not the abstract stuff of your quantum field, this is the science of physiology. The real stuff. But equally real are all the neurons which can be wired to new feelings, new behaviors, new life patterns. Theres your quantum field again. Possibilities.

STEP THREE: ADDING SENSORY TRIGGERS You can add some other exercises to strengthen the change you want to make. Get out a favorite photograph of your love. Treat this sort of like a scrap book page. You will be referring to it later. Use a photo about 2x3. Put this on a piece of paper. Now get some other images that have to do with your trip to Europe. Use all your senses by finding an image of place, like a building or some landmark that strongly summons the place you are going, as well as images that summon other parts of you, a food, a nature image, some words from a language you may be speaking. You could also add images from your childhood that feel good. What you want to create is a kind of collage that represents the neural pathway you prefer to go on when you think about being away from your love. It should be grounded in things you are actually going to do, and connected to good feelings you carry in your memories.

Freely make adjustments to the collage as you develop a relationship to it. Get this out and look at it, trace your finger on it, when you start to stress about being away. The emotional pathway that starts when you first think of your conflict can be shortened, and maybe even stopped, by practicing a different response deliberately. You keep creating a new neural pathway connected to your thought process about your relationship. Get the collage out and practice this: Think about your beloved and let your in-love feelings flood in. Look at the collage, and think of the love you are feeling traveling around and through the images in the collage. Infuse the images with this powerful feeling. An experience like this actually is a fantastic place to develop your ability to play with your quantum field. It is loaded with images and sensory pathways. If you can work with this problem successfully, you will have expertise with a tool you will be able to use everywhere in your life. All the big emotional challenges are invitations to develop personal power. You are working your way to Quantum Mastery! Keep going.

QUANTUM RINSE-REFRESHMENT FOR CELLS Here is a little exercise intended to refresh your energy throughout your body, so your cells have a better chance at accepting change. Before you start this one, think about something that you tend to do every day. This would be a little habit that you think about changing, but then you forget again, so it never actually changes. The neural net that is involved with a particular habit could be described as tired or worn. When cells are bombarded with the same stimulus for too long, they can actually start to shut down receptors for nutrients. Then when the cell splits, it passes on this information, so the new cell also has receptors geared toward this habit. Of course humans dont tend to change very much throughout life! Now with quantum fields to play with, I like to think that we have available a whole new perspective on this possibility. So try this exercise to let your cells know they can become new to the possibility of something different. HULA HOOP OF DOMES Imagine your quantum field, with the domes surrounding you entirely in a big circle. For

this exercise, it may be helpful to use an image of a hula-hoop. Make the hoop larger, as large as your imagination wants to see it. Now you are going to use your imagination in a three-dimensional way! Ready? Lets say the hoop of domes is residing around your waist. Thats fine. Just allow it to travel down slowly, staying engaged with the images of the domes of possibility filling the entire circle formed by the hoop. As it passes below you, start another hoop above you, which is now descending. Take a long breath, and allow these images to move gently, one hoop after another, in waves. You may experience them as closer together, three or four hoops at a time traveling down your body. Once you have established this imagery, and you can keep it moving, imagine that all the cells in your body are being rinsed by these waves of quantum possibilities. If its difficult to imagine this, simply pretend, or tell yourself the story, waves of possibility are bathing my cells right now. ALLOW THE IMAGERY TO FLOW There are many ways to engage your imagination. The exercises just require allowing, most of all. Keep letting the hoops move gently along, rinsing your cells in infinite possibility. You might use this exercises as a kind of meditation, and picture the rinsing waves as a form of vibrant health. Whatever your particular physical challenge is, (most of us have at least a couple), allow this imagery to soothe that part of you. See if you experience rushes of energy or anything unusual as you do the exercise. After a bit of practice, you might find that you want the energy to go up again. Play with it to see what feels best to you. STAY ON THE PLANET Develop your own finishing point, so that you can be refreshed and grounded by this exercise. If you feel you are starting to float, bring your energy back to the ground. To do this, you can stand with your hands on your thighs and breathe, picturing energy traveling into your thighs and down to your feet, and on into the earth. Space travel is great, but its nice to know how to stay on earth too. Another way to stay grounded, especially if you are having trouble with this, is to hold your hand on the top of your head, palm down, and jump with both feet, stamping your

feet on the ground as you hold your head down. It may sound ridiculous but it works well. Walking in nature is grounding. Just pay attention to how you feel. Your body will let you know if you listen.

PUT YOUR THOUGHTS ON IT AND MAKE IT REAL: CREATE YOUR DAY Some people equate the idea of talking to a unified source (referred to as God), with prayer. What I notice is that working with your personal quantum field engages your own inner power. Traditionally, prayer has been a way to engage an external power. So this kind of exercise seems to come from within, and affect the external world. To begin, breathe and relax. Loosen your shoulders. Look out across your field. Are all the domes the same? Neutralize them, sweep your hand over your fields gently, and allow them to become white, transparent, or opalescent. Rather than use images of the structure of your daily life already in place, lets work with vibrations. Your emotions and feelings are the vibrations we are looking for. If you already know something you want for your day, start there, and move into the feeling of that desire. Think of it as already happening. Lets say youre going on an interview. How would you like to feel when it is over? What words would describe the feeling? Triumphant? Enthused? Search for the actual feeling you want out of your day. Perhaps you have a job youre not fond of. Its not enough to say that you want it to hurry up and be 5:00, or quitting time. (Sorry.) You need a specific part of your day that you can wrap your mind around, and extract the emotional vibration from that moment. If you really dont like your job and you just want it to go quickly today, then go ahead and vibrate on the feeling of being done with work. Think about this, though, because you might just magnetize yourself right out of a job! In a scenario like this, a better route might be to think about what you would like to do in your life, even if you dont think of it as a job. You might make some interesting discoveries here. Think of something you do enjoy, work or play, big or small. It can be anything from traveling in Europe to folding laundry. Hey. Some people like folding laundry. The point is to get the vibration of what it feels like when you are doing this thing that makes you happy. Stick on it! Okay, now reach out over those neutral white domes, and touch one, tone it with that happy vibration. Now connect it to other domes. Notice if you feel a vibration in your body.

