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Node-Density Independent Localization

Branislav Kusy, Akos Ledeczi Miklos Maroti Lambert Meertens

Vanderbilt University Department of Mathematics Kestrel Institute
Nashville, TN 37212, USA University of Szeged, Hungary Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA

ABSTRACT tional ranging approaches, which determine the pairwise dis-

This paper presents an enhanced version of a novel radio in- tance between two sensor nodes, RIPS measures dABCD , a
terferometric positioning technique for node localization in distance aggregate called the “q-range” involving four nodes:
wireless sensor networks that provides both high accuracy two transmitters A, B and two receivers C, D. We reported
and long range simultaneously. The ranging method utilizes a localization accuracy of 3 cm in a 16-node setup covering
two transmitters emitting radio signals at almost the same an area of 324 m2 . We estimated the maximum range of
frequencies. The relative location is estimated by measuring RIPS on Mica2 motes to be 160 m, but this was not exper-
the relative phase offset of the generated interference signal imentally verified.
at two receivers. Here, we analyze how the selection of car- 1.1 New contributions
rier frequencies affects the precision and maximum range.
Furthermore, we describe how the interplay of RF multi- In this paper we show that, although not straightforward,
path and ground reflections degrades the ranging accuracy. the 160 m range is indeed attainable while keeping the rang-
To address these problems, we introduce a technique that ing error down to a few centimeters. This result is a sig-
continuously refines the range estimates as it converges to nificant improvement over the existing ranging solutions in
the localization solution. Finally, we present the results of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), both in terms of the ac-
a field experiment where our prototype achieved 4 cm av- curacy and the maximum range. A 160 m range is approx-
erage localization accuracy for a quasi-random deployment imately four times larger than the actual communication
of 16 COTS motes covering the area of two football fields. range when deployed on the ground. Therefore, localization
The maximum range measured was 170 m, four times the no longer needs to constrain the deployment of WSNs.
observed communication range. Consequently, node deploy- Our analysis of interferometric ranging shows that it in-
ment density is no longer constrained by the localization troduces significant ranging errors at large distances, which
technique, but rather by the communication range. can be contributed to two major factors. The first prob-
lem is the ambiguity of the dABCD solution. Interferometric
Categories and Subject Descriptors: C.2.4[Computer- ranging computes the dABCD values from the phase offsets
Communications Networks]:Distributed Systems of the interference signal measured at two receivers C, D
General Terms: Algorithms, Experimentation, Theory using the following equation:
Keywords: Sensor Networks, Radio Interferometry, Rang- λ
ing, Localization, Location-Awareness dABCD mod λ = ϕCD ,

