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September 1 5 - October 1 5, 201 1 September 1 5 - October 1 5, 201 1

Cover Story
Editor's Note
Reader's Response
Cover Story
Tech Tools
Editorial 8
Letters to the Editor 9
Wateen takes Pakistan into the digital revolution of the 21st Century:
Naeem Zamindar 22
ATMs out of cash: Banks fail to serve the nation on Eid 16
Floods hit telecom infrastructure, services 17
Work from home! Set up a professional corner office 41
Google doodles a playful mix of art, technology 42
National News 52
International News 61
National Mosaic 50
International Mosaic 60

Pak emerges leading market in telecom: Yaseen 10
Ufone vows for greener Pakistan, clean environment 11
Mobilink hosts Blogpad competition 13
Pakistan grabs 4th position in global broadband growth 14
Girls overtake boys in prank calls to 1122 and 15 15
Wateen gets Greenpacket contract for hybrid modem 18
Zong highest scorer in MNP innings 20
IT, Telecom Ministry again headless 21
Another milestone by Ufone! Brings Blackberry Bold 9900 30
Mobile outshine traditional Eid wishes 31
IFA2011: war of the small tablets 35
The world of technology! Keep your eyes peeled 37
Trend of telephonic job interview 44
The menace of grey traffic
Illegal telephony eating $40 million per month 26
PAKSAT-1R to play vital role in socio-economic progress 12
Who to avoid embezzlement in Watan Cards distribution 34
Gamification: A human revolution 38
Technology infringing on classical music 40
Differences among Google+, Facebook and Twitter 45
Gadgets to beat the heat wave 46
Professional networking tips 48
Facebook issues security guide for teenagers, parents 49
Mobile Review 70
Current Mobiles 72
Upcoming Mobiles 76
High Range Mobiles 78
Low Range Mobiles 79
Computers 80
Laptops 81
Accessories 82
Gaming Zone 84
Firdous lauds Telenor investment in telecom sector 36
Wateen takes Pakistan into the digital revolution
of the 21st Century: Naeem Zamindar
Wateen gets Greenpacket
contract for hybrid modem
IFA2011: war of the
small tablets
Floods hit telecom infrastructure, services
Zubair Ahmed Kasuri Editor
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September 15 - October 15, 2011

InkIsfnn foIocom socfor hns nchIovod boyond fho oxocfnfIons
our foIocommunIcnfIons mnrkof omorgos nmong fho fo mnrkofs
In fho worId. If hns grnbbod 4fh osIfIon In fho brondbnnd growfh,
whIIo foIocom Is on fho u. ITA hns onvIsIonod fhnf fofnI foIocom
Invosfmonfs wIII ronch $ 2.4 bIIIIon by 2020, whorons fho ToIocom
socfor rovonuos wouId cross !s 620 bIIIIon by fho snmo yonr. In fho
wnko of growIng frond of fho mobIIo sorvIcos, If cnn bo rodIcfod
fhnf fho fIxod IIno subscrIbors wouId moro or Ioss mnInfnIn fho 5
mIIIIon nvorngos fIII 2020, whIIo fho brondbnnd subscrIbors nro
oxocfod fo ronch l9.5 mIIIIon. Tho mobIIo subscrIbors nro oxocfod
fo bo nround l6l mIIIIon.
Iuf In nII fhIs wo nro confronfIng wIfh fho groy frnffIc, whIch Is
onfIng nwny $40 mIIIIon or monfh, fhIs Is n hugo nmounf for nny
counfry buf If`s foo much for our sfruggIIng oconomy, our counfry Is
In fho grI of forrorIsm, onorgy crIsos, Inw & ordor sIfunfIon,
corrufIon nnd fho nnfurnI cnInmIfIos. In fhoso sconnrIos our
roguInfor sonf bIIIIons doIInrs fo InsfnII Infosf oquImonfs fo
confroI fho IIIognI formInnfIon of cnIIs nnd gIvo n roIIof fo nnfIonnI
oconomy buf nII In vnIn, bocnuso In fho roconf moofIng wIfh
IrosIdonf of InkIsfnn Socrofnry IT nnd ToIocom Snood Ahmod
Khnn Informod fhnf nround 40 orconf of fho fofnI InfornnfIonnI
mInufos formInnfod In InkIsfnn woro comIng Info fho counfry
fhrough groy chnnnoIs cnusIng sIgnIfIcnnf Ioss fo fho foIocom socfor
If 40 orconf frnffIc Is sfIII formInnfIng IIIognIIy fhon for whnf
uroso InkIsfnn ToIocommunIcnfIon AufhorIfy ITA hnd sonf
bIIIIons. If hns boon fnIIod so fnr fo gof ovor fho sndo.
ITA hns sfnrfod cnmnIgn fo curb fho monnco of IIIognI frnffIc
wIfh fho hoI of IIA nnd Ifs fochnIcnI fonm for fho uroso fhoy
hnvo nIso ubIIshod nn nd In nII fho nnfIonnI dnIIIos fo Inform fho
foIIow counfrymon fo IdonfIfy nII fhoso ooIo who nro busy In Croy
AccordIng fo ITA, Croy CnIIIng Is n drnIn on nnfIonnI rosourcos.
Croy CnIIIng Is ncfunIIy fho wny nround of mnkIng InfornnfIonnI
cnIIs on IocnI rnfos. You wouId hnvo soon n IocnI numbor durIng
IncomIng cnII on your coII somofImos buf In ncfunIIfy fho cnII Is
from oufsIdo counfry. ITA fnIIod fo counfor groy frnffIc In fho
counfry dosIfo fnkIng sovornI monsuros. ThIs cnusos n hugo Ioss of
nroxImnfoIy $40 mIIIIon or monfh fo fho nnfIonnI oxchoquor.
If wouId hnvo boon boffor If ITA wouId hnvo fnkon ncfIon nIso
on fho comInInfs of mobIIo subscrIbors nnd Innd IIno ownors. If
wouId hnvo boon boffor If ITA wouId hnvo kof sfrong chock on fho
bnd sorvIco rovIdor In IocnIIfIos. If wouId hnvo boon boffor If ITA
wouId hnvo gof somo confIdonco nnd frusf worfhInoss from fho
cusfomors. If wouId hnvo boon boffor If ITA wouId hnvo foId
counfrymon how fhIs Is fho Ioss of nnfIonnI rosourcos whon fhoy
nro onrnIng bIIIIons on fnx coIIocfIon. Tho groy frnffIc Is fho onIy
doIng by fho nonIIconsod oornfors buf somofImos fho IIconsod
oornfors nIso formInnfo InfornnfIonnI cnIIs IIIognIIy fo nvoId fho
nmounf of fnxos. So, ITA shouId hnvo fo bo vIgIInnf nnd If hns fo bo
donIf sovoroIy wIfh fho cuIrIfs.
Croy foIohony cosfs
bIIIIons fo nnfIonnI kIffy

Zubair Ahmed Kasuri, (Editor-in-Chief) publisher
of FLARE leading telecom magazine, printed
it from Qasim Naeem Art Press, Near Bank
Road, Main Bund Road, Lahore and
published from 46J, Gulberg , Lahore.

somInnr wns orgnnIsod fIfIod Whnf`s
Ahond In ToIocommunIcnfIon for Ink
Isfnn. Tho rImnry fhomo of fho Som
Innr wns fo doIIbornfo on fufuro sorv
Icos nnd fochnoIogIos for cronfIng now
oorfunIfIos ncross nII sogmonfs of socIofy,
nIong wIfh Ifs nssocInfod chnIIongos nnd sfrnfo
gIos. ChnIrmnn ITA, r. Mohnmmod Ynsoon,
wns fho ChIof Cuosf of fhIs occnsIon whIIo, r.
Khnwnr SIddIquo Khokhnr, Mombor TochnIcnI
ITA, IT & foIocom Indusfry oxorfs, CIOs of
foIocom comnnIos, ncndomIn nnd modIn roro
sonfnfIvos nIso nffondod fho SomInnr.
SonkIng nf fho occnsIon, ChnIrmnn ITA, r.
Mohnmmod Ynsoon snId fhnf InkIsfnn hns
omorgod ns ono of fho IondIng mnrkofs In
foIocommunIcnfIons. Howovor, If Is ImornfIvo
fhnf wo koo on movIng forwnrd for furfhor do
voIomonf of fho socfor brIngIng moro vnIuo fo If.
Arrnngomonf of such ovonfs Is suroIy nn Imor
fnnf sfo for shnrIng nnd IdonfIfyIng fho fufuro
ChnIrmnn nddod fhnf our ofonfInI for brond
bnnd succoss Is drIvon by n numbor of fncfors.
ITA ns n roguInfor hns nn ImornfIvo roIo In on
surIng confInuous nugmonfnfIon of brondbnnd In
InkIsfnn. Though fho rIncInI dufy wIfh ro
gnrds fo brondbnnd Is fo mnInfnIn n comofIfIvo
brondbnnd mnrkof, yof roguInfory ncfIons nnd
sfrnfogIos rognrdIng brondbnnd nro suosod fo
rofIocf on fho drIvIng forcos In form of oxnndIng
nccoss, onhnncIng CIfIzon IgIfnI SkIIIs, Iro
mofIng !ocnI Confonf nnd IncronsIng vnIuo nd
dIfIon InsIdo fho ofwork InfoIIIgonf ofwork
nnd sorvIcos. Ho snId WIroIoss Irondbnnd Is
suroIy nn Imorfnnf nron of consIdornfIon for
fho Indusfry In fufuro. IooIo nro Inforosfod In
mobIIIfy nnd connocfIvIfy nf fho snmo fImo. Wo
wIII bo obsorvIng now orn of wIroIoss brondbnnd
In fho counfry.
ChnIrmnn ITA nIso omhnsIzod on Imrovod
qunIIfy of foIocom sysfoms nnd sorvIcos In fu
furo, nnd focus on foIocommunIcnfIon nof onIy ns
nn oIomonf of suorf buf nIso ns n drIvIng forco
of oconomIc growfh.
Ho snId, fhnf gIvon fho sfnfo of oconomy, o
uInfIon growfh nnd ofhor socIooconomIc IndIcn
fors, ITA hns onvIsIonod fhnf fofnI foIocom In
vosfmonfs wIII ronch $ 2.4 bIIIIon by 2020,
whorons fho ToIocom socfor rovonuos wouId
cross !s. 620 bIIIIon by fho snmo yonr. In fho
wnko of growIng frond of fho mobIIo sorvIcos, If
cnn bo rodIcfod fhnf fho fIxod IIno subscrIbors
wouId moro or Ioss mnInfnIn fho 5 mIIIIon nvor
ngos fIII 2020, whIIo fho brondbnnd subscrIbors
nro oxocfod fo ronch l9.5 mIIIIon. Tho mobIIo
subscrIbors nro oxocfod fo bo nround l6l mII
ChnIrmnn furfhor nddod fhnf, fho froquoncy
hnrmonIznfIon Is oxfromoIy Imorfnnf fo nchIovo
bonofIfs of rnId dovoIomonf In wIroIoss foch
noIogIos mnkIng If ImornfIvo for ndmInIsfrn
fIons nIIows chnngos In froquoncy nssIgnmonfs
In nnfIonnI Inforosf. SovornI counfrIos hnvo for
muInfod Socfrum !ofnrmIng IoIIcy Irnmo
work. In ordor fo romofo wIroIoss brondbnnd
dIssomInnfIon In rurnI nrons, fho ITA wouId
Inn nhond fo dovIso nnfIonnI socfrum rofnrm
Ing sfrnfogy. I sfrongIy boIIovo fhnf fho rnId
growfh nIong wIfh fufuro ondonvours Is bogIn
nIng of ronIng fho nssocInfod busInoss, onfro
ronourshI nnd socInI bonofIfs of fhIs oxonon
fInI ICT Infrnsfrucfuro. If Is fho fImo fo oon
doors of oorfunIfIos fo our young InnovnfIvo
mInds nnd brIdgo fho unsoon gns, ho nddod.
urIng fho SomInnr, Mr. Inn Yunjun, CIO
CMInk, Mr. AdII !nuf, CIO AIcnfoI!uconf Ink
Isfnn, Mr. noom ZnmIndnr, CIO Wnfoon ToIo
com, Mr. ZIn Imrnn MnnngIng Irocfor ISII,
Mr. WIIson Wnng, oufy CIO HunwoI Ink
Isfnn, Mr. InIsnI AnsnrI, Hond of Cusfomor Tonm
S, Ms. Anjum Idn !ohmnn, Irocfor Cor
ornfo CommunIcnfIons ToIonor nnd Mr. Adnnn
ShnhId, CIO Idoogony nIso shnrod fhoIr oxorf
fhoughfs on fufuro of foIocommunIcnfIon In fho
counfry. Thoy hIghIIghfod nrons of mobIIo foch
noIogIos, brondbnnd, consumor IIfosfyIos, smnrf
honos, mobIIo confonf, sorvIcos nnd nIIcn
In hIs cIosIng romnrks, ChnIrmnn ITA n
rocInfod fho offorfs of orgnnIzors orgnnIzIng
fho ovonf whIIo InvIfIng muIfIsfnkohoIdors fo
doIIbornfo on fufuro of dIgIfnI socIofy In fho coun
fry. Af fho ond of SomInnr ChnIrmnn ITA dIs
frIbufod fho souvonIrs nmong fho nrfIcInnfs.
Pakistan has emerged as one of the leading markets in telecommunications. How-
ever, it is imperative that we keep on moving forward for further development of the
sector bringing more value to it: Chairman, PTA
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk Te|eped|a F|are Peport

Dr Yaseen said that the fre-

quency harmonization is ex-
tremely important to achieve
benefits of rapid development in
wireless technologies; making it
imperative for administrations al-
lows changes in frequency as-
signments in national interest.
Several countries have formu-
lated Spectrum Re-farming Pol-
icy Framework
Ink omorgos IondIng mnrkof
In foIocommunIcnfIons Ynsoon

n conLInuuLIon oI UIone`s green InILIuLIve,

LIe UIone VoIunLeer Group (UVG) vIsILed
sIumubud ModeI CoIIege Ior GIrIs, sIum-
ubud und pIunLed Lrees Lo IeIp provIde u
IeuILIIer envIronmenL wILIIn LIe IucIIILy wIIcI
covers un ureu cIose Lo Lwo ucres.
TIe educuLIonuI IucIIILy Ius u number oI gur-
dens wIIcI were In dIre need oI sIudy Lrees;
UIone beIng u socIuIIy responsIbIe orgunIsuLIon
IucIIILuLed LIe scIooI munugemenL und sLudenLs
by urrungIng LIe pIunLuLIon ucLIvILy und en-
courugIng LIe sLudenLs oI LIe InsLILuLIon Lo Luke
purL uIongsIde LIe UVG`s.
UIone`s CIIeI MurkeLIng OIIIcer, Akbur
KIun uIso Look purL In LIe pIunLuLIon ucLIvILy
und suId LIuL by curryIng ouL sucI un ucLIvILy In
un educuLIonuI IucIIILy, UIone Is InsLIIIIng LIe
ImporLunce oI u greener pIuneL und envIron-
menLuI susLuInubIIILy wILIIn sLudenLs oI uII ed-
ucuLIonuI IeveIs. He uIso menLIoned LIuL uII
corporuLIons sIouId Luke IL upon LIemseIves Lo
IeIp educuLe LIe cIIIdren oI PukIsLun und In-
gruIn In LIem LIe beneIILs oI preservIng LIe en-
SocIuI responsIbIIILy Ius become u gIobuI
pIenomenon due Lo wIIcI corporuLIons uround
LIe worId now IeuvIIy Iocus on LIe nurLurIng oI
LIe socIeLy. UIone, one oI LIe IeudIng LeIecom
compunIes In LIe counLry, Ius been uL LIe Iore-
IronL oI muny pubIIc InILIuLIves wIIcI Iuve been
Luken Lo beneIIL LIeIr vuIued cusLomers. SInce
IncepLIon UIone Ius been u socIuIIy responsIbIe
orgunIsuLIon, und over LIe IusL Iew yeurs, Ius
currIed ouL vurIous CSR projecLs reIuLed Lo cIIId
IeuILIcure und on IIgIIIgILIng LIe need Ior u
green und IeuILIy envIronmenL.
UIone uIso recenLIy conducLed u Lree pIunLu-
LIon uL PoIIcIInIc wIIcI noL onIy provIdes u
IeuILIy envIronmenL buL uIso provIdes sIude
Ior LIe purenLs und cIIIdren Lo sIL under wIIIe
LIey ure uL LIe IospILuI.
TIe UVG uIso spenL LIme wILI LIe uIIIng cIII-
dren In LIe PAEDS Wurd wIere eucI voIunLeer
sIured u pIeusunL momenL wILI LIe cIIIdren ud-
mILLed uL LIe IospILuI. TIe voIunLeers dIsLrIb-
uLed sweeLs umongsL LIe kIds wIIcI IeIped
brIng u smIIe Lo LIeIr Iuces. TIe purenLs uIso up-
precIuLed LIe eIIorLs mude by LIe voIunLeers.
Mr. AbduI AzIz CEO UIone suId: As un or-
gunIsuLIon, UIone Ius Luken IL upon ILseII Lo IeIp
LIe cIIIdren oI PukIsLun Lo IeIp LIem Iuve u
brIgILer IuLure. TIIs InILIuLIve und LIose Luken
In LIe pusL ure sLeps In LIe rIgIL dIrecLIon. We uL
UIone wIII conLInue Lo IeIp und provIde more
medIcuI IucIIILIes und creuLe LIe ImporLunce oI u
Green PIuneL Ior LIe beneIIL oI LIe cIIIdren.
Ufone's CMO, Akbar Khan
also took part in the
plantation activity and said
that by carrying out such an
activity in an educational
facility, Ufone is instilling the
importance of a greener
planet and environmental
sustainability within students
of all educational levels
CMO Ufone Akbar Khan planting a tree as Prof Sohaila
Ansari, Principal MCG and Moazzam Ali Khan, Head of
PR and CSR Ufone also present on the occasion.
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
F|are Peport Exclusive
ommunIcnfIon snfoIIIfo, IAKSATl!,
roconfIy Inunchod by InkIsfnn wIII nof
onIy Iny Imorfnnf roIo In socIooco
nomIc dovoIomonf of fho counfry buf
wIII nIso rovIdo oducnfIonnI oorfunIfIos, bof
for honIfh sorvIcos, sfImuInfo rIvnfo socfor busI
noss nnd Invosfmonf.
CommunIcnfIon snfoIIIfo wIII rovIdo foIo
com oornfors nnd govornmonf, n cosf offocfIvo
wny fo oxfond ossonfInI foIocom sorvIcos fo fho
fnrfhosf cornors of fho counfry.
ovoIoIng counfrIos nround fho worId fnco
nn ncufo shorfngo of modIcnI rofossIonnIs nnd
sIfunfIon Is worsf In rurnI nrons of such coun
frIos whIch offon Inck communIcnfIon Infrn
Todny, communIcnfIon snfoIIIfos nro boIng
omIoyod fho worId ovor, fo offor foIomodIcIno
sorvIcos In rurnI communIfIos fo Imrovo nccoss
fo modIcnI cnro, onhnnco Ifs qunIIfy, rovIdo onr
IIor dIngnosIs nnd fronfmonf nnd Imrovo fho
honIfh cnro doIIvory.
Iy onnbIIng hysIcInns fo consuIf wIfh fhoIr
oors, hnvo nccoss fo socInIIsfs, nnd confInuo
fhoIr oducnfIon, foIomodIcIno couId nIso In
cronso fho numbor of hysIcInns Iocnfod In rurnI
CIvIng furfhor dofnIIs, Socrofnry S!IA!CO
Arshnd H SIrnj snId "ThIs snfoIIIfo wIII nIso hoI
fo Incronso dIvorsIfy nnd nccoss fo oducnfIonnI
rogrnms by rovIdIng oorfunIfIos for nduIf
communIfy oducnfIon nnd InsorvIco fonchor
Ho snId worId hns now onforod n now orn
cnIIod fho InformnfIon socIofy. ThIs orn Is
mnrkod by fochnoIogIcnI dovoIomonfs In com
ufors, oIocfronIc modIn nnd foIocommunIcn
fIons nnd growIng nsocfs of InformnfIon In nII
nsocfs of humnn IIfo.
Accoss fo fho InformnfIon nnd fho fncIIIfIos, fo
roduco, sforo nnd frnnsmIf InformnfIon Is now
consIdorod vIfnI fo dovoIomonf.
In fhIs rnco bofwoon InformnfIon noods nnd
now InformnfIon cnnbIIIfIos, communIcnfIon
snfoIIIfos gIvo fho nbIIIfy fo comofo nnd mnxI
mIzo fho uso of IImIfod rosourcos fownrds nn
oxnndIng ouInfIon.
Ior InkIsfnn, snfoIIIfos nro nof onIy n com
munIcnfIon fooI, rnfhor n unIquo oorfunIfy fo
brIng monnIngfuI chnngo In fho IIvos of Ifs cIfI
!onIIzIng fho Imorfnnco of oxfondIng fho
bonofIfs of InformnfIon rovoIufIon fo rurnI com
munIfIos, govornmonfs fho worId ovor nro Im
IomonfIng InnovnfIvo unIvorsnI sorvIcos ro
grnms In fho nrons of communIcnfIon, honIfh
cnro, oducnfIon nnd govornnnco.
CommunIcnfIon snfoIIIfos hnvo bocomo nn
InfogrnI nrf of nII such rogrnms oxfondIng
fhoIr ronch fo fho romofosf cornors of fho wouId
nnd rovIdIng roIInbIo nnd cosf offocfIvo monns
of oxfondIng fho bonofIfs of InformnfIon rovoIu
fIon fo ooIo IIvIng In fhoso fImos.
!oIyIng fo n quosfIon, Socrofnry S!IA!CO
snId, undor fho vIsIon 2040 of InkIsfnn's Snco
rogrnm, mnny moro snfoIIIfos wIII bo Inunchod,
whIch wIII hoI fo Imrovo socIooconomIc con
dIfIon of fho counfry.
As fnr ns Inunch of sncoshI Is concornod, ho
snId, no such InnnIng Is In consIdornfIon, nnd
focus Is fo Inunch moro communIcnfIon snfoI
IAKSATl! wns succossfuIIy Inunchod ro
confIy nnd wIII sfnrf Ifs commorcInI oornfIons In
Ocfobor 20ll.
If Is n gronf mIIosfono In fho fIoId of ScIonco
nnd TochnoIogy for fho ooIo of InkIsfnn nnd n
bIg sfo fownrds fho oconomIc rosorIfy of fho
If Is orfnInIng fo monfIon horo fhnf fho Ink
Isfnn`s fIrsf CommunIcnfIons SnfoIIIfo IAKSAT
l!, ns n nrf of InkIsfnn`s Snco Irogrnmmo
2040, Inunchod on bonrd ChInn`s SnfoIIIfo
!nunch VohIcIo.
IAKSATl! hns n fofnI of 30 frnnsondors,
l2 In Cbnnd nnd l8 In Kubnnd. Tho snfoIIIfo
wIII bo doIoyod nf 380I In fho CoosfnfIonnry
orbIf nnd If wIII roInco fho oxIsfIng snfoIIIfo
InkIsfnnI ongInoors hnvo workod cIosoIy wIfh
fhoIr ChInoso counfornrfs durIng nII sfngos of
dovoIomonf of fho snfoIIIfo In ChInn. Somo ox
orImonfnI unIfs dovoIood nf S!IA!CO hnvo
nIso boon Infogrnfod on fho snfoIIIfo for fochnoI
ogy ovnIunfIon. ChInn nnd InkIsfnn hnvo on
joyod moro fhnn 20 yonrs of cooornfIon In Snco
ScIonco, TochnoIogy nnd AIIcnfIons.
Tho Inunch of Inksnfl! SnfoIIIfo Is n mnjor
mIIosfono for bofh counfrIos fownrds sfrongfh
onIng of fhIs cooornfIon. S!IA!CO wIII con
fInuo Ifs offorfs for InunchIng of ofhor snfoIIIfos
IncIudIng !omofo SonsIng SnfoIIIfos, fo onsuro
fhnf fho snco fochnoIogy nIIcnfIons fuIIy con
frIbufo fo socIooconomIc dovoIomonf nnd nn
fIonnI socurIfy In InkIsfnn.
IrosIdonf AsIf AII ZnrdnrI nnd IrImo MInIs
for Syod Yusuf !nzn CIInnI hnvo foIIcIfnfod fho
nnfIon on fho succossfuI Inunch of fho IAKSAT,
whIch wns Inunchod roconfIy from ChInn.
In n mossngo fho IrosIdonf nnd fho IrImo
MInIsfor snId fhnf fho Inunch of IAKSAT fodny
Is n hIsforIc occnsIon ns If Incos InkIsfnn In fho
Ionguo of soIocf nnfIons fhnf own nnd oornfo nn
fIonnI communIcnfIon snfoIIIfos. Indood If Is n
mIIosfono In our journoy on fho rond fo
rogross, fho mossngo snId.
In fhoIr mossngo fho fwo Iondors snId fhnf
fhoy woro Ionsod fo Ionrn fhnf InkIsfnnI scIon
fIsfs nnd ongInoors hnvo fuIIy nrfIcInfod In
fho dosIgn, mnnufncfurIng, fosfIng nnd Inunch of
fhIs snfoIIIfo.
Tho succossfuI doIoymonf of IATSAT
domonsfrnfod fho scIonfIfIc nnd fochnoIogIcnI
ofonfInI of fho counfry ns woII ns fho commIf
monf of our scIonfIsfs nnd ongInoors, fho IrosI
donf snId.
Tho IrosIdonf nIso congrnfuInfod S!IA!CO
nnd nII fhoso whoso combInod offorfs hnvo mndo
Ifs succossfuI Inunch ossIbIo. Thoy hnvo dono
fho nnfIon roud, ho snId.
IrosIdonf ZnrdnrI nnd IrImo MInIsfor CIInnI
snId fhnf fho succossfuI Inunch of IAKSAT from
ChInoso forrIfory domonsfrnfod onco ngnIn fho
doo roofod nnd sfrnfogIc fIos bofwoon fho fwo
counfrIos. Thoso fIos hnvo grown from sfrongfh
fo sfrongfh nnd nro n fncfor of sfnbIIIfy In fho ro
gIon, fhoy snId.
Developing countries around the
world face an acute shortage of
medical professionals and situa-
tion is worst in rural areas of
such countries which often lack
communication infrastructure
IAKSATl! fo Iny vIfnI roIo
In socIooconomIc rogross
Communication satellite will provide telecom operators and government, a cost effective
way to extend essential telecom services to the farthest corners of the country
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk

lns|ghT F|are Peport

ecInoIogy us we see Loduy Is movIng wILI u
rupId puce und LIe InLeresLIng LIIng ubouL
IL Is LIuL IL Isn'L jusL LIe Iurdwure und soIL-
wure eIemenLs LIuL consLILuLe Lo ILs deveI-
opmenL. RuLIer In LIe modern worId, socIuI
conversuLIons pIuy u Iurge roIe In IIIIIng up LIe Iug oI
LecInoIogIcuI udvuncemenL. Even In u counLry IIke
PukIsLun wIere peopIe sLrIve duIIy Lo IuIIIII LIeIr
busIc needs, LIey Iuve sLurLed udopLIng modern
Iorms oI dIuIogue Lo wenL ouL LIeIr opInIons und
Hundreds oI LIousunds oI dIgILuI opInIon muk-
ers sIure sLorIes duIIy wILI LIeIr IrIends, IoIIowers
und reuders on LIeIr onIIne dIurIes cuIIed 'bIogs',
und LIese ure very dIIIerenL Irom LIe LrudILIonuI
news meuns us LIe sLorIes ure Irom u personuI per-
specLIve und gIve InsIgIL InLo LIe mInds oI LIe bIog-
MobIIInk orgunIsed one sucI unIque InILIuLIve
In purLnersIIp wILI HTC Lo promoLe Iree dIuIogue
In LIe web-spuce und encouruge exIsLIng bIoggers
Lo wrILe und sIure LIeIr opInIon ubouL our producLs
wIIIe uL LIe sume LIme LIe uIm oI LIe InILIuLIve wus
Lo promoLe LIe Ideu ubouL Ireedom In socIuI speecI
und InLroduce LIe concepL oI bIoggIng umongsL new
Ieurners. TIe unprecedenLed InILIuLIve cuIIed, 'TIe
MobIIInk BIogpud', requIred LIe bIoggers und dIgI-
LuI opInIon mukers Lo compeLe uguInsL eucI oLIer
In u bIoggIng compeLILIon wIere LIeIr creuLIve skIIIs
were puL Lo LIe LesL In u ruce Lo wIn u Iree HTC Sen-
suLIon IundseL. AmuzIngIy, LIIs wus noL onIy IIm-
ILed Lo LIe bIoggers oI LIe LeIecomJT IndusLry buL
wus uIso open Lo bIoggers Irom uII nIcIes Lo purLIc-
IpuLe und compeLe Lo wIn u greuL new II LecI prod-
TIe LopIc oI 'TIe MobIIInk BIogpud' compeLILIon
wus 'How MobIIInk und HTC LogeLIer ure brIngIng
LIe smurLpIone revoIuLIon In PukIsLun' und LIe Ideu
wus Lo generuLe u debuLe und dIscussIon ubouL Iow
bIoggers LIInk LIuL currenL InnovuLIons In LIe IocuI
IndusLry ure IeIpIng ouL LIe consumers. TIe com-
peLILIon run Ior over u week und MobIIInk receIved
un overwIeImIng response Irom LIe bIoggIng com-
munILy. TIe ruIes Ior 'TIe MobIIInk BIogpud' were
wrILLen In coIIuboruLIon wILI LIe jury Lo keep LIe
compeLILIon us neuLruI us possIbIe und IL wus mude
sure LIuL uII Ioop-IoIes were covered.
Budur Irom GoogIe PukIsLun, JeIun Aru Irom
PSHA, RubIu GurIb Irom CO PukIsLun und
Nueem TubIsI Irom BrIgILex, LIe oIIIcIuI dIsLrIbu-
Lors oI HTC IundseLs In PukIsLun, uIong wILI LIe
MobIIInk dIgILuI medIu Leum ugreed Lo serve us LIe
puneIIsLs oI LIe jury. AILer cureIuI screenIng bused
on LIe pubIIsIed ruIes, u seL oI Lop enLrIes were se-
IecLed und revIewed LIorougIIy once uguIn.
urrukI ZuIur, LIe wInner oI MobIIInk BIogpud,
scored LIe mosL poInLs und wus uwurded un HTC
SensuLIon smurLpIone; commenLed: "TIe MobIIInk
BIogpud wus u greuL InILIuLIve In Lerms oI boLI, em-
powerIng HTC und LIe MobIIInk brund ILseII on dIg-
ILuI medIu sucI us LIe PukIsLunI bIogospIere, us weII
us creuLIng u IeuILIy compeLILIon beLween bIoggers
Lo wIn u HTC devIce. couId see peopIe wrILIng on
eucI oLIer's' ucebook wuIIs und dIscussIng LIeIr
dIsuppoInLmenL on wIy LIey dIdn'L submIL LIeIr en-
LrIes Ior LIIs compeLILIon." AIsun Juved, HurIs
Nudeem, mrun JuIrI und OmuIr KIuIId were
uwurded runner-up prIzes oI goody bugs Ior wIn-
nIng LIe bIog enLrIes wILI besL LILIe, besL grummur,
besL conLenL und besL vIsuuI uppeuI respecLIveIy.
MobIIInk wIII conLInue Lo brIng sucI umuzIng oI-
Iers Lo LIe LecI suvvy oI PukIsLun. MobIIInk's InILIu-
LIve on SmurLpIone InLroducLIon und LIe conLInued
eIIorLs In brIdgIng LIe LecInoIogy dIvIde Ius LrIg-
gered u ruce Lowurds LIe SmurLpIone revoIuLIon In
The unprecedented initiative called, 'The Mobilink
Blogpad', required the bloggers and digital opinion
makers to compete against each other in a blogging
competition where their creative skills were put to the
test in a race to win a free HTC Sensation handset
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
F|are Peport Telepedia
MobIIInk hosfs
IIognd ComofIfIon
As|l Perva|z, 0|reclor Cuslorer Care, 3oulr, Voo|||r|
preserl|rg lTC rardsel lo Farru|r lre W|rrer ol Voo|||r| 8|ogpad corpel|l|or
8|oggers al lre o|oggers rool
loW Voo|||r| lTC logelrer are or|rg|rg lre srarlprore revo|ul|or |r Pa||slar
Voo|||r| ard lTC |ead lre NeW era ol 3rarlprores |r Pa||slar
ukIsLun Is runked us one oI Lop counLrIes LIuL
regIsLered IIgI growLI ruLes In broudbund
nLerneL peneLruLIon umong LIeIr popuIuce,
LIe IuLesL worIdwIde duLu reporL Ior Q1 zo1o
Lo Q1 zo11 suys. SerbIu Ieuds uII counLrIes surveyed
wILI u 68 per cenL unnuuI growLI ruLe Irom Q1 zo1o
Lo Q1 zo11, uccordIng Lo WebsILe OpLImIsuLIon JuIy
zo11 BundwIdLI ReporL wILI duLu on worIdwIde
bundwIdLI peneLruLIon. PukIsLun, wIIcI Ius seen u
boom In ILs promIsIng LeIecom secLor und InIormu-
LIon LecInoIogy servIces In recenL yeurs, recorded
uround q6.z percenL growLI oI subscrIbers und Is
pIuced IourLI on LIe runkIng IIsL. TIe cIosesL SouLI
AsIun counLry Lo PukIsLun on LIe IIsL oI Lop counLrIes
Is SrI unku uL LIe 11LI spoL wILI ILs broudbund pen-
eLruLIon growIng In os wIIIe ndIu Iugs uL LIe 1qLI
pIuce In Lerms oI broudbund growLI.
GIobuIIy, onIy TIuIIund und BeIurus Iud greuLer
percenLuge expunsIon LIun PukIsLun, upurL Irom Lop-
ruLed SerbIu durIng LIe perIod. PukIsLun`s dIgILuI
growLI prospecLs Iuve begun Lo Iook brIgILer IuLeIy.
BesIdes IuvIng u Iurge bIIInguuI (EngIIsI und Urdu)
nLerneL conversunL popuIuLIon, PukIsLun`s soILwure
compunIes Iuve curved u nIcIe InLernuLIonuIIy In re-
cenL yeurs. AccordIng Lo governmenL IIgures, LIe
counLry`s InIormuLIon LecInoIogy exporLs LoLuIIed
$1.q bIIIIon In LIe IusL IInuncIuI yeur. ExperLs suy LIe
T IndusLry, wIIcI udds LIousunds oI skIIIed workers
every yeur, Ius LIe poLenLIuI Lo IIL muILI-bIIIIon ex-
porL LurgeL wILIIn nexL IIve Lo Len yeurs. AddILIonuIIy,
mobIIe pIone und wIreIess nLerenL usuge ure uIso
expundIng rupIdIy. TIe survey duLu sIows LIuL CIInu
conLInues Lo Ieud LIe worId In LoLuI broudbund sub-
scrIbers. As oI LIe IIrsL quurLer oI zo11, CIInu Iud
over 1 mIIIIon broudbund subscrIbers, wILI LIe US
uL over 88 mIIIIon subscrIbers In second pIuce.
Jupun, Germun, und runce IoIIowed CIInu und LIe
US In LoLuI subscrIbers.
n jusL over u yeur LIe US Ius dropped Lwo pIuces
In worIdwIde broudbund runkIngs. As meusured by
IouseIoId usuge, broudbund peneLruLIon In LIe US
dropped Irom zLI Lo z;LI pIuce worIdwIde. TIe US
remuIned uL zznd pIuce In broudbund use by popu-
IuLIon. QuLur jumped Lwo spoLs Lo Ieud IecILensLeIn
und uxembourg In IouseIoId peneLruLIon oI broud-
bund, wIIIe ceIund jumped z spoLs Lo rd pIuce be-
IInd IecILensLeIn und uxembourg In broudbund
peneLruLIon by popuIuLIon.
WorId broudbund peneLruLIon runkIngs by
IouseIoId TIe UnILed SLuLes dropped Irom zLI
pIuce In Q zooq Lo z;LI pIuce In Q1 zo11 uL ;;. per
cenL In broudbund peneLruLIon by IouseIoId, uc-
cordIng Lo duLu Irom PoInL TopIc. WIIIe LIe US sLood
uL ;;. per cenL peneLruLIon In Q1 zo11, IL wus beIInd
LIe UK uL ;q. per cenL und Cunudu uL 8.; per cenL
peneLruLIon. QuLur (1;.; per cenL), IecILensLeIn
(1;. per cenL), und uxembourg (1z;. per cenL)
Ied uII counLrIes surveyed.
US remuIns uL zznd pIuce In broudbund peneLru-
LIon by popuIuLIon. As meusured by popuIuLIon,
broudbund subscrIbers per 1oo InIubILunLs In LIe US
remuIned uL zznd pIuce worIdwIde, uccordIng Lo LIe
"WorId Broudbund SLuLIsLIcs, Q1 zo11" survey. US
broudbund peneLruLIon by popuIuLIon wus zq.8 per
cenL In Q1 zo11, beIInd SIovenIu uL 1. per cenL (z1sL
pIuce), Guernsey uL z. per cenL, Germuny uL z.8
per cenL, Cunudu uL .1 per cenL, und LIe UK uL .q
per cenL. IecILensLeIn remuIned In LIe Lop spoL
sInce our IusL survey In zo1o uL 6.z per cenL pene-
LruLIon by popuIuLIon, IoIIowed by uxembourg up
one spoL uL 1 percenL und ceIund up Lwo spoLs Irom
LI Lo rd pIuce uL o.; per cenL. SerbIu Ieuds worId
In broudbund subscrIber growLI.
SerbIu Ieuds uII counLrIes surveyed wILI u 68 per
cenL unnuuI growLI ruLe Irom Q1 zo1o Lo Q1 zo11.
TIuIIund, BeIurus, PukIsLun, und Jordun IoIIow Ser-
bIu. TIe US Is In ;8LI pIuce worIdwIde wILI u .; per
cenL unnuuI growLI ruLe.
CIInu Ieuds US In LoLuI broudbund subscrIbers
CIInu conLInues Lo Ieud LIe worId In LoLuI broudbund
subscrIbers. As oI LIe IIrsL quurLer oI zo11, CIInu Iud
over 1 mIIIIon broudbund subscrIbers, wILI LIe US
uL over 88 mIIIIon subscrIbers In second pIuce.
Jupun, Germun, und runce IoIIowed CIInu und LIe
US In LoLuI subscrIbers.
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
Telepedia Flare Report
InkIsfnn grnbs 4fh osIfIon
In gIobnI brondbnnd growfh
Website Optimisation, LLC, a leading website optimising firm
is announcing their July 2011 Bandwidth Report with data on
worldwide bandwidth penetration. n just over a year the US
has dropped two places in worldwide broadband rankings
ou beIIeve or no LIuL
gIrIs ouLsIIne boys
In prunk cuIIs Lo
11zz und 1 us u re-
porL oI Rescue 11zz und 1
prunk cuII records wIIcI re-
veuIed LIuL gIrIs Ieuve boys
beIInd In prunk cuIIs. GIrIs
ure recorded us prunk cuIIers
Lo LIe Emergency servIces
IeIp IInes IIke Rescue 11zz
und Emergency 1. GIrIs ure
noL onIy ouLsLrIppIng boys In
sLudIes und geLLIng Lop posI-
LIons In exums buL uIso on
Lop In mukIng LrIck cuIIs Lo
dIIIerenL IeIp IInes.
TIe number oI peopIe re-
ceIvIng prunk cuIIs Ius
surged In LIe counLry duy-
by-duy. One LIIng LIuL un-
noys me Lo LIe core Is LIe
IucL LIuL peopIe mIsuse LecI-
noIogy or unyLIIng LIuL wus
creuLed Lo ucLuuIIy IeIp
munkInd move Iorwurd In
LIe cIuIn und evoIve us u IIIe
Iorm. jusL cunnoL under-
sLund wIuL pIeusure IL gIves
Lo cerLuIn peopIe Lo mIsuse
LecInoIogy Lo IrrILuLe oLIers
or use IL Ior overuII dumug-
Ing purposes. Rescue 11zz,
LIe Punjub Emergency ServIce receIved LoLuI 1o,
88,z IrreIevunL cuIIs uL emergency number 11zz
sInce ILs commencemenL RuwuIpIndI DIsLrIcL.
1o,88,z obnoxIous cuIIs IncIuded ;,6z cuIIs
were Irom gIrIs, q6z,;o Irom boys, z,q; Irom
kIds, z,q6o musIcuI cuIIs, 1,qo ubusIng cuIIs und
1,6o were obnoxIousJIrreIevunL cuIIs.
Deebu SIuInuz AkILer, Emergency OIIIcer
HeudquurLers und PubIIc ReIuLIon OIIIcer Rescue
11zz, RuwuIpIndI, suId LIuL LIe servIce Ius LrIed sev-
eruI soIuLIons wIIcI IncIude bIockIng oI sucI un-
wunLed cuIIers, wurnIngs over pIone und brIeIIng
LIe cuIIer ubouL LIe sIgnIIIcunce und ImporLunce oI
emergency number. As u resuIL oI LIIs cumpuIgn, u
Iew reguIur prunksLers Iuve sLopped dIuIIng emer-
gency number 11zz. However, LIe overuII numbers
sLIII conLInues Lo Increuse LIereIore, LIe servIce Is
obIIged Lo Luke necessury IeguI ucLIon wIIcI IncIudes
deLenLIon Ior sIx monLIs or Rso,ooo IIne or boLI.
We Iuve gIven mobIIe numbers Lo LIe PukIsLun
TeIecommunIcuLIon AuLIorILy Ior bIockIng LIem
und In IuLure we wouId Luke sLrIcL ucLIon uguInsL
sucI cuIIers und wouId regIsLer R uguInsL LIem,
sIe suId.
Dr. RIzwun Nuseer, LIe DIrecLor GeneruI Rescue
11zz, suId LIuL IL Is LIe duLy und moruI responsIbII-
ILy oI every cILIzen Lo respecL LIe emergency number
11zz und every cILIzen sIouId undersLund LIe sIgnII-
Icunce und ImporLunce oI LIe emergency numbers.
Dr. IIuL RoIuII, u PID In PsycIoIogy, suId LIuL
mosLIy young boys do sucI ucLIvILIes Ior Iun, LIrIII
und someLImes becuuse oI IrusLruLIon. I gIrIs ure
LukIng Ieud In prunk cuIIs LIen LIere ure severuI reu-
sons Ior IL. IrsL und mosL ImporLunL LIIng Is LIuL
now gIrIs Iuve more Ireedom In our socIeLy us com-
pured Lo LIe pusL. SIe uIso suId LIuL young generu-
LIon Is uddIcLed Lo LIe mobIIe pIones especIuIIy gIrIs
mIsuse LIeIr mobIIes und Iook Ior sucI Lype oI uc-
LIvILIes. n uddILIon, Rescue 11zz Is uIwuys In LoucI
wILI PTA Lo geL LIose numbers bIocked LIuL orIgI-
nuLe prunk cuIIs. RegIsLru-
LIon oI R und IeguI ucLIon Is
Iowever LIe IusL opLIon LIuL
LIe emergency servIce Lukes.
No doubL, LIe InvenLIon
oI LIe mobIIe pIone wus prI-
murIIy InspIred by un eusIer,
sImpIer und unyLIme con-
necLIon wILI peopIe. MobIIe
pIones Iuve become u nec-
essury purL oI our duIIy IIves.
SImIIur Lo oLIer LecInoIogIes
LIe mobIIe pIone uLIIIsuLIon
depends on LIe 'mode oI
MussIve growLI In LIe
LeIecom secLor Ius IucIIILuLed
communIcuLIon uccess Lo
common mun - brougIL
ubouL u posILIve dIIIerence In
peopIe`s IIves und mude LIe
reuI LIme connecLIon u reuI-
ILy - buL uL LIe sume LIme IL
Ius uIso Ied Lo LIe neguLIve
und uddIcLIve usuge oI LIIs
IuscInuLIng LecInoIogy. JusL
ImugIne Iow muny roud
mIsIups we cun uvoId II we
use u Iunds-Iree devIce wILI
our mobIIe wIIIe drIvIng -
Iow mucI more we cun con-
LrIbuLe Lowurds our sLudIes II
we sLop IorwurdIng gossIps
wIIIe In u IecLure - und Iow
mucI Iocus we cun uLLuIn durIng our work II we IImIL
ILs personuI usuge. TIe LecInoIogy und socIuI re-
sponsIbIIILy uIwuys work beLLer und Lo LIe besL In-
LeresLs oI peopIe II used In u responsIbIe munner.
pIeud wILI LIe mobIIe pIone servIce provIders noL
Lo jusL communIcuLe reduced cuII ruLes buL uIso pIuy
u roIe In educuLIng LIe socIeLy on LIe good use oI
LecInoIogy und ucL IIke u good und socIuIIy respon-
sIbIe corporuLe cILIzen.
Moreover, u neguLIve usuge oI mobIIe pIones Is
LIuL crunk cuIIs und SMSs wrILLen In bud LusLe be-
come u IeuducIe especIuIIy In cuse oI IemuIes re-
ceIvIng LIem. WIuL prImurIIy prompLed me Lo wrILe
Loduy Is u personuI experIence, wIen wILI my
IrIends wus sILLIng In u resLuurunL und noLIced LIuL u
group oI mIddIe-uged men sILLIng on LIe oLIer LubIe
were LukIng our pIcLures wIIIe LryIng Lo be un-no-
LIced. Do LIey reuIIse Iow dumugIng LIIs cun be Ior
us? How bruLuI cun IL be once IL spreuds over LIe In-
LerneL or LIrougI u vIruI MMS wILI u mIsIeudIng
TIe LecInoIogy und socIuI responsIbIIILy uIwuys
work beLLer und Lo LIe besL InLeresLs oI peopIe II used
In u responsIbIe munner. pIeud wILI LIe mobIIe
pIone servIce provIders noL Lo jusL communIcuLe re-
duced cuII ruLes buL uIso pIuy u roIe In educuLIng LIe
socIeLy on LIe good use oI LecInoIogy und ucL IIke u
good und socIuIIy responsIbIe corporuLe cILIzen.
10,88,235 obnoxious calls
included 537,623 calls
were from girls, 462,705
from boys, 32,437 from
kids, 2,460 musical calls,
51,450 abusing calls and
1,560 were obnoxious/
irrelevant calls
CIrIs ovorfnko boys In rnnk cnIIs
fo !oscuo ll22, Imorgoncy l5
The number of people receiving prank calls has surged in the country day-by-day. One
thing that annoys me to the core is the fact that people misuse technology or anything that
was created to actually help mankind move forward in the chain and evolve as a life form
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
Azhar Javed Telepedia
o doubL, LIe bunkIng secLor In PukIsLun Is
growIng rupIdIy buL on LIe specIuI IIesLu
IIke EId und oLIer reIIgIous IesLIvuIs. Peo-
pIe LIrong LIe bunks Ior druwIng money
on LIe specIuI occusIon. TIe sume Iuppened on LIIs
EId, wIen peopIe were mosLIy In need oI reudy
money LIey Iuced dIIIIcuILy In geLLIng money Irom
ATM. SeveruI ATMs In LIe counLry Iuve been ouL oI
order on EId duys or LIere wus no cusI In LIe mu-
cIIne. We seen Iundreds peopIe wuIL In Iong queue
Ior puymenLs In LIe vurIous bunks und some peopIe
becume unconscIous especIuIIy eIder ones.
usL yeur, mujorILy peopIe Iud compIuInL ATM
ouL oI cusI buL LIIs LIme bunkIng sysLem LoLuIIy coI-
Iupsed due Lo Improper pIunnIng und servIces. Even
LIe bunks dId noL IoIIow LIe InsLrucLIons oI SLuLe
Bunk oI PukIsLun. SBP udvIsed uII bunks Lo meLIcu-
IousIy compIy wILI ILs guIdeIInes und InsLrucLIons
ubouL munugemenL oI AuLomuLed TeIIer MucIInes
ATMs operuLIons In order Lo ensure conLInuous
uvuIIubIIILy oI ATM servIce durIng IoIy monLI oI Ru-
muzun und EId-uI ILr IoIIduys. Heuvy penuILIes
under reIevunL Iuws wouId be Imposed on LIose
bunks, wIIcI IuII Lo compIy wILI guIdeIInes und In-
sLrucLIons regurdIng munugemenL oI ATM operu-
LIons und monILorIng oI ATM cusIJdownLIme durIng
Rumuzun und EId IoIIduys Issued by SBP Irom LIme
Lo LIme. BeIore EId, peopIe uIso encounLered LIe
sume probIem wILI no cIeck Irom uny uuLIorILy IIke
commercIuI bunks und cenLruI bunk. n muny ureus,
LIe door oI ATM booLI wus cIosed wILI u cIIL pusLed
by LIe bunk udmInIsLruLIon suyIng LIe mucIIne Is
ouL oI order due Lo LecInIcuI reusons. TIe senIor cIL-
Izens Iuve compIuIned LIuL owIng Lo wrong poIIcy oI
LIe governmenL LIey Iud been IucIng probIems In
geLLIng LIeIr pensIon Irom LIe bruncIes oI NuLIonuI
Bunk oI PukIsLun. SeveruI reLIred governmenL em-
pIoyees wuILIng In Iong queues Ior LIeIr Lurn Lo geL
LIe pensIon. TIey suId LIuL muny peopIe, IncIudIng
women, Iud IIned up ouLsIde LIe bunk sInce SeIrI
LIme Lo geL LIe money und Ieuve Ior Iome us eurIy us
possIbIe. MujorILy oI peopIe remuIned unubIe Lo
wILIdruw money Irom ATM mucIInes durIng EId
IoIIduys us mosLIy ATMs were wILIouL cusI cuusIng
Iuge InconvenIence Lo consumers. TIe bunks wIIcI
IuIIed were NuLIonuI Bunk oI PukIsLun, HubIb Bunk,
AIIIed Bunk, UB, uIsuI Bunk, AIburuku, Bunk AI-
HubIb, Meezun Bunk, SoneIry Bunk eLc.
TIe use oI AuLomuLed TeIIer MucIIne (ATM) Ius
Increused munIIoId In PukIsLun In LIe pusL sIx Lo
seven yeurs, buL uccounL IoIders ure sLIII IucIng Lrou-
bIes wILI LIe ATM IIke seIzIng oI LIeIr cusI und
curds. TIe bunk munugemenLs Iuve mude specIuI
urrungemenLs und wouId keep suIIIcIenL cusI In
ATM mucIInes Lo ensure LIuL cusLomers druw LIe
money eusIIy durIng LIese IoIIduys.
TIe bunks sIouId Increuse LIe cupucILIes Lo dou-
bIe Lo IucIIILuLe LIe cusLomers especIuIIy on LIe eve
oI EIds und oLIer MusIIms IoIIduys. No doubL, LIe
bunkIng sysLem In LIe counLry Ius upproved u IoL buL
need Lo Improve LIIs secLIon on prIorILy busIs. TIe
ATMs remuIned ouL oI cusI uL IeusL Ior one week be-
Iore EId und peopIe were Iound cursIng LIe 'IIgI-
LecI' bunkIng wIIcI wus meunL Lo IucIIILuLe LIe cus-
Lomers, buL IL wus IIgIIy dIsuppoInLIng und dIscour-
ugIng Ior LIe users. TIe bunkIng Iours were reduced
In Rumuzun und subsequenLIy LIe Ioud Increused on
ATMs buL IL wus Iound LIuL bunks were runnIng
sIorL oI IIquIdILy und LIey mosLIy kepL LIeIr ATMs
oII. TIe guIdeIInes Issued by SBP Ior bunks suId dIs-
rupLIon oI servIce Ior reguIur muInLenunce sIouId be
properIy pIunned und communIcuLed In order Lo
uvoId InconvenIence Lo curd IoIders. Any mujor
breukdown, uIong wILI reusons LIereoI, sIouId Im-
medIuLeIy be reporLed Lo LIe puymenL sysLem de-
purLmenL, SBP.
A muxImum downLIme oI ATMs Irom 1z oI
mIdnIgIL Lo 8 um Lo process ZukuL deducLIons und
cIosIng oI books oI uccounLs on LIe IIrsL oI Ru-
muzun, June o, und December 1 wouId be ud-
mIssIbIe. TIe SBP udded LIuL specIuI
urrungemenLs sIouId be mude Lo repIenIsI cusI
In ATMs durIng Iong weekends und IoIIduys. or
LIIs purpose, exLru cusI cusseLLes Lo reIIII ATMs
muy be urrunged Lo mILIguLe rIsks ussocIuLed wILI
LIe openIng oI cusI vuuILs uL bruncIes durIng IoI-
Iduys. CompreIensIve operuLIng procedures
sIouId be puL In pIuce Lo LImeIy resoIve cuses oI
ouL oI cusI, breukdown oI ATMs, sysLems und neL-
DespILe SBP's bIndIng uII bunks und swILcI op-
eruLors Lo compIy wILI LIese guIdeIInes, LIe ATMs
oI IeudIng bunks, IuvIng Iurge neLworks, remuIned
ouL oI order or ouL oI cusI mosL oI LIe LIme In LIe
IusL duys oI Rumuzun. OnIIne bunkIng Is LIe pruc-
LIce oI mukIng bunk LrunsucLIons or puyIng bIIIs
vIu LIe nLerneL. TIunks Lo LecInoIogy, und LIe n-
LerneL In purLIcuIur, we no Ionger Iuve Lo Ieuve LIe
Iouse. We cun sIop onIIne, communIcuLe onIIne,
und now, we cun even do our bunkIng onIIne. On-
IIne bunkIng uIIows us Lo muke deposILs, wILI-
druwuIs und puy bIIIs uII wILI LIe cIIck oI u mouse.
L doesn'L geL mucI more convenIenL LIun LIuL.
Majority of people remained
unable to withdraw money from
ATM machines during Eid
holidays as mostly ATMs were
without cash causing huge
inconvenience to consumers.
The banks which failed were
National Bank of Pakistan,
Habib Bank, Allied Bank, UBL,
Faisal Bank, Albaraka,
Bank Al-Habib, Meezan Bank,
Sonehry Bank etc.
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
Exclusive Flare Report
ATMs ouf of cnsh Innks fnII
fo sorvo fho nnfIon on IId
Heavy penalties under relevant laws would be imposed on those banks, which fail to comply
with guidelines and instructions regarding management of ATM operations and monitoring of
ATM cash/downtime during Ramazan and Eid holidays issued by SBP from time to time

