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Osmosis nvestigation

To understand my task, I will Iirst understand the concept oI osmosis. Osmosis is the
process oI water movement Irom a region oI low concentration to a region oI high
concentration across a semi permeable membrane, which is simply a thin membrane
allowing the passage oI small molecules. Ex: water molecules.

The solutions oI high concentration and low concentration are generally reIerred to as
hypertonic and hypotonic solutions respectively. Hypertonic solutions have less water
molecules and thus are said to have lower water potential than hypotonic solutions; in
hypertonic solutions, solute molecules (ex: sugar, salts) are dissolved and when this
occurs, some water molecules Iorm a cluster around them. Thus, there are less Iree
moving water molecules. ThereIore, water potential is simply the measure oI whether
the solution is likely to gain or lose water; it is also the pressure exerted by the Ireely
moving water molecules. It is measured in kilopascals. (kPa) ThereIore, osmosis may
also be deIined as the water movement Irom a region oI high water potential to a
region oI low water potential across a semi permeable membrane.

Osmosis is a very important biological process as it involves the transIer oI water in
Osmosis occurring in a cell.
Osmosis in a cell
and out oI cells. Animal and plant cells both have the presence oI the jelly-like
substance known as the cytoplasm, made up oI about 90 percent water with dissolved
sugars and salts. This Iorms a weak solution. Plant cells also have a large space
known as the vacuole containing a weak solution oI sugars, salts and water known as
the cell sap. II the concentration oI the solution is more concentrated in the cell than
its external solution, then water moves into the cell. This is particularly important in
plant cells, as they will become turgid and strong. II too much water enters animal
cells, they will burst and this is damaging. However, plant cells can limit the amount
oI water that enters the cell due to the cell wall; when much water enters the cell, the
cell membrane and vacuole push against the cell wall, applying turgor pressure`
causing the cell to become Iirm and turgid. Since they are pushed against the cell
wall, water is prevented Irom entering. This is known as the pressure potential and it
is measured in kilopascals. (kPa) In general, the water potential in plant cells depends
on the pressure potential and solute potential.

When placed in a dilute solution, water moves out oI the cell and this causes wilting
in plant cells as most oI the cells become squashy and Ilaccid. They become
plasmolyzed. However, iI a cell is placed in an external solution oI same
concentration, there is no movement oI water as there is no diIIerent in concentration
known as the concentration gradient. These solutions are isotonic solutions and there
is no net Ilow oI water molecules even though the water molecules continue to move
in both directions.

When the external solution is less When the external solution has When the external solution
concentrated (hypotonic), water has the same concentration is more concentrated
moves into the cell. (isotonic) as the liquid in the (hypertonic), water moves
cell, there is no movement oI out oI the cell.


The purpose oI my investigation is to Iind the molarity oI the cell sap oI a potato. I
will achieve this by using potato tubors (cylinders) and placing them in diIIerent
concentrations oI sucrose solution and in water.

I predict that when a potato tubor is immersed in pure distilled water, it will increase
in mass and length. I also predict that when immersed in sucrose solution, they will
decrease in mass and length. When the concentration oI sucrose solution is higher,
then I predict the change in mass and length will be greater. However, I also predict
that there is an exception in the weakest sucrose solution oI 0.125M, where the potato
tubors will instead increase in mass and length.

A potato cell is a plant cell and thus has the presence oI a cell wall, cell membrane,
cytoplasm, vacuole and nucleus. Like other cells, its cytosol, which is the liquid
present in the cytoplasm, is made up oI water and dissolved sugars and salts. This
contributes to a weak solution. Furthermore, the Iluid in its vacuole, known as the cell
sap is also a weak solution oI sugars and salts. Due to these substances, there is a
solute potential in the potato cells. In other words, there is the presence oI solute
molecules such as sugars and salts, contributing to a hypertonic (concentrated)
solution as compared to pure water. As a result, there are less Iree moving water
molecules, as they will Iorm clusters around the solute molecules. Thus, the cell sap
has lower water potential than pure distilled water. So, when the potato tubors are
immersed in water, the distilled water acts as the external solution. In this case, it is
the hypotonic (dilute) solution as it has more Ireely moving water molecules, higher
water potential. And since osmosis is where water moves Irom a region oI low
concentration (high water potential) to a region oI high concentration (low water
potential), the distilled water will move into the potato cells, causing an increase in
mass and length.

I have also predicted that when immersed in sucrose solutions, the mass and length oI
the potato tubors will decrease. I have also hypothesized that when the concentration
oI sucrose solution is greater, the change in mass and length is greater. This again
depends on the cell sap oI the potato cells. The molarity oI the cell sap in the potato
cells is Iixed Ior a single potato. It has a very weak concentration and so when it is
placed in a higher concentration oI sucrose solution oI, Ior example, 0.75M, the
potato cell sap acts as the hypotonic solution. This is because since the sucrose
solution has a higher concentration, this means it has lower water potential as there
are a greater number oI solute molecules and so there is less number oI Ireely moving
water molecules, as they Iorm clusters around the solute. On the other hand, the
potato cell sap has a higher water potential because it has a weaker concentration,
which means there are less solute molecules and thus, more Ireely moving water
molecules. As a result, the potato cell sap acts as the hypotonic (dilute) solution, while
the sucrose solution acts as the hypertonic (concentrated) solution. And again, since
osmosis is the process where water moves Irom a region oI lower concentration to a
region oI higher concentration, thus, water moves out oI the potato cell to equalize the
concentration. ThereIore, there is a decrease in its mass and length.

