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Wall Bracing 401

Prescriptive Code Provisions

Based on

IRC 2006

How to apply prescriptive code provisions to identify braced wall lines and select braced wall panel types and locations

7800 E. Orchard Rd., Suite 200, Greenwood Village, CO 80111

Theinformationpresentedinthisdocumentisbasedonthe2006IRC("code")wallbracing sectionR602.10andisintendedtobeusedasaguidelineforspecifyingwallbracingin residentialstructures.Whileeveryattempthasbeenmadetoensuretheinformationherein isaccurateandincompliancewiththecode,itisnotintendedtosupersedeorreplacethe code.Theuserofthisinformationshouldalwaysrefertothecodeprovisionsandworkwith theirlocalbuildingofficialtoensurebracingsolutionsarecodecompliant.

7800 E. Orchard Rd., Suite 200, Greenwood Village, CO 80111

Table of Contents
Objectives and Overview .......................................................... 4 Section 1. About Lateral Forces ............................................. 7
Whats a Lateral Force? ............................................................................................................................ 7 Effects of Lateral Loads on Structures ...................................................................................................... 7 Lateral Force Resisting System ................................................................................................................ 8

Section 2.

About Braced Walls ............................................. 11

Braced Walls vs. Shear Walls..................................................................................... 11 Braced Walls and Load ............................................................................................... 11 Forces on a Braced Wall Panel ............................................................................................................... 12 Resistance to Lateral Forces and Prescriptive Solutions ........................................................................ 12 Lateral Wind and Seismic Forces............................................................................................................ 13

Section 3.

Braced Wall Lines and Braced Wall Panels .......... 15

Braced Wall Lines ................................................................................................................................... 16 Braced Wall Panels ................................................................................................................................. 16 Basic Rules for Identifying Braced Wall Lines ......................................................... 17 Determining the Length of Braced Wall Line ........................................................................................... 18 Allowable Offsets in a Braced Wall Line.................................................................................................. 20 Distance between Braced Wall Lines ...................................................................................................... 22 Prescriptive-Braced Wall Panel Solutions Using IRC Methods .............................. 26 IRC Methods ........................................................................................................................................... 26 How to Use Method 3 and Method 5 ....................................................................................................... 30 Deciding which Method to Use ................................................................................................................ 32 Basic Rules for Specifying Braced Wall Panels ....................................................... 33 Minimum Percentages for Bracing .......................................................................................................... 33 Location and Spacing of Braced Wall Panels ......................................................................................... 35 Width of Braced Panel ............................................................................................................................ 36 Types of Braced Wall Panels and Alternative Approaches ..................................................................... 37 Tables to Assist in Prescriptive Solutions ................................................................ 42

Section 4.

Procedure for Specifying Prescriptive Solutions .. 47

Appendices ............................................................................ 60
Appendix A Hints for Designers ............................................................................. 60 Appendix B 50-ft Braced-line Exception ................................................................ 61 Appendix C Suggestions for Typical General Notes on Plans ............................ 62 Appendix D IRC Comparison Matrix ....................................................................... 63

Answers to and Quick Checks and Skill Checks ...................... 66

Wall Bracing 401

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Effects of Lateral Loads on Structures ................................................................. 7 Figure 2: LFRS .................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 3: Roof and Floor Diaphragm Forces....................................................................... 9 Figure 4: Resisting Forces .................................................................................................. 9 Figure 5: Braced Walls Transfer Load .............................................................................. 11 Figure 6: Forces on a Braced Wall Panel ......................................................................... 12 Figure 7: Wall Space and Braced Panels ......................................................................... 12 Figure 8: ASCE 7-05 Wind Speed Map ............................................................................ 13 Figure 9: Seismic Design Categories ................................................................................ 14 Figure 10: Braced Wall Line containing Braced Wall Panels ............................................ 15 Figure 11: Braced Wall Line Examples ............................................................................. 16 Figure 12: Longitudinal and Transverse............................................................................ 17 Figure 13: Exterior Braced Wall Lines............................................................................... 18 Figure 14: Interior Braced Wall Line.................................................................................. 19 Figure 15: Direct Vertical................................................................................................... 19 Figure 16: Allowable Offsets ............................................................................................. 20 Figure 17: Distance between Braced Wall Lines .............................................................. 22 Figure 18: Distance between Braced Wall Lines (Cont.) .................................................. 24 Figure 19: Distance between Braced Wall Lines (Cont.) .................................................. 25 Figure 20: Method 3 Braced Panel ................................................................................... 30 Figure 21: Options Using Method 3 .................................................................................. 30 Figure 22: Location and Spacing of Braced Wall Panels .................................................. 35 Figure 23: Braced Wall Diagrams ..................................................................................... 36 Figure 24: Label for Continuous Sheathing....................................................................... 37 Figure 25: Alternate-Braced Wall Panels .......................................................................... 38 Figure 26: Alternate-Braced Panel Label .......................................................................... 38 Figure 27: Schematic of 2007 IRC Supplement - Field-built Single and Double Portal Frame ................................................................................................................................ 39 Figure 28: Prefabricated Portal ......................................................................................... 40 Figure 30: 12" Return ........................................................................................................ 60

Table of Tables
Table 1: Simplified Version of IRC 2006 Table R602.10.1................................................ 34 Table 2: Method 3: Braced Panel Systems, as Required for Each Wall ........................... 42 Table 3: Method 3: Continuous Sheathing - Fully Sheathed Exterior Walls ..................... 43 Table 4: Calculating Braced Wall Panel Percentages....................................................... 44

Wall Bracing 401

Prescriptive Wall Bracing 401 - Introduction

Welcome to Prescriptive Wall Bracing 401!
This manual provides in-depth training on Prescriptive Wall Bracing. The International Residential Code (IRC) requires that walls are braced, to resist lateral forces. Bracing a wall requires braced wall panels to be included into a braced wall line. Braced wall design can be either designed or prescriptive. A Designed Solution is the design of a structure that is specific to the conditions of that structure, done by a design professional. A Prescriptive Solution is a specification of products or construction practices that can be accomplished by following a particular set of rules. In the case of wall bracing, these rules are outlined in the IRC Section 602.10. This course, as you may have guessed, has been created to show you more precisely what the 2006 IRC requires concerning prescriptive wall bracing and how to meet these requirements. In Appendix D, youll also find information on variations in requirements in the 2000 and 2003 IRC, and the 2007 Supplement to the 2006 IRC.

Wall Bracing 401

Objectives and Overview

Prescriptive Wall Bracing 401 has only one primary learning objective: In this course, you will learn how to provide braced wall lines to resist wind or seismic loads.

Knowledge and Skills

In order to accomplish this objective, you will need to acquire new knowledge and skills. This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to: Identify and specify braced lines of resistance for each floor level. Determine the IRC Method to use. You will apply prescriptive code provisions using one or more of the methods listed in the International Residential Code (IRC) for lateral bracing to a structure in seismic design categories A D2 and where wind speeds are less than 110 mph.* Determine the percentage of the wall that must be braced. Determine the location and spacing of these panels. Provide alternate braced wall panels solutions where necessary.

Wall Bracing 401

Overview of This Module

Terms and Definitions
Braced Wall: A wall prescribed using the International Residential Code (IRC) to resist lateral loads. It behaves similarly to a shear wall. Unlike the shear wall, a braced wall does not necessarily have hold downs. Braced wall line: A wall containing a series of braced wall panels in a single-story home constructed in accordance with Section R602.10. Braced wall A section of a wall that is braced in order to resist lateral loads. In this panels: course, panels are limited to structural wood sheathing (e.g., OSB or plywood), interior gypsum wallboard, prefabricated panels, or code alternate-braced panels (2006 International Residential Code [IRC] and 2007 IRC Supplement). Designed Design of a structure that is specific to the conditions of that structure, solution: done by a design professional of record. Lateral: Something that is situated on, directed toward, of coming from the side. Lateral Force The combination of stud wall framing, floor and roof diaphragms, Resisting collectors, shear walls and/or portal frames that provide support and System (LFRS): stability for the structure to resist seismic or high wind forces. Lateral forces: Forces caused by loads acting horizontally on the structure - usually wind or seismic forces. Longitudinal: The direction of the walls parallel to the long direction of the home. Offset: The perpendicular distance between two parallel lines. Prescriptive The specification of products or construction practices that can be solution: accomplished by following a particular set of rules. In the case of wall bracing, these rules are outlined in the IRC Section 602.10. Shear Wall: A wall that is designed to resist lateral loads. Shear walls are connected with hold downs. Their detailing is explained thoroughly in the International Building Code (IBC). Sliding: The effect from lateral forces that cause the structure to slide off the foundation. Transverse: The direction of the walls parallel to the short direction of the building. Uplift and The effect from lateral forces that cause the structure or a wall element Overturning: to tip or overturn.

Wall Bracing 401

Important Points
1. The two most important effects of lateral forces on a structure that must be resisted are: Uplift and Overturning Shearing 2. The procedure youll learn in this course is for: Seismic design categories A D2 Wind speeds of 110 mph or less 3. Design considerations for wall bracing include the following: Distance from an opening to the end of a braced wall line. Offsets of walls within the braced wall line Distance between braced wall panels and braced wall lines Wall space (width) for bracing Size of an opening next to a braced wall panel 4. Braced Wall Panels discussed in this course include: Panels built with structural wood sheathing (OSB or plywood) Panels built with interior gypsum wallboard IRC alternate-braced panels Prefabricated panels 5. While there are many considerations to make when designing a braced wall system, the basic approach is to follow these steps: 1. Identify potential braced wall lines. 2. Determine which method (from the IRC) to use. 3. Determine the percentage of the overall length of the braced wall line that the braced wall panels must comprise. 4. Determine the locations and widths available for braced wall panels within the braced wall line. 5. Suggest alternate panels or portals where necessary. 6. General notes and details for wind and seismic bracing should include: Wind speed Seismic design category Type of bracing Location of braced panels on plans

Wall Bracing 401

Section 1. About Lateral Forces

Whats a Lateral Force?
Remember the definition of Lateral: Lateral: Something that is situated on, directed toward, or coming from the side. Lateral forces are forces caused by loads acting horizontally on the structure - usually wind or seismic (earthquake) loads. Walls are subject to lateral forces that come directly from the wind blowing on them, as well as from the roof or floor diaphragm attached to the walls. The diaphragm transfers lateral forces through the walls into the foundation. The effects of these lateral forces on the walls must be resisted. The walls are a critical part of a Lateral Force Resisting System, as youll learn in this section.

Effects of Lateral Loads on Structures

Wind or seismic forces create two primary effects on a structure, listed as follows and illustrated in Figure 1: Uplift and Overturning: the structure or a wall element tipping. Sliding (or Shearing): the structure sliding off the foundation.

Figure 1: Effects of Lateral Loads on Structures

Wall Bracing 401

Lateral Force Resisting System

Now that you know how lateral forces work, take a look at how a typical structure is designed to resist them using a Lateral Force Resisting System. A Lateral Force Resisting System (LFRS) is a system of floor, roof, and wall framing elements that, in combination, resist lateral forces (Figure 2). Stud walls, acting like vertical joists, deflect under the pressure of the wind force and transfer the lateral forces to the diaphragm above and to the foundation below (Figure 2).

