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All About GRE: Greek Roots


acr, acro log, ology

beginning, tip, end, top, peak,summit speech, word, study, reason
acronym, acrophobia epilogue, logarithm, theology

actin mega
ray large, enlargement
actinology, actinoid megaphone, megacephalic

agog metr, meter

lead, leader measure
demagogue, synagogue diameter, metronome, trigonometry

andr miso
male hatred
androgynous, misandry misoneism, misology

anthrop mnasthai
man, mankind memory
anthropology, misanthrope mnemonic, memory

arch mono, mon

first, ancient, chief one, single
monarch, archaeology monogamy, monotonous

arthr morph
joint form
arthritis, arthropod morphology, amorphous

aster necr
star dead, die
astrology, asterisk necrology, necrotic

auto neo
self new, recent
automaton, autonomy, autocratic neologism, neolithic

bar nephr
pressure kidney
barometer, isobar nephritis, nephron

bibl neur (1 of 6)4/26/2007 9:25:54 PM

All About GRE: Greek Roots

book nerve
bibliophile, Bible neuralgia, neurasthenia

bio nom
life law, rule
amphibious, biology autonomy, economy, metronome

cac(o) odont
harsh, bad tooth
cacophony, cachexia orthodontia, peridontics

cardi oeno, eno

heart wine
cardiologist, pericardium oenologist, oenomania

carp onym, nym

fruit name, word
monocarpic, carpophgous anonymous, pseudonym

cephal ornith
head bird
encephalitis, cephalopod ornithology

chrom orth
color straight, correct
chromatic, chromosome orthodox, orthodontist

chron paleo
time old
synchronize, anachronism paleonotology, paleolithic

chthon pan
earth all, entire
autochthonous, chthonic panorama, pandemonium

cline path
dip, slope feeling, disease, sufferer
isocline, geosyncline psychopath, apathy, pathology

cosm ped, paed

order, world child, boy
cosmology, microcosm orthopedic, pediatrician

crat phan
power, rule, government appearance (2 of 6)4/26/2007 9:25:54 PM

All About GRE: Greek Roots

democracy, autocrat phantom, theophany

cry phil
frost like, love
cryology, cryogenics philanthropic, philology

crypt phob
secret, hidden fear
cryptic, cryptogram phobia, claustrophobia

cycl phon
circle, wheel sound
bicycle, cyclic, cyclone phonetics, telephone, euphony

cyt phor
cell bearing, carrying, having
cytoplasm, cytology semaphore, phosphorous

dactyl phos, phot

finger light
dactylic, pterodactyl phosphorous, photograph

dem phyll
people leaf
democracy, demotic, epidemic phyllopod, chlorophyll

derm plasi
skin formation
epidermis, hypodermic neoplasm, homoplasy

deuter plegia
second to strike, paralysis
Deuteronomy, Deuterium paraplegia, hemiplegia

dox pneum
belief, teaching air, wine, lung
orthodox, doxology pneumatic, pneumonia

dyn pod
power, strength foot
dynamo, heterodyne, dynasty tripod, podiatrics, podium

eo polis
dawn city, people
eohippis, Eocene metropolitan, political (3 of 6)4/26/2007 9:25:54 PM

All About GRE: Greek Roots

erg poly
work, power many
erg, energy, energetic polygon, polygamy

ethno pseudo
race, people, cultural group false
ethnology, ethnocentric pseudopod, pseudepigrapha

gam psych
marry, mate, sexual union mind
gamete, monogamous, bigamy psychiatry, psychology

gen pyr
kind, race, source fire
genesis, genealogy pyrex, pyre, pyrotechnic

geo rhin
earth nose
geography, George rhinoceros, rhinoplasty

ger rrhage, rrhea

old age flow
geriatrics, gerontology hemorrhage, logorrhea

glot scop
language, tongue watch, look at
polyglot, epiglottis microscope, telescope

gon seism
corner, angle earthquake
trigonometry, polygon seismograph

gram som
write, writing body
grammar, telegram, epigram psychosomatic, soma

graph soph
write, writing wise, wisdom
graphite, orthography sophomore, philosopher

gyn taut
woman, female same
gynecology, misogynist tautology, tautomerism (4 of 6)4/26/2007 9:25:54 PM

All About GRE: Greek Roots

hagi tax, tact

holy arrange, arrangement
hagiographer, hagiolatry taxidermy, tactics

hem techn
blood art, craft, technique
hemorrhage, hemoglobin polytechnical, technician

helio tele
sun far, distant
heliotropic, heliacal telegram, telepathy

hepat theo
liver god
hepatic, hepatitis thearchy, theology

hetero therm
other, different heat
heterodox, heterogeneous thermal, thermometer

hier tom
holy cut, split
hierophant, hierarchy atom, appendectomy

homo trop
same turn
homogeneous, homograph phototropic, tropic

hydr troph
water nutrition, growth
hydrogen, dehydrate, anhydrous atrophy, polytrophic

hygr typ
moisture model, print
hygrometer type, prototype

iatr thanatos
heal, cure death
iatric, geriatrics, pediatrics thanatopsis, thanataphobia

iso thaum
same, equal miracle
isosceles, isotope, isonomy thaumaturge, thaumatrope

lith (5 of 6)4/26/2007 9:25:54 PM

All About GRE: Greek Roots

rock, stone
monolith, neolithic (6 of 6)4/26/2007 9:25:54 PM

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