When immersed in a sucrose solution oI greater concentration, Ior example, in 1M oI
sucrose solution, there is, thereIore, a greater diIIerence in the concentration between
the potato cell sap and its external solution. That is, there is a greater or steeper
Osmosis in a Potato Cell
concentration gradient. Since the potato cell sap is oI the same concentration and its
external solution becomes more concentrated, then even more water is required Ior
equalization, as the external solution has a greater number oI solute molecules and so
less water potential. In other words, more water molecules are required to move out oI
the potato cells to the external solution. Since more water leaves the cells, the potato
tubors lose more mass and decrease more so in length.

However, I have also predicted that with lower concentrations oI sucrose solution,
there will be a gain in mass and length in the potato tubors. This is simply because oI
the potato cell`s sap and its concentration. The cell sap is a weak solution oI sugars
and salts. It is a reasonably dilute solution and is the hypotonic solution when the
potato tubor is placed in a high concentrated sucrose solution. However, when the
tubor is placed in a low concentration, even lower than the concentration oI its cell
sap, then the cell sap no longer acts as the hypotonic solution but is now more
concentrated than its external solution. ThereIore, the cell sap acts as the hypertonic
solution. And since osmosis is where water moves Irom a hypotonic solution to a
hypertonic solution, water will enter the potato tubor and this is why there is a gain in
its mass and weight. However, this increase will be less than when the potato is
immersed in water since the concentration gradient is less steep and so less water
must move in order Ior the concentration and water potential to be equalized.
ThereIore, between this concentration and the lowest concentration oI sucrose
solution, where the potato tubors gain mass and length, is where the molarity oI the
potato cell sap should lie. This concentration generally lies between 0.25M and 0.5M.

There are certain Iactors aIIecting the process oI osmosis. These Iactors are as

- Temperature
- Concentration gradient
- Size oI the molecules
- Permeability oI the membrane

I will now explain the eIIects oI each oI these Iactors on the process oI osmosis in

Temperature. Osmosis is merely a process where the water molecules Irom the dilute
solution diIIuse past a semi permeable membrane to a concentrated solution. By
increasing the temperature, this rate oI diIIusion can be increased and thus, the
process oI osmosis is Iaster. This is because, by increasing the temperature, we
increase the kinetic energy oI the water molecules and thus they diIIuse across the
semi permeable membrane at a greater speed.

Concentration Gradient. The concentration gradient is actually the diIIerence in
concentration between the two solutions, separated by the semi permeable membrane.
II the concentrated solution is altered so that it has a greater concentration, it will now
require more water movement Irom the dilute solution. Thus, more water molecules
must diIIuse across the semi permeable membrane. As a result, the process oI osmosis
is increased as the water molecules diIIuse across the membrane Iaster in order Ior
equalization to occur. When the concentration diIIerence is greater, we say the
concentration gradient is steeper.

Si:e of the Molecules. When a molecule is heavier, then it will obviously take a
greater deal oI time to diIIuse across the semi permeable membrane as the molecules
speed is decreased. This is also why the solute molecules Irom a hypertonic solution
do not move into a hypotonic solution. In cells, the cell membrane is semi permeable.
However, in experiments, the membrane may longer act as a sieve and the solute
molecules can diIIuse across the membrane. However, since the solute molecules
attract water molecules, which Iorm clusters around them, this causes the solute
molecules to become heavier. Thus, they diIIuse more slowly than the Iree water
molecules in the hypotonic solution.

Permeabilitv of the Membrane. In osmosis, the water molecules will move across the
semi permeable membrane. This membrane in cells is generally the same size.
However, plant cells have the presence oI the cell wall, which contributes to the
thickness oI the cell membrane. ThereIore, since the membrane is thicker, the rate oI
diIIusion is greater as the water molecules must move over a greater distance. As a
result, the rate oI osmosis is decreased.


BeIore carrying out the procedure, I will Iirst gather the required apparatus in order
Ior my procedure to be perIormed properly. The necessary apparatus is listed below.

- I will select two No.2 cork borers and two No.3 potato cylinder plungers.
These are required to Iorm the potato tubors that are to be immersed in the
diIIerent solutions.
- I will use a single Iresh potato, where the cork borers will be inserted.
- I will use six petri dishes, each oI the same size to store the diIIerent
concentrations oI solution. It is here where the potato tubors will be placed.
- I will use six beakers to store the diIIerent concentrations oI solution.
- I will keep ready six measuring tubes, which I will use to measure the exact
volume oI each solution.
- I will use labels and place them over the beakers and petri dishes so that I will
be able to distinguish between them and determine which solution is in which
beaker and petri dish.
- I will use a razor blade to cut the skin oI the potato tubors.
- I will use graph paper in order to measure the exact length oI the potato
- I will use a weight scale to record the mass oI the potato tubors.
- I will use distilled water as the hypotonic solution, which will be stored in its
corresponding beaker.
- I will use Iive diIIerent molarities oI sucrose solution, each stored in its
corresponding beaker. The molarities that I will use are 0.125M, 0.25M,
0.5M, 0.75M and 1M.