Diaphragm spans between braced or shear walls

Figure 2: LFRS

Wall Bracing 401

Floor and Roof Diaphragms

Floor or roof decks are diaphragms which act as deep beams spanning between walls, transferring load into the wall lines where the diaphragm connects to them. As lateral load is applied to the stud walls perpendicular to it, the forces caused by the load transfer from the perpendicular wall into the diaphragms. The forces then transfer from the diaphragms to the shear wall or to a braced wall line that runs parallel to the lateral force (Figure 3). Perpendicular Studs transfer forces into the Diaphragm

Diaphragm (roof or floor)

Forces transfer from the Diaphragm into Braced Walls

Shear Wall or Braced Wall Line

Lateral load is applied to the perpendicular stud wall

Foundation Figure 3: Roof and Floor Diaphragm Forces

The most common LFRS is a braced wall system that relies on the walls to resist the effects overturning and sliding due to high wind or seismic forces. So how must the walls be constructed in order to resist these forces? Often, this can be a difficult problem to solve and may require a designed solution. Fortunately, however, in most cases, there are several prescriptive solutions that accomplish the task adequately.

Shear Wall or Braced Wall Foundation

Braced walls must resist lateral forces

Figure 4: Resisting Forces Prescriptive solutions are acceptable for most applications where wind speed is less than 110 mph, and the Seismic Design Category is A, B, C, and for many applications in Seismic Design Category D0 D2. These solutions often involve integrating braced wall panels into the wall system. Youll learn about these in the following section.

Wall Bracing 401

Quick Check
Answer the following questions to check your knowledge about lateral loads. 1. A lateral load is most often caused by Wind or snow Wind or earthquake Earthquake or fire 2. The two effects of lateral forces that a building must resist are Uplift and compression Overturning and sliding Shearing and seismic 3. How does lateral load on the diaphragm affect the walls in an LFRS? Lateral load perpendicular to the wall studs is transferred to the diaphragm, which transfers this load into the walls parallel to the wind or seismic load. Lateral load from the diaphragm causes walls to move inward toward the center of the building. The diaphragm resists most of the lateral load, relieving the walls from being subjected to these loads. (Answers on page 66.)

Wall Bracing 401


Section 2. About Braced Walls

Braced Walls vs. Shear Walls
Youve learned that lateral loads applied a structure must be resisted by shear walls or by braced walls. Both of these wall types include the stud framing, sheathing, nailing, top and bottom plates, and connection hardware to resist overturning and sliding forces. Whether the wall is a shear wall or a braced wall, its purpose is to transfer shear load. Its ability to transfer shear load depends on the height to width ratio of the wall. You may find that you hear each of these terms often; they may seem to be referring to the same thing. Conceptually speaking, they are the same thing; both provide lateral stability to a structure. The primary difference is this: A shear wall is a wall that has established design values to allow products to be designed to resist lateral loads. Shear walls are connected with hold downs. Their detailing is explained thoroughly in the International Building Code (IBC). A braced wall is a wall prescribed using the International Residential Code (IRC) to resist lateral loads. It behaves similarly to a shear wall. But unlike the shear wall, it does not have established design values, and is not necessarily connected with hold downs. Although a braced wall does not have established design values, it is still appropriate for certain structures. Such structures meet certain size and use limitations, which allow them to be constructed using prescriptive solutions. A prescribed solution, by definition, does not have calculated loads. Since there are occasions where structures in prescriptive markets require designed solutions, it is possible for a single building to contain both shear walls and braced panels. As this course is concerned with prescribed solutions only, youll be learning about braced walls.

Braced Walls and Load

Braced walls transfer the load from the floor or roof diaphragm above into the foundation below (Figure 5). It is not always necessary to brace every part of every wall in a structure in order for it to be able to resist lateral forces. Often, only sections of the wall need to be braced. A braced wall panel is a section of the wall that is braced.

Deflection of Braced Wall

Braced Wall

Figure 5: Braced Walls Transfer Load

Wall Bracing 401


Forces on a Braced Wall Panel

All braced wall panels, regardless of the material, must resist the same kinds of forces (Figure 6). These forces include: Dead load of the Shear force from the structure (resists uplift) diaphragm Compression Uplift (tension) Braced Wall Panel Resisting shearing force Foundation or wall below Compression Figure 6: Forces on a Braced Wall Panel Uplift Shear force from Diaphragm

Resistance to Lateral Forces and Prescriptive Solutions

When a building is constructed using conventional construction practices according to IRC guidelines, these forces are usually resisted adequately. For example: Shear is resisted with anchor bolts. Compression is resisted with a typical three-stud corner. Uplift is resisted with anchor bolts, by adjacent walls, and by the dead load of the structure from above. As a result, special detailing for shear, compression, and uplift is generally not necessary in a prescriptive home. However, even in prescriptive construction, a braced wall panel must be strong enough to resist the lateral loads. Generally speaking, wider wall panels are stronger than narrower panels that are constructed with the same materials and construction techniques. As youll see, the braced wall requirements outlined in the IRC dictate how wide a panel must be and where it may be located within the wall line. For example, wall spaces with openings cannot be used to resist lateral load. Openings cannot resist lateral loads In order to meet these requirements, the uninterrupted space (wall without openings) must be wide enough to contain the proper size panel. Section 3 discusses specific requirements outlined in the IRC regarding wall bracing and the selection of braced wall panels. Figure 7: Wall Space and Braced Panels
Uninterrupted space must be wide enough

Wall Bracing 401


Lateral Wind and Seismic Forces

Expected wind and seismic (earthquake) forces vary by area across the country. Each local jurisdiction establishes what criteria are appropriate for determining expected wind and seismic forces in their region. These values are based on historic data of wind speed and seismic activity, and on activity in areas that are similar in topography and geology. National maps created by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) show design earthquake intensity and wind speeds across the country. Your local jurisdiction can give you specific information on the wind speed and seismic design category for your area. To find this information, contact your local building official. Below are the general wind and seismic design category maps for the continental United States from ASCE and the USGS.

Values indicate 3 sec wind gust speeds in mph per 2006 IRC R301.2 (4)

Figure 8: ASCE 7-05 Wind Speed Map

Reproduced with permission of ASCE

Wall Bracing 401


Figure 9: Seismic Design Categories

Reproduced with permission of USGS

Seismic Design Category E D2 D1 D0 C B A

The Seismic Design Category associated with a region determines the IRC requirements that must be met to resist lateral forces caused by earthquakes. It is important to take note of the specific criteria for wall bracing in Seismic Design Categories D0-D2, as these criteria differ from those in categories A-C. The differences occur in the following areas: Location of braced wall lines. Minimum percentages for bracing Location of braced wall panels Connection of braced wall panels to the foundation and framing. While there are differences in specific requirements for wall bracing, you can use the same procedure to specify wall bracing for a structure in Seismic Design Categories D0 D2 as you would for structures in Seismic Design Categories A C. Refer to Section 602.10 and 301.2.2of the IRC for requirements unique to Seismic Design Categories D0 D2.

Wall Bracing 401


Section 3. Braced Wall Lines and Braced Wall Panels

The IRC has two definitions to provide guidance on bracing walls against lateral loads. Braced wall line: a wall containing a series of braced wall panels in a single-story home constructed in accordance with Section R602.10 to resist seismic and wind forces. Braced wall panel: a section of a wall that is braced in order to resist lateral loads. In this course, panels are limited to structural wood sheathing (e.g., OSB or plywood), interior gypsum wallboard, prefabricated panels, or code alternate-braced panels. (2006 International Residential Code [IRC] and 2007 IRC Supplement)

Braced Wall Panels

Figure 10: Braced Wall Line containing Braced Wall Panels

Wall Bracing 401


Braced Wall Lines

The first step in providing wall bracing is to identify which walls on the plans need to be braced. The IRC requires that the structure meet these criteria regarding the locations of braced wall lines. Braced wall lines, at a minimum, include all exterior walls. If exterior wall lines are spaced more than 35 apart, interior wall lines will also require bracing.
Lateral Force Direction

Lateral Force Direction

Figure 11: Braced Wall Line Examples

Braced Wall Panels

Braced wall lines contain braced wall panels. Braced wall panels can be constructed using different methods. In Figure 11, if the shaded walls are constructed with braced wall panels, they would be considered braced wall lines. The builder needs to know how a braced wall panel must be constructed to ensure that it meets IRC requirements. In Section 3, you will learn about several types of braced panels and how to incorporate them into braced wall lines.

Wall Bracing 401


Basic Rules for Identifying Braced Wall Lines

Before you can designate wall bracing, youll need to figure out which walls on the plans will serve as the braced wall lines. Define the braced wall lines in both the longitudinal and the transverse directions (Figure 12). Transverse

Figure 12: Longitudinal and Transverse

When identifying braced wall lines, you must: Determine the Length of the braced wall line Verify that any Offsets in the braced wall lines are within the distance allowed by the IRC. Verify that the Distance between braced wall lines is within the distance allowed by the IRC.

Wall Bracing 401


Transverse refers to walls are parallel to the short direction of the home. Longitudinal refers to walls are parallel to the long direction of the home.


Determining the Length of Braced Wall Line

In order to specify wall bracing, you need to know the length of the braced wall line.

Exterior Braced Wall Lines

Put simply, the length of a braced wall line is same as the length of the exterior wall at a particular section of the building. Since most houses are designed with a footprint that is more complicated than a simple rectangle, it is often better for the purpose of wall bracing to think of the building as several connected, though separately braced, rectangles (Figure 13). For example, consider the walls in the longitudinal direction in Figure 13. The exterior of the building at Section A is 44-0, while the exterior at Section B is only 24-0. The different sections of the building may be considered separately with respect to the lateral bracing length. The braced wall line length at Section A is 44-0; the braced wall line length at Section B is 24-0. Now consider the walls in the transverse direction. When forces are applied from this direction, the building must be broken up into new sections in order to correctly analyze the exterior walls. The braced wall line length includes the entire length of an exterior wall. In this direction, the exterior braced wall length at Section 1 is 42- 0; the exterior braced wall line length at Section 2 is 33-0.



Section B Section A

Section 2


Section C

Section 1


Braced Wall lines in Longitudinal Direction Braced Wall lines in Transverse Direction Figure 13: Exterior Braced Wall Lines

Wall Bracing 401


Interior Braced Wall Lines

The length of an interior braced wall line is the same as the length of the exterior wall at that particular section of the building. This is the length considered in calculations, even when the wall itself does not extend the full length of the exterior wall of the structure.* For example, if the interior wall in Figure 14 is to be used as a braced wall line, its length for the purpose of calculations is 44-0, even though the wall itself extends only 26-0.* Later in this section, you will see how to use this length to determine wall bracing requirements.

Figure 14: Interior Braced Wall Line

Support for Interior Braced Wall Lines

It is important when identifying interior braced wall lines to identify walls that can be braced in such a way that the braced panels within the wall can transfer load to the foundation. When choosing interior braced wall lines, be sure verify that there is a direct vertical load path from the wall to the foundation. Seismic Design Categories A C In Seismic Design Categories A C, interior braced wall lines must be supported by the foundation or by floor framing beneath the wall line. When floor joists are parallel to the braced wall line, they must be of adequate size to support the braced wall line. Double joists with blocking at 4-0 on-center may also be used (IRC Section R502.4). When joists are perpendicular to braced wall lines, blocking must be provided below the braced wall line (IRC Section R602.10.8). Figure 15: Direct Vertical Load Path to Foundation Seismic Design Categories D0 D2 Unlike those in Seismic Design Categories A C, braced panels in braced wall lines in Seismic Design Categories D0 D2 must be supported by continuous footings.
*Note: For 2000, 2003, and 2006 IRC, interior braced wall length is not defined. The local code official may choose to interpret the interior braced wall length as equal to the exterior wall length or as the end-to-end length of the interior wall itself. Find out which interpretation is used in your area.

