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A Fleeting Era of Innocence in an Increasingly Coarsening Culture

Rising Retirement Health Care Costs Unaffordable Prescription Drug Access Youre a Christian lady. Jesus said love those who are different. You do believe in Jesus, dont you?

To the Seasoned Elderly:

Wall Street Fiscal Elite

Social Liberals, You dont want that baby at your age. Gay/Feminist Activists What would Grandma think? Intellectual Elite
Labor Leadership

Main Street Fiscal Conservatives, Professional Middle Class Social Conservatives

Rank-and-File Blue Collar Labor

Americans of Color, Elderly, Undereducated



Partial Birth AbortionsSame-Sex MarriagesDrug LegalizationHuman CloningDoctor-Assisted Suicide

It wouldn't surprise you to know that activists within Americas Cultural Elite are aggressively moving to gain acceptance of some of the most abhorrent social policy this country has ever known. You have come to expect that nothing is sacred or absolute in today's American culture. However, you might be surprised to learn that YOU, Americas grandmothers and grandfathers, are one of the foot-soldiers of the Homopolitical Agenda and the Abortion Rights Movement in their unified battle to normalize these deplorable cultural and political ideologies into American social policy for these are the values of the controlling ranks of todays Democratic Party. Not all proponents of Americas cultural transformation are vocal activists. You see, todays cultural activists recognize that if they were to parade in the streets flaunting their gay lifestyle in the nude or openly promote the removal of God from our children and grandchildren's lives, most folks of traditional values in America would rebuke their cause. They know this because this is what they used to do. Instead, todays commanders of Americas Culture War have taken a much lower-keyed and strategic approach to furthering their agenda by introducing their ideals in the common culture of modern society. Quietly, yet steadily, they have successfully removed those respected icons of yesteryear which stood for moral absolutes and traditional American values forged by the generation of your youth. In their place, a nihilistic brand of tolerance-based values has been embraced by the entertainment culture, one which is openly hostile to the faith-based values of integrity and principle that successfully guided America through some of this nations greatest trials and tribulations during the past 100 years. Look at the television programming. The family-value ethics of Father Knows Best and Ozzie and Harriett have been displaced by the postmodernist values of Desperate Housewives, Sex and the City, and Unhappily Ever After. The timeless humor of Jack Benny, George Burns, and Milton Berle can no longer be found, but the cynical "comedy" of Rosie ODonnell, Whoopi Goldberg, and Howard Stern are in full blossom. Trash-television shows like The Jerry Springer Show, Divorce Court, and The Simple Life dominate the entertainment media and poison the minds of our children and grandchildren in an effort to normalize and accept deviancy. Hollywoods Big Screen builds altars to the gods of homopolitical activism by producing and self-trumpeting such movies as Brokeback Mountain (chronicling the homosexual relationship between two cowboys, the symbol of traditional American values). Meanwhile, Hollywoods small screen routinely insults the Christian faith community, as evidenced by the series finale of Will and Grace wherein writers have woven into its final storyline the reference to a southern Christian diner known by the abjectly offensive moniker Crucifixins as the openly gay series exits stage left into the trash bin of Hollywood history. The music of today's culture is replete with death and despair. Glen Miller and Benny Goodman are long dead, as are the uplifting sounds of their music which were reflective of America's "happy days". The romance with America epitomized by the ballads of Nat King Cole are no more. Instead, the peddlers of popular culture today promote the violence and sex of gangsta rap to Americas urban youth, while the seeds of cynicism and destruction by the self-proclaimed Anti-Christ Superstar, Marilyn Manson, flourish in the fertile minds of suburban teenagers. Of all people, YOU, Americas Greatest Generation, have seen how this once-great country of ours is spiraling to its demise. You fought our country's greatest war. You struggled through the economic hard times of the Great Depression. You remember how structure, discipline, and morality were once the bedrock of the American Family. You are also uniquely positioned to see how dramatically times have changed. You may not be able to put your finger on it, but you know that even with all its blessings of wealth and resource, Americas cultural and spiritual fabric is torn and tattered far beyond that experienced during even Americas greatest national struggles and challenges. And as you stare at the innocence in your grandchildren's eyes, your heart breaks as you keep to yourself the inner secret that your granddaughter or grandson is taking but the first steps in a lifelong journey through a wayward society pitted with indifference and self-absorption. But you love them too much to disclose the anxiety and sense of desperation you feel for them as the American society you once knew and loved becomes more and more coarsened towards the tenets of traditional values, ethics, principles and even life itself. Radical feminists, gay activists, and other cultural elitists know that as each day passes, more and more of the grandfathers and grandmothers of a traditional era long since past depart this earth and take with them the values, ethics, and respect that formed Americas cultural identity. And as each new child is born into a world of moral relativism where there is no such concepts of "right and wrong", the cultural resistance to their deviant philosophies and social ideologies grows less pronounced. In the meantime, they feed their Homopolitical Agenda by co-opting your support for the Democratic Party and your sense of equity and fairness by use of seductive and coercive tactics: "You need to be tolerant of our differences" or "This is the 21st Century, your admirable ideals are no longer fashionable" or even "You're a Christian lady, Jesus said love those who are different. You do believe in Jesus, don't you?" In short, they make YOU an agent of THEIR cause.