Acknowledgments: The DARPA/IXO NEST program has where ϕCD is the measured relative phase offset of the re-
supported the research described in this paper. ceivers, and λ is the wavelength of the carrier frequency of
the received signal. In general, infinitely many dABCD val-
1. INTRODUCTION ues solve this equation. It was shown in [4] that measuring
the phase offsets using different wavelengths (λ) can elimi-
We have recently proposed a novel approach to sensor
nate the incorrect solutions. However, the particular choice
node localization, the Radio Interferometric Positioning Sys-
of wavelengths used in [4] yields ambiguous results for q-
tem (RIPS) [4]. RIPS creates a low-frequency interference
ranges larger than 57 m (or smaller than −57 m). Here we
signal by one pair of nodes transmitting simultaneously at
explore how to ensure that dABCD is unique.
close frequencies. The relative phase offset at a pair of re-
The second major error source is multipath radio propa-
ceiver nodes is used to determine a distance measure be-
gation, which can distort the phase of the interference signal
tween the transmitting and receiving nodes. Unlike tradi-
measured at the receivers. Multipath may become a signifi-
cant error source with increasing node distances, even in the
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for same relatively benign environment. The reason is that the
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are ground-reflected radio signals are 180 degrees phase-shifted
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies for small angles of incidence and travel almost the same dis-
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to tance as the direct line-of-sight (LOS) signal. Hence, the
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific composite signal is attenuated and its amplitude becomes
permission and/or a fee.
IPSN’06, April 19–21, 2006, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. comparable to those of additional relatively weak multipath
Copyright 2006 ACM 1-59593-334-4/06/0004 ...$5.00. signals, causing noticeable phase deviations at the receivers.
We propose a novel ranging algorithm that executes q-range tsync φC
estimation and localization in an interleaved and iterative
manner. That is, feedback from the current localization re- φD φCD
sult is used to constrain the search space of q-range estima-
tion, then the new estimates are used in the next localization
phase, thereby iteratively refining the result. We show that
this technique effectively corrects ranging errors and signif-
icantly improves the localization results.
Today’s typical sensor network deployments are relatively
dense, the nearest neighbor distance being at most 20 m.
Consequently, the 160 m radius of the interferometric rang-
ing can easily cover hundreds of sensor nodes introducing
scalability problems for RIPS. Therefore, it is important to
limit the amount of ranging data collected while ensuring
that enough remains to solve the localization. First, we
revisit the interesting problem of how many linearly inde- D
pendent interferometric ranging measurements exist for a
set of n nodes and give a sharp upper bound improving dAC dBD
the result given in [4]. Next, we present an algorithm that
schedules the transmitters and receivers for the interfero- dAD dBC
metric measurements. It limits the amount of acquired data
and prevents uneven data sets that may otherwise result in
the formation of well-localized clusters, but may not provide A B
enough data to localize the whole network.
We present an evaluation of the improved RIPS technique Figure 1: Radio-interferometric ranging technique.
based on two experiments using XSM motes [2]. First, we
deployed 50 motes in an 8000 m2 area with the neighbors 9 m
apart. In this moderate multipath environment, we achieved phase offset of RSSI signals measured at C and D is
a mean precision of 10 cm. In the second experiment, we
dAD − dBD + dBC − dAC
deployed 16 motes in a rural area larger than two football 2π (mod 2π),
fields. This setup demonstrated the maximum range to be c/f
170 m, while the mean localization error was 4 cm. where f = (fA + fB )/2.
We organize the remainder of the paper as follows. Sec-
tion 2 revisits the theoretical background of RIPS. Section 3
We call the ordered quadruple of distinct nodes A, B, C, D
describes the problems we face when increasing the maxi-
a quad and the linear combination of distances dAD −dBD +
mum range. Section 4 addresses the scalability issues. We
dBC − dAC for quad (A, B, C, D) the q-range dABCD . Note
evaluate our system in Section 5 and discuss related research
that the q-range is related to the range in the traditional
in Section 6. Finally, we offer our conclusions and future di-
sense, which is the distance between two nodes, but there is
rections in Section 7.
a significant difference between the two measures. If dmax
is the maximum distance between any pair of the quad
2. INTERFEROMETRIC POSITIONING nodes, then the dABCD can be anywhere between −2dmax
Radio-based ranging techniques tend to estimate the range and 2dmax , depending on the positions of the four nodes.
between two nodes from the known rate of radio signal atten- Next, denote by ϕX the absolute phase offset of the RSSI
uation over distance by measuring the radio signal strength signal measured by node X at a synchronized time instant,
(RSS) at the receiver. However, this technique is very sensi- the relative phase offset between X and Y by ϕXY = ϕX −
tive to channel noise, reflections, interference from the envi- ϕY , and the wavelength of the carrier frequency f of the
ronment among others. It was suggested in [4] to emit pure radio signal by λ = c/f . Using this notation, Theorem 1
sine wave radio signals at two locations at slightly different can be rewritten as
frequencies. The composite radio signal has a low beat fre- λ
quency and its envelope signal can be measured with low dABCD mod λ = ϕCD .