Ike LIe prevIous

yeur, LIIs yeur
LIe Ieuvy ruIns
und IIoods Iuve
cuused greuL dumuge Lo
LIe properLIes oI LIe
peopIe us weII us LIe en-
LIre InIrusLrucLure. Puk-
IsLun buLLIed Lo cope
wILI LIe worsL IIoods In
IIvIng memory uIIecLIng
z1 mIIIIon peopIe und
kIIIIng up Lo oo. ocuI
und IoreIgn uId ugencIes
Iuve wurned LIuL LIe
desLrucLIon oI LrunsporL
und communIcuLIon
IInks Is IeuvIng muny
vIcLIms oI LIe PukIsLunI
IIoods vIrLuuIIy cuL oII
Irom ouLsIde IeIp.
AccordIng Lo govern-
menL oIIIcIuIs suy uL
IeusL . mIIIIon peopIe
und 1.z mIIIIon Iomes
Iuve been uIIecLed, wILI
1.; mIIIIon ucres oI
urubIe Iund InunduLed
buL LIe Iosses oI Lo IIgI
LIun LIe governmenL oI-
IIcIuIs IIgures.
TeIecom und InLer-
neL compunIes Ieur mus-
sIve Iosses us LIeIr
neLwork InIrusLrucLure Iuve been IIL by ruvugIng
IIoods und Ieuvy ruIns LIuL Iuve unubuLedIy
cuused Iuvoc In muny cILIes und vIIIuges oI LIe
counLry. TIe LeIepIony und InLerneL servIces
Iuve been wIdeIy dIsrupLed und puruIysed In
IIood und ruIn IIL ureus purLIcuIurIy In cILIes oI
SIndI, und Punjub.
TeIecommunIcuLIon und nLerneL InIrusLruc-
Lure IyIng underground ure beIIeved Lo Iuve been
denLed by ruIns und IIoods sucI us LeIepIone ex-
cIunges, opLIc IIbres und connecLIvILy wIres uL
Iurge. TIe Lruders und generuI pubIIc Iuve
sIowed worrIed us LIe ceIIuIur compunIes serv-
Ices IuIL In LIe ruIn uIIecLed ureus. TIey re-
quesLed LIe operuLors Lo resLore LIe servIces uL
Moreover, wIreIess-bused LeIecommunIcuLIon
und nLerneL neLwork InIrusLrucLure sucI us ceI-
IuIur, wIreIess Ioops servIces und WIMAX broud-
bund servIces mIgIL uIso Iuce sIIgIL dumuges buL
LIeIr servIces wILnessed InLerrupLIons In muny
ureus owIng Lo IrequenL ruIns und sIorLuge oI
eIecLrIcILy suppIy In Buse TrunsceIver Towers
(BST) or sIgnuI LrunsmIssIon sILes. A LeIecom un-
uIysL suId LIe sLrunded IIoodwuLer desLroyed LIe
undersurIuce InIrusLrucLure In cILIes und cuused
IInuncIuI Iosses Lo IundIIne LeIepIone operuLors
In order Lo curry ouL mussIve repuIr work uILer-
He suId communIcuLIon LIrougI IundIIne op-
eruLor mIgIL ceuse In muny purLs oI SIndI und
Punjub becuuse LIe muInLenunce work wIII Luke u
IILLIe Ionger. He suId wIreIess-bused LeIecommu-
nIcuLIon und nLerneL InIrusLrucLure mIgIL Iuce
mInor denLs In cuse BTS Lowers ure IIL by Ieuvy
ruIns purLIcuIurIy oId InsLuIIed ceIIuIur sILes In Iew
BesIdes, InLerrupLIon oI eIecLrIcILy suppIy Lo
BTS LIrougI power IIrms und generuLors muy re-
sLrIcL sIgnuIs LrunsmIssIon, resuILIng communI-
cuLIon IosL us LIe ceIIuIur pIone users ure
unuvuIIubIe Lo LuIk In LIese ureus, no eIecLrIcILy
meuns uny cIurge In ceII pIones LIus no ceIIuIur
servIces Ior LIe uIIecLed peopIe.
MeunwIIIe, governmenL cuIIed on LIe worId
Lo speed up reIIeI eIIorLs uILer LorrenLIuI ruIns ex-
ucerbuLed mujor IIoods.
ocuI oIIIcIuIs suy devusLuLIon In purLs oI LIe
counLry's muIn breudbuskeL Is worse LIun IusL
yeur, wIen u IIILI oI LIe counLry wus IeIL under
wuLer by LIe counLry's worsL ever IIoods LIuL uI-
IecLed u LoLuI oI z1 mIIIIon peopIe.
TIe governmenL Is LryIng Lo Iend oII crILIcIsm
oI un InudequuLe re-
sponse Lo LIe IIoods Ior
u second yeur runnIng,
by urgIng LIe InLernu-
LIonuI communILy Lo
sLep up IeIp Lo uIreudy
uId-dependenL Puk-
or monLIs, uId
groups Iud wurned LIe
governmenL Lo InvesL In
udequuLe prevenLIon
meusures Lo mILIguLe
uguInsL seusonuI ruIns,
uvoId u repeuL oI IusL
yeur's $1o bIIIIon Iosses,
und proLecL LIose IeIL
vuInerubIe Lwo yeurs
PukIsLun's meLeoro-
IogIcuI depurLmenL suys
uveruge ruInIuII ucross
SIndI Is LIree LImes
normuI, wILI LIe worsL-
uIIecLed dIsLrIcLs oI
BudIn, MIrpurkIus und
TIur seeIng eIgIL LImes
LIe usuuI IeveIs.
CIIeI meLeoroIogIsL
MoIummud RIuz suId
LIe IIgures were u 1-
yeur record, und LIe
ruIns wouId conLInue Ior
LIe resL oI LIe week.
TIe UN's WorId ood Progrumme ugency Is
workIng Lo provIde emergency suppIIes Lo IuII u
mIIIIon peopIe.
TIe UnILed SLuLes, wIose reIuLIons wILI Puk-
IsLun nosedIved uILer AmerIcun Lroops kIIIed
Osumu bIn uden neur sIumubud In Muy, suys IL
Is sendIng Iood uId Ior neurIy o,ooo PukIsLunIs
und medIcuI ussIsLunce Ior ubouL oo,ooo.
YousuI TuIpur, MPA Ior LIe muIn ruIIng Puk-
IsLun PeopIe's PurLy, suId IIs Iome dIsLrIcL oI
UmerkoL wus uImosL enLIreIy InunduLed und LIuL
IILLIe eIIorL wus beIng mude Lo provIde reIIeI.
"My purLy Is In governmenL, yeL won'L IesI-
LuLe Lo suy IL Is yeL Lo go In IuII LIroLLIe Lo provIde
reIIeI Lo our peopIe," Ie suId.
n LIe souLIeusLern Lown oI SungIur, mosL oI
LIe 1z,ooo resIdenLs Iuve IeIL Iome becuuse oI
IIoodIng, suId IocuI oIIIcIuI Anwer Nurejo.
Government called on the
world to speed up relief efforts
after torrential rains
exacerbated major floods;
cellular phone users are
unavailable to talk in these
areas, no electricity means any
charge in cell phones thus no
cellular services for the
affected people
Telecom and internet companies fear massive losses as their network infrastructure
have been hit by ravaging floods and heavy rains that have unabatedly caused
havoc in many cities and villages of the country
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
F|are Peport Exclusive
uLeen TeIecom Ius uwurded Green-
puckeL, u IeudIng deveIoper oI nexL
generuLIon mobIIe broudbund und
neLworkIng soIuLIons, u Lwo-yeur
conLrucL Ior LIe suppIy oI GreenpuckeL`s IIgI-guIn
modem, LIe UHo.
PukIsLun`s broudbund murkeL Is expecLed Lo
reucI q. mIIIIon by LIe end oI zo1, wILI LIe mo-
bIIe broudbund segmenL uccounLIng Ior uImosL o
percenL oI LIe LoLuI murkeL; WuLeen TeIecom cur-
renLIy serves zz percenL oI LIe wIreIess broudbund
murkeL In PukIsLun. WILI 6o percenL oI LIe coun-
Lry`s popuIuLIon beIow LIe uge oI o, LIe IIgIesL
proporLIon oI onIIne users IuII Irom LIe counLry`s
youLI. WuLeen pIuns Lo enubIe LIIs expIosIve
growLI by provIdIng users Iow-cosL und reIIubIe
personuI broudbund servIce, cuLerIng Lo LIeIr InIo-
LuInmenL needs.
GreenpuckeL Is LIe worId`s LIIrd IurgesL sup-
pIIer oI WIMAX CPEs. TIe uwurd-wInnIng UHo
modem demonsLruLes excepLIonuI perIormunce In
Lerms oI usubIIILy. Ls udvunced embedded IIgI-
guIn omnI-unLennu rudIuLes und receIves sIgnuIs
Irom uny dIrecLIon, uuLomuLIcuIIy seIecLIng LIe
besL unLennu wILIIn LIe modem Lo Improve sIgnuI
sLrengLI perIormunce. TIe IeuLure-rIcI WIMAX
modem, wIIcI cun be used boLI Indoors und ouL-
doors, wIII now uIIow WuLeen Lo oIIer consumers
even beLLer InsLunL und reIIubIe neLwork connec-
LIons. TIe UHo IybrId modem Is purLIcuIurIy
suILed Lo serve WuLeen TeIecom`s youLI segmenL
In key meLro ureus sucI us uIore, KurucII und s-
Iumubud, und wIII IeIp LIe compuny sIgnIIIcunLIy
grow LIIs murkeL segmenL by ImprovIng neLwork
und servIce quuIILy.
CommenLIng on LIe deuI, CIIeI ExecuLIve OIII-
cer (CEO) WuLeen TeIecom Nueem ZumIndur Ius
suId: TIe personuI broudbund segmenL Is cur-
renLIy mIssIng Irom LIe broudbund oIIerIng In
PukIsLun. We see u greuL opporLunILy In cIosIng
LIIs gup Lo over oo,ooo subscrIbers wILIIn LIe
nexL LIree yeurs by oIIerIng cusLomers on-LIe-go,
smooLI und seumIess InLerneL uccess, mukIng con-
necLIvILy ugIIe Ior LIem.
We`re conIIdenL LIuL GreenpuckeL`s IybrId
UHo wIII IeIp us ucIIeve LIIs gouI, enIuncIng
our cusLomers` uccess Lo InIoLuInmenL us we con-
LInue provIdIng LIe besL wIreIess broudbund uny-
wIere und everywIere, Indoors und ouLdoors In
PukIsLun. PukIsLun Is one oI LIe regIon`s IIrsL
counLrIes Lo udopL WIMAX und we Iuve seen LIe
ucceIeruLIon oI mobIIe broudbund In LIe pusL Iew
yeurs. Toduy`s consumers expecL u IoL more Irom
LIeIr servIce provIders; ubsoIuLe perIormunce, mo-
bIIILy und porLubIIILy uII uL LIe sume LIme.
We ure conIIdenL LIe UHo wIII meeL WuLeen
TeIecom cusLomers` IIgI expecLuLIons oI IIgI-
speed connecLIvILy, unyLIme und unywIere, puL-
LIng LIem cusLomers In conLroI, suys KeIvIn ee,
senIor generuI munuger oI GreenpuckeL.
On LIe oLIer Iund, WuLeen TeIecom Ius been
uwurded Rs z.q bIIIIon projecL Lo deveIop un ex-
LensIve opLIcuI IIbre neLwork In BuIocIIsLun. TIe
projecL, cuIIed US BuIocIIsLun Puckuge q (BP-q),
enLuIIs LIe IuyIng oI over 1,1oo km oI un opLIcuI
IIbre neLwork In norLIern BuIocIIsLun.
TIe new opLIcuI IIbre neLwork wIII connecL zo
un-served cILIes. WuLeen Ius joIned Iunds wILI LIe
UnIversuI ServIce und Compuny (US) Lo under-
Luke LIIs projecL oI nuLIonuI ImporLunce, wIIcI wIII
go u Iong wuy In brIdgIng LIe dIgILuI dIvIde In LIe
counLry. TIe projecL, Iunded LIrougI u US sub-
sIdy, wIII provIde sLuLe oI LIe urL dIgILuI InIrusLruc-
Lure In remoLe ureus oI BuIocIIsLun, und couId be
IurLIer expIoILed Lo buIId T, LeIecom, educuLIon,
IeuILI und busIness servIces In LIese ureus.
RecenLIy, WuLeen WIMAX servIces reucIed In
MundI BuIuuddIn In coIIuboruLIon wILI UnIversuI
ServIce und (US). WuLeen`s WIMAX neLwork Is
LIe IurgesL In LIe counLry und LIe uddILIon oI
MundI BuIuuddIn Increuses ILs WIMAX coveruge
Lo z cILIes. CommunILy Broudbund CenLres ure
uIso beIng esLubIIsIed In underserved ureus prov-
Ing broudbund servIces Lo LIe consumers. WuLeen
CEO Nueem ZumIndur suId, TIe nLerneL Is LIe
perIecL LooI Ior connecLIng peopIe, Increused con-
necLIvILy meuns Increused deveIopmenL.
"Pakistan is one of the
region's first countries to
adopt WiMAX and we have
seen the acceleration of
mobile broadband in the
past few years, CEO
Wateen Telcom, Naeem
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
Telepedia Flare Report
Wnfoon gofs Croonnckof
confrncf for hybrId modom
The UH350 hybrid modem is particularly suited to serve Wateen Telecom's youth segment
in key metro areas such as Lahore, Karachi and slamabad, and will help the company
significantly grow this market segment by improving network and service quality
Ie mobIIe neLworks wILnessed rupId In-
creused In mIgruLIon oI LIeIr cusLomers
us Lrend oI uvuIIIng MobIIILy NeLwork
PorLubIIILy (MNP) servIces recorded
more LIun .6 mIIIIon subscrIbers Irom Junuury
Lo AugusL zo11. MNP Is u sysLem LIuL IucIIILuLes
mobIIe pIone users Lo swILcI over LIeIr mobIIe
pIone neLwork wILIouL cIungIng personuI num-
ber und code. TIe ceIIuIur pIone users currIed
ouL cIunge oI neLwork becuuse oI servIce quuIILy,
uIIordubIIILy oI LurIIIs, cIoIce oI bundIe puckuges
und vuIue-udded servIces oIIered by dIIIerenL
servIce provIder. TIe uveruge number oI sub-
scrIbers, wIo sIIILed Irom oId Lo new neLwork,
Ius been recorded uL ;oz,;q1 In LIe IusL eIgIL
monLIs perIod LIuL sIowed u Lremendous success
oI LIe sysLem und ILs usuge.
TIe subscrIbers cun mIgruLe Irom LIeIr exIsL-
Ing neLwork Lo unoLIer wILI LIe sume code und
number more LIun one LIme wILI u gup oI LIree
monLIs. TIe mIgruLIon Is compIeLed wILIIn u
coupIe oI duys by LIe operuLor Ior mInImuI
cIurges. Zong Is LIe IeudIng operuLor IuvIng wIL-
nessed IIgIesL sIIIL oI users Irom oLIer neLworks.
L IoIIowed by MobIIInk wILI Iundsome number
oI MNP-uvuIIed users In LIe perIod oI IusL eIgIL
monLIs. Zong Lopped LIe MNP user guIn by
uddIng neL ;6,;o subscrIbers (porL-In sub-
scrIbers mInus porL ouL subscrIbers) durIng Jun-
uury zo11 Lo AugusL zo11. MobIIInk sLood second
In Lerms oI subscrIbers sIIIL, IL udded neL 111,q8
subscrIbers durIng LIe reporLed perIod. TIe resL
oI LIe operuLors ure uIso wILnessIng Increused
LruIIIc oI MNP subscrIbers buL LIeIr neL buse oI
mIgruLed users ure In neguLIve wILI IIgI number
oI users porLIng ouL compured wILI porLIng In.
AnuIysLs suId LIe mobIIe operuLors Iuve been
successIuI Lo creuLe uwureness ubouL MNP serv-
Ices LIrougI udverLIsemenLs und murkeLIng cum-
puIgns LIuL wILnessed LIe IncreusIng Lrend oI
usIng MNP servIces by subscrIbers. TIe surgIng
MNP servIce uLIIILy Lrend sIowed LIe InLensILy oI
compeLILIon umong ceIIuIur operuLors, wIo ure
noL onIy uddIng new subscrIbers In LIeIr buse buL
uIso uLLrucLIng users oI oLIer neLworks becuuse oI
LIeIr servIce quuIILy, LurIII und puckuges. TIe op-
eruLors ure now more cuuLIous Ior ImprovIng
LIeIr servIces und oIIerIng new puckuges In order
Lo reLuIn LIeIr subscrIbers und uLLrucLIng new und
oId users oI LIe ceII pIone servIces, LIey udded.
TIe overuII users wIo sIIILed LIeIr neLworks
LIrougI MNP ure esLImuLed Lo cross 1 mIIIIon so
PukIsLun Is LIe IIrsL counLry oI SouLI AsIu,
wIIcI Ius ImpIemenLed LIe MNP servIce. Over u
perIod oI LIree yeurs sInce ILs IncepLIon In MurcI
zoo;, IL Ius wILnessed consIsLenL growLI In serv-
Ice uLIIILy by LIe mobIIe pIone users. TeIecom In-
dusLry Ius been LIrIvIng IuII-LIroLLIe In PukIsLun.
TIe need Lo sLuy connecLed und LIe compuIsIon
oI users Lo uvuII LIe besL servIces Iuve InLensIIIed
LIe compeLILIon umong uII LeIecom operuLors.
WILI LIme IL Ius been proved LIuL users ure Iook-
Ing Ior boLI quuIILy und uIIordubIIILy, wIIcIever
provIder meeLs LIIs crILerIu wIII deIInILeIy uLLrucL
users. AIso, InnovuLIve oIIers ure crILIcuI Ior suc-
ServIce wus InLroduced In PukIsLun In MurcI
zoo;. MNP IucIIILuLes LIe cusLomers Lo swILcI Lo
uny servIce, puckuge or operuLor wIIIe wILIouL
cIungIng LIeIr exIsLIng mobIIe number, LIus pro-
vIdIng cusLomers wILI Ireedom oI cIoIce. MNP
wus purL oI LIe reguIuLory munduLe under wIIcI
mobIIe compunIes were uwurded IIcences Lo op-
eruLe. TIe MNP ImpIemenLuLIon wus u Iurge und
cosLIy underLukIng.
Number porLubIIILy ImpIemenLuLIon In gen-
eruI requIres LIe ubIIILy Lo depIoy number porLu-
bIIILy successIuIIy, wILI mInImuI servIce
dIsrupLIon Lo exIsLIng cusLomers In u LImeIy IusI-
Ion, LIus compIyIng wILI reguIuLIons. Number
porLubIIILy reudIness pIunnIng Is un ImporLunL
eurIy pIuse ucLIvILy Lo ucIIeve IIow-LIrougI oI
processes, LrunsILIon Lo u cenLruIIzed soIuLIon,
ImpIemenL sLundurd InLerIuces Lo reduce cosLs,
muInLuIn mInImuI servIce dIsrupLIon Lo cus-
Lomers, und Incur mInImum cosLs durIng rump-
up und servIce IuuncI. n PukIsLun, un
IndependenL body - PukIsLun MNP DuLubuse
(PMD) - wus seLup by PukIsLun TeIecommunIcu-
LIons AuLIorILy (PTA), wILI LIe specIIIc purpose
oI munugIng LIe ImpIemenLuLIon oI MNP. TIe
PMD Is seL Lo Iuve u 1q member dedIcuLed sLuII,
wILI LIe enLIre projecL cosLIng. MobIIe Number
PorLubIIILy uIso ImpucLs LIe InLerneL LeIepIony,
or VOP (VoIce over P) busIness.
VOP Is cIeurIy IdenLIIIed us u eusL CosL
RouLIng (CR) voIce rouLIng sysLem, wIIcI Is
bused on cIeckIng LIe desLInuLIon oI eucI LeIe-
pIone cuII us IL Is mude, und LIen sendIng LIe
cuII vIu LIe neLwork LIuL wIII cosL LIe cusLomer
LIe IeusL. WILI GSM number porLubIIILy now In
pIuce, CR provIders cun no Ionger reIy on usIng
LIe neLwork rooL preIIx Lo deLermIne Iow Lo
rouLe u cuII. nsLeud, LIey now need Lo know LIe
ucLuuI currenL neLwork oI every number beIore
rouLIng LIe cuII.
TIereIore, VOP soIuLIons uIso need Lo Iun-
dIe MNP wIen rouLIng u voIce cuII. n counLrIes
wILIouL u cenLruI duLubuse IIke UK IL mIgIL be
necessury Lo query LIe GSM neLwork ubouL LIe
Iome neLwork u mobIIe pIone number beIongs
Lo. As VOP sLurLs Lo Luke oII In LIe enLerprIse
murkeLs becuuse oI IeusL cosL rouLIng opLIons, IL
needs Lo provIde u cerLuIn IeveI oI reIIubIIILy
wIen IundIIng cuIIs.
Zong is the leading operator
having witnessed highest shift
of users from other networks.
Zong topped the MNP user
gain by adding net 376,705
subscribers, followed by
Mobilink with 111,458
subscribers during January
2011 to August 2011
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
Telepedia Flare Report
Pakistan is the first country of South Asia, which has implemented the MNP service.
Over a period of three years since its inception in March 2007, it has witnessed-
consistent growth in service utility by the mobile phone users
Ie IuLesL T und TeIecom MInIsLer Bubur
Awun resIgned Ior uppeurIng In LIe
Supreme CourL In ZAB ReIerence und
now LIe mInIsLry Is uguIn wILIouL u Ieud.
Surdur AsseI succeeded Surdur uLII KIun KIosu
wIo Iud IeId LIIs posILIon Ior uImosL IIve monLIs
unLII IIs removuI by LIe PM In JuIy IusL. DurIng
pusL LIree yeurs, us we Iuve dIscussed severuI
LImes In LIe pusL, T und TeIecom MInIsLry Ius re-
muIned eILIer mInIsLry-Iess or oLIerwIse secre-
Lury-Iess. TIIs sILuuLIon Ius IeIL so muny
orgunIsuLIons Lo work sIuggIsIIy or oLIerwIse wILI
no workJdeveIopmenL uL uII. L Is jusL noL under-
sLundubIe Ior u common mun LIuL wIy LIe gov-
ernmenL Isn`L ubIe Lo uppoInL one mun ouL oI 18o
mIIIIon peopIe Lo Ieud T und TeIecom MInIsLry.
TIe LeIecom consumers puId over Rs 6 bIIIIon
us Luxes In jusL 6 monLIs oI zo1o-11, Iowever, II
governmenL`s Iuck oI InLeresL Ior LIe secLor re-
muIns LIe sume, LIe consequences couId be Iurd
Lo beur Ior uIreudy sLrIcken economy oI LIe coun-
Lry. TIe governmenL's upuLIy Lowurds LIe IILerucy
und LecInoIogy Is noL IImILed onIy Lo LIe dIssoIu-
LIon oI LIe HIgIer EducuLIon CommIssIon (HEC)
us LIe T&TeIecom MInIsLry Ius uIso seen re-
peuLed sIuIIIIng oI mInIsLers und secreLurIes In
IusL LIree yeurs.
Surdur AsseI succeeded Surdur uLII KIun
KIosu wIo Iud IeId LIIs posILIon Ior uImosL IIve
monLIs unLII IIs removuI by LIe PM In JuIy IusL.
AILer beIng sucked, KIosu sLIII served us PM's ud-
vIsor on MoTT Ior some LIme. KIosu durIng IIs
Lerm us mInIsLer Iud sucked sIx dIrecLors oI CT
ReseurcI und DeveIopmenL und Ior resIsLIng IIs
broLIer-In-Iuw's uppoInLmenL on u Lop sIoL. TIe
mInIsLry Ius uIso seen recurrenL sIuIIIIng oI sec-
reLurIes. NugIbuIIuI MuIIk served LIe MoTT us ILs
secreLury Ior uImosL z1 monLIs und wus uxed by
Surdur uLII KIun KIosu. BeIore LIuL Abdur RuuI
CIuudIry wus LIe secreLury. He wus uIso secreLury
Ior CubIneL DIvIsIon. L Is perLInenL Lo menLIon
LIuL LIe ederuI SecreLury oI MoTT uIso Ieuds
LIe PTC bourd, und Ie or sIe uIso supervIses uu-
Lonomous depurLmenLs under LIe mInIsLry In-
cIudIng EIecLronIc GovernmenL DIrecLoruLe
(EGD), NuLIonuI TeIecommunIcuLIon CorporuLIon
(NTC), TeIecommunIcuLIons ounduLIon (T),
SpecIuI TeIecommunIcuLIons OrgunIsuLIon (SCO),
und VIrLuuI UnIversILy.
TIe resIgnuLIon oI Bubur Awun us ederuI
MInIsLer Ior uw wILI IuvIng un uddILIonuI cIurge
oI LIe T und TeIecom MInIsLry on one Iund Ius
Lurned ouL Lo be surprIsIng Ior muny wIIIe on LIe
oLIer Iund Ius pIunged LIe sLukeIoIders Irom LIe
counLry`s T und LeIecom IndusLry InLo deep
sIock. TIougI Bubur Ius opLed Lo sucrIIIce IIs
mInIsLerIuI porLIoIIos Lo uppeur In LIe Supreme
CourL In LIe ZA BIuLLo cuse, yeL IL Ius uguIn LrIg-
gered Ieurs ubouL LIe IuLe oI LIe projecLs wIIcI
were resumed soon uILer Bubur`s LukIng cIurge oI
LIe T und LeIecom. Once uguIn LIe T mInIsLry
Ius become mInIsLer-Iess. DurIng LIe IusL LIree
yeurs, LIIs mInIsLry Ius remuIned eILIer mInIsLer-
Iess or oLIerwIse secreLury-Iess, LIus IncurrIng u
Ieuvy dumuge Lo LIe growLI oI LIe T IndusLry.
TIe T mInIsLry Ius been LIe epIcenLer oI mu-
noeuvrIngs beLween LIe mInIsLers, udvIsors und
bureuucruLs wIo used Lo IurI muILIpIe cIurges
uguInsL eucI oLIer oI doIng corrupLIon, udopLIng
nepoLIsm or vIcLImIzuLIon.
TIIs sILuuLIon IeIL so muny orgunIzuLIons Lo
work sIuggIsIIy. n LIe eru oI gIobuI vIIIuge, LIe T
und LeIecom growLI Ius become LIe buromeLer oI
deveIopmenL In LIe worId. BuL unIorLunuLeIy LIe
T und LeIecom secLor Ius been LIe vIcLIm oI Lug-
oI-wur umong LIe power wIeIders. BeIore Bubur
Awun`s LukIng cIurge oI LIe T und LeIecom mIn-
IsLry, LIe UnIversuI ServIce und (US) remuIned
vIrLuuIIy InucLIve Ior ubouL Len monLIs muInIy due
Lo LIe dIsInLeresL emerged ouL oI LIe power LussIe
beLween LIe LIen T AdvIsor und SecreLury.
WIy doesn`L LIe governmenL gIve Lop prIorILy
Lo LIIs secLor wIIcI, despILe uII LIese odds, Ius
sIown u sLeep growLI durIng LIe IusL IIve yeurs? I
LIe governmenL conLInues sIowIng Iuck oI InLer-
esL Ior LIe secLor, LIe consequences couId be Iurd
Lo beur Ior LIe uIreudy sLrIcken economy oI LIe
PukIsLun Is umong LIe deveIopIng counLrIes
buL IorLunuLeIy IL Ius one oI LIe mosL InLeIIIgenL
und promIsIng Iumun resources uround LIe
gIobe. UnIorLunuLeIy, LIe peopIe oI PukIsLun ure
suIIerIng Irom decudes due Lo LIe poor udmInIs-
LruLIons IL Ius voIunLurIIy or under pressure Ius
encounLered. TIe IrresponsIbIe uLLILude oI poIILI-
cIuns Is sLIII uII LIe sume. TIe precIous emoLIonuI
und voLe InvesLmenL oI peopIe IurvesL LIem noLI-
Ing und uII governmenLs resuIL In sume concIu-
sIon.TIe IusL growIng LeIecom und T reIuLed
InvesLmenLs und exporL revenue crossIng $1o
bIIIIon. TIe governmenL musL uppoInL MInIsLer
oI T und LeIecom secLor und LubIed sLruLegy und
InLroduce IncenLIves Lo uLLrucL IoreIgn InvesL-
menL In LIe counLry us recessIon In LIe worId
und counLry Is budIy uIIecLed.
PukIsLun Ius u promIsIng LeIecom secLor LIuL
conLrIbuLes mIIIIons In LIe growIng economy oI
LIe deveIopIng counLry. TIe cIurm oI LeIecom
secLor Is noL Lo Iude uwuy due Lo ILs ever-promIs-
Ing growLI. As LIe number oI mobIIe subscrIbers
Ius reucIed Lo more LIun 1o8 mIIIIon Ior LIe IIve
operuLIng ceIIuIur compunIes In LIe counLry wILI
u popuIuLIon oI uround 18o mIIIIon buL LIere Is
no T und LeIecom MInIsLer. L Is perLInenL Lo
menLIon LIuL LIe MInIsLry oI nIormuLIon TecI-
noIogy Is un ImporLunL mInIsLry us IL IeIps gov-
ernmenL In pIunnIng projecLs und Lo IuuncI
dIIIerenL LeIecommunIcuLIon und T pro-
grummes uccordIng Lo worId sLundurds.
n LIe ubsence oI u LeIecom und T MInIsLer LIe
secLor cun noL be governed us smooLIIy us IL
sIouId be.
IT, ToIocom MInIsfry
ngnIn hondIoss
t is just not understandable for a common man that why the government isn't able to
appoint one man out of 180 million people to head T and Telecom Ministry
n the era of global village, the
T and telecom growth has
become the barometer of
development in the world. But
unfortunately the T and
telecom sector has been the
victim of tug-of-war among the
power wielders
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
F|are Peport Telepedia
An Abu DIubI Group venLure, WuLeen
TeIecom Is u converged communIcuLIon
servIces provIder LIuL enubIes uII connecLIv-
ILy requIremenLs Ior orgunIsuLIons und IndI-
vIduuIs In PukIsLun. WuLeen`s vIsIon Is Lo Luke
PukIsLun InLo LIe dIgILuI revoIuLIon oI LIe
z1sL CenLury by oIIerIng compIeLe commu-
nIcuLIons und medIu soIuLIons, IncIudIng Le-
IepIony, InLerneL, duLu und TVJmuILImedIu
Lo LIe pubIIc uL Iurge, und Lo muke PukIsLun
u regIonuI communIcuLIons Iub, InLer-con-
necLIng LIe EusL wILI LIe WesL und CenLruI
AsIu wILI LIe MIddIe EusL.
Mr. ZumIndur brIngs un ouLsLundIng
Lruck record oI buIIdIng successIuI compu-
nIes, spunnIng zo yeurs ucross USA und Puk-
IsLun. He Is u IoundIng Leum member oI
MobIIInk, und wus u key member oI LIe Ieud-
ersIIp Leum LIuL grew MobIIInk Lo become
LIe IeudIng LeIecom compuny oI PukIsLun.
Mr. ZumIndur`s Lruck record cerLuInIy en-
ubIes IIm Lo Ieud WuLeen Lo LIe nexL IeveI oI
growLI und opporLunILy. He quuIIIIed us u
CPA Irom LIe SLuLe oI WusIIngLon und Is un
MBA Irom NSEAD. He Is uIso u CIurLer
Member oI TIE. Here Is LIe crux oI IIs con-
versuLIon wILI ARE.
Ilure: WIuL Is your compuny`s unnuuI
CIO, Wuteen: As u pubIIc IImILed
compuny, we cunnoL dIscIose our IInuncIuIs
unLII LIey Iuve been pubIIcIy unnounced.
cun Iowever, reveuI LIuL we ure on-LurgeL us
per our upproved busIness pIun by LIe Bourd
oI LIe Abu DIubI Group. TIe compuny Ius u
new munugemenL In pIuce, wILI Mr. ZouIuIr
KIuIIque, one oI LIe pIoneers oI PukIsLun's
LeIecom und broudbund IndusLry on LIe
Bourd Ior LIe Abu DIubI Group. TIIs Ius gIven our
sponsors greuL conIIdence und LIey ure conLInuIng
Lo InvesL In PukIsLun wILI WuLeen & WurId speur-
IeudIng LIe LeIecom InvesLmenLs.
Ilure: WIuL Is your compuny moLLo?
CIO: Our Compuny moLLo Is LogeLIer we wIII
deIIver LIe besL cusLomer experIence und vuIue In
LIe IndusLry. We beIIeve LIuL WuLeen TeIecom Is u
compuny LIuL Ius LIe poLenLIuI Lo LrunsIorm IIves
und IeIp PukIsLun progress InLo LIe z1sL CenLury;
we cun onIy ucIIeve LIIs by ensurIng LIuL we exceed
our cusLomers` expecLuLIons und requIremenLs.
Moreover, we undersLund LIuL LIe besL cusLomer ex-
perIence cun onIy be deIIvered by LIe enLIre com-
puny workIng LogeLIer us u Leum oI exceIIence.
Ilure: WIuL Is your bIggesL CSR ucLIvILy?
CIO: TIe InLerneL Ius LuugIL us uII Iow Lo con-
necL under one pIuLIorm und come LogeLIer us com-
munILIes, Lo sIure Ideus und knowIedge und creuLe
u beLLer Lomorrow Ior everyone. As sucI, by vIrLue oI
beIng u LeIecommunIcuLIons compuny, wouId suy
LIuL uImosL uII oI WuLeen`s ucLIvILIes - commercIuI
or oLIerwIse - IncorporuLe eIemenLs oI pubIIc serv-
n my opInIon, LIe vuIue oI CSR ucLIvILIes sIouId
be guuged by LIe ImpucL on peopIe`s IIves ruLIer
LIun LIe moneLury vuIue or poLenLIuI news or PR
mIIeuge. CSR sIouId noL be Luken sImpIy us u cor-
poruLe meusure, buL InsLeud us u sLep Lowurds serv-
Ing IumunILy, und eucI one oI us musL pIuy our purL
In order Lo muke LIIs counLry prosper. personuIIy
beIIeve LIuL IL Is ubsoIuLeIy essenLIuI Ior uII oI us -
noL onIy us corporuLe enLILIes, buL us IndIvIduuIs us
weII - Lo conLrIbuLe Lo mukIng LIIs socIeLy beLLer In
wIuLever wuy we cun. DurIng our recenL commer-
cIuI cumpuIgn 'Go Green wILI WuLeen`, we encour-
uged peopIe Lo move Lowurds IIvIng greener
IIIesLyIes, educuLIng LIem on Iow Lo suve energy und
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
nterview Flare Report
wuLer, und properIy dIspose oI wusLe. We suw LIIs us
u pubIIc servIce wIereby we IeIped educuLe LIe pub-
IIc on Iow we cun Improve our socIeLy. AnoLIer re-
cenL murkeLIng promoLIon wus MobIIe nLerneL cuI's
In underserved ureu's wIere WuLeen's brund umbus-
sudors promoLed InLerneL IILerucy wIIcI wus IIgIIy
upprecIuLed by LIe peopIe oI LIose ureus. As u re-
sponsIbIe corporuLe enLILy, WuLeen Is commILLed Lo
gIvIng buck Lo LIe communILy. TIIs Rumuzun, we
joIned Iunds wILI LIe SIuukuL KIunum Cuncer Me-
morIuI HospILuI und ReseurcI CenLre, provIdIng LIem
u pIuLIorm LIrougI wIIcI LIey couId coIIecL ZukuL do-
nuLIons vIu WuLeen. NuLIonwIde ucLIvILy Is beIng cur-
rIed ouL LIrougI uII our suIes und servIce cenLres,
wIere cusLomers cun donuLe LIrougI coIn-boxes
pIuced LIere.
Ilure: PIeuse sIure your nexL pIunJs or vIsIon?
CIO: My vIsIon Ior WuLeen Is sImpIe: Lo be LIe
mosL cusLomer-cenLrIc orgunIsuLIon noL onIy In Puk-
IsLun buL LIe enLIre regIon. WIen joIned WuLeen,
reuIIsed LIuL muny oI our cusLomers were noL Iuppy
wILI our servIces, und LIuL LIere wus mucI neguLIvILy
regurdIng LIe compuny, especIuIIy on onIIne socIuI
neLworks. My mIssIon Ius been Lo LrunsIorm LIe or-
gunIsuLIon InLo beIng compIeLeIy cusLomer-Iocused,
In Lurn mukIng IL InLo u vIubIe, proIILubIe busIness en-
LILy. As menLIoned eurIIer, beIIeve WuLeen TeIecom
Ius LIe poLenLIuI Lo LruIy brIng ubouL posILIve cIunge
und enubIe socIuI und economIc deveIopmenL In Puk-
IsLun. We need Lo uL IeusL meeL peopIe`s expecLuLIons
und educuLe LIem on Iow peopIe cun beneIIL Irom LIe
InLerneL. WIen wus oIIered LIe cIunce Lo Ieud Wu-
Leen, jumped uL LIe opporLunILy gIven LIe InIInILe
possIbIIILIes und compuny`s poLenLIuI Lo LrunsIorm LIe
socIo-economIc IubrIc oI PukIsLun.
WuLeen TeIecom possesses PukIsLun`s IurgesL IIbre
opLIc neLwork, LIe compuny Is LIe pIoneer oI WIMAX
broudbund servIces In LIe counLry und Ius LIe IurgesL
neLwork In PukIsLun; we possess LIe LIIrd IurgesL D
(ong DIsLunce und nLernuLIonuI) neLwork In LIe
counLry, und ure currenLIy on our wuy Lo becomIng
LIe IurgesL cubIe TV neLwork In LIe counLry us weII.
TIe mere IucL oI LIIs IncredIbIy Iurge InIrusLrucLure -
puL In pIuce In Iess LIun IIve yeurs oI operuLIon - Is u
mussIve ucIIevemenL ILseII und demonsLruLes LIe
compuny sIureIoIders` commILmenL Lo PukIsLun.
um Iere Lo ensure LIuL LIIs commILmenL LrunsIuLes
InLo proIILubIe resuILs by mukIng WuLeen LIe mosL
cusLomer-cenLrIc orgunIsuLIon In LIe regIon.
WILIIn PukIsLun, WuLeen Ius LIe poLenLIuI Lo be u
reuI gume-cIunger by creuLIng new opporLunILIes und
possIbIIILIes Ior LIe peopIe oI PukIsLun Lo noL onIy Lo
connecL und communIcuLe, buL uIso guIn uccess Lo In-
IormuLIon, educuLIon und enLerLuInmenL. We ure uc-
LIveIy workIng wILI LIe US (UnIversuI ServIces
und) Lo spreud IIbre opLIc connecLIvILy Lo under-
served ureus oI LIe counLry, LIus IeIpIng brIdge LIe
ruruI-urbun dIvIde.
Our EnLerprIse SoIuLIons Leum comprIses oI LIe
mosL proIessIonuI und skIIIed personneI In PukIsLun,
wILI over u 1oo CIsco cerLIIIed proIessIonuIs. TIese
Leums ure ucLIveIy enguged In servIcIng our cIIenLs`
needs. On u regIonuI IeveI, WuLeen TeIecom Is ucLIveIy
expundIng ILs IIbre opLIc neLwork In PukIsLun und
movIng Lowurds connecLIng wILI our neIgIbours.
WuLeen`s IIbre opLIc neLwork exLends Irom KurucII
Lo TorkIum In LIe norLI, oIIerIng LIe poLenLIuI Lo con-
necL Lo AIgIunIsLun LIrougI IIbre; currenLIy, we ure
servIcIng u LeIecom operuLor In AIgIunIsLun vIu VSAT,
wIIcI Is u very expensIve medIum. We ure uIso ex-
pundIng our neLwork In BuIucIIsLun wIIcI wIII en-
ubIe us Lo connecL dIrecLIy Lo run und AIgIunIsLun
LIrougI unoLIer rouLe. TIIs wIII connecL PukIsLun Lo
CenLruI AsIu und onwurds Lo Europe dIrecLIy und
eIImInuLe our dependence on LIe under-seu submu-
rIne cubIes.
IeeI LIuL WuLeen`s poLenLIuI Is sLIII unLupped; my
roIe Is Lo enubIe IL. know LIuL we cun muke LIe
cIunge Iuppen, noL onIy Ior WuLeen buL Ior PukIsLun
us weII. TIIs Is u greuL pIuLIorm Ior us und we wIII en-
sure LIuL we Luke cIurge oI every opporLunILy und
overcome uny obsLucIe Lo muke LIIs Iuppen.
Ilure: DescrIbe your orgunIsuLIonuI cuILure?
CIO: WuLeen Ius un exLremeIy dynumIc orgunI-
suLIonuI cuILure. TIe compuny comprIses oI mosLIy
younger peopIe, wIo ure drIven Lo muke u dIIIerence
In peopIe`s IIves. Everyone Is Iocused on deIIverIng ex-
LruordInury resuILs bused on specIIIc ucLIon pIuns. TIe
envIronmenL Is energeLIc, Iun und IuII oI creuLIvILy.
Ilure: How muny empIoyees do you Iuve In Wu-
CIO: We Iuve cIose Lo z,ooo empIoyees ussocI-
uLed wILI WuLeen.
Ilure: WIuL Is LIe uveruge uge oI your work-
CIO: TIe uveruge uge oI our workIorce Is 6
Ilure: WIuL job vucuncIes do you IInd dIIIIcuIL Lo
CIO: We ure In LIe LecInoIogy busIness LIere-
Iore LIere ure someLImes vucuncIes LIuL requIre
IIgIIy skIIIed peopIe wILI specIuI skIIIs; LIese vucun-
cIes uIwuys pose u cIuIIenge.
Ilure: DescrIbe your IdeuI empIoyee?
CIO: An IdeuI empIoyee Is one wIo cIeurIy
demonsLruLes our vuIues oI ownersIIp, responsIve-
ness, InnovuLIon, cusLomer-cenLrIc und Leum orI-
Ilure:WIuL Is your preIerred meLIod oI IIndIng
new empIoyees?
CIO: As u poIIcy we unnounce uII vucuncIes In-
LernuIIy beIore we Iook ouLsIde Ior cundIduLes. Our
mosL successIuI mode Ius been empIoyee reIerruIs,
Iowever dependIng on LIe posILIon we use dIIIerenL
Ilure: How muny yeurs Ius your oIdesL empIoyee
CIO: TIe Compuny Ius been In busIness Ior LIe
IusL seven yeurs; some oI our empIoyees Iuve been
Iere sInce LIe begInnIng.
Ilure: WIuL ucudemIc quuIIIIcuLIon do you Iook
Ior In your mIddIe munugers?
CIO: A MusLer`s degree In LIe reIevunL IIeId Is
preIerred Ior uII mIddIe munugers.
Ilure: How muny yeurs on uveruge do empIoy-
ees work In your compuny?
CIO: TIuL ucLuuIIy depends on LIe IeveI oI em-
pIoyee; Iowever, generuIIy speukIng, peopIe eILIer
Ieuve In LIe IIrsL yeur, or II LIey cun susLuIn LIe IIgI
pressure LIey ure Iere Ior un uveruge oI q- yeurs.
Ilure: WIuL LIme do you sLurL und IInIsI busI-
CIO: AILIougI our work never sLops, busIness
Iours ure usuuIIy Irom qum Lo 6pm. However,
mosL oI LIe empIoyees In LIIs orgunIsuLIon ure so
commILLed Lo deIIverIng LIeIr objecLIves LIey do
noL reuIIy worry ubouL busIness Iours gIven LIe nu-
Lure oI our busIness. BusIness crILIcuI empIoyees
work In sIIILs Lo ensure LIuL our cusLomers geL con-
sIsLenL und unInLerrupLed quuIILy oI servIce und no
cuII goes ununswered on WuLeen`s IeIpIIne.
Ilure: Do you Iuve u IIve-duy or u sIx-duy
CIO: We work on u -duy week; Iowever some
oI LIe Leums do work on 6-duy weeks, Ior exumpIe
purLs oI commercIuI und cusLomer cure.
Ilure: How muny women do you empIoyee?
CIO: 8, wIIIe LIIs number Is Iow, we InLend
Lo Increuse LIe dIversILy In LIe compuny by IIrIng
more women.
Ilure: How Is your oIIIce uccessIbIe Lo peopIe
wILI dIsubIIILIes?
CIO: AL WuLeen TeIecom, we uIwuys cure Ior
peopIe und puy specIuI uLLenLIon Lo peopIe wILI dIs-
ubIIILIes. Our oIIIce Ius u wIeeIcIuIr und cruLcIes
uvuIIubIe Ior peopIe wIo ure unubIe Lo wuIk und
need specIuI uLLenLIon. AII LIey need Lo do Is InIorm
someone beIore or usk LIe eIevuLor operuLor Lo In-
Iorm LIe guurd uL recepLIon oI LIeIr need.
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
F|are Peport nterview
Wateen has an extremely
dynamic organisational
culture. The company
comprises of mostly
younger people, who are
driven to make a difference
in people's lives. Everyone
is focused on delivering
extraordinary results based
on specific action plans.
The environment is
energetic, fun and full of
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
Cover Story Zubair Ahmed Kasuri
rey LruIIIc Is deIIned us LIe use oI IIIe-
guI excIunges Ior mukIng InLernuLIonuI
cuIIs, bypussIng LIe IeguI rouLes und
excIunges. TIese IIIeguI excIunges In-
cIude VOP (VoIce-Over nLerneL ProLocoI) LIuL
uses u compuLer; GSM (GIobuI SysLem Ior Mo-
bIIe) guLewuys; W (wIreIess IocuI Ioop) pIones
or mobIIe SMs. TIIs LruIIIc muy LIen be dIs-
LrIbuLed onwurds usIng W und mobIIe num-
GeneruIIy, grey LruIIIc cun be recognIsed Irom
LIe IucL LIuL sucI cuIIs wILI eILIer noL sIow up
or u Iuke num-
ber wIII uppeur
on LIe dIspIuy
wIndow II LIe
recIpIenL Ius
(cuIIer`s IIne
becuuse II-
censed operu-
Lors uIso muke
use oI grey
LruIIIc us LIe
use oI IIIeguI
excIunges or
guLewuys uIIows LIem Lo uvoId Luxes.
Grey rouLes ure urrungemenLs LIuL IuII ouL-
sIde LIe reguIur course oI busIness beLween LIe
IIcensed LeIecoms compunIes In eucI counLry.
TIe grey purL oI LIe rouLe Is usuuIIy uL LIe Iur
end wIere LIe cuII Is LermInuLed. Up Lo LIuL
poInL, LIere ure normuI urrungemenLs Lo deIIver
LIe cuII Irom LIe subscrIber Lo LIe sendIng cur-
rIer und beLween LIe sendIng currIer und LIe
suLeIIILe or cubIe operuLor Ior LIe Lrunk purL oI
LIe cuII. TIe grey-ness urIses becuuse uL LIe Iur
end LIe cuII Is mude Lo uppeur us II IL orIgInuLes
IocuIIy, us u domesLIc cuII, ruLIer LIun u more ex-
pensIve InLernuLIonuI cuII. I Ior InsLunce LIe ruLe
Ior un InLernuLIonuI cuII Is IIgIer LIun u domes-
LIc cuII LIe norm In muny counLrIes LIe operuLor
wIII puy Iess In Luxes II LIe InLernuLIonuI cuII cun
uppeur Lo be u IocuI one, wIIcI cun be done by
rerouLIng IL LIrougI u IocuI number. TIe operu-
Lor cun LIen reporL u Iur smuIIer number oI cuIIs
Lo LIe reguIuLor LIe PukIsLun TeIecommunIcu-
LIon AuLIorILy (PTA) In PukIsLun und puy Iur Iess
In Lux LIun Ie wouId II Ie dIscIosed LIe ucLuuI
number oI InLernuLIonuI cuIIs puL LIrougI Lo
PukIsLun. TIIs Iorm oI grey LruIIIc Is cuIIed con-
ceuImenL or mIsreporLIng oI LruIIIc.
PukIsLun TeIecommunIcuLIon AuLIorILy
(PTA) Ius sLurLed LIe cumpuIgn Lo cuII LIe
spude, u spude. TIey Iuve usked LIe IeIIow coun-
Lrymen Lo IdenLIIy uII LIose peopIe wIo ure busy
In Grey CuIIIng; LIrougI un udverLIsemenL IL Ius
suId Lo noLIIy
LIe uuLIorILy
uII LIose IocuI
n u m b e r s ,
wIIcI curry
cuIIs Irom In-
L e r n u L I o n u I
AccordI ng
Lo PTA, Grey
CuIIIng Is u
druIn on nu-
LIonuI re-
sources. Grey
CuIIIng Is ucLu-
uIIy LIe wuy
uround oI mukIng InLernuLIonuI cuIIs on IocuI
ruLes. You wouId Iuve seen u IocuI number dur-
Ing IncomIng cuII on your ceII someLImes buL In
ucLuuIILy LIe cuII Is Irom ouLsIde counLry.
SLrIngenL meusures, Lo curb LIe grey LruIIIc
oI PTA, ure IIkeIy Lo spur u 1.1 percenL rIse In
ong DIsLunce nLernuLIonuI (D) revenues oI
PTC In LIe InuncIuI Yeur zo11.
TIIs rIse, subsequenLIy, Is expecLed Lo grow
uL u compound unnuuI growLI ruLe oI .1 percenL
Irom Y1o Lo Y1, wIIIe dIIIerenL monILorIng
meusures Iuve uIreudy Improved D LruIIIc on
PTC's neLwork - IorcIng u z6 percenL unnuuI
rIse In Y1o revenues. D operuLors' reLurns
ure bused on Approved SeLLIemenL RuLe (ASR),
deLermIned by PTA.
TIe revenue Irom D decIIned Irom Rs q.q
bIIIIon In Yo; Lo Rs .6 bIIIIon In Yo8 due Lo
u reducLIon In ASR und u rIse In grey LruIIIc.
ConsIderIng LIIs bIeuk sILuuLIon, PTA sLreum-
IIned seLLIemenL ruLes, IncreusIng LIem Irom US
cenLs ;.JmIn Lo US cenLs 1oJmIn, revIsIng APC
Lo US cenLs .oJmInuLes.
n uddILIon, PTA depIoyed MonILorIng und
ReconcIIIuLIon oI nLernuLIonuI TeIepIony TruI-
IIc (M&RTT) sysLems, IeIpIng In LIe deLecLIon
oI IIIeguI cuII LermInuLIons. TIIs resuILed In D
conLrIbuLIon In LIe LoLuI LeIecom secLor revenue,
growIng Irom eIgIL percenL In Yo8 Lo 1 per-
cenL In Y1o. PTC, In order Lo Impede LIe de-
cIInIng revenue Lrend Irom D operuLIons,
InLroduced economIcuI puckuges Ior InLernu-
LIonuI dIuIIIng, In uddILIon Lo revIsIon oI ILs In-
LernuLIonuI dIuIIIng LurIII.
ScenurIo Ior D operuLIons cIunged com-
pIeLeIy uILer Issuunce oI IIcenses In zooq by PTA.
BeIore LIe dereguIuLIon oI LIe LeIecom secLor,
PTC used Lo munuge uII D LruIIIc, beIng LIe
soIe operuLor und governmenL owned enLILy.
PTA Issued 1q D IIcenses In zooq, ouL oI wIIcI
nIne ure currenLIy ucLIve. D IIcensee Is re-
sponsIbIe Lo muInLuIn und operuLe u pubIIc IIxed
swILcIed neLwork Ior u nuLIon-wIde Iong dIs-
Lunce und InLernuLIonuI LeIepIony servIce.
A LoLuI oI .z bIIIIon InLernuLIonuI ouLgoIng
mInuLes Iuve been recorded In InuncIuI Yeur
zooq-1o by uII nIne ong DIsLunce nLernuLIonuI
(D) compunIes, generuLIng revenue oI Rs
q;.o6 bIIIIon. usL yeur, LIe D IndusLry IoI-
IowIng InvesLmenL oI $18.1 reucIed LIe uII LIme
IIgIesL number oI nLernuLIonuI ouLgoIng LruI-
IIc mInuLes, due Lo compeLILIve InLernuLIonuI
LurIIIs oIIered by vurIous operuLors.
AccordIng Lo LIe PukIsLun TeIecommunIcu-
LIon AuLIorILy (PTA) unnuuI reporL zooq-1o,
q.q bIIIIon ouLgoIng InLernuLIonuI mInuLes Iuve
been recorded In IusL IIve yeurs, Irom zoo Lo
zo1o, wIIIe LIe number Ius sIgnIIIcunLIy grown
In LIe pusL Lwo yeurs. ToLuI revenue, generuLed
by D IndusLry In LIe suId IIve yeurs, sLood uL
Rs 1q.;8 bIIIIon, ouL oI wIIcI Rs q;.q6 bIIIIon
wus generuLed In zoo8-oq, wIIIe Rs z1.q8 bII-
IIon wus generuLed In zoo;-o8.
L Is worLIy Lo poInL ouL LIuL IIIeguI LermInu-
LIon oI InLernuLIonuI LruIIIc Is u LIorny Issue.
BuIunce LIe rIgIL oI u sovereIgn governmenL Lo
ruIse Iunds us IL pIeuses wILI LIe beneIILs LIuL
IIow Irom cIeuper InLernuLIonuI communIcu-
LIons. SmuggIIng LeIecoms LruIIIc over borders Is
In prIncIpIe no dIIIerenL Lo uny oLIer kInd oI
smuggIIng. You cun spend money on border
conLroIs, und muke IIIe Iurder Ior smuggIers.
You cun IIne LIem und ImprIson LIem. BuL LIe
economIc reusons LIuL promoLe smuggIIng wIII
remuIn: LIe cosLs beIng puId Ior InLernuLIonuI
LruIIIc ure IIgIer LIun LIey wouId be In u Iree
murkeL wILIouL border conLroIs. WIIIsL IL Is eusy
Lo ussess LIe
Ioss In Lux rev-
enues due Lo II-
IeguI LruIIIc
L ermI nuL I on,
LIose revenues
Iuve Lo come
Irom some-
wIere. WILI
muny PukIsLu-
nIs IIvIng und
workIng over-
seus, purLIcu-
IurIy In LIe
USA, UK und
SuudI ArubIu,
communIcuLIon brIngs greuL beneIILs Ior socIeLy
und LIe economy. TIere Ius been un expIosIon
In InLernuLIonuI LruIIIc wILI PukIsLun, und prIces
ure comIng down, buL Iope LIuL LIe PTA Ieurns
boLI Iessons Irom LIIs experIence. NoL onIy do
you need Lo uuLomuLIcuIIy monILor neLworks Lo
ussure revenues, buL you uIso need Lo drIve
down prIces Lo LIe ruLe LIuL wouId prevuII In u
Iree murkeL. OnIy LIe Lwo LogeLIer wIII deIIver
LIe besL overuII reLurn Lo PukIsLunI cILIzens und
L Is perLInenL Lo menLIon LIuL, PukIsLun wus
IuggIng beIInd In broudbund servIce und LIe
wIreIess broudbund soIuLIons wILI IuLesL LecI-
noIogy especIuIIy G couId IIII LIIs gup. L wus
LoId In u brIeIIng meeLIng on LIe upgruduLIon oI
LIe counLry's LeIecom secLor, cIuIred by PresI-
denL AsII AII ZurdurI uL LIe AIwun-e-Sudr re-
TIe meeLIng wus uLLended umong oLIers by
MInIsLer Ior Inunce, Revenue und EconomIc
AIIuIrs Dr. AbduI HuIeez SIeIkI, MInIsLer Ior
WuLer und Power Syed Nuveed Qumur, SecreLury
GeneruI Lo LIe PresIdenL M. SuImun uruquI,
ederuI SecreLurIes oI Inunce und T DIvIsIons,
CIuIrmun PEMRA Dr. AbduI Jubbur, CIuIrmun
PTA MoIummed Yuseen, CIuIrmun NTC BrIg
(R) M. Younus und oLIer senIor oIIIcIuIs.
BrIeIIng LIe meeLIng SecreLury T und TeIe-
com Sueed AImed KIun InIormed LIuL uround
qo percenL oI
LIe LoLuI InLer-
nuLIonuI mIn-
uLes LermInuLed
In PukIsLun
were comIng
InLo LIe counLry
LIrougI grey
cIunneIs cuus-
Ing sIgnIIIcunL
Ioss Lo LIe LeIe-
com secLor rev-
L wus uIso
InIormed LIuL
LIe exIsLIng
mobIIe pIone servIces were bused on second
generuLIon LecInoIogy und PukIsLun wus IuggIng
beIInd In broudbund servIce.
WIreIess broudbund soIuLIons wILI IuLesL
LecInoIogy especIuIIy G couId IIII LIIs gup, IL
wus LoId. L wus InIormed LIuL more LIun 8 per-
cenL oI LIe operuLors In LIe worId Iuve depIoyed
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
Cover Story
PTA deployed Monitoring and
Reconciliation of nternational
Telephony Traffic systems,
helping in the detection of illegal
call terminations. This resulted
in LD contribution in the total
telecom sector revenue,
growing from eight percent in
FY08 to 13 percent in FY10.
PTCL, in order to impede the
declining revenue trend from
LD operations, introduced
economical packages for
international dialling
Syed Yusuf Raza GiIani
Prime Minister of Pakistan
Dr. Mohammed Yaseen
Chairman PTA
Saeed Ahmad Khan
Secretary T & Telecom
Asif AIi Zardari
President of Pakistan
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
Cover Story
G LecInoIogIes due Lo ILs beLLer coveruge und
IusLer duLu LrunsIer ubIIILIes.
PresIdenL ZurdurI dIrecLed LIuL u commILLee
comprIsIng Inunce MInIsLer Dr. AbduI HuIeez
SIeIkI, WuLer und Power MInIsLer Syed Nuveed
Qumur und LIe represenLuLIves oI LIe prIvuLe
secLor Lo go LIrougI LIe proposuI prepured In
LIIs regurd by LIe T MInIsLry und submIL LIeIr
recommenduLIons Lo LIe governmenL uL LIe eur-
TIe PresIdenL uIso dIrecLed LIuL unoLIer
meeLIng Lo dIscuss LIIs Issue IurLIer be con-
vened soon.
nLernuLIonuI LeIepIone cuII ruLes Iuve been
decIInIng sIurpIy In LIe pusL Iew yeurs due Lo
LIe compeLILIon Irom LIe IIIeguI grey LruIIIc op-
eruLors LIuL sLeuI LIe LruIIIc Irom LIe IIcensed
Iong dIsLunce InLernuLIonuI (D) operuLors.
TIe LIeIL Is possIbIe becuuse LIe IIIeguI grey
LruIIIc operuLors undercuL LIe prIces oI IegILI-
muLe operuLors, u represenLuLIve oI LIe AssocI-
uLIon oI TeIecom ong DIsLunce OperuLors
(ATO) Ius suId.
TIe undercuLLIng Is possIbIe becuuse LIe
PTA demunds IIcensed operuLors Lo puy u IIxed
Ievy mucI IIgIer LIun LIe goIng murkeL ruLe,
LIe ATO represenLuLIve. TIe IIIeguI grey LruIIIc
operuLors do noL puy LIe IIxed Ievy us LIey IIde
LIe InLernuLIonuI LruIIIc InsIde mobIIe cuIIs, Ie
TIe InLernuLIonuI cuIIs wIere LIe cuIIer Id
sIows rundom numbers or u IocuI mobIIe num-
ber Is comIng InLo PukIsLun IIIeguIIy, Ie ex-
HuvIng InvesLed bIIIIons oI rupees In IIcense
Iees puId Lo LIe PTA und In equIpmenL, LIe D
operuLors ure Iorced Lo compeLe on LIe open
murkeL wILI LIe ruLes LIuL LIe IIIeguI grey LruIIIc
operuLors oIIer, wIIcI mukes LIe IIxed Ievy un-
uIIordubIe, Ie suId. ATO cIuImed LIuL despILe
LIe IndusLry`s besL eIIorLs Lo pIeud LIeIr cuse und
cILe proLecLIons wILIIn LIe reguIuLIons, LIe PTA
conLInued ILs poIIcIes uguInsL LIe IegILImuLe
smuIIer D operuLors.
PTA despILe receIvIng bIIIIons In dues Irom
D operuLors Ius IuIIed Lo proLecL LIem. TIe
uuLIorILy Ius been unubIe Lo sLop LIe IIIeguI grey
LruIIIc, ATO suId. TIere ure concerns LIuL LIe
specIuI InLeresLs wouId beneIIL Irom LIe de-
sLrucLIon oI compeLILIon und exIL oI LIe smuIIer
D operuLors Irom busIness - LIe cIeur beneII-
cIurIes beIng PukIsLun TeIecommunIcuLIon Im-
ILed (PTC) und LIe bIg ceIIuIur servIces
operuLors us weII us LIe IIIeguI grey LruIIIckers.
Even LIe IuLesL InILIuLIve oI LIe PTA Lo seL up
u unIIIed guLewuy Ior InLernuLIonuI cuII LruIIIc
und IncreusIng LIe LurIII Lo curb IIIeguI LeIepI-
ony, wouId beneIIL PTC us IL wus enjoyIng ;o
percenL sIure oI LIe D LruIIIc, Ie suId.
PTA Ius IIgIIIgILed LIe menuce oI IIIeguI
grey LruIIIc LIrougI ILs pubIIc sLuLemenLs und
ruIds on LIe premIses oI IIIeguI operuLors, buL
LIe grey LruIIIc conLInues und no oIIender Ius
been juIIed or IIned. TIe PTA Iud Iorced LIe II-
censed D operuLors Lo Iund u $1o mIIIIon In-
vesLmenL In equIpmenL LIuL wus supposed Lo
sLop grey LruIIIc. AII oI LIe eIIorLs Iud no posI-
LIve resuIL, Ie suId.
TIe UnIversuI ServIce und (US) und sucI
conLrIbuLIons meunL Lo beneIIL LIe underserved
communILIes In PukIsLun were IuIIy supporLed
by LIe LeIecom IndusLry IncIudIng LIe D oper-
uLors, Ie suId.
TIe D operuLors muInLuIn LIuL LIe presenL
APC Ior US reguIuLIons (beIng u IIxed umounL
ruLIer LIun u percenL-
uge oI LIe ruLe) wus pro-
IIbILIve und does noL
uIIow LIem Lo compeLe.
ATO suId LIuL us u
muLLer oI pubIIc record
und Lrunspurency, LIe
beneIIcIurIes sIouId
open LIeIr books Ior u
IuIr und ImpurLIuI us-
sessmenL oI wIo bene-
IILed Irom LIe APC Ior
SInce zoo8, Indus-
Lry esLImuLes Ioss oI
over Rs.z bIIIIon per
monLI Lo LIe counLry.
TIIs number wus now
upproucIIng Rs.1oo bII-
IIon, buIIL up over LIe
pusL Iour yeurs, ATO
LIuL u Iuge umounL oI
APC Ior US wus sLuck
up due Lo LIe sLuy or-
ders obLuIned by LIe
D operuLors. TIe s-
Iumubud HIgI CourL
Ius uIreudy dIsmIssed
LIe wrIL peLILIons und
uppeuIs IIIed by LIe D
TIe D operuLors
owe Rs8.8 bIIIIon Lo
PTA und LIeIr IIcences
Iud been suspended,
buL IuLer resLored be-
cuuse LIe D operuLors
IIIed unoLIer peLILIon In
SIndI HIgI CourL und
goL u sLuy order In LIIs
PTA wus reporLedIy
workIng on u unIIIed D guLewuy Lo curb grey
LeIepIony und uvoId undercuLLIng. TIe PTA oI-
IIcIuI suId LIuL u new compuny wouId be Iormed
wILI uII operuLIve D operuLors geLLIng u sLuke
uccordIng Lo LIeIr murkeL sIure. TIe compuny
wouId conLroI uII InLernuLIonuI LruIIIc Lo uvoId
prIce undercuLLIng und Ience Improve InLernu-
LIonuI ouLgoIng und LermInuI LurIIIs. TIIs decI-
sIon sIouId Improve LurIIIs und LIus murgIns oI
D pIuyers sLreumIIne APC puymenLs Lo US
und curb grey LeIepIony, LIe PTA oIIIcIuI suId.
Briefing the meeting with
President Zardari, Secretary
T and Telecom Saeed
Ahmed Khan informed that
around 40 percent of the
total international minutes
terminated in Pakistan were
coming into the country
through grey channels caus-
ing significant loss to the
telecom sector revenue
AII 1q ong DIsLunce nLernuLIonuI (D) op-
eruLors In PukIsLun Iuve ugreed Lo seL up un n-
LernuLIonuI CIeurIng House (CH) wIere uII
IncomIng LruIIIc wIII be LermInuLed by IoreIgn
currIers LIrougI PTC, LIus endIng LIe prIce
wur umong LIem.
A source In LIe PTA LoId LIuL uII operuLors
Iud mude LIeIr InILIuIs on LIe proposed druIL
ugreemenL oI CH und Iorwurded LIe sume Lo
LIe CompeLILIon CommIssIon oI PukIsLun, MIn-
IsLry oI nIormuLIon TecInoIogy, LIe ederuI
Bourd oI Revenue und PTA Ior LIeIr respecLIve
upprovuI und commenLs.
He suId owIng Lo LIe prIce wur PukIsLun wus
IosIng $qo mIIIIon per monLI wIIcI couId be
suved onIy by esLubIIsIIng LIe CH. TeIecom Is
un ImporLunL secLor oI LIe economy und uIso u
source oI IoreIgn excIunge eurnIngs Ior LIe
counLry. BuL Ior LIe IusL Lwo yeurs or so mosL
operuLors ure seIIIng PukIsLun LermInuLIon ruLe
Ior InLernuLIonuI Inbound LruIIIc mucI Iower
LIun LIe ruLe IIxed by LIe PTA Lo Increuse re-
specLIve murkeL sIure, Ie suId.
He suId u coupIe oI operuLors were seIIIng
PukIsLun LermInuLIon even Iess LIun Access Pro-
moLIon ConLrIbuLIon (APC) wIIcI wus cuusIng
Ioss oI mIIIIons oI doIIurs per monLI, Ie suId,
uddIng Lo combuL grey LruIIIc LIe operuLors Iud
been Iorced Lo LermInuLIng InLernuLIonuI
LruIIIc uL mucI Iower ruLes LIun upproved.
AccordIng Lo u IuIr esLImuLe, Ie suId onIy
CH couId conLrIbuLe uddILIonuI $oo mIIIIon
per yeur Lo LIe economy. Under LIe proposed
CH, uII IoreIgn operuLors und currIers wIII
rouLe LIeIr LruIIIc LIrougI CH on u IIxed Ap-
proved SeLLIemenL RuLe (ASR) oI $o.o6zJmIn
regurdIess oI LIeIr voIume und II uny operuLor
wIII noL uccepL LIe ruLe sume wIII be bIocked by
TIe D operuLors ure MuILIneL, WorIdcuII,
wI-LrIbe, TeIecurd, RedLone, VoIcecom, qBGen-
LeI, ADG, Duncom, CIrcIeneL, TeIenor, WuLeen,
Ink DIrecL nLernuLIonuI und PTC.
TIe PTA Iud Luken LIe InILIuLIve In zoo8 Lo
Iorm CH Iowever due Lo compIex nuLure oI LIe
busIness LIe Ds couId noL deveIop u consen-
sus umong LIem LIen. An oIIIcIuI oI un operuLor
LoId LIuL u Ievy oI APC Iud encouruged LIe IIIe-
guI InLernuLIonuI IncomIng roumIng LruIIIc
wIIcI cuused revenue Ioss Lo D operuLors us
weII us Lo LIe nuLIonuI excIequer. TIe currenL
ruLe Iud dropped Lo us Iow us z.zo cenLs per
mInuLe us uguInsL dIrecL cosL oI . cenLs.
As LIe D operuLors Iuve IInuIIy Iud u con-
sensus LIIs LIme we ure IopeIuI oI receIvIng
IuvourubIe response Irom LIe CCP, BR, T
mInIsLry und PTA over LIe proposed IormuLIon
oI LIe CH, Ie suId.
AILer mukIng necessury cIunges In LIe TeIe-
com DereguIuLIon PoIIcy, IIIeguI LeIecom LruIIIc
cun be conLroIIed wIereus InIIow oI IoreIgn ex-
cIunge couId be doubIed Irom ILs presenL IeveI
oI $qo mIIIIon Lo $o mIIIIon per monLI, ECC
wus InIormed.
PTA suId IL wus jummIng uround 6;o cuses
per duy InvoIved In LIIs IIIeguI busIness. ECC
wus InIormed LIuL sInce grey LruIIIc Iud mucI
Iower ruLes, LIereIore, governmenL In LIe
process susLuIned sIgnIIIcunL IInuncIuI Iosses. L
wus IurLIer noLed LIuL wILI LIe exIsLIng
urrungemenLs, IormuI murkeL wus unubIe Lo
compeLe grey murkeL encIrcIIng LeIecom LruIIIc.
AccordIng Lo LIe provIsIons oI TeIecom
DereguIuLIon PoIIcy zoo, ong DIsLunce nLer-
nuLIonuI (D) IIcenses ure permILLed Lo reLuIn u
IIxed sIure oI LermInuLIon cIurges puId by In-
LernuLIonuI currIers wIIIe LIe remuInIng pre-
mIum Is Lo be used Ior InIrusLrucLure
deveIopmenL Lo Increuse LIe LeIe-densILy.
n LIe exIsLIng poIIcy ruIe, LIIs puymenL Ior
LIe cuIIs LermInuLIng on, ocuI oop OperuLIons
(Os) Is pussed on Lo Os, wIIIe LIe Access
PromoLIon ConLrIbuLIon (APC) on ceIIuIur Ler-
mInuLIon Is coIIecLed und provIded Lo UnIversuI
ServIces und (US), LIe ugency responsIbIe Ior
expundIng LIe InIrusLrucLure und LeIe-densILy In
LIe counLry.
ECC wus IurLIer InIormed LIuL pursuunL Lo
dereguIuLIon poIIcy und Access PromoLIon (AP)
RuIes und ReguIuLIons, PTA monILors und up-
proves LIe nLernuLIonuI TeIepIone ServIce
AgreemenLs (TSA), recommended by consor-
LIum oI D operuLors.
However, LeIecom IndusLry Ius been ugILuL-
Ing, Ior quILe some LIme, on Approved SeLLIe-
menL RegIme (ASR) InLroduced by PTA. TIe
muLLer wus reIerred Lo MInIsLry oI nIormuLIon
TecInoIogy (MoT) Ior resoIuLIon. A commILLee
comprIsIng represenLuLIves oI operuLors, PTA
und MoT wus consLILuLed Lo deIIberuLe upon
LIe Issue. ECC wus uIso InIormed LIuL bused on
LIe consensus, urrIved uL LIrougI LIe consuILu-
LIve process, MoT Ius proposed some cIunges
In TeIecommunIcuLIon DereguIuLIon PoIIcy Lo
muke IL purL oI LIe nexL TeIecom PoIIcy Ior LIe
PTA Ius Issued poIIcy guIdeIInes Lo SPs,
PTC, ceIIuIur mobIIe, D, und W operu-
Lors Lo uddress IIIeguI cuII LermInuLIonJorIgInu-
LIon. DIIIerenL guIdeIInes Iuve been Issued Lo
IIcensees, dependIng on LIe nuLure oI LIeIr busI-
nesses. Icensed operuLors ure responsIbIe Ior
muInLuInIng upduLed cIIenL records, monILorIng
cIIenLs (In specIIIc cuLegorIes sucI us Ieuvy
users, users wILI u specIIIc puLLern oI usuge
eLc.), LIe correcLness oI LIeIr cusLomer`s un-
LecedenLs, und Ior overseeIng cIIenLs on LIe
LrunsporLuLIon oI voIce on duLu cIrcuILs und Ior-
muIuLIon oI LIeIr SOPs Jprocedures Lo dIscour-
uge IIIeguI ucLIvILIes und IeIpIng PTA.
PTA IuIIed Lo counLer grey LruIIIc In LIe
counLry despILe LukIng severuI meusures. TIIs
cuuses u Iuge Ioss oI upproxImuLeIy $qo mIIIIon
per monLI Lo LIe nuLIonuI excIequer.
L wouId Iuve been beLLer II PTA wouId Iuve
Luken ucLIon uIso on LIe compIuInLs oI mobIIe
subscrIbers und Iund IIne owners. L wouId Iuve
been beLLer II PTA wouId Iuve kepL sLrong cIeck
on LIe bud servIce provIder In IocuIILIes. L
wouId Iuve been beLLer II PTA wouId Iuve goL
some conIIdence und LrusL worLIIness Irom LIe
cusLomers. L wouId Iuve been beLLer II PTA
wouId Iuve LoId counLrymen Iow LIIs Is LIe Ioss
oI nuLIonuI resources wIen LIey ure eurnIng bII-
IIons on Lux coIIecLIon.
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
Cover Story
PTA has issued policy guidelines to SPs, PTCL, cellular
mobile, LD, LL and WLL operators to address illegal call
termination/origination. Different guidelines have been issued
to licensees, depending on the nature of their businesses.
Licensed operators are responsible for maintaining updated
client records, monitoring clients, the correctness of their
customer's antecedents, and for overseeing clients on the
transportation of voice on data circuits and formulation of their
SOPs to discourage illegal activities and helping PTA
Ione Is un ELIsuIuL Group Compuny
wILI ILs presence In uII LIe mujor cILIes
oI PukIsLun uIong wILI u compreIen-
sIve coveruge ucross uII mujor Lowns,
vIIIuges und LeIsII IeudquurLers oI LIe counLry.
TIe compuny operuLes wILI u neLwork oI more
LIun ; IruncIIses und zz compuny-owned
cusLomer servIce cenLers uIong wILI u dIsLrIbu-
LIon neLwork oI 1o,ooo ouLIeLs nuLIonwIde.
or LIe IIrsL LIme In PukIsLun, UIone proudIy
InLroduces LIe new BIuckBerry BoId qqoo. TIIs
unIque IundseL Ius LIe ubIIILy Lo repIuce cuLLIng
edge LecInoIogy wILI ILs unIqueness us IL Ieu-
Lures u powerIuI 1.z GHz processor wIIcI Is LIe
IusLesL ever In u BIuckBerry smurLpIone. TIe
IundseL Is equIpped wILI LIe new BIuckBerry OS
TIe BIuckberry qqoo IeuLures ;68MB oI
RAM und dedIcuLed grupIIcs processor wILI
IquId GrupIIcsTM LecInoIogy, wIIcI supporLs
smooLI scroIIIng, punnIng und zoomIng wILI
buIIL In GPS, WI-I, .o MP cumeru wILI IIusI
supporL LIuL uIIows u qx dIgILuI zoom. TIe cum-
eru uIso IuncLIons us ;zop HD vIdeo cumeru.
YeL uguIn UIone Ius proven Lo be u pIoneer
In presenLIng LIe IuLesL LecInoIogy Lo ILs cus-
Lomers. UIone Ius been LIe IIrsL compuny Lo In-
Lroduce vurIous BIuckBerry smurLpIones Ior LIe
IIrsL LIme In LIe PukIsLunI murkeL, sucI us BoId
qooo, q;oo, 8;8o, TorcI q8oo, Curve 8zo und
As uIwuys UIone Is oIIerIng LIe cusLomers
someLIIng exLru In LIe Iorm oI IuncLIonuI und
sLyIIsI uccessorIes Lo ensure LIuL LIe cusLomers
geL LIe besL vuIue Ior LIeIr money. TIe BIuck-
Berry qqoo sporLs u sLuLe oI LIe urL z.8 LoucI
screen, IIquId grupIIc zq-bIL IIgI-res dIspIuy
wIIcI gIve LIe end user sIurp IIuId unImuLIon
und InsLunL response LIme. TIe BIuckBerry BoId
qqoo smurLpIone Is exLremeIy IIgILweIgIL und
durubIe. TIe exLerIor oI LIe pIone Ius u sLyIIsI
sLuInIess sLeeI Irume und eIegunLIy scuIpLed sur-
Iuces. TIIs LIIck pIone InLegruLes
brusIed sLuInIess sLeeI Irume Lo udd more Lo ILs
beuuLy .TIe sIIm desIgn oI LIe pIone gIves un
eusy grIp on LIe devIce wIIcI gIves LIe end user
excepLIonuI experIence. BIuckberry qqoo Ius
8GB on-bourd memory wIIcI Is expundubIe Lo
qoGB vIu MIcroSD curd. BIuckberry BoId qqoo
comes wILI I-on 1zo mAI buLLery LIuL cun
supporL sLund-by LIme oI up Lo o; Iours, LuIk
LIme oI up Lo 6 Iours und o mIn, und non-sLop
musIc pIuyLIme Ior up Lo o conLInuous Iours.
SpeukIng uL LIe IuuncI Akbur KIun, CIIeI
MurkeLIng OIIIcer uL UIone suId LIuL In Loduy`s
duys und uge sLuyIng connecLed zqJ; Is LIe need
Ior uII busIness IuncLIons. TIIs IundseL Is by Iur
LIe mosL LecInoIogIcuIIy uLLrucLIve BIuckBerry
In LIe worId und sIuII empower LIe corporuLe
secLor Lo remuIn uIeud In LIe ruce wIIIe beIng
connecLed uIongsIde enjoy LIe boId sLyIIsI Iook
und IeeI oI LIe IundseL ILseII. UIone uIwuys Ius
und sIuII conLInue Lo sLrIve und deIIver LIe besL
oIIerIngs In InnovuLIon und LecInoIogy Ior ILs
vuIued cusLomers.
BIuckberry BoId qqoo Is prIced uL Rs. ,ooo
und Is uvuIIubIe uL UIone suIes und servIce cen-
Ufone has proven to be a
pioneer in presenting the latest
technology to its customers.
Ufone has been the first
company to introduce various
BlackBerry smartphones for the
first time in the Pakistani
market; as always Ufone is
offering the customers
something extra in the form of
functional and stylish
accessories to ensure that the
customers get the best value for
their money
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
Telepedia Flare Report
Anofhor MIIosfono by !fono
IrIngs hIgh foch IInckborry IoId 9900
For the first time in Pakistan, Ufone proudly introduces the new BlackBerry Bold 9900. This
unique handset has the ability to replace cutting edge technology with its uniqueness as it
features a powerful 1.2 GHz processor which is the fastest ever in a BlackBerry smartphone
ILer LIe IoIy monLI oI Rumuzun, Iere
cume EId uI ILr IesLIvuI. TIe peopIe es-
pecIuIIy youLI Iuve IuII udvunLuge oI LIe
udvuncemenL LecInoIogy. TIe peopIe
used Lo send EId curds und greeLIngs Lo eucI oLI-
ers. Now TIe Lrend oI sendIng munuuI EId curds
Is geLLIng wuy Lo LIe EId SMS, EId messuges, EId
Muburuk wIsIes, EId quoLes vIu LexL uIso becom-
Ing popuIur. On sucI occusIon, LIe peopIe uIso
send Urdu EId SMS, EId greeLIngs SMS, Iunny
EId SMS Lo wIsI EId Muburuk.
WIere LIme Ius brougIL u IoL oI cIunges In
LIe worId we IIve In, LIere ure uIso secLors LIuL
ure revoIuLIonIsed by LIe bIow oI LIme. Commu-
nIcuLIon Ius remuIned one oI LIe mosL ImporLunL
uspecLs oI Iumun IIIe us IL ensures LIe commIL-
menL und InLerucLIon oI socIuI unImuI wILI LIe
socIeLy. L Is ImpossIbIe Lo IIve un IsoIuLed IIIe us
Iumuns reIy upon eucI oLIer Ior u number oI
jobs und IL Is sImpIy ImpossIbIe Ior un IndIvIduuI
Lo soIeIy depend upon IIs or Ier seII Ior u vurIeLy
oI needs. TIe InsuIIIcIency oI u person Ior meeL-
Ing LIe requIremenLs oI IIs or Ier IIIe boosLed up
LIe Ideu oI socIeLy. SocIeLy members noL onIy
IeIp buL uIso Iook uILer eucI oLIer In u vurIeLy oI
Lusks. Meuns oI communIcuLIon Iuve wIdeIy
LrunsIormed wILI LIe pussuge oI LIme. nILIuIIy IL
wus posL (IeLLers) senL Lo Iur IIung ureus Lo keep
up LIe IInk beLween IumIIIes or orgunIsuLIons.
TIen IL wus LeIegrum LIuL IeIped In InsLunLIy
propuguLIng news und sIgnIIIcunL messuges.
TeIepIone sLep In und brougIL peopIe u bIL more
cIoser Iowever LIe prIce Lo ubrIdge LIe gup wus
quILe IIgI. TIen LIe revoIuLIon oI InIormuLIon
LecInoIogy (T) brougIL ubouL cIunge und LIe
wIoIe scene wus wrILLen uguIn.
WILI LIe uppeurunce oI ceII pIone LIe wuy
Iumuns InLerucL wILI eucI oLIer cIunged uILo-
geLIer. n LIe begInnIng peopIe used mobIIe
pIones Lo muke cuIIs onIy buL us LIe LIme moves
on Improved uses oI LecInoIogy cume InLo beIng.
Toduy LIe besL LIIng u mobIIe pIone cun do Is Lo
send u sIorL messuge (oI 16o cIurucLers).
WILI LIe begInnIng oI sIorL messugIng serv-
Ice (SMS) LIII now LIe IucIIILy Ius seen u IoL oI Im-
provemenL. Numerous monLIIy und duIIy
puckuges ure InLroduced Lo promoLe LIe SMS
LruIIIc. And now IL Is u common prucLIce Is noL
onIy meLropoIIs buL uIso In smuII Lowns Lo greeL
mornIng, IoIIduys, bIrLIduys, IesLIvuIs und
ucIIevemenLs Lo IumIIy members und IrIends on
duIIy busIs. Now sLudenLs ure ubIe Lo keep In
LoucI wILI LIeIr cIuss IeIIows Lo remuIn InIormed
ubouL LIe IecLure scIeduIe und ucLIvILIes uL LIe
cumpus. CIIIdren keep up InIormIng LIeIr pur-
enLs ubouL LIeIr wIereubouLs Lo uvoId uny kInd
oI punIc. L Is now noL onIy eusy buL uIso eco-
nomIc Lo conLucL one`s drIver Lo IeLcI IIm or Ier
KeepIng In mInd LIe beneIILs LIIs unIque
servIce Ius oIIered IeL us peep InLo LIe Lrends oI
sendIng SMS nuLIonwIde. L Is obvIous LIuL no
Lwo peopIe cun beIuve In LIe sume munner sIm-
IIurIy LIe wuy peopIe LexL eucI oLIer Is dIIIerenL
Ior dIIIerenL peopIe. GIIunI ReseurcI ounduLIon
recenLIy conducLed u survey und dIscovered LIuL
Urdu und Romun scrIpL Is LIe mosL used Iun-
guuge Ior sendIng SMS wIere some peopIe use
more LIun one Iunguuge Ior sendIng sIorL mes-
suges. AccordIng Lo survey uIso some copy und
pusLe u messuge Irom uny oI LIe Iunguuges und
use LIuL In LIeIr SMS wIIcI LIey Iorwurd Lo
oLIer peopIe.
A nuLIonuIIy represenLuLIve sumpIe oI men
und women Irom ucross LIe counLry were usked,
"WIIcI Iunguuge do you usuuIIy use Ior sendIng
SMS Irom your mobIIe pIone?" TIIrLy seven per
cenL suId LIey send SMS In Urdu Lyped In Eng-
IIsI uIpIubeL I.e. Romun, 1 per cenL use Urdu
Lyped In Urdu uIpIubeL Lo send LexL messuges
wIereus 1; per cenL suId LIey Lype SMS In Eng-
IIsI. TwenLy nIne per cenL do noL send uny SMS
wIereus Lwo per cenL guve no response. TIe IInd-
Ings oI LIe survey reveuI LIuL u proporLIonuLeIy
IIgIer percenLuge oI urbunILes, respondenLs
under o yeurs oI uge, und men send LexL mes-
suges In Urdu by usIng EngIIsI uIpIubeL Irom
LIeIr ceII pIones, wIere us u sIgnIIIcunLIy IIgIer
percenLuge oI ruruIILes use Urdu uIpIubeL Lo Lype
Urdu SMS.
KeepIng In mInd LIese InLeresLIng IucLs IL Is
perLInenL Lo IorecusL LIuL LIe IucIIILy oI SMS Ius
LrIggered noveI wuys oI communIcuLIon wIere
LIIs IucIIILy Is cusLIng greuL ImpucL on LIe mode
oI communIcuLIon I.e. Iunguuge. Now Urdu Is
wrILLen In EngIIsI uIpIubeLs by LIe mujorILy oI
mobIIe pIone users und IL Is Indeed u new be-
gInnIng In LIe IIsLory oI communIcuLIon wIere
IL Is expecLed LIuL LIme wIII encouruge IurLIer
cIunges In LIe reuIm.
Telephone brought people a
bit more closer however the
price to abridge the gap was
quite high. Then the revolution
of information technology (T)
brought about change and the
whole scene was written
again. With the appearance of
cell phone the way humans
interact with each other
changed altogether
MobIIo oufshIno frndIfIonnI IId
The trend of sending manual Eid cards is getting way to
the Eid SMS, Eid messages, Eid Mubarak wishes, Eid
quotes via text also becoming popular. On such
occasion, the people also send Urdu Eid SMS, Eid
greetings SMS, funny Eid SMS to wish Eid Mubarak
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
sman Yaqoob Telepedia
e us u nuLIon Iow cun IeIp Lo eIImInuLe
nepoLIsm und corrupLIon In LIe Puk-
IsLun us LIe bIggesL curse Ior uny socI-
eLy. usL yeur scums uneurLIed In
secLIon oI press bungIIng, corrupLIon In Issuunce oI
WuLun Curds by Nudru. L Is Ioped LIuL LIIs LIme,
governmenL keeps vIgIIunL Lo Issue WuLun Curds Lo
deserve und uIIecLee peopIe wILIouL uny poIILIcuI In-
IIuence. WuLun Curds In IIood uIIecLed ureus Iuve
sLurLed geLLIng dIsLrIbuLed umong LIe IumIIIes, buL
sLIII LIere ure muny peopIe wIo Iuven`L been even
regIsLered, und LIey ure geLLIng ruIned. Nobody Is
IeurIng Lo LIem und LIere Is no Iope Ior LIem.
RecenLIy, PrIme MInIsLer YousuI Ruzu GIIunI un-
nounced Rs zoo mIIIIon grunLs Ior deveIopmenL
projecLs und reIubIIILuLIon oI LIe IIood-IIL peopIe oI
Lwo consLILuencIes oI LIe NuLIonuI AssembIy In Dudu
dIsLrIcL. AddressIng u guLIerIng In connecLIon wILI
LIe coIIecLIve murrIuge ceremony oI IIood-uIIecLed
coupIes, Ie suId LIuL besIdes LIe Rs zoo mIIIIon
grunL, LIe governmenL wus pIunnIng Lo provIde mux-
Imum IncenLIves Lo IIood vIcLIms so LIuL LIey couId
resLurL LIeIr IIIe und overcome LIe Iosses. DurIng LIe
course oI IIs uddress, LIere wus uprour umong LIe
guLIerIng wIen muny peopIe sLurLed ruIsIng ques-
LIons sImuILuneousIy. TIey Ignored repeuLed cuIIs by
LIe prIme mInIsLer Lo cuIm down.
TIe prIme mInIsLer suId LIuL LIe unprecedenLed
IIoods Iud cuused Ieuvy Iosses, Iowever, LIe gov-
ernmenL wus LukIng vurIous meusures Ior eurIy re-
IubIIILuLIon oI LIe IIood-uIIecLed peopIe. TIe
governmenL Ius sLurLed WuLun Curds dIsLrIbuLIon Lo
Ieuds oI LIe IIood-uIIecLed IumIIIes so LIuL LIey
mIgIL geL Rs1oo,ooo und resLurL LIeIr rouLIne IIIe,
Ie suId. He suId LIuL mosL oI LIe IIood uIIecLed Ium-
IIIes suIIered Iess LIun Rs1oo,ooo Ioss, buL LIe gov-
ernmenL Iud Iormed u unIIorm poIIcy oI grunLIng
Rs1oo,ooo compensuLIon Lo eucI IumIIy Ieud
LIrougI LIe WuLun Curds. He suId LIuL Ie Iud no-
LIced LIuL LIe dIsLrIbuLIon oI LIe WuLun Curds wus
noL so speedy und urged LIe Nudru cIuIrmun Lo
muke LIeIr dIsLrIbuLIon eIIecLIve. He suId LIuL LIe
provIncIuI governmenL wus usked Lo IeIp LIe IIood-
sLrIcken peopIe buL LIe cIIeI mInIsLer sIowed LIeIr
InubIIILy In LIIs regurd. TIereIore, Ie suId LIuL Ie dI-
recLed LIe cIIeI mInIsLer Lo Improve LIe economIc
condILIon oI LIeIr respecLIve provInce.
TIe PM, wIo eurIIer Iud un uerIuI vIew oI LIe
IIood-uIIecLed ureus oI Dudu dIsLrIcL, dIrecLed LIe de-
purLmenLs concerned Lo wuIve LIe uLIIILy bIIIs In
LIose ureus. He dIrecLed LIe uuLIorILIes concerned Lo
conducL u survey oI LIose ureus wIIcI were mIssed
ouL eurIIer so LIuL LIe uLIIILy bIIIs oI LIose ureus couId
uIso be wuIved. ReIerrIng Lo LIe SIndI cIIeI mInIs-
Ler`s demund Ior wrILIng oII LIe ugrIcuILure Iouns In
IIood uIIecLed ureus oI LIe provInce, LIe prIme mIn-
IsLer ussured Lo consIder IIs proposuI. TIe govern-
menL wouId provIde muxImum IncenLIves Lo IeIp LIe
peopIe resLurL LIeIr normuI IIves In LIe IIood uIIecLed
ureus, Ie udded. TIe prIme mInIsLer suId LIuL LIe
governmenL wus provIdIng seeds und IerLIIIsers Iree
oI cosL Lo LIe IIood uIIecLed growers, so LIey couId
cuILIvuLe LIeIr ugrIcuILuruI Iunds und Improve LIeIr
socIo-economIc condILIon.
On LIe requesL oI SIndI CM, GIIunI ussured Lo
consIder uddILIonuI suppIy oI IrrIguLIon wuLer Lo
SIndI provInce. TIe PM eurIIer vIsILed LIe reIIeI
cump uL UsLud BukIurI Degree CoIIege, Dudu, und
excIunged EId greeLIngs wILI LIe IIood vIcLIms und
dIsLrIbuLed WuLun Curds umong LIeIr IumIIy Ieuds.
MeunwIIIe, TIe SIndI governmenL, LIrougI ILs
ReIubIIILuLIon DepurLmenL, Ius so Iur Issued
6o,ooo WuLun Curds durIng LIe IIrsL pIuse oI reIIeI
servIces Ior LIe IIood survIvors, ReIubIIILuLIon Sec-
reLury Peer BuksI JumuII suId, speukIng durIng u
meeLIng cIuIred by CIIeI SecreLury Ruju MoIummud
Abbus, Ie suId LIuL ;z1,ooo WuLun Curds worLI
Rs.1.;q bIIIIon ure beIng dIsLrIbuLed In LIe IIrsL
pIuse. TIe money Ius been equuIIy conLrIbuLed by
LIe IederuI und SIndI governmenLs, Ie udded.
He suId LIuL LIe dIsLrIbuLIon oI LIese curds wus
muLerIuIIsed LIrougI NADRA, LIe Bourd oI Revenue
(reIIeI commIssIoner oI SIndI) und LIe respecLIve
dIsLrIcL governmenLs In LIe IIrsL pIuse oI reIIeI work,
wIIcI Is neur compIeLIon. JumuII suId LIe remuInIng
qq,ooo curds ure uIso In process oI Issuunce, wILI
1,ooo ucLIvuLed und ;,ooo under process. He suId
LIuL 11,ooo oI LIese remuInIng qq,ooo curds ure Ior
peopIe Irom TIuLLu und Iuve been duIy uuLIenLI-
cuLed. ourLeen dIsLrIcL governmenLs ure beIng cov-
ered under IIood reIIeI servIces, ouL oI wIIcI eIgIL
ure on LIe rIgIL bunk oI LIe ndus RIver - KusImore,
Jucobubud, SIIkurpur, Kumbur, SIududkoL,
urkunu, Dudu, TIuLLu und JumsIoro. TIe sIx Io-
cuLed on LIe IeIL bunk IncIude KIuIrpur, SIuIeed Be-
nuzIrubud, NuusIeroIeroze, Hyderubud, GIoLkI und
TIe LuIIun governmenL Ius grunLed ;oo mIIIIon
euros wIIIe LIe EU Ius donuLed 6oo mIIIIon euros
Ior reIIeI servIces us weII us Ior LIe second pIuse oI
LIe reIIeI eIIorLs. TIe US Ius emerged us LIe mujor
donor und Ius provIded ussIsLunce oI $ 18q mIIIIon.
PrIme MInIsLer Syed YusuI Ruzu GIIunI dIrecLed
uII IederuI und provIncIuI uuLIorILIes Lo ImmedIuLeIy
respond Lo LIe IIood-uIIecLed ureus oI SIndI und us-
sured puymenL oI compensuLIon uILer LIe dumuge us-
sessmenL. PrIme MInIsLer GIIunI wIo wus Iere on u
duy-Iong vIsIL Lo wILness LIe dumuges cuused by
Ieuvy ruIns und IIoodIng, dIrecLed LIe NuLIonuI DIs-
usLer MunugemenL AuLIorILy Lo provIde LenLs, Iood,
medIcInes und uII oLIer IucIIILIes Lo LIe dIspIuced uL
LIe reIIeI cumps seL up uL dIIIerenL IocuLIons. He suId
1,ooo LenLs wouId be provIded In LIe IIrsL pIuse Lo
provIde sIeILer Lo LIe peopIe.
GIIunI uIso usked Ms urzunu Ruju, CIuIrperson
BenuzIr ncome SupporL Progrumme (BSP) uIso Lo
provIde reIIeI Lo LIe peopIe under LIe progrumme.
PM noticed that the
distribution of the Watan
Cards was not so speedy
and urged the Nadra
chairman to make their
distribution effective, so that
they could restart their life
and overcome the losses
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
nsighT Flare Report
t is hoped that this time, government keeps vigilant to issue Watan Cards to
deserve and affectee people without any political influence; as Watan Cards have
started getting distributed among the affected families
Iere ure uIreudy severuI compeLILors,
sucI us LIe BIuckBerry PIuyBook, LIe
HTC Iyer, LIe DeII SLreuk ; und LIe ;-
IncI versIon oI LIe GuIuxy Tub. BuL LIe
IIeId muy be geLLIng more crowded us compunIes
unveII new purLnersIIps und producLs uL A
conIerence und us more specuIuLIon ubouL LIny
Lubs grows.
Sumsung Iud Lo puII ILs new ;.;-IncI LubIeL
Irom ILs booLI dIspIuy uILer u Germun courL`s In-
juncLIon uguInsL LIe devIce, un order sImIIur Lo
one uguInsL LIe GuIuxy Tub`s 1o.1-IncI versIon.
AppIe und Sumsung ure Iocked In u IeguI LussIe
over cIuIms LIuL LIe Koreun compuny`s LubIeLs
und smurLpIones copy AppIe producLs. OSS
PuLenLs reporLed LIuL LIe compuny Iud been
sIowIng oII LIe LubIeL wILI u sLIcker suyIng IL
wus noL Ior suIe In Germuny, buL IL puIIed LIe
devIce Irom ILs dIspIuy uILer LIe IuLesL courL
order. TIe compuny Ius uIso InLroduced LIe
GuIuxy NoLe, u .-IncI combInuLIon LubIeL und
smurLpIone wILI u sLyIus LIuL Sumsung Is Iop-
Ing wIII be LIe busIness communILy`s new besL
TIe Sony P, LIe Iunny, IoIdIng-screen LubIeL
LIuL Ius Lwo .-IncI screens, Is uIso mukIng ILs
Ioruy InLo LIe smuIIer LubIeL murkeL. TIe screens
cun be used LogeLIer or IndependenLIy, LIougI
mukIng LIem one screen uIso meuns uccepLIng u
Iurge, bIuck bur In LIe mIddIe oI your dIspIuy.
AnoLIer enLry on LIe InLernuLIonuI scene
couId come Irom DeII und CIInese seurcI engIne
BuIdu. TIe compunIes Iuve unnounced u purL-
nersIIp, ReuLers reporLed, und pIun Lo muke
DeII LubIeLs und smurLpIones runnIng BuIdu`s
IIuvor oI AndroId. DeII uIreudy Ius LIe ;-IncI
SLreuk, und LIIs muy be un opporLunILy Ior IL Lo
resume LIe DeII SLreuk .
TIe mosL excILIng possIbIIILy Ior smuIIer
LubIeLs, Iowever, couId be Irom Amuzon.
AILer mucI specuIuLIon over wIuL, exucLIy, un
Amuzon LubIeL wouId be IIke, TecICruncI`s MG
SIegIer Ius un unswer: L Iooks IIke u BIuckBerry
PIuyBook und Is u buck-IIL, IuII-coIor versIon oI
LIe KIndIe.
AccordIng Lo u reporL Irom SIegIer, LIe LubIeL
wIII cosL $zo, IuII LIe prIce oI LIe IPud und
compeLILIveIy prIced wILI LIe Burnes und NobIe
Nook CoIor. TIe WII Amuzon LubIeL Is
runnIng AndroId, buL u cusLom versIon oI LIe
sysLem LIuL SIegIer suId Is noLIIng IIke LIe An-
droId Is ouL on devIces rIgIL now. TIe LubIeL
won`L Iuve u cumeru, buL wIII be deepIy InLe-
gruLed wILI Amuzon servIces sucI us LIe com-
puny`s vIdeo, upp murkeLpIuce und, oI course, ILs
e-Book sLore.
Tablet makers are thinking small, as more companies worldwide look to jump into
the 7-inch and smaller market one that Apple has left wide open
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
F|are Peport Telepedia

