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Description of the Chakra

The word "chakra" means spinning disk or wheel and each chakra is a whirling
vortex of spinning energies that are made up of billions of particles of energy
that resonate and vibrate at the same speed or level of vibration on a
comparative frequency, therefore they cluster together to produce a spiritual
chakra energy centre. The frequencies of each chakra varies from one chakra to
the next, as do the associated colours. Each chakra is capable of heightening or
lowering its frequency by speeding up or slowing down, which changes the
vibration at which it resonates energies. The chakra can spin in different
directions from one to the next. There are seven main chakra, plus hundreds of
secondary chakras and thousands of mini chakras called "nadis", the chakra can
be disc shaped or viewed from the side they can look like a trumpet.

The chakras can work independently of each other or together and are
connected through a series of astral and etheric tubes and canals that allow
energies to pass from one to another, also the chakra rotate in different
directions, those in the upper body are thought to rotate in a clockwise
direction, whilst those in the lower body in a anti-clockwise direction, however
the chakra can be reversed by will power to move in the opposite direction, this
is what helps us to find different attunements by blending the energies of
different chakras together until the appropriate attunement is found for
whatever work we maybe doing.

The Spirits Chakra Energies Centres

To the right
is an
of the main
within the
spirit and
spirits aura.
Also seen
in this diagram are the chakras that are present in the hands. The Chakra can be
put to a variety of uses in spiritual work, such as, development, healing,
meditation, psychism, clairvoyants, sensing etc. One of the main functions of
the chakras is to generate and supply the spirits life forces and daily energy
requirements. Spirit in itself is life and the energy of spirit is self-generating,
therefore the power we generate and require each day to survive as spirit is
inexhaustible. Also the chakra can be developed to open more fully and used to
sense through the latent gifts of the spirit, such as the psychic and clairvoyant

A good example of the chakras abilities to change direction is through the

spirits abilities to change polarities or magnetic influences, when dowsing
using a pendulum, where questions can be asked and the pendulum is able to
give an answer such as "Yes" "No" "Possibly" and "Don't Know", for instance
the pendulum might swing clockwise for "yes" anti-clockwise for "No"
backward and forwards for "Possibly" and side to side for "Don't Know. This
demonstrates the chakras abilities to change from positive to negative, as well
as being able to give mixed answers. So it is possible that the corresponding
chakras change direction completely to give the opposite answers as well as
being able to give mixed answers.

This might indicate that several chakra are operating at once and involved
spinning in different directions by self regulation to produce the different
answers one might get. However it is also possible that one or more chakras
might be spinning in two different directions at the same time, i.e. the inner
chakra spinning in one direction, while the outer part of the chakra is spinning
in the opposite direction. The chakra also produce the aura and each chakra has
a correlating layer in the subtle aura bodies or energy fields that surround all
living things.

In India tradition Kundalini is

taught, which means coiled
serpent, and refers to the energy
at the base chakra, which can
under certain conditions of
attunement be made to rise like a
bolt of invigorating force up the
spine to the head, through rising
up the Sushuma (the middle of
the three main subtle energy
channels along the spine - the
others are the Ida and Pingala).
This awakening is often associated with prickly sensations on the skin or
feelings of hot and cold. Yoga students are sometimes a little wary of the
unpleasant side effects if the mind is not cleansed of impurities.

This is something that can also be experienced in a different manner through

mind over matter and it begins as a spirit experience that entails the quickening
of the spirits chakra, where the main solar-plexus chakra opens firstly and
triggers all the surrounding chakra to open in a cascading effect slowly moving
up to the head and down to the feet at the same time, until all the chakra are
fully opened throughout the etheric body. The individual feels full of energy
and somewhat like a Christmas tree has been illuminated inside their spirit,
accompanied by feelings of floating and euphoric energies are experienced,
along with the realisation that the spiritual self within has awakened and taken
control, this experience may last up to 10 minutes before all the chakras slowly
close back to what is normal.

