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Pergamon International Journal of Project Management Vol. 16, No. 1, pp.

15-19, 1998
~ 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd and IPMA. All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain
0263-7863/98 $19.00 + 0.00

PII: S0263-7863(97)00010-0

Change management--A key

integrative function of PM in
transition economies

Vladimir Voropajev
The Russian Project Management Association--SOVNET, r. 1303, 29 Vernadsky pr., Moscow 117943,

The 90s are characterized by the intensive Project Management promotion into developing and
transition economy countries, new non-traditional spheres of activity with sharp increase of
intensity of changes in projects and their environment. These processes require new understand-
ing and searching new approaches to solving the problems of traditional Project Management
adaptation to new conditions. The present paper proposes to introduce a new Key Integrative
Project Management function--Change Management, into the core of PM international BOK
during the process of Project Management globalization and unification. This function is more
general than traditional Configuration Management, Overall Change Control, Strategic Man-
agement, Risk Management, etc. The necessity of introducing the function of Change Manage-
ment is substantiated and its context is specified in the paper. The major processes of managing
changes in projects and their environment are described. In spite of the fact that the problem
itself and some elements of the paper are not entirely new, a fresh view to the problem and new
systematized approach to solving this task, which is one of the most actual problems today's in
the Project Management, are given in the paper. © 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd and IPMA
Keywords: Change management, key integrative function, project environment, project changes, change forecast and
detection, protection plan, change control

The process of PM global unification, which has been In the present paper the author proposes to intro-
rapidly developed lately and PM promotion to devel- duce the function of Change Management in PM
oping and transition economy countries I requires new BOK, basing on his experience of work in conditions
approaches to PM understanding in developed of reforms in Russia and PM status analysis in other
countries with stable economies. Consequently, PM countries with unstable economy. Change Management
BOK should be formed as a basis for PM unified should be presented as a Key Integrative P M function,
development. which will allow, to his opinion, to take into consider-
In this connection the world community of project
ation all factors of changing peculiar to unstable social
managers should answer the following questions:
and economic conditions.
What is the essence of PM specific features in Substantiation of introducing new key integrative
unstable social and economic environment, peculiar function is given in the paper as well as its detailed
for developing and transition countries? description.
What is the influence of such features on PM
Martin Barnes's remark that all countries of the
understanding and the process of PM B O K form-
world can be considered as developing to a certain
extent, 2 allows to make a conclusion that the proposed
W h a t is the structure and content of global PM
BOK? approach is general enough and can serve as a contri-
Is it possible to perform PM BOK global unifica- bution in forming global PM BOK, taking into con-
tion for stable and unstable environments, for devel- sideration the special features of PM development in
oping and developed countries? transition and developing countries.
W h a t is the place of project changes and its en- The paper can not be considered as a final solution
vironment in transition economies in PM B O K and to the problem and is only the author's point of view
in what form should they be described in PM BOK? and a subject for discussion.

Change management m transition economics: V Voropajev

Why change management? relations, including changes in so called stock-

Project implementation in conditions of modern holders/stakeholders and their relations, etc.
• Changing the market of products, services and sol-
Russia, which builds a new society on its way to the
market economy, is connected with intensive dynamic vent demand in the sphere of interests of organiz-
changes and risk, caused by these changes. This can es-
• Changing the concept of strategic organization
pecially be related to large long-term investment pro-
development, its internal social and economic policy
jects and programs. Risk factors increase by many
of business, its long-term and tactic purposes, kinds
times for spheres, which are not traditional.
of activity, production, etc.
PM is traditionally understood as management of
• Changing organization forms and structures.
changes, while in conditions of modern Russia and
other developing and transition economy countries this • Changing production system and technologies.
• Changing organization internal infrastructure.
definition should be substantially updated. Here,
• General changes in the company's behavior and cul-
Project Management is 'managing changes in changing
ture, style, system and methods of managing, which
"parent" organization caused by external environment
are adequate to new conditions and requirements.
changing'. Such definition is very similar to one given
in 'Project Management In Chaos'. 3 • Changes in the ways of communication between
local companies and the international business com-
What changes should be taken into consideration?
Here we talk about changes, which may cause pro-
• Other changes, influencing projects within organiz-
ject context changing, as well as the process of its im-
plementation. Let us emphasize principal kinds of such