precision RF chips as the RSS Indicator (RSSI) signal (Fig-
ure 1). The phase offset of this signal depends on many ϕCD can be measured by the receivers C and D and λ
factors, including the times when the transmissions were is known. Note that a single ϕCD measurement does not
started. However, the relative phase offset between two re- yield a unique dABCD q-range because of the (mod λ) in the
ceivers depends only on the distances between the two trans- equation. However, we can measure ϕCD at different carrier
mitters and two receivers and on the wavelength of the car- frequencies, narrowing down the dABCD solution space un-
rier signal. More formally, the following theorem was proven til it contains a single q-range satisfying the maximum radio
in [4]: range constraint. Q-ranges can be used to determine 2D or
3D positions of the nodes, although the process is more com-
Theorem 1. Assume that two nodes A and B transmit plicated than determining positions from traditional ranges.
pure sine waves at two frequencies fA > fB , and two other An important difference between the interferometry and tra-
nodes C and D measure the filtered RSSI signal. If fA −fB < ditional ranging approaches is that we can measure at most
2 kHz, and dAC , dAD , dBC , dBD ≤ 1 km, then the relative n(n−3)/2 linearly independent q-ranges for a group of n
nodes, as shown in Section 4.1, as opposed to n(n−1)/2 lin- εmax , γi + n0i λi + εmax ] is non-empty, and let d0ABCD be a
early independent traditional pairwise ranges. Therefore, point in the resulting interval. Putting pi = ni − n0i , we
more nodes are required to determine the relative positions have then, i = 1 . . . m:
using interferometry. It was shown that at least 6 nodes are
required to determine the 2D positions of all the nodes in d0ABCD − dABCD ∈ [pi λi − 2εmax , pi λi + 2εmax ].
the network and 8 nodes for 3D. Since the intersection of these m intervals is non-empty, so
is the intersection of any pair. This means that, for all pairs
3. MAXIMUM RANGE OF RIPS i, j in the range 1 . . . m:
As discussed before, RIPS is capable of measuring the rel-
|pi λi − pj λj | ≤ 4εmax . (3)
ative phase offsets of relatively weak radio signals enabling
ranging well beyond the communication range. Therefore, A further constraint on the pi values, which are integers, is
RIPS requires multi-hop communication and time synchro- found from the constraint given earlier on ni : |pi | = |ni −
nization. Furthermore, the original prototype introduced n0i | < 4dmax /λi + 2. The distinctness of the vectors ni and
in [4] may incur significant ranging errors at large distances. n0i , finally, requires at least one pi to be non-zero.
We analyze the sources of these errors and suggest solutions If, conversely, we can find λi such that system (3) has no
to mitigate their effects in this section. solution in integers pi —subject to the further constraints—
then system (1) is guaranteed to be unambiguous for all
3.1 Ambiguity of q-ranges possible outcomes for the γi .
Denote the relative phase offset of the receivers X and We put this in context by providing concrete characteris-
Y relative to the wavelength of the carrier frequency λ as tics of our radio driver used for the Chipcon CC1000 chip:
γXY = ϕXY 2π , where ϕXY is the phase offset of X and Y . the frequency range is 400–460 MHz, the minimum separa-
Theorem 1 can then be restated tion fsep between the possible frequencies is 0.527 MHz, and
dABCD = γCD + nλ, εmax is 0.075 m.
Within these parameters, it is actually impossible to find
where n ∈ Z, and both γCD and λ are known. Clearly, a set of frequencies for which (3) is unsolvable. To start,
infinitely many dABCD values solve this equation (n is un- there are solutions for very small pi . In particular, taking
known). We can decrease the size of the dABCD solution pi = 1 for all i, insolvability requires that εmax < 14 |λi − λj |
space by measuring the phase offset γCD at m different for some pair i, j. But the range of wavelengths is 0.65–
carrier frequencies λi , giving γi , i = 1 . . . m. The result- 0.75 m, requiring then that εmax < 0.025 m, way below the
ing system of m equations has m + 1 unknowns, dABCD ∈ actually obtainable precision. In practice the situation is not
[−2dmax , 2dmax ], where dmax is the maximum distance be- that dire; for this to result in an actual ambiguity, all phase-
tween any pair of nodes, and n1 , . . . , nm ∈ Z: measurements errors have to “conspire”, with those for the
dABCD = γi + ni λi , i = 1 . . . m (1) smaller wavelengths being high (positive), and those for the
larger wavelengths low (negative). For a set of, say, seven
Note that this system may still have multiple solutions. wavelengths, this is rather unlikely, although not impossi-
Before proceeding, we give a constraint on the ni for later ble. Should an ambiguity of this type occur, and should
use. The phase offsets are less than 2π, so |γi | < λi . From the methods explained in subsection C below not lead to