Here are some words that some use to describe how they want to feel in their day: Excited, peaceful, happy, ecstatic. Inspired, enthusiastic, energetic. Feel around, find a descriptive term that feels good to you. Touch domes. Copy and paste that feeling all over your quantum field. Youre sending a message. You might consider asking to be surprised by the events of the day, as some people have described. I would do this a little differently, by staying engaged with my quantum field, and just vibrating on surprise, sensing it as a pleasant feeling for me. If you keep practicing this communication with your quantum field, you will expand into a dynamic engagement with your imagination, your inner power, and the world of possibility. Be freely imaginative with how you create your day. Create hourly. Create before you go to sleep. Create while youre in the shower or during your commute. The goal is to live in a world full of realized individuals, every single one in a state of mastery of their own field of possibilities. THE QUANTUM FIELD OF DREAMS: PONDERING POSSIBILITIES Sometimes we need a jumpstart for our imaginations. There are many ways to get the creative juices flowing. Dont forget about giving your brain lots of oxygen, that may be all you are missing! Just in case youre still having a hard time thinking about possibilities, here are some ideas to consider when you look out over the quantum field. ASSUME THE ALL CLEAR Assume the path is open to you. Assume that every challenge is a piece of missing information (and approach it that way with gratitude, you asked for this and it was answered.) This attitude helps with neutralizing the field. TWO SIDES TO URGENCY Many are feeling a sense of urgency in life. Urgency has a function, it helps us take action. It is only a problem when it is so distracting that we stop looking at all the possibilities before us. We could assume there is a thread of emotional habit (also called addiction) that keeps us in this place of urgency. Mainstream media, TV, and unfortunately many films drive urgency relentlessly. We do have the option to limit that input. One possibility to create positive change is to recognize urgency as a habit, and use the quantum field imagery to neutralize it in the moment. LIMITLESS COMPASSION Look out over your quantum field with thoughts of kindness and compassion. Develop positive feelings toward your own limitless possibility. Use compassion when you practice neutralizing your field.

RESOURCES The website for the movie What The Bleep Do We Know Cool place to find books on quantum physics and other interesting links. To keep your brain working strong and clear, check out Dr. Dharma Singh Khalsas books. Read Brain Longevity, and Meditation as Medicine. Both can be ordered online. The book by the author called Little Shifts is available on You can read a short excerpt after the end of this book. Please come to my website to view my growing collection of books, guides, and digests for Kindle. Thank you so much for reading my book. I hope you enjoyed it, and that you will tell other people about my work. That's really the only way I can reach more people through your word of mouth. If you enjoyed this book, please consider putting up a short review on Amazon. I appreciate that very much! Best wishes, and happy Bleeping! Suzanna B. Stinnett EXCERPT FROM LITTLE SHIFTS: Small Changes That Make A Big Difference Sourcebooks, 2004 Suzanna B. Stinnett The Beginnings of a Renaissance We must begin now, with small steps, today, to recognize and become all that we are meant to be: Powerfully imaginative, multidimensional beings walking on earth with compassion, joy, and an open-armed inspiration to share with the world. Here we are now, the material of a metamorphosis. We are love, and we are whole beings. Two things are missing: One is recognition of our resourcefulness. The other is deliberate choice. With this book I bang the drum to announce the arrival of a culture of imagination. My vision tells me that our transforming culture now needs all beings in their highest creative state: interacting, suffusing each others lives with inner wisdom developed over centuries. We must share our stories, singing them, dancing them, painting, writing, and publishing them.

Growing our diversity into a harmonic kaleidoscope of expression, our dreams can then coalesce into a cultural vision. We live in a time of tremendous potential for positive change. A sense of urgency rides my wrist, pushing the pen across the paper. I feel we need to shove our arms into the clay elbow-deep, and find the form inside. From Chapter Two Imagine It Here Now In this chapter we will explore tools to bring your imagination forward and integrate its gifts into your life. You are creating a powerful ally. The past four decades have seen a steady avalanche of information about visualization. Techniques abound for creating a mental picture of what you want. Visualization is used for everything from healing cancer to finding a new career. (It works pretty well for finding a parking spot, too.) It is clear that to start the process of bringing your dream into the world, you need to create a picture of your desire in your own mind. Your Imagination Is Without Limits We act on our expectations. Our expectations are formed by limiting criteriaunless we shift to an imaginative way of being in the world. This is the primary impact of inviting imagination into your daily process. Imagination is an inner resource. Thats why it takes stopping, slowing, silencing, reassuring, embracing to allow it to speak. And thenentertain! Stimulate! Outlandishness is what the imagination craves. The manifestation of creativity, full blossom, will probably look insane. The crazier the better! Remember, even as you read along, you can start engaging with your own imagination. Keep your playful spirit. Your imagination is made for joy. END of "Little Shifts" Excerpt Remember to visit me at

"Quantum Bleep" and "Little Shifts" are copyrighted works. Please contact Suzanna Stinnett for information about using any of this material in any way, shape or form. Thank you.

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