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ACJC 2010 Planning Question

1 Planning (P)


[You are to assume that the pipette provided has a capacity of 25.0 cm3 and that 10.00 cm3 titre values 35.00 cm3] For minimum conc, c = (25 x 0.042) x 3/35 = 0.09 mol dm-3 For maximum conc, c= (25 x 0.042 )/10= 0.105 mol dm-3 Any answers between 0.09 mol dm-3 and 0.105 mol dm-3 is acceptable Accept any appropriate workings


Assume students NaOH (aq) concentration value is 0.09 mol dm-3 no of moles of NaOH in 250 cm3 =

250 0.09 = 0.0225 1000

Mass of NaOH in 250 cm3 = 0.0225 x [23.0+16.0+1.0] = 0.900 g 1. Weigh out 0.900 g of the NaOH in a weighing bottle using a weighing balance. 2. Dissolve the NaOH in about 100 cm3 deionised water in a 250 cm3 beaker. 3. Using a filter funnel and glass rod, transfer the solution into a 250 cm3 graduated flask. 4. Rinse the beaker, glass rod and filter funnel with deionised water and add washings into the graduated flask. 5. Make up to the 250 cm3 mark using deionised water. 6. Stopper and shake well to get a homogenous solution. (c)

25.0 cm3 pipette (to transfer 25.0cm3 of 7-Up into conical flask)

50.00 cm3 burette (containing standard NaOH (aq)) 250 cm3 conical flask


Phenolphthalein (colourless to permanent pink if citric acid is in conical flask) OR (pink to colourless if NaOH is in conical flask)


Mass of bottle + NaOH/g Mass of empty weighing bottle/g Mass of NaOH/g Final burette reading/cm3 Initial burette reading/cm3 Volume of NaOH used/cm3 Assume students NaOH (aq) concentration value is 0.09 mol dm-3 Number of moles of NaOH used in y.00 cm3 =


y x 0.09 = 9.00 x 10-5 y 1000

Number of moles of citric acid in 25.0 cm3 =

25 x 0.042 = 1.05 x 103 1000

n( NaOH ) 9.00 x 10 -5 y = Basicity of the citric acid = n(acid ) 1.05 x 10 3

Knowing the basicity of the citric acid , the correct equation can be determined. (g) (h ) HOC(CH2CO2H)2COOH also accept HOC(CO2H)2CH2CH2COOH [Total: 12]

Solid NaOH is corrosive, hence use gloves/lab coat

AJC 2010 Planning Question

1 (a)

(b) Either one of the following: Flush the apparatus with an inert gas. Pass hydrogen (from reaction of zinc and HCl) through the apparatus. (c) To prevent the hot metallic lead from reacting with O2 to form the oxide. (d)(i) Before heating Mass of crucible + lead oxide Mass of crucible Mass of lead oxide used /g /g /g

Mass of crucible + residue /g 1st reading 2nd reading Mass of residue (Pb left) /g (d)(ii) Mass of residue/ mass of crucible + residue remains constant after repeating the heating coolingweighing process. (e) % by mass of lead in PbO 207 = 100% 207 + 16.0 = 92.8% (f)
n(PbO) = 1.00 = 4.48 x 103 mol 223 1 n(H2O) = 4.48 10 3 = 4.48 x 103 1

After heating

% by mass of lead in PbO2 207 = 100% 207 + 2(16.0) = 86.6%

1.00 = 4.18 x 103 mol 239 2 n(H2O) = 4.18 10 3 = 8.37 x 103 1 n(PbO2) = Mass of H2O formed from 1.00 g of PbO2 = 8.37 x 103 x 18.0 = 0.151 g

Mass of H2O formed from 1.00 g of PbO = 4.48 x 103 x 18.0 = 0.0807 g

(g) It is more appropriate to measure the mass of water formed as the difference in the mass of H2O formed is larger. [Total: 12]

CJC 2010 Planning Question

1 Planning (P) (a) Mr of CaCO3 = 40.0 + 12.0 + 3(16.0) = 100
mol of CaCO3 = 1.0 = 0.010 mol

mol of HCl = 2 mol of CaCO3 = 2 0.010 = 0.020 mol vol of HCl = 0.020 1000 = 20 cm3



mol of NaOH =

25.0 x 0.1 = 2.5 x 10-3 mol 1000

mol of HCl in 25.0 cm3 standard solution = 2.5 x 10-3 mol mol of HCl in 250 cm3 standard solution = 0.025 mol


