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Department of Pathology of JFM CU and Martins University Hospital Organization of the study: Pathology I.

Study program General Medicine, Winter Semester, Academic Year 2010/2011

General informations Pathology (pathologic anatomy) is organized in two parts Pathology I. in WS and Pathology II. in SS of the academic year 2010/2011. A completed course Pathology I. is an obligatory condition to enter the course Pathology II. Practical lectures will take place in the pavilon Nr. 10 of the department (University Hospital). Theoretical lectures will take place in the Lecture Hall of the faculty hospital. All the students should accept the regulations published here, in the Study and Examinations Regulations of the JFM CU (Statute of JFM) as well as given by responsible teachers. It is not allowed to eat, smoke, drink alcohol or to use any other narcotics within the places of the organized teaching process. It is expected that the students are in time in the places designed for the teaching process and that they share an active approach to their study duties. Organisation of the course Pathology I. : Published time schedules (in the dept., incl. web page): together 20 lectures 2 hours - every Monday 08.00 - 9.30 a.m. and Tuesday of even weeks 16.00 17.30 p.m. together 14 practical lectures 4 hours (every week), Monday - Friday. Each practicum represents one unit consisting of histopathological practicum and of autopsy demonstration. Teachers: Identified by given topics in the schedule. Content of the course: General pathology and pathology of the tumours (oncological pathology). Aims of the course: Students should learn and power basic morphologic changes of the human organism appearing within the processes and diseases included in the general and oncologic pathology as well as understand mechanisms of their origin, course, manifestations and effects. Forms of the continous control of the study results: 3 types of control: a./ the students entering the practicum should be theoretically prepared from the given histopathologic topic, the control will be realized by a discussion regulated by the responsible teacher. The students, who should not correspond to this requirement will not be allowed to continue with the practicum and asked to absolve it again in the last compensatory week of the semester, b./ in any of the weeks of WS: the students might be asked to absolve in the course of the practicum a written test from previous topics, the test results will be evaluated within the scale of AFx, c./ in the 10. week of WS, the date will be announced: the students will have to pass through the centralized test (questions covering the topics of week 1 - 9), Form: multiple choice test (question and 4 available answers, only one of the answers is the correct one). Nr of questions: 20. Duration of the test: 20 min. Students, who do not pass have to repeat the test the 1st retake test will take place in the time announced by the chairman of the dept. (approx. one week following the 1st test). Students who do not pass even in the 1st retake test have to absolve the 2nd retake test in the last (compensatory) 15th wek of the semester. Evaluation of the results: Each correct answer is evaluated by one point. Evaluation Points % % acc. to the Study regulation of CU JFM, article 23 91-100 81-90 73-80 66-72 60-65

A/1 B/1,5 C/2 D/2,5 E/3

19-20 17-18 15-16 14 13

95-100 85-90 75-80 70 65


less than 13

less than 60

less than 60

Participation of students in the course, evaluation of their activities and obtaining the credits: I. every student has to absolve successfully at least 12 of 14 practical lectures/seminars. Each absence has to be immediatelly and personally explained and appologized. II. obtaining of the credits in the form of evaluation of all the students activities during the course Pathology I. in the scale A-Fx is related to results of all controls, while the passing through the centralized test is obligatory for obtaining the credits. The credits will be signed by the chairman of the department.

Martin, September 07, 2011

Prof. MUDr. L. Plank, CSc. chairman

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