Wall Bracing 401




Allowable Offsets in a Braced Wall Line

Braced wall lines do not have to be continuous for their full length. Often, individual walls are out-of-plane with one another, or offset. The offset is the perpendicular distance between two parallel lines. The IRC allows offsets to either side of a braced wall line according to the following criteria: 4 maximum offset from one part of a braced wall to another. 8 maximum total offset.



8-0 max 4-0

Braced wall line containing braced panels


Braced wall line containing braced panels


Designated 50-ft Braced Wall Line

Direction of Lateral Force Figure 16: Allowable Offsets

Direction of Lateral Force

The 50 long braced wall lines in Figure 16 are considered equivalent to one another; both cases are within the code-allowed offsets. The bracing length required for the structure on the left is equal to that required on the right side. If offsets are greater than those shown, consider using a different wall or set of walls for a braced wall line. In some cases, there may be no interior walls that meet these criteria. In such cases, walls must be moved or engineering may be required.

Wall Bracing 401


Quick Check 3-1

This plan shows three transverse wall lines, each highlighted. Try determining the lengths of the braced wall lines in the transverse direction. Braced Wall Line #1 (top) ___________ Braced Wall Line #2* (middle) ________ Braced Wall Line #3 (bottom) ________
(Answers on page 66.)

Lateral Force

Wall Bracing 401


Distance between Braced Wall Lines

You already know that all exterior walls must be braced wall lines. Bracing exterior walls alone is not always sufficient to adequately brace every individual story. To ensure adequate lines of resistance to lateral loading, the code limits the distance between braced wall lines. In each story, the distance in either direction between braced wall lines shall not exceed: 35* for Seismic Design Categories A C (IRC R602.10.1.1) or 25 for Seismic Design Categories D0 D2. (IRC R602.10.11.1) Lateral

Figure 17: Distance between Braced Wall Lines In the floor plan shown in Figure 17, shaded walls are braced wall lines in the longitudinal direction. Notice that the braced wall lines are within 35-0 from one another.
*Note: When interior walls in Seismic Design Categories A C cannot be identified that meet the minimum distance between braced wall lines, the code allows up to 50 spacing between braced wall lines in certain cases. See Appendix B.

Wall Bracing 401


Lateral Load

Wall Bracing 401


Figure 18: Distance between Braced Wall Lines (Cont.)

Special Note About Braced Wall Lines at Garages

Perhaps you noticed in Figure 17 that the exterior walls alone (as highlighted in black in Figure 18) seems to meet the IRC requirement concerning the distance between braced wall lines. They are not more than 35 apart; and braced wall lines do not need to extend the entire length of the structure. Why include the interior wall lines at all? Presently, for the purpose of specifying interior braced wall lines, the garage of a house is considered separately from the rest of the structure. Therefore, the 23-10 wall at the exterior of this garage is not considered as bracing for the house itself. To adequately brace the house, it is necessary to include interior walls of the house to meet the 35 distance requirement. Nevertheless, the distance of the exterior wall that is shared by the house and the garage is still considered a single braced wall line. In this case, the braced wall line length at this location is 55-2; it is not considered to be two braced wall lines of 24-2 and 31-0.

Wall Bracing 401


Lateral Load

Lateral Load

Figure 19: Distance between Braced Wall Lines (Cont.) Braced wall lines (shaded) in the transverse direction include the rear wall, the front elevation of the garage, and a discontinuous braced wall line that includes the front of the home and the garage/house wall. Braced wall line 2 was selected to take advantage of the code-allowed offsets. Wall lines are within the 4 offset requirement on each side and the 8 maximum total offset (7-10 ).
When wall lines are more than 4 ft apart they must be treated as separate wall lines.

Wall Bracing 401


Prescriptive-Braced Wall Panel Solutions Using IRC Methods

Now that you know how to identify braced wall lines, you will need to provide bracing within these braced wall lines in order to meet IRC requirements. Requirements vary depending on the method of construction used to provide wall bracing.

IRC Methods
The IRC considers a wall to be braced when a specific percentage of the braced wall lines length contains braced wall panels. This percentage varies depending on the method used to construct the panels. Depending on how the braced wall panels are constructed, more or less of the braced wall line must contain braced panels. The specifics of the IRC requirements are more complicated, as youll see as you study the IRC approved methods for constructing wall bracing. There are eight methods indicated in IRC Section R602.10.3 to create a braced wall panel. Each has advantages and disadvantages for the designer and/or builder. The following pages give a brief description of each method, along with some of the advantages and disadvantages. As you study the methods listed below, pay particular attention to Method 3 and Method 5. Panels constructed according to these methods are commonly specified in conventional construction. Advantages Disadvantages

Method 1: Let in 1x 4s

Exterior of the building Takes more than 48 to can be fully insulated cover four studs with rigid foam. minimum Limits window and door sizes and locations Difficult to construct properly; labor intensive Limited to applications in one- and two-story homes

Wall Bracing 401


Method 2: Diagonal Wood Boards

Advantage Attractive exterior finish

Disadvantages Labor intensive Expensive Not commonly used

(attached to studs)

Method 3: Wood Structural Panel Sheathing (i.e., OSB or Plywood)

Advantages Widely accepted practice. Most flexible solution: easier to meet code requirements, especially in difficult-to-brace situations. The IRC is ambivalent toward panel orientation. Vertical and horizontal applications are treated equally for prescriptive solutions.

Disadvantages Can be more complex to insulate. Rigid insulation board is mixed with non-insulated wood panels creating potential cold spots. May have to create an impermeable waterproof barrier at exterior (i.e., paint or house wrap)

(attached to studs)

Method 4: Structural Fiberboard Sheathing (i.e., Proprietary Synthetic Materials)

Advantages Better R-value depending on manufacturer Possible cost savings

Disadvantages Limited to 4 widths minimum Limits window and door sizes/locations

(attached to studs)

Wall Bracing 401


Method 5: Gypsum Sheathing

(attached to studs)



Potentially eliminates 48 minimum wall exterior bracing length for interior walls with gypsum May allow for more on both sides. exterior insulation 96 min. wall length Will already be used; for typical exterior thus, a benefit. walls (with gypsum Special detailing or on one side). nailing is not required Framing chases and other typically non-drywalled walls may limit or create framing difficulties. Very low strength if it gets wet Advantages Another way to get bracing Disadvantages Not a common technique

Method 6: Particleboard Sheathing

(attached to studs)

Wall Bracing 401


Method 7: Plaster Finish

(attached to studs)

Advantages Lath and plaster directly over studs eliminates special bracing

Disadvantages May not be appropriate for wet climates 4 minimum width of plaster required, limiting window and door sizes and locations

Method 8: Hardboard Panel Siding

(attached to studs)

Advantages Can initially apply higher R-value insulation to studs Simple to construct; already part of frame

Disadvantages Regional issue; may or may not be allowed by some code jurisdictions 4 minimum width of siding required, limiting window and door sizes and locations

Wall Bracing 401


How to Use Method 3 and Method 5

For the purpose of this course, only Methods 3 and 5 are considered for specifying braced wall panels. These methods are the frequently specified in construction practice. Here are some important points to remember about each:

Method 3
Method 3 is a common method for bracing exterior walls. This method of constructing braced wall panels involves nailing a wood-structural panel (such as OSB) to one side of the studs. Method 3 requires this sheathing to be at least 5/16 thick for 16 stud spacing or 3/8 thick for 24 stud spacing.

Braced Panel Systems vs. Continuous Sheathing

When the wood-structural sheathing is applied to full-height studs, the wall section becomes a braced panel that meets IRC requirements for Method 3, provided the sheathed wall section is wide enough. In this course, you will learn the specific criteria a sheathed wall section must meet in order to be considered a braced panel. Method 3 is used with two common construction practices: braced panel systems and continuously sheathed walls. Figure 20: Method 3 Braced Panel A braced panel system incorporates braced panels intermittently throughout the braced wall line. Continuous sheathing is a construction practice that involves attaching wood-structural sheathing to all sections of the exterior walls. Using this construction practice requires Method 3. No other IRC method is accepted. As mentioned earlier, the IRC considers a wall to be braced when a specific percentage of the braced wall lines length contains braced wall panels. It may seem as though a continuously sheathed wall is 100% braced. After all, when sheathing is applied to full-height studs, the wall section becomes a braced panel. However, continuous sheathing does not guarantee that the walls meet IRC bracing requirements! Even walls that are continuously sheathed must be examined to verify that they are sufficiently braced.

OSB nailed to one side of studs

Braced Panel System

Continuous Sheathing

Figure 21: Options Using Method 3

Wall Bracing 401


One important thing to remember is that a braced wall panel must be constructed with full-height studs. Whether sheathed or not, any part of the wall that contains an opening (window, door, etc.) cannot be considered a braced wall panel. Another important thing to remember is that depending on the height of the wall, certain narrow sections of a continuously sheathed wall are not considered to be braced. In order to be considered as bracing, the wall section must be: 24 wide for an 8 wall. 27 wide for a 9 wall. 30 wide for a 10 wall. In summary, here are the important things to remember concerning Method 3: Method 3 is commonly used for exterior braced wall lines. If a fully sheathed home is desired (or needed), only Method 3 is accepted. The IRC refers to full sheathing as continuous sheathing. Method 3 can be used continuously or as individual braced panels. But continuous sheathing does not guarantee that the walls meet IRC bracing requirements! Method 3 requires wood structural panel sheathing at least 5/16 thick for 16 stud spacing or 3/8 thick for 24 stud spacing. Sheathing is required on one side of the studs.

Wall Bracing 401


Method 5
Just like with Method 3, braced wall panels constructed according to Method 5 must be constructed from full-height studs in order to be considered braced panels. Walls sections containing openings cannot act as braced wall panels. Here are the important things to remember about using Method 5: Method 5 is commonly used for interior braced wall lines. Because braced lines must be no more than 35 apart, interior walls are frequently needed as braced wall lines. This method requires gypsum to be attached to the studs with nails at 7 on-center. Blocking is required along the panel edges nailed horizontally at 7 on-center. If gypsum is attached on one side of the studs, the wall section must be at least 96 in order to be considered a braced panel. If gypsum is attached on two sides of the studs the wall section must be at least 48 in order to be considered a braced panel.

Deciding which Method to Use

Now that you understand how the IRC categorizes the construction methods of braced wall panels, you can assign one of these methods to each of the braced wall lines you have identified. The IRC indicates different criteria for wall bracing depending on the method you use. You must specify braced wall panels that meet the IRC criteria for the method you have chosen. Choosing a method is usually done according to these simple guidelines: In most cases, you will use either Method 3 or Method 5 to figure wall bracing requirements; Method 3 for exterior walls, Method 5 for interior walls. Exterior walls can be constructed as braced panel systems or as continuously sheathed walls. In either case, the calculations for determining bracing requirements using Method 3 are the same. In some regions, code officials may not allow the use of two methods on one story. In such cases, use Method 3 for interior walls. Your choice of method will be influenced by the customers request or local practices. Investigate these factors before proceeding.