- I will make sure that I will use only one potato in order to Iorm the potato
- I will make sure that I will use the same No. cork borer and plunger so that
the size in potato tubors does not vary.
- When inserting the cork borer into the potato, I will place the potato on a hard
- In order to eliminate error, I will conIirm the length oI each potato tubor as
Iour centimeters.
- I will make sure that each potato tubor is a proper and regular cylinder.
Otherwise, the results oI the experiment may be altered.
- I will make sure to remove the skin oI the potato tubors so that it does not
aIIect the result oI the experiment.
- I will label each petri dish and beaker noting the concentration oI solution that
is to be stored in it.
- I will wash each beaker and petri dish properly to remove any traces oI
previous solutions.
- When noting the mass oI the potato tubors, I will t ake into account the mass
oI the Iilter paper.
- I will use thongs to place the potato tubors onto the Iilter paper beIore taking
the mass. I will also use thongs and reIrain Irom touching the tubors when
placing them in the petri dishes.
- I will make sure that I will pour an equal amount oI solution Ior each beaker
and then petri dish by taking the lower meniscus oI the reading in the
measuring tube.
- I will pour the correct concentration oI solution in to its corresponding beaker
and petri dish.
- I will take the exact time when I poured the solution in to its corresponding
petri dish and close the petri dish.
- AIter twenty-Iour hours, when taking my readings oI mass Ior the potato
tubors, I will make sure to remove any excess water by rolling them over the
Iilter paper using thongs.


A cork borer and plunger used to make potato A weight scale.


I will now carry out my procedure using the apparatus that I have gathered. The steps
oI the procedure are listed below.

- I will Iirst rinse and clean the petri dishes and beakers to remove any droplets
oI previous solutions.
- I will then label the petri dishes, noting the molarity oI the solution that will
be stored in it. ThereIore, the concentrations should read Water`, 0.125M,
0.25M, 0.5M, 0.75M, and 1M.
- I will label the six beakers, noting the concentration oI solution to be stored
- I will then measure the volume oI the solution inside the beaker by using a
measuring jar. I will use a volume oI 30mL Ior each solution.
- I will then wash the Iresh potato and place it on a piece oI paper. I will then
use the No.2 Cork borer and No 3. cylinder plunger to Iorm potato tubors.
- I will plunge twenty-Iour tubors, Iour Ior each petri dish.
- I will then place the potato tubors onto a graph paper.
- I will use a washed razor blade to cut the potato tubors to exactly Iour
centimeters. I will remove the potato skin in the process.
- I will now place each potato tubor onto Iilter paper and measure its mass on
the weight scale. I will record these readings.
- I will now place Iour potato tubors into each petri dish.
- I will then pour 30mL oI each solution into its corresponding petri dish,
noting the time when the solution is poured.
- I will close each petri dish and keep them aside Ior twenty-Iour hours.
- AIter a day, I will check the potato tubors and note its appearance; iI there are
any diIIerences.
- I will then note the mass oI each potato tubor and will take the average.
- I will also take the length oI each potato tubor and note the diIIerence in


My experiment must also be conducted in such a manner to eliminate injuries. This

especially occurs when handling the razor blade and Iorming the potato cylinders. So,
- I will place the potato on a platIorm or board and not on my hand when
inserting the cork borer inside; iI I do not, then the cork borer may cut
through the hand.
- When cutting the potato tubors to equal length oI 4 centimeters, I will make
sure to hold it Irom the blunt end and be careIul not to cut my Iingers.

In my prior test, I have taken a single sucrose solution and distilled water to
investigate how it alters the mass and length oI the potato tubors. ThereIore, my
readings below are Irom my prior test and are only based on the eIIect oI sucrose
solution oI concentration 0.125M and distilled water. My observations can be
tabulated as Iollows:

Physical Appearance
Molarity Initial Appearance Final Appearance
0.125M Normal Slightly thicker (turgid)
Distilled Water Normal Thicker, longer (turgid)

In the Iollowing table, I have taken the average length and mass values in order to be
more practical. I have Iound the average by adding the values together and dividing
by the number oI cylinders (4).

Molarity Initial Length Final Length Initial Mass Final Mass
0.125M 4 4.31 (4.305) 1.19 (1.1875) 1.40 (1.3975)
Distilled Water 4 4.43 (4.425) 1.22 (1.2175) 1.43 (1.4275)

Now, using this inIormation, I can now predict a graph oI Molarity against Percentage
DiIIerence. In order to determine the percentage diIIerence in mass and length, I will
use the Iollowing Iormula.

Percentage DiIIerence Ior length:

(Final Length Initial Length) x 100
Initial Length

Percentage DiIIerence Ior mass:

(Final Mass Initial Mass) x 100
Initial Mass

AIter noting the percentage diIIerence Ior mass and length, I can now predict what the
graph oI molarity against percentage diIIerence should appear as.

From the graph, we see that as the molarity increases, the percentage diIIerence
decreases and with very high concentrations becomes a negative value. ThereIore,
Average Isotonic
DiIIerence (y)
Molarity (x)


Isotonic Solutions
Irom my predicted graph, I am stating that with concentrations higher than that oI the
potato cell sap, there will be a negative percentage diIIerence in the length and mass
oI the potatoes. This supports the process oI osmosis, which occurs in the cells; when
the external solution is greater, water moves out oI the cell. ThereIore, there must be a
decrease in size. Similarly, when the concentration oI sucrose solution is greater, the
potato tubors decrease in length and mass.

