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Dina Branco

Centro de Emprego e Formao Profissional de Castelo Branco

Wall-E Essay

WALL-E is one robot that was made by humans to clean the earth from pollution. The pollution was increasing until the earth became impossible to leave in it. So, humans went from earth to space because it was no longer able to leave in the earth any more. WALL-E was still working and doing its job daily. The weather in earth was unstable and that was one of the problems that WALL-E faced, but WALL-E solved the problem by hiding in is shelter. In the daily working WALL-E tacked the stuff that he need. One day he found a small tree and he took it to its shelter. However one day the humans that were living in a huge spaceship in the space sent EVA, a new robot, to the earth to search any live subsistent and to search if it was able to return to earth or not. WALL-E was so exciting to see another robot that he tried for many times to attract EVAs attention, but EVA didnt care about WALL-E, but suddenly a storm WALL-E saved EVA by taking it to its shelter

Jorge Manuel Marques Pires Videira Cabao n19 Tcnico de Instalao de Sistemas Solares Trmicos EFA 02.

Dina Branco

Centro de Emprego e Formao Profissional de Castelo Branco

This movie is really a social commentary in disguise, because it is a portrait of our world in the future. Not only may the Earth be covered in trash due to mass consumerism, but the detrimental effects of technology may play a sickening role in our health, and mankinds downfall. What a statement this movie makes about the environment, fitness, and the obesity epidemic! So, in the movie, everyones only mode of transportation is a hovering platform. Every place on the ship is accessible via hovering platform. Apparently, people cant even walk for themselves anymore. If they fall from their chairs, they cant even get up without the help of a machine. The human body now resembles that of a baby; lacking bones and lacking muscle. Instead of just couch potatoes, they are now hovering couch potatoes. In the real world, we are already experiencing this phenomenon to an extent - cars. Countries with the lowest levels of active transportation (walking, biking) generally have the highest obesity rates. We use cars to go everywhere, even places we can easily run to or bike. (Like getting the mail) The automobile was one of our greatest inventions. We became a mobile society. It saves us time, but at the cost of our health. Throughout the movie, Wall-E constantly reminds us of the little technological wonders in the things that we normally write off as mundane and also the urgent need to take care of our planet.


Jorge Manuel Marques Pires Videira Cabao n19

Jorge Manuel Marques Pires Videira Cabao n19 Tcnico de Instalao de Sistemas Solares Trmicos EFA 02.

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