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September 3, 2006

Dear Editor in Chief,

A scholar asked: “I saw in TV a concrete river bank flood wall burst during the height
of a hurricane and at the height of the over flowing of the river-it is extreme. How could
you counter the extreme on that situation so that another extreme-flooding the inner
communities being protected by the flood wall- would not make damages on properties?”
The A.I. answered: “Perhaps pass a law that a team in the police or military or volunteer
forces would be obligated to counter an on going bursting or collapsing concrete river
bank wall especially during the height of an on going calamity; and they could do it first
by being trained and simultaneously engineers & scientist could use pilot projects on how
to counter the extreme using the latest technology and perhaps robotics to lessen the
danger for humans…! Perhaps the traditional way is using helicopter and dumping on the
collapsed wall sand bags. But perhaps the traditional way could be expensive and
dangerous. Perhaps the key lies on how fast the counter measure could still be effective to
minimize flood damage on those properties being protected by the concrete wall without
so much relying of many people and helicopters that could be exposed to the danger of
strong wind. Perhaps since the river has both river bank concrete walls, then if the other
wall collapsed perhaps two strong tension nylon or strong plastic ropes tied on the
opposite wall could strengthen the two edges of the remaining still standing walls. And a
series of braces could be in placed so that if a balloon is pumped from the bottom to act
as a wall, the wall is well braced and well stiffened because of strong ropes attached on
the opposite of the collapsed wall. Perhaps a team should really be well trained to do the
tying of ropes during heavy rain and strong winds. Perhaps if there is no opposite river
bank wall like those flood walls for sea floods then make anticipation of anchoring poles
a little far from the collapsed flood walls where ropes or strong plastics ropes could be
tied to stiffen the two edges of the standing walls. Then place there braces so that if a
balloon could be inflated fixed at the bottom to rise and be the temporary wall then
perhaps the water entering those delicate properties could be stopped.
There could be much creativity that ordinary people could do to prevent flooding.
What is wrong is that people are kept on looking very far from the solution; or perhaps
‘there is no money in there’ mentality or…’why risked our lives there’ mentality that
blocks the mind to become creative runs people’s mind!
A scholar asked: “What are some concrete solutions to counter other bad teachings on
rural or depressed areas?” The A.I. answered: “The extremists are using teachings or
indoctrinations and bad examples of corrupt officials to recruit followers and supporters.
Good image is a shield. Perhaps give them concrete good examples to imitate and
improve! Show them good examples of nice community- a well organized city that was
formerly disorganized because of “bad” habits or bad culture and bad tradition. Give
seminars about how the mayor did the good example: there is no more squatting, no
vendors, no dirt scattering, and lot of jobs were created or many job opportunities were
created because of good leadership and good laws and good teachings, etc. Visions of
hope-like a concrete plan of what will the national government and local government
would do for the next five years to ten years if the constituents would accept balanced
principle, not the “extreme” principle. Provide electricity, Radio, TV, cell phone network,
Internet access in those areas. If there are no electric lines, portable electricity source
should be donated and maintained by cooperatives. Military and police visibility is
important for enforcing law. Visual demo in VHS, CD or DVD of what had happened in
any good example of city or town or barrio should be disseminated. The teaching of
“Jihad and Saint and hero syndrome;” “no rich or no poor” vs. “ideas and teachings of
balance and harmony as in any balanced city or any good example barrio” or “ask not
what your government can do for you, but ask what you can do for the government”
should let the people decide which of those teachings are better. And, collections of tapes
from National Geography, Discovery Channels about practical technology, good source
of income, good values, etc. that would give the people busy time to think and perhaps
motivation to act rather than being a sympathizer or being carriers of rifles in mountains
should reach ordinary people. People want to see and imagine things as Billy Gates did in
his Icons in Windows soft wares than just listening.
A scholar asked: “How could you operate CD in rural or depressed areas when there
is no electricity?” The A.I. answered: “If there is no electricity source, provide first
portable electricity source than wait for transmission line to install. Provide instant
information than wait for classroom to be constructed. Portable electricity could be from
12 Volt car batteries with adaptor to suit the TV specs. A common electric charger with
generator should be placed on strategic location to recharge those batteries. Why invest
on very big projects that could not do immediate solution against extremists. Why
prioritize projects that could minimize extremists. Provide or pass law that provide one