The percentage diIIerence at Iirst is positive, as the external solution must be less
concentrated than the cell sap. ThereIore, water moves into the potato cells in order
Ior equalization to occur. This is why the potatoes will increase in length and mass
and thus, a positive percentage diIIerence.

When the two lines representing mass and length meet the x-axis, the percentage
diIIerence is equal to zero. ThereIore, there is no more increase nor is there is a
decrease in the potatoes. This is because the external solution`s concentration is equal
to that oI the cell sap. ThereIore, there is no movement oI water and so no change in
mass or length. This is known as the isotonic solution and should lie between 0.25 and
0.5 M, as most potatoes have a cell sap lying in this range. Since the mass and length
percentage diIIerences occur at diIIerent concentrations, I will take the average to Iind
the concentration oI the cell sap. ThereIore, the average isotonic solution is taken as
the value oI the cell sap`s concentration.

Obtaining Evidence

I have now conducted my experiments acknowledging the necessary saIety
precautions to take and have utilized the required equipment appropriately; I have
placed the potato on a raised platIorm beIore Iorming the potato cylinders preventing
the chance oI any injury to my hands. Furthermore, I was extremely careIul when
using the razor blade to cut the potato cylinders to an exact length oI Iour centimeters
each. And Iinally, I have perIormed my experiment with the utmost care Iollowing the
procedure step by step.

AIter perIorming the experiment, I have noted my observations and compared them to
my predictions. I have placed Iour potato tubors in each petri dish with the respective
liquid inside this dish. ThereIore, Ior each concentration oI solution, I have taken Iour
readings as I have noted the mass and length readings Ior each oI these tubors. The
point oI this is to obtain as much data as possible and then compile these readings
together and obtain an average oI these readings so that my Iinal values are more
accurate and reliable. ThereIore, the results in my experiment are an average oI the
readings Irom the Iour potato tubors; so my readings are thereIore more precise.
Furthermore, the concentrations oI sucrose solution that I have taken are 0.125M,
0.25M, 0.5M, 0.75M and 1M along with distilled pure water. These concentrations
should appropriately reveal the relation that exists between the concentrations oI
sucrose solution and the amount oI water that enters or exits the tubors; that is, it
should properly reveal the phenomenon oI osmosis. To obtain more accurate results, I
repeated the experiment twice so that I get a Iair Iinal value.

When analyzing the results, I noticed that there is an obvious pattern that Ialls into my
predictions. I have noticed that when the potato tubors were placed in a concentrated
sucrose solution, they decreased in mass and length. In Iact, when the sucrose solution
was more concentrated, the decrease in mass and length was greater. ThereIore, there
was a greater percentage diIIerence in mass and length. I have also realized however
that with the weakest sucrose solution, there was actually a gain in mass and length in
the potato tubors rather than a loss. There was an even greater gain in mass and length
when the tubors were placed in distilled water.

For this experiment, I have used an equal volume oI solution Ior each petri dish as
30mL. ThereIore, beIore pouring the required solution into its respective petri dish, I
have measured its volume correctly in a measure Ilask. I have taken more accurate
readings and avoided parallax by taking the readings at eye level. I have also taken
precautions to measure the length oI the potato tubors at an exact Iour centimeters so
as to avoid any inaccuracies in my experiment. Then by placing the tubors in the petri
dish, I have poured the respective solution into the dish noting the time until all the
tubors are submerged in the solution. I have then closed the dish and set it aside. I
have repeated this Ior the other concentrations oI solution.

The data that I have obtained Irom my experiment is shown below. I have tabulated it
to properly reveal the changes in length and mass aIter the tubors have been placed in
their respective solutions Ior about 24 hours.

Distilled Water 4.00 4.43 1.22 1.43
0.125 Sucrose 4.00 4.31 1.19 1.40
0.25 Sucrose 4.00 4.24 1.18 1.38
0.5 Sucrose 4.00 3.78 1.17 1.08
0.75 Sucrose 4.00 3.46 1.21 0.93
1.0 Sucrose 4.00 3.26 1.21 0.87

I have obtained these readings aIter 24 hours oI allowing the tubors to be placed in
their petri dishes. I have then collected then, dried them using Iilter paper and
weighed each individual tubor on a weight scale. A picture oI this scale is shown

The new mass oI each tubor can then be compared with its mass reading beIore being
placed in the solution in the petri dish. Also the tubors will be measured to note its
new length. This new length can then be compared with its original length oI Iour
centimeters and thus with this inIormation compiled together, I will be able to analyze
what has really happened with the help oI what I have learnt beIore on the topic oI

Again to be noted, I have taken the necessary saIety precautions in my experiment to
avoid any injury to myselI so that the experiment is both saIe and practical. Thus,
when using the razor blade to cut the tubors to an even length oI Iour centimeters, I
have Iocused and careIul not to cut myselI. Furthermore, when inserting the cork
borer into the potato, I have made sure to place the potato on a raised platIorm and
made sure the potato was not cupped in my hand to prevent any injury to my hand.

Analyzing Evidence

With the data obtained Irom my experiment, it is now necessary to Iully understand
them and analyze the results. More than that, it is important to prove why the results
are given as so. To do so, it may help to construct a bar graph to clearly present the
data obtained Irom the experiment. The bar graph on the next page clearly reveals the
change in length Ior the potato tubors in the diIIerent concentrations oI solution; it
presents the initial length oI the tubors and its Iinal length.

