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This document was written a year or two ago, and is in my old document files.

I t has been on other blogs as well Please let it inspire you! THE TREASURE WE ALL HAVE INSIDE I have come to believe an amazing truth, one with which you may be familiar. Th is truth can make even the most difficult or empty life seemed filled with purpo se. Yes, it does involve God the Father, but not He alone. It allows you as well to assume your rightful place in Divinity - AS DIVINITY. We are all souls, originating from a domain beyond this one. There we see and experience God intimately. And it is there we decide IF we will come to earth, HOW we will come to earth, WITH WHOM we will come to earth, and WHAT EXPERIENCES WE WILL HAVE. This may be very common knowledge to many of you who embrace spiritual concepts, particularly those considered "New Age." But actually these are ancient belief s as well. What was once old is new again. True for more than fashion and mus ic. See yourself in this manner. Know that this may be the absolute unshakeable and amazing truth. Your only reality. You decided, along with your Creator, how y ou would be on this earth and what you would go through. You LITERALLY LOWERED YOURSELF - your beautiful light filled perfect essence - to engage in this so l ess-than-perfect world, and to be in this less-than-perfect body of ours. You worked as a Co-Creator with God to fashion this life of yours with all its h orrors, its trials and sufferings, as well as its meaning and goodness. There is indeed a purpose to everything - WHEN SEEN FROM ANOTHER PLACE. THE PLACE OF SPIRIT. So know this as well, my friends - you are not ugly, stupid, imperfect, hopeless , a loser, or any other label people put upon you, or you attach to yourself. N either are you put on this earth to suffer meaninglessly. EVERYTHING YOU HAVE, EVERYTHING YOU ARE, IS LIKE AN ASSIGNMENT. A MISSION OF SORTS. A WAY TO LEARN, A WAY TO TEACH - THAT ONLY YOU AND THE FATHER REMEMBER, AND OTHERS WITH YOU ON THIS JOURNEY - YOU AND OTHERS DEEP IN THE SUBCONSCIOUS. BURIED SO FAR THAT YOU COULD NEVER EASILY RECALL. There is a treasure in you. THE SOUL. Awesome, amazing, brilliant and perfect, as God created it to be. Hidden beneath all the mud, all the manure, that some times can manifest in our lives - disguising this perfect light and beauty. Bu t that too happens for a reason. Our essences are "dumbed down" - who we are is seriously muted. For a purpose. The purpose revealed to you only in brief gli mpses on this earth, as much as you can bear, and finally unmasked at the end of it all. When you return to the place where you began. So you can all indeed walk with your heads held high. Knowing that this treasu re is YOU - your real essence, your soul, that nothing can diminish. This life is not a punishment, or a sentence, or a joke. Though sometimes it can feel li ke these things. Rather, this life is a lesson, a gift, and an assignment of so much value you can celebrate in even the worst circumstances. Only a hero can undergo such dangers and tribulations and survive. Only a hero would be chosen for such. Only a very large and capable soul. And that is what we all are, in the beginning as well as in the end.

PS One book that really got me to thinking was one which mentioned something ra dical for me - that we are all God - divided into many different entities. I ha ve always believed we come from God, of course, and were created by Him. Yet th is concept and the way it was expressed opened my mind up quite a bit. God mani festing as all of us, to experience life the only way He could. So that we lite rally ARE God. May add an entirely new and deeper meaning to what I have writt en above. If you think about this, actually GOD DIVIDING HIMSELF INTO ALL OF US, AND GOD C REATING US OUT OF HIMSELF, IS BASICALLY THE SAME IDEA. WE PROCEED FROM HIM, BE CAUSE WE CANNOT HAVE EXISTED OTHERWISE. SO HE IS STILL US, AND WE ARE STILL HIM . He may indeed have taken elements of Himself and created the angels - to glorify Himself, to do His will and to oversee the workings of the Universe and His oth er creations which would subsequently come. He may have then created souls which would eventually share in the human experie nce - knowing that his essence was inside all of them and therefore in such a wa y God Himself could experience life as matter. There is nothing that exists that does not have God as Creator, indirectly or di rectly. So in a sense everything that was, is or ever will be is part of the Fa ther. This document was written a year or two ago, and is in my old document files. I t has been on other blogs as well! Please let it inspire you.

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