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February 9, 2006

Dear Editor in chief,

Then the scholar asked: What if a biosphere is built on the moon or other planets
and a civilization sprout out from a series of biospheres teaming with robotics; and when
judgment day arrives would the people in the biosphere on the moon or other planets be
included or affected…? The A.I was puzzled because anything connected to religion
seems very controversial and very hard to answer. So the A.I. searched on the many
question/answer data base and the A.I. keeps on searching for key word/s. Perhaps taken
from a book or movie, the A.I. answered: Since egg cells example fertilized cockroaches
could be carried on a rocket with a small biosphere and with equipments and with
robotics that could sustain life to grow older and the biosphere could be programmed
there to have a colony of cockroach, the mere survival of the specie say for three
generations and also the mere continues well functioning of robotics, or the mere self
sustaining mechanisms between robotics and the specie to create cycle or continuity so
that life could survive a long time on an uninhabitable place like the moon or other planet
is sign that human life could survive in other planets. Perhaps the mere survival or
continuity of life of the specie of the cockroach could be the key why other species could
not survive on other planet/s. And if robotics and other specie could team to prove that
any extreme environment is not an obstacle so that life could survive in other planets then
perhaps human specie could also survive on other planets. And if on judgment day human
specie on earth only is affected example by a nuclear holocaust as equivalent to the great
flood during the time of Noah then perhaps judgment day is applicable only on fallen
earth but not on other planets.
The scholar asked: correct me if I am wrong: I heard that a fertilized fetus of a pig
was injected with a cell from a jelly fish and the genes were altered. And when the
engineered fetus became a grown up baby pig, the skin has some characteristics of a jelly
fish. Could a human fetus develop with a jelly fish complexion if a jelly fish fluid is
injected… or is biologically engineered? The A.I. answered: Perhaps if biologically
engineered animals are happening perhaps it could also happen with human specie
because human is specie and a pig is another type of specie. Perhaps, other scientist
might also inject a fluid from a turtle to fertilized human specie so that human could have
armor like a turtle…and another scientist would do different combination and so on…
then perhaps there would be many different kind of human specie…!
Perhaps even without injection of fluid on the fertilized egg example the fertilized
egg of a sheep, the color of the sheep could still be changed from all white to dotted
white by mere influencing the mother-sheep’s mood when eating during pregnancy or
during mating by just letting the mother sheep sees dotted clothes during those times.
Perhaps this phenomenon is recorded in the bible (Genesis chapter 30). Since breeding
could be engineered, perhaps there would be time that human could do wild things about
their specie.
I think there is a report that in a certain tribe the feet have just two fingers-not five;
and a scientist made an opinion that it is caused by not marrying other normal people
outside their tribe that’s why a birth defect was transferred down to several generations
that created the tribe with feet of having just two fingers. So, I think human should be
very sensitive to any start of problem and balance it with law- majority rule, science and
good teachings so that harmony and balance would prevail than extreme or chaos even in
breeding human specie.
The scholar asked if the snake that spoke and tempted and tricked Adam and Eve a
real snake or it is just an abstract idea. Or what is the specie of the snake that tempted
Adam & Eve during that time of approximately 77 generation from Christ up to Adam
and Eve of about 3000 to 5000 years from Christ or more or less 7,000 years from present
as compared with the specie of snake beyond that time or a snake with a million years old
fossil; or with our present snake? I heard that the snake that tempted Adam was once not
crawling or because of words like: “you (the snake) will be punished for this; you alone
of all animals must bear this curse: From now on you will crawl on your belly, and you
will have to eat dust as long as you live…”- is this true? Then the A.I. answered with his
humble opinion: Perhaps the snake depicted during the time of Adam and Eve is just a
tree-hanging snake and after that event the snake was now a grass or dust snake. But, the
scholar remarked that there are still snake species that hang on trees. So, the A.I. reacted:
Perhaps the snake’s story during the time of Adam is an abstract idea or legend; but the
essence is important because the story of Adam & Eve has connections with man’s
Salvation History…!
Then another scholar asked the A.I.: Perhaps your opinion on those topics about
controversies on the bible causes some doubts on the traditional beliefs of major
religions; or could cause some deceptions? The A.I. reacted: Let’s have some
comparisons: A is a group or syndicate with fake claims represented as money and faking
$100 bills for their operations and survival and expansion as a group, B is an individual
who is having opinion represented as $1 bills created out from just painting or art and
tagged the bills with “play money”, and group C, D, E, and F has each own claims or
“genuine” claims represented as $100 bill and each group could collect, transact or
exchange currency from each or among them. So if the A.I is just using an opinion and
not claiming things then he might fall on the category of B.
What makes a deception or faking a diversionary tactic is when another “thing or
word” deflects, magnetizes clear word that results to good, to orderly things, to make
things clean, beautiful to look at, and being changed into something chaotic; or when
“thing or word” twists a good word to be blurred and becomes mystery, wonder,
“miracle” and reason that the group is now superior than the other groups that results to
