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Teenage Sex

Sexually active teenagers, in America, are a significant problem we must look at. A
question that rings in the minds of teenagers everywhere is when to have sex. Our
Catholic teachings, instruct us to wait until one is in a loving marriage to have sex. Not
only is the church preaching abstinence, but now public schools are also teaching
students on the advantages of abstinence. Premarital sex is a growing, and important
issue. Premarital sex is usually the cause of sexually transmitted diseases, teen pregnancy,
and deep, emotions of regret.
Sexually transmitted diseases flourish in a society of premarital sex, where teens have
many sex partners. A direct result of this, is STD's becoming more abundant among the
population. One reason for the plague of STD's is the misuse of contraceptives by teens.
Many teens believe that condoms, or the pill prohibit the spread of herpes, AIDS, or other
diseases, but in fact, they do not stop the spread, and no where do the products state that
they do stop the spread of STDs. Three million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases
among teens are reported each year. Many teens that believe nothing is wrong in
committing premarital sex have intercourse with many different teens through the ages of
15 and 19, and increase the chance of spreading sexually transmitted diseases each time.
With sexual intercourse on the rise with high school students, and its acceptance among
the public, even more teens are having sex now, to the point that every eleven seconds a
teen has sex for their first time. Seventy percent of these students say they were socially
pressured into having sex. If society has the power to pressuring teens to have sex,
society ought to use that power to educate teems about the dangers of premarital sex.
Sex before marriage has also been one of the major causes of teen pregnancy. Teens often
think that pregnancy just cannot happen to them, yet teen pregnancy grows each year.

Pre-Marital Sex: Why Not?

Pre-Marital sex is a big issue when it comes to teenagers. Not only is it questioned by
Pentecostal teens but it is also questioned by worldly teens. Everyone wants to know
“Why not?” I think that we should take the time now to just further analyze this question.
Instead of asking the question “Why not?”, let’s ask the question “Why?”. Why exactly
should we have premarital sex. There is one main answer found why teenagers, both
Pentecostal and worldly, think premarital sex is ok. And there are also many ways that
pre-marital sex can affect YOU as a human being. There are physical, Spiritual, and
Emotional effects it can have on you. Let’s figure out the reason why we think it is ok or
not ok and then find out the different effects it could have on you.

The answer found through a study conducted by Don W. Hills, was that premarital sex
was just pure pleasure. Of course, sex is said to be fun. That attitude is as old as man-
kind. But I think only half of that statement is true. Sex is obviously a pleasure, but is
premarital sex really pure??? First of all let’s define what pure means. Pure in the
“Webster’s New world College Dictionary” is defined as free from any adulterant; clear;
free from sin or guilt; blameless. From the information gathered above, I would come to
the conclusion that Premarital- sex and pure pleasure, being put into the same sentence
and into the same context as above, is an oxy-moron. They go against each other and
cancel each other out completely.

The statement “sex is fun”, is another that concern’s me. Only a fool would tell a teenager
to stop thinking about sex. My answer to that is money is also fun but responsablily goes
along with it as well. Driving a car is fun but there are also certain precautions you should
take along with that also. There is lots of room, while driving, for a serious mistake to
occur. That is why we have so many laws to abide by while performing the task of
driving. Driving remains fun only when the laws that go along with it are obeyed. While
the carelessness of not abiding by the driving rules can be the cause of death or a serious
injury, it falls short of the effects premarital sex can have on your human personality,
physical well-being, spiritual status, or even your emotional well-being.

The bible says “Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body;
but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.” (I Corinthians 6:18)
When you sin against your body you loose respect for your body as well as the body of
the one you are involved with. Once the respect is gone it is much easier to remain
sexually active. Losing respect then leads to a mis-leading view of love in which you
believe love is built around physical acts.

There are also emotional effects that pre-marital sex has on us. Without the committed
bonds of marriage, sex is a selfish act done for personal satisfaction or gain. When have
committed the act of premarital- sex, your self value and dignity is lost. One’s partner can
say “I love you because or if you have sex with me rather than “I love you.” Guilt is a
consequence of violating God’s law. There are two kinds of guilt in our world today. The
first is moral guilt. This is the type of guile that God has placed in a Christians heart and
lets us know when we have stepped out side of God’s boundary he has set up for us. The
other is known as the floating guilt. This is caused by people that believe there is no right
or wrong but does have guilt attacks because of the fact they don’t know if they are doing
right or wrong. Now both of these can play with our head and cause us to have wavered
emotions. Which causes stress in our lives and just isn’t a healthy outcome.

Premarital sex can mess up our spiritual status. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they
shall see God.” (Matthew 5:8) “God will judge fornicators and adulterers.” (Hebrews
13:4) It is made clear to me that God’s word forbids any type of sex outside of marriage.
There are spiritual consequences any time we disobey God. There are many Bible
characters who committed sexual sins and all were punished for there ungodly acts. Great
trouble and grief came to each of them just as they would to you. Sexual purity is a way
to show respect for others. It is impossible to show someone the love of God while
engaged in sin. When we maintain sexual purity, we can show God’s love to others and
present him correctly
. Drug addiction is widely considered a pathological state. The disorder of addiction
involves the progression of acute drug use to the development of drug-seeking behavior,
the vulnerability to relapse, and the decreased, slowed ability to respond to naturally
rewarding stimuli. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth
Edition (DSM-IV) has categorized three stages of addiction: preoccupation/anticipation,
binge/intoxication, and withdrawal/negative affect. These stages are characterized,
respectively, everywhere by constant cravings and preoccupation with obtaining the
substance; using more of the substance than necessary to experience the intoxicating
effects; and experiencing tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, and decreased motivation for
normal life activities. By the American Society of Addiction Medicine definition, drug
addiction differs from drug dependence and drug tolerance.

It is, both among scientists and other writers, quite usual to allow the concept of drug
addiction to include persons who are not drug abusers according to the definition of the
American Society of Addiction Medicine. The term drug addiction is then used as a
category which may include the same persons who under the DSM-IV can be given the
diagnosis of substance dependence or substance abuse.

What is Drug Addiction?

Drug addiction is a complex brain disease. It is characterized by compulsive, at times

uncontrollable, drug craving, seeking, and use that persist even in the face of extremely
negative consequences.

Drug seeking becomes compulsive, in large part as a result of the effects of prolonged
drug use on brain functioning and, thus, on behavior. For many people, drug addiction
becomes chronic, with relapses possible even after long periods of abstinence.

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