ederuI MInIsLer
Ior nIormuLIon
und BroudcusL-
Ing Dr. Irdous
AsIIq Awun Ius usked
NorwegIun LeIecommu-
nIcuLIon compunIes Lo
brIng new LecInoIogIes
Lo PukIsLun. SIe wus
LuIkIng Lo PresIdenL und
CIIeI ExecuLIve OIIIcer
(CEO) oI TeIenor Jon
redrIk Buksuus und
oLIer IIgI oIIIcIuIs oI
TeIenor durIng Ier vIsIL
Lo LIe compuny Ieud-
quurLers Iere In OsIo re-
TIe Buksuus brIeIed
LIe Dr. Irdous AsIIq
Awun ubouL LIe operu-
LIons, InvesLmenL voI-
ume, LecInoIogIes beIng
used und oLIer deLuIIs
oI compuny's presence
In PukIsLun. AsIIq Awun
upprecIuLed LIe roIe und
posILIon oI LIe compuny
In PukIsLun's LeIecom-
munIcuLIon murkeL. SIe
usked LIe compuny Lo
brIng new LecInoIogIes
Lo PukIsLun.
SIe uIso dIscussed Iow LIe compuny couId
ussIsL LIe MInIsLry oI nIormuLIon In uLIIIzuLIon
oI socIuI medIu Ior dIssemInuLIon oI InIormuLIon
Lo LIe peopIe oI PukIsLun us weII Lo LIe IoreIgn
TIe CEO LoId LIe mInIsLer LIuL LIe compuny
Ius generuLed empIoymenL upurL Irom pIuyIng
ILs roIe In provIdIng communIcuLIon LooIs Lo LIe
peopIe oI PukIsLun. TIe MInIsLer empIusIsed
LIuL PukIsLun deserves specIuI uLLenLIon Irom
IoreIgn InvesLors In LIe wuke oI LIe Iosses Puk-
IsLun's economy Ius suIIered due Lo ILs roIe In
wur uguInsL LerrorIsm. SIe uIso usked TeIenor Lo
brIng new LecInoIogIes In LeIecommunIcuLIon
secLor Lo PukIsLun. uLer, sIe vIsILed LIe oIIIces
oI unoLIer LeIecommunIcuLIon ouL-IIL eburu und
ILs oIIIcIuIs. SIe wus uccompunIed durIng boLI
LIe vIsILs by IIgI oIIIcIuIs oI MInIsLry oI nIor-
muLIon us weII PukIsLun's CIurge d' AIIuIrs In
Norwuy. DurIng LIe IusL IIve yeur perIod, Te-
Ienor Ius InvesLed q bIIIIon NOK In new und
more modern suLeIIILes. TIere Is u sLrong
growLI In LIe suLeIIILe communIcuLIons murkeL.
GovernmenLs use suLeIIILes Ior LIIngs IIke envI-
ronmenL monILorIng. PrIvuLe compunIes need
more cupucILy Ior HDTV und D, broudbund
und murILIme servIces. Our new suLeIIILe THOR
; wIII serve TV, sIIppIng, oII IndusLry und
broudbund needs In Europe und MIddIe EusL,
suId Jon redrIk Buksuus. Norspuce deIIvers re-
ceIvers und LrunsmILLers (TeIemeLry TruckIng
Commund-equIpmenL) LIuL gIves TeIenor SuLeI-
IILe BroudcusLIng (TSBc) LIe opporLunILy Lo
communIcuLe wILI THOR ; Irom LIe communI-
cuLIons cenLre uL ornebu In u suIe und proper
wuy. Norspuce Is renowned Ior ILs worId Ieud-
Ing posILIon In SurIuce AcousLIc Wuve (SAW)
LecInoIogy Ior suLeIIILes.
TogeLIer wILI Spuce SysLemJoruI we Iuve
concIuded LIuL Norspuce Iuve LIe besL producLs
Ior TeIemeLry, TruckIng und ConLroI (TTC). Te-
Ienor Is un InLernuLIonuI pIuyer LIuL uses InLer-
nuLIonuI Lenders Ior LIeIr purcIuses. WIen we
spend bIIIIons, we need Lo be sure LIuL we uc-
quIre LIe besL. Every-
LIIng on LIe suLeIIILe
musL keep ILs IuncLIon-
uIILy Ior ILs enLIre IIIe-
LIme, suId TeIenor
Group PresIdenL und
CEO Jon redrIk Buk-
Norspuce Is IocuLed
In HorLen, Norwuy, u
Lown wILI z6,ooo resI-
denLs, un Iour`s drIve
Irom ornebu und LIe
TeIenor HeudquurLer.
Norspuce Is LIe onIy
NorwegIun suppIIer Lo
THOR ;. TIe conLrucL
secures jobs In HorLen
und posILIons LIe Nor-
wegIun spuce IndusLry
In u demundIng mur-
TIe THOR ;-con-
LrucL gIves us credIL
und Is ImporLunL Ior us.
L wIII Iuve eIIecLs Ior
Norspuce. TIe vuIue oI
LIe THOR ;-conLrucL Is
muILIpIIed Ior our com-
puny, suId Norspuce
CEO Sverre BIsguurd.
PrIme MInIsLer Jens
SLoILenberg suId uL LIe
vIsIL LIuL muny NorwegIun counLIes envy
HorLen LIeIr IIgI-LecI compunIes, wIIcI Nor-
spuce Is u mujor purL oI.
TeIenor`s new suLeIIILe wIII be equIpped wILI
boLI Ku- und Ku-bund (duLucom) cupucILIes Ior
LIe provIsIon oI broudcusLIng servIces und duLu
communIcuLIons. TIe suLeIIILe wIII be posI-
LIoned uL 1 degree WesL, wIere TSBc's recenL re-
pIucemenL und expunsIon suLeIIILes, THOR
und THOR 6 ure uIreudy sLuLIoned.
During the last five year period,
Telenor has invested 4 billion
NOK in new and more modern
satellites. There is a strong
growth in the satellite
communications market. Private
companies need more capacity
for HDTV and 3D, broadband
and maritime services: Jon
Fredrik Baksaas
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
Telepedia Flare Report
IIrdous Inuds ToIonor
Invosfmonf In foIocom socfor
nformation Minister appreciated the role and position of the company in Pakistan's
telecommunication market. She asked the company to bring new technologies to Pakistan
preLLy good TubIeL, greuL smurLpIones,
u very weII revumped webOS bucked by
LIe number one PC compuny In LIe
worId. And LIen, qo duys IuLer, LIey
ubundon LIe producL. Yes, mosL compunIes Per-
sonuI SysLems Group mukes personuI compuLers,
NoLebooks, mobIIe devIces, TubIeLs, soILwure
und uccessorIes und LIey ure LIe worId mosL de-
mundIng producLs In LIe murkeL. And LIe com-
punIes Iuve ubundoned u brIIIIunL producL wILIIn
duys! Abundoned, cIIckened ouL, deserLed, dIs-
curded, dIsconLInued, dILcIed, wILIdruwn und
WIIIe LIere ure muny reusons wIy LIey wouId
do LIIs (some oIIIcIuI, some unoIIIcIuI und Iod-
der Ior unoLIer coIumn), LIuL`s noL wIuL LIIs Is
uII ubouL. L`s LIe umuzIng burguIns LIuL unusuuI
sILuuLIons IIke LIese LIrow up. TIe 16 GB HP
ToucIpud wus soId In u IIre suIe Ior $qq (yup, u
wIoIe IreukIng sLuLe-oI-LIe-urL TubIeL Ior ubouL
Rs q,oo) und LIe z GB one Ior jusL $1qq. TIe
webOS-bused brIIIIunL smurLpIones wenL Ior u
IrucLIon oI LIe prIce Loo, us dId LIe uccessorIes.
AL $qq, IL`s Iurd Lo IInd u sIngIe producL In LIe
enLIre LecInoIogy IndusLry LIuL oIIers u beLLer
deuI Ior cusLomers. And burguIns IIke LIIs cun
onIy exIsL In LIe worId oI LecInoIogy. eL`s Luke u
Iook uL wIuL represenLs LIe besL LecI bung Ior LIe
buck currenLIy.
HP ToochPud: TIere`s reuIIy noLIIng
wrong wILI IL. L`s u greuL pIece oI Iurdwure; IL
Ius u IunLusLIc screen; LIe OS Is superIor Lo mosL;
LIe upp sLore, wIIIe IImILed, Ius mosL crILIcuI
ones In pIuce (ucebook, TwILLer, Skype, Angry
BIrds, eLc); und you cun use IL us u vIdeo conIer-
ence devIce, us u Web browser, us un ebook
reuder und Ior movIes und musIc. You cun uIso
use IL us u weuLIer sLuLIon und un nLerneL-en-
ubIed uIurm cIock. HP muy noL supporL IL IuIIy
und new upps muy noL come In now, buL uL qq
bucks, LIIs Is u no-bruIner.
Sony PluyStution : TIIs IILLIe dynumo oI
convergence oI muny LecInoIogIes Ius seen un-
oLIer prIce drop und Is now murked uL $zqq -
und Iook uL wIuL you geL Ior LIuL! L`s u very good
BIu-Ruy pIuyer; IL`s u IunLusLIc gumIng consoIe
(und wILI LIe udd-on Move uccessory, IL`s uwe-
some); IL`s u neLwork- enubIed medIu sLreumIng
pIuyer; IL`s un onIIne pIuyer dreum mucIIne und
IL Iooks bIoody good. GeL LIe PS und you`ve goL
LIe mosL IncredIbIe burguIn enLerLuInmenL de-
vIce In LIe worId.
Sumsong Guluxy S1 und the iPhone

