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Affirmations of Abundant Supply: * I am now open to receive. * Life is easy, I have an abundance of whatever I need.

* I now have surplus, all my needs are being met. * I have unlimited abundance. * I now give and receive freely. * This is a rich universe and there is plenty for all of us. * I now live in a rich and loving universe. * Money comes to me easily and effortlessly. * I am always supplied with whatever I need. * I move forward with an expectancy of my greatest good. * I look for and receive a bountiful supply. * My greatest good is coming to me NOW.
Archangel Michael will be doing this Distant Healing for us and it is called vacuuming. Worry, blame and taking on others energies, lightworkers concern over others. Many lightworkers are wonderful at giving aid, but not so good at receiving it. This method by Archangel Michael will counter balance this tendency. What you will do at the time of event, or at another time, that is more convenient, you will make this statement before I send in Michael: Archangel Michael I call upon you now to clear and vacuum away all fear and I connect to this healing process through Marlene now, I am grateful to you Archangel Michael and your band of Mercy Angels. ...Yes Lay down and close your eyes! ;-) You will then see a very large angel (Michael) and smaller angels appear with a hose, a vacuum tube and you will see the tube inter your crown chakra and every part of your body including your aura will be vacuumed and you may even see these negative particles going up the tube and out. When this process is done Michael will then reverse the switch, so that a white thick toothpaste like LIGHT, comes out of the tube and fills the spaces that the negative (psychic dirt) was holding. This is a very powerful technique, and you will definitely feel lighter afterwords. (this is something you can do on your own and feel free to do that. However some seem to not be able to do it. So I will be assisting to make sure Archangel Michael comes to you with his band of mercy angels to do this very thoroughly, as I make sure that every inch of you gets treatment.. "How to Attract Love Through Affirmations" - by Jeff Staniforth ============================================================ Love is that ethereal experience that makes us feel completely alive. where every sense is heightened, every emotion is magnified, our everyday reality is transcended, and life seems worthwhile. Love is the ultimate nourishment of the soul. It is said that the entire array of human needs is rooted in our need for love. Our yearning for fame, fortune and material things all boil down to our need to be acknowledged, respected, admired - and above all, loved.

No truer words have been said than those that George Sand wrote: "There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved." The good news is, you can develop the skill to live a full and joyful life, enhanced by love -- and experience all the profound manifestations that love brings. Employing positive, loving affirmations will help you develop that skill. Following are loving affirmations you can use to attract, embody, give, receive and reap the rewards of love. As I've mentioned in the previous issue of this newsletter, choose the affirmations that feel appropriate to you -- those that resonate with you, or strike an emotional chord. It is important that the words feel comfortable to you and are in line with who you are. Feel free to create one for your specific need by substituting other words that have special meaning to you:

* I am a radiant being filled with light and love. * I love and accept myself exactly as I am. * I now express love to all those I meet. * I am a radiating center of divine love. * Divine love is working through me now. * I bathe in the unconditional love of my Creator, and it radiates from me at all times. * I love myself completely. * Love comes to me easily and effortlessly. * I give and receive love easily and joyfully. * Others love me easily and joyfully. * I now feel loved and appreciated by my parents, my friends. * I express my love freely, knowing that as I give love, I am instantly supplied with more. * I radiate love to all persons and places and things. * People are just waiting to love me, and I allow them. * I breathe in universal love, and it radiates through every cell in my body. * I attract loving, beautiful people into my life. * I always deserve love. * I am attracting loving relationships into my life. * I project love to everyone I meet. * I love and approve of myself. The last affirmation in the above list, "I love and approve of myself," is one that Louise Hay (healer, minister, and author of "Heal Your Body" and many other life-transforming books) recommends.

