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Case Study: Classic Compromise You are faced with following dilemmas 1. Imagine you are the ruler of the world; you can almost completely remove hunger from the face of planet. Unfortunately to do so you will have to kill 1 million people. The reason for this is not clear; you just have to as there is no way out. 2. You can reduce hunger in the world by 20%. Again though there is downside in this case. You have to kill 100 people. 3. You can leave things as they are. There is no trade off(QPQ) whatsoever in this case. Other rules to note: Whatever decision you make, you will not kill yourself. The people you kill if you adopt option 1 and 2 will all be strangers to you, you will not be killing your friends or relatives. Whats your choice? Justify your action.

Ethics is a branch of social science dealing with right or wrong, fair and unfair, good and bad, with respect to human actions.. It is concerned with norms and conduct of people as members of society and deals with moral duties and obligations. There are 3 theories of ethics: Normative Applied Meta Normative is a subject of study of moral standard and norms, also referred to as values and codes. Normative ethics therefore guide human conducts by laying down moral standards of duty, justice, conscience, etc. Normative ethics is also referred to as Prescriptive Ethics. Normative ethics is further divided into 3 types: Deontological: Focuses on certain fundamental duties that we have as human. (eg. Not committing theft) Teleological: These theories advocate achieving the greatest good for the greatest good for the greatest number of people and advocate working for those outcomes that will give the most advantage to the majority of those affecting in the most impartial way possible. An act is considered morally correct if the end or consequence of that action are morally favourable than unfavourable. Virtue: Ethics describes the character as a driving force for ethical behaviour rather than rules (deontological) or results (consequentialism). It deals with what a good person would do in a specific real life situation and thereby emphasize character development.

Applies Ethics attempts to use philosophical methods to identify the morally correct course of action in different fields of human life. For example: Environmental Ethics deals with issues relating to duties of human towards landscape and species. Meta Ethics is a branch of ethics that seeks to understand the nature of ethical properties, statements, attitudes and judgements. It is the most abstract area of moral philosophy, because it does not ask what acts are good or bad, right or wrong; rather it asks about the nature of goodness or badness and what is to be morally right or wrong. Normative Ethics is the study of Moral standards to determine right and wrong. Ethics and Morality: Morality is about the self and about reaching high level of spirituality or other kind of perfection. Morality refers to personal and cultural values that distinguish right and wrong by people, Moral defines personal character. Ethics on the other hand, is not an individual attribute as it is a quality that makes social interactions; that means one cannot be ethical alone as it becomes relevant only in the context of social relations. Those interactions are ethical which are based on a concern for other people. For example: Abortion is legally and medically ethical, yet many people find it immoral. Similarly out of the 3 options I would choose the third option which says to leave things as they are. There is no trade off (QPQ) whatsoever in this case. According to me it is immoral to kill people for a reason which they are not even responsible for. Killing innocent people is morally

incorrect. Instead of killing people attempts can be made to encourage employment and hence help people to earn for their living.

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