From this graph, it is obvious that with a less concentrated solution, the potato tubor
actually gains length. For example, when the potato tubors are placed in distilled
water, Irom Iour centimeters, they increase in length to 4.43 centimeters, an increase
oI 43 millimeters. This relies on the Iact oI osmosis; iI a cell is placed in a less
concentrated solution, then in order Ior equalization to occur, that is Ior the
concentration to be equal on both sides, then water must move into the cell so that its
cell sap becomes diluted and so that the concentration gradient is eliminated. In this
case, since the potato cells inside the tubor obviously have cell sap, a mixture oI salts
and sugars with water, it Iorms a weak solution. Even though it is weak, it is still more
concentrated than the distilled water. Thus, in order Ior equalization to occur, some oI
the distilled water must move across the cell membrane oI the potato cell and enter it.
In this case, the cells will become bloated or turgid; they become Iirm and Iull. Due to
this, the potato tubor will increase in length as the potato cells have become Iirm and
turgid; they occupy more space and so the tubor increases in length. In Iact, it is seen
that the potato tubor increases in length the most when placed in distilled water
because the concentration gradient is greater; the diIIerence in concentration between
the external and internal solution is greater and so more water enters the potato cells
Iilling its vacuole more rapidly. This can be supported by comparing the change in
length oI the potato tubors when placed in a 0.125M sucrose solution; when placed in
the petri dish containing sucrose solution oI this concentration, the potato tubors only
increase by an average oI 31 millimeters giving a total length oI 4.31 centimeters.
Since these tubors are shorter than those placed in distilled water, it obviously means
that less water has entered the potato cells; nevertheless, water has entered the cells.
Water enters the cells in order to cause equalization; in this case, the potato cell sap
must be more concentrated than the 0.125M sucrose solution thus water moves into
the cell to equalize the concentration oI the internal and external solutions. However,
since the tubor is not as long as when placed in distilled water, it must mean that the
concentration gradient is less; there is a smaller diIIerence in concentration since less
water enters the potato tubor. Thus, there is less change in length. Furthermore, when
the potato tubors are placed in a 0.25M sucrose solution, the potato tubors increase in
length but by an even smaller margin. This must mean that there is an even smaller
concentration gradient; the concentration diIIerence between the external solution and
the cell sap is smaller even though the cell sap is more concentrated than the 0.25M
sucrose solution. Thus, less water must enter the cell in order to cause equalization oI
the external and internal solutions. And when the concentration is oI 0.5M sucrose
solution, we see that the potato tubors no longer increase in length but in Iact become
shorter. This means that the potato cell sap is less concentrated than its external
solution; thereIore in order Ior equalization to occur, water must move out oI the cells
and thus they become Ilaccid or plasmolyzed. In this case, the cell become shriveled
up and so the potato tubor becomes smaller in size, thus the decrease in length. And
since there is a sudden change between these concentrations oI 0.25M and 0.5M, that
is, at 0.25M the potato tubors gained length while at 0.5M the tubors decreased in
length, it shows that obviously the isotonic solution exists between these two values;
the isotonic solution is where the external solution is equal to the internal solution and
is where there is no net Ilow oI water molecules. Thus, the isotonic solution must
exist between 0.25M and 0.5M sucrose solutions as at one point there will be no
increase in length oI the potato tubors. Also Irom the graph, it is seen that with higher
concentrations oI sucrose solution such as those oI 0.75M and 1M, there is a greater
change in length as there is now a greater concentration gradient Iorms; thus more
water must move out oI the potato tubors and so more cells become even more
Ilaccid. Thus, with higher concentrations oI sucrose solution, the potato tubors
become shorter and shorter.

From my experiment, I have also obtained data on the change oI mass in the potato
tubors when placed in the diIIerent concentrations oI solution. In order to present this
inIormation clearly, I have shown this on a bar graph, which indicates the initial and
Iinal mass Ior the tubors placed in each oI these diIIerent solutions. This is shown on
the next page.

