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Confidentiality statement

This questionnaire is part of a research being carried out for a partial fulfilment of a Master of Science in Public Procurement Management for Sustainable Development degree jointly organized by the University of Turin, Italy and the ILO Turin Centre (ITLILO). The research aims to determine how the procurement can improve the quality of equipments, materials and services in the health sector but also trigger innovation among service providers and therefore the overall health services.

Information provided in response to this questionnaire will be treated with the strictest confidence. No details of the respondents or their respective organisations will be published in any public domain nor used for anything other than academic purposes.

This questionnaire should take not more than 20 minutes of your valuable time. Kindly complete the questionnaire by answering the questions in all sections. Your valuable time in completing this questionnaire is much appreciated.


Please tick or circle the answer that fits your views, opinion or status on the question asked if you cant just erase false answers and keep the answer fitting your opinion. Please kindly send back the completed questionnaire to or


What is your age range? 1. 20 30 years

30 45 years 2. 45 and more


What is your current civil status? a. Single Married b. Divorced c. Not specified


In which position you answer this questionnaire? Medical practictionner (doctor, nurse, etc) Procurement Patient Management Other (please specify):

3. What is your genre Male Female

4. What is your JOB station? MOH Referral hospital District hospital Health centre Private provider

5. In general, what is the quality of the Rwandan health care system? Outstanding Very good Good Fair Poor

6. How would you rate procurement practices in the Rwandan health sector?

Excellent Very good Generally good

Fair poor quality

7. How often do you encounter shortage in medical supplies ?

Every day Every week Once a month Very rare

8. How long do you wait for your product or service after ordering?

Less than a month Three months Six months Nine months Depends
9. How do you judge your waiting time after ordering services or products?

Very short Quick/ short Normal Long Very long

10. How many tenders for have you refloated due to non responsiveness to the set criteria or due to poor participation by prospective bidders, in the past five years?

1 or 2 2 to 5 5 to 7 7 to 10 More than 10


How many failed procurements after contract award have you recorded in the past five years a. one b. two three c. four


In your opinion, which of the following attribute to poor or non execution of contract after contract award?

contracts not awarded based on wholelife cycle hence incapable suppliers

contracted to provide service

Insolvency and grave professional misconduct is excused at award of contract Labour laws not adhered to hence demotivated workforce left to execute

Conditions of contract are not written in simple language and are too onerous in
relation to the nature of the requirement and its associated risk

requirements do not provide for a safe working environment and training

opportunities for staff

Other (please specify):

14. How would you rate the quality of the health care services delivery?

Excellent Very good Generally good Fair Poor quality

If any comment or practical example, please add in the following box:

15. How would you rate the quality of drugs and vaccines provided in Rwanda ?

Excellent Very good Generally good Fair Poor quality

16. How would you rate the quality of medical equipments?

Excellent Very good Generally good Fair Poor quality

17. How would you rate the quality of facilities and infrastructure in the health care sector?

Excellent Very good Generally good Fair Poor quality

18. How would you rate the quality of the maintenance service in health care units?

Excellent Very good Generally good Fair Poor quality

19. How would you rate the quality of the health care services delivery?


Very good Generally good Fair Poor quality

20. Please tell us how you think questions 15 to 19 are related to procurement practices?

Strongly related Related Somehow related Not related No connection at all

21. How would you rate the quality of the national procurement practices compared to what you believe should be the best practices in health sector??

Excellent Very good Generally good Fair Poor quality

22. How would you rate the quality of the local procurement compared to what you believe should be the best practices in health sector??

Excellent Very good Generally good Fair Poor quality

23. How would you judge the value for money on the health sector acquisitions and supplies?

Excellent Very good

Generally good Fair Poor quality

24. Do you agree with the statement that good procurement practices can promote innovative solutions?

Strongly agree Agree Somehow agree Disagree Strongly disagree

Give your comments please: Due to good procurement practices, a country can always acquire high income Hospitals are likely to have good quality equipments whereas good health care.

25. Does procurement improve the quality of the health care?

Strongly agree Agree Somehow agree Disagree Strongly disagree

26. Does good procurement helps in delivering improved quality of the health care?

Strongly agree Agree Somehow agree Disagree Strongly disagree

27. Does procurement helps in earning better value for money in the health care?

Strongly agree Agree Somehow agree Disagree Strongly disagree

Please list any areas in which our procurement could be improved.

By attending procurement trainings/Seminars By consulting public procurement law/guidelines whenever planning to procure something

Please share any additional comments. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

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