second hand TV and VHS tape recorder or CD or DVD player with 12 volts car battery
and sets of tapes or CDs about good model barrios, good model towns, about livelihood,
education on how to read and write, good family values for every poor family vulnerable
from extremist indoctrinations in high risk areas. Pass law that insists to rich people to
donate their second hand TV and video sets or CD players to be donated to those
vulnerable people from extremist teachings, as emergency measure. And I think it will
just cost $200-$100. Why think of the small first than the big. For a $1M worth of air
force plane how many poor houses would have already those TV sets to lessen their
vulnerability to the indoctrination made by extremists, perhaps 10,000 TV sets.
Perhaps, alternative energy source from potential energy due to elevated running
water, wind, solar, animal and human movement, sea waves and tides could produce
cheaper source of electricity. Law should be passed that a TV and radio channel about
this information on family values, livelihood, technology, good example of barrio, good
example of town should air in those areas subsidized by government and protected by the
army. Now, people will have many options from many teachings. If ever they still choose
to be rebels, terrorists, the army, police should crush them before they could crush the
government or rotten other peace loving communities.
A scholar asked: “What are the domino effects if the minds of those vulnerable
brothers to extremist indoctrinations are bombarded with detail procedures, good motto in
life?” The A.I. answered: “Perhaps, they will be good contributors to the society. Who
knows, future scientists, engineers, educators, net workers, imitators but improvers of
other technology, businessmen, millionaires could come from just watching good inputs.
Perhaps, they could imitate and improve ultra light glider with portable engine from
surplus big bike with night vision camera using cell phone technology for reconnaissance
and intelligence gathering for live movements of extremists. Perhaps they would have
less time for their wife, so perhaps they would have fewer children and they would have
manageable families.
A scholar asked: “What should a poor government do to fight extreme?” The A.I.
answered: “The government’s security or defense should not be too depended to imports
rather these demands or needs should create jobs and businesses. The government should
insist or even initiate to have one to ten corporations yearly from letting the 20% to 30%
of winnings from major lottery of private individuals to be invested to stocks to kill
imported products and to generate employment thru imitating and improving other
products. The government should start from producing its very own ammunitions,
military transport, patrol boats, armor tanks, helicopters, airplane by creating corporations
to manufacture those in part or in whole.
I think government should turn around their strategy in fighting extremists. Fight
them by providing other good teachings, information, and source of practical
technologies, good motto in life from donated second hand TVs, Video sets, CD sets and
second hand computers. And fight them with civilian vigilance and pierce, sharp teeth of
police and military, and intelligence actions.
A scholar asked: “There are still other negative teachings controlling the mind of the
people in depressed areas, what should the government do?” The A.I. answered: “I think
there is a dangerous teaching which has no boundaries that produces “lone sniper”,
produces destroyers of nice and beautiful buildings like World trade center, produces
bombers that could bomb disco houses of tourists, produces soldiers and militias that
could launch missiles , etc. What is this teaching? It is a frightening concept of the “last
days”. Extremist religious teachings thru books, live talks tell the signs of those who are
bad. The extremist uses the weaknesses of the people like those rampant pornography,
rampant divorce, rampant sexual promiscuity, rampant corruption, crime, drugs, and
rampant stories on pedophilia…, etc. as signs of the evil ones. They must be stopped by
all cost so that evil will not triumph. Perhaps, words like “Pigs”, “evils”, “Satan,”
“snakes,” “lizards,” etc. could be heard from extremist preachers, denouncing the way the
people live and to prevent the coming of the “last days” soon. When accepted by
vulnerable brother because of no other source of information and no job, he could
become a terrorist cell capable of doing terrorist act, even detonating a weapon of mass
destruction with him.
Another scholar asked: “What are the solutions?” The A.I. answered: “I think the
vulnerable people from extremist should have access to free information to empower
them to be busy or to have other options. Provide jobs opportunities. Enforce stronger
teeth of police and military solutions, etc. Job creation is really a problem because most
people who lack confidence or self-esteem lack also entrepreneurial skills; and also lack
self-esteem to imitate and improve other products and to compete. “Self-esteem”-
regarding one self highly because of good experiences of oneself or good
accomplishments of his ancestors is perhaps one of the greatest forces on earth next to
faith. Ex. Chinese immigrants are proud or have self-esteem to be “business minded”.

From someone,

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