GS: TIe seII-InIIIcLed cycIe oI LukIng ouL new

versIons oI u producL IusLer LIun LIe speed oI
IIgIL Ius LIrown up u very InLeresLIng murkeL Ior
consumers. TIe GuIuxy S1 und LIe IPIone Gs
were urguubIy LIe Lwo besL smurLpIones In LIe
worId. And LIey were upduLed quIck und IusL.
PrIces oI LIe prevIous ILeruLIons IeII deep. Toduy
you cun pIck up u IPIone GS Ior ubouL Rs.
1q,ooo (und geL uII LIuL money buck on u dIs-
counLed LuIk pIun). And wIIIe IL`s LougI Lo geL u
GuIuxy S1, LIey seII Ior us IILLIe. TIese ure soIId
pIones; LIey Iuve greuL IeuLures, uwesome Iurd-
wure und Iuve noLIIng wrong wILI LIem. AII LIey
Iuve Is u nexL generuLIon bIg broLIer uL LwIce LIe
Blo-Ruy pluyers und u secret weupon:
How mucI does u DVD pIuyer wILI wIIzbung
IeuLures Irom u good brund. How mucI does u
sLuLe-oI-LIe-urL BIu-Ruy pIuyer wILI IeuLures LIuL
cun sIume u DVD pIuyer, HDM-ouL und u super
IIgI-resoIuLIon 1o8op pIcLure cosL? IInd LIe
resIsLunce Lo BIu-Ruy pIuyers In PukIsLun quILe
sIIIy. TIe devIce prIcIng Is uL un uII-LIme Iow. I
you`re wonderIng wIere Lo geL LIe BIu-Ruy
movIes Irom, Iere`s u secreL: SubscrIbe Lo u BIu-
Ruy IIbrury (LIere ure muny In ndIu now) und
you geL Lo keep movIes Ior us Iong us 1 duys und
puy us Iow us Rs. 6o per movIe. And Lo LIInk
you`ve been wusLIng LIme wILI u DVD pIuyer! I
you own u good HDTV, you owe yourseII und
your TV u BIu-Ruy pIuyer Lo dIscover wIuL reuI
ruzor sIurp HD movIe vIewIng Is uII ubouL.
The Commodity: Here`s unoLIer secreL. A
z-IncI CD TV Is noL u TV! NoL unymore. L`s u
commodILy! MosL brunds need Lo be In LIe mur-
keL us IL`s u bIg one. BuL LIe compeLILIon Is now
so InLense und LIe prIces so Iow LIuL mosL don`L
muke Loo mucI money oII LIIs cuLegory. TIey
need greuL numbers und LIey need Lo cIurn LIem
ouL uL u very IusL puce. Tuke udvunLuge oI LIuL. I
you Iuven`L upgruded Lo u IIuL screen or need u
smuIIer screen In unoLIer room, LIen LIIs Is LIe
wuy Lo go. z-IncIer. PIck LIem up beIore LIe
brunds wuke up und cIunge LIIs unomuIy. TIere
ure muny oLIer sucI LecIbung devIces. Keep your
eyes und eurs peeIed Ior wIen sucI quunLum
sIIILs Luke pIuce und LIrow up some Lrue burguIns
oI un Insune LecInoIogy worId. L`s LIe onIy worId
wIere you cun pIck up u dreum mucIIne uL u
dreum prIce!
By LIe wuy, goL myseII u $qq HP ToucIpud.
L`s LIe greuLesL Web-enubIed, nLerneL rudIo-cu-
pubIe weuLIer mucIIne und uIurm cIock `ve ever
owned :)
The self-inflicted cycle of
taking out new versions of a
product faster than the
speed of light has thrown up
a very interesting market for
consumers. The Galaxy S1
and the iPhone 3Gs were
arguably the two best
smartphones in the world
HP TouchPad, it's a great piece of hardware; it has a fantastic screen; the OS is
superior to most; you can use it as a video conference device, as a Web browser,
as an ebook reader and for movies and music
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
F|are Peport Telepedia
ecInoIogy versus IumunILy, governmenL
versus LIe peopIe, Iuves versus Iuve-noLs,
vIoIence versus compussIon - II you cruve u
gume LIuL enguges your InLeIIecL und moruI-
ILy us mucI us IL exercIses your LIumbs, you ure
reudy Ior LIIs revoIuLIon.
Deus Ex: Humun RevoIuLIon Is u dysLopIun scI-II
epIc LIuL serves us u prequeI Lo zooo's crILIcuIIy
Iuuded Deus Ex, u gume LIuL proved run-n'-gun uc-
LIon und LIInkIng-person's roIe-pIuyIng couId be suc-
cessIuIIy, wonderIuIIy bIended. n LIe semI-IIcLIonuI,
neur IuLure worId oI Deus Ex: Humun RevoIuLIon,
vIdeo gume deveIoper EIdos MonLreuI puInLs u pIc-
Lure oI u LecInoIogIcuI IronLIer wIere prosLIeLIcs und
Iumun uugmenLuLIon Is noL onIy commonpIuce, und
on LIe verge oI cIungIng Iumun evoIuLIon Iorever.
However, In zo11, us you sIL down Lo pIuy LIIs IIc-
LIonuI musLerpIece oI InLerucLIve urL, you muy IInd
yourseII uskIng LIe quesLIon:, ExucLIy Iow cIose Lo
reuIILy Is LIIs sLuII? How Iur uwuy ure we reuIIy Irom
LIIs LecInoIogy? TIuL Is exucLIy LIe sume quesLIon
Squure EnIx und IIImmuker Rob Spence seL ouL Lo
unswer In u new documenLury, Deus Ex: TIe Eye-
borg DocumenLury. TIe unswers muy surprIse you.
ConLrucLed by EIdos MonLreuI Lo reseurcI LIe
documenLury us purL oI LIe promoLIonuI cumpuIgn
Ior LIe reIeuse oI Humun RevoIuLIon, Rob Spence
seLs oII uround LIe gIobe Lo geL u beud on LIe currenL
sLuLe oI prosLIeLIcs, cyberneLIcs und Iumun uug-
menLuLIon. However Ior Spence, LIIs journey Is boLI
proIessIonuI und personuI, us Ie IImseII Is u reuI IIIe
cyborg. A IIreurms uccIdenL sIx yeurs ugo, IeIL Spence
wILI u prosLIeLIc eye, wIIcI Ie Ius sInce Iud IILLed
wILI u wIreIess cumeru - Ience LIe monIker, Eye-
n LIIs LweIve mInuLe mInI-documenLury, Spence,
wILI prosLIeLIc eye, LruveIs uround LIe gIobe, vIsIL-
Ing prosLIeLIc reseurcIers und users uIIke, Lo geL LIeIr
Luke on LIe currenL sLuLus und LIe IuLure progressIon
oI LIIs LecInoIogy. EveryLIIng Irom dIgILuI eye uug-
menLuLIons LIuL connecL dIrecLIy LIe opLIc nerve, Lo
urms und Iegs ure covered In LIe mInI-documenLury.
And LIe quesLIon oI Iow Iur oII Irom Adum Jensen`s
worId ure we, Is puL Lo LIe scIenLIsL und reseurcIers
LIemseIves. SeL In LIe yeur zoz;, Humun RevoIuLIon
cusLs pIuyers us Adum Jensen, LIe growIy-voIced
Ieud oI securILy Ior bIoLecInoIogy IIrm SurII ndus-
LrIes. WIen LIe compuny's IeudquurLers ure uLLucked
und severuI Lop scIenLIsLs ure uppurenLIy murdered,
Jensen - brougIL buck Irom neur-deuLI LIrougI cy-
borg-IIke "uugmenLuLIons" - musL LruveI Irom DeLroIL
Lo SIungIuI Lo MonLreuI und (wuy) beyond, LruckIng
down LIose responsIbIe und peeIIng buck Iuyers oI
corporuLe und governmenL conspIrucy.
TIe gume's beuuLy Is In Iow eIIorLIessIy IL uIIows
us Lo pIuy IL LIe wuy we wunL Lo pIuy IL. Some pIuyers
wIII buy und upgrude IIgI-LecI weupons, ouLIIL
Jensen wILI urmour pIuLIng und cIurge InLo buLLIe uL
every opporLunILy. OLIers - IIke me - wIII Iocus on
IuckIng compuLers und securILy puneIs, sneukIng
LIrougI uIr ducLs und LukIng down Ioes wILI non-
IeLIuI knockouL bIows. n my desIre Lo see und do
everyLIIng, IeIL no e-muII unreud, no door un-
opened und no opLIonuI sIde-mIssIon unIInIsIed.
NeurIy us ImpressIve Is LIe umounL oI bucksLory
und uncIIIury muLerIuI LIuL rookIe deveIoper EIdos
MonLreuI Ius creuLed Ior LIe gume. GIeuned by com-
pIeLIng mIssIons, reudIng In-gume e-books und
wuLcIIng u IIcLIonuI MonLreuI-bused gIobuI news
cIunneI, Humun RevoIuLIon's cyberpunk worId Is
durk, compIex und breuLILukIng. BuL Ior u gume
LIuL's so open Lo experImenLuLIon und so InvesLed In
ILs own IIcLIon, IL's dIsuppoInLIng LIuL LecInIcuI Iur-
dIes oILen sIuLLer LIe sense oI ImmersIon. WIeLIer
IL's LIe somewIuL Io-II vIsuuIs, roboLIc cIurucLer un-
ImuLIons or LIe Iuck oI u more grunuIur degree oI In-
LerucLIvILy, LIe gume IrequenLIy remInds us LIuL IL Is
Indeed jusL u gume. TIen uguIn, us u swoonIng Iun oI
LIe orIgInuI Deus Ex, 'm Iurder on Humun RevoIu-
LIon LIun oLIers mIgIL be. TIIs un exceIIenL gume -
good enougI LIuL, IIke LIe orIgInuI, 'II mosL cerLuInIy
end up pIuyIng IL LIrougI more LIun once, jusL Lo
scrupe ouL every IusL bIL oI bucksLory und Lo Lry dII-
IerenL wuys oI LuckIIng obsLucIes. TIuL uIone Is LIe
sIgn oI un excepLIonuI gume. Buck In zooo, someLIme
beLween LIe unLI-cIImucLIc IreukouL over YzK com-
puLer crusIes und LIe coIIecLIve guL-puncI LIuL wus
qJ11, u gume wus reIeused LIuL wus Luned perIecLIy,
uImosL prescIenLIy, Lo LIe vIbe oI LIe LImes. TIuL
gume wus Deus Ex. WILI u deveIopmenL Leum Ied by
veLerun gume creuLors Wurren SpecLor und Hurvey
SmILI, wIo Iud worked on bIockbusLer IruncIIses
rungIng Irom WIng Communder Lo UILImu, Deus Ex
ImugIned u IIgI-LecI, dysLopIun IuLure durkened by
LerrorIsm, u gIobuI pundemIc und Iuyers oI govern-
menL conspIrucIes.
L wus Ieudy sLuII Ior u compuLer gume, buL Iuns
und crILIcs responded Lo Deus Ex's bIend oI ucLIon,
roIe-pIuyIng und deep, LwIsLy sLoryIInes. TukIng on
LIe roIe oI nunoLecInoIogIcuIIy enIunced unLI-Ler-
rorIsm ugenL J. C. DenLon, pIuyers were InvILed Lo ex-
pIore LIe worId oI zoz und soIve probIems LIrougI
IIrepower, sLeuILI, LecInoIogy or pIuIn oId conversu-
LIon, us LIey suw IIL.
UnIess you pIuy us un uII-ouL wurrIor, LIIs en-
IuncemenL Is very useIuI Ior LuIkIng your wuy
LIrougI encounLers. SoIvIng conIIIcLs wILI words In-
sLeud oI guns generuIIy uIso Ieuds Lo Iurge experIence
poInL bonuses.
The game's beauty is in how
effortlessly it allows us to play it
the way we want to play it.
Some will buy and upgrade
high-tech weapons, outfit
Jensen with armour plating and
charge into battle at every
opportunity. Others will focus on
hacking computers and security
panels, sneaking through air
ducts and taking down foes with
non-lethal knockout blows
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
nsighT Flare Report
hnvo boon n Iovor of cInssIcnI musIc for
mnny yonrs nnd SofIfy fho SwodIsh mu
sIcsfronmIng sorvIco hns boon wondorfuI
In oonIng my oyos fo comosors fhnf I
hnvo novor frIod boforo, nnd nIso mnny Infor
rofnfIons of Iocos I Iovo whIch I couId novor
hnvo nffordod fo urchnso. Wo cnn'f nII nfford fo
nffond concorfs ovon fhough wo wouId wnnf fo.
SofIfy Is n wondorfuI sorvIco nnd I'd oncourngo
Iovors of cInssIcnI musIc fo fry If. If wIII chnngo
your IIfo nnd oon your onrs fo so mnny now
IouInr musIc nnd cInssIcnI musIc mny bo
dIsfIncf gonros wIfh fhoIr own frndIfIons nnd so
cInI moros, buf crossoIIInnfIon hns Iong boon
fho wny of mosf musIc. If nnfuro nbhors n voId,
sho ndoros n hybrId.
As for fho rock worId, If's boon goffIng Idons
for yonrs from fho InnovnfIons of now musIc.
Irnnk Znn consIdorod fho mofhor of nII musI
cnI InvonfIons fo bo fho oxorImonfnI comosor
Idgnr Vnroso. AII of fhIs Is ns If shouId bo nnf
urnI, honIfhy nnd nrfIsfdrIvon. If Is nIso nn ox
coIIonf wny fo buIId now nudIoncos.
Hnnd In hnnd wIfh fhIs oxchnngo of musIcnI
Idons hns boon nn onfhusInsfIc oxchnngo of foch
noIogy. Much oIocfronIc oquImonf fhnf fuoIs
o hns Ifs roofs In cInssIcnI's oxorImonfnI wIng.
Io mnkos If own modIfIcnfIons nnd fhon hnnds
fhom bnck. Tho Insfrumonf of Sfovo Mnckoy,
who honds IrIncofon's vonornbIo comosIfIon do
nrfmonf, Is fho oIocfrIc guIfnr.
Iuf somofhIng hns suddonIy gono forrIbIy
wrong In fhIs mufunI musIcnI wondorInnd of gIvo
nnd fnko. Tho fochnoIogy Is sfnrfIng fo fnko ovor.
Tho oxchnngo Is bocomIng onosIdod. And nrfIsfs
nro boIng Ioff ouf of fho fufuro of musIc by mnr
kofoors. Jusf bocnuso you cnn, MnrshnII
Mc!uhnn snId nbouf fho nIIcnfIon of fochnoI
ogy fo modIn nnd fho nrfs, doosn'f monn you
Whnf Is soffIng mo off Is n sfory of unonsy
mnrrIngo of musIc nnd fochnoIogy, whIch In
cIudos symhony orchosfrns InvIfIng nudIoncos
fo wIIo nwny nn hour wIfh TchnIkovsky by fn
Ing on fhoIr smnrfhonos nnd IInds. I wns
honrfonod fhnf rondor commonfs nbouf fho do
sIrnbIIIfy of fhoso dIgIfnI dovIcos In fho concorf
hnII hnvo boon nImosf oxcIusIvoIy nognfIvo,
oInfIng ouf fhnf IIghf Is n dIsrufIon nnd fhnf
fwoofIng Is nn ongngomonf In fwoofIng,
nof musIc. Thnf's hnrdIy surrIsIng. Ioo
Io who cnro nbouf musIc nro fho onos
who nro fruIy ongngod, nnd fhoy nro goIng
fo fnko fho froubIo fo rosond. Twoofors
hnvo nIrondy movod on.
ThIs hns nofhIng fo do wIfh fochno
hobIn buf wIfh bIg nnd sorIous Issuos,
nnd onos fhnf go boyond cInssIcnI musIc.
Iuf fIrsf Iof us nofo who Is rImnrIIy nd
vocnfIng brIngIng honos nnd fnbIofs Info
fho concorf hnII. SocInI modIn consuIfnnfs
nro IncronsIngIy boIng hIrod by orchos
frns nnd ofhor nrfs InsfIfufIons nnd gIvon
fho mnndnfo fo fIII fhonfors nnd muso
ums wIfh young bodIos by cronfIng onIIno
vIdoo gnmos, mIsIondIngIy mnrkofIng cIns
sIcnI musIc ns If If somohow roInfod fo o
cuIfuro. Any novoI Idon fo scnm fho socInI
nofworkIng sysfom fo gof fho word ouf Is
nnronfIy nIso OK.
CInssIcnI musIc covors nn onormous
rnngo hIsforIcnIIy nnd sfyIIsfIcnIIy. And
IIsfonors brIng n wIdo rnngo of oxorIonco,
oxorfIso nnd nrfIsfIc noods fo fho con
corf hnII. !IsfonIng, moroovor, Is n or
sonnI ncf.
Tho Imorfnnf oInf Is fhnf n cInssIcnI
concorf rovIdos nn oorfunIfy fo unfIo
fho dIgIfnI umbIIIcnI cord nnd roInco If
wIfh chords fhnf ronIIy do rosonnfo. I fInd
furnIng off fho coIIhono n IIbornfIng ox
orIonco. Ior fhoso who sny fhIs Is nIIon fo
young ooIo who know nofhIng oIso buf
boIng orofunIIy onIIno, Iof fho rosocf
for n now oxorIonco bo fho nffrncfIon.
ow fochnoIogy wIII suroIy confInuo
fo Iny n nocossnry roIo In fho dovoIo
monf of musIc, ouInr nnd cInssIcnI, ns If
nIwnys hns. Tho doors IondIng fo fho cor
rIdors sonrnfIng o nnd cInssIcnI musf
romnIn wIdo oon. Iuf nudIoncos dosorvo
fho oorfunIfy fo nronch somofhIng
now wIfhouf boIng foId whnf fo oxocf nnd
bo nIIowod fho monfnI snco fo fnko If In. Whon
wo nro In n sIfunfIon whoro ovoryfhIng In IIfo Is
forcod fo bo fho snmo, wo don'f usunIIy cnII fhnf
Iroodom Is fho ronI Issuo. Is fho roIo of foch
noIogy fo oon us fo now ossIbIIIfIos or Is If, ns
moro nnd moro In SIIIcon VnIIoy nro fryIng fo do,
fo onmosh us In nn onvIronmonf onvIsIonod by
AIo or CoogIo Tho Infosf vIIInIn on fho scono
Is SofIfy, fhnf hns jusf ronchod fho !.S. nnd fho
orofIcnIIy ufs nn onormous vnrIofy of musIc nf
your fIngorfIs. Iuf IrInn Irnndf snId fhnf So
fIfy sooms oIsod fo drIvo hIm nnd ofhor smnII In
boIs ouf of busInoss, bocnuso Ifs modoI suorfs
onIy o bosfsoIIors. Modo sImIy cnn'f survIvo
on n nymonf of onofhIrd of n conf or sfronm.
or wIII you IIkoIy Ionrn much now from n sorv
Ico IIko Inndorn, whIch Is rogrnmmod fo fInd
moro musIc IIko fhnf whIch you nIrondy know.
MusIcInns musf, obvIousIy, onrn n IIvIng, nnd
wo nII counf on musIcnI InsfIfufIons fo como u
wIfh busInoss modoIs fhnf nIIow fhom fo survIvo.
Iuf uIfImnfoIy, hoIIsfIc honrIng comos from
wIfhIn wIfhIn musIc nnd wIfhIn oursoIvos.
!onI InnovnfIon Is whnf wo don'f oxocf nnd
fonds fo como whon wo don'f oxocf If. OnIy oon
onrs nnd nIorf nnfonnno wIII rocognIzo fho noxf
Imorfnnf hybrId. Sorry, foIks, buf Moznrf won'f
mnko you smnrfor unIoss you swIfch off your
What is setting me off is a story
of uneasy marriage of music and
technology, which includes sym-
phony orchestras inviting audi-
ences to wile away an hour with
Tchaikovsky by tapping on their
smartphones and iPads, the
doors leading to the corridors
separating pop and classical
must remain wide open
TochnoIogy InfrIngIng
on cInssIcnI musIc
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk

lns|ghT F|are Peport

Popular music and classical music may be distinct genres with
their own traditions and social mores, but cross-pollination has
long been the way of most music. f nature abhors a void, she
adores a hybrid
ne bIg IuIIouL oI workIng IIexI-Iours,
workIng IreeIunce or seLLIng up u busI-
ness Irom your Iome Is LIe need Ior u
workpIuce In your Iouse. DesIgnIng
LIIs workpIuce uccordIng Lo your needs und
comIorL IeIps LIe cuuse u greuL deuI. Toduy,
LIere Is u mujor sIIIL Irom u sLudy pIuce dou-
bIIng up us u workspuce, Lo creuLIng u Lrendy,
IuncLIonuI, sLyIIsI und vIsuuIIy pIeusIng work-
pIuce In your Iome. Workspuces don`L uLIIIse u
Iurge ureu In your Iouse. However, smuIIer by IL-
seII Isn`L beLLer. L`s jusL smuIIer. Your workspuce
sIouId be muILIpurpose und user-udjusLubIe, so
IL cun be used by Lwo or more peopIe, uL IeusL
some oI LIe LIme.
I IL`s desIgned uesLIeLIcuIIy und eIegunLIy, u
workspuce cun be u vuIue uddILIon Lo your Iome
dcor. Toduy, workspuce desIgners ure con-
sLunLIy emergIng wILI pIoneerIng und InnovuLIve
desIgns Lo bIend Iome oIIIces InLo LIe uesLIeLIc
dcor oI your room. AIong wILI eIegunce und eI-
IecLIve spuce uLIIIsuLIon, empIusIs Is uIso IuId on
desIgnIng LIe workpIuce ureu Lo be spucIous. A
spucIous workspuce IeIps Increuse your eIII-
cIency und producLIvILy.
SLoruge ureus und cubIe cIunneIs ure uIso ex-
LremeIy essenLIuI IucLors Lo Luke InLo consIderu-
LIon wIIIe desIgnIng u workpIuce uL Iome.
SmurLIy desIgned sLoruge pIuces und cubIe cIun-
neIs promoLe Ireedom oI movemenL und provIde
you wILI u Iurger ureu Lo IuncLIon und Lo uvoId
mIspIucIng work muLLer. You uIso need spuce Lo
pIuce your personuI gIzmos und LropIIes In your
workpIuce, even II LIIs workpIuce Is uL Iome.
deuIIy, your Iome workpIuce sIouId provIde
prIvucy wILI open und covered sLoruge Ior con-
cenLruLed work. An open bencI sLyIe IuyouL pro-
moLes spuce Ior meeLIngs. BuL IL sIouId uIso
opLImIse prIvucy, work surIuces und personuI
sLoruge und supporL Leumwork. So u moduIur
sysLem uIIows u mIx und muLcI oI sLoruge unILs
LIuL supporL LIe work surIuce, wIIIe InLernuI
cubIe cIunneIs rouLe power und duLu Lo LIe work
surIuce und u smurL porLubIe screen provIdes
prIvucy. n oLIer IurnIsIIngs, you`d need u
IeIgIL-udjusLubIe desk Lo be ubIe Lo move IreeIy
und comIorLubIy wIIIe workIng. And sInce LIIs
Is u Iome oIIIce, wIere you muy occusIonuIIy
need Lo meeL cIIenLs, u smuII Iounge ureu muy
muke sense. You musL consIder cIuIrs us weII -
u dInIng LubIe cIuIr (LIe obvIous cIoIce Ior muny
peopIe) muy noL be LIe besL LIIng Lo sIL on wIIIe
you work. So LIInk ergonomIcs. Your cIuIr
sIouId be ubIe Lo udjusL Lo LIe movemenLs oI
your buck, urms, body und cIunge sIupe Lo
mImIc und supporL LIe movemenL oI your spIne.
You muy LIInk LIuL none oI LIIs Is necessury,
buL IL Is. A specIuIIy creuLed workpIuce, wIen
LIuL workpIuce Is uL Iome, promoLes eIIIcIency
by IeIpIng you sepuruLe your domesLIc IIIe Irom
your proIessIonuI IIIe. And u Lrendy desIgn LIuL`s
boLI IuncLIonuI und uesLIeLIc IeIps Iocus your
mInd on work.
SLurL wILI bIg booksIeIves LIuL cun sLow your
work. CubIneL doors conceuI LecInoIogy essen-
LIuIs, puper und uccessorIes so your IIvIng room
never Iooks IIke your workpIuce. HIdden In LIese
booksIeIves: PrInLer, upLop, Pens und pencIIs,
SLucks oI bIIIs, nvoIces, EnveIopes, SLumps und
ReIerence books eLc.KIndness medILuLIon:
Spend u Iew mInuLes on eucI sLuge oI LIIs pruc-
LIce. SeLLIe your body In un uprIgIL und seuLed
posLure. Tuke u Iew mInuLes Lo Iocus on LIe nuL-
uruI IIow oI your breuLI, wIIIe brIngIng your uL-
LenLIon Lo LIe IeurL spuce In LIe cenLer oI your
cIesL. Now eILIer repeuL your nume or vIsuuIIze
yourseII In your IeurL so LIuL you cun IeeI your
presence. HoId yourseII LIere, genLIy und Len-
derIy. ReIeuse uny LensIon on LIe ouL-breuLI und
breuLIe In soILness und openness wILI LIe In-
breuLI. SIIenLIy repeuL: "Muy be Iuppy, muy
be peuceIuI, muy be kInder." eeI u growIng
sense oI IrIendIIness und kIndness Ior yourseII.
Now dIrecL your kIndness Lowurd LIe person
you ure IuvIng u Iurd LIme wILI, wIere commu-
nIcuLIon Is noL eusy or LIere ure mIsundersLund-
Ings. Keep breuLIIng ouL uny resIsLunce und
breuLIIng In openness, us you IoId LIIs person
In your IeurL und repeuL: "Muy you be Iuppy,
muy you be peuceIuI, muy you be kInder." No
need Lo geL cuugIL up In recuIIIng LIe deLuIIs oI
LIe sLory. HoId LIem genLIy und LenderIy, wIsI-
Ing LIem weIIness und IuppIness. Now expund
your kIndness ouLwurd Lowurd uII peopIe, In uII
dIrecLIons. Open your IeurL Lo oLIers, wIoever
LIey muy be, sIIenLIy repeuLIng: "Muy uII beIngs
be Iuppy, muy uII beIngs be peuceIuI, muy uII be-
Ings be kInder." eL go oI uny prejudIce or re-
sIsLunce. eeI kIndness rudIuLIng ouL Irom you
In uII dIrecLIons. BreuLIe In kIndness, breuLIe
ouL kIndness.
WIen you ure reudy, Luke u deep breuLI und
genLIy open your eyes, IeLLIng LIe kIndness In
your IeurL puL u smIIe on your IIps.
deally, your home workplace
should provide privacy with
open and covered storage for
concentrated work. An open
bench style layout promotes
space for meetings. But it
should also optimise privacy,
work surfaces and personal
storage and support
Work from homo!
Sof u n rofossIonnI cornor offIco
Design this workplace according to your needs and comfort helps the cause a great deal.
Today, there is a major shift from a study place doubling up as a workspace, to creating
a trendy, functional, stylish and visually pleasing workplace in your home
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
LrIbuLe Lo
I e g -
e n d u r y
Q u e e n
IronL mun reddIe
Mercury Look cen-
Lre sLuge uL GoogIe
In mucI oI LIe
worId In LIe IuLesL
"doodIe" mergIng
LecInoIogy und urL
Lo sIow LIe nLer-
neL gIunL's Iumun
sIde. An unImuLed
vIdeo cruILed InLo
LIe Iogo on
GoogIe's seurcI
puge Lo Ionour
wIuL wouId Iuve
been LIe IuLe rock
Iegend's 6LI
bIrLIduy murked
LIe IuLesL sLep In
LIe evoIuLIon oI
doodIes LIuL
sLurLed us rudI-
menLury cIIp urL.
GoogIe users woke
Lo Mercury every-
wIere buL In LIe
UnILed SLuLes, wIere u ubour Duy IoIIduy
prompLed LIe doodIe Lo be bumped.
"L Ius u IoL oI Iun, gooIy sLuII Lo ceIebruLe wIuL
un IncredIbIe song wrILer, IusIIon Icon, und musI-
cuI InnovuLor Ie wus," doodIe Leum creuLIve Ieud
Ryun GermIck LoId news ugency durIng u vIsIL Lo
LIeIr buse uL GoogIe's IeudquurLers In LIe CuIIIor-
nIu cILy oI MounLuIn VIew. "reddy Mercury wus
un uwesome perIormer, un umbILIous creuLor und
pIoneered reuIIy uuducIous concepL records," Ger-
mIck suId. "We jusL Iove IIm; we've been bIusLIng
Queen Ior LIe IusL coupIe oI monLIs und IL Is uI-
wuys joyIuI."
TIe IIrsL doodIe wus posLed uLop LIe Iogo uL
GoogIe's IumousIy uncIuLLered seurcI puge by
compuny co-Iounders urry Puge und Serge BrIn
In 1qq8 wIen GoogIe wus jusL geLLIng oII LIe
ground. L wus essenLIuIIy un "OuL oI OIIIce" noLe
In LIe Iorm oI u BurnIng Mun Imuge Irom u guLI-
erIng LIuL BrIn und Puge were IeudIng Lo In LIe
BIuck Rock DeserL oI Nevudu. BrIn und Puge
posLed LIe urL Lo busIcuIIy LeII users "I LIe servers
meIL down we wIII be buck In u coupIe oI duys --
we're ouL In LIe deserL," uccordIng Lo GermIck.
TIe noLIon oI u doodIe IIourIsIed on u GoogIe
cumpus rIcI wILI creuLIvILy und engIneerIng brII-
IIunce. BeIore Iong, u coupIe oI "GoogIers"
ecIIpsed doodIe cIIp urL wILI beuuLIIuI IIIusLru-
"L Is u wuy Lo IumunIse LIe websILe," GermIck
suId. "TIIs Is un opporLunILy Lo express Lo users
LIuL we ure Iere, we ure peopIe, und we IIke LIe
LIIngs you IIke." AILer GermIck joIned LIe Leum IL
begun LuppIng InLo new nLerneL LecInoIogy Lo
udd InLerucLIvILy. A doodIe LIuL wus u pIuyubIe
Puc-Mun vIdeogume wus sucI u IIL LIuL IL wus
gIven ILs own Web puge. GoogIe soILwure engIneer
KrIsLopIer Hom wus enIIsLed Lo brIng doodIes Lo
AIong wILI Puc-Mun, Hom IeIped creuLe u
JuIes Verne unImuLIon LIuL IeL peopIe cupLuIn un
unImuLed submurIne bused on one oI LIe rencI
uuLIor's Iumous noveIs, und u pIuyubIe vIrLuuI guI-
Lur LrIbuLe Lo es PuuI. "TIe uudIo sumpIes were
recorded on u es PuuI guILur, und we cIose noLes
LIuL mude IL eusy Lo pIuy someLIIng good," Hom
suId. "PeopIe were sIurIng songs und remIxIng
LIem on YouTube," Ie suId. "L wus umuzIng Iow
everyone Iud u IIL-
LIe ownersIIp oI
LIuL doodIe." Cus-
Lom-mude vIdeo
cIIps IosLed uL
Go o g I e - o wne d
YouTube Iuve
been IncorporuLed
In doodIes IncIud-
Ing LrIbuLes Lo
Mercury, LIe IuLe
BeuLIe JoIn
ennon und ucLIng
Iegends ucIIIe
BuII und CIurIIe
CIupIIn. "or me,
u doodIe Is un op-
porLunILy Lo muke
someone Iuppy
Ior 1o seconds,"
Hom suId. "Some-
one sLurLs LIe duy
IeurnIng ubouL u
person LIey dIdn'L
know, or geLs Lo
see wIuL Is possI-
bIe on LIe Web In
LIe browser
A doodIe Ior
scuIpLor AIexunder CuIder wus u -D grupIIc oI
one oI IIs Lrudemurk works oI urL LIuL GoogIe
users couId "move" wILI cursor sLrokes. ConLroIs
Ior LIe Verne submurIne were syncIed Lo "uc-
ceIeromeLer" cupubIIILIes In new-generuLIon Iup-
Lops so peopIe couId nuvIguLe by LIILIng
compuLers. TIe doodIe Leum Is keen Lo begIn In-
corporuLIng socIuI componenLs In doodIes us LecI-
noIogy uIIows. "We cun druw u scene wILI code,
wIIcI gIves us u IoL oI opporLunILIes Lo muke LIe
Iome puge u IILLIe dIIIerenL Ior you or IeL you pIuy
wILI u IrIend," Hom suId. "SocIuI Is deIInILeIy un
ureu we ure very excILed ubouL." deus Ior doodIes
sprIng Irom sources rungIng Irom suggesLIons by
GoogIe users Lo personuI pussIons oI GermIck's
"We Iuve u gIgunLIc Iuundry IIsL oI peopIe wIo
Iuve InspIred us und LIIngs we ure excILed ubouL
ceIebruLIng," GermIck suId. " LIInk LIe DNA oI
GoogIe IuvIng Iun Is wIuL bIrLIed us," Ie suId.
"BesIdes LIe Iree Iood, unoLIer Lremendous perk
oI beIng InsIde oI GoogIe Is LIuL Iun, uL LIe very
Lop oI LIe compuny, Is u vuIue." GermIck descrIbes
IIs Leum us u IundIuI oI urLIsLs wILI LIousunds oI
engIneers uL LIeIr dIsposuI. "We ure In LIe mIddIe
beLween geeks und urLIsLs," GermIck suId. "WIen
we ure ubIe Lo use our Iogo und InIuse LecInoIogy
wILI urL reuIIy mugIcuI LIIngs Iuve Iuppened."
WIIIe doodIes IusL onIy u duy uL seurcI puges,
LIey Iuve u permunenL Iome onIIne uL
An animated video crafted
into the logo on Google's
search page to honour what
would have been the late rock
legend's 65th birthday marked
the latest step in the evolution
of doodles that started as
rudimentary clip art
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
Exclusive Flare Report
CoogIo doodIos n InyfuI mIx
of nrf, fochnoIogy
The first doodle was posted atop the logo at Google's famously uncluttered search
page by company co-founders Larry Page and Serge Brin in 1998 when Google
was just getting off the ground
uny empIoyers ure resorLIng Lo LeIe-
pIonIc InLervIews Ior recruILmenL und
seIecLIon oI LIeIr empIoyees. n LIe IusL-
puced job murkeL, compunIes Lry noL Lo
compromIse on LIeIr workIorce producLIvILy (us weII
us cosLs). or convenIence und cosL-eIIecLIveness,
severuI orgunIzuLIons perIorm LIeIr job InLervIews
over LIe pIone. TeIepIonIc InLervIews ure noL re-
sLrIcLed Lo uny specIIIc IeveI oI job. resI gruduuLes
Lo Lop-munugers couId be InLervIewed Ior u job over
u pIone cuII. You mIgIL uIso Iuve experIenced u pre-
screenIng conversuLIon Irom u prospecLIve empIoyer
or even u deLuIIed IInuI InLervIew conducLed over LIe
pIone. AppurenLIy, some peopIe wouId consIder
LeIepIonIc job InLervIews us reIuLIveIy eusIer sInce
you ure noL requIred Lo sIow up In person or be
scruLInIzed by LIe InLervIewer Ior your dressIng und
body Iunguuge.
Job InLervIews Luken over LIe pIone ure more
cIuIIengIng becuuse your Iunguuge, voIce Lone, LeIe-
pIone eLIqueLLe und LIInkIng process ure monILored
In greuLer deLuII. n u pIysIcuI or on-sILe InLervIew,
your body Iunguuge und IucIuI cues uIso reIIecL your
compuLIbIIILy wILI LIe oIIered posILIon. n cuse uny
mIscommunIcuLIon Lukes pIuce In LIIs scenurIo, you
wouId be ubIe Lo cover IL up In u more dynumIc mun-
ner. However, wILI LeIepIonIc InLervIews, LIe mur-
gIn Ior error Is quILe Iess. EmpIoyers perceIve IL us -
EILIer sLundouL Irom LIe crowd, or STAND OUT.
TIe euse oI communIcuLIon Is ucIIeved LIrougI
cIurILy. A good InLervIew spoL Is usuuIIy wIere you
wIII be IeusL dIsLurbed. You sIouId ensure LIuL LIe
buckground oI LIe cuII Ius mInImum dIsLorLIons or
dIsLrucLIons. ock LIe room, II possIbIe, or cIoose u
secIuded ureu. n cuse oI scIeduIed job InLervIews,
move Lo u comIorLubIe envIronmenL uL IeusL o mIn-
uLes beIore LIe InLervIew und Iree yourseII oI pre-In-
LervIew jILLers. TIIs wIII uIso IeIp you Lo udupL
yourseII uccordIng Lo LIe roomJureu LemperuLure.
Try LIuL LIe LemperuLure Is udjusLed Lo comIorLubIe
becuuse your voIce quuIILy cIunges sIgnIIIcunLIy
wIen you ure IeeIIng coId or sweuLIng proIuseIy.
AIso, you sIouId dIsubIe cuII wuILIng opLIon Lo
uvoId beIng InLerrupLed In LIe mIddIe oI LIe cuII. L
ucLuuIIy Ieuves u very unproIessIonuI messuge wILI
LIe InLervIewer II you suy HoId on u second.
I LIe job InLervIew Is unscIeduIed und you ure
In u meeLIng or guLIerIng LIuL you cunnoL geL uwuy
Irom, IL Is besL Lo requesL u cuIIbuck poIILeIy. TIIs Is
u crucIuI sLep, so you musL muke sure LIuL you sound
pIeusunL und respecLIuI. n LIIs wuy, u consIderuLe
empIoyer wouId conLucL you uL un ugreeubIe LIme.
You cun uIso oIIer Lo cuII LIem buck uL u IeusIbIe
LIme. An ImporLunL poInL Lo menLIon Iere Is LIuL you
musL never Luke u job InLervIew over LIe pIone wIIIe
drIvIng uny veIIcIe. RegurdIess oI your speed, LIIs
consLILuLes u LruIIIc vIoIuLIon us weII us LIe noIse Iuc-
Lor mIgIL LIck un InLervIewer oII. RequesLIng u Iew
mInuLes` LIme wILI u vuIId reuson wouId noL Iurm
your prospecLs.
requenL sIuIIIIng oI pupers und Iug In LIe con-
versuLIon wIIIe you ure IIndIng someLIIng - u cer-
LIIIcuLe, projecL documenL, CV, eLc. - cun muke un
InLervIewer ImpuLIenL. TIIs uIso sends u wrong mes-
suge LIuL you ure noL orgunIzed. I your InLervIew Is
LukIng pIuce uILer u prIor uppoInLmenL, you sIouId
Luke cure LIuL uny reIevunL resources e.g. docu-
menLs, wuLer, LIssues, compuLer, InLerneL, eLc. ure
workIng smooLIIy. L Is undersLundubIe LIuL you
cunnoL uIwuys conLroI LIese IucLors, buL you sIouId
prepure uIeud oI LIme Lo keep uny poInLers reudy or
Iuve buckup Ior IIgIL, InLerneL und IIIes, II possIbIe.
TIIs mIgIL sound unconvenLIonuI, buL your uL-
LIre does muLLer even wIen you gIvIng un InLervIew
over u cuII. Muny oI you mIgIL be ubIe Lo reIuLe Lo
LIIs exumpIe - I you ure weurIng u suIL, you mIgIL
ucL In u cerLuIn munner LIuL reIIecLs LIe IormuIILy
oI u LIe-suIL. SImIIurIy, you couId Iuve done LIe sume
LIIng dIIIerenLIy II dressed up In u puIr oI jeuns. So,
peopIe ure someLImes reIIecLIve oI Iow LIey ure
cIoLIed. You don`L Iuve Lo weur unyLIIng uncom-
IorLubIe, buL your dress sIouId convey your decency
und uIerLness. TIIs wIII jusL be un udded eIIorL on
your purL Lo sound proIessIonuI over LIe pIone.
SILLIng sLIII Is noL un IdeuI wuy Lo gIve u LeIe-
pIonIc job InLervIew. L Is beLLer Lo move uround LIe
ureu nuLuruIIy or Luke LIIs InLervIew us u presenLu-
LIon LIuL you ure deIIverIng wIIIe sLundIng. A Iunds-
Iree devIce wouId ucLuuIIy IeIp your mobIIILy. You
wouId be ubIe Lo use your Iunds Ior nuLuruI gesLures
und movemenLs. AguIn, cure sIouId be Luken LIuL
you do noL nervousIy keep movIng, becuuse IL wouId
cuuse sIorLness oI breuLI. Heuvy breuLIIng Is eusIIy
observed over LIe pIone by LIe InLervIewer. L Is u
depIcLIon oI your sLress undJor Iuck oI conIIdence.
KeepIng In congruence wILI LIe prevIous poInLs,
your movemenLs sIouId noL be sucI LIuL you geL
consIderubIy uwuy Irom LIe suILubIe envIronmenL or
Irom needed resources.
L Is Lrue LIuL your conversuLIon sIouId be conII-
denL und poIILe. You musL noL be deudpun quIeL Ior
u Iong LIme. AILernuLIveIy, IL Is uIso ImporLunL LIuL
you do noL cuL oII LIe InLervIewer wIIIe IeJsIe Is
mukIng u poInL. Your communIcuLIon skIIIs ure
LesLed uL LIIs poInL, wIere you sIouId process InIor-
muLIon quIckIy und speuk ImpucLIuI, posILIve Iun-
guuge. Your credenLIuIs ure your ucIIevemenLs LIuL
you Iuve Lo IIgIIIgIL - wILIouL bruggIng.
n a physical or on-site
interview, your body
language and facial cues
also reflect your compatibility
with the offered position.
However, with telephonic
interviews, the margin for
error is quite less. Employers
perceive it as Either
standout from the crowd, or
Telephonic interviews are not restricted to any specific level of job. Fresh
graduates to top-managers could be interviewed for a job over a phone call; some
people would consider it as relatively easier since you are not scrutinized by the
interviewer for your dressing and body language
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
Telepedia Flare Report
Ien IL comes
Lo socIuI neL-
w o r k I n g
sILes, undenI-
ubIy, ucebook und TwILLer
ure LIe Lop IuvorILes.
WIeLIer you ure un uduIL
or purL oI LIe crowd oI LIe
Leens, IL Ius cuugIL so
mucI uLLenLIon und Iocus.
We uII know LIuL mosL oI
LIe peopIe, sLudenLs or
noL, empIoyee or noL, ure
InLeresLed Lo cIeck und up-
duLe LIeIr sLuLus LIrougI
LIeIr sIouL ouLs or upIoud
LIeIr IuLesL pIoLos. BuL
GoogIe+ Ius someLIIng Lo
prove LIuL couId ouLweIgI
LIe exIsLIng socIuI neL-
workIng sILes.
Personul opdutes
Bused on LIe reseurcI
conducLed umong LIe ruLIo
oI users umong GoogIe+,
ucebook, und TwILLer,
peopIe normuIIy muke per-
sonuI upduLes especIuIIy
ubouL IeeIIngs, IuppIness,
und oLIer emoLIons ubouL
cerLuIn evenLs even wILIouL sIurIng IL Lo LIe wIoIe
worId. TwILLer goL LIIs porLIon compured Lo uce-
book; noneLIeIess, we don`L Iuve uny exucL esLImu-
LIon II LIIs wouId be LIe sume response LIuL wouId
be guLIered by GoogIe+.
utu integrution
TIIs Is one oI LIe udvunLuges und dIIIerences
very Iur Irom TwILLer und uImosL unseen In uce-
book. L Iucks In LIese IucLors becuuse GoogIe+ Ius
InLegruLed LIIs uppIIcuLIon Lo LIeIr GmuII uccounL,
or wILI LIeIr GoogIe documenLs, wIeLIer IL Is on
spreudsIeeL or In word IIIes LIuL cun be sIured wILI
seIecLed IrIends, wIIcI Is mosLIy uppIIcubIe In busI-
Opinions[ reuctions
PeopIe In generuI Ioves Lo express LIemseIves noL
jusL In verbuI communIcuLIon buL In wrILLen uIso,
wIIcI Ius been possIbIe becuuse oI LIe cIoIces LIuL
LIey Iuve wIeLIer LIey wouId do IL on ucebook or
GoogIe+. DeIInILeIy, TwILLer wouId uIIow LIem Lo
IreeIy open LIemseIves wIere LIey cun gIve LIeIr re-
ucLIons on someLIIng prIvuLeIy. YeL GoogIe+ Is oI-
IerIng unoLIer wuy Lo sIure IL Lo LIuL person und noL
sIure IL pubIIcIy wIere LIuL IndIvIduuI Is purL oI LIe
cIrcIes In IIs or Ier proIIIe.
Comments[ posts
ucebook und TwILLer sIows wIen specIIIc com-
menLs or posLs Iuve been mude wIere you couId IIL-
eruIIy see LIe LIme und LIe exucL duLe wIen LIIngs
Iuve Iuppened. TIIs Is LIe seLbuck LIuL couId be ex-
perIenced oI LIe IuLure und currenL GoogIe+ users
uILIougI IL Ius LIe ubIIILy Lo sIow wIen LIe posL wus
mude buL LIe exucL LIme dIspIuy Is sLIII beIng IIxed
und worked ouL by GoogIe+.
Inuble spumming
One oI LIe LIIngs LIuL we reuIIy IuLe LIe mosL Is
wIen we receIve LuggIng oI pIcLures und LIe IuLesL
spum messuges on our wuII. TIIs Is LIe common
Issue LIuL ucebook Ius been LryIng Lo resoIve wIIcI
GoogIe+ Ius resoIved by sendIng noLIIIcuLIon Lo LIe
user wIeLIer Lo uccepL IL or noL, wIIcI Is u very con-
venIenL udvunLuges und noL IuvIng mIsLukes oI cIIck-
Ing someLIIng Lo brIng your onIIne demIse.
Lutest bozz
On ucebook und TwILLer, you Iuve Lo cIeck on-
IIne LIe IuLesL news Lo be
ubIe Lo sIure LIe IuLesL
scoop und buzz In LIe
worId buL wILI GoogIe +
you don`L Iuve Lo go Lo un-
oLIer sILe Lo cIeck wIuL`s
In und wIuL`s IoL; IL wIII be
sIured dIrecLIy Lo you
bused on your preIerences
und Spurks. L doesn`L muL-
Ler II you wunL Lo know LIe
IuLesL IuppenIngs ubouL
enLerLuInmenL, or sporLs
und poIILIcs. You`II geL
everyLIIng In one scoop.
ColorIol unimution
To muke your connec-
LIon more InLeresLIng, es-
pecIuIIy wILI CIrcIes, Is Lo
muke IL more conLempo-
rury und Iun. TIIs Is some-
LIIng LIuL you couId noL
see on pIuIn TwILLer uc-
counLs und noL even on
ucebook, uILIougI LIere
ure cIunges beIng mude Lo
deIeuL LIe cIuIIenge LIuL
GoogIe + Is brIngIng.
Video shuring
On TwILLer, you couId
jusL posL u IInk oI u cerLuIn vIdeo Irom YouTube or
Irom uny oLIer vIdeo websILes. BuL wILI GoogIe+
LIuL IImILuLIon Is IIILed oII due Lo LIe merger oI
YouTube und G+. AILIougI you couId uIso do LIuL
buL LIere ure sLIII resLrIcLIons LIuL musL be observed
especIuIIy In observIng Iewdness und oLIer uneLIIcuI
or unIIkeIy vIdeos, wIIcI promoLe LIe opposILe oI
LIe purpose oI socIuI neLworkIng sILes.
TIIs Is LIe common denomInuLor oI LIe LIree bIg
socIuI neLworkIng sILes onIIne buL LIey dIIIer In Iunc-
LIonuIILy und IeuLures. n IucL, In TwILLer, IL Is IImILed
on LIose wIo ure udded us IoIIowers und wIo ure
IoIIowIng. AILIougI boLI cun muke IIgIesL securILy
wIen und wIo Lo sIure ImporLunL InIormuLIon.
NoneLIeIess, GoogIe+ cun muke specIIIc persons up-
peur dependIng on LIe user wIere LIIngs cun be
sIured prIvuLeIy or Ior LIe group oI 6 or more, or
conIIned Lo cerLuIn IndIvIduuIs IIke IumIIIes or besL
oI IrIends.
Video chut
TIIs Is someLIIng LIuL wouId deIInILeIy kIck oII
TwILLer und especIuIIy ucebook. We ure uII uwure
LIuL TwILLer Is more on personuI upduLes und IL`s IIke
u personuI dIury Irom un IndIvIduuI, purLIcuIurIy LIe
goIngs und progress. However, In GoogIe+, you
couId Iuve LIe cIunce Lo LuIk noL jusL Lo one person
buL even Lo more LIun 8 persons on LIe cum uL LIe
sume LIme. TIIs Is one LIuL ucebook Is LryIng Lo
beuL buL IL cun`L be possIbIe becuuse LIey ure noL In-
dependenLIy workIng us un enLILy oI ILs own.
Ifforoncos nmong CoogIo+,
Incobook nnd TwIffor
To make your connection
more interesting, especially
with Circles, is to make it
more contemporary and fun.
This is something that you
could not see on plain
Twitter accounts and not
even on Facebook, although
there are changes being
made to defeat the challenge
that Google + is bringing
They are united in one purpose and that is to connect people who are not yet
connected and to build relationships and friendships in different ways
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
F|are Peport nsighT
IuL Iuppens wIen we ure uL work
und Iuve Lo sLuy producLIve wIIIe
we`re sweuLIng under our oIIIce
wurdrobe und usIng un Increus-
IngIy IoL compuLer? Reud on Lo IInd ouL Iow
geeky producLs cun IeIp you keep your cooI uL
New Ice Soit
L`s over 1oo degrees ouLsIde buL your com-
puny sLIII requIres LIuL you weur u IuII suIL Lo
work? eur noL us LIe Jupunese IubeI
Huruyumu Ius you covered - In weuLIer up-
proprIuLe muLerIuIs, oI course. Ls New ce SuIL
Is desIgned Lo IIL Ice pucks InLo specIuI pockeLs
buIIL InLo LIe juckeL, so LIuL you cun Iuve some
reIIeI Irom weurIng so muny Iuyers In LIe sum-
mer. You cun puL LIe removubIe Ice pucks In LIe
IrIdge wIIIe you`re uL LIe oIIIce, so LIey`II be
nIce und coId by LIe LIme you go Iome. UnIor-
LunuLeIy, LIe New ce SuIL Is onIy uvuIIubIe In
MuxiIresh unti-Odor ustronuot onder-
shirt vest
To compIemenL LIe cooIIng eIIecLs oI LIe
New ce SuIL by Huruyumu, you wouId need u
MuxIresI undersIIrL LIuL Ius LIe sume unLI-
odor LecInoIogIes us LIose worn by Jupunese
usLronuuLs. DeveIoped In coIIuboruLIon wILI
LIe Jupunese spuce ugency JAXA, LIese L-sIIrLs
ure desIgned Lo IIgIL uguInsL LIe mIcro bucLerIu
LIuL cuuse body odors und ure suId Lo reduce
body odor by 8z per cenL, und sweuL odor by
un umuzIng qz per cenL.
LSB portuble cooling pud
or me, LIe mosL unbeurubIe uspecL oI
workIng on uIreudy IoL duy Is Lo Iuve Lo Lype on
u IupLop keybourd, wIIcI onIy geLs wurmer LIe
Ionger work. TIIs USB MInI PorLubIe CooIIng
Pud keeps your Iunds und wrIsLs cooI us you
Lype, und provIdes some supporL Ior your
wrIsLs LIunks Lo ILs IuII-moon sIupe. L Ius
Lwo Iuns buIIL-In und Is powered by USB so IL
sIouId be compuLIbIe wILI uny compuLer.
LSB OptiWind moose
PerIups your job requIres LIuL you use u
mouse uII duy Iong, wIIcI cun muke u IoL work
duy IeeI worsL by InLerucLIng wILI un Increus-
IngIy wurm pIece oI pIusLIc. WILI un OpLIWInd
USB mouse wILI ILs own buIIL-In Iun und uIr
venLs sIooLIng cooI uIr wIere your Iund resLs,
IL cun IeIp your Iund sLuy cooI und your mInd
uIerL us you work. TIe Iun Ius un onJoII swILcI
so IL won`L Ireeze your Iund In LIe wInLer.
Mobile uir conditioner
TIe nexL besL LIIng Lo curryIng u personuI
uIr condILIonIng unIL Is probubIy LIIs MobIIe
AIr CondILIoner Irom Jupun. L uses eLIunoI, u
sIIIcon surIuce ugenL und Ireon gus In un
uerosoI cun Lo provIde u bIusL LIuL IeeIs us
good us II IL were -qq degrees uIrenIeIL. You
cun spruy your cIoLIes Lo muke your wurdrobe
IeeI more reIresIed or use dIrecLIy on your
skIn, LIougI LIe compuny wurns oI IrosLbILe
sIouId you uppIy on LIe sume spoL Ior more
LIun seconds.
LSB desk Iridge
One oI LIe mosL ImporLunL wuys Lo survIve
un excessIveIy IoL duy Is Lo sLuy IydruLed, buL
IL`s u cIuIIenge Lo keep your drInk coId enougI
Lo cooI you down. TIIs USB-powered rIdge-
sIuped cooIer Ior your desk keeps your drInk
(up Lo Lwo cuns) uL LIe rIgIL LemperuLure, so
you cun sLuy uL your desk Ior Ionger bouLs und
do more work. HIL LIe wrong swILcI LIougI,
und LIIs gudgeL wIII wurm your drInk so use
eodorunt body puper
or LIe IudIes wIo musL muInLuIn u proIes-
sIonuI uppeurunce wILI mukeup uL work, rIns-
Ing your Iuce wILI wuLer Lo cooI down Is jusL noL
un opLIon. RuLIer LIuL jusL repeuLedIy bIoL your
Iuce wILI un IncreusIngIy dump LIssue, you cun
use LIe GuLsby ce-Type DeodorunL Body Puper
LIuL conLuIns unLIperspIrunL und deodorunL
IngredIenLs Lo prevenL body odor, wIIcI cooIs
your IuceJbody und IeIps mInImIze your
sIInny gIow Irom IucIuI oII und sweuL.
New ce Suit is designed to fit ice packs into special pockets built into the jacket, so
that you can have some relief from wearing so many layers in the summer. The USB
Mini Portable Cooling Pad keeps your hands and wrists cool as you type, and pro-
vides some support for your wrists
GudgeLs Lo beuL LIe IeuL wuve
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk Te|eped|a F|are Peport

uInLuInIng und
buIIdIng u pro-
IessIonuI neL-
work Is
essenLIuI Ior uny person
wIo Ius been In LIe pro-
IessIonuI IIeId Ior some
LIme. HuvIng u sLrong pro-
IessIonuI neLwork cun IeIp
you LremendousIy uIong
LIe wuy us IL gIves you un
edge over LIe oLIer cundI-
duLes In LIe sume IIeId us
yours. WIen you Iuve u
sLrong proIessIonuI neL-
work Lo depend on, you
cun be sure LIuL wIenever
LIere Is u job openIng In
LIe reIuLed IIeId, you wIII
geL InIormed by LIe con-
LucLs Irom your neLwork.
AppIyIng Lo u job LIrougI
your proIessIonuI neLwork
Improves your cIunces oI
geLLIng LIe job us mosL oI
LIese jobs ure noL even ud-
verLIsed by LIe compunIes
openIy und LIe onIy wuy
you geL Lo know ubouL
LIese job openIngs Is vIu
InLernuI conLucLs.
TIere Is no Iurd und
IusL ruIe Lo decIde wIo
sIouId be udded Lo your proIessIonuI neLwork
und wIo sIouId be excIuded. WIIIe IL Is com-
monIy beIIeved LIuL LIe more peopIe ure In your
proIessIonuI neLwork, LIe beLLer IL Is Ior your cu-
reer. TIIs upproucI Is noL necessurIIy rIgIL us IL
Is more ImporLunL Lo muInLuIn LIe sLundurd oI
your neLwork by mukIng sure LIuL uII LIe sIgnIII-
cunL peopIe wIo you Iuve worked wILI ure In-
cIuded In LIIs group. Your oId coIIeugues und
superIors, wIo Iuve worked wILI you cIoseIy In
LIe pusL ure deIInILeIy un usseL Lo your neLwork
us LIey know your sLrengLIs und weuknesses und
cun beLLer recommend you Ior u job openIng.
TIere ure muny common mIsLukes LIuL cun
ruIn LIe proIessIonuI neLwork und your cIunces
oI cureer udvuncemenL. Some oI LIese mIsLukes
eluy: TIe mosL common mIsLuke Is wuILIng
Loo Iong Lo sLurL neLworkIng. Muny peopIe sLurL
neLworkIng wIen LIey Iose LIeIr jobs und ure
IookIng Ior unoLIer opLIon. To be eIIecLIve In
proIessIonuI neLworkIng one Ius Lo creuLe con-
LucLs und reIuLIonsIIps wIIIe you ure workIng
wILIIn un orgunIzuLIon, noL uILer you Iuve IeIL.
Vugoeness: NeLworkIng evenLs pIuy u very
ImporLunL roIe In mukIng sure LIuL you geL In
LoucI wILI LIe rIgIL conLucLs. However wIen you
go LIere, you sIouId know wIy you ure purLIcI-
puLIng und wIuL you Iope Lo guIn Irom LIe expe-
rIence. I some sLurLs u conversuLIon you need Lo
know wIuL Lo suy und wIuL you wunL Lo guIn oLI-
erwIse you mIgIL jusL end up IosIng u goIden op-
porLunILy Lo esLubIIsI conLucLs.
LnproIessionul emuil i: EsLubIIsIIng
conLucLs und muInLuInIng LIem Is uII dependunL
on usIng un EmuII D. UsIng un emuII D LIuL Is
unproIessIonuI und does noL IncIude your nume
cun gIve LIe ImpressIon oI u non-serIous uLLI-
Lude. UsIng IrreIevunL numes us un emuII D Ior
proIessIonuI neLworkIng Is noL u good Ideu. n-
sLeud use un emuII D wILI your nume Ior pro-
IessIonuI purposes.
Wusting other's time: WIen you ure LuIk-
Ing Lo u person on pIone or cIuLLIng onIIne wILI
u conLucL, do noL enguge In useIess conversuLIon
und wusLe IIs vuIuubIe
LIme. Be precIse und Lo LIe
poInL, us LIe oLIer person
wIII upprecIuLe your
brevILy. SImIIurIy do noL
sLIck Lo one conLucL Ior u
Iong LIme uL u neLworkIng
evenL us peopIe ure LIere Lo
meeL us muny peopIe us
LIey cun wILIIn u IImILed
LIme Irume. So use LIIs op-
porLunILy Lo mIngIe und
sLrengLIen your neLwork.
Being ontrothIol:
yIng Is LIe worsL LIIng
LIuL cun Ieud your enLIre
proIessIonuI neLwork Lo
crumbIe. I you IIe Lo one
person on your neLwork, IL
wIII IInd ILs wuy LIrougI-
ouL LIe group und sooner
or IuLer you wIII be ex-
posed. Keep In mInd, Iuv-
Ing u good repuLuLIon Is
essenLIuI In uny proIes-
sIonuI IIeId und once you
ruIn your repuLuLIon IL wIII
be very Iurd Lo muke
Brugging: WIIIe IL Is
undersLundubIe LIuL you
do noL wIsI Lo uppeur
nuve or u newbIe buL you
need Lo undersLund LIe dIIIerence beLween u
conIIdenL person und someone wIo Is jusL brug-
gIng und sIowIng oII Lo Impress oLIers. You cun
menLIon your experLIse und ucIIevemenLs wIen
IL Is upproprIuLe or wIen LIe oLIer person usks
you ubouL your work und experIence. Even LIen,
you sIouId Iuve u brIeI unswer prepured so LIuL
LIe oLIer person cun reLuIn LIe useIuI InIormu-
LIon und puss IL on wIen needed.
ressing poorly Ior un event: I you ure
goIng Lo u neLworkIng evenL, muke sure LIuL you
Iook proIessIonuI und presenLubIe. WIIIe IL Is noL
u IormuI evenL, muny proIessIonuIs consIder LIIs
un ImporLunL evenL Lowurds IuLure job opporLu-
nILIes. I you Iook IIke u person wIo Is noL even
InLeresLed In dressIng properIy und sIuvIng Ior u
neLworkIng evenL, LIere Is u IIgI cIunce LIuL you
wIII be Ignored by mosL oI LIe empIoyers. So IL Is
up Lo you wIeLIer you Luke LIIs opporLunILy or
Being pussive: TIe worsL mIsLuke ever In
proIessIonuI neLworkIng Is IuvIng u pussIve up-
proucI Lowurds muInLuIn conLucLs und uskIng Ior
job openIngs. By beIng InucLIve you ure mIssIng
ouL on goIden opporLunILIes, us LIey wIII noL be
ubIe Lo InIorm you oI u job openIng LIuL mIgIL be
perIecL Ior you. Keep uskIng Ior job posLIngs und
Luke LIeIr udvIce on proIessIonuI muLLer buL
muke sure LIuL you ure proucLIve In upproucI
ruLIer LIun sLurL nuggIng LIe oLIer person.
When you are talking to a
person on phone or chatting
online with a contact, do not
engage in useless
conversation and waste his
valuable time. Be precise and
to the point, as the other
person will appreciate your
Fr ee downl oad | f I ar e. pk
nsighT Flare Report
IrofossIonnI nofworkIng fIs
Having a strong professional network can help you tremendously along the way as
it gives you an edge over the other candidates in the same field as yours. There is
no hard and fast rule to decide who should be added to your professional network
and who should be excluded
ncobook hns ubIIshod n froo 20 ngo
guIdo nImod nf foons, fhoIr nronfs nnd
fonchors fhnf oxInIn bosf rncfIcos for
rofocfIng fhoIr snfofy nnd rIvncy on
fho wobsIfo.
Tho guIdo goos Info foIcs IIko socurIng nc
coss fo Incobook nccounfs fhrough roor nss
word soIocfIon nnd uso, nvoIdIng fnIIIng roy fo
hIshIng nnd ofhor scnms, fnkIng ndvnnfngo of
fho sIfo's ndvnncod socurIfy fonfuros IIko HTTIS
oncryfIon, onofImo nsswords nnd IogIn nofI
fIcnfIons, rocognIsIng Imosfors nnd rocovorIng
n hnckod nccounf.
"ThIs guIdo Is nII nbouf omoworIng you fo
own your snco, fo undorsfnnd whnf Incobook Is
doIng fo mnko fho sIfo snfo nnd socuro nnd fo
fnko fho ncfIons fhnf nro noodod In fhIs now
dIgIfnI worId fo rofocf yoursoIf nnd your nc
counf," fho nufhors wrofo.
IrIvncy nnd socurIfy hnvo boon n concorn for
yonrs for usors of socInI nofworkIng sIfos, whIch
nro nrfIcuInrIy nffrncfIvo fo scnmmors bocnuso
of fho nmounf of orsonnI InformnfIon fhnf oo
Io osf on fhoIr rofIIos.
As fho worId's mosf ouInr socInI nofwork
Ing sIfo, fho Issuo Is n crIfIcnI ono for Incobook,
whoso confInuod succoss doonds In nrf on ro
vIdIng n snfo oxorIonco for usors, osocInIIy mI
nors, who somofImos nro vIcfImIsod by rodnfors
fhoy moof onIIno.
Ixorfs sfross fhnf ooIo nood fo bocomo
fuIIy ncqunInfod wIfh fho rIvncy rofocfIon fon
furos offorod by fho socInI modIn sIfos fhoy uso,
ns woII ns bo Informod nnd snvvy nbouf socurIfy
rncfIcos nnd fIs.
OfhorwIso, fhoy mny ond u oxosIng fhoIr
osfs, hofos, vIdoos nnd ofhor confonf fo moro
ooIo fhnn fhoy Infond fo, or bocomo n vIcfIm of
n scnm In whIch fhoIr socInI nofworkIng nccounf
bocomos comromIsod, IondIng ofonfInIIy fo I
fhoff nnd fInnncInI frnud.
If fhoro wns nny doubf on fho IncrodIbIo
owor of socInI nofworkIng, consIdor fho moro
fhnn ono bIIIIon Iocos of confonf shnrod onch
dny wIfh ovor hnIf n bIIIIon usors. Incobook con
nocfs ovor 500 mIIIIon ooIo In ovor 2l0 coun
frIosIndood, Ifs gIobnI ouInfIon oxcoods fho
sIzo of mosf Iuroonn counfrIos, nnd counfs
nmong Ifs mombors cIfIzons from ovory sIngIo
confInonf In fho worId. IooIo on Incobook hnvo
gronf oworfhoy cnn frIond, chnf, shnro sfnfus
udnfos, osf commonfs, shnro IInks, fng hofos,
osf vIdoos, joIn grous, cronfo ngos, dosIgn
oIIs, nnd Iny fogofhor usIng AIIcnfIons.
Thoy uso Incobook fo romofo cnusos, Infor
osfs nnd fhomsoIvos! Incobook nIIows fho worId
fo bo moro oon nnd connocfod by gIvIng Ifs
usors fho fooIs fo Inforncf nnd shnro In nny con
coIvnbIo wny. And, fo nrnhrnso fho suorhoro,
wIfh gronf owor comos gronf rosonsIbIIIfy.
Jusf ns n cIfy nInfs sIdownIks, nnd odosfrInns
Iook bofh wnys boforo crossIng fho sfroof, socu
rIfy on Incobook Is n rosonsIbIIIfy shnrod bo
fwoon Incobook nnd fho ooIo who uso Ifs Inf
Tho nronfs whoso offon ncfs IIko fho
foonngors, I hnvo n fow fhoughfs nffor cnrofuIIy
rondIng Incobook's now snfofy guIdo for foons,
nronfs nnd fonchors.
IIrsf, I fhInk Incobook dosorvos crodIf for
rnIsIng fho nwnronoss bnr. I'vo offon wondorod If
Incobook cnrod. ThIs domonsfrnfos fhnf If doos.
Thoro's n Iof of vory bnsIc sfuff In fhoro fhnf fho
smnrfor nmong us nIrondy know. Of courso, bo
Ing smnrf nnd undorsfnndIng fho ndvIco doosn'f
monn wo'II foIIow If.
Thoro nro socurIfy fIs fhnf nronfs nnd kIds
shouId fnck on n wnII
OnIy frIond ooIo you know.
Cronfo n good nssword nnd uso If onIy for
on`f shnro your nssword.
Chnngo your nssword on n roguInr bnsIs.
Shnro your orsonnI InformnfIon onIy wIfh
ooIo nnd comnnIos fhnf nood If.
!og Info Incobook onIy onco onch sossIon. If
If Iooks IIko Incobook Is nskIng you fo Iog In n
socond fImo, skI fho IInks nnd dIrocfIy fyo Info your browsor nddross
!so n onofImo nssword whon usIng somo
ono oIso`s comufor.
!og ouf of Incobook nffor usIng somoono
oIso`s comufor.
!so socuro browsIng whonovor ossIbIo.
OnIy downIond As from sIfos you frusf.
Koo your nnfIvIrus soffwnro udnfod.
Koo your browsor nnd ofhor nIIcnfIons u
fo dnfo.
on`f nsfo scrIf codo In your browsor nd
dross bnr.
!so browsor nddons IIko Wob of Trusf nnd
IIrofox`s o ScrIf fo koo your nccounf from bo
Ing hIjnckod.
Iownro of goofy osfs from nnyonoovon
IrIonds. If If Iooks IIko somofhIng your IrIond
wouIdn`f osf, don`f cIIck on If.
Scnmmors mIghf hnck your IrIonds` nccounfs
nnd sond IInks from fhoIr nccounfs. Iownro of
onfIcIng IInks comIng from your frIonds.
Thoro's n ngo on Imosfor rofIIos nnd whnf
fo do If you fInd ono In your nnmo. Thoro's ndvIco
on how fo rocovor n hnckod Incobook nccounf.
Thoro nro nIso dofInIfIons for such fhIngs ns
"rofocoI" nnd "hIshIng."
Tho cooIosf nrf of fho documonf, In my oIn
Ion, Is fhnf If goos Info dofh on fho bonofIfs of
sfrongor nufhonfIcnfIon. I oxocfod fo soo fho
usunI ndvIco nbouf mnkIng sfrong nsswords,
buf fhoy fnko If furfhor by oInfIng ouf sfrongor
mofhods IIko sIngIosIgn on.
AII In nII, I fhInk fhIs Is n hoIfuI documonf.
Iuf If won'f hoI nnyono unIoss nronfs nnd
fonchors fnko nn ncfIvo roIo In rInfIng ouf
coIos nnd mnkIng fhom onsIIy nvnIInbIo fo ns
mnny kIds ns ossIbIo.
WIfh n now schooI yonr sfnrfIng, fhIs wIII bo
somofhIng worfh uffIng In fho fnkohomo foId
Privacy and security have been a
concern for years for users of so-
cial networking sites, which are
particularly attractive to scam-
mers because of the amount of
personal information that people
post on their profiles
Incobook Issuos socurIfy guIdo
for foonngors, nronfs
Facebook is doing to make the site safe and secure and to take the actions that are needed
in this new digital world to protect yourself and your account
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk