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Dear Sushil, Make it a habit to ask yourself this question every morning when you wake up. "What is the most important thing I can do today that will benefit me, my family, my life, my fellow man, my planet?" Why should you ask yourself this question? Because it matters. Because we live in trying times and the answers are more critical than ever. Because you need to get in the habit of defining "importance" in your life. Lucky people think and behave in ways that create good fortune in their lives. They are: 1)particularly open to possibility; and 2) they expect good fortune to come their way. These 2 cornerstones are the basis of the following power affirmations that maximize your mind's potential for bringing good luck into your life: * I am always in the right place at the right time. * I, , expect the best and I get it NOW! * I always get everything that is for my highest good. * Everything good is coming to me easily and effortlessly. * I, , am divinely guided in all I do. * I expect life to give me what is best for me. * I deserve the best and it comes to me NOW! * This is a rich universe and there is plenty for all of us. * I, , now eagerly await my greatest good. * I expect good fortune every moment of my life. * I am open to receive the abundant good God has for me. * God is the source of all my good, I look only to Him for my supply. * I envision only that which is for my highest good. * My highest good is manifesting in my life right now. * God's wealth is circulating in my life. His wealth flows to me in avalanches of abundance. All my needs, desires and goals are met instantaneously because I am one with God, and God is everything.

Here are affirmations that will help you not only discover your life purpose, but also help get you deeply connected to your spiritual self: * Each day my life is filled with wonders and magic. * I feel my divine connection to everyone and everything. * The light of God is guiding me in everything I do. * Every step I take leads me toward my Life Purpose. * I now surrender to the will of God * Divine guidance is with me always * I now let miracles happen * Divine wisdom unfolds within me now. * I am now filled with the light and love of God. * Everything I seek is seeking me now. * I now call on the light of God to guide me. * I am totally one with God. * I choose to experience things that reveal my true Life Purpose. * I am now acting upon my Life Purpose with joy and passion. * I now accept that my Life Purpose is to love myself others. * I am now free to do the things I love. * I choose to do the things I love. * I am fulfilled as a person. * I am clear on my goals and have the strength to follow through on them. * I am in a constant state of fulfillment. * I am certain that my path is always perfect for me.

Experienced The Power Of FACT Sushil Kumar Joshi?

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Hi Sushil Kumar Joshi,

Fears, real or imagined have choked to death many worthwhile dreams and achievable goals. Instead of trying to wish your fears away like unwanted raindrops, overcome your fears with F.A.C.T. F. Frame Your Fear Get a grip on the pack of negative emotions that are roaming free in your head and frame them. What exactly is the primary nature of your fear? Here is a fear buffet to get you thinking. Is it fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of change, fear of a repeat of past disappointments, fear that you're really not who people think you are, fear of the unknown, fear of looking foolish? Just the heightened awareness and understanding of your real fears will give you a greater sense of control of your negative inner energy. A. Address The Core Issues After you have framed your fears, the next step is to address the

core issues behind your dominant fears. Fears are like the tip of the iceberg that we see above the surface, while the bulk of the reasons for your feelings of fear remain hidden beneath the surface. What is it in your past that makes you feel inadequate at this time? Is this upcoming event triggering unpleasant memories of past betrayal, failures and disappointments? C. Choose Uncontrolled fears can leave you feeling trapped in an uncomfortable limbo of indecision. The road behind you was rocky with its own pitfalls and regrets, but the paths diverge ahead of you and the outcomes either way are uncertain. What should you do? Comb through all the facts that you can find, assess the likely results and fallout from your various options, weigh the pros and cons and choose a specific course of action.

T. Trust Your Judgment The unfortunate reality is that all future outcomes will not be exactly as you hoped. Do not mentally beat up on yourself and second guess well thought out decisions. Instead, build up trust in your judgment that you have made the best decisions that you could have at the time, with the quality of information that you had at the time. Nothing is more wasteful than a never ending loop of coulda, woulda, shoulda. Once you have chosen your course of action, move forward with inner confidence. Reflect on those times in the past when your judgment calls worked things out in your favor. Remember that life does not come with a guarantee tag and wrong decisions can only be seen in hindsight. Believe that you have chosen the best path and let go of any feelings of regret. Many times irrational fears can create havoc with our minds as we imagine terrible dangers lurking behind every corner. Apply the F.A.C.T. formula and dissolve your fears.

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