In China these life force energies maybe called the chi energies which are
found through attunement to the self or when the physical mind and body finds
attunement to the spirit the true self within each of us is revealed and takes
control. This is not easily found but one of the ways it is most commonly
found, is in mind over matter events, such as a life saving event where
supernatural strength and abilities can be found, this is when the mind has no
doubts in its own abilities and does not restrict us as the physical mind and
body do, therefore there is not doubt in the self and mind over matter evens that
can be quite amazing can take place.

Other ways in which this can be found is through concentration while doing a
difficult tasks, one way is in dancing, other people that sometimes have this
experience are racing drivers and fighter pilots, due to the skill and
concentration when they are giving their task 100% of their concentration and
using all their skills and abilities in what is often dangerous and on the edge
situation. The Japanese Samurai and martial artists experts say let the self be
your guide, this is again where the physical mind and body finds the tempo and
oneness with the spirit the true spiritual self within. Some monks in the east
have been known to find this attunement of mind body and spirit where they lift
out of their body's and rise up to a higher plane in astral projection, but these
experiences are hard to gain and we have to be worthy of them and mostly they
only last no more than 10 to 15 minutes at first.
Each chakra
has its own
base colour
and although
the base colour
of each chakra
can change at
times and can
vary a little
from one
person to
another, the
colours given
in the diagram
are assumed to
be the normal
base colours
for the
majority of individuals. The chakra can produce variations of colours and
layers within the aura that can be seen to change throughout the daily events of
our lives, this is somewhat dependant on how we are feeling and what we are
doing. Each of the chakra is capable of going through changes that produce a
new blending of colours in the aura and within the spirit and this is often done
as a form of spiritual attunement to our feelings or to the task that we may be
performing at any given time. Often our moods, emotions, health, spirituality
including any disharmonies are reflected through the aura as one chakra opens
as another may close.

These chakra energy centres send out energies and the colours of several
chakras can be reflected through the aura at any given time. This blending is
somewhat likened to an artist mixing colours on a mixing pallet and can bring a
new variation of colours that can be seen in the aura. Spiritual colours are made
up of the primary and secondary colours, which are refracted through the spirits
energy field in a considerable variety of colours and shades from pastels to
vivid bold colours. Those who can see aura can see anywhere from one to
several layers of colour within the aura energy field one blending into the next.
This can be seen in the example shown on the aura page. None of the chakra
ever closes completely, if they did we would simply cease to exist and it is only
the spirit that makes mortal life possible, without the spirit present there is no
life, for it truly is the spirit within that animates our mortal beings into life. The
chakra on the most part are self-regulating to our needs and natures at any
given point and they can work together or independently depending on our
needs and uses.

There are particular times when it is to our advantage to learn how to open and
close the chakra, these times are when we are attuning to perform spiritual
work of some kind or when we are developing spiritual and psychic awareness
and abilities, such as channelling the healing powers and in meditation both
psychically and clairvoyantly. Opening the chakra helps channelling and
attunement to the spirits natural abilities and sixth senses, heightening the
spirits vibration and sensitivities to help us perceive what is beyond our normal
mortal perceptions.

Opening & Closing the Chakra & Psychic Energy Centres

Firstly we will open the crown chakra situated just above the head within the
aura and then work our way down opening all the main seven chakra. In this
case we will see the crown chakra as a small ball of Violet coloured light and
energy, visualise this chakra 2 to 4 inches in size and about 1 to 3 inches above
the crown of the head. Now visualise this ball of Violet energy growing in
diameter and visualise it as though it is a flower that is still tightly in bud. As
you open the chakra visualise it as the bud opening into a fully blooming
flower, allowing the energy centre to open and expand.