ni = (dABCD − γi )/λi and −2dmax ≤ dABCD ≤ 2dmax , we the correct disambiguation, then at least the error is not
find |ni | < 2dmax /λi + 1. extremely large.
The problem is further complicated by measurement er- Potentially much more pernicious are errors with large
rors. The difference between the nominal and actual radio values of pi . To express them, we rewrite system (3) into
frequencies for a 100 ppm crystal causes an error in the wave- |pi (λi − λj ) − (pj − pi )λj | ≤ 4εmax and then into
length of at most 0.0001 λ, which can be disregarded. But
the error of the absolute phase measurement on the Mica2 |pi − (pj − pi )λj /(λi − λj )| ≤ 4εmax /(λi − λj ). (4)
hardware can be as high as 0.3 rad or 0.05 λ, according to
Putting d = pj − pi , we have then:
our experiments, so the error of the relative phase offset γi
can be as high as 0.1 λ. We denote the maximum phase dλj 4εmax dλj 4εmax
pi ∈ [ − , + ].
offset error with εmax and rewrite equations (1) into the fol- λi − λj λi − λj λi − λj λi − λj
lowing (implicit) inequalities, i = 1 . . . m:
It is easy to see that all large pi correspond to the integer
dABCD ∈ [γi + ni λi − εmax , γi + ni λi + εmax ]. (2) λj
multiples of λi −λ
λ λ
, which means errors of λii−λjj in dABCD
This system only has a solution if the intersection of these m solution space. Note, that λi λj /(λi − λj ) corresponds to the
intervals is non-empty. However, it is possible that the same wavelength c/fsep , where fsep = |fi − fj | is the frequency
system (with the same γi and λi values) has solutions for separation of fi , fj . We later use these two notions inter-
different assignments to the unknowns ni , in which case the changeably. Fortunately, it is not hard to find relatively
system is ambiguous. Note, that the γi quantities cannot small “perfect” sets of frequencies, i.e., sets of frequencies
be controlled. Therefore, if we want to avoid the ambigu- for which such large errors are excluded.
ity problem, we need to choose values for the λi such that The carrier frequencies at which the phase offsets were
ambiguity is excluded. We now derive a necessary condition measured in the previous work [4] were equally distributed
for ambiguity; by contraposition, its negation is a sufficient in the 400–460 MHz range with fsep = 5.27 MHz, the wave-
condition for avoiding ambiguity. length of which is 57 m. Therefore, to increase the range,
So assume that also for some different vector of integers we currently use 0.527 MHz separation with wavelength of
n0i , i = 1 . . . m, the intersection of the intervals [γi + n0i λi − about 569 m, allowing q-ranges up to 275 m.
3.2 Multipath effects phase is −π, while for larger ones, it is 0. At a certain an-
The results reported in [4] were obtained on a grassy area gle, called the Pseudo-Brewster Angle (PBA) [7], the phase
on campus near buildings and trees. As we experimented is −π/2. The change from −π to 0 with increasing angle of
with extending the range of RIPS, the results quickly dete- incidence around the PBA is very steep. Thus, reflections
riorated. Once the cell size reached 10 m in the grid setup, at low angles have significant amplitude and opposite phase.
the ranging error distribution got significantly worse. How- As the distance difference between the line-of-sight (LOS)
ever, if we elevated the motes off the ground, the results im- and the ground reflected signals is the smallest at small an-
proved markedly again. The nodes needed to be less than gles, the phase shift between them remains close to −π and
10 m apart if they were on the ground, but could be more hence, the composite signal is significantly attenuated.
than 20 m apart if they were 4 feet high on tripods. Figure 3 shows the simulation results of the effect of the
Figure 2 shows representative phase offset measurements ground reflected signal on the LOS wave over average ground
on 120 channels in the 400–460 MHz frequency range with surface. We used a two-node setup, where the distance be-
the nodes on the ground (a) and 1.3 m elevated (b). No- tween the nodes was fixed at 30 meters, while we elevated
tice that the variance of the measured phase offsets is sig- the nodes off the ground up to 5 meters—sweeping the an-
nificantly smaller in the elevated scenario, while there are gle of incidence between 0 and 20◦ . The figure shows the
severe fluctuations in case of ground deployment. When we amplitude coefficient and the received composite signal, for
repeated the same experiment in a rural area far from build- which the path loss was simulated (both for the direct and
ings and trees, the results were very close to the ideal case reflected signals) using λ2 /(4πd)2 decay. We experimentally
irrespective of the deployment height. The last observation validated the results for a smaller range of angles in a ru-
suggests that multipath propagation is at play here, but why ral area where no multipath effects were present other than
does elevating the motes apparently fix the problem? ground reflections and obtained data similar to the predicted
16 x 10
5 1
phase offset (rad)