When examining this graph, it is necessary to take into account the scientiIic backing
oI osmosis and these results may also be compared with those oI the length readings
to support what has happened. Now, it is seen that Irom the bar graph, the least
concentrated solution attributes to the greatest increase in mass. That is, when the
potato tubors are placed in distilled water, the mass oI the potato tubors changes Irom
1.22 grams to 1.43 grams. This is because since the concentration is greater inside the
cell, water must enter the cells in order to cause equalization, thus the cells must
become turgid. As they become turgid, it is almost as iI the potato tubors have sucked
in water and begin to swell up. Since they swell up with water, they will increase in
mass. This is the same reason why the potato tubors also increase in length when
placed in distilled water. Similarly, when the potato tubors are placed in sucrose
solution oI concentration 0.125M, they gain mass. In this case, the mass changes Irom
1.19 grams to 1.40 grams. This is an increase oI 0.21 grams, the same increase in
mass as those tubors placed in distilled water. This signiIies an error in my
experiment as generally, when the tubors are placed in 0.125M sucrose solution, the
mass oI the tubors should increase but not as much as it increases when placed in
distilled water; this is because when placed in 0.125M sucrose solution, there is a
smaller concentration gradient as this concentration is closer to the concentration oI
the potato cell sap and so less water must enter the potato cells in order Ior
equalization to occur. Since however there is the same increase in mass, there must
have been an error, Ior example, perhaps not all the Iactors aIIecting osmosis were
kept constant. For example, perhaps the temperature was not kept constant as so
perhaps while the petri dishes were kept aside Ior 24 hours, they were alterations in
the temperature and so the process oI osmosis took place at a Iaster rate and so
perhaps there was a greater change in mass than expected. From the graph, we also
see that when the concentration is 0.25M, the mass increases but now by a smaller
margin, Irom 1.18 grams to 1.38 grams. This is because now since the concentration
oI the sucrose solution is nearing that oI the concentration oI the potato cell sap, less
water is required to enter the potato cell`s vacuole to cause equalization oI the
concentrations oI the internal and external solutions and so there will be a smaller
increase in mass due to the Iact that the tubor has not taken in as much water as
When comparing the length readings oI the potato tubors, I have noticed that when
taking into account the concentrations oI 0.25M and 0.5M sucrose solutions, there
was a sudden change in the change oI length oI the potato tubors; when placed in a
solution oI concentration 0.25M, the potato tubors increased in length while when
placed in a solution oI concentration 0.5M, the tubors decreased in length. This means
that between these concentrations must lie the isotonic solution, a solution that has a
concentration equal to the potato cell sap; in this case, there will be no net Ilow oI
water molecules and thus the potato tubor will neither increase or decrease in length.
This can be supported now by examining the change in mass with diIIerent solutions.
When placed in a solution oI concentration 0.25M, the potato tubors increase in
length. However, when placed in a solution oI concentration 0.5M, the potato tubors
decrease in mass, Irom 1.17 grams to 1.08 grams. This must mean that the
concentration oI 0.5M is greater than the concentration oI the potato cell sap so water
must move out oI the cell in order Ior equalization to occur. However, since when
placed in 0.25M, the potato tubors increase in mass, the isotonic solution must
thereIore lie between 0.25M and 0.5M sucrose solutions. ThereIore, this is Iurther
prooI to this statement mentioned above.
Furthermore, when reIerring to the graph, it is seen that when the potato tubors are
placed in solutions oI greater concentration such as 0.75M and 1M, the increase in
mass is greater. This is because with an increase in the external solution`s
concentration, there is a greater diIIerence in the concentration between the internal
and external solutions and thus a greater amount oI water must leave the potato cells
in order Ior equalization to occur. ThereIore, more cells will lose water and become
Ilaccid. ThereIore, overall the potato tubors will decrease in its mass by a greater
amount. This Iurther supports the results in my length readings as they Iall into the
same pattern.

ThereIore, an overall statement may be made about the tubors when placed in these
concentrations. When placed in distilled water, the potato tubors will increase in both
its mass and length by the greatest amount. When placed in a sucrose solution oI
concentration 0.25M, the potato tubors will increase in both mass and length but when
placed in a sucrose solution oI concentration 0.5M, the tubors decrease in its mass and
length. This indicates that the isotonic solution lies between concentrations oI 0.25M
and 0.5M, as at a certain concentration between these, the potato tubors will neither
increase nor decrease in its length or mass. And Iinally when the potato tubors are
placed in a sucrose solution oI higher concentrations such as 0.75M and 1M, they will
both decrease in mass and length, decreasing the most when placed in a sucrose
solution oI concentration 1M as then the concentration gradient is greater and so more
water must escape the tubors in order Ior equalization to occur.

These results may also be presented in terms oI the percentage diIIerence in mass and
length. First, I will consider the length changes in the potato tubors when placed in
solutions oI diIIerent concentrations. The percentage diIIerence will signiIy the
change in the length and thus clearly shows how this diIIerence changes with a
change in concentration. When presented on a graph, it will also be able to present
whether there is a positive or negative percentage diIIerence in length. However,
beIore presenting the results on a graph, it is necessary to use the percentage
diIIerence Iormula to calculate the percentage diIIerence in length oI the potato tubors
when placed in these diIIerent concentrations.

To Iind the percentage diIIerence in length, we must use the Iollowing Iormula:

Final Length Initial Length x 100
Initial Length
ThereIore, using the data compiled Irom my experiment, I will be able to Iind out the
percentage diIIerence in length oI the tubors placed in solutions oI diIIerent

Thus, when the potato tubors are placed in distilled water,

4.43 4.00 x 100

10.75 is the percentage diIIerence in length.

When the potato tubors are placed in sucrose solution oI concentration 0.125M,

4.31 4.00 x 100

7.75 is the percentage diIIerence in length.

When the potato tubors are placed in sucrose solution oI concentration 0.25M,

4.24 4.00 x 100

6.00 is the percentage diIIerence in length.

When the potato tubors are placed in sucrose solution oI concentration 0.5M,

3.78 4.00 x 100

-5.50 is the percentage diIIerence in length, indicating a negative percentage
diIIerence; this means that the potato tubors have decreased in length.

When the potato tubors are placed in sucrose solution oI concentration 0.75M,

3.46 4.00 x 100

-13.50 is the percentage diIIerence in length, indicating a negative percentage
diIIerence; this means that the potato tubors have decreased in length.

And Iinally when the potato tubors are placed in sucrose solution oI concentration

3.26 4.00 x 100

-18.50 is the percentage diIIerence in length, indicating a negative percentage
diIIerence; this means that the potato tubors have decreased in length.