( C) Project changes
( A ) Distant project environment
Changes of types A and B occur mainly in conditions
• Political aspect with its global influence to all of reforming and are consequences of reforms.
spheres of social and business life. Though, other circumstances may cause such changes,
• Legal and normative aspects, influencing stability of as well. It is important to emphasize that lots of
economy, business and other spheres of life and ac- changes are unforeseen and may arise any moment
tivity of society and individuals. during project life-cycle. Their influence on project
• Social aspect, influencing social maintenance, system may prove quite considerable and in some cases fatal.
of values, needs, social behavior and abilities to To sum it up, project changes are caused by both
socially useful activity. external environment and internal reasons, connected
• Economic aspect, influencing both property relations with process of project implementation, its progress
and stability and efficiency of economic processes, and achieved intermediate results. The spectrum of
including investment sphere and production re- such changes is very wide. It is described in details in a
lations. number of publications (see for example4-1J).
• Financial aspect, connected with stability and re- Therefore, here we only touch upon spheres and com-
liability of money turnover and credit system, system ponents of projects, which can change in the process
of taxation, tariffs, etc. of project implementation.
• Ecological aspect, influencing environment of project
area inhabitants and all mankind and establishing • Scope--changing project results, its configuration,
its own requirements to project implementation. purposes of project implementation, criteria for pro-
• Technological aspect, closely connected with the level ject success estimation and so on.
of technical development and labor productivity. • Quality--changing specifications of requirements to
• Organization aspect, influencing flexibility and accu- project as a whole, parts of project and project im-
racy of functioning all vitally important institutions plementation.
and structural formations of society, economy and • Time--changing dates of achieving intermediate and
business. final project results, duration of activities, project
• Other external factors, which are able to influence parts and project as a whole.
project implementation and success. • Cost--changing cost of work and other project ex-
penses, changing terms and schemes of financing,
spending plan and other project cost characteristics
and indices.
• Risk--changing both possible risk factors and prob-
( B) Close environment ability of their occurrence and possible project loss,
changing conditions and methods of risk protection
Changes in parent organization are mainly caused by and reducing during project implementation and so
and respond to external environment changing with on.
factors mentioned above and, in their turn, inevitably • Contract/Procurement--changing the requirements
influence projects implemented within such organiz- to contract relations under the change of state regu-
ation. lations, prices, demand and other factors; changing
The following changes can be emphasized here: the context and terms of contracts themselves.
• Changing the property relations within parent or- • Human resources--changing the structure of project
ganization, connected with privatization of organiz- participants, system of motivation, distribution of
ations, which leads to changing internal production responsibilities and so on.

Change management in transition economics: V Voropajev

• Communications--changing the system of communi- Necessity of change control and configuration man-
c a t i o n s - b o t h external and internal for the project, agement expanding and their integration into the
informational needs of project participants and general function of Change Management.
methods of information supply.
• Other changes in project.

What is change management?