Wall Bracing 401


Basic Rules for Specifying Braced Wall Panels

Once you have identified braced wall lines and decided on an IRC Method to use, you can begin specifying braced wall panels. There are a few basic rules you must follow to correctly specify the panels. These rules require that you consider: Minimum Percentage of the braced wall line that must be braced panels Location and Spacing of the braced wall panels within the braced wall line Width of the braced wall panel Type of panel (Panel Options)

Minimum Percentages for Bracing

Selecting the proper braced panels for a braced wall line requires that you know how much of the braced wall line needs to contain braced panels. In every braced wall line, a specific percentage of the wall must be made of braced wall panels. The percentage is based on these three things: Wind speed and seismic design category Story location (first, second, or third story) Bracing method Table 1 on the following page shows a simplified version of IRC Table R602.10.1 (includes Methods 3 and 5) which outlines specific percentages required for each condition. Heres an example of how this table is used: Under these conditions: Wind speed = 80mph Seismic Design Category = B (Column 1, rows 1-3.) First Story of a two story home (Column 2, row 2.) Method 3 (Column 4, row 2.) The IRC requires that 16% of the braced wall line contain braced panels.

Wall Bracing 401


Table 1: Simplified Version of IRC 2006 Table R602.10.1

Seismic Design Category or Wind Speed Condition One story Top of two- or three- story home Type of Brace Amount of Bracing in accordance with R602.10 Located at each end and at least every 25 on center but not less than 16% of braced wall line Located at each end and at least every 25 on center but not less than 16% of braced wall line for Method 3 and 25% for Method 5 Located at each end at least every 25 on center but not less than 25% of braced wall line for Method 3 and 35% of braced wall line for Method 5 Located at each end and at least every 25 on center but not less than 16% of braced wall line for Method 3 and 25% for Method 5 Located at each end and at least every 25 on center but not less than 30% of braced wall line for Method 3 and 45% for Method 5 Located at each end at least every 25 on center but not less than 45% of braced wall line for Method 3 and 60% of braced wall line for Method 5 Located in accordance with Section R602.10 and at least every 25 feet on center but not less than 20% of braced wall line for Method 3 or 30% of braced wall line for Methods 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8. Located in accordance with Section R602.10 and at least every 25 feet on center but not less than 45% of braced wall line for Method 3 or 60% of braced wall line for Methods 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8. Located at each end at least every 25 on center but not less than 60% of braced wall line for Method 3 and 85% of braced wall line for Method 5 Located at each end and at least every 25 on center but not less than 25% of braced wall line for Method 3 and 40% for Method 5 Located at each end and at least every 25 on center but not less than 55% of braced wall line for Method 3 and 75% for Method 5

Methods 1 -8

Seismic Design Categories A & B 100 mph and less

First story of two-story Second story of three-story home

Methods 1 -8

First story of threestory home

Methods 2 -8

One story Top of two- or three- story home

Methods 1 -8

Seismic Design Category C Less than 110 mph

First story of two-story Second story of threestory home First story of three-story home One story Top of two- or three- story home First story of two-story Second story of three-story home

Methods 1 -8

Methods 2 -8

Methods 2 -8

Seismic Design Categories D0 and D1 (Ss 1.25g and Sds 0.83g) or less than 110 mph

Methods 2 -8

First story of threestory home

Methods 2 -8

Seismic Design Category D2 or less than 110 mph

One story Top of two- or three- story home

Methods 2 -8

First story of two-story Second story of threestory home

Methods 2 -8

Wall Bracing 401


Location and Spacing of Braced Wall Panels

Once you have determined what percentage of the braced wall line must contain bracing, you can figure how many total feet of the wall line must contain braced wall panels. You can then decide on the placement of these panels. There are some important rules to follow with respect to the location of the braced wall panels in a structure. The specific requirements vary according to the Seismic Design Category of the structure. (Refer to IRC sections R602.10.1. and R602.10.11.2.) Seismic Design Categories A C Seismic Design Categories D0 D2 Braced wall panels may start at a Exterior braced wall panels may start at a maximum distance of 12-6 from an end maximum distance of 8-0 from an end of of the braced wall line the braced wall line, if Panels must be spaced no more than the 24 bracing on both sides of corner, or maximum spacing of 25 on-center hold down on panel edge closest to within the braced wall line. corner with capacity of: Additional panels may be required to - 1800 lb. min. 1 story house meet the minimum percentage of - 3000 lb. min. 2 story house bracing in a wall. Panels must be spaced no more than the maximum spacing of 25 on-center within the braced wall line. Additional panels may be required to meet the minimum percentage of bracing in a wall.

Figure 22: Location and Spacing of Braced Wall Panels You know that the total of all the lengths of the braced panels within the wall line must be at least the minimum percentage of the braced wall line length. Often, however, in order to Wall Bracing 401 35

specify the location of the braced wall panels, you need to know how wide each panel can be, so that you can fit them into the available wall space. The next section discusses the IRC requirements for braced wall panel widths.

Width of Braced Panel

The panel width is the controlling factor for prescriptive solutions for all braced wall types listed in the code. The code accepted width is 4. Figure 23: Braced Wall Diagrams [The dotted area represents a braced wall panel.] The IRC uses a height-to-width ratio (aspect ratio) to establish the minimum panel width to ensure the panel can resist lateral forces. In Figure 23, as the braced wall panel gets thinner, it becomes less and less capable of resisting sliding and uplift forces. Eventually, the panel cannot provide adequate resistance. The IRC does not recognize braced wall panel widths less than 4. However, prefabricated, code accepted panels and some alternate field-built panels can be used in wall sections narrower than 4 wide.

A 4-wide panel at a corner provides full benefit for prescriptive bracing and will resist shear forces.

A 2-wide field-built panel provides much less resistance to shear forces and is not code accepted as a braced wall panel. A 24" panel may be acceptable for a continuously sheathed house. Prefabricated panels may provide a solution in such situations.

A 12-wide field-built panel provides virtually no resistance to shear forces and is not code accepted.. Prefabricated panels may provide a solution in such situations.

Wall Bracing 401


Types of Braced Wall Panels and Alternative Approaches

When the sufficient number of 4 code accepted panels cannot be used in the available space within the braced wall line, the IRC allows several alternative solutions, depending on the criteria you must satisfy. These include: Continuous Wood Structural Panel Sheathing Alternate-Braced Wall Panels Portal Frames (field built) - Adjacent to Door or Window Opening Prefabricated Shear Braces and Portal Frames

Continuous Wood Structural Panel Sheathing

Section R602.10.5 allows the designer to use Method 3, wood structural panel sheathing, for all exterior walls and interior-braced wall lines. Remember that even when the wall is continuously sheathed, only the parts of the wall that meet the criteria of a braced panel may be considered adequate to meet the IRC requirements for wall bracing. Nonetheless, continuous sheathing does offer some advantages over other construction practices. Here are a few advantages and disadvantages to consider when using continuous sheathing: Advantages Braced wall panels less than 48 can be used and counted toward the percentage of wall bracing used in any given braced wall line. Disadvantages Does not change the amount of bracing required for any given braced wall line.

Resolves many window and door size/location problems that typically occur when finding adequate wall space to count for bracing. Required width of the bracing segment next to window or door openings can be reduced.

Due to large window openings, some walls may still require other alternate bracing options or designed solutions. Requires 24" corner return at wall ends

Labels and Notes on Plans

Label braced wall lines with continuous sheathing on plans as CS. Refer to Appendix C for more guidance on notes on plans.

(Typ. all exterior walls)

Figure 24: Label for Continuous Sheathing

Wall Bracing 401


Alternate-Braced Wall Panels

In some cases, large windows, garage doors, or other larger openings prevent the wall from having sufficient uninterrupted space to meet the minimum bracing percentage requirement using 4 braced wall panels. Section R602.10.6 of the IRC provides construction details for panels narrower than the 4 minimum width (Figure 25). This alternate can be used for any first-floor panel that is fastened directly to the foundation or on floor framing supported by a continuous foundation.

32 Sheathing One side for a single-story home Both sides for first story of a two story home

10-ft. maximum height

2 Anchor bolts for single story 3 Anchor bolts for two story

Field-Constructed, Alternate-Braced Wall Panel

Figure 25: Alternate-Braced Wall Panels

Labels and Notes on Plans

Label alternate-braced wall panels on plans with a callout that begins with the width of the panel in inches followed by ABP. For example: 32ABP = 32 Alternate-Braced Panel Refer to Appendix C for more guidance on notes on plans.

Figure 26: Alternate-Braced Panel Label

Wall Bracing 401



Portal Frame - Braced Wall Panel Adjacent to Door or Window Opening

The 2006 IRCs second alternative braced wall panel is a field-built portal frame (R602.10.6.2). The portal is similar to the alternate-braced wall panel, but requires a continuous header over the two panels, or a panel and column. The portal also requires two hold-downs of 4200 lbs on each panel and two1000 lb straps connecting the panel to the header. The code allows field-built portal frames to be on one side or both sides of an opening (Figure 27).

Header continues over the panel

Labels and Notes on Plans

Label field-built portals on plans with a callout that begins with the width of the panel in inches followed by FPS for a single portal or FPD for a double portal. For Example: 16FPS = 16 Field-Built Portal, Single Refer to Appendix C for more guidance on notes on plans.


Figure 27: Schematic of 2007 IRC Supplement Field-built Single and Double Portal Frame

Wall Bracing 401


Prefabricated Shear Braces and Portal Frames

Prefabricated shear braces, as illustrated in Error! Reference source not found., are used as braced wall panels. Prefabricated panels can be used on a second story, but must be stacked directly above a panel below. The benefits include the following: Many of these types of panels replace any method defined in the IRC. Simple to install; minimizes framing errors. Prefabricated panels and portal frames are a good choice for structures that have wall sections that do not fit prescriptive code. Combinations of braced wall panels and prefabricated panels are possible and practical. When used in prescriptive solutions, special engineering is not required for these panels. Prefabricated panels can be used on a second story, but must be stacked directly above a panel below. Portal frames may consist of two panels with a continuous header or a single panel and a column connected by the continuous header. Prefabricated panels or portal frames can be counted toward the percentage of bracing needed in prescriptive solutions. Often, they can even be considered (for the purpose of calculating the percentage of braced wall length) to be wider than their actual width. This will be explained further in the next section. Figure 28: Prefabricated Portal

Labels and Notes on Plans

Label prefabricated panels this way: 12MP = 12 Prefabricated Panel 12MPS = 12 Prefabricated Portal, Single 12MPD = 12 Prefabricated Portal, Double

In this photo, the minimum braced panel width could not be achieved with prescriptive bracing options. A portal frame can be one-sided or two-sided. In this case, a single portal is used to brace the front of a garage. In some cases, a double portal may be required.

Refer to Appendix C for more guidance on notes on plans.

Wall Bracing 401


Quick Check 3-2

Try using Table 1 to find the answers to the following questions about bracing percentages. Assume these conditions: Wind Speed = 90 mph Seismic Design Category = A Story Location: First story of a two-story home. Bracing Method: Exterior wall, Method 3, braced panel system. Braced wall line length = 40. 1. According to IRC Table R602.10.1. (Table 1), what percentage of the wall must contain braced panels?