This inIormation may now be tabulated and then presented on a graph clearly
showing the change in percentage diIIerence with a change in the concentration oI

Concentration/Molars Percentage Difference in Length/
Distilled Water 10.75
0.125 7.75
0.250 6.00
0.500 -5.50
0.750 -13.50
1.000 -18.50

Since not all the points Iall into a straight line, I have decided to take a line oI best Iit
Ior more accurate results and to present the graph in the Iorm oI a straight line so that
it clearly shows the relation existing between the percentage diIIerence in length to
the concentration. The graph is shown on the next page and it shows at when the
potato tubors are placed in solutions oI distilled water to a sucro se solution oI
concentration beIore 0.4375M, there is a positive percentage diIIerence in length. This
means that in this range, the potato tubors will in Iact increase in length. Nevertheless,
the increase in length is the greatest when the tubors are submerged in distilled water,
as only then is there the greatest concentration gradient. Furthermore, Irom the graph
it is obvious that the graph crosses the x-axis at a concentration oI 0.4375M. This
means that at this concentration, there is no longer an increase in length and thus this
concentration must be the isotonic solution; the isotonic solution is where the
concentration oI the external solution is equal to the concentration oI the internal
solution and thus there will no longer be any net Ilow oI water. Thus, there will not be
any increase in length. So, in this case, since at this concentration, the percentage
diIIerence is 0, it means that this concentration is equal to the concentration oI the
potato cell sap and thus acts as the isotonic solution. We also see Irom the graph that
when the potato tubors are placed in solutions oI concentration above 0.4375M to 1M,
there is a negative diIIerence in length. This means that the potato tubors will
decrease in length. Nevertheless, the decrease in length is the greatest when the
concentration oI sucrose solution is 1M as then the concentration gradient is the most
so there is a greater amount oI water required to escape the potato cells. This is seen
Irom the graph, as at 1M, there is the greatest percentage diIIerence oI 18.75.

A graph may also be constructed to present the percentage diIIerence in mass.
However, beIore doing so, it is necessary to make the necessary calculations to
determine the percentage diIIerence in mass at the diIIerent concentrations oI
solution. This can be accomplished using the Iormula shown below.

Thus, using this Iormula I may now determine the percentage diIIerence in mass at
the diIIerent concentrations oI solution.

When the potato tubors are placed in distilled water,

1.43 1.22 x 100

17.21 is the percentage diIIerence in mass.

When the potato tubors are placed in a 0.125M sucrose solution,

1.40 1.19 x 100

17.65 is the percentage diIIerence in mass. (This is an obvious anomalous reading
in my experiment as it would be expected that the potato tubors placed in this
concentration would have a smaller percentage diIIerence as compared to those tubors
placed in distilled water as in the case oI distilled water, there is a greater
concentration gradient and so more water would be expected to enter the potato tubors
than compared to that entering the tubors placed in 0.125M sucrose solution. Thus,
there must have been an error in my experiment such as an alteration in the
temperature or perhaps a sudden change in the permeability oI the cell membrane oI
the potato cells.)

When the potato tubors are placed in a 0.25M sucrose solution,

1.38 1.18 x 100

16.95 is the percentage diIIerence in mass.

When the potato tubors are placed in a 0.5M sucrose solution,

1.08 1.17 x 100

Final Mass Initial Mass x 100
Initial Mass
-7.69 is the percentage diIIerence in mass. The negative sign indicates a negative
percentage diIIerence, which means at this concentration the potato tubors decrease in
their mass.

When the potato tubors are placed in a 0.75M sucrose solution,

0.93 1.21 x 100

-23.14 is the percentage diIIerence in mass. The negative sign indicates a negative
percentage diIIerence, which means at this concentration the potato tubors decrease in
their mass.

When the potato tubors are placed in a 1M sucrose solution,

0.87 1.21 x 100

-28.10 is the percentage diIIerence in mass. The negative sign indicates a negative
percentage diIIerence, which means at this concentration the potato tubors decrease in
their mass.

BeIore presenting this inIormation on a graph, I may now tabulate the data I have
obtained aIter using the original data Irom my experiment.

Concentration/Molars Percentage Difference in Mass/
Distilled Water 17.21
0.125 17.65
0.205 16.95
0.500 -7.69
0.750 -23.14
1.00 -28.10

With this inIormation obtained, I may now clearly represent this on a graph to present
careIully the trend that exists between these diIIerent concentrations and what its
relation is to the percentage diIIerence in mass. This graph is shown on the next page.