You see, Americas Cultural Elite gain your sympathy and support for the Democratic Party by preying on your well-intentioned innocence and respect for others, only to then use that political empowerment to fight against the very ethics and values you hold dear and are trying to instill in your grandchildren. Americas Cultural Elite have worked to take God out of the classroom. They have worked to normalize homosexuality in elementary schools by promoting such books as Heather Has Two Mommies, Daddy's Roommate, and The Egypt Game in the reading curriculum without the knowledge or consent of non-informed parents. They have aggressively protested any student-initiated activity which acknowledges God or Jesus by banning the word "God" from valedictorian speeches, and by disrupting the Christian practice of "Prayer Around the Flagpole". They have replaced the recognition of Christmas and Easter in the public square with celebrations of Winter Holiday, "Earth Day" and other secular alternatives to culturally purge American society of its Judeo-Christian heritage and traditions. Even the venerable Pledge of Allegiance has been attacked by Americas Cultural Elite for its reference to God, a cultural battle of epic proportions which has navigated its way to the United States Supreme Court. And they have done it all by the empowerment of your Democratic Party vote. They say we must ensure "freedom of religion". What they have promoted is instead "freedom from religion". In fact, Americas Cultural Elite have furthered a religious agenda of their own: Secularism. It is the religion that says "there is no God"; a religion which declares "if it feels good, do it." It is atheism. But THOSE aren't the reasons you are a Democrat, right? Of course not. But you must understand that every time you support the Democratic Party with your vote, you also help advance the political agenda of radical feminists and homosexual activists who have a wholly different worldview from the one of your generation which revered faith, family, and country. Your lifetime of noble experiences and goodly intentions is the political lifeblood that has sustained the refined, intense, and direct assaults on traditional ethics by Americas Cultural Elite for the last 35 years. The ballot box doesn't know if you're the national leader for the Partial Birth Abortion Movement, or a churchgoing grandmother from Ville Platte who believes in the sanctity of human life. They both vote Democrat and the ballot box doesnt ask why. Yet as you reflect upon the high-profile stance the Democratic Party has taken in the promotion of the abortion movement and the same-sex marriage debate, you scratch your head and wonder aloud about the objectives of todays Democratic Party when it comes to protecting the interests of hard-working everyday Americans like yourself. During the days of your youth, the Democratic Party was responsible for legislatively enacting fair labor standards that protected the American worker against exploitation by Americas industrial complex. It was the Democratic Party of your youth that passed national standards regulating the use of child labor, the establishment of a minimum wage, and the implementation of worker safety standards. In no uncertain terms, the Democratic Party of your youth was the Labor Class political counterbalance to offset the freight train that was the birthing of Americas Industrial Revolution and the mad-rush to profits by oftenunscrupulous business and industry leaders. You cannot reconcile why President Bill Clinton himself signed NAFTA into law on December 8, 1993 and facilitated the loss of millions of textile, steel, and manufacturing jobs (first to Mexico and now to China), an effect which continues to be felt today both in direct and indirect terms in the American economy. Why does the Democratic Party of today appear to be betraying the economic interests of Americas Labor Class, while at the same time place all of its political capital and energies into the advancement of such repugnant causes as partial-birth abortion and same-sex marriage? Why does it seem that the Democratic Party of today facilitates the exploitation of Americas Labor Class while simultaneously working tirelessly to crush the traditional cultural values shared by millions of these very same constituents? Because they are. For the past three (3) decades, the Democratic Party has slowly but surely shifted its policy focus away from its long-held role as the economic advocate for Americas Labor Class, ethnic minorities, and senior citizens. Instead, todays Democratic Party has evolved into the political vehicle-of-choice for intellectual elitists, social engineers, and counterculture activists whose sole objective is to destroy the traditional American values of faith, family, and country so that their dark, unnatural agenda of abortion, euthanasia, human cloning, and gay activism can be more readily accepted into Americas Judeo-Christian culture. Of course, the Democratic Party could not be an effective political force for such cultural change unless it was empowered by the support and vote of Americas Labor Class, ethnic minorities, and senior citizens like yourself who comprise the great majority of the partys ranks. And the Democratic Party would no longer have that support and vote without the assistance of Union Leaderships and self-appointed leaders in the African-American and elderly communities who continually fail to challenge the Democratic Party for departing from its historic roots and respected political charge. Understand that this is NOT to suggest the controlling ranks of the Republican Party are any better. If you think about it, you are probably a Democrat because you still think the Democratic Party is concerned about the day-to-day struggles of the Common Man, and you are absolutely certain that the Republican Party is the party of Big Business which views your worth strictly in economic terms that have grown less valuable with the onset of your retirement years. You are correct at least regarding the leadership ranks of the Establishment Republican Party. Its no secret that the controlling ranks of the Republican Party are heavily aligned with multi-billion dollar, multi-national corporations who pour tens of millions of dollars into the campaign coffers of the GOP every federal election cycle. Of course, these very same corporate conglomerates are controlled by Wall Street profiteers who have absolutely no conscience when it comes to making money and maximizing profits. You are expendable if you do not contribute to the bottom-line. But what you have perhaps failed to fully appreciate until now is that todays Democratic Party shares very little in common with the Democratic Party of your youth. Unfortunately, while you have perhaps remained steadfastly loyal to the Democratic Party for its historical stand against the economic exploitation of Americas Labor Class, the Democratic Partys NAFTA betrayal of the Labor Class and its high-profile advocacy of radical abortion policy and homopolitical activism are irrefutable evidence that your loyalty has not been reciprocated for many, many years. So what do you do? First, think about the message presented to you here today and talk to those people close to you about it. Challenge the Democratic and Republican Parties and your elected leaders to reconcile the concerns you have as we have presented. Understand that many of them are not even aware of the self-contradiction which takes place in the Two-Party system themselves. Teach them something. Then make a commitment to yourself and your grandchildren by joining a political party committed to the restoration of principled statesmanship by becoming an active member of the Constitution Party and its local state affiliate, the Constitution Party of Louisiana. Louisiana:

Join Us Now Spread the Word.


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