2. Now that you know the minimum bracing requirement, how many feet of this wall must contain braced panels?

3. Is it possible to use code accepted 4 panels to meet IRC bracing requirement?

(Answers on page 66.)

Wall Bracing 401


Tables to Assist in Prescriptive Solutions

Now you know how to do much of whats necessary for specifying wall bracing: Define the braced wall lines Select which IRC method to apply for bracing the wall line Determine what percentage of the wall line must be braced You even know what types of braced wall panels and alternates are available to use as bracing. The next step in specifying wall bracing is to choose the panels and to decide where they must fit into the wall line to meet the required bracing percentage. Begin your braced panel design by selecting standard braced panels; use alternatives where necessary. And of course, in the event that a prescriptive solution cannot be found, an designed solution will need to be designed. The following tables are useful for determining prescriptive braced wall panel options using Method 3. Use these tables to find the panel types that will work within the braced wall lines youve identified. Remember that Method 3 can be used with braced panel systems as well as with continuously sheathed walls. Remember which construction practice you plan to employ with Method 3 when deciding which of these tables to use. Table 2 shows how wide each available type of braced panel must be in order to be used with Method 3 for a Braced Panel System. Use this table to determine which type of braced panel you may use, given the available wall space in the braced wall line. Table 2: Method 3: Braced Panel Systems, as Required for Each Wall Braced Wall Panel Options Code1 Available 4-wide Code2,3 Wall Width Wood Prefabricated AlternateField-built for Braced Structural Shear Brace braced Portal Panel Panel Panel 48 + 47 to 32 31 to 16 16 to 12


O.K. O.K.

O.K. O.K. O.K.


O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K

1) Code alternate-braced panels are only permitted for first story. 2) 16 min. for one story structure; 24 min. for first story of a two-story home. Not permitted for second-story 3) Field built portals are only permitted for first story on concrete.

Wall Bracing 401


Table 3 may be used when specifying continuous sheathing. In continuous sheathing applications, all areas of the wall must be sheathed including the areas above and below the openings. But remember that sections of a wall that contain openings cannot act as braced panels. This table shows the minimum width required for a braced panel next to an opening. Notice that the required width of the braced panel is affected by the height of the largest adjacent opening. If a wall segment has a door on one side and a window on the other, use the minimum length requirement for the door opening. Table 3: Method 3: Continuous Sheathing - Fully Sheathed Exterior Walls Minimum Width of Braced Panel to Adjacent Opening1,2,3 Full Height Opening 100% 48 54 60 Door 85% of wall

Window 65% of wall


Wall Height 8 9 10
1) 2) 3) 4)

Garage Door4 1-Story

4:1 aspect ratio

Prefabricated Shear Brace 12 minimum

32 36 40

24 27 30

24 27 30

Based on 2006 IRC Section R602.10.5 Special interior and exterior corner detail required for all cases. Figure R602.10.5 Prefabricated panels or engineering can always be substituted for any width in the first story. Walls based on 4:1 height-to-width ratio. Table R602.10.5 footnote (b).

Another important point to remember when using this table is that any braced wall segment located next to wall openings must meet IRC requirements for width. Its still advantageous to use continuous sheathing in certain cases because its possible to consider braced wall segments that are narrower than 4-0. But keep in mind: when calculating wall bracing, a 27 wall bracing segment equals 27, not 48 in the calculation. For Example: Suppose a 40-0 wall line with multiple windows has three sections with widths of 32, 30, and 28. The story is 8-0 tall. (Find in Column 1.) Under these conditions, wall bracing segments next to the windows may be 24 wide or wider. (Find in Column 4.) In this case, all three segments are wider than 24 and may be used. Method 3 (required for continuous sheathing applications) requires 16% of the wall line to be braced. Therefore, the total of these wall segments must be at least 16% of the wall line length: 32 + 30 + 28 = 90 = 7.5 7.5 I 40 = 18.75% 18.75% > 16% OK

Wall Bracing 401


Table 4 shows how to consider braced panel widths when calculating linear feet of bracing. Use this table to verify that the required minimum percentage of the wall line contains braced panels. Table 4: Calculating Braced Wall Panel Percentages Braced Wall Panel Method Method 3 (structural wood panels) Method 5 (gypsum wallboard) Prefabricated shear brace 32 minimum alternate-braced panel Field-built portals Linear Feet Counting Toward Percentage Actual width of panels used 8 horizontal sheet, one side = 8 4-wide sheet on both sides of the wall = 4 Most widths counts as 4 Count as 4 Count as 4

Notice that using prefabricated panels, alternate-braced panels or portals allows you to meet the minimum requirement using fewer linear feet of bracing within the wall line.

Wall Bracing 401


Quick Check 3-3

Try using the tables in this section to determine the percentage and footage of braced wall panels required for this example. Assume the following conditions: Wind Speed= 90 mph Seismic Design Category = A Story Location = 1st floor of a 2-story home IRC Method = Method 3 Continuous Sheathing Wall height = 9-0



4-0 30 30


30 38-0

What is the length of the braced wall line shown above? ________ What percentage of this length must contain braced panels? (Use Table 1.) ________ How many total feet of braced wall panel do you need? (Braced Wall Line Length) x (% factor from Table 1.) = ________ Is the wall width adjacent to the windows adequate for a braced panel? (Use Table 3.) Required width per Table 3: __________ Actual width on plans: ___________ OK? _________

Is the wall width adjacent to the door adequate for a braced panel? (Use Table 3.) Required width per Table 3: _______ Actual width on plans: ___________ Is the wall space available for braced panels adequate? (Sum of total braced wall panels) _______ > (Total required) ________? (Answers on page 67.) OK? _________

Wall Bracing 401


Quick Check 3-4

Answer the following questions to check your knowledge about braced walls and the IRC. 1. Shear walls are designed; braced walls are prescriptive. True False 2. Which of these statements about braced wall lines are true? A braced wall line is a section of a braced wall panel. A braced wall line is easily recognizable because it is always an exterior wall. A structure should include braced wall lines in the longitudinal as well as the transverse directions. 3. Braced wall lines include a braced wall panel every _____ ft along the wall line. 48 35 25 4. For prescriptive applications, the maximum offset distance permitted in a braced wall line is 2 per offset, 8 total offset. 4 per offset, 8 total offset. No offsets are permitted by code. 5. Braced wall lines should be spaced no more than _____ ft apart. 8 35 25 The minimum braced panel width per code for a continuously sheathed home is 48 32 Varies based on height of the wall, story designation, and adjacent openings. (Answers on page 67.)

Wall Bracing 401

- 46 -

Section 4. Procedure for Specifying Prescriptive Solutions

Now that you understand the basic rules for specifying prescriptive braced wall systems, youre ready to put them all together to actually specify a braced wall system. Follow this procedure to incorporate what youve learned about prescriptive solutions. Try it out on the Skills Checks that follows this section.

(Per Story)

Step 1. Define the braced wall lines

(For guidance on Step 1, see page 17 - 22.)

Include the exterior walls. Determine the length of each braced wall line. (See page 18.) Make sure that the wall line offsets are not more that 4 per offset to either side and the total offset is not more than 8. (See page 20.) Check the distance between braced wall lines. (See page 22.) Make sure that the braced wall lines are no more than 35 apart. If the exterior walls are spaced more than 35 apart, include interior braced wall lines. If internal walls cannot be used, check the exception for up to 50 distance between braced wall lines in Appendix B.

Step 2. Determine the IRC Method to apply

(For guidance on Step 2, see page 26 - 30.)

In most cases, begin with Method 3 for exterior walls and Method 5 for interior walls. In some regions, code officials may not allow the use of two methods on one story. In such cases, use Method 3 for interior walls. Your choice of method will be influenced by the customers request or local practices. Investigate these factors before proceeding. Use one of two ways to use Method 3 (See page 30.): fully sheathe the entire home (continuous sheathing) use individual braced panels. See Appendix D for changes in continuous sheathing in 2007 Supplement.

Wall Bracing 401

- 47 -

Step 3. Determine percentages and length of bracing required

(For guidance on Step 3, see page 33.)

Use Table 1: Simplified Version of IRC 2006 Table R602.10.1 on page 34. Youll need to know the following to use this table: Wind speed and seismic design category Story location (first, second, or third story) IRC bracing method number Write down bracing percentages needed for each method used. Determine how many feet of wall must contain braced panels. Multiply the percentage by the length of the braced wall line. (You figured the wall line length in step 1.)

Step 4. Determine locations of panels and check against minimum panel widths
(For guidance on Step 4, see page 33 - 44.)

For walls without continuous sheathing (braced panel system), Method 3: Use Table 2 on page 43 to check minimum braced panel widths. Braced panels must be every 25 on-center and no more than 12-6 from any exterior corner. For continuously sheathed walls, Method 3: Use Table 3 on page 43 to check minimum-braced panel widths. For interior-braced wall lines, Method 5: Use Table 4 on page 44 to find equivalent braced panel widths Add up all braced panel widths that qualify and check the actual bracing percentage against the percentage required for each wall. For Cripple Walls Fully sheathe all cripple walls at side-stepped foundations. For Gable End walls (not noted in code) Fully sheathe all gable end walls. Include relevant notes on the plans. Refer to Appendix C.

Wall Bracing 401

- 48 -

Step 5. Determine alternates where necessary

(For guidance on Step 5, see page 37.)

Use the respective solutions for the following conditions: If garage returns are less than 32, do one of the following: Specify a prefabricated panel or engineer the home. Fully sheathe the entire home; use a 4:1 wall or 6:1 portal around the garage opening. Do 24" returns. (IRC Table R602.10.5 footnotes b or c). Change width of garage to accommodate a 32 alternate panel or 48" braced

If the percentage you calculate is greater than the space available in the wall: Specify a prefabricated panel. Specify a code alternate field-built portal. Suggest that the structure be professionally designed. Make architectural changes, if needed (offset windows, doors, or change door and window opening widths to create more wall width). Include relevant notes on the plans. Refer to Appendix C.

In the future, you can use these pages as a reference when specifying braced walls.

Wall Bracing 401

- 49 -

Prescriptive Wall Skill Check 1

Braced Panel System
For the plan below, select a set of braced wall lines in the longitude and transverse directions. Calculate the exact number, width, and type of panel to be used in each braced wall line (using Table 2). Use the work sheet on the following pages for calculations. Highlight and label your wall bracing solutions on the plan below. (Refer to Appendix C for guidance on how to label panels.) Assume these conditions: Wind Speed = 90 mph Seismic Design Category = A. Floor Location = First story of a two-story home. 9. wall height. Builder uses only the minimum amount of required bracing.

Wall Bracing 401

- 50 -

Wall Bracing 401

- 51 -

Worksheet for Calculations Skill Check 1

Step 1.

Define the braced wall lines

Braced wall line B (longitudinal) Length _____ Braced wall line C (longitudinal) Length _____ Braced wall line D (longitudinal) Length _____ Braced wall line E (longitudinal) Length _____

Braced wall line 1 (transverse) Length _____ Braced wall line 2 (transverse) Length _____ Braced wall line 3 (transverse) Length _____ Braced wall line A (longitudinal) Length _____

Step 2.