This allows the spirit to sense and perceive beyond the normal senses and raises
the spirits level of vibration and allows for the spirit to attune to use the sixth
senses. As you open the chakra, draw in a deep breath of this Violet energy,
breathe this colour deeply all the way into your lungs and let it fill your body
and spirit. As you breathe it in you feel it's revitalising and healing energies,
hold it in for a few seconds and then slowly breathe it all the way out, allowing
all your daily worries and cares to flow out from you with it. This will help you
to find the quieting and tranquillity of mind that is preferable for spiritual
meditation of this kind, that is somewhat like a peaceful daydream like state of
mind, where the subconscious can drift more freely free from the conscious
minds control. Breathe this energy and colour in deeply 4 to 8 times.

Repeat this exercise in the following chakras using the colours and
locations described.

Next open the brow chakra in the same manner, situated within the spiritual
mind level with the brow, only this time visualising the chakra as a deep Purple
ball of light and energy.
Next open the throat chakra in the same manner, situated within the voice box,
this time visualising the chakra within the throat as an Indigo ball of light and

Next open the Heart chakra in the same manner, situated within the body over
the heart, this time visualising the chakra over the heart as a Green ball of light
and energy.

Next open the Solar-Plexus chakra in the same manner, situated within the
Solar-Plexus, only this time visualising the chakra as a Yellow ball of light and
energy, about twice the size of all the other chakra, as this is the largest and
most powerful of all the chakra.

Next open the Sacral chakra in the same manner, situated 3 inches below the
navel, this time visualising the chakra as a deep Orange ball of light and energy.

Lastly open the base chakra in the same manner, situated at the base of the
spine, this time visualising the chakra as a Red or Pink ball of light and energy.

Closing the Chakra

It is important to close the chakra after any spiritual meditation or work,

although the chakras never close completely. This is done quite quickly by
reversing the opening process, visualize each of the chakra as the open flower
and then closing each of the chakra back into the tightly closed bud, or if you
preferred to open the chakra like windows of the spirit and soul then close these
windows. The reason for this is that if we do not close the chakra on occasion
they can remain open and we can end up walking about being able to pick up
spiritual and psychic impressions all the time and this can include negative
experiences, therefore for beginners it is always best to close the chakra.

Aura Chakra Cleansing

Chakra cleansing aims at helping to remove any negative energies and

negatives that may have built up within your Chakra and Aura, this helps to
remove any blockages from the chakra and aura that might of built up due to
physical, mental or spiritual blockages or impurities and helps us to purify our
chakra and aura. Firstly we will cleanse the seven main chakra then the rest of
your chakras and finally your aura. You can do this as often as you like in a
short meditation or however you prefer to do it.
Firstly see the Crown Chakra just above your head, visualize bright white light
which contains all colours, coming into your crown chakra cleansing and
revitalizing your chakra clearing any blockages and disharmonies until the
chakra is brought back into balance. Allowing you to improve you energy flow,
circulation and compassion to yourself and towards others and find the higher

Repeat this in your Brow Chakra, allowing you to be more intuitive and open
up you spiritual sixth senses of the mind and helping you to open your third eye
the psychic eye.

Repeat this in your Throat Chakra, allowing you to communicate more easily
and to be truthful with love and wisdom.

Repeat this in your Heart Chakra. Allowing you to express your love and
improve your relationships with others along with improving your circulation
and energy flow.

Repeats this with your Solar Plexus Chakra, allowing you to receive more
energy and to help you to open your main intuitive centre and be more intuitive
around others.

Repeat this with the Sacral Chakra, allowing you to have more intimacy at your
digression with others.

Repeat this with the Base of Spine or Root Chakra. Allowing you to improve
your energy flow and circulation.

Now breath in the white light several times each time filling the whole of your
body and mind with this light let the light go into your body down your arms
and legs cleansing the rest of your Chakra as you breath in, then as you expell
your breath let all negativities and impurities leave yourself, finally going
through your feet into the ground, now expand the light several feet around
yourself to cleans your aura getting ride of any impurities in the aura.

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