Total mol of HCl added to react with mussel shells =

40.0 x 1 = 0.04 mol 1000

mol of HCl reacted with CaCO3 = 0.04 0.025 = 0.015 mol mol of CaCO3 present in 1 g mussel shell =

1 x 0.15 = 7.5 x 10-3 mol 2

mass of CaCO3 present in 1 g mussel shell = 7.5 x 10-3 x 100 = 0.75 g % by mass of CaCO3 present in mussel shell = 0.75 / 1 x 100% = 75% [4]


1. Using a burette, run 40.00 cm of 1 mol dm HCl into a 100 cm beaker containing the 1.0 g sample of mussel shell fragments. Reaction is complete when there is no more effervescence of CO2(g). 2. Filter the contents of the beaker with a filter funnel and filter paper to remove any impurities. 3. Transfer the filtrate and washings into a 250 cm3 volumetric flask and make up to the mark with distilled water. Shake well to obtain a homogeneous solution. 4. Pipette 25.0 cm3 of diluted HCl (from the volumetric flask) into a 250 cm3 conical flask. 5. Add 2 drops of phenolphthalein indicator. 6. Titrate with 0.10 mol dm3 sodium hydroxide (placed in a 50 cm3 burette) until the solution in the conical flask changed from colourless to pink. 7. Repeat the titration until consistent results (two titres within 0.10 cm3) are obtained. [4]


Graduated frictionless gas syringe HCl Thistle funnel to add HCl

Mussel shells
[2] [Total: 12]

HCI 2010 Planning Question

1(a) 1(b) 1(c)
The addition of 2 CH bonds and 1 CC bond. Decreasing straight line graph (not necessary to pass through the origin) Dependent variable: temperature rise Controlled variable: mass of water used distance of flame from the calorimeter


the precision of the apparatus to be used (mention use of measuring cylinder or burette; thermometer precision and precision of balance). the way in which the independent variable is varied between experiments (change sample of alcohol and weighing of alcohol). measurements of the dependent variable (initial and final temperature of water). appropriate quantities to be used (volume of water and volume of alcohol). Correct general approach (weighing of alcohols and taking temperature rise of water in calorimeter). Processing of raw data Mass of calorimeter = m1 g Mass of spirit lamp before combustion = m2 g Mass of spirit lamp after combustion = m3 g Mass of ethanol used for combustion = (m2m3) g Initial temperature of water = t1 oC Final temperature of water = t2 oC Qty of heat produced in combustion = [50 4.2 (t2 t1) + m1 0.385 (t2 t1)] J Hc =

50 4.2 (t2 t1) + m1 0.385 (t2 t1) (m2 m3 ) / 46

J mol1


Mass of calorimeter = m1 g Mass of spirit lamp before Alcohol combustion m2(g) methanol ethanol propan-1-ol butan-1-ol pentan-1-ol

Mass of spirit lamp after combustion m3(g)

Initial temp. of water t1(oC)

Final temp. of water t2(oC)

Hc (J mol1)

1(f)(i) - Alcohol is volatile and toxic. - Alcohol is flammable and may cause a fire if ignited accidentally. (ii) - Containers of alcohols should be covered when not in use; proper disposal of alcohols. - Start the fire to burn the wick away from other alcohols.

IJC 2010 Planning Question

1(a) OR 1) Weigh known mass of sample 2) Dissolve the powder in aqueous H2SO4 of known concentration. 3) Transfer the resultant solution into a 250 cm3 standard flask and top up with distilled water. Shake well. 4) Pipette 25.0 cm3 of the solution into a conical flask and add a few drops of ferroin indicator. 5) Titrate the solution with standard solution of potassium dichromate (VI) from the burette until the indicator turns from red to blue. 6) Note the volume of potassium dichromate (VI) used. 7) Repeat the experiment until consistent values for potassium dichromate (VI) are obtained. (b)(i) (b)(ii) MnO4- (aq) + 5Fe2+ (aq) + 8H+ (aq) 3OH- (aq) + Fe3+ (aq) 2OH- (aq) (iii) + Mn2+ (aq) Fe(OH)3 (s) Mn(OH)2(s) 5Fe3+ (aq) + Mn2+ (aq) + 4H2O (l) Use known mass of sample & dissolve in dilute sulfuric acid to make 250 cm3 solution using a 250 cm3 standard flask Pipette (25.0 cm3) portions of the above into a 250 cm3 conical flask & acidify with dilute sulfuric acid. Titrate with (known concentration) of KMnO4 in a burette

Iron(II) ions will form precipitate of iron(II) hydroxide / react with aq NaOH, thus its not possible/ not a suitable method to use NaOH(aq) to determine value of x. Test : Step 1: add BaCl2 / Ba(NO3)2 to the solution sample Step 2: add dilute HCl / HNO3 to the ppt. Observation: For SO42- : white ppt insoluble in excess dilute acids For SO32-: white ppt dissolve in excess dilute acids & SO2 gas evolved that turn green with orange dichromate.