Determine the IRC Method to apply

Braced wall line C: Method _____ Braced wall line D: Method _____ Braced wall line E: Method _____

Braced wall line 1: Method _____ Braced wall line 2: Method _____ Braced wall line 3: Method _____ Braced wall line A: Method _____ Braced wall line B: Method _____

Can I use Method 3 for walls with a braced panel system rather than continuous sheathing? _______

Step 3.

Determine percentages and length of bracing required

Method 5 _________%

Table R602.10.1 Method 3 _________%

[Total Length of wall line X percentage = minimum feet of braced wall panels[ Braced wall line 1 needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line 2 needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line 3 needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line A needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line B needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line C needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line D needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line E needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels.

Wall Bracing 401

- 52 -

Worksheet for Calculations Skill Check 1 (cont.)

Step 4. widths

Determine locations of panels and check against minimum panel

Are the offsets within the allowable limits? Do panel widths meet minimum width criteria? Does the total of all panel widths equal or exceed the required length needed for each braced wall line? For walls without continuous sheathing and for Method 5, do I have panels within 12-6 of the corner of the wall line and panels 25 on center? [Highlight panel locations on the plan]

Step 5.

Determine alternates where necessary

Do I have a solution for garage returns or other wall lengths less than 4? Do I have cripple walls? Do I have gable end walls?

[Refer to the Procedure for Specifying Prescriptive Solutions Per Story for guidance on these issues. Mark changes on the plans as necessary.]

Wall Bracing 401

- 53 -

Prescriptive Wall Skill Check 2

Continuous Sheathing
Youve done it! Youve learned how to specify braced walls in prescriptive applications. Just to verify your knowledge, try specifying bracing for the same structure using continuous sheathing. Select a set of braced wall lines in the longitudinal and transverse directions. Check the available wall space for braced wall panels (Table 3). Highlight and label your solution on this page. Use the work sheet on the following pages for calculations. Assume these conditions: Wind Speed = 90 mph wind Seismic Design Category = A. Floor Location = First story of a two-story home (9 wall height). Builder will fully sheathe entire home (i.e.: continuous sheathing).

Wall Bracing 401

- 54 -

Worksheet for Calculations Skill Check Step 1. Define the braced wall lines
Braced wall line 1 = _21.25 Braced wall line 2 = 54.5 Braced wall line 3 = 54.5 Braced wall line A = 55.16 Braced wall line B = 31 (or 55.16) Braced wall line C = 24.2 (or 55.16) Braced wall line D = 39 Braced wall line E = 35

Step 2. Determine the IRC Method to apply

Braced wall line 1: Method _____ Braced wall line 2: Method _____ Braced wall line 3: Method _____ Braced wall line A: Method _____ Braced wall line B: Method _____ Can I use Method 3 for walls with a braced panel system rather than continuous sheathing? _______ Braced wall line C: Method _____ Braced wall line D: Method _____ Braced wall line E: Method _____

Step 3. Determine percentages and length of bracing required

Table R602.10.1 Method 3 _________% Method 5 _________% [Total Length of wall line X percentage = minimum feet of braced wall panels[ Braced wall line 1 needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line 2 needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line 3 needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line A needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line B needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line C needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line D needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line E needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels.

Wall Bracing 401

- 55 -

Step 4. Determine locations of panels

Do I have panels within 12-6 of the corner of the wall line? Are the offset within the allowable limits? Do I have adequate wall space to place the panels? Have I considered requirements for interior wall lines and garage opening? [Highlight panel locations on the plan]

Step 5. Determine braced panel types and alternates where necessary

Do I have garage returns or other wall lengths less than 4? Do I have cripple walls? Do I have gable end walls? [Refer to the Procedure for Specifying Prescriptive Solutions Per Story for guidance on these issues. Mark changes on the plans as necessary.]

Wall Bracing 401 High Seismic Supplement


Prescriptive Wall Skill Check 3

Wall Bracing Using Braced Panels in Seismic Design Category D1
Wind Speed = 90 mph Seismic Design Category = D1 Floor Location = First story of a two-story home; 9 wall height Builder uses only the minimum amount of required bracing


14 5-8 (2) 4050

12 7 (2) 4050 10 12 4-6 5-6




4 20

(4) 2040

18 52


(2) 3050

6 48 3-6

4 4

(2) 3050



12 6

4 6-3 16 Overhead Garage Door 22 44 4 8 3

6040 12

Wall Bracing 401 High Seismic Supplement


Worksheet for Calculations

Step 1.

Define the braced wall lines

Braced wall line 1 (transverse) Length _____ Braced wall line 2 (transverse) Length _____ Braced wall line 3 (transverse) Length _____ Braced wall line 4 (transverse) Length _____ Braced wall line A (longitudinal) Length _____ Braced wall line B (longitudinal) Length _____ Braced wall line C (longitudinal) Length _____ Braced wall line D (longitudinal) Length _____ Braced wall line E (longitudinal) Length _____

Step 2.

Determine the IRC Method to apply

Braced wall line A: Method _____ Braced wall line B: Method _____ Braced wall line C: Method _____ Braced wall line D: Method _____ Braced wall line E: Method _____

Braced wall line 1: Method _____ Braced wall line 2: Method _____ Braced wall line 3: Method _____ Braced wall line 4: Method _____

With Method 3: Braced panel System or Continuous Sheathing? _____________

Step 3.

Determine percentages and length of bracing required

Method 5 _________%

Table R602.10.1 Method 3 _________%

[Total Length of wall line X percentage = minimum feet of braced wall panels] Braced wall line 1 needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line 2 needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line 3 needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line 4 needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line A needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line B needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line C needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line D needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line E needs _____ ft. of braced wall panels.

Worksheet for Calculations (cont.)

Step 4.

Determine locations of panels and check against minimum panel widths


Wall Bracing 401 High Seismic Supplement

Are the offsets within the allowable limits? Do panel widths meet minimum width criteria? Does the total of all panel widths equal or exceed the required length needed for each braced wall line? For walls without continuous sheathing and for Method 5, do I have panels within 8-0 of the corner of the wall line and panels 25 on center? Is the IRC requirement met for 2 of sheathing at the corners or an 1800 lbs. hold down? (If using hold downs, be sure note it on the plans.) [Highlight panel locations on the plan]

Step 5.

Determine alternates where necessary

Do I have a solution for garage returns or other wall lengths less than 4? Do I have cripple walls? Do I have gable end walls?

[Refer to Wall Bracing 401, Procedure for Specifying Prescriptive Solutions Per Story for guidance on these issues. Mark changes on the plans as necessary.]

Wall Bracing 401 High Seismic Supplement


Appendix A Hints for Designers
1. Reminders: Establish braced wall lines to resist wind or seismic loads. Once braced wall lines are identified, find wall space (width) to accommodate options presented by the code. Only use iLevel wall bracing solutions when prefabricated solutions are necessary. 2. For two- or three-story homes, evaluate the uppermost story first. Because of the 4 restriction for panel widths, prefabricated panels or full (continuous) sheathing may be required. All code portal options require direct contact with concrete. Consider the iLevel Shear Brace for second story applications. 3. When calculating wall bracing percentages, use feet as the basis rather than mixing feet and inches unless, of course, you are using a calculator that accepts feet/inch input. 1 = 0.08 4 = .33 7 = 0.58 10 = 0.82 2 = 0.16 3 = 0.25 5 = 0.42 6 = 0.50 8 = 0.67 9 = 0.75 11 = 0.91

4. When calculating wall widths for bracing, use actual window and door sizes as specified, and deduct 2 from each width to allow for rough opening. Alternately, actual rough openings can be used for calculations. 5. Provide details of the code alternate braced panel and portal if used in the design. For reference, see IRC Section R602.10.6. 6. If the 25 center-to-center spacing of panels cannot be achieved on any given braced wall line, try shifting the end panels into the wall line (up to 12-6 maximum). The old 2000 IRC rule that panels must be at the end of each wall is no longer valid. 7. For simplicity, call out full sheathing for cripple walls. 8. Where space is severely limited (i.e., at garage returns of 12), consider the thickness of the wall. A 12 return with a 5-thick wall equals 17 of available wall width. A 16 portal frame fits into this space (Figure 29). Figure 29: 12" Return

Wall Bracing 401 High Seismic Supplement


Appendix B 50-ft Braced-line Exception

In buildings where walls in Seismic Design Categories A C cannot be identified that meet the 35 minimum distance between braced wall lines, the code allows a maximum up to 50 (IRC R602.10.1.1) as long as: The provided wall bracing equals or exceeds the amount required by Table R602.10.1 multiplied by a factor equal to: [Braced wall line spacing] I 35 The length-to-width ratio of the floor/roof diaphragm does not exceed 3:1.

To apply the exception:

Select a bracing method. Determine the wind speed and seismic category. Use Table 1 on page 34 to find required bracing percentages for this particular story level. Multiply this percentage by a factor equal to the braced wall line spacing I 35. Calculate a diaphragm width/length ratio.

For Example:
Using the plan in Skill Check 1 in the longitude direction (lateral force direction is from top to bottom of the page): One of the interior-braced wall lines (B or D) could be eliminated. Assume braced wall line B was re-specified to include large openings, eliminating this wall as a braced wall line. The revised braced wall line dimensions are as follows:

Modified percentages of Table R602.10.1: 37/35 = 1.06 Braced wall lines A and C, using Method 3 exclusively, requires 16% x 1.06 = 17% bracing Braced Wall line A is 29% braced > 17% O.K. Braced Wall line E is 33% braced > 17% O.K. Braced wall line D, using Method 5 exclusively, requires 25% x 1.06 = 27% bracing Braced Wall line D is 31% braced > 27% O.K. Length -to-width ratio of the diaphragm (ignore the garage): 54.5/35 = 1.56 < 3 O.K.

Wall Bracing 401 High Seismic Supplement


Appendix C Suggestions for Typical General Notes on Plans

Here are some suggestions regarding General Notes you might include on plans:

Lateral force information

Add the following data to general notes with design floor and roof vertical loads. Wind Speed _______ mph Wind Exposure ____ (A, B, C, D; on the plans but not needed for prescriptive solutions) Seismic Design Category _______ (A, B, C)

Braced Wall Lines

Braced wall lines and panel locations are indicated on plans per the following schedule.
Detail 48WSP Description 48 Wood Structural Panel Continuous sheathing on this wall, including above and below all openings. 7/16 sheathing on one side of wall. Block all edges and nail with (2) 3/8 x 0.113 nails (m) at 6 centers at all edges and 12 centers in the field. Continuous Sheathing Panel. 24 width of 7/16 sheathing one side of wall. Block all edges. Nail with 2-3/8 by 0.113 nails at 6 centers at all edges and 12 centers in the field. 32 alternate-braced panel; construct per IRC 2003 R602.10.6



32ABP 16FPS 16 field-built portal, single (one panel on one side of opening) 16FPD 16 field-built portal, double (one panel on each side of opening)


12MP 12MPS 12MPD 48G2 96G1

1) 2) 3)

Construct per 2004 IRC Supplement R602.6.2 *for single story buildings only 24 field-built portal frame, single (one panel on one side of opening) 24 field-built portal frame, double (one panel on each side of opening) Construct per 2004 IRC Supplement R602.6.2 **for 2-story buildings 12 prefabricated panel 12 prefabricated portal, single (one side) 12 prefabricated portal, double (one on each side of opening) Exact size and construction per manufacturers recommendations 48 length of gypsum one side of wall. gypsum, block all edges, nail with 1-5/8 x 0.086 nails or 6d common (2 x .131) nails at 7 o.c. 96 length of gypsum one side of wall. gypsum, block all edges, nail with 1-5/8 x 0.086 nails or 6d common (2 x .131) nails at 7 o.c.

