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Vendetta, 1 1Running Head: ANALYSIS OF THE V FOR VENDETTA

A Fantasy theme analysis of V for Vendetta.

Arowolo, Richard Olaniyi Louisiana State University

Vendetta, 2 Abstract The fantasy theorem was first put forward by Ernest G. Bormann in 1972. It explains communication in human beings through the formation of a fantasy theme, chaining out and the rhetorical vision. This paper uses the movie V for Vendetta to fully explain the concept of the theory. The theory s first explained and the applied to the movie. Implications of the theory and movie on our lives are also outlined.

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A Fantasy Theme Analysis of V for Vendetta The fantasy theme theory was first developed by Ernest G. Bormann (1972). Stemmed from the convergence theory, the fantasy theme theory explains group communication. This theory tends to answer the question what is the truth. Bormann (1972) proposes that the understanding of the truth concept comes from underlying fantasies or dreams. Members of a group share a common goal and thus common fantasies. Through the process of sharing common fantasies, a collection of individuals is transformed into a cohesive group. This theory draws from both the scientific and humanistic traditions. The varying though similar beliefs of each member of the group are thus shaped by those of the other members of the group; therefore forming a more general belief. Bormanns (1972) theory not only explains communication within a group, but communication with other people who may not even share such beliefs as the group members. The fantasy theme theory explains and simplifies the fundamentals of societal communication. Bormanns (1972) theory consists of three main steps, which are the formation of a fantasy theme, the chaining out of the theme, and the rhetorical vision. The first part of Bormanns (1972) theory is the formation of a fantasy theme. A fantasy theme is a myth, belief, or ideology that is shared by a group or culture. The fantasy theme can be real or fictitious, and are relevant to the here and now. Fantasy

Vendetta, 4 themes are usually in a narrative form. A fantasy theme could be of the past as well as of the future. It is shaped by the individual believes of each member of the group. The believers of the theme are referred to as insiders. The insiders try to realize this dream and spend a lot of time on it. The second part of Bormanns (1972) theory is called chaining out. This is the stage where the insiders spread the message of their fantasy. The people whom the message is being passed to are known as outsiders. Chaining out could occur in different ways. It could be passive or active; it could be done by the group as a whole or individually. The success of chaining out depends on its process. Any outsider can become an insider, but it all depends on how the fantasy is represented by the insiders themselves. The chaining out process represents the groups relationship with the rest of the environment. The third part Bormanns (1972) theory is the rhetorical vision. This is the final goal of the fantasy theme. It is that ideal situation that the insiders have been working towards. In the rhetorical vision all the targets of the fantasy theme has been achieved. A good illustration would be Christianity, its fantasy theme is the story of a man named Jesus believed to be the messiah. The rhetorical vision would be salvation at the end time and making it to heaven. Oftentimes rhetorical visions are used to sell fantasy themes in the process of intentional chaining out. In conclusion Bormanns (1972) theory has helped explained the process of communication of fantasies and beliefs in a society right from its initial initiation in the minds of people to its propagation, and finally, its fulfillment. The only little problem with Bormanns (1972) theory is that it does not give allowance for the assumption that

Vendetta, 5 in the process of chaining out, the insiders may also be converted and become outsiders themselves. This would occur when two groups with opposing fantasies collide at the chaining out stage.

Application V for Vendetta is a film set in London's near-future, and follows V, a freedom fighter, who uses terrorist tactics in pursuit of both a personal vendetta and sociopolitical change in a dystopian Britain. It was a time when citizens lived in fear of their government. The movie follows the situations in England over a year period. V, Evey, and many other citizens believed that something was wrong with the government. Although they all expressed their disagreement with ongoing settings differently, their believe in a freedom fuelled them on through persecution. Freedom was their fantasy theme. Chaining out started primarily with V, on the fifth of November, where he announces over the countrys public address system his believes and asks everybody to join him the following year. The chaining out process took different forms. Evey, once an outsider became an insider by experiencing torture under the supervision of V. Towards the following year, the process accelerated. The city was in a state of unrest and people were painting signs everywhere and wearing Guy Fawkes masks, representing Vs ideology. The movie well depicts the rapid effects of chaining out. It showed that when people have a passion, they actively and proudly wear their believes on their shoulders. The death of people and their persecution also served in chaining out. It was nonintentional form of chaining out.

Vendetta, 6 The rhetorical vision of V and the English people was a free and democratic England, an England where the government would be transparent, accountable, and humane. The English people wanted to be free without being judged for their personal lives, religious affiliations and sexual orientation. The movie ends with the triumph of the people over the government. Although the movie does not show the ideal scenario and a new government, it shows that it is going to happen. It is left to the viewers to imagine their own ideal world, which is what the movie is all about. The movie is showing that every body should be able to live in a perfect environment without affecting someone elses. The argument of its feasibility is left unchallenged at this point. Implications The movie has many implications, which have perfectly been described by As a film about the struggle between freedom and the state, V for Vendetta takes imagery from many classic totalitarian icons both real and fictional, including Nazi Germany and George Orwell's 1984. For example, Sutler (who was actually named after Hitler) primarily appears on large video screens and on the walls of people's homes, reminiscent of Big Brother in Nineteen Eighty-Four. As well, Valerie was sent to a detention facility for being a lesbian and was then tortured and had medical experiments performed on her. This is similar to Nazi Germany's treatment of gays during the Holocaust. The media is portrayed as being highly subservient to government propaganda, which evokes common criticisms about totalitarian regimes. With the intention of making the film relevant to todays audience, the filmmakers have included many modern day references as well. For example, the culture of fear montage of news video clips ordered by Sutler contains references to an avian flu pandemic. As well there

Vendetta, 7 is significant use of signal-intelligence gathering and analysis by the regime. Many have also noted the numerous references in the film to the current American administration. These include the "black bags" worn by the prisoners in Lark hill that have been seen as a reference to the black bags worn by prisoners at Abu Ghraib in Iraq and Guantnamo Bay in Cuba. Also public loud speakers announce that London is under a yellow-coded curfew alert, which is similar to the US Government's color-coded Homeland Security Advisory System. One of the forbidden items in Gordon's secret basement is a protest poster with a mixed USUK flag with a swastika and the title "Coalition of the Willing, To Power." This is likely a reference to the real Coalition of the Willing that was formed for the Iraq War. While modern references do exist, they were likely included for illustrative purposes rather than specifically attacking the US administration. Conclusion The movie V for Vendetta shows the conception of a belief and how it spreads up to the point where it topples a government. Thus, the application this movie to

Bormanns (1972) theory helps simplify its complicated nature. The only little problem with Bormanns (1972) theory is that it does not give allowance for the assumption that in the process of chaining out, the insiders may also be converted and become outsiders themselves. This occurred when Evey convinced V that his ways are not the best and he puts to her hands the fate of his whole plan.

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References Bormann, E. G. (1972). Fantasy and rhetorical vision. The rhetorical criticism of social reality. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 58 (4), 396-407. Mcteigue, J., (2005). V for Vendetta. Warner Bros. Writer Unknown, A modern totalitarian dystopian. Retrieved on April 10, 2006. from nts_from_political_sources

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