F|are Peport lns|ghT

CEO TeIenor Pakistan Christian AIbech received the trophy from Prime
Minister Yusuf Raza GiIani at the LCCI's Achievement Awards 2011 in Lahore.
President Asif AIi Zardari during a presentation on the upgradation of teIecom system in the country in IsIamabad.
CarmeIa Conroy PrincipaI Officer of the U.S. ConsuIate
caIIs Governor Punjab Latif Khosa in Lahore.
Speaker, NationaI AssembIy, Dr Fehmida Mirza meeting with UAE Minister of High Education and Scientific
Research Shaikh Nahyan bin Mubarak AI Nahyan, in Abu Dhabi.
A woman MPA hoIds mobiIe phone and comes
out from assembIy buiIding after assembIy
session heId at Punjab assembIy, Lahore.
Director Marketing, wi-tribe, AIi Fahd, gives away a DeII Streak
5 to Yasir Hussain, one of three Iucky draw winners in Karachi.
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk
Mosa|c Nat|ona|
Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza GiIani and his counterpart Karim Massimov witness
the signing ceremony on cooperation between the Chamber of Commerce and Indus-
try heId in Astana.
Minister for Information and Broadcasting Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan checking rain affected
Iady patient in a medicaI camp setup for rain and fIood affected peopIe in
Shaheed Benazirabad.
US Ambassador, Cameron Munter taIks with chiIdren during his visits at
computer Iab at SOS viIIage in Quetta.
NCR Corporation and NBP signed a contract to instaII 150 ATMs nationwide in the NBP and expansion of net-
work. Seen in the picture are Mahmood Siddique, CIO/NBP and Haider Wahab, MD, NCR and other officiaIs on
the occasion.
Chairman PTA Dr Mohammad Yaseen giving shieId to
Dr Khawar Siddique Khokhar, Member (Tech) PTA
during seminar on "TeIecommunications: What's ahead
for Pakistan" organised by TeIetimes InternationaI in
coIIaboration with PTA in IsIamabad.
Ambassador of UAE, H.E. AIi Saif SuItan AI-Awais caIIed on Foreign Minister Hina
Rabbani Khar in IsIamabad.
Fr ee down| oad | | ar e. pk
Nat|ona| Mosa|c
IsInmnbnd Tho Ionrd of Irocfors of Ink
Isfnn ToIocommunIcnfIon Comnny !ImIfod
ITC! nnnouncod fho fInnncInI rosuIf of ITC!
for fho yonr ondod Juno 30, 20ll In fhoIr moof
Ing hoId In IsInmnbnd roconfIy.
As or fho ross roIonsod Issuod on fho occn
sIon, ITC! Crou rovonuos nf !s.l04.6 bIIIIon
for fho yonr 20l0ll woro 6 orconf hIghor fhnn
fho rocodIng yonr nnd rofIf nffor fnx for fho
yonr Is !s. 8.4 bIIIIon. As such, fho onrnIng or
shnro IIS of fho grou wns !s. l.65 of whIch
IIS for ITC! wns !s. l.46. ITC! hns nIrondy
docInrod nn InforIm cnsh dIvIdond of !s. l.?5 or
shnro for fho yonr 20l0ll, fho ross roIonso
IrosIdonf nnd CIO ITC! Mr WnIId IrshnId
commonfIng on fho rosuIfs snId fhnf durIng fhIs
orIod ITC! Crou confInuod Ifs sfrnfogy of In
novnfIon nnd fufurIsfIc nronch whIch onnbIod
fho Crou fo show confInuous growfh. ITC!
hns osIfIonod IfsoIf ns fho IondIng Infogrnfod
foIocom sorvIcos rovIdor In InkIsfnn, offorIng
muIfIIo soIufIons fo busInoss nnd housohoId
mnrkof sogmonfs whIIo nIso oxfondIng vIfnI
sorvIcos fo ofhor foIocom oornfors In fho coun
Tho CIO sfnfod fhnf "wo nf ITC! romnIn
hIghIy conscIous of fho fncf fhnf our succoss nnd
growfh cnn onIy como from snfIsfIod cusfomors
nnd If romnIns our chnIIongo fo rovIdo frIondIy,
sonmIoss nnd romf cusfomor sorvIco. To fhIs
ond, wo ondonvour fo furfhor Imrovo cusfomor
oxorIonco. Wo sfrongIy boIIovo fhnf ITC! Is
oIsod fo grow nnd romnIn fho IondIng nnd dom
Innnf Infogrnfod foIocom sorvIco rovIdor of
choIco for our cusfomors fhroughouf InkIsfnn".
ITC! succoss cnn bo ovnIunfod from fho fncf
fhnf Ifs S! Irondbnnd Is fho Inrgosf nnd fho
fnsfosf growIng Irondbnnd sorvIco nvnIInbIo In
ovor l000 cIfIos nnd fowns ncross InkIsfnn, wIfh
Ifs mnrkof shnro cIoso fo 90 orconf. On wIroIoss
brondbnnd fronf fho comnny hns Infroducod
InnovnfIvo roducfs fhnf nro In IIno wIfh fho fu
furIsfIc nronch of fho comnny.
ITC!'s !nndIIno focusod on romofIons fo In
cronso Ifs usngo nnd subscrIbor bnso. ConscIous
offorfs woro mndo fo furfhor fncIIIfnfo InndIIno
cusfomors by oxnndIng fho socfrum of nvnII
nbIo sorvIcos nnd nckngos. Tho googrnhIcnI
ronch of ouInr nckngos wns oxfondod fo bon
ofIf n brondor cusfomor bnso.
ITC! Confncf Confros nnd Cusfomor Cnro
confros workod wIfh fho objocfIvo fo onsuro cus
fomors nro fncIIIfnfod fhrough fImoIy nnd oxo
dIfIous mnnngomonf of fhoIr quorIos nnd com
InInfs. Thoso fonms hnvo boon frnInod fo
onsuro fhnf fhoy rovIdo "Ono wIndow" soIufIon
fo nII cusfomor noods.
Tho mnnngomonf nnd omIoyoos of ITC! ro
mnIn commIffod fo rovIdo qunIIfy sorvIcos nf
comofIfIvo rIcos fhrough ofImnI uso of ro
sourco for nchIovIng onhnncod rovonuo nnd
gronfor IovoIs of cusfomor snfIsfncfIon ns woII ns
IsInmnbnd InkIsfnn ToIocommunIcnfIon
Comnny !ImIfod ITC! Inunchod n now
Smnrf Inck, n bundIod offor of 256Kbs Irond
bnnd dnfn rnfo, wIfh Smnrf TV.
WIfh ITC! Smnrf Inck, cusfomors cnn onjoy
3 sorvIcos on ono IIno I.o. !nndIIno, Irondbnnd
nnd Smnrf TV nf fho snmo fImo nf much Iowor
Tho ofhor fncIIIfIos offorod In fho Smnrf Inck
IncIudo froo Sundny cnIIs nnd unIImIfod down
Ionds nII for !s.?49 onIy or monfh, snId n ross
IxIsfIng cusfomors cnn nIso bonofIf from
Smnrf Inck by nyIng ono fImo downgrndo
chnrgos of !s.l500.
ThIs now offor wIII oon n gnfowny for fho
ITC! cusfomors fo nccoss ITC! Smnrf TV wIfh
Ifs hundrod Ius dIgIfnI qunIIfy TV chnnnoIs,
froodom fo nuso nnd rowInd IIvo TV rogrnms,
IIbrnry of 500 vIdoos on domnnd, 24/? sorvIco
nvnIInbIIIfy from ITC!, nronfnI confroI on TV
chnnnoIs nnd vIdoo on domnnd, nccoss fo rIch
H muIfImodIn rosourcos ovor fho Infornof, nc
coss fo froo movIos, musIc, cInssIcnI InkIsfnnI
Inys, fnmous crIckof mnfchos, oducnfIonnI nnd
roIIgIous confonfs.
SIVI CommorcInI nvood Snood sfnfod,
"ITC! gIvos Ifs cusfomors InnovnfIvo sfrong
sorvIcos nnd sound offors wIfh n cIonr sfrnfogIc
dIrocfIon fo fncIIIfnfo Ifs cusfomors."
Ho sfnfod, "Tho Inunch of Smnrf Inck Is nn
offorf fo fncIIIfnfo mIddIo Incomo sogmonfs nnd
Iow sondIng roforonco cusfomors.
IVI WIro !Ino IusInoss AnsIf Innnm sfnfod,
"ITC!'s Smnrf Inck brIngs Irondbnnd nnd
Smnrf TV ns fho bosf nnd mosf nffordnbIo com
bInnfIon for fho budgof conscIous cusfomors".
Ho furfhor sfnfod fhnf ITC! consfnnfIy
sfrIvos fo ronow nnd onhnnco Ifs nofworkIng,
roducfs, sorvIcos nnd cnnbIIIfIos brIngIng fho
Infosf fochnoIogy for fho cusfomors nf fhoIr door
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk
Synops|s Nat|ona|
ITC! docInros !s8.4 bIIIIon rofIf for
IY 20l0 ll
ITC! Inunchos now 3Inl Smnrf Inck
With PTCL Smart Pack, customers can enjoy 3 services on one line i.e. Landline, Broadband
and Smart TV at the same time at much lower rates. The other facilities offered in the Smart
Pack include free Sunday calls and unlimited downloads all for Rs.749 only per month
PTCL Group revenues at Rs.104.6 billion for the year 2010-11 were 6 percent higher than the
preceding year and profit after tax for the year is Rs. 8.4 billion
nrnchI AImIng fo fnko Infornof usors`
onIIno oxorIonco fo fho noxf IovoI, wI
frIbo hns joInod hnnds wIfh MIcrosoff
fo romofo Ifs fnsfor nnd IIghfor browsor,
Infornof IxIoror 9 II9. ThIs Is nnofhor Indus
fryfIrsf by wIfrIbo, nddIng moro vnIuo fo fhoIr
cusfomors` onIIno oxorIonco.
Through fhIs nrfnorshI, wIfrIbo wIII onsuro
onsy nvnIInbIIIfy of ono of fho mosf socuro, wIdoIy
doIoyod nnd onsyfouso wob browsors for Ifs
cusfomors, whIch Is suro fo onhnnco fhoIr onIIno
oxorIonco by onnbIIng fho Infosf, modInrIch wob
sIfos. II9 Is n hIghIy ndvnncod browsor fhnf su
orfs HTM!5, nnd romIsos fo doIIvor n sonmIoss
nnd socuro Infornof browsIng oxorIonco, om
oworod by n robusf sof of buIIfIn socurIfy nnd
rIvncy fonfuros.
In nddIfIon fo fhIs nrfnorshI, wIfrIbo Is nIso
roud fo bo rocognIzod ns n MIcrosoff !ogIsforod
Inrfnor sfnfus. Ior bofh wIfrIbo nnd MIcrosoff,
fhoso nro somo of mnny oxcIfIng sfos fo bo fnkon
durIng fhIs sfrnfogIc nIIInnco, nImod nf brIngIng n
gronfor rnngo of worIdcInss offorIngs fo fho mnr
kof by oxIoIfIng fho Iongform synorgy bofwoon
bofh comnnIos.
SonkIng nbouf MIcrosoff & wIfrIbo`s now
vonfuro, CIO of wIfrIbo InkIsfnn, Musfnfn Ior
nchn, snId, As n rogIsforod nrfnor, wIfrIbo Is
vory oxcIfod nbouf coIInbornfIng wIfh MIcrosoff for
fho gIobnI Inunch of Infornof IxIoror 9, n cuffIng
odgo browsor romIsIng n cnfIvnfIng nnd suo
rIor wob browsIng oxorIonco for cusfomors nnd
dovoIoors nIIko. Wo nro confIdonf fhnf fhIs nI
IInnco wIII brIng n hosf of vnIuo nddIfIons fo our
own communIfy of usors, onhnncIng fhoIr onIIno
oxorIonco fo nn onfIroIy now nnd rofroshIng IovoI.
ThIs Is nn oxcIfIng sfnrf of n Iongform nrfnor
CommonfIng on fho coIInbornfIon wIfh wIfrIbo
InkIsfnn, KnmnI Ahmod, Counfry ConornI Mnn
ngor, MIcrosoff InkIsfnn snId, Tho IncIusIon of
InkIsfnnI fochnoIogy comnnIos In fho browsor
Inunch Is n bronkfhrough by fho Infornof IxIoror
roducf fonm. Togofhor MIcrosoff nnd wIfrIbo
cnn doIIvor n Iof of convonIonco fo Infornof usors
In InkIsfnn. Such synorgIos hnvo n osIfIvo offocf
on fho ovornII mnrkof sconnrIo for fho comnnIos
nnd, In nddIfIon, wIfrIbo cusfomors cnn fooI moro
rIvIIogod. I fhInk If Is ImornfIvo for nny offIcIonf
browsor fo IocnIIzo IfsoIf ns or fho dynnmIcs of
omorgIng IT mnrkofs, such ns InkIsfnn. I nm suro
fhnf fhIs nrfnorshI wIII brIng n coIIocfIon of
vnIuo nddIfIons fo wI frIbo usors, onrIchIng fhoIr
browsIng oxorIonco In n bonufIfuI wny.
nk nfncom !ImIfod I! hns sIgnod
muIfImIIIIon doIInr joInf vonfuro ngroo
monf sookIng Ink nfncom ns O3b's su
IIor of sorvIcos Info fho InkIsfnn mnr
kof. To offIcInIIy Infroduco fhoso joInf sorvIcos Info
fho InkIsfnnI mnrkof, n Inunch ovonf wns hoId nf
n IocnI hofoI In IsInmnbnd roconfIy.
To oxocufIvos from mnny orgnnIsnfIons ncross
dIfforonf socfors IncIudIng ToIocom, ofonco nnd
ISIs woro rosonf on fhIs occnsIon wIfh Snood
Ahmod Khnn, Socrofnry IT & ToIocom ns fho chIof
guosf. Ofhors who nffondod fho ovonf nnd soko
on fho occnsIon IncIudod Iorvoz IfIfkhnr, CIO of
!nIvorsnI SorvIcos Iund, Sfovo CoIInr, CIO of
O3b ofworks, AII !nzn Ihuffn, MnnngIng I
rocfor Ink nfncom !fd nnd AII Akhfnr Injwn,
COO of Ink nfncom.
AddrossIng fho ovonf, AII !nzn Ihuffn, Mnn
ngIng Irocfor Ink nfncom !fd. gnvo nn
ovorvIow of fho comnny's nchIovomonf In fho ro
conf yonrs. Ho nIso oInbornfod on how I! Is
InyIng nn InfogrnI roIo In fho ovornII Imrovo
monf of dnfn communIcnfIon Indusfry nnd Infro
ducfIon of now fochnoIogIos.
Ho snId Ink nfncom !ImIfod Is cnnbIo of
rovIdIng muIfIfIor sorvIcos IIko CSM InckhnuI
Ing fhrough dIfforonf modos of communIcnfIon.
Sfovo CoIInr, CIO of O3b ofworks fnIkod
nbouf O3b's unIquo sorvIco soIufIon nnd how If
wns goIng fo hnvo n osIfIvo Imncf on fho rogIon
In mnny nsocfs. "I nm Ionsod nnd oxcIfod nbouf
fho ossIbIIIfIos our unIquo ModIum Inrfh OrbIf
MIO fochnoIogy wIII brIng fo fho InkIsfnnI mnr
kof nnd Iook forwnrd fo sooIng fho osIfIvo Imncf
If hns for dovoIomonf fo fho rogIon", CoIInr
AII Akhfnr Injwn, COO Ink nfncom oInbo
rnfod on fho Imorfnnco of I! & O3b ngroo
monf nnd oxInInod how nocossnry If wns fo hnvo
fhIs unIquo soIufIon nvnIInbIo In n rogIon fhnf
hns forrnIn IImIfnfIons fhnf rovonf fho doIoy
monf of roIInbIo, cosf offocfIvo fIbro ofIc nnd bnck
hnuI nofworks.
Ho snId fho ngroomonf Is of gronf vnIuo fo fho
InkIsfnnI mnrkof ns n now fIbroqunIIfy snfoIIIfo
bnsod gIobnI connocfIvIfy soIufIon, hIgh sood In
fornof nnd dnfn connocfIvIfy wouId bo rovIdod
fhrough snfoIIIfo fo nny IocnfIon of InkIsfnn whoro
no ofhor connocfIvIfy Is nvnIInbIo.
O3b's fochnoIogy ufs Ink nfncom In n
unIquo osIfIon fo rovIdo confInuous cnncIfy
fhnf wIII Inforcof fho IncronsIng domnnd wo soo
for hIgh bnndwIdfh sorvIcos", snId fho COO of
Ink nfncom. Ho snId fho comnny Is confInu
ousIy oxnndIng Ifs nofwork nnd suorf confors
fo ronch ns mnny romofo IocnfIons ns ossIbIo nnd
fo fncIIIfnfo dIfforonf busInossos fhnf socuro dnfn
Ho snId Iow cosf nnd hIgh cnncIfy nofwork
sorvIcos wouId bo rovIdod In 45 unsorvod fohsIIs
of InIochIsfnn, 4? of Khybor Inkhfunkhwn, 5 of
Iunjnb nnd l8 of SIndh. Ho nddod mnny muIfI
nnfIonnI nnd Covornmonf orgnnIznfIons nro roIy
Ing on Ink nfncom for smoofh nnd socuro frnns
for of InformnfIon, wIfh unmnfchod oornfIons
nnd mnInfonnnco suorf.
Ali Raza Bhutta, MD Pak Datacom, Parvez ftikhar, CEO USF, Nadeem Ashraf, Additional Secretary T, Saeed Ahmad Khan,
Secretary T and Telcom, Steve Collar CEO O3b Networks, Ali Akhtar Bajwa, CCO Pak Datacom, Fysal Gill, Regional Director
O3b Networks and John Finney CCO O3b Networks on the occasion of joint venture agreement.
CEO wi-tribe Pakistan Mustafa Peracha and Country GM Microsoft Pakistan Kamal Ahmed with their project teams at the wi-tribe head office, slamabad.
wI frIbo joIns hnnds wIfh MIcrosoff fo
onhnnco onIIno oxorIoncos
Ink nfncom, O3b nofworks joIn forcos
fo connocf InkIsfnn
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk
Nat|ona| Synops|s
nkIsfnn ToIocommunIcnfIon Comnny
!fd ITC! Iuzz hns furnod Info ono of
fho mosf ouInr brondbnnd onforfnIn
monf orfnIs In InkIsfnn wIfh monfhIy
frnffIc crossIng 300,000 vIsIfors monfhIy.
As or offIcInI sfnfIsfIcs, fho orfnI`s vIsIfors In
cronsod by 20 orconf sInco If sfood nf 250,000 In
fho bogInnIng of fho yonr whorons fho usngo of
dIfforonf sorvIcos hnvo boon on fho rIso by Ifs
cusfomors on dnIIy bnsIs.
ITC! Iuzz Is ono of fho Inrgosf InkIsfnnI on
forfnInmonf orfnIs offorIng IognI confonf, oxcIu
sIvoIy nvnIInbIo fo ITC! brondbnnd nnd IVO
ITC! I!ZZ Inunchod In 2009, If offors fIrsf
onforfnInmonf doorwny, oorfunIfy onfIroIy froo
for Ifs S! cusfomors. !ndorsfnndIng, oxorI
onco fncfunI brondbnnd onforfnInmonf, IIsfon or
downIond musIc, songs, wnfch cInssIc movIos,
crIckof Iogondnry mnfchos, TV Inys, drnmns, on
IIno IonrnIng, gnmIng, IIsfon fo roIIgIous nnfs
nnd hons of oxcIfomonf.
To fncIIIfnfo fo fho cusfomors, InkIsfnn
ToIocommunIcnfIon Comnny !fd ITC! hns ro
vnmod Ifs brondbnnd onforfnInmonf orfnI,
ITC! I!ZZ. Tho orfnI hns boon ugrndod Is
now n moro ImngodrIvon wobsIfo. WIfh nn nos
fhofIc Inyouf nnd IogIcnIIy mnrkod socfIons, on
rIchod confonf nnd Incronsod gonros, ITC! Iuzz
fhnf Is ono of fho Inrgosf InkIsfnnI onforfnIn
monf orfnI offorIng IognI confonf. SuccossfuIIy
cronfod n fIosfn for oyos In nddIfIon fo fhIs fho
nnvIgnfIon hns boon sIgnIfIcnnfIy sImIIfIod. Tho
bnckground hns boon roIncod wIfh somo uIfrn vI
brnnf nnd cnfchy MovIo Thomos whIch nro u
dnfod froquonfIy kooIng fho vIowors consfnnfIy
IxIornfIon of movIos, musIc, nnd drnmns hns
boon roworkod for fho cusfomors, mnkIng If ons
Ior fo nnvIgnfo nnd Ionsnnf for fho vIowor. In
cIusIon of Iood Cornor, ovofIonnI socfIon, ovonfs
nnd IIfosfyIo mnkos suro fhnf fho orfnI rovIdos
n wIdo rnngo of confonf fo Ifs vIsIfors.
ITC! Iuzz rndIo, wonfhor wIdgof nnd ITC!
Iuzz TV, nIso ndd fo fho offorIngs. ITC!`s SIVI
commorcInI nvood Snood commonfIng on fho
ronownI of Irondbnnd onforfnInmonf orfnI
sfnfod, ITC! hns fho unIquo sfnfus In InkIsfnn
of rovIdIng brondbnnd sorvIcos In ovor l000
cIfIos ncross fho counfry fo ovor 600,000 cus
fomors, If hns boon InsfrumonfnI In mnkIng qunI
Ify sorvIco nvnIInbIo fo gonornI ubIIc ncross fho
counfry, fhrough hugoIy InvosfIng In oxnnsIon
nnd oxfonsIon of Ifs sorvIcos. Ho furfhor sfnfod
fhnf, ITC! Iuzz Is ono of fho mosf ouInr
brondbnnd onforfnInmonf orfnIs In InkIsfnn. If
rocoIvos ovor 300,000 vIsIfs ovory monfh whIch Is
vory good consIdorIng fho fncf fhnf fho orfnI Is
oxcIusIvo fo ITC! II subscrIbors.
ITC!`s IVI WIro IIno IusInoss AnsIf Innm
sfnfod, ITC! Is sonrhondIng fho oxnnsIon of
Irondbnnd cuIfuro In InkIsfnn, whoro fIII n fow
yonrs bnck fhoro wns IIffIo nwnronoss In fho mnr
kof nbouf fho brondbnnd nnd muIfImodIn foch
noIogIos. Ho furfhor sfnfod, ITC! hns nIwnys
boon fho fIrsf fo Infroduco nnd rovIdo fho bono
fIfs of Infosf fochnoIogIos fo fho cusfomors.
ooIng fho comofIfIvo sIrIf nIIvo,
!fono roconfIy dIsfrIbufod fho rIzos
for fho ThInk InkIsfnn bIoggIng com
ofIfIon whIch wns hoId Insf monfh.
Tho wInnors rocoIvod !fh Iufurn Hnndsofs ns
oncourngomonf for fhoIr InnovnfIvo nnd roson
sIbIo Idons whIch romofod fho uso of socInI mo
dIn fo buIId osIfIvo orcofIons nbouf InkIsfnn.
!fh Iufurn Is n dunI modo CSM+IVO hnnd
sof whIch gIvos fho usor IIghfnIng fnsf 3C Infor
nof sood of u fo 3.lMbs nnd fho nbIIIfy fo
mnko cnIIs, socInIIzo nnd sfronm onIIno vIdoos.
Tho wInnors woro soIocfod bnsod on fho num
bor of IIkos on fhoIr onfrIos by mombors of fho
!fono fnn ngo on n socInI modIn sIfo. Tho mnIn
objocfIvo of fhIs ncfIvIfy wns fo oncourngo fho
foIocom bIoggors fo uso fho modIum nvnIInbIo fo
fhom In n consfrucfIvo mnnnor fo oIovnfo Ink
Isfnn`s Imngo. Tho onfrnnfs woro nskod fo fnko
fho Iond nnd nssorf fhoIr rosonsIbIIIfy fownrds
InkIsfnn by orfrnyIng n rogrossIvo Imngo of
fho nnfIon In fho InfornnfIonnI nronn. Tho ro
sonso wns socfncuInr ns muIfIfudos of onfrIos
woro submIffod fhnf romofod n comIofoIy dIf
foronf sIdo of InkIsfnn whnf Is boIng shown on
IocnI nnd InfornnfIonnI modIn`.
PTCL Buzz is one of the largest Pakistani entertainment portals offering legal content, ex-
clusively available to PTCL broadband and EVO customers. PTCL BUZZ offers first enter-
tainment doorway, opportunity entirely free for its DSL customers
The winners were selected based on the number of likes on their entries by members of the Ufone fan
page on a social media site. The main objective of this activity was to encourage the telecom bloggers
to use the medium available to them in a constructive manner to elevate Pakistan's image
Naveed Saeed, SEVP Commercial PTCL
The winners of 'Think Pakistan' blogging competition receiving
their prizes from Ufone representatives.
!fono dIsfrIbufos rIzos fo fho wInnors
of 'ThInk InkIsfnn` bIoggIng comofIon
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk
Synops|s Nat|ona|
Fr ee down| oad | | ar e. pk
Nat|ona| Synops|s
IsInmnbnd InkIsfnn ToIocommu
nIcnfIon Comnny !ImIfod ITC!
Inunchod fho counfry`s fIrsf 3C on
nbIod fnbIof wIfh buIIf In IVO WIro
Ioss Irondbnnd, on Augusf l4. Tho
roducf hns rocoIvod fromondous ro
sonso from fho usors rosuIfIng In n
runnwny succoss. Tho ronson for Ifs
succoss Is cIfod fo bo fho fncf fhnf If Is
usor frIondIy, offorIng on fho go con
nocfIvIfy nnd nffordnbIo nckngo
3C IVO Tnb Is n ? Inch fouch
scroon fnbIof wIfh buIIfIn IVO sorv
Ico fo offor wIroIoss brondbnnd Infor
nof on fho go In moro fhnn l00 cIfIos
ncross fho counfry. Ioworod by
CoogIo AndroId Iroyo 2.2 OornfIng
sysfom, 3C IVO Tnb offors suorf
for bofh 3C & WIII for nn unInfor
rufod onfhogo connocfIvIfy. WIfh n
5MognIIxoI Cnmorn , n vnrIofy of
buIIfIn nIIcnfIons Ius nccoss fo
Infosf AndroId mnrkof 3C IVO Tnb
Iofs you browso, snn, shnro, com
munIcnfo, nnvIgnfo, Iny gnmos nnd
do n Iof moro onfho go fhoroby mnk
Ing If nn IdonI connocfIvIfy soIufIon
for usors IookIng for hIgh sood on
fhogo 3C connocfIvIfy on nn AndroId
ITC! 3C IVO TnbIof offors con
vonIonco nnd sood wIfh fhroo dI
vorso oconomy nckngos fo suIf IndI
vIdunI noods & ockofs. Ifs l2monfh
bundIo offor hns boon vory succossfuI
wIfh mnjorIfy snIos In fhIs brnckof.
Cusfomors cnn gof IVO Tnb for ns
Iow ns !s.2?,999 Ius l2monfhs un
IImIfod IVO sorvIco, nII nf !s. 3l,999.
Anrf from fho l2monfhs confrncf,
IVO Tnb nIso offors bundIod nck
ngos bnsod on 3monfhs nnd 6monfhs
confrncf nf !s.2?,999 & !s. 29,999,
rosocfIvoIy wIfh 3monfhs &
6monfhs of unIImIfod IVO sorvIco.
Syod AsIm AII IVI WIroIoss IusI
noss snId fhnf If Is nIwnys our fo
rIorIfy fo fncIIIfnfo our cusfomors fo
fho mnxImum. Tho gronf rosonso
from our cusfomors for 3C IVO Tnb
hns furfhor mofIvnfod us fo koo
sfrIvIng fo boIng InnovnfIon fo fho
InkIsfnnI Mnrkof. Ho furfhor nddod,
ITC! wIII Inn fo Infroduco now
roducfs nnd sorvIcos fhnf doIIvor
qunIIfy sorvIcos nf fho mInImum os
sIbIo rnfos whIch ndd moro vnIuo fo
our cusfomor`s IIvos.
!nhoro !fono roconfIy conducfod
n '!fh Tno InII CrIckof Tournnmonf
nf !nIIwny CrIckof Cround, !nhoro.
ThIs fournnmonf rocoIvod nn ovor
whoImIng rosonso ns moro fhnn l20
fonms fhroughouf InkIsfnn nrfIcI
nfod In If whIch wns srond ovor l5
ncfIon nckod dnys. Inch fonm wns
consIsfod of ll Inyors nnd onch fonm
hnd fo Iny 6 ovors.
Affor n fhrIIIIng fournnmonf nnd
nn ncfIon nckod fInnI fho cnfnIn of
'Snbznznr Croons' fonm hnd fho hon
our fo IIff fho wInnIng frohy nnd ro
coIvod n choquo of !s. 200,000/ from
Mr. SnImnn !nshId, MnrkofIng Ix
ocufIvo, !fono nf fho rIzo dIsfrIbu
fIon coromony.
Tho runnor u fonm 'Irofhors
IIovon' nIso rocoIvod n runnor u fro
hy nnd n choquo of !s. l00,000/
from n sonIor offIcInI.
InnovnfIon of Tno InII CrIckof
hns boon known fo bo sfnrfod In Ink
Isfnn nonrIy fhroo docndos ngo. In
cIfIos IIko KnrnchI, !nhoro, InIsnI
nbnd, !nwnIIndI nnd Ioshnwnr nnd
whoro roor oquImonf, Ifchos &
grounds nro n Iuxury, fno bnII
crIckof Is mndo fo sImuInfo n crIckof
bnII onsurIng snfofy nnd commIfmonf
fo fho sorf.
KnrnchI Tho MobIIInk Ioundn
fIon hns donnfod l,000 schooI bngs,
mndo from rocycIod ndvorfIsIng mn
forInI, fo fho SIndh IducnfIon Ioun
dnfIon SII. Tho schooI bngs woro
hnndod ovor by MobIIInk Ioundn
fIon Torchbonrors, nf n coromony or
gnnIsod nf fho SII ChIId ovoIo
monf Confor, KnrnchI.
ImIoyoo voIunfoors, known ns
fho MobIIInk Torchbonrors, hoIod
dIsfrIbufo bngs nmongsf sfudonfs nf
fho schooI, usIng fho oorfunIfy fo
Inforncf wIfh fho chIIdron nnd om
hnsIzo fho Imorfnnco of oducnfIon
for n brIghfor fufuro.
On fho occnsIon, Omnr Mnnzur,
Irocfor IubIIc !oInfIons nnd CS!,
MobIIInk hns snId Tho MobIIInk
IoundnfIon Is dooIy commIffod fo
wnrds mnkIng n dIfforonco In fho
IIvos of fho undorrIvIIogod ncross
InkIsfnn, osocInIIy our chIIdron.
Tho rocycIod bngs nIIow us fo
confrIbufo on fho dunI fronfs of ro
focfIng our onvIronmonf, ns woII ns
rovIdIng chIIdron wIfh n durnbIo
oducnfIonnI nIdo.
I wouId IIko fo oxross my grnfI
fudo fo fho SIndh IducnfIon Ioun
dnfIon for nIIowIng us fhIs oorfu
nIfy fo Inforncf wIfh, nnd mnko n
smnII dIfforonco fo fho IIvos of fho
chIIdron nf fhoIr schooIs.
Tho MobIIInk IoundnfIon
Inunchod fho '!ocycIod SchooI Ings`
InIfInfIvo In 200?, nnd hns sInco do
nnfod ovor 30,000 bngs mndo from
rocycIod ndvorfIsIng nnnfIox mnfo
rInI fo orgnnIznfIons such ns fho
JAQ IducnfIonnI Trusf, CA!I
IoundnfIon, ZIndngI Trusf nnd now
SIndh IducnfIon IoundnfIon.
ITC! 3C IVO TAI gnIns ouInrIfy rnIdIy
MobIIInk IoundnfIon donnfos schooI bngs
!fono !fh CrIckof
Tournnmonf rocoIvos
fromondous rosonso
Salman Rashid, Senior Marketing Executive Ufone gives away the winning trophy to the cap-
tain of Sabzazar Green cricket team.
Infroducos CnInxy
Tnb l0.l
Affor CnInxy Tnb l0, MobIIInk
hns now Infroducod fho noxf In IIno
CnInxy Tnb l0.l n IIghfor 56g
grnms, fhInnor 8.6mm nnd much
fnsfor fhnn If`s onrIIor vorsIon.
Ioworod by AndroId Honoy
Comb 3.0, Snmsung CnInxy Tnb
l0.l bonsfs lCHz unICoro
Irocossor nnd l CI !AM. Ofhor
cnfchors IncIudo l0.l Inch
wIdoscroon wIfh l280 x 800 WXCA
TIT !C, bnck cnmorn wIfh H
!ocordIng fhough If`s 3 MI onIy
buf If comos wIfh nufofocus nnd
!I IInsh. Thoro`s n fronf cnmorn
ns woII.
Snmsung cInIms 9 hour of vIdoo
Iny nnd u fo ?2 hours of musIc
Iny wIfh CnInxy Tnb l0.l.
MobIIInk Is offorIng fhroo
monfhs of froo Infornof nnd n ro
mIum Ionfhor cnso for fho fnbIof.
IrIco !s. 56,999 for l6 CI Infor
nnI sforngo vorsIon.
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk
Synops|s Nat|ona|
IsInmnbnd MobIIo SIM Informn
fIon nnd VorIfIcnfIon Sysfom 668
dovoIood, doIoyod nnd hosfod by
InkIsfnn ToIocommunIcnfIon Au
fhorIfy ITA hns rocoIvod rogIonnI
nInud. Tho nIIcnfIon wns IIsfod
nmong fho fInnIIsf durIng roconfIy
hoId mIIIIIonfh Soufh AsInn Awnrds
20ll nf ow oIhI orgnnIzod by Ig
IfnI Imowormonf IoundnfIon
II. mIIIIIonfh Awnrd Is n dodI
cnfod Infform fo oxIoro fho Infonf
ofonfInI of mobIIo & foIocom socfor
ncross 8 counfrIos In Soufh AsIn. Tho
nwnrd Is dosIgnod ns nn nnnunI
Soufh AsIn`s hIghosf mobIIo & foIo
com nwnrd Infform IondIng fo Inrgor
rogIonnI MobIIo Congross In modIn
nnd oIIcy ndvocncy.
Tho 668 sysfom rovIdos nn In
fornof nnd SMS bnsod Inforfnco fo
ondusors In ordor fo rofrIovo fhoIr
rogIsforod mobIIo SIMs Informn
fIon. ITA Infroducod SIM Informn
fIon Sysfom 668 for fho vorIfIcnfIon
nnd corrocfIon of mobIIo SIMs dnfn.
Through fhIs sorvIco subscrIbor cnn
sond hIs CIC fo 668 fhrough SMS
nnd In rofurn ho wouId rocoIvo dofnII
of fofnI SIMs ngnInsf hIs CIC
nIongwIfh nnmo of fho mobIIo com
nny. In cnso of nny dIscronncy, fho
usor cnn vIsIf CSC nIongwIfh orIgInnI
CIC fo gof fho dnfn corrocfod. ThIs
cnmnIgn wns fho nrf of ITA offorfs
fo bIock nII IIIognI SIMs nnd cIonn
fho dnfn of mobIIo usors.
urIng fho Insf 3 yonrs, ITA
undor fho IondorshI of r. Mo
hnmmod Ynsoon hns cnrrIod ouf n
numbor of sIgnIfIcnnf sfos fownrds
bofformonf of ICT ocosysfom of fho
counfry. Thoso IncIudo osfnbIIshmonf
of IocnI Infornof IoorIng IoInf, frnn
sIfIon of .k domnIn, ovoIomonf of
nfIonnI !nbfn InformnfIon IorfnI
InkIsfnn.k, onIIno ToIocommunI
cnfIon Consumor ComInInfs Mnn
ngomonf Sysfom, dovoIomonf of
foIocommunIcnfIon foofrInfs of Ink
Isfnn nnd roIIfornfIon of brondbnnd
sorvIcos. ITA Is soon fo Inunch dodI
cnfod ICT yoIIow ngos of InkIsfnn,
IocnI confonf sonrch ongIno nnd fIrsf
ovor SMSbnsod consumor orco
fIon survoy for foIocom consumors of
!nhoro MCI nnnouncos suc
cossfuI comIofIon of fho fIrsf hnso
In Ifs mnjor onIIno bnnkIng ugrndo
rojocf for nnfIonwIdo brnnch con
nocfIvIfy. MCI nrfnorod wIfh
MuIfInof InkIsfnn Ivf. !fd wIfh fho
gonI fo doIIvor Ifs cusfomnry oxco
fIonnI cIIonf oxorIoncos fhrough
Imrovod oornfIonnI offIcIoncy, nn
oxcIfIng nrrny of noxf gonornfIon n
IIcnfIons nnd oxnnsIon of onIIno
bnnkIng. CurronfIy nround 450
brnnchos of MCI nro boIng sorvod
vIn noxf gonornfIon ofIcnI fIbor con
nocfIvIfy, wIfh nn nddIfIonnI l50
brnnchos Innnod In fho noxf hnso.
MuIfInof, ns MCI`s nrfnor of
choIco, Is sorvIng fhoIr roquIromonfs
vIn Ifs Inrgosf MI!S l00 or conf
ondfoond fIbor ofIc nofwork, su
Iomonfod by cuffIng odgo II Ifh
ornof sorvIcos, IInkIng MCI`s nn
fIonwIdo brnnch nofwork nnd dnfn
confro`s ncross InkIsfnn. As nrf of
fho muIfIyonr ngroomonf, MuIfInof
wIII rovIdo dodIcnfod Mnnngod
ofwork SorvIcos 24/?/365 vIn Ifs
sfnfooffhonrf confrnI ofwork O
ornfIons Confor OC fncIIIfIos.
ThIs InIfInfIvo Is yof nnofhor
mIIosfono In MCI`s confInuIng on
donvors In rovIdIng InnovnfIvo nnd
offIcIonf fInnncInI soIufIons fo our
cusfomors ns woII ns onhnncIng our
connocfIvIfy nnd oornfIng offIcIoncy
nnd sorvIcos for bofh our oxfornnI
nnd InfornnI cusfomors snId Adnnn
ZnkI, CIO for MCI.
MuIfInof gronfIy nrocInfos fho
frusf fhnf MCI hns Incod In us fo
hoI fhom onhnnco fhoIr cusfomors`
oxorIoncos vIn our fnsf, socuro nnd
roIInbIo connocfIvIfy soIufIons on
nbIod on our nnfIonwIdo ond fo ond
fIbor ofIc nofworkIng. ThIs Is nn
ofhor oxnmIo In our frndIfIon of
buIIdIng sfrong roInfIonshIs
fhroughouf fho nnfIon`s IondIng cor
ornfo cIIonfs nnd suorf MCI`s
mIssIon of doIIghfIng fhoIr cus
fomors snId ArIf HussnIn, COO of
uIore: ScIneIder EIecLrIc, u
gIobuI specIuIIsL In energy munuge-
menL, Ius Leumed up wILI CIsco, LIe
worIdwIde Ieuder In neLworkIng Ior
LIe nLerneL, Lo provIde un InnovuLIve
und compreIensIve energy munuge-
menL soIuLIon LIuL monILors und mun-
uges energy consumpLIon ucross uII
buIIdIng domuIns.
WILI LIe combIned soIuLIon, buIId-
Ing owners und munugers, urcIILecLs,
conLrucLors, und T munugers wIII now
be ubIe Lo opLImIze energy eIIIcIencIes
und busIness operuLIons Lo suve en-
TIe EcoSLruxure urcIILecLure In-
LegruLes wILI CIsco EnergyWIse em-
bedded on LIe CIsco neLwork InIru-
sLrucLure Lo provIde u IoIIsLIc buIIdIng
munugemenL soIuLIon, munugIng uII
energy-consumIng buIIdIng usseLs
sucI us HVAC, IIgILIng, securILy und,
Ior LIe IIrsL LIme, reduce energy wusLe
generuLed Irom TJP usseLs, IncIudIng
PCs, pIones, cuLuIysL swILcIes, Power-
over- ELIerneL (PoE) endpoInL devIces
und oLIer T devIces.
CIrIs CurLIs, PresIdenL und CEO,
BuIIdIngs BusIness, ScIneIder EIec-
LrIc, suId: ookIng Ior InnovuLIve
wuys Lo Increuse energy eIIIcIency und
enubIe busIness perIormunce wILIIn
buIIdIngs Is wIuL ScIneIder EIecLrIc
does every duy wILI LIousunds oI cus-
Lomers worIdwIde.
CombInIng ScIneIder EIecLrIc`s
EcoSLruxure urcIILecLure und CIsco
EnergyWIse provIdes orgunIzuLIons
wILI LIe cupubIIILy Lo go one sLep Iur-
LIer und munuge LIe energy con-
sumpLIon oI TJP devIces und PCs In
LIe buIIdIng munugemenL sysLem do-
muIn Ior LIe IIrsL LIme. We ure very ex-
cILed ubouL LIIs opporLunILy und wIuL
our joInL InnovuLIon wIII meun Ior re-
ducIng energy consumpLIon In buIId-
Ings ucross LIe gIobe.
sIumubud: GovernmenL sIouId
InLroduce code oI eLIIcs Ior wIreIess
murkeLIng us IL provIdes vusL oppor-
LunILIes Lo IeIp compunIes Lo esLubIIsI
dIrecL communIcuLIon wILI mIIIIons
oI cusLomers LIrougI eIecLronIc de-
vIses sucI us nLerneL und mobIIe
TIIs wus suId by PresIdenL Puk-
IsLun Economy WuLcI (PEW), Dr
MurLuzu MugIuI wIIIe LuIkIng Lo u
worksIop on dIgILuI murkeLIng.
He suId LIuL SIorL MessugIng
ServIces (SMS) Is LIe InsLunL commu-
nIcuLIon medIum, wIIcI Ius spreud
uL un umuzIng speed. However, due
Lo Iuck oI reseurcI murkeLIng LIrougI
SMS creuLed muny probIems Ior com-
mon peopIe In PukIsLun.
GovernmenL sIouId enIorce LIe
Iuw regurdIng cyber crIme Lo prevenL
LIe mIsuse oI LIe nLerneL und ceIIuIur
pIone Lo LuckIe LIe mounLIng com-
pIuInLs oI IurussmenL, ubuse, LIreuLs,
obscene Iunguuge, und securILy
SMS Is used In u very consLrucLIve
wuy In deveIoped counLrIes wIIIe Iere
Is Ius become u IussIe us mujorILy re-
ceIve dozens oI messuges LIey ure noL
InLeresLed In LIese. SMS puckuges on
very Iow ruLes ure IeIpIng some oper-
uLors generuLe Iunds buL uIso unnoy-
Ing u Iurge segmenL oI socIeLy. SucI
puckuges Iuve encouruged useIess
messuges Lo unknown numbers Ior
pubIIcILy, udverLIsemenL, cIeuLIng,
provIdIng IuIse InIormuLIon. Dr. Mur-
Luzu suId LIuL mujorILy oI LIe messuges
receIved on u mobIIe pIone Iuve use-
Iess muLLer.
!nhoro WnrId ToIocom IVT
!fd. roconfIy orgnnIsod n grnnd
nwnrd dIsfrIbufIon coromony for Ifs
orformIng frnnchIsoos nnd snIos
Tho ovonf wns hoId nf !oynI
InIm, CoIf nnd Counfry CIub, !n
horo. HnvIng fho mosf frusfod busI
noss roInfIons wIfh Ifs nrfnors fho
comnny Is woII focusod fownrds cro
nfIng sfrong busInoss growfh oor
ITA SIM Info, vorIfIcnfIon
Sysfom 668 gofs nrocInfIon
MuIfInof OI connocfs 450
brnnchos of MCI
SI nrfnors
wIfh CIsco fo
doIIvor onorgy
SfrIcf Inw
ImornfIvo fo sfo
mIsuso of Infornof,
mobIIo IIW
WnrId nwnrds Ifs
GM Commercial, Warid Telecom, Mr. Suhail
Jan with sales team
Fr ee down| oad | | ar e. pk
Nat|ona| Synops|s
!nhoro Muhnmmnd ShnfIq hns
fnkon onfh ns Inssongor SnIos Mnn
ngor IIA !nhoro. Ho Is sonsonod
mnrkofIng offIcor of nnfIonnI fIng
cnrrIor. Ho joInod IIA In l993 ns
snIos romofIon offIcor In mnrkof
Ing donrfmonf. Ho workod for IIA
on dIfforonf osIfIons In hond offIco
fIII l998. Irom l9982004, ho
workod ns SnIos IromofIon OffIcor
In !nhoro, fhon ho wns osfod ns
Counfry Mnnngor Qnfnr nnd
workod fhoro for four yonrs. Ioforo
joInIng ns Inssongor SnIos Mnnngor
ho wns workIng ns Corornfo SnIos
IIA SonIor Sfnff AssocInfIon
rosIdonf Chnznnfnr InshIr, Con
ornI Socrofnry SohnII Mohmood nnd
SVI Afhnr Hnsnn Awnn congrnfu
Infod hIm on hIs now nssIgnmonf.
IsInmnbnd Tho govornmonf
hns consfIfufod yof nnofhor com
mIffoo fo rosoIvo fho dIsufo ovor
nucfIon of fhIrd gonornfIon 3C
ndvnncod sorvIcos mobIIo hono II
Tho cnbInof commIffoo, whIch
wns consfIfufod by fho rImo mIn
Isfor fo oxnmIno fho nucfIon of 3C
socfrum nnd fho Shnro Iurchnso
Agroomonf SIA of InkIsfnn
ToIocommunIcnfIon Comnny !Im
Ifod ITC! wIfh IfIsnInf, mof
wIfh IInnnco MInIsfor r AbduI
Hnfooz ShnIkh In fho chnIr.
Sourcos snId fhnf ros nnd cons
of fho nucfIon of 3C socfrum woro
dIscussod durIng fho moofIng. If
wns docIdod fhnf n subcommIffoo
wouId bo formod, whIch wouId Iook
Info fho dofnIIs of fho mnffor.
Tho foIocom gInnf wns of fho
oInIon fhnf InkIsfnn couId nof
soII n now foIocom IIconco for nny
socfrum unfII sovon yonrs, whIch
wouId ond In Mnrch 20l3.
Tho govornmonf hns fnkon fho
osIfIon fhnf 3C IIconco Is nof
somofhIng now, buf ncfunIIy nn ox
fonsIon of oxIsfIng sorvIcos. If hns
nIso n dIfforonf InforrofnfIon of
fho fImo IImIf.
Tho Issuo of fho Iong dIsfnnco
nnd InfornnfIonnI !I IIconco fo
ChInn MobIIo nIso cnmo undor dIs
cussIon durIng fho moofIng. Tho
fInnnco mInIsfor snId fhnf fho MIn
Isfry of InformnfIon TochnoIogy
couId nogofInfo wIfh IfIsnInf for
grnnfIng fho IIconco fo ChInn Mo
ShnIkh nIso nrovod rocom
mondnfIons nbouf fho wIroIoss Io
cnI Ioo nucfIon nnd Ifs oIIcy dI
rocfIvos. Tho fInnnco socrofnry,
IInnnIng CommIssIon`s doufy
chnIrmnn, InkIsfnn ToIocommunI
cnfIon AufhorIfy ITA chnIrmnn
nnd sonIor offIcInIs from IfIsnInf
nnd fho MInIsfry of InformnfIon
TochnoIogy woro nIso rosonf In
fho moofIng.
IsInmnbnd Socrofnry Informn
fIon TochnoIogy IT, Snood Ahmnd
Khnn roIfornfod fhnf MInIsfry of In
formnfIon TochnoIogy MoIT Is
IookIng forwnrd fo nmIcnbIo soIu
fIon of nII fho Issuos fncod by foIo
com oornfors, wIfh In fho frnmo
work of ruIos nnd roguInfIons.
Ho snId fhnf govornmonf woI
como guIdnnco nnd suggosfIons from
fho foIocom Indusfry for soffIomonf
of nII oufsfnndIng Issuos, snId n
ross roIonso.
Ho snId durIng hIs moofIng wIfh
CIOs CIrcIonof, !odfono, nncom,
ToIocnrd, Wnfoon, WIsocomm , who
cnIIod on hIm.
Tho moofIng wns focusod on fI
nnncInI, IognI nnd ndmInIsfrnfIvo Is
suos. A dofnIIod rosonfnfIon covor
Ing fho Issuos of AIC for !nIvorsnI
SorvIco Iund !SI confrIbufIons,
groy frnffIc In foIocom socfor nnd
roIo of ITA In roguInfIng fho !I's
!ong Isfnnco nnd InfornnfIonnI
!Iconcod Oornfors wns gIvon by
SnImnn AnsnrI on fho bohnIf of
!I's nssocInfIon.
urIng fho dIscussIon, CIOs of
foIocom comnnIos sfrossod fhnf
sfrIcf ndhoronco of oroguInfIon
IoIIcy of 2003 Is fho fouchsfono of
fho succoss nnd growfh of foIocom
Indusfry In InkIsfnn.
Moroovor, cnncoIInfIon of IIconsos
of foIocom oornfors nnd courf cnsos
of foIocom oornfors woro nIso dIs
cussod In fho moofIng.
WhIIo hIghIIghfIng fho Imor
fnnco nnd confrIbufIons of foIocom
Indusfry In fho socInI nnd oconomIc
socfors, fho rorosonfnfIvos of foIo
com comnnIos suggosfod n wny for
wnrd fo rosoIvo nII fho oufsfnndIng
Af fho ond, Socrofnry IT Snood
Ahmnd Khnn fhnnkod fho CIOs of
foIocom comnnIos nnd onsurod hIs
cooornfIon for fho nmIcnbIo soffIo
monf of nII fho oufsfnndIng Issuos
nnd concorns of !I's.
Mombor foIocom r. Syod IsmnII
Shnh nnd Irocfor ConornI Com
morcInI, ITA r. Muhnmmnd
SnIoom woro nIso rosonf In fho
!AHO!I ToIocom IoundnfIon,
n ubIIc socfor subsIdInry, In rIn
cIIo, hns docIdod fo rovIvo Ifs sIck
unIf "InkIsfnn CommunIcnfIon In
dusfrIos" In fho cIfy undor n ro
vnmIng Inn by InjocfIng osson
fInIIy roquIrod monofnry
IroducfIon nnd mnrkofIng hond
of ICI, ongInoor Shnhznd Hnssnn
ShoIkh, hns boon dIrocfod fo submIf
Ifs rovIvnI Inn couIod wIfh fonsI
bIIIfy In dofnII so fhnf now ordors
for mnnufncfurIng modorn foIo
hono sofs wIfh Infosf fonfuros nnd
oIocfrIc nnd gns mofors In nccor
dnnco wIfh fho nrovod socIfIcn
fIon of IIICO,SCI! nnd SSCI!
couId bo mnnngod.
MnnngIng Irocfor, InkIsfnn
CommunIcnfIon IndusfrIos ICI
Snrdnr Muhnmmnd ArIf Khnn who
fnIIod fo doIIvor fho goods durIng
fho Insf docndo dosIfo fho nvnII
nbIIIfy of modorn Infrnsfrucfuro
hns boon snckod. Tho ICI wns
onrnIng rofIf boforo fho InducfIon.
IodornI Socrofnry InformnfIon
TochnoIogy nnd ChnIrmnn TI
Snood Ahmnd Khnn dIrocfod AII
!nzn Ihuffn JIonf Socrofnry IT
mInIsfry who Is hoIdIng ncfIng
chnrgo of M TI fo Iook Info fho
mnffor nnd fnko corrocfIvo ncfIon fo
sof fho fhIngs In rIghf dIrocfIon In
IIno wIfh ruIo nnd roguInfIons.
IsInmnbnd In fho wnko of fho
rnIdIy chnngIng oIIfIcnI sconnrIo,
fho govornmonf hns osfnbIIshod Ifs
own SocInI ModIn CoII fo cronfo
bIogs nnd onhnnco fho usngo of Inf
osf fooIs of InformnfIon fochnoIogy fo
rosond fo fho growIng crIfIcIsm
ngnInsf IrosIdonf AsIf AII ZnrdnrI
nnd IrImo MInIsfor Yusuf !nzn CI
Iuf somo InsIdors sny ono of fho
objocfIvos of fhIs InIfInfIvo Is fo fnko
on nognfIvo journnIIsfs who nro o
osIng fho Incumbonf rogImo
fhrough fhoIr wrIfIngs nnd by nr
fIcInfIng In TV fnIk shows. Tho InI
fInfIvo wIII nIso bo usod ngnInsf
mnInsfronm oosIfIon oIIfIcnI
Iondors gIvon fho chnngIng oIIfIcnI
nfmoshoro, fho cInsh wIfh fho su
orIor judIcInry nnd chnncos of hoId
Ing gonornI oIIs nffor fho ucomIng
Sonnfo oIocfIon In Mnrch In nccor
dnnco wIfh fho ZnrdnrICIInnI gnmo
Tho govornmonf, nf IImIfod IovoI,
hns nIrondy mndo succossfuI oxor
Imonf of usIng bIogs ngnInsf Ifs o
IIfIcnI oononfs nnd journnIIsfs.
KooIng In vIow fhIs succoss fho
govornmonf hns docIdod fo mnko n
ormnnonf sofu In fhIs rognrd.
Tho Incumbonf rogImo hns In
boIod nII fhoso journnIIsfs ns nogn
fIvo who hnvo oxosod nIIogod cor
rufIon, IIIognI noInfmonfs nnd
fho InvoIvomonf of hIghrofIIo or
sonnIIfIos In fho Hnj nnd IC!
scnms. Thoso nro nIso fho scrIbos
who hnvo oxosod fho InnbIIIfy of
fho rogImo fo osfnbIIsh nn ImnrfInI
nccounfnbIIIfy mochnnIsm, gono nf
for fho bonofIcInrIos of !O, nnd
unonrfhod fhoso rosonsIbIo for
crIsos In fho onorgy socfor, oconomy
nnd InsfIfufIons.
Tho form SocInI ModIn rofors fo
fho uso of wobbnsod nnd mobIIo
fochnoIogIos fo furn communIcnfIon
Info nn InforncfIvo dInIoguo. SocInI
modIn cnn fnko on mnny dIfforonf
forms, IncIudIng Infornof forums,
wobIogs, socInI bIogs, mIcrobIog
gIng, wIkIs, odcnsfs, hofogrnhs
or Icfuros, vIdoo, rnfIng nnd socInI
Howovor, nccordIng fo n roson
fnfIon of fho Iross InformnfIon o
nrfmonf II on fho SocInI ModIn
CoII, fho ovornII objocfIvo of fho so
cInI modIn Is onhnncIng socInI Infor
ncfIon sInco curronfIy 20 mIIIIon
usors nro connocfod fo fho nof nnd 4
mIIIIon connocfod fo socInI nofworks.
Thoro nro fhroo wrIffon funcfIons
of fho socInI modIn coII IncIudIng fho
ubIIcIfy of fho govornmonf, nnd
monIforIng nnd rosondIng fo crIfIcs
of fho govornmonf. Tho socInI modIn
coII wIII bo hondod by n dIrocfor nnd
comrIso fwo subordInnfo doufy
!ndor fho fwo doufy dIrocfors,
fhoro wIII bo fhroo InformnfIon Of
fIcors IookIng nffor ubIIcIfy, monI
forIng nnd rosonso whIIo fhoro wIII
bo ono IT rofossIonnI nnd ono so
cInI nssIsfnnf orformIng socInI ns
sIgnmonfs. Thoro wIII nIso bo fhroo
nssIsfnnf InformnfIon OffIcors fo
hoI fho IOs wIfh ubIIcIfy, monI
forIng nnd rosonso.
Tho fnrgof nudIonco of fho socInI
modIn coII Is usors of socInI modIn
sIfos, fho journnIIsf communIfy, In
foIIocfunIs, coIumnIsfs/ wrIfors,
oInIon mnkors nnd oIIfIcInns.
Covf osfnbIIshos SocInI
ModIn CoII
ShnIkh forms body fo rosoIvo 3C dIsufo
M. ShnfIq fnkos onfh
MoIT fo rosoIvo
Issuos of foIocom
TI fo rovIvo sIck
unIf 'ICI'
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk Synops|s Nat|ona|
IsInmnbnd To monIfor IIIognI
foIocom frnffIc groy frnffIc cnusIng
Immonso rovonuo Iossos nnd fo moof
'nnfIonnI socurIfy` objocfIvos, fho
fodornI govornmonf hns Insfrucfod
comnnIos fo onsuro fhnf fhoIr cus
fomors dId nof uso oncryfod VIr
funI IrIvnfo ofwork VI.
VIs nro fho nofwork connoc
fIons or Ios fhnf oncryf dnfn
sonf ncross fho Infornof fo rovIdo
socurIfy nnd confroI of fho Informn
fIon frnnsmIffod bofwoon fwo com
!nsf monfh, fho InkIsfnn
ToIocommunIcnfIon AufhorIfy wrofo
n Ioffor fo mobIIo hono oornfors,
Infornof sorvIco rovIdors, IncIud
Ing InndIIno nnd wIroIoss foIohono
Tho Ioffor snId Tho socurIfy nu
fhorIfy rohIbIfod usngo of nII such
mochnnIsm, IncIudIng oncryfod
VIs, whIch conconI communIcn
fIon fo fho oxfonf fhnf rohIbIfs
monIforIng. Howovor, In cnso If such
modo of communIcnfIon Is osson
fInIIy roquIrod, nrovnI mny bo ob
fnInod from ITA.
Sourcos snId fhnf ITA`s nofIfIcn
fIon wns grossIy Ignorod by oorn
fors, forcIng fodornI InsfIfufIons fo
nronch ITI fhrough roIovnnf
chnnnoIs, roquosfIng fho foIocom
roguInfor fo fnko sfrIcf ncfIon
ngnInsf fho vIoInfors mobIIo
hono oornfors nnd ISIs.
IsInmnbnd nsIr JnmnI Khnn,
ChIof TochnIcnI OffIcor of Augoro
InkIsfnn, hns nssumod fho fo offIco
nf Quboo ns nddIfIonnI chnrgo foI
IowIng fho donrfuro of MubnshIr
nqvI roconfIy.
Tho mnnngomonf hns nof n
oInfod Ifs now CIO for InkIsfnn so
fnr buf nskod Ifs fonm fo confInuo
nII work undor fho suorvIsIon of
nsIr JnmnI Khnn, who Is ono of fho
sonIor nnd comofonf mombors of
fho Quboo fonm In InkIsfnn.
Ho hns vnsf workIng oxorIonco
In fho IocnI mnrkof ns ho rovIousIy
workod for Suornof nnd ToIocnrd
ns CTO for Iong orIods.
MubnshIr nqvI quIf Quboo In
Augusf nffor sorvIng fho comnny
succossfuIIy In onofrnfIng IocnI
mnrkof for moro fhnn fwo yonrs ns
CIO. Ho hns boon commIffod fo
MInf ConsuIfIng Crou, whoro ho
Is now workIng ns n mnnngIng nrf
IsInmnbnd IrosIdonf AsIf AII
ZnrdnrI hns formod n commIffoo
comrIsIng IInnnco MInIsfor r Ab
duI Hnfooz ShnIkh, Wnfor nnd
Iowor MInIsfor Syod nvood Qn
mnr nnd fho rorosonfnfIvos of fho
rIvnfo socfor fo go fhrough fho ro
osnIs ronrod for fho InfroducfIon
nnd Issunnco of IIconco for 3C foch
noIogy In InkIsfnn by fho IT MIn
Isfry nnd submIf fhoIr rocommon
dnfIons fo fho govornmonf nf fho
Tho formnfIon of fho commIffoo
cnmo durIng n brIofIng moofIng on
fho ugrndnfIon of foIocom socfor of
fho counfry. Tho moofIng wns
chnIrod by IrosIdonf ZnrdnrI nf fho
IrIofIng fho moofIng, Socrofnry
IT nnd ToIocom Snood Ahmod Khnn
Informod fhnf nround 40 orconf of
fho fofnI InfornnfIonnI mInufos for
mInnfod In InkIsfnn woro comIng
Info fho counfry fhrough groy chnn
noIs cnusIng sIgnIfIcnnf Ioss fo fho
foIocom socfor rovonuo.
If wns nIso Informod fhnf fho ox
IsfIng mobIIo hono sorvIco wns
bnsod on socond gonornfIon fochnoI
ogy nnd InkIsfnn wns InggIng bo
hInd In brond bnnd sorvIco. WIro
Ioss brondbnnd soIufIons wIfh Inf
osf fochnoIogy osocInIIy 3C couId
fIII fhIs gn, If wns foId.
If wns Informod fhnf moro fhnn
85 orconf of fho oornfors In fho
worId hnd doIoyod 3C fochnoIogIos
duo fo Ifs boffor covorngo nnd fnsfor
dnfn frnnsfor nbIIIfIos. Tho rosI
donf nIso dIrocfod fhnf nnofhor
moofIng shouId bo hoId soon fo dIs
cuss fho Issuo furfhor.
Tho moofIng wns nffondod
nmong ofhors by Hnfooz ShnIkh,
nvood Qnmnr, ConornI Socrofnry
fo fho IrosIdonf M SnImnn InruquI,
fodornI socrofnrIos of IInnnco nnd
IT dIvIsIons, ChnIrmnn Iomrn r
AbduI Jnbbnr, ChnIrmnn ITA
Muhnmmnd YnsIn, ChnIrmnn TC
IrIg ! M Younns nnd ofhor sonIor
KnrnchI TofnI Invosfmonfs In
fho counfry`s foIocom socfor wIII bo
$2.4 bIIIIon by 2020, n InkIsfnn
ToIocommunIcnfIon AufhorIfy ITA
sfudy snId.
Tho sfudy, fIfIod VIsIon 2020,
forocnsfs fhnf rovonuos In fho foIo
com socfor wIII bo ovor !s620 bIIIIon
In 2020. If snys fhnf fho numbor of
mobIIo subscrIbors Is oxocfod fo bo
nround l6l mIIIIon, nroxImnfoIy
89 or conf of fho fofnI ouInfIon,
by 2020.
Tho sfudy snys fhnf fho numbor
of fIxodIIno subscrIbors wIII bo fIvo
mIIIIon In 2020 whIIo fho numbor of
brondbnnd subscrIbors Is oxocfod
fo bo nround l9.5 mIIIIon.
A ToIonor sfudy conducfod In
Mny suorfs fho rosuIfs of fho ITA
sfudy. WIfh Iosfon ConsuIfIng
Crou ICC, ToIonor sfudIod fho
ovornII Imncf of fho mobIIo fInnn
cInI sorvIcos nnd Iookod Info fho so
cIfIc offocfs In ToIonor`s AsInn mnr
kofs, IncIudIng InkIsfnn.
ToIonor InkIsfnn`s sokosorson
nnd chIof mnrkofIng offIcor, AnmIr
IbrnhIm, snId fhnf ho boIIovod If fho
frond In fho foIocom socfor confIn
uod, nn Incronso of fwo or conf In
InkIsfnn`s CI wns ossIbIo bo
cnuso of mobIIo fInnncInI sorvIcos.
Monoy from fho InformnI socfor wIII
bo chnnnoIIod Info fho sysfom,
nddIng fo fho cIrcuInr fIow of In
como, ho snId.
Howovor, ho snId fhnf fho rov
onuo osfImnfo of !s620b wns buII
Ish. Ho snId fhnf fho fofnI rovonuos
woro !s300 bIIIIon rosonfIy So wo
nro fnIkIng nbouf doubIIng fho rov
onuo, buf fho subscrIbor bnso In
cronsos by 60 or conf onIy. Tho
growfh wIII hnon whon fho rIco
or unIf confInuos fo fnII. So I fhInk
rovonuo rojocfIons nro nmbIfIous,
ho snId.
urIng fho noxf fon yonrs, Im
rovod qunIIfy of foIocom sysfoms
nnd sorvIcos wIII bocomo n crIfIcnI
doformInnnf of comofIfIvonoss In
ICT, fho sfudy snId. Tho growfh
nnd dovoIomonf of ICTs fodny hns
Iod fo fhoIr wIdo dIffusIon nnd n
IIcnfIon, fhus oscnInfIng fhoIr oco
nomIc nnd socInI Imncf ncross fho
counfrIos, If snId.
Irondbnnd 2.0 nofworks wIII
ovonfunIIy roInco fho curronf
brondbnnd nofworks. MovIng fo
fhoso now nofworks offors fho
chnnco fo Incronso offIcIoncy nnd ro
duco oornfIng cosfs In fho Iongor
form for nofwork oornfors nnd
brondbnnd Is n koy fooI fo nchIovo
fhoso romodInI ncfIons, If snId.
Tho sfudy snys fhnf mobIIo coI
IuInr fochnoIogy hns boon rImnrIIy
focusod on fho consumor mnrkof,
ncfIng ns n subsfIfufo for offon un
nvnIInbIo wIrod foIohony. ow vI
sIons of 4C nnd boyond, IncIudIng
osfnbIIshod fochnoIogIos such ns
WIMAX, nro hornIdIng fho ngo of
ITA forocnsfs nII nround
growfh In foIocom socfor
IrosIdonf nsks ugrndIng of foIocom socfor
Covf nsks foIocom
fIrms fo chock uso of
oncryfod VI
AcfIng CIO Quboo
nsIr Khnn
IsInmnbnd InkIsfnn ToIocom
munIcnfIon AufhorIfy ITA fook
sfrong nofIco of gonornfIon of snm
mIng from IndIvIdunI mobIIo sub
scrIfIons nnd shorf codos cnusIng
nuIsnnco fo fho foIocom subscrIbors
nf Inrgo.
In nccordnnco wIfh fho 'rofoc
fIon from snm, unsoIIcIfod, frnudu
Ionf nnd obnoxIous communIcnfIon
!oguInfIons 2009', fho frnnsmIssIon
of hnrmfuI or unsoIIcIfod mossngos
In buIk fo nny orson, wIfhouf fho
ormIssIon of fho rocIIonf, Is unnu
ITA offIcInIs foId fhnf fhoy hnvo
wnrnod nII IndIvIdunI usors of foIo
com sorvIcos fhnf nro InvoIvod In
such ncfIvIfIos fo rofrnIn from such
rncfIcos fhnf InvoIvo gonornfIon of
In cnso of noncomIInnco of fho
snmo, fhoy snId ITA rosorvos fho
rIghf fo InIfInfo IognI rocoodIngs In
nccordnnco wIfh ITA !oorgnnIzn
fIon Acf l996.
ITA sourcos furfhor snId fhnf
foIocom consumors In rocoIf of nny
unsoIIcIfod or foIomnrkofIng cnII
or Shorf MossngIng SorvIco SMS
from nny foIohono subscrIfIon,
mny Inform nbouf fho sondor nnd
rocIIonf numbor nIong wIfh SMS
confonf by mossngIng fo n dodIcnfod
common shorf codo 9000 for nocos
snry ncfIon nf mobIIo oornfor`s ond.
ITA offIcInI snId, ITA Is fuIIy
commIffod fownrds snfogunrdIng
fho Inforosfs of fho foIocom con
sumors In fho counfry nnd nrocI
nfos cooornfIon oxfondod by fho
foIocom consumors fownrds Ifs of
forfs fo curb fho monnco of snm
ITA onsuros snfofy
ngnInsf snmmIng,
unsoIIcIfod cnIIs, SMS
Fr ee down| oad | | ar e. pk
Nat|ona| Synops|s
!nhoro IfIhnd AIrwnys Is offor
Ing bnrgnIn fnros fo InkIsfnnI frnv
oIIors fo dosfInnfIons fo fho !SA nnd
Cnnndn, foIIowIng fho Inunch of nn
InnovnfIvo snIos romofIon.
TrnvoIIors from InkIsfnn cnn
now nvnII nmnzIng dIscounfs on
CornI Iconomy CInss from nII do
nrfuro oInfs In fho counfry
nnmoIy KnrnchI, !nhoro, IsInmnbnd
& Ioshnwnr.
osfInnfIons offorod In fhIs 48
hour snIo IncIudo ow York,
Toronfo, ChIcngo, Iosfon, nIIns,
ofroIf, Housfon, !os AngoIos, MI
nmI, OrInndo, Snn Iogo, Snn Irnn
cIsco nnd WnshIngfon C.
Amor Khnn, Counfry Mnnngor
InkIsfnn, snId Our 48hour donIs
nIIow InkIsfnnI frnvoIIors fo soo fho
worId for much Ioss fhnn fhoy wouId
oxocf. Thoso fnnfnsfIc fnros nro
onIy nvnIInbIo on Sofombor l3 &
l4, 20ll nnd onIy n IImIfod numbor
of sonfs wIII bo mndo, so our ndvIco
Is fo bo quIck!
Ioshnwnr InkIsfnn CouncII for
ScIonco nnd TochnoIogy, MInIsfry of
ScIonco nnd TochnoIogy IsInmnbnd
hns grnnfod rosonrch roducfIvIfy
nwnrds fo fwonfyfIvo fonchors of
!nIvorsIfy of Ioshnwnr for fho yonr
20ll. In fhIs connocfIon n corfIfIcnfo
dIsfrIbufIon coromony wns hoId In
Aron Sfudy Confro, !nIvorsIfy of
Ioshnwnr roconfIy. VIco ChnncoIIor
Irof. r. Azmnf Hnynf Khnn gnvo
nwny fho ICST corfIfIcnfos fo fho
nwnrd wInnors.
Tho numbor of nwnrd wInnor`s
scIonfIsfs of !nIvorsIfy of Ioshnwnr
wns fho hIghosf nmong nII !nIvor
sIfIos In fho counfry fhIs yonr wIfh
Twonfy Ono In ChomIcnI ScIoncos,
Two In Inrfh ScIoncos, Ono In In
vIronmonfnI ScIoncos nnd Ono In II
oIogIcnI ScIoncos rosocfIvoIy. Ad
drossIng fho nwnrd coromony VIco
ChnncoIIor Irof. r. Azmnf Hnynf
Khnn snId fhnf !nIvorsIfy of Io
shnwnr Is roud of Ifs fncuIfy nnd
sfudonfs shouId fooI fho snmo. Ho
nddod fhnf our scIonco donrfmonfs
osocInIIy fho chomIcnI scIoncos hns
shown oxcoIIonf orformnnco nnd
fhoIr offorfs hnvo boon ncknowI
odgod by MInIsfry of ScIonco nnd
TochnoIogy ns woII.
!nhoro MobIIInk IoundnfIon
confInuod Ifs suorf for fho undor
rIvIIogod nnd socInI chIIdron of
InkIsfnn by ronchIng ouf fo ovor l00
socInI chIIdron wIfh gIffs of sfn
fIonnry nnd ofhor ossonfInI schooI
Ifoms. A fonm of MobIIInk Torch
bonrors dIsfrIbufod ncks confnIn
Ing gnmos, Iunch boxos, coIorIng
books, crnyons, cnndy bngs nnd sfn
fIonnry Ifoms nmongsf socInI chII
dron nf fho Croon !nnd SchooI.
Omnr Mnnzur, Irocfor IubIIc
!oInfIons nnd CS!, MobIIInk hIgh
IIghfod, Wo undorsfnnd fho Imor
fnnco of such InIfInfIvos for chIIdron
wIfh socInI noods nnd wIII confInuo
fo suorf fhoso nnd sImIInr ncfIvI
fIos fhnf rovIdo such chIIdron wIfh
somo joy nnd oxcIfomonf. Thoso
schooI suIIos wIII nIso sorvo ns
usofuI nIds In hoIIng fhoso chIIdron
wIfh fhoIr ovorydny schooI ncfIvI
Tho MobIIInk IoundnfIon hns
Iong sorvod fho noods of oducnfIon
for dosorvIng chIIdron In InkIsfnn.
Tho IoundnfIon roconfIy donnfod
l,000 schooI bngs mndo from rocy
cIod ndvorfIsIng mnforInI fo fho
SIndh IducnfIon IoundnfIon. Insf
suorf ncfIvIfIos nmong ofhors In
cIudo fundIng fho whIfo wnsh nnd
nInf of Anbroo WoIfnro SchooI, !n
horo nnd n donnfIon fo fho InkIsfnn
AssocInfIon of IIInd SchooI.
InkIsfnnI mobIIo oornfor WnrId
ToIocom hns Inunchod Ifs oubIo
hnmnI offor for Ifs cusfomors In
nnd nround fho rogIons of MuIfnn,
InIsnInbnd nnd CujrnnwnIn.
Tho comnny Is nIso offorIng fwo
hnndsofs froo In fhIs offor. AII cus
fomors who buy nIrfImo worfh IK!
2,999 IncIudIng fnxos cnn gof n S2l3
hnndsof wIfh n WnrId ronId SIm
froo. ThIs hnndsof comos wIfh dunI
SIm fochnoIogy, IM rndIo, forch,
gnmos, sonkor hono nnd bnffory