Reflected Amplitude Coefficient (A)

4 0.8

Composite Signal Amplitude (S)

8 Composite Signal
measured phase offset
4 3 0.6
expected phase offset
390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460
carrier frequency (MHz)
2 0.4

16 1 0.2
14 Coefficient
phase offset (rad)

0 0
10 0 5 10 15 20
8 Angle of Incidence (Degrees)

measured phase offset
4 expected phase offset
Figure 3: The reflection coefficient and the ampli-
2 tude of the composite signal for vertically polarized
390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460
carrier frequency (MHz) waves. The composite signal is shaped by the inter-
(b) play of the decreasing ground-reflection coefficient,
and the phase offset and attenuation change due to
Figure 2: Phase offset measurements on 120 chan- the increasing distance the reflected signal travels.
nels with vertical monopole antennas directly on the
ground (a) and 1.3 m elevated (b).
We observed that the amplitude of the composite signal
Up till now, we have considered the radio nodes as if they grows tenfold when we elevate the nodes from ground level
were operating in free space. However, the ground around to 1 m (at 30 m distance). This significant attenuation is not
and under the antenna and other nearby objects such as a problem in and of itself, as long as we can still measure
trees or buildings can have significant impact on the shape the phase of the signal accurately. It definitely decreases
and strength of the radiated pattern. These interactions the effective range of the method, but it does not by itself
can be explored in two distinctive regions surrounding the impact the accuracy noticeably. However, in a moderate
antenna. The reactive near field is within one quarter of the multipath environment, such as the campus area we used,
wavelength, therefore we do not consider it in this paper. reflections from buildings and other surfaces distort the re-
In the radiative far field, ground reflections—especially for sults. As these reflections travel longer distances, they are
vertically polarized antennas—and additional paths through markedly attenuated. As long as the direct LOS signal is
reflective objects profoundly influence the received signal. strong, the additional phase shift these components cause is
When the radio wave strikes a surface, it is reflected with small. However, when the ground reflection significantly at-
an angle that is equal to the angle of incidence. For sur- tenuates the LOS signal, the phase shift caused by additional
faces with infinite conductivity, the reflected wave has the multipath components is large enough to distort the results
same amplitude and the same phase—or opposite, depend- considerably, as shown in Figure 2. We found that the mea-
ing upon polarization—as that of the incident signal. For sured strength of the received signals (not shown in the fig-
real surfaces, the reflected amplitude tends to be smaller and ure) was 8 dB stronger with elevated nodes. Since the overall
the phase relationship is more intricate. At small angles, the topology, the node-to-node distances and the environment
were identical in the two measurements, we have experimen- vations were made:
tally verified that the differences are indeed caused by the 1. If 30–40% of the q-ranges have less than 30 cm error,
angle—thus elevation—dependent ground reflection. the localization algorithm converges and finds approximate
locations with errors smaller than a few meters.
3.3 Coping with the q-range error 2. Even in multipath environments the phase-offset dis-
Intuitively, solving the ranging problem can be thought crepancy function has a sharp local minimum at the real
of as fitting a straight line to the measured data. As shown q-range in most of the cases. See Figure 4.
in Figure 2, the ideal phase offset is linear as a function of These two observations led to the idea of the iterative
the frequency if we allow for wraparound at 2π. If we have phase-offset discrepancy correction algorithm:
data distorted by multipath and other errors, we can still fit
a line relatively accurately, provided we have enough good 1. Initialize the value of R, the search radius, and set all
data points. Therefore, a trivial enhancement is to make q-range estimates to 0.
measurements at as many frequency channels as possible.
2. Calculate the q-range estimates by finding the mini-
However, this also increases the required time of the actual
mum of the sum of the phase-offset discrepancy func-
ranging, and a balance must be struck.
tions, searching within radius R from the current q-
We now show how to further improve the q-range estima-
range estimates.
tion and the overall localization results, even in the face of
q-range ambiguity and moderate multipath effects. Let us 3. Calculate optimal node locations.
first revisit how the baseline q-range estimation works.
4. If R is small enough, stop. Otherwise, decrease R and
go to step 2.
0.35 1

2 In other words, the current localization solution is used
mean square error

to constrain the search space of the ranging algorithm, so
0.25 that it can progressively eliminate large errors. Due to this
0.2 feedback method, the q-range estimates get more and more
accurate at each iteration.
It is easy to see that if the current value of R is always
2 3
0.1 larger than the maximum q-range error in our current lo-
1 calization, bounding the search will not exclude the correct
q-range. In our current prototype, we use fixed decreasing R
0 values, such as R1 = 50 m, R2 = 5 m, R3 = 0.5 m. The differ-