JJC 2010 Planning Question 1. (a)

quinic acid: maleic acid: pyruvic acid: oxalacetic acid: lactic acid: Secondary alcohol and tertiary alcohol alkene ketone ketone secondary alcohol [1m]


pyruvic acid and lactic acid. [1m]


These two compounds have a relatively smaller Mr and less extensive hydrogen [1m] bonding/weaker intermolecular forces between their respective molecules than the other 3 compounds. [1m]


Bradys reagent or 2,4-DNPH Pyruvic acid will give an orange ppt. but lactic acid will not. acidified KMnO4(aq) or K2Cr2O7(aq) Lactic acid will turn purple KMnO4 colourless but pyruvic acid will not.

[1m] [1m]


Step 1: Prepare aqueous solutions of each of the 3 solid samples by dissolving [5m] 1 cm depth of solid in about 5 cm depth of deionised water. Step 2: To 1 cm depth of each of the 3 samples in separate test-tubes, add equal volume of Bradys reagent. Oxalacetic acid will give an orange ppt. while the other 2 samples will not. Step 3: To 1 cm depth of each of the 2 remaining samples in separate test-tubes, add a few drops of Br2(aq). Maleic acid will decolourise brown Br2 while the other will not. Step 4: To 1 cm depth of the last sample in a test-tube, add a few drops of acidified KMnO4(aq). Heat the mixture in a hot water-bath. Quinic acid will turn purple KMnO4 colourless.


To ensure colour change of KMnO4, the acidified KMnO4(aq) must be added [1m] slowly and dropwise. It should not be added in excess. The mixture must also be heated. OR Hydrochloric acid cannot be used to hydrolyse the ester or to acidify KMnO4 as the chloride ions can be oxidised by KMnO4. As a result, there may be a colour change of KMnO4 due to oxidation of chloride to Cl2.


Use a hot water bath for heating instead of using a naked flame directly from [1m] Bunsen burner as some organic compounds are highly flammable. or Use a test-tube holder and dropper when adding chemicals to avoid direct contact with chemicals as chemicals may be toxic/poisonous/ harmful/corrosive

RI-JC 2010 Planning Question

(b) (c)

Dilute sulfuric acid should not be used because the impervious layer of insoluble salt BaSO4 forming around the barium sulfite could stop the reaction prematurely. SO2 is highly soluble in water; gas collected will be less than expected.

Thistle funnel with 25 cm3 of 0.50 mol dm3 dilute HCl. Markings on thistle funnel allow 20 cm3 of the acid to be introduced.

graduated, frictionless gas syringe 250 cm3 conical flask

Barium sulfite
Maximum volume of gas collected = 100 cm3 Amount of gas = 100/24000 mol = Amount of BaSO3 Mass of BaSO3 = 100/24000 x (137 + 32.1 + 3(16.0)) = 0.905 g List of measurements 1. Weigh out accurately the mass of the barium sulfite to be 0.900 g. [Record the total mass of weighing bottle and the sample, m1.Transfer this into a 250 cm3 conical flask. Reweigh the emptied weighing bottle and record its mass m2. The mass of barium sulfite sample used = m1 m2] 2. Measure the volume of acid used (ensure it is in excess) with appropriate equipment (e.g. pipette or burette or measuring cylinder) and record as Vacid. [Suggest > 16.7 cm3 of 0.50 mol dm3 dilute HCl into the thistle funnel if 0.905 g of BaSO3 is used] 3. Measure the maximum volume of gas collected by reading off the graduated gas syringe, indicating that the piston stops moving. [Record Vbefore = volume reading before experiment, Vafter = volume reading after experiment. VSO2 = Vafter Vbefore (Vacid if thistle funnel is used)] 4. Record temperature and pressure reading of the collected gas at the end of the collection [using thermometer and barometer respectively]


(f) (i) SO2 is not an ideal gas (since the molecules experience a greater intermolecular force of attractions or significant molecular volume) OR SO2 is soluble in water. (ii) The reaction of acid and metal will product H2 gas. H2 deviates less from ideal gas behaviour since the intermolecular forces of attraction between H2 molecules are weaker than that between SO2 molecules. OR H2 is less soluble in water.