Braced panel minimum widths are shown on plan details. Contractor may increase width of any panel, but cannot decrease panel width. Braced panels are full height and extend from sill or bottom plate to top of double-top plates. Where not dimensioned, use 25 maximum spacing (center to center) between panels. Provide single joist or blocking under all interior-braced wall lines and nail bottom plate of designated-braced wall panels with 3-16d nails at 16 o.c.

If used, add details for alternate braced panel, exterior corner details, and field-built portal frames.

Wall Bracing 401 High Seismic Supplement


Appendix D IRC Comparison Matrix

Use this matrix to identify variations in wall bracing criteria from one version of the IRC to another.
IRC Section 2006 IRC 2000 IRC 2003 IRC 2007 Supplement to the 2006 IRC R602.10.1.3 R602.10.1 adds variations to allowable bracing Story to story variation Wall line to wall line variation except in continuous sheathing SDC A and B may mix methods within a wall line when using higher bracing percentage (except continuous sheathing)

R602.10.1 Braced Wall Lines

Corner offset of 12-6 max Wall line offset of 4 max, 8 total

Same as 2006 IRC

Same as 2006 IRC

Maximum 35 o.c. R602.10.1.1 Braced Wall Line Spacing Exception: 50 o.c. OK when wall bracing is increased by a ratio of the length of the braced wall line divided by 35 and the length to width ratio of the floor or roof diaphragm are less than 3:1 8 methods as listed in Wall Bracing 401 training Gives material, required nailing and stud spacing 4 for Methods 2,3,4,6,7,8 and Method 5 when double sided 8 for Method 5, single sided Same as 2006 IRC R602.10.1.4

No Limit

R 602.10.3 Braced Wall Panel Construction R602.10.4 Length of Braced Panel

Same as 2006 IRC

Same as 2006 IRC

Same as 2006 IRC

Same as 2006 IRC

R602.10.5 Continuous Sheathing

All exterior and interior walls must be fully sheathed with wood structural panels including areas above and below openings Panels with a 4:1 aspect ratio may be used around the garage A portal with a 6:1 aspect ratio may be used with 2 anchors on either side of portal

No portal option

No portal option

R602.10.2 Method 3: 3/8 thick wood structural panel for 16 and 24 o.c. studs R602.10.3 For method 5 single sided applications, percent bracing must be doubled R602.10.4 Continuously sheathed panel and portal options around garage now in text. Sections R602.10.4.5 and R602.10.4.6 R602.10.4.7 Requires continuous sheathing on entire story in SDC D0-D2 and areas with winds above 100 mph

Wall Bracing 401 High Seismic Supplement


IRC Section

2006 IRC 32 wood structural panel 2 anchor bolts 2 hold downs of 1800 lbs Requires foundation or floor above continuous footing Two story house must use sheathing on both sides of panel and 2 hold downs of 3000 lbs 16 portal using wood structural panels and 10 maximum height Sheathing extends over header 6-18 header span 1 anchor bolt 2 hold downs of 4200 lbs each For two story house need 24 portal All vertical panel joints over studs All horizontal joints over blocking Blocking required when a braced wall line is above perpendicular joists When joists are parallel to a braced wall line, rim joist or other parallel framing member must be provided One story buildings in SDC D2, interior braced wall lines supported on continuous foundation not exceeding 50. Two story buildings have all interior braced wall panels supported on continuous foundations. Exception: for two story structures, continuous foundations under interior braced wall lines at 50 if cripple wall height less than 4, first floor braced wall panels supported by doubled floor joists, continuous blocking, or floor beams, and distance between braced lines doesnt exceed twice the building width. If a portion of a building does not comply with bracing requirements, that portion is designed and constructed with accepted engineering practice. Structures in SDC D0 D2 have exterior and interior braced wall lines. Maximum 25 o.c.

2000 IRC

2003 IRC

2007 Supplement to the 2006 IRC R602. Two story house sheathed on one side only with nails at minimum 4 o.c. along edge

R602.10.6.1 Alternate Braced Wall Panel

Same as 2006 IRC

Same as 2006 IRC

R602.10.6.2 16 and 24 Portal Options

No portal option

No portal option


R602.10.7 Panel joints R602.10.8 Connections

Same as 2006 IRC No rim joist required for support

Same as 2006 IRC No rim joist required for support

Same as 2006 IRC R602.10.5 and R602.10.6

R602.10.9 Continuous Foundation Beneath Interior Braced Wall Lines for SDC D2

Same as 2006 IRC

Same as 2006 IRC


R602.10.10 Design of Structural Elements R602.10.11 High Seismic Braced Wall Lines R602.10.11.1 Braced Wall Line Spacing

Same as 2006 IRC

Same as 2006 IRC

No guidance in wall bracing section

No D0 Category

No D0 Category


Exception: Spacing less than 35 o.c. for one room of maximum 900 ft2. Spacing between all other lines max 25 o.c. (1-2 story house)

Same as 2006 IRC

Same as 2006 IRC

R602. Length to width ratio of diaphragm less than 3:1

Wall Bracing 401 High Seismic Supplement


IRC Section

2006 IRC Exterior wall lines have panel at each end Exceptions: Braced panel may be offset 8 from wall end if a 24 wide panel is applied to each side of the corner and the panels are attached to the framing as shown in Figure 602.10.5. OR Side of the braced wall panel closest to the corner has tie down fastened to the stud and having an uplift capacity of 1800 lbs. Designed collector required for more than 8 from end No adhesive attachment in high seismic regions

2000 IRC

2003 IRC

2007 Supplement to the 2006 IRC

R602.10.11.2 Braced Wall Panel Location

Max 12 from corner

Same as 2006 IRC

R602. and R602.10.4.3 Tie down of 800 lbs

R602.10.11.3 Collectors R602.10.11.5

R602.10.1 1 R602.10.1 1

R602.10.1 1 R602.10.1 1.2

No guidance offered R602.10.2.2

Wall Bracing 401 High Seismic Supplement


Answers to and Quick Checks and Skill Checks

Section 1 Quick Check
1. A Lateral Force is most often caused by: Wind or earthquake 2. The three effects of lateral forces that a building must resist are: Overturning and sliding 3. Lateral load perpendicular to the wall studs is transferred to the diaphragm, which transfers this load into the walls parallel to the wind or seismic load.

Section 3 Quick Check 3-1

Braced Wall Line #1 (top) = 54-6 Braced Wall Line #2 (middle) = 54-6 Braced Wall Line #3 (bottom) = 21-3

Section 3 Quick Check 3-2

1. According to IRC Table R602.10.1., what percentage of the wall must contain braced panels? Since this is an exterior wall, it makes more sense to apply Method 3, therefore Minimum bracing is 16%.

2. How many feet of this wall must contain braced panels? 40 x 0.16 = 6.40 (total width of structural panels). 3. Is it possible to use code accepted 4 panels to meet IRC bracing requirement? Yes. All requirements can be met by placing 2 panels: One 4 braced panel at the lower end One 4 braced panel in middle section 12.5' from wall end. 4 + 4 = 8 > 6.40 OK

Wall Bracing 401 High Seismic Supplement


Section 3 Quick Check 3-3

1. What is the length of the braced wall line shown above? 38 2. What percentage of this length must contain braced panels? 16% 3. How many total feet of braced wall panel do you need? (38) x (0.16) = 6.1 4. Is the wall width adjacent to the windows adequate for a braced panel? Required (27) < Actual (30) OK 5. Is the wall width adjacent to the door adequate for a braced panel? Required (36) > Actual (18) NOT OK 6. Is the wall space you have for braced panels adequate? Place 1 30 braced panel at each location adjacent to the windows OK (30 x 4 panels = 120 =) 10 > 6.1

Section 3 Quick Check 3-4

1. Shear walls are designed; braced walls are prescriptive. True 2. A structure should include braced wall lines in the longitudinal as well as the transverse directions. 3. Braced wall lines include a braced wall panel every 25 along the wall line. 4. For prescriptive applications, maximum offset distance permitted in a braced wall line is 4 per offset, 8 total offset. 5. Braced wall lines should be spaced no more than 35 apart. 6. The minimum shear brace width for continuous sheathing per code is varies based on height of the wall, story designation, and adjacent openings.

Wall Bracing 401 High Seismic Supplement


Answer to Skill Check 1

Longitudinal Braced Wall Lines

Wall Bracing 401 High Seismic Supplement


Transverse Braced Wall Lines


Wall Bracing 401 High Seismic Supplement


Answers - Worksheet for Calculations Skill Check 1

Step 1. Define the braced wall lines

Braced wall line 1 = 21.25 Braced wall line 2 = 54.5 Braced wall line 3 = 54.5 Braced wall line A = 55.16 Braced wall line B = 31 (or 55.16) Braced wall line C = 24.2 (or 55.16) Braced wall line D = 39 Braced wall line E = 35

Step 2. Determine the IRC Method to apply

Braced wall line 1 use Method 3 Braced wall line 2 use Method 5 Braced wall line 3 use Method 3 Braced wall line B use Method 5 Braced wall line C use Method 3 Braced wall line D use Method 5 Braced wall line E use Method 3

Braced wall line A use Method 3 Can I use Method 3 for walls with a braced panel system rather than continuous sheathing? yes

Step 3. Determine percentages and length of bracing required

Table R602.10.1 Method 3 __16% Method 5 ___25% [Total Length of wall line X percentage = minimum feet of braced wall panels] Braced wall line 1 needs _3.36_ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line 2 needs _13.63_ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line 3 needs _8.72_ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line A needs _8.8_ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line B needs _7.75 (or 13.8)_ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line C needs _3.8 (or 13.8) ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line D needs _9.75_ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line E needs _5.6_ ft. of braced wall panels.