ence between the measured q-range and the corresponding

q-range on the map is known and has a strong correlation
range (m)
with the localization error. This distance error could be
Figure 4: Phase-offset discrepancy function in a se- used to drive the actual value of R and make this iterative
vere multipath environment. The numbers show the method more adaptive. We leave this idea as a topic for
search intervals of consecutive error correction it- future research.
erations and the corresponding minima. The spot
labeled 3 is the real solution. 4. SCALABILITY OF RANGING IN TIME
We revisit the theoretical bound on the maximum number
To get the q-range dABCD we have to solve the inequali-
of linearly independent q-range measurements for a set of n
ties (2). Given a possible q-range r, for each i we can find
nodes, improving the result given in [4].
the value of n
“i that” brings γi + ni λi the closest to r, namely
ni = round r−γ λi
. Then we define the phase-offset dis- 4.1 Independent q-range measurements
crepancy function to be the average value of the squares of We assume that the network has at least three nodes, and
γi +ni λi −r values as a function of r. Ideally, the global min- that the nodes forming the network are numbered 0 through
imum of the discrepancy function is 0, attained at the true n−1. Let N = {0 . . n−1} denote the set of nodes. In the
q-range. However, measurement errors, multipath effects notation dAB , we always assume that A and B are nodes in
and the ambiguity due to the limited number of channels N . By convention, dBA means the same as dAB . Clearly,
and the minimum channel separation, distort the results. there is no need to determine quantities dAA , so without loss
Frequently, the global minimum is not at the true solution. we require in the notation dAB that A 6= B. Then in the
Figure 4 shows an example of the phase-offset discrepancy network there are in all n(n−1)/2 such quantities dAB .
function in a severe multipath environment indoors. The These distances are not independent in the sense of being
true q-range is at the local minimum labeled 3. mutually unconstrained. To start with, there is the triangle
Given a sufficient number of q-range measurements, it is inequality: dAC ≤ dAB +dBC . Assuming that the nodes live
possible to estimate the node locations (up to Euclidean iso- in Euclidean 2D space, there is the further constraint that
metric transformations) by finding the locations that mini- the Cayley-Menger determinant on any quad (A, B, C, D)
mize the q-range discrepancy, defined as the average value vanishes. Here we are concerned with a more technical no-
of the squares of the differences between each measured q- tion of independence: linear independence of a collection of
range and the corresponding q-range “on the map”, i.e., the vectors in a vector space.
dABCD value computed from the node locations. Recall that, given a vector space V and a set of vectors
After analyzing several experiments, the following obser- {vi } of V , the subspace spanned by that set consists of the
collection of vectors that can be written as i λi vi for some Next, we show that all measurements indexed by elements
assignment of scalar valuesP λi . The set of vectors is called of classes 2–5 can be reduced to a linear combination of
linearly independent when i λi vi = 0 ≡ ∀i λi = 0. A measurements with lower class numbers, ultimately leading
basis of V is then a linearly independent set of vectors of V to a linear combination of elements from classes 0 and 1.
that spans V . Combined, this gives us that classes 0 and 1 together form
Now take an n(n−1)/2 dimensional vector space over the a basis. Since there are n(n−3)/2 elements in these two
field of the real numbers, and label the vectors of some basis classes, the claim then follows.
with dAB , for A and B distinct nodes from N — also here As to the linear independence of the measurements in-
label dAB is identified with label dBA . dexed by classes 0 and 1, assume some linear combination
Define, for quad (A, B, C, D), of these measurements vanishes:
dABCD = dAD − dBD + dBC − dAC . λD d012D + µBD d0B1D = 0 ,
2<D 1<B<D
Thus defined, dABCD is a vector in our vector space. We
call it a measurement, because it corresponds to a possi- or, equivalently, using the definition of dABCD :