SRJC 2010 Planning Question

CH3COOH (aq) + NaOH (aq) H o1

H o2

CH3COO-Na+ (aq) + H2O (l) H oneutralisation

CH3COO- (aq) + H+ (aq) + NaOH (aq)

(b) Calibration of Calorimeter
1. Use a -10 to 100oC thermometer, measure the temperature of the cold water. If it is greater than 10 C, add a little ice to it and stir until its temperature is about 10 C. Use the 100 cm3 measuring cylinder to transfer a 50.0 cm3 portion of cold water into a 100cm3 beaker. Use a Bunsen burner, heat the beaker carefully and gently, with stirring, until the temperature of the water in it has been increased by about 35-40 C. Use a 100 cm3 measuring cylinder to transfer a second portion of 50.0 cm3 of cold water into your Styrofoam cup. Place the cup in a beaker to prevent it tipping over. Stir the cold water in the calorimeter with the thermometer, measure and record its temperature (Tcold). Stir the hot water in the beaker, measure and record its temperature (Thot). Immediately, add the hot water from the beaker to the cold water in the calorimeter, stir, measure and record the temperature of the combined water (Tcombined). Empty your calorimeter, dry all apparatus using the paper towel and allow them to return to room temperature.



4. 5. 6.


Actual Experiment involving FA1 & FA2

1. Use a 100 cm3 measuring cylinder to transfer 50 cm3 of FA 1 the calibrated styrofoam calorimeter. Place the cup in a beaker to prevent it tipping over. 2. Stir the FA 1 in the calorimeter with the thermometer and measure its temperature. Record the temperature, Tinitial,1. 3. Use another 100 cm3 measuring cylinder and measure a 50 cm3 portion of FA 2 and transfer it into a beaker. Stir the FA 2 in the beaker with the thermometer, measure and record its temperature, Tinitial,2. 4. Pour FA 2 from the beaker into to Styrofoam calorimeter. Stir the mixture with a thermometer, measure and record the highest temperature reached, Tmax.

Markers Comments:
(i) Have to indicate apparatus used Styrofoam cup (with lid) (50-ml or 100-ml) measuring cylinder to measure volume (-10 to 100oC) thermometer to measure temperature (250-ml glass beakers (to prepare ice water and to heat up water) (Bunsen burner, tripod stand with wire gauze)

(ii) Correct choices of temperatures for cold water and hot water for calibration that will obtain a combined temperature of 25oC to 30oC upon mixing. Tcold less or equal 10oC Thot Tcold = 35oC to 40oC or 40oC to 45oC

Markers Comments (Continuation):

(iii) Appropriate volume used 80 to 120 cm3 and equal volumes of cold and hot water Vol of FA1 and FA2 used must be same as in calibration (note that in calibration, we are calibrating the surface of the Styrofoam cup (that would come into contact with the reagents) using water. Hence the volume of FA1 and FA2 used in actual experiment used must be the same.)

(iv) Stirring whenever there is mixing before taking temperature

(v) Measurements of all the necessary temperature Calibration: Thot, Tcold and Tcombined Actual experiment: Tinitial, Tmax Have to use back the calibrated cup when performing the experiment involving FA1 & FA2. (Otherwise, that defeats the purpose of doing calibration!)


qwarm water = (qcold water + qcalorimeter ) (mcT )warm water = [(mcT )cold water + (Ccalorimeter T)]
For HO2, Calculate amount of water (in mole) formed Calculate q using
q = mcombined solution of FA1 and FA2c( Tmax Tinitial) + Ccalorimeter( Tmax Tinitial)

HO1 = HO2 HOneu


Any one of the following:

Heat lost to the surrounding AND possible discussion to impact: Tmax measured is lower than expected. (Lower HO2 obtained.) Lower q calculated. Lower HO2 obtained.

Temperature readings are not precise enough as the thermometer used can only measure up to 0.2oC. This cause Q (and hence HO2 ) calculated to be inaccurate. Volume readings are not precise enough as the measuring cylinder used can only measure up to 0.5 cm3. This cause Q (and hence HO2 ) calculated to be inaccurate.


Any one of the following, but must be related to error stated in part (d)
Conduct in a draught free room to reduce heat lost. Increase precision the temperature readings by using thermometer of 0.1oC instead of 0.2oC. Change from a measuring cylinder to burette (up to 0.05cm3) or pipette (up to 0.1cm3) for more precise volume measurements.

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