extreme, to disorder, to ugliness, to dirtiness, to conceit or self righteousness, to cause
conflicts, to trigger anger; or to be chaotic especially on small things first. Since the A.I.
is just program and not human so accountability for its displays of words that might result
to deception could easily be reprogrammed. But for those contributors to the A.I.
especially if the result of the contribution is a consensus of the majority and since they
are human, they should be accountable and be responsible.
Perhaps there could be a time in the near future that some decisions from A.I. could
be transmitted to human brain through nano and cell phone technology enhancing the
technology of remote control system; and perhaps more accountability for the “enhanced
human” should be applied. Perhaps in the near future an eye glass or a contact lens could
be used as a TV screen using nano technology. And perhaps a very small personal
computer could be embedded any where in the human body or perhaps animal body and
the source of energy could be from changing body chemical energy or through
mechanical way to electricity like an automatic wrist watch. Perhaps punching of keys to
encode data could be by thinking a point in the skin to be exited that could trigger a code
or key; or by exiting some points in the fingers.
Perhaps this deception or diversionary tactic or killing the conscience happens in
many small things that leaders are somehow unconsciously contributing; or aiding and
harboring other “words” that cancel the Universal Word. Example what are words in the
mind of a group called “A” that believes that group “B”-once “wandering group of
people” and now are returning to their “promised land” -has no right to live on perceived
group A’s “Native land” only. Perhaps words are: a) those B- people are occupiers,
invaders, b) B people have different faith or beliefs than us; or they are infidels, c) they
are land grabbers; they get more share than us. c) And if there are people get killed
because of conflicts; then words like: give me liberty or give me death; let’s fight to
death. d) Let us do jihad or have holy war against those infidels. e) Great is the reward in
heaven if one could kill infidels, etc. These words seem universal “good” but the result is
chaos. Then if a seemingly universal word results to chaos like hatred, disorderliness, no
harmony with others or even with his environment then the word perhaps is a deception.
Perhaps the A.I. could just use universal word to balance those precepts of man or
words that mold a mind set- example for: a) those B people are also natives on perceived
A’s native land thousands of years ago; or A’s perceived native land is called B’s
“promised land”... b) With regards to faith or belief connected to God, perhaps there is
universal word that teaches: “if you love God but hates your brother you are a liar.” And
if you don’t believe on this universal teaching or Word, and even say evil words to the
Word; or even curse the Word that it is a teaching from the devil, perhaps that decision to
curse the Word is perhaps an unpardonable mistake or unpardonable fault; or sin against
the spirit. c) Boundaries could be settled peacefully and it could be bought; or be
exchanged; or both could be owners like a corporation. d) Holy war against fellow men
not as self defense is not justifiable. Perhaps the word ‘jihad’ is just being used for self-
interest. Holy war is justified if for self-defense and not as revenge. Perhaps jihad against
corruption due to selfishness could be more justifiable and honorable. e) Deliberate
killing of innocent and civilian people with different faith is murder-can not be justified.
Then a scholar asked the A.I. of another topic: That group A has just won a landslide
in a fair democratic election which added fear to group B, and that winning would result
to let a perceived terrorist becomes a leader of that group. And B is tempted to withdraw
its humanitarian support or help or aid because the money could be siphoned to enhance
group A’s weaponry. What could the A.I. comment on the situation? And the A.I.
remarked: Perhaps three things could happen. 1) Since group A is now in charged of their
country’s welfare and destiny, perhaps the group might now change for the good; because
being a leader is different than being a rebel. Principle behind: Sometimes bully people
become bully because they just want to be noticed. But if given a responsibility they
become responsible; and they want to be remembered as ‘good’ forever in history. Or,
perhaps bad thing might be changed to good. 2) Perhaps, group B and its friends and
allies might become good big brother/s when they notice that group A is changing for
good. The specifics might be: a) Ok, we will still continue our support, help and aid but
with barometer, sensors, checks that if we find out that a $1 is diverted to enhance
terrorism then that’s the end of our being good big brother/s. Or we would just wait for
signs of repentance; and in the meantime we would first: i) give directly the money to
the heads and to the administration of the NGOs, private hospitals rather than through
your group. ii) Any report that your group is doing something bad or that the money was
intercepted from those NGOs and was not used to what it is intended to, we would halt
20% of the aid, and if repeated… 50% of the aid…. iii) And if you say ‘sorry’ and repent
and cooperate… we could even add more financial help. b) Ok, if you do more ‘prodigal
son’s traits like being humble we could give you more responsibilities. Your militia could
be trained and be integrated with the police and military force with added incentives from
us to enhance having good salaries from both groups or governments or administrators or
God’s stewards as long as you side with balanced, moderate, flexible principles; we could
help you on your financial difficulties. c) We could be partners in economic and social
developments. Your citizens could cross boundaries with just a passport and ID, and
anybody from your group could study, look for job here in group’s B areas. 3) Perhaps
bad might become worse if the universal word would be cancelled by deceptions
pretending to be inspired or said by a “good” cleric.

From someone who might be


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