ble measurement that could be carried out by the radio- X
λD (d0D − d1D + d12 − d02 ) +
interferometric technique, the outcome being (modulo ex-
perimental error) the value of the right-hand side under
some valuation of the basis vectors dAB . Clearly, dABCD + X
dBACD = 0 and dABCD − dCDAB = 0, so these vectors are µBD (d0D − dBD + d1B − d01 ) = 0 .
not all mutually independent. To rule out these pairwise
dependencies, we require that in any index ABCD we have: Recall that the vectors dAB form a basis. The coefficient
of each vector dBD , 1<B<D, is −µBD . So each µBD = 0.
A < B, A < C < D, B 6= C, B 6= D , Then the coefficient of each vector d1D , 2<D, is −λD . So
in which the last two inequalities, required by the distinct- also each λD = 0. Therefore a linear combination of the
ness of the four nodes, are given for the sake of completeness. measurements only vanishes if all coefficients are zero: they
We call an index satisfying these inequalities normalized. If are independent.
some of the other inequalities are violated, the correspond- The reductions of measurements from higher classes to
ing measurement can be found from one with a normalized classes 0 and 1 are as follows:
index by using the pairwise dependencies given above. Class 2: d 0 1 C D = −d 0 1 2 C + d 0 1 2 D ;
Since there are three orderings of A, B, C and D compat-
ible with the index inequalities, A<B<C<D, A<C<B<D Class 3: d 0 B 1 D = −d 0 1 D B + d 0 D 1 B ;
and A<C<D<B, any choice of four distinct nodes from N
leads to three normalized indices,
` ´ and so the set of normal- Class 4: d 0 B C D = −d 0 B 1 C + d 0 B 1 D ;
ized indices ABCD has size 3 n 4 = n(n−1)(n−2)(n−3)/8.
We want to determine the dimension of the vector space Class 5: d A B C D = −d 0 A C D + d 0 B C D .
spanned by the set of all possible measurements; i.e., the
In each case it is straightforward to verify that the measure-
size of a basis of that space. This is then the size of any
ments in the right-hand side are indexed by indices from a
maximally large set of linearly independent measurements.
lower class. For example, the index 0D1B occurring in the
Theorem 2. The dimension of the vector space spanned reduction for class 3 has D < B (because the left-hand side
by the measurements dABCD on a set of n nodes, n ≥ 3, is satisfies the constraints of class 3) and therefore belongs to
n(n−3)/2. class 1. It is equally easy to verify that each reduction rep-
resents a valid identity; for example, for class 3, expanding
Proof. Partition the set of normalized indices into six the definition of dABCD and using dBA = dAB , we obtain:
d0D − dBD + d1B − d01 =
Class 0: { 0 1 2 D | 2 <D} with n−3 elements;
−(d0B − d1B + d1D − d0D ) + (d0B − dBD + d1D − d01 ) .
{ 0 B 1 D | 1 <B<D} with n−2
` ´
Class 1: 2 elements;
Class 2: { 0 1 C D | 2 <C<D} with elements;
2 4.2 Practical solution
Class 3: { 0 B 1 D | 1 <D<B} with elements; Measuring the q-range of all possible node quads is waste-
ful, as there are O(n4 ) quads but only O(n2 ) independent
Class 4: { 0 B C D | 1 <B, 1<C<D, B 6= C, B 6= D}
measurements and O(n) unknowns. Furthermore, this would
with 3 n−2
` ´
3 elements; take an excessive amount of time in larger networks. How-
Class 5: { A B C D | 0 <A<B, A<C<D, B 6= C, B 6= D} ever, trying to measure a maximal set of independent mea-
surements is impractical when the geometry of the deploy-
with 3 n−1
` ´
4 elements.
ment is not known and we cannot know in advance what
It is easily verified that all these indices are normalized and node quads can be measured at all. Furthermore, even
that the classes are disjoint. The sizes sum up to the car- successful measurements can be lost in transition. Conse-
dinality of the set of all normalized indices, so this indeed quently, we schedule a larger number of measurements than
constitutes a partitioning. necessary, thereby compensating for their possible depen-
First we show that the measurements having indices of dence, for which we do not check, while also helping to av-
classes 0 and 1 together form a linearly independent set. erage out measurement errors.
Given a deployment, we need to select a list of trans-
mitter pairs and the corresponding set of receivers (called 25
a schedule) such that the collected q-range measurements