fImo u fo 530 hours.
WIfh fho urchnso of nIrfImo
worfh IK! l,?99 IncIudIng fnxos
fho hnndsof S50l wIII bo offorod
wIfh n WnrId ronId SIm froo. ThIs
hnndsof comos wIfh IM rndIo, forch,
gnmos, sonkor hono nnd bnffory
fImo u fo 400 hours. SubscrIbors
cnn uso fhIs roIondod bnInnco In
nnd nround fho rogIons of MuIfnn,
InIsnInbnd nnd CujrnnwnIn for
mnkIng onnof/off
nof/InfornnfIonnI cnIIs, SMS, MMS
nnd CI!S.
IsInmnbnd InkIsfnn ToIocom
munIcnfIon Comnny !ImIfod
ITC! hns sIgnod n nnfIonwIdo dIs
frIbufIon ngroomonf for IVO nnd
roInfod roducfs wIfh MuIIor &
IhIs, snId fo bo fho Inrgosf nnd
oIdosf dIsfrIbufIon comnny osfnb
IIshod In l9l2.
WIfh fhIs ngroomonf ITC! In
fonds fo ronch ovory nook nnd cor
nor of InkIsfnn wIfh nn oxfonsIvo
rofnII nofwork nnd sfnfooffhonrf
suIy nnd IogIsfIc rocossos.
ITC! SIVI AbduIIn Yousof Ab
duIIn nnd CIO nnd M of MuIIor &
IhIs Knmrnn Irshnd sIgnod fho
ngroomonf nf n coromony hoId nf fho
ITC! hond offIco In KnrnchI.
Wo hnvo fho Inrgosf wIroIoss
brondbnnd nofwork In InkIsfnn, nnd
wIfh fhIs nrfnorshI wIfh MuIIor
nnd IhIs, wo hnvo cronfod fho
Inrgosf dIsfrIbufIon nofwork for
IVO dovIcos ncross InkIsfnn. Our
nIm Is fo fncIIIfnfo our cusfomors fo
nvnII fho bonofIfs of brondbnnd In
fornof sorvIco bofh In wIroIoss cov
orngo nnd dovIco nvnIInbIIIfy, snId
AbduIInh Yousof AbduIInh.
IVO offors cusfomors n suo
rIor 3C Infornof oxorIonco, wIfh
fIoxIbIIIfy fo ronm frooIy IIko novor
boforo, In moro fhnn l00 cIfIos nn
fIonwIdo. Jusf Iug nnd Iny nf work
or homo wIfh unsurnssod nnd
nmnzIng sood of u fo 3.lMbs,
bnckod by fho counfry`s Inrgosf wIro
Ioss sorvIco rovIdor.
WIfh n vnrIofy of fIoxIbIo sorvIco
nckngos, fho IVO sorvIco mny bo
nvnIIod by ovoryono from nII wnIks
of IIfo.
Irom sfudonfs fo rofossIonnIs
fo onfhusInsfs fhoro Is n sorvIco Inn
for IVO for ovory fyo of budgof.
ITC!, MuIIor & IhIs sIgn
IVO dIsfrIbufIon ngroomonf
MobIIInk IoundnfIon mnkos n dIfforonco
In fho IIvos of socInI sfudonfs
IfIhnd offors ufo
20c dIscounf for
WnrId offors froo
hnndsofs wIfh
Awnrds gIvon
fo !oI fonchors
KnrnchI ToIonor hns offorod 20
socond nckngo for !AI nnd SnudI
ArnbIn. If Is n dnIIy subscrIfIon
bnsod sorvIco wIfh n dnIIy ronfnI.
Koo rondIng fo know fho do
fnIIs IrIco Inn for !AI !s 4.l8
or 20 soconds.IrIco Inn for !AI
!s 3.5? or 20 soconds.
IsInmnbnd wIfrIbo hns ronc
fIvoIy Infroducod n sohIsfIcnfod, of
fIcIonf yof cosf offocfIvo nronfnI
confroI sysfom for If`s cusfomors.
WhIIo nrfnorIng wIfh of
nnny, whIch comos wIfh rovon
frnck rocord, wIfrIbo wIII now bo
nbIo fo offor If`s cusfomors wIfh mnr
kof bosf fooIs fo monIfor, confroI nnd
snfogunrd fhoIr kIds whIIo fhoy surf
fho Infornof.
ToIonor brIngs MI 20
socond offor
WIfrIbo Infroducos
of nnny InronfnI
confroI sorvIco
Mobilink Torchbearers with children and faculty of Green Land School.
FeIipe Juan FroiIan, the oIdest grandson of
Spain's King Juan CarIos and Queen Sofia,
takes pictures from "Somni" yacht.
A fan uses her mobiIe phone to take a picture with
US famous icon Paris HiIton in ManiIa.
PabIo LarrazabaI of Spain and his girI-
friend take a photograph during the 93rd
PGA Championship goIf tournament.
ModeIs dispIay the Iatest smart phone by HTC, the
HTC Evo 3D, during a press conference in Taipei.
A modeI poses with Sony TabIet P and
S at a promotionaI event in Tokyo.
Sony unveiIs the company's new interchangeabIe
Iens digitaI camera caIIed the "NEX-7" in Tokyo.
Mary McDoweII, EVP Nokia, MobiIe Phones, taIks during
the unveiIing of their phones in Kenya's capitaI Nairobi.
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk Mosa|c lnternat|ona|
If doosn`f do omnII, fho Infornof, hnvo n cnmorn,
gnmos or CIS nnvIgnfIon, buf n now mobIIo
hono from onmnrk Is IIfornIIy soIId goId.
nnIsh rofnIIor AosIr snId If hoos fo soII Ifs
$5?,400, IImIfododIfIon l8cnrnf goId honos fo
Moscow`s fnshIonforwnrd oIIfo. Tho hono,
whIch fook fhroo yonrs fo dovoIo, Is nof n Iny
fhIng, comnny foundor Thomns Jonson snId,
sIIng n gIn nnd fonIc on fho roof fo of ono of
Moscow`s romIor hofoIs. If fonfuros no oxfrn
nIIcnfIons o omnII, gnmos, cnmorn or CIS
nnvIgnfIon, buf Ifs fnrgof cIIonfs nro fho uIfrn
wonIfhy, who hnvo sfnff fo mnnngo fhoIr cnIon
dnrs nnd chnuffour fhom nround fown.
If`s n coIIocfor`s Ifom. IooIo nro usod fo coI
IocfIng, sny, wnfchos, whIIo dosIgnor honos Is n
rncfIcnIIy omfy nIcho, Jonson foId.
Tho fIrm snys If wIII dosIgn n now hono ovory
l8 monfhs nnd roduco no moro fhnn 5,000 of
Ifs cInssIc modoI, soId for 42,000 ouros In goId
nnd ?,250 ouros $9,86? In sfnInIoss sfooI.
Moscow Is bocomIng n boomIng confomornry
nrf cIfy. Af fIrsf ooIo horo hnd onIy monoy buf
now fhoy hnvo sfyIo. ThoIr sondIng Is moro In
foIIocfunI nnd sohIsfIcnfod, snId MnfhIns !n
jnnI, AosIr`s chIof commorcInI offIcor.
SovornI of onmnrk`s rIchosf fnmIIIos, IncIud
Ing fho ownors of foymnkor !ogo, Invosfod In
fho dovoIoIng fho bIocky, sfronmIIno honos,
dosIgnod by Yovos Iohnr. !uxury mnrkof nnn
Iysfs soo AosIr`s dosIgns ns nn nIfornnfIvo fo
hIghond, gomoncrusfod mobIIos by okIn`s
IrIfIsh mobIIo subsIdInry Vorfu, cosfIng from
$6,500 fo $?2,500.
!ussIn`s uIfrnrIch mny woII Iunk down fhou
snnds fo fInunf AosIr`s goId mobIIos, nrfmnrkof
Invosfmonf oxorf nfnIIn !ogofInn snId.
Iuf sho doubfod fho honos wouId bocomo coI
Iocfor`s Ifoms. If couId fInd n Inco In fho !uss
Inn mnrkof buf dofInIfoIy nof In fho cuIfurnI
oIIfo cIrcIos, whIch fnvor now smnrfhono mod
oIs, snId !ogofInn, fho Moscow rorosonfnfIvo
of IrIfIsh consuIfnncy Arf Mnrkof !osonrch.
If wIII Inforosf !ussInn OIIgnrchs nnd fhoIr
gIrIfrIonds ns woII ns busInossmon whoso socInI
cIrcIos domnnd nccossorIos fhnf ncf ns cInss In
dIcnfors, sho snId. AosIr, whIch Is roIIIng ouf
modoIs In CyrIIIIc nnd ChInoso, gonornfod buzz
wIfh Ifs gIIfzy romofIon In Moscow Insf wook.
ThIs hono Is nmnzIng fho InnovnfIons bo
hInd If nro nIso gronf, snId !ussInn fycoon
VndIm ymov, who owns n monfnckIng
Innfsnnd hns sovornI concofunI nrf rojocfs.
Sony Cor wIII Inunch Ifs now IInySfnfIon VIfn
hnndhoId gnmos dovIco on ocombor l? In
Jnnn, kIckIng off n gIobnI roIIouf, nnd InsIsfod
If wIII nof roduco fho rIco In fho fnco of dIs
counfIng by rIvnI Infondo.
Sony hns boon crIfIcIzod for soffIng fho IS
VIfn`s rIco foo hIgh for fho mnss mnrkof buf
somo nnnIysfs sny fho gndgof wIII IIkoIy nonI
chIofIy fo hnrdcoro gnmors, who nro gonornIIy
wIIIIng fo sond moro.
HIroshI Knwnno, rosIdonf of Sony Comufor
InforfnInmonf Jnnn, rosonfod fho domosfIc
Inunch Inns fo roorfors n dny nhond of fho
nnnunI Tokyo Cnmo Show.
Tho IS VIfn, fIrsf unvoIIod In Tokyo In Jnnu
nry, Is oxocfod fo go on snIo In fho !nIfod
Sfnfos nnd Iuroo In onrIy 20l2, buf oxncf
dnfos hnvo yof fo bo rovonIod.
Sony snId If wIII Inunch 26 soffwnro fIfIos
nIong wIfh fho IS VIfn on ocombor l? nnd
Jnnn`s bIggosf mobIIo cnrrIor, TT ocomo,
wIII rovIdo ronId 3C Inns for IS VIfn
!IvnI Infondo sInshod rIcos for Ifs own
orfnbIo gnmos dovIco by u fo 40 orconf fo
l5,000 yon $l95 Insf monfh nffor snIos
snggod, nnd unvoIIod n rnff of now soffwnro In
n bId fo rovIvo Inforosf.
Iuf Invosfors sny smnrfhonos nnd fnbIofs
hnvo fnkon n bIg bIfo ouf of domnnd for dodI
cnfod orfnbIo gnmos dovIcos by rovIdIng
chonor soffwnro nnd muIfIIo funcfIons.
Sony snId In Augusf If snw no nood fo roduco
fho rIco of fho IS VIfn from fho nnnouncod
fIguro of 24,980 yon $325 for n WIfI onIy
modoI nnd 29,980 yon $390 for n 3C Ius WI
fI vorsIon.
Iuf fho comnny Insf monfh cuf fho rIco of Ifs
IInySfnfIon 3 gnmIng consoIo by onofIffh fo
rognIn Iosf ground ngnInsf rIvnI MIcrosoff,
whIch mnkos fho Xbox.
Moro bIIng for your rIng wIfh soIId goId hono
Sony fo sfnrf IS VIfn gIobnI roIIouf
Mathias Rajani, Danish Iuxury product company Aesir's chief commerciaI officer, hoIds a
modeI of his company's new mobiIe phone during a press presentation in Moscow.
HTC Inunchos lsf
hono wIfh Ionfs
nudIo fochnoIogy
HTC Ius unnounced ILs IIrsL smurLpIone In-
corporuLIng LIe BeuLs uudIo LecInoIogy ucquIred
LIrougI ILs recenL Lukeover oI BeuLs EIecLronIcs,
LIe muker oI Dr Dre IeudpIones. TIe HTC Sen-
suLIon XE wIII IuuncI Irom IuLe SepLember In LIe
EMEA regIon und AsIu.
n uddILIon Lo IIgI-quuIILy uudIo und ex-
Lended buLLery IIIe, LIe AndroId pIone IeuLures u
1.GHz duuI processor, un 8GB or 16GB mIcroSD
curd und LIe urBeuLs IeudpIones. TIe recom-
mended reLuII prIce Is EUR qq (IncIudIng VAT),
uccordIng Lo u sLuLemenL Irom HTC's DuLcI sub-
Fr ee down| oad | | ar e. pk
Synops|s lnternat|ona|
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk Synops|s lnternat|ona|
TwILLer unnounced LIuL IL
Ius reucIed over 1oo mII-
IIon ucLIve users wIo use
LIe sILe uL IeusL once u
monLI. TIe compuny suId
LIuL more LIun IuII oI
LIese Iog In Lo TwILLer eucI
duy, und qo percenL oI uc-
LIve users uccess LIe sILe
mereIy Lo reud LweeLs
ruLIer LIun send mes-
suges. IILy-IIve percenL
use TwILLer Irom LIeIr mo-
bIIe pIone. TwILLer Is ex-
pundIng ILs reucI und suId
IL pIuns Lo IuuncI In HIndI,
IIIpIno, MuIuy und SIm-
pIIIIed und TrudILIonuI
CIInese In LIe comIng
weeks, LukIng IL Lo 1; dII-
IerenL Iunguuges. n u
posLIng on ILs bIog, LIe
compuny uIso IIgIIIgILed
LIe runge oI peopIe usIng
TwILLer, IncIudIng worId
Ieuders, uLIIeLes, ceIebrI-
LIes, journuIIsLs und non-
proIIL groups.
reucIes over
1oo mIIIIon
ucLIve users
AcLIvIsL InvesLor DunIeI oeb
Ius bougIL u sLuke In YuIoo!
und IuuncIed u cumpuIgn
uguInsL LIe bourd IoIIowIng ILs
dIsmIssuI oI CuroI BurLz us
CEO. oeb's TIIrd PoInL suId
In u reguIuLory IIIIng Lo LIe Se-
curILIes und ExcIunge Com-
mIssIon LIuL IL Iud .1 percenL
oI LIe compuny's sIures und
LIuL IL Iud wrILLen Lo LIe
bourd Lo urgue LIuL ILs cIuIr-
mun und oLIer members
sIouId resIgn, LIe T reporLs.
YuIoo's bourd suIIered u sIm-
IIur IIgIL In zoo8 uguInsL LIe
InvesLor CurI cuIn, wIen
negoLIuLIons Ior MIcrosoIL Lo
buy YuIoo IeII upurL. TIuL Ied
Lo LIe resIgnuLIon oI Iounder
Jerry Yung us CEO und LIe up-
poInLmenL oI BurLz. n LIe IeL-
Ler Lo LIe bourd, oeb suId
LIuL sIe wus u poor cIoIce Lo
begIn wILI, gIven Ier Iuck oI
consumer InLerneL experI-
ence, und LIuL LIe bourd Iud
wuILed Loo Iong Lo IIre Ier.
YuIoo! InvesLor
cuIIs Ior new
Gurtner slushes o11 PC growth Iorecust
VoduIone IIIes IIug Ior BrILuIn In
SIIIcon VuIIeyVoduIone Xone Is u
LesL Iub Ior LecI compunIes wunLIng
Lo LrIuI producLs on ILs neLwork
VoduIone, LIe mobIIe pIone gIunL,
opened u reseurcI und deveIopmenL
cenLre In SIIIcon VuIIey, IoIsLIng u
BrILIsI IIug uL LIe IeurL oI LIe US
LecInoIogy IndusLry.
Bused In Redwood CILy, Vodu-
Ione Xone wIII provIde u LesL Iub Ior
IocuI LecInoIogy compunIes wunLIng
Lo LrIuI producLs on ILs neLwork be-
Iore LukIng LIem Lo murkeL. TIe unIL
wIII empIoy zo.
L wIII uIso ucL us un IncubuLor,
Ior up Lo zq sLurLups uL u LIme, wILI
u Leum oI VoduIone proIessIonuIs
wIII be on Iund Lo oIIer udvIce on
sucI muLLers us munugIng u busI-
ness, Iow LIe neLwork Is buIIL, con-
sumer eIecLronIcs, puymenL
mecIunIsms und duLu unuIysIs.
TrIuIs wIII Luke pIuce on u IuIIy
IuncLIonuI repIIcu oI VoduIone's
gIobuI neLworks, und LIere wIII be
connecLIons InLo ILs ucLuuI Europeun
neLworks und LIose oI VerIzon, LIe
US mobIIe currIer In wIIcI LIe
BrILIsI group owns u q percenL
VoduIone VenLures, LIe com-
puny's venLure cupILuI urm, wIII uIso
reIocuLe Lo Redwood CILy Lo keep u
cIose eye on compunIes emergIng
Irom LIe Xone.
TIe InILIuLIve IoIIows LIe dru-
muLIc reorgunIsuLIon unveIIed eur-
IIer LIIs week by Oz-owner
TeIeInIcu, wIIcI suId IL wouId con-
cenLruLe ILs dIgILuI operuLIons In
ondon umId sIgns LIuL LIe Euro-
peun mobIIe currIers ure begInnIng
Lo sLIr LIemseIves.
Compured Lo VoduIone's move,
TeIeInIcu's decIsIon wus Iur more
durIng puLLIng one oI ILs mosL senIor
execuLIves, Europeun cIIeI MuLLIew
Key, In cIurge oI u "dIgILuI unIL"
wIose purpose Is Lo gee-up R&D
und LIe deveIopmenL oI uILernuLIve
busIness modeIs.
WIuL LIe UK's VoduIone und
SpuIn's TeIeInIcu und ILs rIvuIs
need mosL Is Lo muInLuIn momen-
Lum, uvoIdIng LIe IuLure some ure
muppIng ouL Ior LIem us borIng, de-
pendubIe uLIIILIes. PredIcLubIy per-
Iups, LIe word used by TeIeInIcu Lo
LIe LogeLIer LIe runge oI InILIuLIves
Key wIII be In cIurge oI Is "growLI".
VoduIone IIIes IIug Ior BrILuIn In SIIIcon VuIIey
NokIu Lo oIIer
MIcrosoIL Apps
Ior SymbIun
NokIu Is geLLIng cIoser Lo LIe
worId oI WIndows, wILI pIuns
Lo oIIer u runge oI MIcrosoIL
upps LIuL wIII run on LIe IuLesL
versIon oI SymbIun (BeIIe), In-
cIudIng LIe IIrsL nuLIve non-
WIndows versIons oI Word,
ExceI, und PowerPoInL.
TIe Iree upduLes, cuIIed MI-
crosoIL Apps, deIIver u suILe oI
MIcrosoIL producLIvILy uppIIcu-
LIons Lo compuLIbIe NokIu
smurLpIones. TIey requIre no
uddILIonuI InIrusLrucLure und
"IeIp udd ImmedIuLe busIness
udvunLuge Lo LIe IIrsL SymbIun
BeIIe devIces us weII us deIIver-
Ing sIgnIIIcunL uddILIonuI vuIue
Lo exIsLIng NokIu busIness cus-
Lomers wIo upgrude Lo Sym-
bIun BeIIe." PuL ox, senIor
dIrecLor oI murkeLIng und pIun-
nIng Ior MIcrosoIL OIIIce, suId:
"MIcrosoIL producLIvILy upps
Ior NokIu SymbIun wIII IeIp
cusLomers remuIn connecLed
Lo MIcrosoIL OIIIce.
or LIIs yeur, LIe murkeL reseurcI IIrm now projecLs gIobuI suIes oI 8;.8
mIIIIon PCs, up 1o. percenL Irom zo1o. GurLner`s oId IorecusL wus Ior 1.q
percenL growLI. or zo1z, LIe IIrm now sees 1.6percenL unIL growLI, down
Irom u prevIousIy expecLed 1q.8 percenL.
TIese resuILs reIIecL murked reducLIons In expecLed neur-Lerm unIL
growLI bused on expecLuLIons oI weuker consumer mobIIe PC demund, In
no smuII purL becuuse oI LIe neur-Lerm weukness expecLed In CIInu`s mobIIe
PC murkeL, buL uIso becuuse oI u generuI Ioss In consumer enLIusIusm Ior
mobIIe PCs, GurLner reseurcI dIrecLor RunjIL ALwuI suId In u sLuLemenL.
TIe obvIous probIem: consumers IIke LubIeLs. GurLner reseurcI dIrecLor
George SIIIIIer suId In u sLuLemenL LIuL LIe reseurcI IIrm once LIougIL noLe-
book demund wouId be susLuIned by consumers by second und LIIrd PCs us
personuI devIces. However, we now beIIeve LIuL consumers ure noL onIy
IIkeIy Lo Iorgo uddILIonuI mobIIe PC buys buL ure uIso IIkeIy Lo exLend LIe
IIIeLImes oI LIe mobIIe PCs LIey reLuIn us LIey udopL medIu LubIeLs und oLIer
mobIIe PC uILernuLIves us LIeIr prImury mobIIe devIce, Ie suys. OveruII,
we now expecL Iome mobIIe PCs Lo uveruge Iess LIun 1o percenL unnuuI
growLI In muLure murkeLs Irom zo11 LIrougI zo1.
zG, G neLwork
uvuIIubIe In
Mujor LeIecom servIce
provIder BIurLI AIrLeI reveuI
LIuL compuny Ius been
uwurded u IIcense by
Rwundu's LeIecom reguIuLor
Lo operuLe zG und G GSM
mobIIe servIces In LIe eusL
AIrIcun counLry, In uddILIon Lo
LIIs compuny suId LIuL IL Is
pIunnIng Lo InvesL uround
$1oo mIIIIon over LIe nexL
LIree yeurs.
Compuny oIIIcIuI suId, "BIurLI
AIrLeI Ius been uwurded u II-
cense by LIe Rwundu ULIIILIes
ReguIuLory Agency Lo operuLe
zG und G GSM mobIIe serv-
Ices In Rwundu. WILI LIIs II-
cense, LIe compuny's
IooLprInL ucross LIe AIrIcun
conLInenL wIII expund Lo 1;
Rwundu Is recognIzed umong
LIe IusLesL growIng LeIecom
murkeLs In AIrIcu. As per LIe
nuLIonuI sLuLIsLIcs InsLILuLe oI
LIe counLry.
Jupun`s RuLuken Is joInIng LIe
book, DVD und musIc re-
LuIIer`s sIureIoIder sLrucLure,
wIIIe Ru-NeL HoIdIngs, ndex
VenLure MunugemenL und
BurIng VosLock CupILuI PurL-
ners ure reInvesLIng.
AIpIu AssocIuLes oI SwILzer-
Iund wIII uIso become u new
equILy IoIder uILer LukIng purL
In LIIs round oI IundIng.
BurIng VosLock Is Ozon`s mu-
jorILy sIureIoIder uILer un In-
sLILuLIonuI buyouL In zoo6.
A yeur uILer LIIs LrunsucLIon,
LIe Moscow-bused busIness
secured IInuncIng worLI USD
18.oo mIIIIon Irom CIsco Sys-
Lems, ndex VenLure und
HoILzbrInck VenLures, wILI
BurIng VosLok reInvesLIng.
TIe busIness wus Iounded In
1qq8 und wus one oI LIe IIrsL
movers In LIe RussIun ecom-
merce murkeL. L Is u segmenL
LIuL Ius Iuge poLenLIuI, Is un-
RussIun geLs
USD 1oo
mIIIIon buckIng
Fr ee down| oad | | ar e. pk
Synops|s lnternat|ona|
Amsfordnm A ufch courf
hns bnnnod Imorfs of fhroo
Snmsung smnrfhonos Info Iu
roo ns of Ocfobor l5, ruIIng
Snmsung InfrIngos on nn AIo
hofo mnnngomonf nfonf.
Tho fur hns boon fIyIng fhIck
ns AIo nnd Snmsung nrguo
ovor nfonfs nnd rIor nrf bo
foro n courf In fho Hnguo, buf
AIo scorod nnofhor vIcfory ns
fho courf grnnfod n fomornry
InjuncfIon bnrrIng fho Imorfs
of Snmsung`s CnInxy S, SII, nnd
Aco smnrfhonos for vIoInfIng
nn AIo hofo mnnngomonf
nfonf. If fho Inj uncfIon
sfnnds, fho bnn wIII go Info of
focf on Ocfobor l5, nnd wouId
offocfIvoIy bnr fho smnrfhonos
from fho Iuroonn mnrkof
sInco Amsfordnm Is fhoIr rI
mnry orf of onfry.
IrInkmnn donIod AIo`s
ofhor InfrIngomonf cInIms
ngnInsf fho Snmsung dovIcos,
whIch conforod on dosIgn nnd
InfoIIocfunI roorfy
IrInkmnn socIfIcnIIy found
fhnf Snmsung doos nof sInv
IshIy coy AIo roducf do
sIgns, n cInIm fhnf hns boon
confrnI fo AIo`s gIobnI In
frIngomonf cnmnIgn ngnInsf
If AIo`s Infosf vIcfory ovor
Snmsung sfIcks, If mIghf hnvo
brondor ImIIcnfIons for fho
AndroId Infform fho cnso ro
rosonfs fho fIrsf fImo n vorsIon
of AndroId hns boon found fo bo
In vIoInfIon of nn AIo nfonf.
Thnf fIndIng couId bo usod ns
nmmunIfIon In AIo`s ongoIng
IIfIgnfIon ngnInsf nof jusf Snm
sung, buf HTC nnd MoforoIn
nnd fhnf couId fnko fho fIghf
dIrocfIy fo CoogIo, sInco fho
comnny nnnouncod Insf wook
If Infonds fo ncquIro MoforoIn
MobIIIfy for $l2.5 bIIIIon.
AIo wIns bnn on Snmsung
IIM Is workIng on n l20II
ofnbyfo drIvo, whIch quIfo dofI
nIfoIy Is fho Inrgosf wo`vo ovor
honrd of. To uf fhIs Info orsoc
fIvo, mosf ooIo buy ?50CI drIvos
fhoso dnys, fho IIM drIvo cnn sforo
l20 mIIIIon CI In comnrIson.
Thnf`s onough snco fo sforo 24
mIIIIon H movIos. IIM Is nf
fomfIng fhIs fonf by uffIng fo
gofhor 200,000 drIvos. AccordIng fo
MIT`s TochnoIogy !ovIow , fhIs
Inrgo nrrny of drIvos roquIros 2
ofnbyfos of snco fo jusf koo
frnck of nII fIIo nnmos nnd foIdor
sfrucfuros. Wo`d ImngIno kooIng
nn Indox nnd IInkIng so mnny
drIvos fogofhor wouId nIso bo n
Tho drIvos nro IInod u horI
zonfnIIy nnd fo koo fomornfuros
down, fhoy nro cooIod usIng wnfor
rnfhor fhnn nIr. IIM`s Iruco HIIIs
borg Is nwnro fhnf drIvo fnIIuros
cnn wronk hnvoc wIfh such Inrgo
scnIo dnfn sysfoms. nfn roIIcn
fIon Is boIng dono fo rovonf dnfn
Ioss nnd fho suorcomufor ro
sonsIbIo for hnndIIng fho dnfn Is
cnnbIo of runnIng nonsfo nnd
wIfhouf nny orformnnco Ioss ovon
If n drIvo hnons fo fnII.
IIM drIvos cnn sforo ufol20 mIIIIon CI
A !S mIIIfnry offIcInI snys Wnsh
Ingfon wIII rovIdo IrnqI nufhorIfIos
wIfh fochnoIogy fo monIfor nnd
rocord hono cnIIs nnd honofoxf
mossngos wIfh fho nIm of rovonf
Ing forrorIsf nffncks, !II/!!'s
!ndIo Irnq roorfs.
Cooffroy Iuchnnnn, n
sokosmnn for !.S. forcos In Irnq,
foId n donI wns sIgnod wIfh Irnq's
InforIor MInIsfry fo rovIdo If wIfh
fho now fochnoIogy. Ho snId fho
ngroomonf Is nrf of nn IrnqI frnIn
Ing rogrnm.
WIfh fho now hIghfoch dovIcos,
IrnqI nufhorIfIos wIII bo nbIo fo
monIfor nf Ionsf 5,000 mobIIo
honos nnd fIxod hono IInos sImuI
fnnoousIy, bofh domosfIc nnd Infor
nnfIonnI cnIIs.
AIfhough fho fochnoIogy Is Im
orfnnf In fIghfIng ngnInsf froquonf
forror nffncks In Irnq, sovornI oIIfI
cInns nro concornod fho oquImonf
couId bo usod fo monIfor fho hono
cnIIs nnd mossngos of IrnqI oIIfI
cInns for oIIfIcnI ronsons. Thoy nro
nIso worrIod by fho fncf fhnf fho
fochnoIogy wIII bo confroIIod by fho
InforIor MInIsfry.
SuhnIr nIJuburI, hond of fho
Trnnsorf nnd CommunIcnfIons
CommIffoo of fho suorvIsory onfIfy
CouncII of Inghdnd, hns wnrnod
ngnInsf such rncfIcos.
Sho snId fho hono cnIIs nnd foxf
mossngos of oIIfIcInns nro fuII of In
formnfIon fhnf couId bo usod
ngnInsf fhom or ofhorwIso nbusod.
Oononfs of fho InforIor MIn
Isfry's uso of fho now fochnoIogy
oInf ouf fhnf ArfIcIo 40 of fho IrnqI
ConsfIfufIon gunrnnfoos froodom of
communIcnfIon nnd confncf In nII
shoros nnd sfnfos fhnf such com
munIcnfIon cnn onIy bo Inforcofod
whon nufhorIzod by n courf.
MIcrosoff rovIdod nnofhor
gIImso nf chnngos comIng wIfh fho
noxfgonornfIon of WIndows soffwnro
fhnf owors mosf of fho worId's com
MIcrosoff Is mnkIng mnjor Im
rovomonfs fo n koy WIndows Ix
Ioror fIIo mnnngomonf rogrnm fo
onhnnco how If Inforncfs wIfh fho
comIng WIndows 8 oornfIng sysfom,
nccordIng fo WIndows dIvIsIon rosI
donf Sfovon SInofsky.
"WIndows 8 Is nbouf roImngInIng
WIndows, so wo fook on fho chnIIongo
fo Imrovo fho mosf wIdoIy usod dosk
fo fooI oxcof mnybo for SoIIfnIro In
WIndows," SInofsky snId nfo n bIog
osf dofnIIIng IxIoror modIfIcnfIons.
"WIndows IxIoror Is n foundnfIon
of fho usor oxorIonco of fho WIndows
doskfo nnd hns undorgono sovornI
dosIgn chnngos ovor fho yonrs, buf
hns nof soon n subsfnnfInI chnngo In
quIfo somo fImo," ho nddod.
A confroI "rIbbon" for commnnds
wns nddod fo mnko fhom moro onsIIy
nccossIbIo fo ooIo ofhor fhnn "owor
usors" fnmIIInr wIfh WIndows Ix
Ioror shorfcufs.
IngInoors sof ouf fo "rofurn Ix
Ioror fo Ifs roofs ns nn offIcIonf fIIo
mnnngor nnd oxoso somo hIddon
goms" In fho form of hnndy commnnds
mnny ooIo mny nof know, nccordIng
fo AIox SImmons of fho rogrnm mnn
ngomonf fonm.
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk
Synops|s lnternat|ona|
Jnnnoso oIocfronIcs gInnfs Sony,
ToshIbn nnd HIfnchI snId fhoy
Innnod fo morgo fhoIr smnII nnd
modIumsIzod dIsIny busInossos for
smnrfhonos nnd fnbIof comufors.
Tho comnnIos snId fhoy Innnod fo
sIgn IognIIybIndIng ngroomonfs Infor
fhIs yonr nnd comIofo fho Infogrn
fIon by srIng 20l2 ns fhoy Iook fo
boffor osIfIon fhomsoIvos In nn In
fonsoIy comofIfIvo mnrkof.
Tho fIou comnny wIII bo nrfIy
fInnncod by fho InnovnfIon ofwork
CorornfIon of Jnnn, n rIvnfoub
IIc Invosfmonf fund osfnbIIshod In
2009 fo suorf noxfgonornfIon busI
nossos. Tho govornmonfnffIIInfod
body wIII Invosf nround 200 bIIIIon
yon $2.6 bIIIIon In fho rojocf nnd
fnko n ?0 orconf sfnko, wIfh Sony,
ToshIbn nnd HIfnchI onch hoIdIng l0
"Iy InfogrnfIng onch nrfnor com
nny`s wonIfh of dIsIny oxorfIso nnd
knowhow, I nm confIdonf fho now
comnny wIII bocomo n drIvIng forco
for fochnoIogIcnI InnovnfIon nnd now
growfh In fho rnIdIy oxnndIng
smnII nnd modIum sIzod dIsIny
mnrkof," snId Sony CIO nnd IrosI
donf Hownrd SfrIngor.
Tho movo comos ns Jnnnoso
fIrms Iook fo boffor comofo ngnInsf
rIvnIs from Soufh Koron nnd TnIwnn
In fho mnrkof for hIgh rosoIufIon dIs
Iny fochnoIogy In fho boomIng mnr
kofs for smnrfhonos, fnbIof
comufors nnd ofhor gndgofs.
Sony unvoIIod whnf If cnIIs fho
worId's fIrsf fhroodImonsIonnI hond
mounfod dIsIny, n dovIco fhnf onnbIos
Ifs wonror fo oxorIonco cInomnIIko
vIrfunI scroon vIowIng.
Tho "IorsonnI 3 VIowor HMZ
Tl", Is n vIsorIIko gndgof woIghIng
onIy 420 grnmmos l4.? ouncos fhnf
wrns nround fho hond nnd onnbIos Ifs
wonror fo vIow hIgh dofInIfIon 3 Im
ngos usIng fwo nnoIs mounfod In
fronf of onch oyo.
Tho dovIco Is fofhorod fo n rocos
sor unIf nnd bonsfs surroundsound
vIn onrhonos, gIvIng fho vIowor "n
vory ronIIsfIc fooIIng of ncfunIIy boIng
fhoro," Sony snId In n sfnfomonf.
If snId fho dIsIny offorod fho ox
orIonco of wnfchIng on n ?50Inch vIr
funI bIg scroon 20 mofros 65 foof
Sony snId chIIdron ngod l5 nnd
youngor shouId rofrnIn from usIng fho
dIsIny, whIIo wnrnIng If couId frIggor
frnvoI sIcknoss whon usod In unsfnbIo
onvIronmonf such ns n vohIcIo.
Tho oIocfronIcs gInnf, mnkor of
IrnvIn fInf scroon foIovIsIons nnd
IInySfnfIon gnmo consoIos, hns frIod
fo Incorornfo 3 funcfIons fo n wIdo
rnngo of Ifs roducfs.
Sony Inns fo roIonso fho dovIco In
Jnnn on ovombor ll, wIfh InIfInI
rIcIng oxocfod fo bo nround 60,000
MIcrosoff wns In fho crosshnIrs of
n InwsuIf chnrgIng fhnf smnrf
honos oworod by WIndows ? soff
wnro nofod fho whoronboufs of usors
ovon If fhoy dIdn'f wnnf fo bo
A suIf fIIod on bohnIf of n womnn
from fho !S sfnfo of MIchIgnn mnIn
fnInod fhnf MIcrosoff gnfhorod Iocn
fIon InformnfIon from WIndows ?
smnrfhonos In dIsrognrd of ooIo
rofusIng consonf for fho rocoss.
"MIcrosoff conscIousIy dosIgnod
Ifs OS mobIIo oornfIng sysfom fo
sIhon googrnhIc IocnfIon Informn
fIon from usors nnd frnnsmIf fhoIr
socIfIc whoronboufs fo MIcrosoff's
sorvors," Inwyors snId In courf docu
"MIcrosoff's schomo Is oxocufod
fhrough Ifs cnmorn nIIcnfIon,
whIch comos sfnndnrd wIfh n mo
bIIo dovIco runnIng fho WIndows
Ihono OS," fho fIIIng mnInfnInod.
Tho fIrsf fImo n WIndows ?
hono usor oons fho roInsfnIIod
cnmorn nIIcnfIon n box os u
nskIng for ormIssIon fo nufomnfI
cnIIy fng Imngos wIfh fho dovIco's
"ThIs InformnfIon nIso hoIs us
rovIdo you wIfh Imrovod IocnfIon
sorvIcos," rond n coy of fho ou
box mossngo IncIudod In courf n
orwork. "Wo won'f uso fho Infor
mnfIon fo IdonfIfy you or confncf
Ihono usors cnn soIocf bofwoon
"nIIow" nnd "cnncoI" ofIons.
If WIndows hono usors of for
"cnncoI," fho cnmorn soffwnro con
fInuos fo rocord InfIfudo nnd IongI
fudo coordInnfos of hnndsofs nIong
wIfh IocnfIons of nonrby mobIIo sorv
Ico fowors nnd WIII nofworks, fho
InwsuIf chnrgod.
Tho InwsuIf fIIod on MIcrosoff's
homo furf In fho sfnfo of WnshIngfon
nccusos fho fochnoIogy fIfnn of vIo
InfIng !S sforod communIcnfIons
nnd oIocfronIc communIcnfIons rI
vncy ncfs nIong wIfh unjusfIy on
rIchIng IfsoIf.
SuIf chnrgos WIndows ?
smnrfhonos frnck usors
MIcrosoff gIvos
furfhor ook nf
WIndows 8
Sony, ToshIbn nnd HIfnchI fo morgo
smnIIsIzo !C unIfs
!S rovIdIng Irnq wIfh hono, SMS monIforIng dovIcos
Sony unvoIIs 'worId's fIrsf' 3 'vIsor'
(L-R) Toshiba president Norio Sasaki, Hitachi president Hiroaki Nakanishi and Sony vice president Hiroshi
Yoshioka attend a press conference in Tokyo.
Executive Deputy President of Sony Corporation, Kazuo Hirai presents new Sony tablets during a press
Fr ee down| oad | | ar e. pk
Synops|s lnternat|ona|
Snmsung IIocfronIcs Co. !fd nn
nouncod fho Inunch of ChnfO, n
froo mobIIo communIcnfIon sorvIco
fhnf nIIows usors fo communIcnfo
InsfnnfIy wIfh nny mobIIo hono.
ChnfO Is Snmsung`s gIobnI mo
bIIo communIcnfIon sorvIco fhnf
works ncross nII mnjor smnrfhono
nnd fonfuro hono Infforms. Chn
fO Iofs usors Inforncf wIfh frIonds
nnd fnmIIy, rognrdIoss of dovIco Inf
form funcfIonnIIfy ncross muIfI
Io Infforms Iofs nII usors joIn In,
wIfh foxf, Imngos, hnndwrIffon
nofos nnd vIdoo shnrod InsfnnfIy.
!sors cnn chnf In grous, whIIo n
Wob cIIonf wIII nIIow fho onsy shnr
Ing of confonf nnd convorsnfIons bo
fwoon mobIIo nnd IC.
WIfh ChnfO, Snmsung hns
vnsfIy sImIIfIod mobIIo communI
cnfIon by nIIowIng usors fo connocf
fo our ucomIng fonfuro honos nnd
nII mnjor Smnrfhonos In fho mnr
kof, snId Ho Soo !oo, Hond of Mo
dIn SoIufIon Confor nf Snmsung
IIocfronIcs. !sors nround fho
worId cnn now onjoy onsIor nnd
rIchor InforncfIvIfy wIfh whoovor
fhoy wnnf, In fho formnf fhoy
wnnffhIs Is mobIIo communIcn
fIon roInvonfod nnd domocrnfIzod.
ChnfO, whIch Is nvnIInbIo In
moro fhnn l20 counfrIos suorf
Ing u fo 62 Inngungos, fonfuros fwo
funcfIonnIIfy ofIons. A bnsIc func
fIonnIIfy ofIon Is nvnIInbIo for fon
furo hono usors who rofor sImIo
nnd onsy usngo, nIIowIng usors fo
shnro foxf, Icfuros, cnIondnr, con
fncfs nnd omofIons fhrough nn onsy
fonccoss cIIonf.
Smnrfhono usors cnn onjoy nd
vnncod fonfuro ofIons, onnbIIng
rIchor communIcnfIon by nIIowIng
usors fo soo how offon fhoy commu
nIcnfo wIfh fhoIr buddIos usIng fho
InforncfIon !nnk fonfuro nnd osf
commonfs on buddIos` rofIIo ngos.
!sors cnn nIso cronfo nn 'AnImnfIon
mossngo` whIch nIIows fhom fo cro
nfo fhoIr own confonf by scrIbbIIng
foxfs, nddIng nudIo nnd choosIng
fhoIr bnckground Icfuros. AII ho
fos nnd vIdoos In onch convorsnfIon
wIndow cnn bo vIowod In nn nufo
mnfIcnIIygonornfod confonf shnr
Ing 'Trunk`.
ChnfO nIIows usors fo joIn nnd
grow fhoIr socInI communIfIos, so
cInIIzIng InsfnnfIy nnd fIoxIbIy
fhrough fhoIr mobIIo dovIco. !sors
cnn onjoy fho bonofIfs of ChnfO
gIobnIIy, wIfh froo nnd onsy commu
nIcnfIon ossIbIo wIfh frIonds nnd
fnmIIy nnywhoro In fho worId.
Snmsung ChnfO wIII bo mndo
nvnIInbIo grndunIIy ncross nII mnjor
Smnrfhonos, TnbIofs, nofobook
ICs nnd Snmsung fonfuro honos,
IncIudIng forfhcomIng dovIcos show
cnsod nf IIA 20ll.
okIn unvoIIod fho grnnd rIzo
wInnors In fho 20ll 'CnIIIng AII In
novnfors' dovoIoor comofIfIon. Af
n dovoIoor ovonf In SunnyvnIo,
CnIIfornIn, roconfIy okIn nnmod
l0 fons ns fho wInnor of fho ovornII
gnmo cnfogory wIfh fhoIr SnrkIo
n nnd I!Sfronm ns fho wInnor of
fho ovornII nIIcnfIon cnfogory
wIfh fhoIr ShufforIro IromIum n
Tho 'CnIIIng AII Innovnfors' com
ofIfIon cnIIod on dovoIoors gIob
nIIy fo comofo for n ooI of cnsh
nnd rIzos vnIuod nf $l0 mIIIIon.
Ovor 800 onfrIos woro rocoIvod from
dovoIoors In 5? counfrIos, fho mn
jorIfy of whIch woro submIffod by
!Sbnsod dovoIoors. In nddIfIon,
fho mnjorIfy of submIffod ns woro
cronfod usIng Qf, okIn's mobIIo do
voIomonf Infform. ovoIoors
woro nbIo fo submIf onfrIos In l?
dIfforonf gnmo nnd nIIcnfIon cnf
Tho !S nIso Iod In wInnIng fho
mosf of fho fo cnfogory wInnor
sofs. Howovor, fho fwo grnnd rIzo
wInnors nro from IInInnd nnd
grnnd rIzo runnoru dovoIoors
Ioynf for Ioynf nnd CInfoof
Cnmos for Tnnk Horo, hnII from
Cnnndn. Ior fho fIrsf fImo In n do
voIoor confosf, okIn InvIfod con
sumors fo nrfIcInfo In fho judgIng
by usIng fhoIr downIondIng owor.
Inrf of fho judgIng crIforIn IncIudod
fho numbor of downIonds nnd snIos
for onch onfry. A nnoI of judgos
wIfhIn okIn choso fho fInnI wIn
nors. Tho Cnmo cnfogory grnnd
rIzo wInnIng n Is SnrkIo by l0
fons. Tho SnrkIo n, n mobIIo vor
sIon of fho ouInr IC gnmo, wns
InsIrod by gnmos IIko Iuzz !oo
nnd Zumn. Tho AIIcnfIon cnfogory
grnnd rIzo wInnor Is ShufforIro
IromIum from I!Sfronm. Shuffor
Iro IromIum Iofs usors oxorImonf
wIfh Icfuros fnkon on fho okIn
8 by usIng Inforfnco nnd ndvnncod
fonfuros fhnf nro InfuIfIvo fo ho
fogrnhors. Cnfogory fo wInnors
onch rocoIvo $l50,000 wIfh fho fwo
grnnd rIzos wInnors rocoIvIng nn
nddIfIonnI $l00,000 nnd n mnrkof
Ing romofIon nckngo vnIuod nf
$l.9 mIIIIon. Ofhor IncIng wInnors
rocoIvod vnrIous ofhor cnsh rIzo
CoogIo wIII Inunch Ifs TV sorvIco
In Iuroo onrIy noxf yonr, IxocufIvo
ChnIrmnn IrIc SchmIdf snId, do
sIfo foofhIng robIoms fhnf hnd Iod
somo obsorvors fo quosfIon how
commIffod fho comnny wouId ro
mnIn fo fho rojocf.
CoogIo TV, whIch nIIows vIowors
fo mIx Wob nnd foIovIsIon confonf
on n TV scroon vIn n browsor, wns
Inunchod In fho !nIfod Sfnfos In
Ocfobor buf rocoIvod mIxod rovIows
nnd wns swIffIy bIockod by fhroo of
fho fo !S brondcnsf nofworks.
!nrgo nrfs of fho foIovIsIon In
dusfry, IIko fho nows nnd foIocoms
IndusfrIos, vIow CoogIo wIfh susI
cIon nnd nccuso If of sfonIIng fhoIr
ndvorfIsIng rovonuos wIfhouf con
frIbufIng fo fho cosfs of mnkIng ro
SchmIdf soughf fo nIIny fho fonrs
of IrIfnIn's brondcnsfIng oIIfo In n
sooch fo fho IdInburgh foIovIsIon
fosfIvnI, fho fIrsf fImo n nonTV ox
ocufIvo hnd boon InvIfod fo gIvo fho
koynofo MncTnggnrf Iocfuro nf
IrIfnIn's romIor Indusfry ovonf.
"Somo In fho !S fonrod wo
nImod fo comofo wIfh brondcnsf
ors or confonf cronfors. AcfunIIy our
Infonf Is fho oosIfo," ho foId nn
nudIonco who quIckIy wnrmod fo hIs
frIondIy sfyIo nnd IIbornI comII
monfs fo fho qunIIfy of IrIfIsh foIo
"Wo sook fo suorf fho confonf
Indusfry by rovIdIng nn oon Inf
form for fho noxf gonornfIon of TV
fo ovoIvo, fho snmo wny AndroId Is
nn oon Infform for fho noxf gon
ornfIon of mobIIo," ho snId.
"Wo oxocf CoogIo TV fo Inunch
In Iuroo onrIy noxf yonr, nnd of
courso fho !K wIII bo nmong fho
fo rIorIfIos."
CoogIo TV hns gnInod IIffIo frnc
fIon so fnr In fho !nIfod Sfnfos, nnd
Ifs sof fo box rovIdor !ogIfoch In
fornnfIonnI SA sInshod rIcos fo $99
In JuIy from nn InIfInI rIco of $299.
SchmIdf nIso IncIudod n wnrn
Ing fo IrIfIsh foIovIsIon roguInfors,
who ho snId woro fnr moro sfrIn
gonf fhnn fhoIr !S counfornrfs
nnd fhronfonod fo fhroffIo fho do
voIomonf of IrIfIsh foIovIsIon com
nnIos In nn IncronsIngIy gIobnI
"SfIfIIng fho Infornof whofhor
by fIIforIng or bIockIng or jusf InIn
furnIng fho 'off' swIfch nonIs fo
oIIcy mnkors fho worId ovor," ho
snId. "Insfond, oIIcy mnkors shouId
work wIfh fho grnIn of fho Infornof
rnfhor fhnn ngnInsf If."
CoogIo hns Iong hoId nmbIfIons
In fho foIovIsIon nronn, hoIng fo
oxfond Ifs onIIno ndvorfIsIng busI
noss, whIch mndo $28 bIIIIon for fho
comnny Insf yonr, fo fho bIg
scroons fhnf sfIII commnnd fho
IIon's shnro of gIobnI ndvorfIsIng
"If hIs nmbIfIon wns fo go fhoro
nnd convInco fho TV ooIo ho wns
n'f n bIg fhronf, I don'f fhInk ho
nchIovod If," snId KoIfh McMnhon,
nn nnnIysf nf rosonrch fIrm ToIco
2.0/ST! Inrfnors.
"Tho mossngo I gof wns fhnf TV
Is such n bIg mnrkof fhnf CoogIo
cnn'f Ignoro If. Thoy'ro novor goIng
fo gIvo If u."
So fnr, CoogIo hns hnd IIffIo suc
coss bronkIng Info fho TV mnrkof,
dosIfo Ifs ownorshI of fho worId's
mosf ouInr onIIno vIdoo sIfo,
Tho hondIIno nffrncfIon of fho
donI wns MoforoIn's hugo orffoIIo
of wIroIoss nfonfs buf fho sof fo
box busInoss couId hoI CoogIo
frnnsform Ifs TV rojocf by gIvIng If
InsIghfs Info nyTV.
Snmsung Infroducos ChnfO mobIIo
communIcnfIon sorvIco
okIn nnnouncos wInnors of n dovoIoor confosf
CoogIo TV fo Inunch In Iuroo
TwIffor snId fhnf fho numbor of
ncfIvo monfhIy usors hns sonrod fo
moro fhnn l00 mIIIIon wIfh fho mn
jorIfy of ooIo IoggIng In on fho go.
"Wo'ro sooIng fromondous
growfh on mobIIo," TwIffor chIof ox
ocufIvo Ick CosfoIo snId durIng nn
InformnI "Sfnfo of fho !nIon" u
dnfo wIfh roorfors nf fho mI
crobIoggIng sorvIco's hondqunrfors
In Snn IrnncIsco.
Tho numbor of "gIobnI ncfIvo
usors" ooIo who Iog In nf Ionsf
onco n monfh hns jumod 82 or
conf from fho sfnrf of fho yonr wIfh
mobIIo cIImbIng 40 orconf onch
qunrfor for fho nsf yonr, nccordIng
fo CosfoIo.
Moro fhnn 400 mIIIIon ooIo
vIsIf fho wobsIfo
monfhIy ns comnrod wIfh 250 mII
IIon nf fho sfnrf of fho yonr, nccord
Ing fo fIguros ho rovIdod from n
CoogIo nnnIyfIcs sorvIco.
"Thoro nro sfIII n Iof of ooIo
who don'f Iog Info TwIffor buf uso
TwIffor ovory dny," CosfoIo snId.
"Thoy como nnd sonrch or rond
An nvorngo of 230 mIIIIon forso
foxf mossngos, mnny of fhom
"rofwoofs," nro fIrod off dnIIy nf
TwIffor In n ll0 orconf Incronso
sInco fho sfnrf of fho yonr.
Abouf 40 orconf of fho ooIo
consIdorod ncfIvo usors of TwIffor
don'f sond mossngos, roforrod fo ns
"Wo nro oxcIfod nbouf fhnf," Cos
foIo snId of fho growIng rnnks of
ooIo who oruso TwIffor buf don'f
ncfunIIy fwoof.
"I fhInk fhnf Is suor honIfhy,"
ho confInuod. "ow wo wIII soo how
fo mIgrnfo fhom from fhIs con
sumfIon oxorIonco fo ubIIshIng."
TwIffor hns ovorhnuIod Ifs Infrn
sfrucfuro fo hnndIo fho bIIsforIng
growfh nnd nvoId froquonf sorvIco
dIsrufIons fhnf mndo Ifs "fnII
whnIo" crnsh ngo Infnmous.
"Ivory fImo wo Innovnfod or
nddod n now roducf fho wobsIfo
hnd robIoms fho fnII whnIo," Cos
foIo snId. "Wo woro nf cnncIfy."
In comnrIson, TwIffor "dIdn'f
ovon bIInk" nbouf fwo wooks ngo
whon If hIf n now rocord hIgh of
8,900 fwoofsorsocond on fho
wIngs of nows fhnf sIngor Ioyonco
Is rognnnf.
"ow n bIg fhIng Is surfncIng nII
fho confonf ourIng In ovory dny,"
CosfoIo snId. "Wo nro nf n bIIIIon
fwoofs ovory fIvo dnys nnd fhnf con
fInuos fo nccoIornfo."
TwIffor ongInoors nro workIng fo
mnko fhIngs "dond sImIo" for usors
nnd consIsfonf ncross fho myrInd
dovIcos ooIo uso fo nccoss fho In
fornof, nccordIng fo fho chIof oxocu
TwIffor hnd uf n mornforIum
on now fonfuros unfII If boofod u
Ifs Infrnsfrucfuro. TwIffor Is oIsod
fo bogIn roIIIng ouf chnngos soIoc
fIvoIy nnd sIowIy, nccordIng fo Cos
"Wo wnnf nn Inforfnco fhnf cn
furos fho ronr of fho crowd ns woII
ns fho voIumo of fho convorsnfIon,"
ho snId. "Thnf Is vory hnrd you
hnvo fo surfnco fho sIgnnI nnd oIIm
Innfo fho noIso"
Tho honIfh of TwIffor's busInoss
Is sfrong nnd n roconf InfusIon of
$400 mIIIIon hns Ioff fho sfnrfu
fooIIng no rossuro fo go ubIIc wIfh
n sfock offorIng, nccordIng fo Cos
"Wo hnvo whnf cnn onIy bo ro
forrod fo ns n fruckIond of monoy In
fho bnnk," ho snId. "Wo wnnf fo bo
nbIo fo romnIn Indoondonf nnd nof
bohoIdon fo ubIIc mnrkofs."
Iromofod fwoofs fhnf ncf osson
fInIIy sorvo ns nId ndvorfIsIng on
TwIffor wIII srond fhroughouf fho
Infform nnd fho comnny Is hny
roIyIng on fhom ns Is mnIn rovonuo
"Wo nro jusf goIng fo focus on
scnIIng fho ndvorfIsIng busInoss,"
CosfoIo snId. "Wo don'f fhInk fhoro
Is nnyfhIng wo nood fo do fo mnko
moro monoy."
TwIffor nIso fnkos In cnsh by II
consIng nccoss fo fho sfronm of dnfn
gushIng fhrough Ifs nofwork buf
hns no Inns fo oxnnd fhnf rov
onuo sfronm.
IrIfIsh foIocoms fIrm Throo !K
snId If shouId bo nIIowod fo joIn n
mobIIo commorco busInoss sof u In
Juno by nII Ifs bIggor rIvnIs, or fho
joInf vonfuro shouId bo scrnod.
Throo !K mndo fho roosnI In n
comInInf fo fho Iuroonn CommIs
sIon nbouf Ifs oxcIusIon from fho cro
nfIon of n onosfo sho for ndvorfIs
ors, rofnIIors nnd bnnks InvoIvod In
mobIIo commorco, n movo If snId hnd
dIsforfod comofIfIon.
IrIfnIn's fhroo Inrgosf mobIIo o
ornfors Vodnfono, ToIofonIcn nnd
IvoryfhIng Ivorywhoro sof u fho
joInf vonfuro. Throo !K Is IrIfnIn's
smnIIosf mobIIo oornfor wIfh n mnr
kof shnro of 9l0 orconf.
"Wo nro nskIng fho CommIssIon fo
fnko n cIonr vIow of whnf Is nf sfnko
for consumors nnd fho dnngorous
rocodonf fhIs movo couId sof ncross
Iuroo for fho Incumbonfs fo froozo
ouf chnIIongors," Sfohon !ornor,
gonornI counsoI nnd roguInfory nf
fnIrs dIrocfor for Throo !K, snId.
"Insfond of comofIng for fho bon
ofIf of consumors, fho fhroo oorn
fors fhnf hoId 90 orconf of fho !K
mnrkof hnvo ongngod In n cosy coI
InbornfIon nnd cIosod rnnks ngnInsf
comofIfIon," !ornor snId.
ComofIfIon In fho IrIfIsh mobIIo
mnrkof Is fIorco fhoro nro 80 mII
IIon subscrIbors In n counfry of 60
mIIIIon ooIo nnd now onfrnnfs
offon comInIn nbouf boIng oxcIudod.
MobIIo commorco roducfs In
cIudo mobIIo honos fhnf cnn mnko
mobIIo nymonfs, crodIf or dobIf ny
monfs n mnrkof fhnf Is oxocfod fo
grow rnIdIy In comIng yonrs, ro
vIdIng n ofonfInIIy vnsf rovonuo
sfronm fo rovIdors.
Hond of foIocoms rosonrch for Is
IrIfo Snnfo, WIII rnor, snId "I cnn
soo why fhoy fooI dIsnoInfod fho
fncf Is fhnf fhoy nro nof n sIgnIfIcnnf
Inyor In !K mobIIo mnrkof."
IvoryfhIng Ivorywhoro, ToIofon
Icn nnd Vodnfono snId Throo boIng
oxcIudod from fho joInf vonfuro dId
nof monn If wouId nof bonofIf from
fho fochnoIogy.
"IvoryfhIng Ivorywhoro, ToIo
fonIcn nnd Vodnfono foIf If mndo
sonso fo brIng fhoIr oxorfIso nnd ox
orIonco fogofhor fo gof fho vonfuro
u nnd runnIng ns quIckIy ns ossI
bIo, boforo furnIng fo fho Indusfry
for furfhor nrfIcInfIon," fhoy snId.
Throo !K hns nIso boon bnffIIng
Inrgor oornfors ovor IoworIng for
mInnfIon rnfos foos gIvon fo com
ofIfors whon consumors cnII ouf of
fhoIr oornfor's nofwork. Tho cnso
hns boon Iookod nf by IrIfnIn's rogu
Infor, Ofcom.
nouncod fho unvoIIIng of fho fIrsf
fnbIofs comnfIbIo wIfh Ifs oxfrn
hIghsood noxfgonornfIon !TI
sorvIco, XI rond Crossy. Tho
docomo TnbIof CA!AXY Tnb l0.l
!TI SC0l wIII go on snIo In
Jnnn In fho bogInnIng of Ocfobor
nnd fho docomo TnbIof A!!OWS
Tnb !TI I0l In fho mIddIo of
Iofh fnbIofs fonfuro Inrgo l0.l
Inch dIsInys nnd nro oworod by
dunI coro CI!s runnIng on An
droId 3.2. Tho IIghf, fhIn nnd fnsf
docomo TnbIof CA!AXY Tnb l0.l
ofImIzod vorsIon of fho CA!AXY
Tnb l0.l, fho Infosf Inrgoscroon
fnbIof In fho gIobnIIy ouInr
CA!AXY sorIos. CusfomIzod for
OCOMO sorvIcos such ns s
modo, docomo mnrkof nnd Aron
MnII, fho dovIco offors oxcoIIonf
oornbIIIfy nnd mobIIIfy. Ifs 8.6mm
body woIghs jusf 565g nnd If comos
wIfh n hIghcnncIfy ?,000 mAh
Tho docomo TnbIof A!!OWS
Tnb !TI I0l, fho fIrsf AndroId
bnsod fnbIof mnnufncfurod by Iu
jIfsu !ImIfod, nIso bonsfs n fhIn,
IIghfwoIghf body, monsurIng
ll.3mm fhIck nnd woIghIng jusf
59?g. Ifs IIX5/IIX? wn
forroof dosIgn onnbIos
usors fo onjoy vIdoo nnd
onosog mobIIo TV ovon
whIIo roInxIng In fho
bnfhfub*. HIghIy con
vonIonf Hnnd Cosfuro
ConfroI onnbIos oorn
fIons fo bo orformod
wIfh sImIo hnnd gos
furos wIfhouf fouchIng
fho dovIco orfocf for
chockIng rocIos or or
formIng ofhor fnsks
whIIo fho usor`s hnnds
nro wof or mossy.
In conjuncfIon wIfh fho Inunch
of fhoso InnugurnI XIcomnfIbIo
fnbIofs, OCOMO wIII offor four
now brondbnnd nIIcnfIons, In
cIudIng fho ouInr HuIu nnd QIk
VIdoo sorvIcos, whIch nro socInIIy
suIfod fo XI`s hIghsoc mobIIo
vIdoo/TV, communIcnfIons nnd on
IIno gnmIng cnnbIIIfIos.
In nddIfIon, OCOMO wIII nr
fInIIy roorgnnIzo Ifs dovIco IInou
by osfnbIIshIng n sonrnfo sorIos for
fnbIofs, cnIIod docomo TnbIof, In
rocognIfIon of fho growIng numbor
of fnbIofs In fho mnrkof nnd fho dIf
foroncos In usngo nnd noods com
nrod fo smnrfhonos. CoIng for
wnrd, OCOMO wIII work cIosoIy
wIfh confonf rovIdors fo sfondIIy
oxnnd fho rnngo nnd nffrncfIvo
noss of docomo TnbIof confonf for
onhnncod usor oxorIoncos.
TwIffor snys uso rockofIng, goIng mobIIo
Throo !K fIIos comInInf wIfh I! ngnInsf mobIIo rIvnIs
OCOMO fo unvoII fIrsf fnbIofs for !TI sorvIco
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk
Synops|s lnternat|ona|
Models display NTT DOCOMO's new tablets 'docomo tablet
Galaxy Tab 10.1 LTE SC-01D' (L) and 'docomo Tablet AR-
ROWS Tab LTE F-01D' (R) during a press preview in Tokyo.
Synops|s lnternat|ona|
Ynhoo Inc ChnIrmnn !oy Iosfock
fIrod CIO CnroI Inrfz ovor fho hono
ondIng n fumuIfuous fonuro mnrkod
by sfngnnfIon nnd n rIff wIfh ChInoso
nrfnor AIIbnbn.
ChIof IInnncInI OffIcor TIm Morso
wIII sfo In ns InforIm CIO, nnd fho
comnny wIII sonrch for n ormnnonf
Iondor fo sonrhond n bnffIo In onIIno
ndvorfIsIng nnd confonf wIfh rIvnIs
CoogIo Inc nnd Incobook.
Hor offorfs woro nbrufIy hnIfod
nffor Iosfock cnIIod wIfh fho bnd
"I nm vory snd fo foII you fhnf I'vo
jusf boon fIrod ovor fho hono by Yn
hoo's ChnIrmnn of fho Ionrd. If hns
boon my Ionsuro fo work wIfh nII of
you nnd I wIsh you onIy fho bosf goIng
forwnrd," fho oufsokon CIO snId In
n fwosonfonco omnII fo omIoyoos.
Tho furn of ovonfs surrIsod fow
obsorvors who hnd frnckod n rIsIng
forronf of crIfIcIsm nnd wnfchod rov
onuo growfh fnIfor nnd suffor ouf.
Somo nnnIysfs snId Inrfz's donr
furo sIgnnIIod fho comnny hnd run
ouf of ofIons nffor fnIIIng fo domInnfo
fho ndvorfIsIng nnd confonf mnrkofs
nnd hnndIng ovor Ifs sonrch oorn
fIons fo MIcrosoff Cor.
Snmsung IIocfronIcs Co hns
sfood romofIng Ifs now fnbIof com
ufor nf Iuroo's bIggosf consumor
oIocfronIcs fnIr nffor n courfordorod
snIos InjuncfIon In Cormnny, fho Inf
osf sofbnck In Ifs gIobnI nfonf bnffIo
wIfh AIo Inc.
A ussoIdorf courf ordorod fho
Soufh Koronn comnny fo sfo soIIIng
CnInxy Tnb ?.? on IrIdny whon fho
nnnunI IIA oIocfronIcs show sfnrfod
In IorIIn. Tho movo foIIows nn onrIIor
bnn on Cormnn snIos of Snmsung's
CnInxy Tnb l0.l by fho courf In Info
Augusf unfII Ifs fInnI ruIIng on So
fombor 9.
Tho CnInxy Tnb ?.? Is fho Infosf
nddIfIon fo Snmsung's rnngo of
CnInxy roducfs. If wns fIrsf unvoIIod
nf fho show nIong wIfh 5.3Inch
CnInxy ofo, whIch Snmsung hoos
fo cronfo n now roducf cnfogory wIfh
nnd fIII fho gn bofwoon smnrfhonos
nnd fnbIofs. "Tho roducf Is nof on
snIo yof buf wo'vo docIdod fo rosocf
fho courf ordor," Snmsung sokosmnn
Jnmos Chung snId.
Snmsung nnd AIo hnvo boon
Iockod In ncrImonIous bnffIo ovor
smnrfhonos nnd fnbIofs nfonfs
sInco ArII ns AIo sooks fo roIn In
fho growfh of CoogIo's AndroId
honos by fnkIng dIrocfIy nIm nf fho
bIggosf AndroId vondor, Snmsung.
Incobook's rovonuo doubIod fo
$l.6 bIIIIon In 20ll's fIrsf hnIf, n
sourco wIfh knowIodgo of Ifs fInnn
cInIs foId, undorscorIng Ifs nonI fo
ndvorfIsors whIIo If grnIos wIfh In
fonsIfyIng comofIfIon from fho IIkos
of CoogIo Inc.
of Incomo In fho fIrsf hnIf of 20ll
cnmo fo nImosf $500 mIIIIon, nccord
Ing fo fho sourco, who wIshod fo ro
mnIn nnonymous bocnuso rIvnfoIy
hoId Incobook doos nof dIscIoso Ifs
rosuIfs.Incobook's sfrongor rosuIfs
como ns Invosfors hnvo ushod Ifs vnI
unfIon fo roughIy $80 bIIIIon In rI
vnfo mnrkofs, wIfh mnny Indusfry ob
sorvors oxocfIng fho worId's o. l
Infornof socInI nofwork fo go ubIIc In
20l2. Sonrch Iondor CoogIo Inc
Inunchod CoogIo+, n rIvnI socInI nof
work In Juno fhnf nffrncfod moro
fhnn l0 mIIIIon usors In Ifs fIrsf fwo
wooks. CoogIo Is fryIng fo Incronso
fho nonI of Ifs socInI nofwork by of
forIng gnmos such ns Zyngn Iokor
nnd !ovIo's Angry IIrds. Incobook
hns bocomo ono of fho Wob's mosf vIs
Ifod dosfInnfIons by ooIo who sond
hours on fho sIfo ovory monfh shnrIng
hofos nnd vIdoos, nnd convorsIng
wIfh frIonds.
Incobook nccounfod for nonrIy ono
fhIrd of nII Infornof dIsIny ndvor
fIsomonf ImrossIons In fho !nIfod
Sfnfos In Juno, moro fhnn fho com
bInod fofnI of Ynhoo, MIcrosoff Cor,
CoogIo nnd AO! Inc, nccordIng fo nn
nIyfIcs fIrm comScoro.
Crouon hns uf Ifs IIO on hoId
for nf Ionsf n fow wooks, hoIng fo rIdo
ouf gIobnI mnrkof furmoII whIIo donI
Ing wIfh roguInfors' quosfIons sur
roundIng Ifs hIghIy nnfIcInfod ubIIc
fIonf, fwo sourcos wIfh knowIodgo of
fho donI snId. Crouon, whIch hnd In
fondod fo Inunch Info fho fInnI hnso
of Ifs InIfInI ubIIc offorIng In mId fo
Info Sofombor, joIns Zyngn nnd ofhor
wouIdbo mnrkof dobufnnfos fhnf
hnvo cnIIod off fIofnfIons nffor n dIsmnI
oufIook for dovoIood oconomIos hnm
morod sfock mnrkofs.
AT&T Inc cnn Iowor fho rIco If
nys for TMobIIo !SA Inc If fho romo
dIos roquosfod by roguInfors bocomo
foo oxonsIvo, n IIoomborg roorf
snId, cIfIng fhroo ooIo wIfh dIrocf
knowIodgo of fho morgor confrncf.
AT&T wouId bo nbIo fo ny Ioss fhnn
fho donI's orIgInnI $39 bIIIIon vnIuo If
roguInfors domnnd nssof snIos fhnf
surnss 20 orconf of fhnf fIguro, or
nbouf $?.8 bIIIIon, fho roorf cIfod un
nnmod ooIo ns snyIng.
CoogIo snId If Is uIIIng fho Iug
on onIIno nows rondor Insf III, so
cInI sonrch sorvIco Anrdvnrk, com
monfIng fooI SIdowIkI nnd sovornI
ofhor roducfs.
"Ovor fho noxf fow monfhs wo'II
bo shuffIng down n numbor of rod
ucfs nnd morgIng ofhors Info oxIsf
Ing roducfs ns fonfuros," sonIor vIco
rosIdonf AInn Iusfnco snId In n
movo ho cnIIod n "fnII srIngcIonn"
nf fho Infornof gInnf.
Iusfnco snId fho cIosuros wIII nI
Iow fho MounfnIn VIow, CnIIfornIn
bnsod comnny fo "dovofo moro ro
sourcos fo hIgh Imncf roducfs
fho onos fhnf Imrovo fho IIvos of
bIIIIons of ooIo."
"TochnoIogy Imrovos, ooIo's
noods chnngo, somo bofs ny off nnd
ofhors don'f," ho snId In n bIog osf.
CoogIo snId If Is dIsconfInuIng
fho roducfs ns nrf of fho cIosuro
nnnouncod Insf monfh of Ifs oxorI
monfnI fosf bod CoogIo !nbs.
IosIdos Insf III, Anrdvnrk nnd
SIdowIkI, ofhor roducfs fncIng fho
nx IncIudo CoogIo oskfo, CoogIo
Wob SocurIfy, Imngo !nboIor, ofo
book nnd SubscrIbod !Inks.
SIdowIkI nIIows nofos nnd com
monfs fo bo osfod nIongsIdo Wob
ngos for ofhors fo rond.
CoogIo snId If wIII bogIn romov
Ing Insf III, whIch wns unvoIIod In
Sofombor 2009, from CoogIo ows
In fho comIng dnys.
"Ior fho nsf fwo yonrs, fho Insf
III oxorImonf hns fuoIod n now
nronch fo fnsfor, rIchor confonf
dIsIny on fho Wob whIch wIII IIvo
on In our ofhor dIsIny nnd doIIvory
fooIs," CoogIo snId.
"Wo wnnf fo fhnnk fho dozons of
nrfIcInfIng !S ubIIshors for fhoIr
coIInbornfIon wIfh us In IonoorIng
nows confonf browsIng nnd rondIng
oxorIoncos for fho Wob nnd mobIIo
dovIcos," If snId.
CoogIo's modIn nrfnors on Insf
III IncIudo Tho ow York TImos,
fho IIC, Tho HuffIngfon Iosf, Tho
!os AngoIos TImos, Tho ChrIsfInn
ScIonco MonIfor, Tho WnII Sfroof
JournnI nnd ofhor ubIIcnfIons.
Ofhor comnnIos suIyIng con
fonf IncIudo mngnzInos such ns fho
AfInnfIc, CosmooIIfnn, IIIo, MnrIo
CInIro nnd IouInr MochnnIcs, ns
woII ns onIIno nows sIfos
TochCrunch, SnIon nnd SInfo.
Insf III nIIows usors fo browso
fhrough nows sforIos from CoogIo's
modIn nrfnors nf soods sIgnIfI
cnnfIy fnsfor fhnn fho fImo If usunIIy
fnkos fo Iond n Wob ngo.
Anrdvnrk cofoundors Mnx Von
fIIIn nnd nmon HorowIfz snId In n
bIog osf onfIfIod "Coodbyo Anrd
vnrk" fhnf fho sorvIco wIII shuf down
nf fho ond of Sofombor.
CoogIo ncquIrod Anrdvnrk, whIch
wns foundod In 200?, In Iobrunry of
Insf yonr for n urchnso rIco uf nf
$50 mIIIIon by fochnoIogy bIog
Anrdvnrk usos fho confncfs In n
orson's nofwork fo rovIdo nnswors
fo quosfIons vIn fho Wob nf, Insfnnf mossngIng, omnII
or TwIffor.
"Anrdvnrk bognn ns n smnII ox
orImonf In n now kInd of socInI
sonrch, nnd ovor n fow yonrs bIos
somod Info n sorvIco fhnf mndo mII
IIons of connocfIons bofwoon ooIo
fo nnswor onch ofhor's quosfIons,"
VonfIIIn nnd HorowIfz snId.
"Ovor fhIs fImo, wo Ionrnod n Iof
nbouf cronfIng nnd mnInfnInIng on
IIno communIfIos, nnd how fo fncIII
fnfo shnrIng of knowIodgo bofwoon
ooIo," fhoy snId. "Wo'vo boon ox
cIfod fo shnro fhoso Iossons wIfhIn
CoogIo ovor fho nsf yonr, osocInIIy
ns nrf of fho offorf bohInd CoogIo+"
CoogIo+ Is fho socInI nofwork
Inunchod by fho Infornof gInnf In
VonfIIIn nnd HorowIfz snId fho
Anrdvnrk fonm "romnIns commIffod
fo dovoIoIng oworfuI fooIs for con
nocfIng ooIo nnd ImrovIng nccoss
fo InformnfIon."
Tho nnnouncomonf of fho cIosuro
of fho sInfo of roducfs comos n wook
nffor CoogIo snId If wns shuffIng
down SIIdo, n dovoIoor of nIIcn
fIons for socInI nofworks If boughf n
yonr ngo.
TnIwnn's IondIng smnrfhono
mnkor HTC unvoIIod Ifs fIrsf fnbIof
dovIco wIfh 4C foIocommunIcnfIons
Iourfh gonornfIon 4C foch
noIogy rovIdos hIghsood brond
bnnd wIroIoss sorvIcos nnd hIghor
qunIIfy Imngo nnd dnfn sorvIcos.
Tho HTC Jofsfronm Is duo fo hIf
fho !S mnrkof, offorod by foIocom
gInnf AT&T for $699.99 wIfh n fwo
yonr confrncf, fho mnnufncfuror
Tho fnbIof wIII bo oquIod wIfh
n l0.lInch 26 confImofro scroon
nnd uso CoogIo's AndroId 3.l Inf
AnnIysfs nro nof oxocfIng bIg
snIos ns fho noxf gonornfIon foIocom
munIcnfIon fochnoIogy, !ong Torm
IvoIufIon !TI, hns yof fo ono
frnfo fho mnrkof sIgnIfIcnnfIy.
Ynhoo CIO Inrfz
fIrod ovor fho
hono, rocky run
Courf bnns snIos
of Snmsung's
now ?.?Inch
Incobook doubIos
rovonuo sourco
Crouon ufs IIO
on Ico ns SIC
quosfIons romnIn
AT&T couId Iowor T
MobIIo bId rIco If
romodIos grow roorf
CoogIo uIIs Iug on Insf III, Anrdvnrk
TnIwnn's HTC unvoIIs 4C fnbIof
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk
Synops|s lnternat|ona|