Change Management is an integral process related to
(D) Key integrative process changing all project internal and external factors, influencing
Changes of A, B and C types inevitably require project changes; to possible change forecast; to identifi-
changes in key integrative processes and procedures in cation of already occurred changes; to planning pre-
order to provide appropriate correction of documents ventive impacts; to coordination of changes across the
and results. entire project.
The following changes can be mentioned here: So, Change Management faces both the outside of
project--its close and distant approaches, and the
• Changing the system of project planning: the structure inside of project. Change Management is to solve pro-
of indices to be planned, requirements to the level of blems of project protection from the influence of exter-
information aggregation, frequency of plan correc- nal and internal change factors, introduce all necessary
tion, methods of planning, planning documents, changes and control the process of changing.
forecast and estimation of possible changes, inter- Change Management includes the following pro-
face with planning all knowledge areas of Project cesses:
• Changing the project plan execution: input data chan- project environment status and tendencies monitor-
ging caused by changes of A and B type, adequate ing;
changing methods and tools for the project plan ex- forecasting most probable environment changes and
ecution and appropriate correction according to the their influence on project realization;
work results and change requests. elaboration of strategy and tactics of preventive
• Changing the Overall Change Control system: chan- responding;
ging and expanding input data, connected with fore- defining most urgent project changes, supporting
cast and actual changes of A and B type and approved changes in project;
requirements to progress reports and change change control;
requests; changing methods and techniques of con- change verification--verification of efficiency of pro-
trol in order to take preventive measures to keep ject purpose achieving through project changing.
project stable; plan correction and actualization. Change Management is closely connected with all
• Changing the system of documentation. All changes project processes and functions, which are exposed to
in project should be recorded in the project docu- changes: scope, time, cost, quality, risk, contract/pro-
mentation. Such records should be kept during the curement, human resources, communications and
whole project life-cycle. It is a very important and other key integrative processes.
labor-consuming process. Intensive changes in the When we introduce a new integrative function of
unstable environment require changing not only Change Management we should take in views that the
documents themselves, but also the system of docu- functions of Overall Change Control and Change
mentation informational support. Configuration should be expanded and included into
The review of possible project changes in conditions the Change Management.
of unstable environment, given above, allows to sub- Figure 1 shows the overview of Change
stantiate reasons for introduction of a new PM key Management.
integrative function--Change Management. The ideas given above are based on rich author's
To our opinion such reasons are the following: practical experience and can be considered as one of
possible approaches to management of projects im-
high intensity and frequency of possible project plemented in unstable social, political and economic
changes and their influence on project success; environment.
perturbation caused by changes of project external Here should also be mentioned that many foreign
environment; contractor and consulting firms, working successfully
necessity in methods and techniques of environment in the Russian market and widely using PM in their
change forecasting in order to elaborate the strategy activity (for example, Bovis (UK), Innomore Oy
and tactics of preventive responding. The following (Finland), SPD Int. (USA), Ernst and Young Int. and
methods can be used here: so on), now develop specific procedures to provide
• Project environment status and tendencies moni- protection of their projects by Project Management ad-
toring and forecasting most probable changes. aptation to changes of project environment in Russia.
• Taking measures to avoid or reduce consequences This can serve as a confirmation of actuality of the
of changes in project (for example, through co- problem considered in the paper and ways of its sol-
operation with Governmental bodies, public re- ution. The key question here is: 'Does the environment
lations, marketing research, cooperation with drives in transition economies a new function of PM
competitors). or it drives changes and an adaptation of PMT
• Preventive measures taken before the predicted In conclusion the author once again gives his
changes occurred; approach to answering this question.
Change management in transition economics." V Voropajev


I management
Change I Change control

Project I
forecast and protection plan Plan I and result
detection development execution estimation

Project context changes - Current status and 1, Change procedures 1" - Change monitoring
tendencies monitoring • Requirements • Change control
• Political factors • Discussion
• Data gathering system
• Legal aspects
• Status analysis • Approval • Progress
• Social factors
• Change probabihty • Responsibilities measurement
• Economic factors
evaluation • Progress reports
• Finance, tax, tariffs Change introduction
• Ecology • Impact evaluation 2' Current change and
system 2'
• Institutional aspect - Preventive measures result esttmaUon
• Other external factors • Cooperation with 3, System of change
Governmental bodies 3. Correction
Project parent informational support proposals
organizatton changes • Public relations
• Property relations • Forming demand
• Other 4' Corrective actions 4' Change database
• Development concept
a Status and structure - Internal protection Archive forming
• Behavinur and culture measures
• Production systems • Guarantees 6. Post project
• Infrastructure analysis, change
• Management and • Insurance
communication systems • Liabilities and result
• Other • Inventory evaluation
. Changes of project • Other
• Scope Lessons learned
• Quality 4 Project change plan and strategy
• Time • Objectives, correction
• Cost configuration
• Contract/Procurement • Quality specification
• Risk • Schedule
• Human resources • Budget
• Communications
• Contract / Procurement
• Project process changes
• Project team
• Project
plan system • System of informstinn
• OveraU and documentation
change control • Risk events
• Project Other changes
plan execution
• Project

Figure 1 Overview of change management

Conclusion of the Strategic Management, Risk Management,

Project Marketing, Personnel Management, etc.
Basing on the above it is possible to make a row of . Introducing new Key Integrative PM function--
general conclusions and recommendations, which Change Management requires revision of all PM el-
should be taken as proposals and working hypotheses. ements and functions connected with changes.
1. The context of PM specific features in transition . For global PM BOK unification it is necessary and
social and economic environment is connected with useful to form its stable core, conforming both to
dynamic changes of project environment, which in- requirements of stable and unstable project environ-
fluence the process of project implementation, the ment, and supplementary flexible spheres of PM ap-
plication, taking into consideration social,
project itself and may cause heightened risks.
economic, cultural, regional and other specific PM
2. The frequency of possible changes and their influ- features and providing PM adaptation to intensive
ence on the project and its successful implemen- changes of project environment, including transition
tation, necessity of adequate responding to different economies.
changes require a cardinal solution by introducing
in PM BOK and PM practice a special Key
Integrative function--Change Management, which is
more general than traditional functions of References
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Change management in transition economics: V Voropajev

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