histogram (%)
are sufficient to localize. Conducting q-range measurements
involving a pair of transmitters takes constant time inde- 15
pendent of the number of receivers. Therefore, bounding
the number of transmitter pairs bounds the time required 10

to run the whole schedule. We need to consider the number

of receivers that correspond to a given transmitter pair as
well. Since the calculation of the q-ranges is carried out on 0
the base station, the time required to route the phase offset











error (m)
measurements to the base station increases with the number
of receivers, while the packet-delivery ratio decreases. (a)
The algorithm, thus, has the following main objectives:
a) To select transmitter pairs with the most potential re- 30

ceivers. Since the number of linearly independent relative 25

histogram (%)
phase offset measurements for a given transmitter pair is 20
r − 1, where r is the number of receivers, this will maxi-
mize the number of phase-offset measurements collected per
transmitter pair. 10

b) From the set of potential receivers for each transmitter 5

pair, to select only the best ones. This will curb the routing 0











c) To assure a well-connected network in terms of the error (m)
node quads. This will avoid cases where some clusters of (b)
the network can be localized, but overall localization fails
due to the lack of inter-cluster q-range measurements. Figure 5: Error distribution of q-ranges (12000 m2
A simple neighborhood-discovery service provides the net- experiment) obtained using (a) regular and (b) iter-
work connectivity as an input to the scheduler. The heuristic atively corrected ranging.
scheduling algorithm ranks all possible transmitter pairs by
the number of neighbors the two nodes share; then picks the
best ones. Next the receivers for each transmitter pair are 1 m accurate. The localization algorithm achieved 10 cm
selected based on the quality of their links from the trans- average accuracy, while the largest error was 20 cm.
mitters. Coverage and connectivity is assured by best-effort Finally, we tested RIPS in a rural area where there were
heuristics: each node has to be selected as a transmitter at no RF multipath effects other than ground reflection, using
Rt times, and has to be a receiver at least Rr times, where 16 XSM motes deployed on the ground in an approximately
Rt and Rr are empirically selected constants. 12000 m2 area with an average closest-neighbor distance of
35 m and a maximum node distance of 170 m. We used
a laser range finder to obtain the locations of the nodes
5. EVALUATION with an estimated average error of 2 cm. We plot the error
We evaluated the improved interferometric ranging and lo- distribution for both non-corrected and iteratively corrected
calization in different settings. First, we had a field demon- ranging in Figure 5. The original q-range error distribution
stration at the UCB Richmond Field Station. We used a had only 72% below 30 cm. Within three error-correcting
50-node approximate grid setup with a cell size of 9 m in a iterations all q-range errors dropped below 1 m, while 98%
moderate RF multipath environment. The ground truth was were under 30 cm. The results of the localization from these
obtained using differential GPS with an estimated accuracy q-ranges are shown in Figure 6.
of 1 m. 68% of the measured q-ranges had less than 1 m The average localization error was 4 cm, while the largest
error, while 89% was within 2 m. Because of the inaccurate error was 12 cm, using the three anchor nodes shown by
ground truth, these numbers are not revealing. However, triangles. Selecting the nodes in the four corners as anchors
the experiment did provide an important datapoint. instead resulted in no change in the average error, but a
We successfully verified the performance of the scheduler decreased maximum error of 6 cm. The node density for
because an exhaustive schedule would have taken too long, this setup was 1300 nodes/km2 .
as the number of possible transmitter pairs for 50 nodes is Using the corner nodes as anchors and keeping only four
1225. The auto-generated schedule contained 188 transmit- other nodes results in an 8-node setup. The subset of the
ter pairs and 8116 dABCD measurements altogether. The measurements involving only these 8 nodes had 284 ele-
actual number of q-ranges received by the base station was ments. This resulted in a 6 cm average and 8 cm maximum
4629. The 45% decrease is due to filtering and packet loss. localization error, at a node density of 650 nodes/km2 .
To get a better assessment of the overall accuracy, we
hand-measured a 30-node subset of the network using mea-
suring tape. We estimate the ground truth obtained this 6. RELATED WORK
way to be about 5 cm accurate. The scheduler generated Range-based approaches to sensor node localization pro-
107 transmitter pairs and 4517 dABCD measurements. We vide higher accuracy than range-free methods. Ranging
collected 1392 actual q-ranges from the network, of which in WSNs is typically based on acoustic or Radio Signal
82% had 20 cm error or less, while 95% was better than Strength (RSS) measurements. Unless a powerful central
We have successfully demonstrated in multiple field ex-
0.1 m
periments that the accuracy of RIPS is as good as the best
ultrasonic techniques while allowing two orders of magni-
tude smaller node density. At the same time, RIPS works
0.12 m
at less than one tenth of the node density of current outdoor
150 m
0.03 m
acoustic methods and achieves two orders of magnitude bet-
ter precision.
0.01 m
The range that can be accurately measured with RIPS is
about 4 times the communication range. That means that
0.05 m any deployment that forms a reasonable connected commu-
0.03 m
nication graph can be localized. In other words, the nec-
0.01 m
100 m essary deployment density is determined by the commu-
0.03 m nication (or sensing) needs of the application and not the
Anchor localization. In this sense, RIPS is indeed a node-density
0.04 m
independent localization method.
0.04 m
These results correspond to minor to moderate RF multi-
Anchor path environments such as rural areas or open spaces within
50 m 0.03 m
an urban area. Our current work focuses on extending the
0.03 m
approach to cluttered urban environments.
0.03 m

0.06 m Gyorgy Balogh, Peter Volgyesi, Janos Sallai and Andras
Nadas (Vanderbilt University).
0m 50 m 100 m 150 m

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