Tho !S JusfIco onrfmonf

movod fo bIock !S foIocom gInnf
AT&T's $39 bIIIIon fnkoovor of T
MobIIo, snyIng fho mognmorgor
wouId hnrm comofIfIon.
AT&T shnros Iungod nonrIy
four orconf on WnII Sfroof nffor fho
JusfIco onrfmonf snId If hnd fIIod
n InwsuIf In !S IsfrIcf Courf In
WnshIngfon oosIng fho ncquIsI
"Wo nro sookIng fo bIock fhIs donI
In ordor fo mnInfnIn n vIbrnnf nnd
comofIfIvo mnrkofInco," oufy
Affornoy ConornI Jnmos CoIo snId
nf n nows conforonco.
"Any wny you Iook nf fhIs frnns
ncfIon If Is nnfIcomofIfIvo," nddod
ShnrIs Iozon, ncfIng nssIsfnnf nf
fornoy gonornI In chnrgo of fho Jus
fIco onrfmonf's nnfIfrusf dIvIsIon.
AT&T gonornI counsoI Wnyno
Wnffs snId fho foIocom gInnf wns
"surrIsod nnd dIsnoInfod" by fho
movo nnd hnd rocoIvod "no IndIcn
fIon from fho onrfmonf of JusfIco
fhnf fhIs ncfIon wns boIng confom
Infod" dosIfo numorous moofIngs.
Wnffs snId AT&T wIII chnIIongo
fho JusfIco onrfmonf In courf.
"Tho onrfmonf of JusfIco hns
fho burdon of rovIng nIIogod nnfI
comofIfIvo offocfs nnd wo Infond fo
vIgorousIy confosf fhIs mnffor In
courf," Wnffs snId. "Wo romnIn con
fIdonf fhnf fhIs morgor Is In fho bosf
Inforosf of consumors nnd our coun
fry, nnd fho fncfs wIII rovnII In
ToIocommunIcnfIons nnnIysfs nf
InrcInys CnIfnI uf AT&T's robn
bIIIfy of succoss nf 3540 orconf, n
sIgnIfIcnnf roducfIon from fhoIr InI
fInI osfImnfo of ?5 orconf.
HnroId IoId, IognI dIrocfor of
IubIIc KnowIodgo, n dIgIfnI rIghfs
ndvocncy grou In WnshIngfon, snId
fhoro nro "ronIIy no good ofIons for
AT&T nf fhIs oInf.
"AT&T cnn doIny fho InovIfnbIo
by fIghfIng," IoId wrofo In n bIog
osf. "Iuf whIIo AT&T sfIII hns n
fhoorofIcnI rond fo vIcfory, I don'f
fhInk nnyono sorIousIy wnnfs fo
fnko fhnf bof."
AT&T's fnkoovor of TMobIIo, fho
!S unIf of Cormnny's oufscho
ToIokom, hnd boon oxocfod fo como
In for fough roguInfory scrufIny foI
IowIng crIfIcIsm from somo mom
bors of fho !S Congross nnd ofhors.
Iuf AT&T hnd boon confIdonf of
goffIng fho groon IIghf from fho !S
nnfIfrusf nufhorIfIos, nnd fho frnns
ncfIon cnrrIos nn oxcofIonnIIy hIgh
"bronku foo" of $3 bIIIIon.
Soufh Koron's Snmsung IIoc
fronIcs snId If hnd cuf nround l0 or
conf of sonIor mnnngomonf jobs In Ifs
fInf nnoI dIvIsIon In nn offorf fo ro
sfrucfuro fho IossmnkIng busInoss.
Tho worId's bIggosf mnkor of mom
ory chIs nnd fInfscroon foIovIsIons
snId fho movo wns nImod nf hoIIng
If sfrongfhon comofIfIvonoss In Ifs
IIquId crysfnI dIsIny !C unIf.
Momory chI nnd dIsIny nnoI
mnkors hnvo boon hIf by sIuggIsh
domnnd for mosf consumor oIocfron
Ics goods In dovoIood nnfIons duo fo
fho uncorfnIn oconomIc oufIook. Tho
oxocufIvos nffocfod wIII bo on snb
bnfIcnI unfII fho ond of fho yonr nnd
couId bo nbsorbod Info ofhor roIos In
n comnnywIdo roshuffIo, n Snm
sung sokosmnn snId.
Snmsung In JuIy Infogrnfod Ifs
fInf nnoI busInoss wIfh Ifs chI dI
vIsIon nnd movod Ifs formor !C
busInoss chIof, Chnng WonKIo, fo
nnofhor osf In fho comnny.
Ifs socondqunrfor nof rofIf foII
l8 orconf from n yonr onrIIor fo 3.5
frIIIIon won $3.29 bIIIIon nmId
wonkor gIobnI domnnd for foIovIsIons
nnd orsonnI comufors.
CoogIo's AndroId soffwnro
sfrongfhonod Ifs grI on fho !S
smnrfhono mnrkof, oworIng nonrIy
42 orconf of hnndsofs ns of JuIy, In
dusfry frnckor comScoro roorfod.
AndroId's shnro of fho !S smnrf
hono mnrkof grow fo 4l.8 orconf
from 36.4 orconf nf fho sfnrf of
ArII, nccordIng fo comScoro.
In fhnf snmo fhroomonfh orIod,
AIo's shnro of fho mnrkof roso
sIIghfIy fo 2? orconf whIIo IInck
Iorry mnkor !osonrch In MofIon snw
Ifs rnnks of subscrIbors orodo four
orconf fo 2l.? orconf, comScoro ro
Tho orfIon of fho mnrkof usIng
smnrfhonos oworod by MIcrosoff
soffwnro shrnnk fo 5.? orconf from
6.? orconf nnd SymbInn's shnro
dIod fo l.9 orconf from 2.3 or
conf. Tho numbor of !S smnrfhono
ownors cIImbod l0 orconf fo 82.2
mIIIIon In fho fhroo monfhs ondIng In
JuIy, whIIo fho ovornII numbor of mo
bIIo hono usors wns 234 mIIIIon, nc
cordIng fo comScoro.
Snmsung wns fho mosf ouInr
hnndsof mnkor wIfh 25.5 orconf of
fho mnrkof nnd !C socond wIfh 20.9
orconf, comScoro roorfod.
!S roguInfors nro InvosfIgnfIng
nn AusfrInn IobbyIsf nnd !S foIo
com mnkor MoforoIn ovor nIIogod
brIbos of u fo 2.2 mIIIIon ouros, n
nows roorf rovonIod.
Irom ArII 2004 onwnrds, Mo
foroIn nnronfIy frnnsforrod u fo
2.2 mIIIIon ouros $3.l2 mIIIIon fo
fhroo fIrms confroIIod by IobbyIsf
AIfons MonsdorffIouIIIy, roorf
MonsdorffIouIIIy fhon usod
fhIs monoy fo mnko "IIIognI ny
monfs" fo koy oIIfIcnI fIguros In
Iuroo nnd fho MIddIo Insf, If
Tho !S SocurIfIos nnd Ix
chnngo CommIssIon hnd ovIdonco
fhnf "ooIo In offIco" woro brIbod
wIfh rosonfs nnd hoIIdnys, nnd
hns now Inunchod n robo ngnInsf
MonsdorffIouIIIy nnd MoforoIn.
Tho nows mngnzIno nIrondy ro
orfod Insf wook on nn nIIogod con
frncf bofwoon fho IobbyIsf nnd fho
!S foIocom comnny ovor n dIgIfnI
rndIo rojocf by fho AusfrInn gov
MonsdorffIouIIIy nIIogodIy
hoIod socuro fho rojocf for n con
sorfIum IncIudIng MoforoIn nnd
ToIokom AusfrIn, gnInIng u fo 2.6
mIIIIon ouros In fho rocoss, nc
cordIng fo roorf.
ToIokom AusfrIn Is IfsoIf fncIng
n wnvo of corrufIon cInIms fhnf
omorgod In roconf wooks, nnd nn
nouncod nn oxfornnI robo by In
fornnfIonnI oxorfs Info fho
MonsdorffIouIIIy hImsoIf Is no
sfrnngor fo corrufIon cInIms.
In Jnnunry 20l0, ho wns
chnrgod In IrIfnIn wIfh brIbIng Iu
roonn offIcInIs fo socuro fIghfor jof
confrncfs for dofonco gInnf IAI
Sysfoms. Tho chnrgos woro ovonfu
nIIy drood.
Cormnn IndusfrInI grou
SIomons nnd SwodIsh nufomnkor
VoIvo hnvo fonmod u fo dovoIo
fochnoIogy for oIocfrIc vohIcIos,
SIomons snId. Tho fwo comnnIos
hnvo formod n nrfnorshI fhnf In
voIvos "oxfonsIvo sfrnfogIc cooor
nfIon" In oIocfrIcnI drIvo
fochnoIogy, owor oIocfronIcs nnd
chnrgIng fochnoIogy, n sfnfomonf
Tho VoIvo C30 oIocfrIc cnr wIII
sorvo ns n fosf Infform nnd onrIy
modoIs wIII bo on fosf frncks by fho
ond of fho yonr, If nddod.
Iy Info 20l2, VoIvo Is fo doIIvor
n fosf sorIos of 200 vohIcIos fo
SIomons for fosfIng undor "ronIIIfo
IInnncInI dofnIIs woro nof ro
vIdod. "Iofh comnnIos' gonIs nnd
coro comofoncIos In oIocfrIc mobII
Ify nro orfocfIy mnfchod," SIomons
snId, nnd fho ngroomonf rovIdod
fho Cormnn grou wIfh n chnnco fo
fnko Ifs oIocfrIc drIvo fochnoIogy fo
fho nufo mnrkof.
Snn IrnncIsco oIIco hnvo ns
sIsfod AIo In fho sonrch for n ro
fofyo of fho Infosf IIhono fhnf
wonf nsfrny In n bnr In n roonf of
nn ombnrrnssIng Ioss fhnf fook
Inco Insf yonr.
An AIo omIoyoo Iosf n yoffo
boroIonsod IIhono 5 In n foquIIn
bnr In Snn IrnncIsco's MIssIon Is
frIcf In JuIy.
Affor fho dovIco wns oIocfronI
cnIIy frnckod usIng CIS fochnoIogy
fo n Snn IrnncIsco houso, four o
IIco offIcors nnd fwo AIo omIoy
oos vIsIfod fho homo, fho Snn
IrnncIsco oIIco snId In n sfnfo
"AIo omIoyoos cnIIod MIssIon
oIIco sfnfIon dIrocfIy, wnnfIng ns
sIsfnnco In frnckIng down n Iosf
Ifom," fho ross roIonso snId.
"Tho fwo AIo omIoyoos mof
wIfh fho rosIdonf nnd fhon wonf
Info fho houso fo Iook for fho Iosf
Ifom," If snId. "Tho AIo omIoyoos
dId nof fInd fho Iosf Ifom nnd Ioff
fho houso."
Tho sfnfomonf dId nof IdonfIfy
fho Ifom boIng sonrchod for buf fho
fIfIo of fho documonf cnrrIod n fnn
fnIIzIng hInf IIhono5.doc.
A rosIdonf of fho homo, SorgIo
CnIdoron, 22, foId fhnf ho hns vIs
Ifod fho bnr whoro fho hono wns
roorfodIy Iosf buf ho dId nof hnvo
fho dovIco. Ho snId fho sonrch of hIs
houso fook Inco In JuIy.
CuorfIno, CnIIfornInbnsod
AIo bognn soIIIng fho IIhono 4
Insf yonr nnd Is oxocfod fo unvoII
fho Infosf modoI, fho IIhono 5, In
Sofombor or Ocfobor.
!S movos fo bIock AT&T
fnkoovor of TMobIIo
!S robos MoforoIn, AusfrInn IobbyIsf ovor brIbos
IoIIco hoI AIo sonrch for
mIssIng IIhono
Snmsung cufs jobs In Ioss
mnkIng !C busInoss
AndroId smnrfhonos
gnIn moro ground
SIomons, VoIvo fonm u fo dovoIo oIocfrIc cnrs
Synops|s lnternat|ona|