Wall Bracing 401 High Seismic Supplement


Step 4. Determine locations of panels, braced panel types

Braced wall line 1 Two 4 panels; one on each end of wall line. Total bracing: 2 panels x 4 = 8; 8/21 = 0.38 x 100 = 38% > 16%


Braced wall line 2 Note: Braced wall line was selected to accommodate 4 offsets on each side, 8 max. OK Left to right: Two 4 gypsum panels each side at garage: Interior side is ; garage side is 5/8. One 18 MSP prefabricated shear brace or smaller to keep spacing between panels less than 25 Note: The 18 dimension for the shear brace was selected because the actual framed dimension will be as follows: 4 to (4) = 2 subtract another 2 (approx. for rough opening) = 22 each side. Minimum field-built portal supporting a second floor is 24 (Table 3). Assuming windows cannot be moved, this is best solution. The higher percentage of 25% (conservative) was used because part of the wall is braced with gypsum Two 4 panels on right side. Total bracing: (2 gypsum panels x 4) + 4 (MSP) + 4 + 4 = 20/55 = 0.36 x 100 = 36% > 25% OK Braced wall line 3 (transverse) length = 54.5 Left to right: One 32 ABP or one 18 MSP. Note: The 32 ABP was selected because the actual framed dimension will be as follows: 7.75 to 4.5 windows = 3.25 each side; 2 for rough opening = 3-1 or 37 > 32 This panel could be specified as the minimum of 32 or as the amount of wall space available (approximately 37). An 18 prefabricated shear brace was shown as an alternate because it is worth a full 4 of bracing. Two 4 panels adjacent to each other. One 4 panel between windows (6-3 from end of braced wall line < 12-6 O.K.) Total bracing: 4 + (2 panels x 4) + 4 = 14.67/54.5 = 27% > 16% OK

- 71 -

Braced wall line A Two 4 panels; one at each side of garage door. One 4 panel at north end. One 4 panel between garage and north end (25 max. spacing). Total bracing: 4 panels x 4 = 16; 16/55 = 0.29 x 100 = 29% > 16%


Braced wall line B Two 8 gypsum panels on one side of two walls. Panels are 19 center to center < 25 O.K. From page 22, one 8 width of gypsum is equivalent to a 4 width of bracing. Braced wall perpendicular to garage wall is 4 < 12-6 of edge of braced wall line O.K. Total bracing: 2 panels x 4 = 8t; 8/31= 26% > 25% OK Braced wall line C Two 4 panels; one at each end. Total bracing: 2 panels x 4 = 8; 8/24 = 0.33 x 100 = 33% > 16% Braced wall line D (longitudinal) length = 39 One 8 gypsum panel on one side of one wall. Two 8 gypsum panels; one on each side of one wall. Center between panels is 21-3 center to center < 25 Braced panel at back wall is 4-7 from end of braced wall line < 12-6 OK Braced panel at front wall is 4-10 from end of braced wall line < 12-6 OK



Total bracing: 3 panels x 4= 12; 12/39 = 31% > 25% OK Note: Ensure a joist is placed directly under wall lines D and E to transfer shear load into the first-floor diaphragm.

Braced wall line E Three 4 panels; one at each end and one panel within 25 of each end. Total bracing: 3 panels x 4 = 12; 12/35 = 0.33 x 100 = 33% > 16% OK These are not the only bracing solutions. Several ways exist to create the braced wall lines.

Step 5. Determine alternates

See Braced Wall Lines 2 and 3 in Step 4.

- 72 -

Answers to Skill Check 2

Longitudinal Braced Wall Lines




- 73 -

Transverse Braced Wall Lines

- 74 -

Answers - Worksheet for Calculations Skill Check 2

Step 1. Define the braced wall lines

Braced wall line 1 = 21.25 Braced wall line 2 = 54.5 Braced wall line 3 = 54.5 Braced wall line B = 31 (or 55.2) Braced wall line C = 24.2 (or 55.2) Braced wall line D = 39 Braced wall line A = 55.2 Braced wall line E = 35

Step 2. Determine the IRC Method to apply

Braced wall line 1 use Method 3 Braced wall line 2 use Method 3 Braced wall line 3 use Method 3 Braced wall line B use Method 5 Braced wall line C use Method 3 Braced wall line D use Method 5 Braced wall line E use Method 3

Braced wall line A use Method 3 Can I use Method 3 for walls with a braced panel system rather than continuous sheathing? no

Step 3. Determine percentages and length of bracing required

Table R602.10.1 Method 3 __16% Method 5 ___25% [Total Length of wall line X percentage = minimum feet of braced wall panels] Braced wall line 1 needs _3.36_ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line 2 needs _8.72_ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line 3 needs _8.72_ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line A needs _8.8_ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line B needs _7.75_ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line C needs _3.84_ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line D needs _9.75_ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line E needs _5.6_ ft. of braced wall panels.

- 75 -

Step 4. Determine locations of panels, braced panel types

Braced wall line 1 18.25 braced; 18.25/21 = 87% > 16% OK

Braced wall line 2 Left to right: Approximately 16 sheathing inside garage wall. Right side of garage/house door: wall length is 2.66 < 36 min. (Table 3). This section of wall, although sheathed, will not count toward the bracing percentage because it is narrower than 36 (adjacent to a door). Front entry: About 12 of wall space exists on each side of the entry door. These sections, although fully sheathed, will not count toward the required bracing percentage. Front bump-out: 12 prefabricated shear brace on each side of the two 4050 windows. Using the table on page 21, 27 is the minimum required width for a braced panel. The 24 space on each side is insufficient for placing braced panels. However, a 16 or 12 prefabricated shear brace is acceptable to support a second floor. Use 16 or 12. Right side of home: 4.75 + 4.5 of sheathing on each side of window. Total bracing this wall: 16 + 2 x (2 x 1.5) + 4.75 + 4.5 = 31.25/54.5 = 57% > 16% OK Braced wall line 3 (transverse) length = 54.5 Continuous sheathing did not significantly change the requirements for portal frames, alternate-braced panels, or prefabricated panels. The minimum widths of wall needed to provide bracing drive the need for special bracing. Left to right: 4 OK 8.66 OK 5.25 OK 5 OK 3.25 adjacent to window > 27 OK Total bracing: 3.25 + 4 + 8.66 + 5.25 + 5 + 3.25 = 29.41/54.5 = 54% > 16% OK

Wall Bracing 401 High Seismic Supplement


Braced wall line A Front to back: 4 + 4 + 7ft + 14.5 + 4.5 = 34 braced wall 34/55 = 62% > 16% OK Braced wall line B 12.33 + 8 = 20.33 braced wall; 20.33/31 = 66% > 25% Braced wall line C Fully sheathed, no openings; 24/24 = 100% > 16% OK OK OK

Braced wall line D (longitudinal) length = 39 12.58 + 12.82 = 25.4braced wall; 25.4/39 = 65% > 25% Braced wall line E Fully sheathed, no openings; 35/35 = 100% > 16% OK

Step 5. Determine locations of panels, braced panel types and alternates

No alternates needed. Notes for interior-braced wall lines B and D: The entire wall length was used for bracing as opposed to specified lengths. This specification may or may not be a better way to designate and simplify construction. Check walls for door openings; jambs will be wider at these walls. Ensure a joist is directly below this wall to transfer the shear load into the first-floor diaphragm.

These are not the only bracing solutions. Several ways exist to create the braced wall lines.

Wall Bracing 401 High Seismic Supplement


Answers to Skill Check 3

Longitudinal and Transverse Braced Wall Lines

12MP typ.

14 (2) 4050

12 7 (2) 4050 10 12 4-6 5-6




2 3050

(2) 3050

4 20 6 48 3-6 3 4 4

(4) 2040 18 52 10



(2) 3050



12 6


4 8 16 Overhead Garage Door 22 3

6040 12

32ABP or12MPD typ.


Wall Bracing 401 High Seismic Supplement







Answers to Skill Check 3 (cont.)

Step 1.

Define the braced wall lines

Braced wall line 1 (transverse) Length _ 44 ft Braced wall line 2 (transverse) Length _ 44 ft Braced wall line 3 (transverse) Length _ 44 ft Braced wall line 4 (transverse) Length _ 32 ft Braced wall line A (longitudinal) Length _52 ft Braced wall line B (longitudinal) Length _32 ft (not required if 35 o.c. exception is used) Braced wall line C (longitudinal) Length _20 ft Braced wall line D (longitudinal) Length _48 ft Braced wall line E (longitudinal) Length _40 ft

Step 2.

Determine the IRC Method to apply

Braced wall line A: Method __3__ Braced wall line B: Method __5__ Braced wall line C: Method __3/5_ Braced wall line D: Method __3/5_ Braced wall line E: Method __3__

Braced wall line 1: Method __3__ Braced wall line 2: Method __3/5_ Braced wall line 3: Method __3/5_ Braced wall line 4: Method __3__

Step 3.

Determine percentages and length of bracing required

Method 5 ___60___%

Table R602.10.1 Method 3 __45___%

[Total Length of wall line X percentage = minimum feet of braced wall panels] Braced wall line 1 needs _19.8_ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line 2 needs _26.4_ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line 3 needs _26.4_ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line 4 needs _14.4_ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line A needs _23.4_ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line B needs _19.2_ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line C needs _12 _ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line D needs _28.8_ ft. of braced wall panels. Braced wall line E needs _18 _ ft. of braced wall panels.

Answers to Skill Check 3 (cont.)

Wall Bracing 401 High Seismic Supplement


Step 4. Determine locations of panels and check against minimum panel widths (Includes Step 5)
Braced wall line 1 Need 5 braced wall panels Use 1 12 prefabricated double portal (12MPD) 1 4 ft wood structural panel (48WSP) 2 32 alternate braced panels (32 ABP) or 12 prefabricated panels (12MP) Total bracing = 2 * 4 equivalent panels + 1 * 4 panel + 2 * 4 equivalent panels = 20 20 > 19.8 OK Braced wall line 2 Need 7 braced wall panels Use 5 4ft double sided gypsum braced panels (48G2) 1 4 ft wood structural panel 1 12 prefabricated panel Total bracing = 5 * 4 panels + 1 * 4 panel + 1 * 4 equivalent panel = 28 28 > 26.4 OK Braced wall line 3 Need 7 braced wall panels Use 5 4ft double sided gypsum braced panels 1 4 ft wood structural panel 1 12 prefabricated panel (or 32 alternate panel if space is available) Total bracing = 5 * 4 panels + 1 * 4 panel + 1 * 4 equivalent panel = 28 28 > 26.4 OK Braced wall line 4 Need 3 braced wall panels Use 1 12 prefabricated panel on left side of wall line 1 4 wood structural panels on right side of wall line 1 7-6 wood structural panels on right side of wall line Total bracing = 1 * 4 equivalent panel + 1 * 4 panel + 1 * 7.5 panel = 15.5 15.5 > 14.4 OK

Wall Bracing 401 High Seismic Supplement


Braced wall line A Need 6 braced wall panels Use 5 4 ft wood structural panels spread evenly along wall line in the space available 1 12 prefabricated panel between two 2040 windows in the window bank Total bracing = 5 * 4 panels + 1 * 4 equivalent panel = 24 24 > 23.4 OK Braced wall line B Use 5 4 ft double sided gypsum braced panels Total bracing = 5 * 4 panels = 20 20 > 19.2 OK Braced wall line C Need 3 braced wall panels Use 1 4 ft double sided gypsum braced panels 2 4 ft wood structural panels Total bracing = 1 * 4 panel + 2 * 4 panels = 12 Note: Braced wall lines B and C could be combined by running the wall line between the two sets of walls. All parts of the wall line would be offset 4 ft. Braced wall line length = 52 ft Requires 31.2 ft of bracing = 8 panels Have 6 4 ft double sided gypsum braced panels + 2 - 4 ft wood structural panels = 8 panels. Equivalent to individual walls Braced wall line D Need 8 braced wall panels Use 6 4ft double sided gypsum braced panels 2 4 ft wood structural panels Total bracing = 6 * 4 panels + 2 * 4 panels = 32 32 > 28.8 OK Braced wall line E Need 5 braced wall panels Use 4 4 ft wood structural panels spread evenly along wall line in space available 1 12 prefabricated panel between two 3050 windows (or 32 alternate panel if space is available) Total bracing = 4 * 4 panels + 1 * 4 equivalent panel = 20 20 > 18 OK

Wall Bracing 401 High Seismic Supplement


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