Toronfo CnnndInn fochnoIogy II

consIng comnny WI!nn Inc snId If
hnd bogun Ifs nfonf InfrIngomonf
cnsos ngnInsf AIo Inc, oII,
HowIoffIncknrd nnd sIx ofhor com
WI!nn snId fho comnnIos In
frIngod fwo of Ifs nfonfs roInfod fo
foIocom, WIII nnd fho rnIdIy ox
nndIng !ong Torm IvoIufIon !TI
fochnoIogy. Shnros of WI!nn, whIch
Is curronfIy In hosfIIo ursuIf of oor
MosnId TochnoIogIos, cIosod nf
C$?.06 on Thursdny on fho Toronfo
Sfock Ixchnngo.
SoouI Soufh Koron's !C IIoc
fronIcs Inc hns sInshod nbouf 30 or
conf of ovorsons sfnff nf Ifs sfrug
gIIng mobIIo hono dIvIsIon ns n
nrf of brondbnsod roforms fo furn
fho monoyIosIng busInoss nround.
Tho Inyoffs mnInIy InvoIvod mo
bIIo mnrkofIng nnd urchnsIng ro
sourcos nnd fho cIosuro of somo un
rofIfnbIo oufIofs, fho IocnI nor
snId In nn unsourcod roorf, nddIng
fhnf fho comnny Innnod sImIInr
monsuros for Ifs domosfIc mobIIo
An !C sokosmnn snId fho ro
orf wns socuInfIon nnd snId fho
comnny dId nof commonf on mnr
kof rumors. !C, fho worId o.3
hnndsof mnkor, hns rocordod fIvo
consocufIvo qunrforIy Iossos from
mobIIo hono snIos, wIfh cuffhronf
comofIfIon rossurIng fho comnny
fo ovorhnuI Ifs busInoss.
InrIs Irnnco ToIocom Inunchod
n Iowcosf brnnd for mobIIo cus
fomors In n bId fo counfor fho onfry
of n fourfh mobIIo oornfor fo nn nI
rondy comofIfIvo mnrkof.
Tho brnnd, dubbod Sosh, Is
nImod nf cusfomors ngod l835 who
nro honvy usors of fho wob on
smnrfhonos nnd fnbIof comufors
nnd wIII bo soId onIy ovor fho Infor
nof. Irnnco ToIocom snId If Is nIm
Ing fo hnvo 500,000 cIIonfs by fho
ond of noxf yonr for Sosh.
oIhIno Irnoffo, who honds
Irnnco ToIocom's domosfIc busInoss,
foId n ross conforonco fhnf Ifs Sosh
offors wouId hnvo sImIInr IovoIs of
rofIfnbIIIfy fo fho grou's ofhor
smnrfhono offors.
WnshIngfon A humnn rIghfs
grou hns suod fochnoIogy gInnf,
CIsco for nIdIng fho frnckIng nnd
forfuro of ChInoso cIfIzons fhrough
Ifs fochnoIogy.
WnshIngfonbnsod Humnn
!Ighfs !nw IoundnfIon nIIogod fhnf
CIsco dovoIood nn nnfIvIrus soff
wnro fo hoI fho ChInoso Covorn
monf monIfor nnd jnII fho bnnnod
InIun Cong mombors ns n nrf of
fho "CoIdon ShIoId Irojocf.
Tho CoIdon ShIoId Irojocf wns
undorfnkon by fho ChInoso govorn
monf fo consor roforoncos fo oIIfI
cnIIy sonsIfIvo foIcs such ns
TInnnnmon Squnro, nnd fho MIddIo
Insf rovoIufIon.
CIfIng nn ovIdonco fo bnck fhoIr
cInIms, fho foundnfIon nIIogod fhnf
CIsco ChIof John Chnmbors roonf
odIy cnIIod on fho forfuro cnmnIgn
foundor JInng ZomIn rognrdIng fho
rojocf's ImIomonfnfIon.
CoogIo jusf quIofIy Inunchod Ifs
now nIrfnro sonrch fooI, nnd If`s n
mIx of doIIghffuI InnovnfIons nnd
gInrIng shorfcomIngs. Tho sonrch Is
oworod by CoogIo`s urchnso onr
IIor fhIs yonr of nIrfnro frnckor ITA
Soffwnro. Tho JusfIco onrfmonf
nrovod fho donI In ArII, ovor ob
jocfIons from onIIno frnvoI sorvIcos.
I Iovo fho nofrIIIs funcfIonnIIfy.
You Ick whoro you wnnf fo go nnd
whon, nnd fnros o u InsfnnfIy.
Ofhor sIfos mnko you wnIf nof
Iong, buf Iong onough fo bo nnnoy
Ing, nrfIcuInrIy for roonfod
sonrchos. Iuffons nIIow usors fo
quIckIy IImIf sonrchos by numbor of
sfos, socIfIc connocfIon cIfIos, nIr
IInos, nIrIIno nIIInncos, frnvoI fImos,
rIco nnd fIIghf durnfIon.
Ivon boffor Is whnf hnons
whon you cIIck on fho IIffIo cnIondnr
Icon nffor goffIng your InIfInI rosuIfs.
Tho whooIs sfnrf fo como off whon
you fInd nn IfInornry you IIko. Tho
rod Iook buffon fnkos you fo fho
nIrIIno`s wobsIfo, mosf of fho fImo.
Somo nIrIInos, such ns AIrTrnn nnd
IronfIor, nnronfIy hnvon`f workod
ouf whnfovor donI fhoy`d nood wIfh
CoogIo, so fho Iook buffon comos
bnck whIfo nnd nonfuncfIonnI.
Whon you do connocf fo fho nIr
IIno wobsIfo, fho rosuIfs nro mIxod.
AmorIcnn nnd ConfInonfnI uIIod u
fho soIocfod IfInornry ImmodInfoIy,
whIIo AInskn nnd !SAIrwnys ro
furnod n monu of nII fIIghfs on fho
choson frnvoI dnys, monnIng I hnd fo
sonrch for fho onos I hnd nIrondy
choson In CoogIo. ChoosIng dIffor
onf nIrIInos for fho oufbound nnd ro
furn fIIghfs somofImos rondorod fho
Iook buffon InoornbIo.
AIrIInos nro workIng hnrd fo dIf
foronfInfo fhomsoIvos, nnd CoogIo`s
fIIghf dIsIny doos nofhIng fo hoI
fhom, ho wrofo. CoogIo rosonfs
fho Ionsf oxonsIvo oconomycInss
fnro. ofhIng wrong wIfh fhnf, buf
Knynk rosonfs romIum oconomy
fnros. AIrIInos IIko !nIfod nnd VIr
gIn AmorIcn cnn`f morchnndIso fhoIr
romIum oconomy offorIngs on
CoogIo`s fIIghf sonrch fooI. CnrrIors
fhnf offor nmonIfIos IIko InfIIghf WI
II, Insonf owor, or Insonf
nudIo/vIdoo onforfnInmonf sysfoms
cnn`f romofo fhoso Ifoms In fho fooI,
Hnngzhou AIIbnbn cIoud com
ufIng wIII roIonso nn IngIIsh vor
sIon of Ifs mobIIo oornfIng sysfom
fhIs monfh nnd Inunch Ifs fnbIof In
fho noxf fwo monfhs, n fo comnny
oxocufIvo snId.
Wnng JInn, AIIbnbn Crou's chIof
nrchIfocf nnd rosIdonf of AIIbnbn
CIoud ComufIng, foId roorfors fho
fIrm wns In fnIks wIfh gIobnI hnrd
wnro vondors on nrfnorshIs ro
gnrdIng Ifs mobIIo OS buf docIInod
fo gIvo dofnIIs.
ChInoso Infornof comnnIos nro
oxnndIng Info fho mobIIo hnrdwnro
snco ns fhoy fry fo boIsfor mnrkof
shnro In n nnsconf buf rnIdIy grow
Ing mnrkof.
"IvonfunIIy nII our sorvIcos wIII
bo doIIvorod on mobIIo. IooIo wIII
sond Ioss fImo In fronf of fhoIr com
ufor scroons nnd moro fImo In
fronf of fhoIr smnrfhonos," Wnng
Tho Iuroonn !nIon Is movIng
nhond wIfh Inns fo onsuro nn nu
fomnfIc omorgoncy cnII sysfom Is In
sfnIIod In nII now cnrs from 20l5 fo
snvo hundrods of IIvos on Iuroo's
ronds onch yonr.
Tho oCnII sysfom fo bo fIffod fo
now modoIs of cnrs nnd IIghf vohI
cIos wouId nufomnfIcnIIy nIorf Iu
roo's omorgoncy numbor, ll2, In
fho cnso of n sorIous nccIdonf.
Tho I!'s oxocufIvo nrm wIII urgo
mombor sfnfos fhIs wook fo onsuro
mobIIo hono oornfors ugrndo
sorvIcos fo onsuro oCnIIs ronch
omorgoncy workors, fho roosnI
ow oIhI ToIocom sorvIcos
rovIdor !oIInnco CommunIcnfIons
Inunchod n socInI fosfIvnI schomo
for Ifs 3C cusfomors, offorIng frIIo
dnfn downIond for fho cosf of n sIn
gIo Inn.
!ndor fho schomo, ronId cus
fomors cnn downIond ?5 MI of dnfn
for !s.20 or l.5 CI for !s.408 snId n
comnny roIonso. IosfnId cus
fomors cnn downIond 300 MI for
!s.l00 or l.5 CI for !s.399.
Tho offor Is nvnIInbIo In nII fho
333 fowns of fho l3 3C cIrcIos of fho
comnny. Cusfomors cnn subscrIbo
fo If fhrough ! WorId, rofnII oufIofs,
or SMS.
Ivor sInco MIcrosoff nnnouncod
Ifs now AIIs for HTM!5 nnd
JnvnScrIf on fho doskfo, dovoI
oors hnvo boon nbuzz nbouf fho
fufuro of WIndows rogrnmmIng.
ow MIcrosoff's nnnunI IuIId
conforonco formorIy known ns
IC hns nrrIvod nnd wIfh If fho
WIndows 8 ovoIoor IrovIow, nn
sworIng mnny fhough nof nII of
our quosfIons. Tho froubIo Is, wIfh
nII fho hyo fhnf's fIyIng nround,
If's hnrd fo grns whnf wo'ro ro
nIIy boIng foId.
Tnko n four of WIndows 8's
Mofro !I In InfoWorId's sIIdoshow.
!onrn why AIo shouId worry
nbouf WIndows 8. Cof soffwnro do
voIomonf nows nnd InsIghfs from
InfoWorId's ovoIoor WorId
Tho bIggosf nows for dovoIo
ors Is suroIy Mofro, n now, nrod
down !I fhnf WIndows 8 borrows
from WIndows Ihono ?. Mofro Is
ofImIzod for fouchscroons nnd for
runnIng sImIo ns In whnf MI
crosoff cnIIs n "fnsf nnd fIuId" wny.
Cono nro fho frndIfIonnI WIndows
doskfo monus nnd confroIs, ro
Incod by sImIo fIIos nnd gos
WI!nn suos AIo, HI,
Humnn rIghfs grou suos CIsco In ChInn
CoogIo nIrfnro sonrch mIxos
doIIghffuI wIfh Iousy
!C cufs 30c mobIIo
Irnnco ToIocom
Inunchos Iowcosf
mobIIo brnnd
'AIIbnbn fo roIonso IngIIsh vorsIon of
mobIIo OS'
Crnsh, bnng, buzz!
ow I! cnrs wIII dInI
for omorgoncy hoI
!oIInnco frIIos
downIond IImIf for 3C
WIndows 8,
MIcrosoff's bIg
Johnnnosburg Soufh AfrIcn Is
consIdorIng roguInfIon on usors of
!osonrch In MofIon's IInckborry
Mossongor fo rovonf crImo, n
doufy mInIsfor snId In sooch.
Tho govornmonf Is concornod fho
IInckborry Mossongor IIM, In
sfnnf chnf sorvIco, whIch Is on
cryfod, couId bo usod by crImInnIs.
"I hnvo boon nssIgnod fho orffo
IIo of cyborsocurIfy nnd wIsh fo In
vIfo ... socInIIsfs fo nssIsf us dofor
mIno whofhor wo shouId roguInfo
nIIcnfIons such ns IIM wIfhIn
fho confoxf of cybor socurIfy," Obod
InoIn, doufy mInIsfor of Soufh
AfrIcn's onrfmonf of CommunI
cnfIons, snId In sooch.
S. AfrIcn muIIs roguInfIon of
IInckIorry chnf
okIn 500 Is fho brnnd now hono from okIn. If hns nnnouncod jusf now. If wIII bo roIons
Ing In fho fhIrd qunrfor of fhIs yonr 20ll. Tho Ihono suorfs bofh nofworks 2C nnd 3C.
Tho hnndsof Iooks vory hnndsomo nnd hns n sIook dosIgn wIfh smoofh Touch scroon. okIn
hns rovonIod Ifs fuII SocIfIcnfIons nnd wo broughf If for you, jusf hnvo n Iook on Ifs socs
IsIny If hns 3.2 Inchos TIT cnncIfIvo fouch scroon whIch hns 360640 rosoIufIon wIfh
l6M coIor. Tho dIsIny hns 2 nIco fonfuros nIso I.o. Aufo rofnfo fonfuro nnd nufo furn off.
SIzo Tho hono hns lll.3 x 53.8 x l4.l mm ImonsIon nnd 93 gm of woIghf.
Momory If hns nwosomo 2CI InfornnI momory nnd hns n cnrd sIof for mIcroS fhnf cnn bo
oxfondod u fo 32 CI. Thoro Is unIImIfod snco for confncf onfrIos. You cnn koo fho cnII
rocords u fo 30 dnys.
Sound If hns 2 fyos of nIorf fyo I.o. vIbrnfIon nnd MI3 rIng fonos. If Is oquIod wIfh Ioud
sonkor fonfuro nnd 3.5mm jnck. Tho jnck Iofs you connocf If wIfh sonkor fo gof Ioud nnd
qunIIfy sound.
Cnmorn Tho Cnmorn of fhIs hono Is jusf nwosomo. If hns 5 Mogn IIxoIs cnmorn wIfh Coo
fnggIng fonfuro. ThIs wIII gIvo gronf Imngo qunIIfy. ThIs cnn rocord vIdoos foo In VCA modo
nf fho sood of l5fs Irnmos Ior Socond. Thoro Is no socondnry cnmorn nvnIInbIo In fhIs
hono whIch Is mInus oInf for 3C honos.
ConnocfIvIfy AImosf ovory nocossnry connocfIvIfy fonfuros nro nvnIInbIo In fhIs hono I.o.
CI!S CInss 33, ICI CInss 33, 3CHS!IA, 5.?6 Mbs | HSIA, l4.4 Mbs. W!A
WIII 802.ll b/g, IIuofoofh v2.l wIfh A2I nnd !SI v2.0 mIcro!SI.
OornfIng Sysfom Tho coII hono Is roudIy oworod wIfh SymbInn Annn OS.
Snmsung S5690 CnInxy Xcovor Is n Infosf smnrf AndroId hono Inunchod by Snmsung. Ihono mny bo
comIng In mnrkof on Ocfobor 20ll. Ihono hns mnny gronf fonfuros whIch mnkos hono dIfforonf from
ofhor honos. Ihono hns II6? corfIfIod monn hono corfIfIod for Wnfor roof nnd usf roof. !sor cnn
swIm wIfh hono nnd Ifs sfrongosf body mnkos hono vory oworfuI. Ihono runs on AndroId v2.3
CIngorbrond nnd oworod by 800 MHz rocossor. Ihono hns 3.2 MognIxoIs cnmorn wIfh !I fInsh,
hono hns nIso socondnry cnmorn for vIdoo cnIIIng. Ihono fuIIy suorfs 3C wIfh HSIA so usor cnn
onjoy hIgh sood Infornof sood. Ihono hns WIfI connocfIvIfy usor cnn nIso mnks WIII hofsof. Ihono
hns nIso 5l2MI !AM fhnf`s mnkos hono fnsfor nnd roIInbIo. Snmsung S5690 CnInxy Xcovor rIco In
!SA nnd IndIn Is nof rovoIod yof. Ofhor dofnIIs of Snmsung S5690 CnInxy Xcovor nro oxInInIng boIow.
ImonsIons nnd ofwork
: ImonsIons l22 x 66 x l2 mm.
: ofwork CSM 850 / 900 / l800 / l900, 3C HSIA 900 / 2l00
OornfIng Sysfom nnd Irocossor
: OornfIng Sysfom AndroId V2.3 CIngorbrond.
: Irocossor800 MHz MnrvoII MC2 rocossor.
IsIny nnd Cnmorn
: IsIny 3.65 Inchos cnncIfIvo fouch scroon wIfh l6M coIors.
: !osoIufIon 320*480 IxoIs.
: Cnmorn 3.2 MognIxoIs wIfh !I fInsh.
: Cnmorn !osoIufIon 2048*l536 IxoIs.
!C confInuos fo oxIoro vIrfunIIy nII of fho InformnfIon TochnoIogy worId. ThIs Is ovI
doncod by fho mnny roducod by !C IIko fho TV or !C MonIfor, TnbIof, ofobook, nnd
fho mosf honomonnI Is fho nonrnnco of !C In fho Smnrfhono mnrkof. Affor Inunch
Ing fhIs yonr n fow smnrfhonos IIko fho OfImus Iro, nnd !C OfImus Ono, !C roIonsod
fho nowosf smnrfhono fhnf fhIs fImo If comos wIfh n moro oIognnf fooI, nnd fhus hns bof
for orformnnco fhnn Ifs rodocossor. ThIs Smnrhono nnmod !C OfImus of.
AccordIng fo InformnfIon cIrcuInfIng nbouf fho !C OfImus of !ovIow, fho smnrfhono
hns nn nffrncfIvo dosIgn nnd boffor orformnnco fhnn Ifs rodocossor.
!C OfImus of !ovIow !C OfImus of Socs !C OfImus of IrIco
!C OfImus of Socs IncIudo n fouch scroon wIfh n rosoIufIon of 320 Inchos 320 x 480
IxoIs, 800mognhorfz CI! boffor fhnn OfImus Ono, l50mognbyfo sforngo cnncIfy,
nddIfIonnI sforngo vIn mIcroS u fo 32CI, 3 MI cnmorn wIfh vIdoo rocordIng cnnbIII
fy, IC cnnbIIIfy, ukungnn HSIA connocfIvIfy, WIII b / g / n, AccoIoromofor, Comnss,
nnd suorf for CoogIo`s AndroId AndroId 2.3 ns fho oornfIng sysfom.
Thoro hns boon no confIrmnfIon from fho nrfIos nbouf whon !C wIII roIonso !C OfImus
of. Iuf rumors nbouf fho !C OfImus of rIco nro osfImnfod nf nround 280 !S.
Fr ee down| oad | | are. pk

Tech Too| Mob||e Pev|ews

Tho now IInckIorry Curvo 9360 Is goIng fo gIvo Ifs rIvnIs n ronI fough fImo onco If hIfs fho
mnrkof. If Is sIook In dosIgn nnd offIcIonf In orformnnco. Tho oornfIng sysfom In
IInckIorry Curvo 9360 fho IInckIorry ? whIch Is moro offIcIonf, usor frIondIy nnd nofIco
nbIy fnsfor fhon Ifs nncosfors nnd runs on nn 800MHz rocossor wIfh 5l2 InfornnI momory
nnd 5l2 !AM. Tho 480 x 360 IxoIs 2.44 Inchos scroon wIfh QWI!TY koybonrd nnd n fouch
sonsIfIvo ofIcnI frncknd gIvIng If n whoIosomo comIofo body. IInckIorry Curvo 9360 Is
suorfs CI!S, ICI, 3C HSIA, ?.2 Mbs HS!IA, W!A, IIuofoofh nnd !SI con
nocfIvIfy. Tho cnmorn In IInckIorry Curvo 9360 Is of 5MI wIfh nn !I fInsh. WIfh nII fhoso
fonfuros, fho now IInckIorry Torch 9860 smnrfhono Is n smnrfhono mnrvoI. Thnf`s nof nII,
fho IInckIorry Curvo 9360 como wIfh Infosf vorsIons of TwIffor nnd Incobook for IInckIorry
smnrfhonos nnd nIso IncIudos fho ouInr SocInI Ioods nIIcnfIon InfogrnfIng nII your
socInI nows nf ono Inco. IInckIorry Curvo 9360 nIso suorfs n wIdo rnngo of muIfImodIn
fyos nnd wIII bo brIngIng fun nnd oxcoIIonco In your hnnd. Jusf sfny funod for Ifs rIcIng
nnd nvnIInbIIIfy.
Tho mIghfy rod rocoIvod Ifs fIrsf WIndows Ihono ? dovIco fodny, cnIIod fho HTC Trohy. VorIzon's
fIrsf 3C snwn of IIII Cnfos comIofos fho mnjor cnrrIor cIrcuIf, so now fhoro's no oxcuso for
MIcrosoff fo Ioso ouf on snIos wIfh nII four of fhoIr bnsos covorod.
Tho Trohy Is cIososf fo fho HTC roId IncrodIbIo 2 In fho Iooks donrfmonf. If's n comncf dovIco,
fInunfIng dImonsIons fhnf nro nImosf IdonfIcnI fo fho IIhono 4, fhough fho Trohy Is nofnbIy fhIck
or. Wo Iovo fho fncf fhnf HTC rofnInod fho soxy rod InforIor undornonfh fho bnck nnoI, nnd fho
rod sonkor ncconfs woro hof. Ior fho sound junkIos ouf fhoro, If hns S!S WOW H sonkors, so
our nudIo oxorIonco wns fo nofch.
If you'vo soon If onco, you'vo soon If n fhousnnd fImos. Tho WIndows Ihono ? OS Is unIform ncross
nII honos nnd cnrrIors, so If you'vo Inyod wIfh ono nf your IocnI hono sforo, fhon you know jusf
how fho Trohy oornfos. IIrsf, wo'II gof fho hnrdwnro ouf of fho wny. If hns n quIck lCHz
Snndrngon rocossor, WIII WIroIoss connocfIvIfy, CIS, nnd nn nccoIoromofor for 3 ncfIon. If
cnn nIso bo usod ns n worId hono, fhnnks fo Ifs CIobnI !ondy connocfIvIfy. Ior oxnmIo, fho Infornof browsor Is InckIng comnrod fo fho comofIfIon. AsIdo from fho fncf fhnf
wo don'f gof IInsh, fho browsor Is jusf bnro bonosIf sorf of sooms IIko nn nfforfhoughf. Tho
!ofrosh confroI Is nII wo gof In fho Addross bnr, ns ovoryfhIng oIso Is fnckod fo fho Monu confroI.
AddIng nnd soIocfIng wIndows Is onsy nnd chockIng InvorIfos nnd HIsfory Is InfuIfIvo, buf vIowIng
Is nII you cnn ronIIy oxocf from fho Trohy.
Snmsung`s nffomf fo fnckIo fho IIhono fhroo yonrs ngo wns fho nbysmnI Snmsung InsfIncf. My,
how fnr hnvo fhoy`vo goffon sInco fhon. Snmsung hns skyrockofod fo bocomo ono of fho fo mnnu
fncfurors of AndroId smnrfhonos nnd nrgunbIy ono of fhoIr gronfosf cronfIons fo dnfo Is fho
Snmsung CnInxy S II 4C.
Jusf unvoIIod onrIIor fhIs yonr, fho Snmsung CnInxy S II Is fho offIcInI succossor fo fho wIIdIy suc
cossfuI Snmsung CnInxy S. Mosf of fho vnrInnfs of fhnf hono woro InrgoIy fho snmo, IIko fho
VIbrnnf nnd CnfIvnfo, snvo for somo mInor dosIgn cuos. Tho gufs woro nII roffy much IdonfIcnI.
In fho cnso of fho CnInxy S II, fho socs hnvo roffy much boon bumod u ncross fho bonrd. ThIs
sfnrfs wIfh fho osIfIvoIy gorgoous 4.3Inch Suor AMO!I IIus dIsIny. AII of fho orIgInnI CnInxy
S honos hnd fho sfnndnrd 4.0Inch scroon.
Ofhor hIghIIghfs IncIudo fho 8MI ronr cnmorn whIch I`II gof fo In n momonf, 2MI fronf cnmorn,
l080 vIdoo rocordIng, nccoIoromofor, roxImIfy sonsor, l6CI of InfornnI momory, mIcroS sIof u
fo 32CI, WIII, IIuofoofh 3.0+HS, mIcro!SI, nnd CIS Ius nCIS suorf. WIfh fho CoogIo oxus S, fhoy dId fhnf curvod oIoohobIc scroon nnd n chonIsh gIossy bInck Ins
fIc bnck. WIfh fho CnInxy S II, Snmsung nbnndonod bofh of fhoso Idons. You gof bnck fo n roguInr
fInf scroon nnd fhnf`s orfocfIy fIno for mo. I`m nIso hny fo soo fhnf fhoy gof rId of fhnf chon
bInck InsfIc nnd ofod for n sIIghfIy foxfurod bnck. If offors jusf onough grI nnd jusf onough
cInss fo mnko fhIs fooI IIko n romIum roducf.
If you wnnf n sfock AndroId oxorIonco, you`ro nof goIng fo gof If horo. You`ro robnbIy boffor off
goffIng fho oxus S or wnIfIng for fho oxus IrImo. Thnf`s bocnuso, nof surrIsIngIy, fhIs hono
doos TouchWIz !I v4.0.
Fr ee down| oad | | ar e. pk

Tech Too|
h0kI8 6 00
Swap SIM Cards On The Go.
A stylish dual SlM phone Nokia C2-
00 with easy swap and great multi-
media and messaging features.
Keep one SlM card inside Nokia C2-
00 & easy swap your other SlM
cards in the external SlM slot of
Nokia C2-00 at any time, Stay in
touch on your Nokia C2-00 with e-
mail, access internet & enjoy media
support up to 32 GB, The stylish,
compact Nokia C2-00 comes in a
range of colours and features dis-
tinctive silver detailing.
88Nt00 6J00 M00I0
Compact StyIish and EIegant
Samsung C3200 Monte Bar makes a
stand with its sophisticated and
streamlined design. A part of the Monte
family mobile line-up, Samsung C3200
Monte Bar features a subtle yet unique
shape that is both visually and
ergonomically pleasing. Samsung
C3200 Monte Bar's slim dimensions
make it the perfect size to carry around
in your palm or in your pocket. Wrap
your fingers around Samsung C3200
Monte Bar, and enjoy the view.
Maximum Music enjoyment & full
fledge Socical networking Samsung
presents Samsung C3200 Monte Bar!
M088I0 10 II80
Entertainment At Your
Discover the power of richer
touch experience with
Megagate T610 Titan, Packed
with brilliant & easy to use
touch interface Megagate T610
Titan has a faster processor,
With Megagate T610 Titan
Social Networking is just a
press of button way, With all
these features you can say that
Megagate T610 Titan has
Entertainment on your finger-
88Nt00 L1
Harmonizing Work & Life Through Dual
lf you ever wanted two separate lines for
work & personal use, Samsung E2152 is
your chance to get organized & bal-
anced. Control 2 SlMs in 1 handset, Both
SlMs in Samsung E2152 support emails,
messages & Browsing, including
embedded links to Facebook, Twitter &
lM services. Delivering a slim, compact
form with equally stylish design,
Samsung E2152 also gives you a look
that goes from business to casual with
utter ease. Ergonomic design of
Samsung E2152 fits perfectly in the hand
& is comfortable to use & hold. Samsung
E2152 also has a Torch Flashlight
Above prices are subject to change as per market
Free down|oad | |

Tech Too| 0urrenI Nob||es

h0kI8 6 0J
Fun At Your Fingertips.
Get more of what you want with
Nokia C2-03 because fun is always
at your fingertips, Use your finger to
scroll through websites, photos &
music on your Nokia C2-03, Unlike
many touch-screen phones Nokia
C2-03 has a slide-out keypad for
fast & easy typing like never before,
Keep one SlM inside your Nokia
C2-03 & use the easy-swap slot to
switch between multiple cards as
often as you want & you can See
what`s happening on Facebook &
Twitter on Nokia C2-03 from one
88Nt00 8JJ NIfI
What CoIor is your Life?
Samsung S3653 WlFl Corby`s change-
able, colorful Fashion Jackets let you
dress it up and express it all . We don`t
want you to drop your Samsung S3653
WlFl Corby, that`s why the back of the
Corby bends in a wide, sweeping
curve, giving you a firm and easy hold.
No matter how you look at it, Samsung
S3653 WlFl Corby really has a grip on
style. No matter where in the world you
are. With Samsung S3653 WlFl
Corby`s cool Pop-up SNS you get easy
access to Facebook, MySpace &
Twitter. So you never miss out on your
friends` updates. Samsung S3653 WlFl
Corby also grants you easy access to
your 5 other favorite community sites
YouTube, flickr, Picasa, friendster &
photobucket. Connecting has never
been this convenient with WlFl.
L6 6NJ00
Messaging ShouId Be As Fun
As Your Friend.
LG GW300 offers a full QWEP-
TY keypad with 2.4" landscape
display and a five-way naviga-
tional pad for simple browsing,
You can enjoy chatting with
your friends in real time by
using LG GW300, With LG
GW300 See the friends you
contact the most as avatars on
your home screen, lf a friend
drops you a text, their avatar
will tell you there`s a message
on your LG GW300.
800J LlI0tt00 fJ0
Aim, swing and score.
Powered by a motion sensor,
Sony Ericsson F305 takes
mobile gaming to a new level.
Grab the phone, swing your
arm and see the result on the
screen. With Sony Ericsson
F305 Play bowling on the bus.
Go fishing or be a jockey in the
coffee shop. Play with dedicat-
ed gaming keys, or get physi-
cal with a motion game. Sony
Ericsson F305 Your game con-
Above prices are subject to change as per market
Free down|oad | |

Tech Too| 0urrenI Nob||es

h0kI8 J0
Music Almighty
The Nokia 5320 XpressMusic
This eye-catching phone gives
you a great music and gaming
experience with 3G connectivi-
ty. Nokia 5320 XpressMusic -
Make an impression with the
simplicity of smooth, glossy
surfaces to the functionality of
dedicated music and gaming
keys. Nokia 5320 XpressMusic
is here to rock...
88Nt00 80 M00I0
Truly You
You will appreciate the charismatic design
statement Samsung S5620 Monte makes.
With sleek form & visually striking colour
stripe Samsung S5620 Monte is impres-
sive to look at, making it the stylish choice
for modern users full of personality. Enjoy
The wireless freedom on Samsung S5620
Monte. through Wi-Fi hotspot or 3G, you
will have ready & convenient access to the
internet & email. The built in accelerometer
automatically adjusts, letting you get the
best views out of Samsung S5620 Monte.
With Native Social Networking
Applications, True-to-life Music quality
through DNSe, Enhanced Touch Ul, GPS,
Google Maps & a 3.2 MP Camera
L6 6010
Everything You Need, Nothing
You Don't.
Big enough to see beyond the
unwanted, The LG GD510 is virtual-
ly frame less, lts Full Touch Screen
helps you get a wider screen expe-
rience that extends right to the
edges, The LG GD510 comes with
a multi-functional Home Key that
doubles up as the Menu/Call/End
buttons, Share what's latest with
your friends Simply press the SNS
widget on your LG GD510 home
screen and get immediate access
to Facebook, My Space and Twitter,
With LG GD510 you can access all
your contacts in a jiffy with the
unique 3 Way Fun User lnterface.
h0kI8 J0
PIay. Touch. Inspire.
The eye-catching Nokia 5230 puts
innovative design, cutting-edge
technology, & a world of entertain-
ment at your fingertips. Discover
how style meets functionality with
Nokia 5230 vibrant colours, intu-
itive touch-based interface, & stun-
ning 3.2" widescreen display.
Access your whole music library
on Nokia 5230, organise your
tracks on your PC with a couple of
taps. with Nokia 5230 stay con-
nected, entertained, & on the right
track with easy access to your
favourite social networking sites
Above prices are subject to change as per market
Free down|oad | |

Tech Too| 0urrenI Nob||es

L6 F00
The Latest Android Smartphone.
Optimized with the latest version of
the Android platform 2.2 the LG
P500 is the cell phone you want to
have in your pocket, The new LG
P500 has Wi-Fi Hotspot support
which means you can turn
Optimus One into a portable wire-
less router, Connect up to 5 Wi-Fi
devices to the Web, You can dis-
cover the world around you with
LG P500 by the latest Google
Mobile Services including Google
Maps, The 3.2" capacitive touch-
screen of LG P500 with multi-
touch, pinch & zoom functionality
makes browsing a breeze.
88Nt00 68I8KJ Fl0 8710
The Perfect Work Partner Has
When work relies on constant
communication the one cell
phone that will come in your mind
is Samsung Galaxy Pro B7510,
With the QWEPTY keyboard, typ-
ing messages on Samsung
Galaxy Pro B7510 is now even
easier, Samsung Galaxy Pro
B7510 ensure that everything from
messages to phone calls and
social network updates can be
achieved quickly and without has-
sle, The Samsung Galaxy Pro
B7510 is the perfect business
partner and ready.
h6 808
Get CIoser To Who
Simplify your life while keep-
ing you connected to the
people you care about with
HTC Snap, The HTC Snap
offers a simple set of fea-
tures designed to keep your
life running smoothly, HTC
Snap boasts an effortless
elegance you`ll be proud to
display no matter where
your schedule has you run-
ning, With HTC Snap even
texting is faster than ever
with the friendly QWEPTY
h0kI8 L
Designed for the way we work
This sophisticated choice is
designed for the way you work,
Nokia E66 features excellent per-
sonal information management,
high-speed 3G and WLAN, mobile
email, assisted-GPS, one touch
access to your music player, and
3.2 megapixel camera. With your
Nokia E66 Pead and react to your
emails while on the move, or stay
up-to-date and find more with
fewer clicks with the feature-rich
Nokia Calendar and Contacts for
Above prices are subject to change as per market
Free down|oad | |

Tech Too| 0urrenI Nob||es

Fr ee down| oad | | ar e. pk Tech Tool pcom|ng Nob||es
Dimensions146.9x83x9.7mm, Weight 178 g
Type Super AMOLED capacitive touch-
screen, 16M colors Size 800 x 1280 pixels,
5.3 inches (~285 ppi pixel density) Gorilla
Glass display, TouchWiz U v4.0, Multi-
touch input method, Accelerometer sensor
for U auto-rotate, Touch-sensitive controls
Proximity sensor for auto turn-off,
Gyroscope sensor, sound Alert types,
Vibration; MP3, WAV ringtones,
Loudspeaker Yes, 3.5mm jack Yes
Phonebook Practically unlimited entries and
fields, Photocall Call records Practically
unlimited, nternal 16GB/32GB storage, 1
GB RAM, Card slot microSD, up to 32GB, 2
GB included
GPRS Class 12 (4+1/3+2/2+3/1+4 slots),
32 - 48 kbps, EDGE Class 12, 3G HSDPA,
21 Mbps; HSUPA, 5.76 Mbps, WLAN Wi-Fi
802.11 a/b/g/n, DLNA, Wi-Fi Direct, Wi-Fi
hotspot, Bluetooth Yes, v3.0+HS, USB Yes,
v2.0 microUSB (MHL), USB On-the-go
Camera Primary, 8 MP, 3264x2448 pixels,
autofocus, LED flash
OS Android OS, v2.3 (Gingerbread), CPU
Dual-core 1.4GHz ARM Cortex-A9 procces-
sor, Mali-400MP GPU, Exynos chipset,
Messaging SMS(threaded view), MMS,
Email, Push Mail, M, RSS, Browser HTML
Radio Stereo FM radio with RDS, Games
Yes Colors Black GPS Yes, with A-GPS
Dimensions 109.5x61.3x11.9mm, Weight
90 g
Type TFT, Size 220 x 176 pixels, 2.2 inch-
es (~128 ppi pixel density), QWERTY
keyboard Sound Alert types, Vibration,
MP3 ringtones Loudspeaker Yes, 3.5mm
jack Yes, DNSe sound enhancement
Phonebook 1000 entries, Photocall, Call
records, 30 dialed, 30 received, 30
missed calls, nternal 43 MB, Card slot
microSD, up to 16GB, buy memory
GPRS Yes, Bluetooth Yes, v2.1 with
A2DP USB Yes, microUSB, Camera
Primary VGA, 640x480 pixels, Video Yes,
QCF@15fps, Features Messaging,
SMS, MMS, Email, M Browser WAP
2.0/xHTML, Radio FM radio; FM record-
ing, Games Yes, Colors Black, Java
Yes, MDP 2.1, Dual SM (dual stand-by),
SNS integration, MP3/eAAC+ player,
MP4/H.264 player, Organizer, Voice
memo Predictive text input
1000 mAh Stand-by Up to 550 h, Talk
time Up to 12 h
88Nt00 60@I
Dimensions 131.5x70.7x9.9mm, Weight 160 g
Type S-LCD capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors, Size
480 x 800 pixels, 4.7 inches (~199 ppi pixel density)
Accelerometer sensor for U auto-rotate, Proximity
sensor for auto turn-off, Multi-touch input method
Gyroscope sensor, sound Alert types, Vibration, MP3,
WAV ringtones, Loudspeaker Yes, 3.5mm jack Yes
Dolby Mobile and SRS sound enhancement
Phonebook Practically unlimited entries and fields,
Photocall, Call records Practically unlimited, nternal
16 GB storage, 512 MB RAM,
GPRS Class 32, EDGE Class 32, 3G HSDPA, 14.4
Mbps; HSUPA, 5.76 Mbps, WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n,
DLNA, Bluetooth Yes, v2.1 with A2DP, EDR USB Yes,
microUSB v2.0, Camera Primary, 8 MP, 3264x2448
pixels, autofocus, LED flash
OS Microsoft Windows Phone 7 Mango, CPU 1.5 GHz
Scorpion processor, Adreno 205 GPU, Qualcomm
MSM8255 chipset, Messaging SMS (threaded view),
MMS, Email, Push Email, Browser WAP 2.0/xHTML,
HTML, Radio Stereo FM radio with RDS, Games Yes
Colors Carbon Gray, GPS Yes, with A-GPS support;
Bing Maps, Digital compass, Active noise cancellation
with dedicated mic, MP3/WAV/WMA/eAAC+ player
MP4/WMV/H.264/H.263 player, Facebook and Twitter
integration, YouTube client, Pocket Office (Word,
Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, PDF viewer), Voice
memo, Predictive text input
Stand-by Up to 360 h (2G) / Up to 460 h (3G), Talk
time, Up to 11 h 50 min (2G) / Up to 6 h 50 min (3G)
Dimensions 111x47.5x11mm, Weight 100 g
Type TFT resistive touchscreen, 256K colors
Size 240 x 320 pixels, 2.4 inches (~167 ppi
pixel density) Sound Alert types, Vibration,
MP3 ringtones, Loudspeaker Yes, 3.5mm
jack Yes, check quality
Phonebook Yes, Photocall, Call records Yes
nternal 140 MB storage, 64 MB RAM, 128
MB ROM Card slot microSD, up to 32GB, buy
GPRS Class 32, EDGE Class 32, 3G
HSDPA, 10.2 Mbps; HSUPA, 2 Mbps WLAN
Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth Yes, v2.1 with
Yes, v2.0 microUSB, Camera Primary, 5 MP,
2592x1944 pixels, LED flash, Video Yes,
VGA@30fps, Features CPU 1 GHz processor
Messaging SMS, MMS, Email, M, Browser
WAP 2.0/xHTML, HTML, Radio Stereo FM
radio with RDS, Games Yes + downloadable,
Colors Gold Java Yes, MDP 2.1, 18-carat
gold plating Ceramic-feel keymat materials,
Facebook, Twitter, MP4/H.264/H.263/WMV
player, MP3/WAV/WMA/eAAC+ player, Flash
Lite 3.0 Organizer, Voice memo, Predictive
text input Battery
Stand-by Up to 405 h (2G) / Up to 440 h (3G)
Talk time Up to 5 h 30 min (2G) / Up to 4 h
(3G) Music play Up to 20 h
h0kI8 6J01 60I0 L0III00
88Nt00 68I8KJ h0I0
h6 II80
Fr ee down| oad | | ar e. pk
pcom|ng Nob||es
Tech Tool
Dimensions 120x62x11.5mm, Weight 135 g
Type TFT capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors
Size 480 x 800 pixels, 3.7 inches (~252 ppi pixel
density), Optical trackpad, Multi-touch input
method, MP3 ringtones Loudspeaker Yes, 3.5mm
jack Yes,
Phonebook Practically unlimited entries and
fields, Photocall, Call records Yes, nternal 4 GB
storage, 768 MB RAM, Card slot microSD, up to
32GB, buy memory
GPRS Yes, EDGE Yes, 3G HSDPA 14.4 Mbps,
HSUPA 5.76 Mbps, WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n,
Bluetooth Yes, v2.1 with A2DP USB Yes,
microUSB v2.0, Camera Primary 5MP,
2592x1944 pixels, autofocus, Features Geo-tag-
ging, continuous auto-focus, image stabilization,
face detection, Video Yes, 720p
OS BlackBerry OS 7, CPU 1.2 GHz processor
Messaging SMS, MMS, Email, Push Email, M,
BBM 6, Browser HTML, Games Yes + download-
able, Colors Black, GPS Yes, with A-GPS sup-
port, Java Yes, MDP 2.1, NFC support, Digital
compass, Social feeds BlackBerry maps,
Document viewer (Word, Excel, PowerPoint),
Stand-by Up to 330 h (2G) / Up to 320 h (3G)
Talk time Up to 4 h 40 min (2G) / Up to 6 h 50 min
(3G) Music play Up to 44 h
8I80k80llJ 0l00 980
Dimensions 107x59x13.4 mm, Weight 118 g
Type TFT capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors
Size 480 x 854 pixels, 3.7 inches (~265 ppi
pixel density), Gorilla Glass display, Touch
sensitive controls, MOTOBLUR U with Live
Widgets, Multi-touch input method,
Accelerometer sensor for U auto-rotate
Proximity sensor for auto turn-off, Sound Alert
types, Vibration; MP3, WAV ringtones
Loudspeaker Yes, 3.5mm jack Yes
Phonebook, Practically unlimited entries and
fields, Photo call, Call records Practically
unlimited, nternal 2 GB storage, 512 MB RAM,
1 GB ROM, Card slot microSD, up to 32GB,
2GB included
GPRS Class 12 (4+1/3+2/2+3/1+4 slots), 32 -
48 kbps, EDGE Class 12, 3G HSDPA, 7.2
Mbps; HSUPA, 2 Mbps WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11
b/g/n, DLNA, Wi-Fi hotspot, Bluetooth Yes,
v2.1 with A2DP, EDR, USB Yes, microUSB
v2.0, HS, Camera Primary, 5 MP, 2592x1944
pixels, autofocus, LED flash, Features Geo-
tagging, image stabilization, Video Yes,
OS Android OS, v2.3 (Gingerbread), CPU 1
GHz T OMAP 3620 processor, Messaging
SMS (threaded view), MMS, Email, M, Push
Email, Browser HTML, Radio Stereo FM radio
with RDS, Games Yes + downloadable
Colors Black, White, GPS Yes, with A-GPS
support, Java Yes, - Google Search, Maps,
M0I0l0I8 0Lff+
69.6 g
Type TFT, 65K colors, Size 128 x 160
pixels, 1.8 inches (~114 ppi pixel den-
sity), Sound Alert types Vibration,
Polyphonic(32), Loudspeaker Yes,
3.5mm jack Yes
Phonebook 500 entries, Call records
Yes Features
Messaging SMS, Browser No, Radio
FM radio, Games Yes, Colors Legion
Blue, Festival Pink, Ocean Blue
Phantom Black, Coral Red, GPS No,
Java, Flashlight, Organizer, Predictive
text input,
Stand-by Up to 840 h, Talk time Up to
7 h 20 min
h0kI8 100
L6 0IIN0t 80I L7J0
Dimensions 122.5x62.5x9.8mm,
Type Ultra AMOLED capacitive touch-
screen, 16M colors, Size 480 x 800 pixels,
3.8 inches (~246 ppi pixel density)
Accelerometer sensor for U auto-rotate
Proximity sensor for auto turn-off, Mulch-
touch input method, Touch-sensitive con-
trols, Optimus U 2.0, Sound Alert types
Vibration, MP3 ringtones, Loudspeaker Yes
3.5mm jack Yes,
Phonebook Practically unlimited entries
and fields, Photocall, Call records
Practically unlimited, nternal 2 GB RAM
(150 MB user-available), 512 MB RAM
Card slot microSD, up to 32GB, 2GB
GPRS Yes, EDGE Yes, 3G HSDPA, 7.2
Mbps; HSUPA, 2.9 Mbps, WLAN Wi-Fi
802.11 b/g/n, Wi-Fi Direct, Wi-Fi hotspot,
DLNA, Bluetooth Yes, v3.0 with A2DP, USB
Yes, microUSB v2.0, Camera Primary, 5
MP, 2592x1944 pixels, autofocus, Features
Geo-tagging, Video, Yes, VGA@24fps
Secondary Yes, VGA
OS Android OS, v2.3 (Gingerbread), CPU
1 GHz processor, Qualcomm MSM8255
chipset, Messaging SMS (threaded view),
MMS, Email, Push Email, M Browser WAP
2.0/xHTML, HTML, Radio FM radio Games
Yes + downloadable Colors, Black, titan,
white, GPS Yes, with A-GPS support Java
88Nt00 F1000 68I8KJ 80
With Samsung P1000 Galaxy Tab
Experience a 7"screen and immerse
yourself in interactive web experi-
ences, Samsung P1000 Galaxy Tab
provides full high-definition video
experience while watching movies as
you`re on the go, with Samsung
P1000 Galaxy Tab Organize and syn-
chronize better all your online experi-
ence, Leave the stress of travel
behind as the Samsung P1000
Galaxy Tab helps navigate you to
your destination faster and safer than
ever before, Stay connected with
Samsung P1000 Galaxy Tab at
speeds that meet or exceed your
I0 I0000 4 168 80
AppIe iphone 4 16GB (Software
UnIocked) - This changes everything.
Apple iphone 4 - ln both hardware and
software, Apple iphone 4 is a major leap
over its already-excellent predecessor, the
iPhone 3GS. The combination of gorgeous
new hardware, amazing display, upgraded
cameras, and major improvements to the
operating system make Apple iphone 4 an
extremely formidable package. Apple
iphone 4 is a GSM cell phone with a high-
resolution display, FaceTime video calling,
HD video recording.
800J LlI0tt00 I0lI8 l0
Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc - VisuaIIy
Let your eyes go wide with Sony Ericsson
Xperia Arc, Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc is the
first of a new generation of Xperia smart-
phones to be announced in 2011, Created
from premium materials and with a stunning
arc body Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc is sleek,
strong & designed to fit perfectly in the user`s
hand, The best of Sony technology is inside
Sony Ericsso Xperia Arc.
h6 fIJ0l
A TabIet Like No Other -
ExcIusiveIy Launched By Ufone.
WYes HTC Flyer is a Tablet that has
a magic pen that can do more for
you than you can imagine, From
creating masterpieces with a stroke
of a paintbrush, HTC Flyer puts you
in control of any situation, Have you
ever held a thunderstorm in your
hand?When checking the weather
on HTC Flyer you can feel the sun's
rays or wipe away the droplets of
water & with 7-inch portable screen
HTC Flyer is a new dimension in
h0kI8 L
Touch, Type & Connect AII Day Long.
Ease of touch & Speed of type it all comes
together in an ultra compact smartphone
called Nokia E6, With full-touch display &
real QWEPTY keyboard Nokia E6 is worth
buying, With the Nokia E6 you can keep in
touch with your friends, no matter what
smartphone they use because of easy to
access social networking, Nokia E6 may be
small, but it offers unbeatable power with
its long-lasting battery, So powerful you can
talk throughout your workday or watch four
movies without a break.
8I80k80llJ 80I0 9780
BIackBerry BoId 9780 - ProfessionaI
BlackBerry Bold 9780 integrate up to
10 email accounts into one easy-to-
access place which means you can
conduct business almost anywhere,
Open apps are always connected on
your BlackBerry Bold 9780 so you can
easily switch back and forth, ln
BlackBerry Bold 9780 there's a new
application switcher that makes jump-
ing between apps even faster,
BlackBerry Bold 9780 power your con-
nections anywhere there's 3G cover-
Above prices are subject to change as per market
Fr ee down| oad | | ar e. pk

Tech Too| h|gh ange Nob||es

h0kI8 101
Be Entertained & In ControI.
With Nokia 101 you will be entertained for the
long time & you can keep every thing in con-
trol at the same time, The Nokia 101 helps
you to make life run more smoothly and eas-
ily, with everything from a calendar and an
alarm clock, to a torch to help you find your
way, Stay entertained wherever you go with a
music player of Nokia 101 that can support
up to 16GB memory card, The Nokia 101
offers you dual SM capability which makes it
easy for you to access calls and texts over
two different networks.
QN00II0 L170
MobiIe That Fits Your PaIm & Pocket.
Qmobile E170 is another stylish phone form
the makers of Qmobile, Qmobile E170 has
every thing that you want in a low priced
mobile, The Dual sim feature of Qmobile E170
is useful for those people who want to keep
there both sims on at the same time, The
Qmobile E170 has a powerful battery life so
you can talk all day long.
L6 1
DoubIe Power DoubIe Fun.
Now life is fun & easy both with the new LG
A165 which offers Dual SM portability,
Enjoy listening to your favorite radio station
anytime with LG A165 because you can
assign & schedule recording to your favorite
shows, Experience great clarity in picture
with the superior VGA Camera of LG A165,
With LG A165 you can Carry your favourite
music wherever you go.
M088I0 4410 FI8J
Rock It.
Yes you can Rock with new Megagate
4410 Play, You can rock your world
withMegagate 4410 Play powerful multi-
media experience, With Megagate 4410
Playyou can enjoy the loud sound of your
favourite songs, n short Megagate 4410
Play is made to relish the music in you.
88Nt00 L1
HighIight Your MobiIe StyIe.
From incredibly loud sound to the universal
earphone connection Samsung E1225 fea-
tures enhance the sound experience from the
mobile, With Samsung E1225 you will be able
to listen to FM radio using any earphone they
have so that you can enjoy entertainment on
the go, Samsung E1225 is powered to do
more because you won't need to switch out
SM cards between uses, Samsung E1225
comes with two SM card slots.
88Nt00 L1
DoubIe Your Coverage & Savings.
Giving you the performance of two mobiles in the
convenience of one handset is Samsung E1252,
You will have all the benefits of two phones with
Samsung E1252, The speaker of Samsung
E1252 has clear & loud sound that you will never
miss a call even in a noisy environment, Saving
the cost of a second phone & offering better
usability & connectivity is what called Samsung
Above prices are subject to change as per market
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Tech Too| Latest LapTop
Powered by znd generuLIon
nLeI Core IJIJI; processor,
1.6 HD dIspIuy, MobIIe nLeI
HM6 Express CIIpseL, ;-In-1
curd reuder 1. Megu PIxeI
webcum, Lwo USB z.o porLs, Lwo
USB .o porLs, un HDM porL, und un
eIgIL-ceII ILIIum-on buLLery.
GIgubyLe QzzM SpecIIIcuLIons
OperuLIng SysLem: GenuIne WIndows ; Home PremIum, GenuIne WIndows
; ProIessIonuI
GIgubyLe QzzM, DIspIuy: DIugonuI SIze : 1.6, ResoIuLIon : 166 x ;68,
GrupIIcs Curd: nLeI HD GrupIIcs ooo, Processor: nLeI Core IJIJI;
processor (Sundy BrIdge), CIIpseL: MobIIe nLeI HM6 Express CIIpseL, Memory:
1GBJzGB DDR, SLoruge: z." SATA HDD qoorpmJ;zoorpm :zoGB,
ooGB, OpLIcuI DrIve: 1z.;mm Super MuILI DVD RW, 1z.;mm BIu-ruy ODD sup-
porL (opLIonuI), Curd Reuder : ;-In-1 curd reuder (SD, SDHC, SDXC, MMC, MS, MS
Pro, MS Pro HG ), Cumeru: 1. Megu PIxeI, Power: BuLLery : 8-ceII I-Ion
OperuLIng SysLem WIndows ; Home PremIum Processor Type nLeI Core I
Processor Speed (z.oGHz Turbo Up To z.qGHz) Processor z CucIe MB
Processor ModeI I-zq1oM RAM CupucILy q GB RAM Type DDR RAM SIoLs z
Hurd DIsk CupucILy 6qo GB HDD RPM qoo HDD nLerIuce SATA Screen SIze
1q IncI Screen Type ED Screen ResoIuLIon 166 x ;68 GrupIIcs nLeI GrupIIcs
MedIu AcceIeruLor HD GrupIIcs Curd VIdeo Memory SIured OpLIcuI DrIve BIue
Ruy DuuI-uyer DVDJCD Burner
OperuLIng SysLem WIndows ; Home PremIum Processor Type nLeI Core I;
Processor Speed (zGHz Turbo Up To z.qGHz) Processor z CucIe MB
Processor ModeI I;-z6oQM RAM CupucILy q GB RAM Type DDR RAM SIoLs
z Hurd DIsk CupucILy oo GB HDD RPM ;zoo HDD nLerIuce SATA Screen SIze
1.6 IncI Screen Type ED Screen ResoIuLIon 166 x ;68 GrupIIcs NVDA
Georce GT qoM VIdeo Memory zGB OpLIcuI DrIve DVD Super MuILI
SerIes PuvIIIon G6 OperuLIng SysLem WIndows ; Home BusIc Processor Type nLeI
PenLIum DuuI Core Processor Speed z.o GHz Processor z CucIe z MB Processor
ModeI Bqqo RAM CupucILy GB RAM Type DDR RAM SIoLs z Hurd DIsk CupucILy
zo GB HDD RPM qoo HDD nLerIuce SATA Screen SIze 1.6 IncI Screen Type
ED Screen ResoIuLIon 166 x ;68 GrupIIcs nLeI GrupIIcs MedIu AcceIeruLor HD
GrupIIcs Curd VIdeo Memory SIured OpLIcuI DrIve DVD Super MuILI
OperuLIng SysLem Dos Processor Type nLeI PenLIum DuuI Core Processor Speed
z.o GHz Processor z CucIe MB Processor ModeI P61oo RAM CupucILy z GB
RAM Type DDRz RAM SIoLs z Hurd DIsk CupucILy zo GB HDD RPM qoo
HDD nLerIuce SATA Screen SIze 1.6 IncI Screen Type CD Screen ResoIuLIon
166 x ;68 GrupIIcs BuIIL n VIdeo Memory SIured OpLIcuI DrIve DVD Super
OperuLIng SysLem Muc OS X Snow eopurd Processor Type nLeI Core I; Processor Speed
z.z GHz Processor z CucIe 6 MB Processor ModeI nIo nJu RAM CupucILy q GB RAM
Type DDR RAM SIoLs z Hurd DIsk CupucILy ;o GB HDD RPM qoo HDD nLerIuce
SATA Screen SIze 1.q IncI Screen Type ED Screen ResoIuLIon 1qqo X qoo GrupIIcs
AMD Rudeon HD 6;o VIdeo Memory 1 GB OpLIcuI DrIve DVD Super MuILI
|gabyIe 2632N
e|| XF8-16 L602x
8ony Va|o VF0-L16FX/8
hF Fav|||on 6-1110se
Asus k62F App|e Nac8oo| Fro
MonILor No OperuLIng SysLem Dos
Processor Type nLeI Core I Processor
ModeI I-z1oo Processor Speed .1o GHz
Processor z CucIe MB RAM Type
DDR RAM q GB Hurd DIsk CupucILy
ooGB RPM qoo CIIpseL nLeI Q6
Express GrupIIcs Xqoo HD VIdeo
Memory SIured OpLIcuI DrIve DVD
Super MuILI ELIerneL Curd 1oJ1ooJ1ooo
Sound Curd BuIIL n
MonILor No OperuLIng SysLem
Dos Processor Type nLeI Core I
Processor ModeI I-o
Processor Speed .z GHz
Processor z CucIe MB RAM
Type DDR RAM z GB Hurd
DIsk CupucILy ooGB RPM ;zoo
CIIpseL BuIIL n GrupIIcs BuIIL n
VIdeo Memory SIured OpLIcuI
DrIve DVD Super MuILI ELIerneL
Curd 1oJ1ooJ1ooo Sound Curd
MonILor z; ncI OperuLIng SysLem Muc OS X eopurd Processor Type nLeI
Core I Processor ModeI Processor Speed z.8oGHz Processor z CucIe 8 MB
RAM Type DDR RAM q GB Hurd DIsk CupucILy 1 TB RPM ;zoo CIIpseL BuIIL
n GrupIIcs AT Rudeon HD ;o VIdeo Memory 1 GB OpLIcuI DrIve DVD
Super MuILI
e|| pI|F|ex 790
hF 0ompaq dx7600NT
e|| pI|p|ex 9B0
App|e |Nac 27 Inch 2.Bht 0ompaq 8us|ness es|Iop 06008
hF 0ompaq dx2390NT
MonILor No OperuLIng SysLem Dos
Processor Type nLeI Core z Quud
Processor ModeI Q8qoo Processor
Speed z.66 GHz Processor z CucIe q
MB RAM Type DDRz RAM 1 GB Hurd
DIsk CupucILy zo GB RPM ;zoo
CIIpseL nLeI qqGC GrupIIcs BuIIL n
VIdeo Memory SIured OpLIcuI DrIve
DVD Super MuILI ELIerneL Curd
1oJ1oo Sound Curd ReuILek AC888S
OperuLIng SysLem Dos Processor
Type nLeI Core z Duo Processor ModeI
Eqoo Processor Speed z.;o GHz
Processor z CucIe MB RAM Type
DDRz RAM 1 GB Hurd DIsk CupucILy
zo GB RPM ;zoo CIIpseL nLeI G1
GrupIIcs BuIIL n VIdeo Memory
SIured OpLIcuI DrIve DVD Super MuILI
MonILor No OperuLIng SysLem Dos Processor
Type nLeI Core z Duo Processor ModeI E;oo
Processor Speed z.q GHz Processor z CucIe z
MB RAM Type DDR RAM 1 GB Hurd DIsk
CupucILy zo GB RPM qoo CIIpseL nLeI Gq1
Express CIIpseL GrupIIcs BuIIL n VIdeo Memory
SIured OpLIcuI DrIve DVD Super MuILI

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