Since not all the points Iall into a straight line, I have decided to take a line oI best Iit
Ior more accurate results and to present the graph in the Iorm oI a straight line so that
it clearly shows the relation existing between the percentage diIIerence in mass to the
concentration. From this graph, it is quite obvious that when the potato tubors are
placed in distilled water to a sucrose solution oI concentration just less than 0.4825M,
there is a positive percentage diIIerence in mass, indicating that the potato tubors will
increase in mass. This is due to the Iact that the potato cell sap is more concentrated
than the surrounding solution and thus in order Ior equalization to occur water moves
into the cells. Thus, there is an increase in mass. Nevertheless, only those potato
tubors placed in distilled water have the greatest percentage diIIerence, as there is the
greatest concentration gradient; there is a greater diIIerence in concentration
comparing the external solution to the potato cell sap. Thus, more water is required to
move into the cells Ior equalization and thus, there is a greater percentage diIIerence.
Now, the graph crosses the x-axis at 0.4825M. This means that at this concentration,
there is neither an increase nor decrease in mass. Thus, this must be the isotonic
solution Ior the potato, where its potato cell sap is equal in concentration to the
surrounding solution. ThereIore, since at this point there is no percentage diIIerence in
mass oI the potato tubors, 0.4825M must be the concentration oI the potato cell sap.
Also, when the potato tubors are placed in a sucrose solution oI concentration just
above 0.4825M to a sucrose solution oI concentration 1M, there is a negative
percentage diIIerence, which means that the potato tubors are decreasing in mass.
This is because the external solution is more concentration than the internal solution,
so water moves out oI the potato cells in order Ior equalization to occur. Thus, there is
a loss in mass and so a negative percentage diIIerence. Nevertheless, when the
concentration oI the sucrose solution is 1M, there is the greatest negative percentage
diIIerence as the potato tubors decrease in mass the most; this is because since there is
a greater diIIerence in concentration between the internal and external solutions, more
water is required to escape the potato cells in the tubor and thus there is a greater loss
in mass.

These two graphs may be superimposed on one. This is shown on the graph on the
next page. In this case, both graphs cross the x-axis at diIIerent points, indicating that
the potatoes have diIIerent cell sap concentrations. Nevertheless, the points at which
the graphs cross the x-axis is relatively the same and so it is necessary to take an
average oI these points to Iind the average isotonic solution. This is done as Iollows.
The point at which the graph indicating the percentage diIIerence in mass crosses the
x-axis is 0.4825M and the point at which the graph indicating the percentage
diIIerence in mass crosses the x-axis is 0.4375M. By taking these two values into
account, I may now Iound a reliable and more accurate value Ior the concentration oI
the potato cell sap.

0.4825 0.4375


Thus, the average isotonic solution is 0.46M and so the average concentration oI the
potato cell sap was 0.46M.

ThereIore, I have now satisIied the purpose oI my experiment and have Iound the
concentration oI the potato cell sap, 0.46M, relying on the process oI osmosis.


I have now completed my experiment in its entirety and have determined the average
concentration oI the potato cell sap used in my experiment to be 0.46M. I believe this
value to be rather reliable as my method itselI is both practical and suitable to
determine the concentration oI the solution. It is a reliable method as I have taken into
account the original masses and lengths oI the potato tubors and compares them with
their new masses and lengths appropriately. It also allows the potato tubors to be
submerged Iully in their respective solutions Ior up to 24 hours so that enough time is
given Ior the process oI osmosis to occur. Nevertheless, there are several
improvements that could be suggested in order to make the method even more
reliable. However, beIore suggesting any improvements to the methods, it is
necessary to pinpoint certain errors in the experiment.

One blatant error in my experiment is when taking the mass oI the potato tubor placed
in the petri dish containing a sucrose solution oI concentration 0.125M. In this case,
the potato tubors had a greater percentage diIIerence than that oI distilled water,
which should generally not be the case. Thus, this error could have been Ior several
reasons, one being that the other Iactors aIIecting osmosis were not kept constant.
Such Iactors may be the temperature; with a greater temperature the water molecules
would move across the cell membrane oI the cell more quickly and thus the rate at
which osmosis occurs is increased. With a decrease in temperature, then the rate oI
osmosis also decreases and so perhaps the temperature was not kept at a constant
during the entire experiment. Furthermore, perhaps the tubors used were irregular,
that is, perhaps they were not perIect cylinders. In this case, the amount oI water that
enters may diIIer and thus the total mass oI the cylinders will diIIer. Thus, there are
bound to be some errors. Other errors may be that perhaps the same potato was not
used and thus this would contribute to an error as the cell sap concentration diIIers
between diIIerent potatoes. Another common error is taking the wrong amount oI
solution in the measuring jar; that is Ialling into the common parallax error and taking
more than or less than 30mL oI solution. These are the most noticeable errors.

I may suggest how my experiment could have been improved. The Iirst way to
improve my experiment would be to take into account these noticeable errors and
overcome them to make my experiment more reliable. Now, in order to keep the
temperature constant, I will keep the petri dishes containing the tubors inside a stored
area, where the temperature is kept constant always; this will prevent the chance oI
any change in the rate oI osmosis and thus will prevent any inaccuracies in the mass
and length readings. Furthermore, in order to prevent the tubors Irom being irregular,
I will use only those potato tubors that are almost a perIect cylinder. In this case, the
readings in mass and length are more accurate. Another common error to overcome is
that oI parallax; when using the measuring jar to conIirm 30mL oI solution to be used,
I will make sure to take this reading at eye level so that I am actually using an exact
volume oI 30mL exactly. Also the parallax error can be avoided when cutting the
potato tubors to an exact Iour centimeters; its length should be noted at eye level to
conIirm the length oI the tubor is Iour centimeters. And Iinally, in order to prevent the
concentration oI potato cell sap Irom altering, I will use the same potato.

Though my experiment is suitable and appropriate, it can be improved Iurther more
my using a diIIerent range oI concentrations oI sucrose solution to better reveal t he
change in mass and length oI the potato tubors when placed in these solutions but
more importantly to reveal the exact concentration oI the potato cell sap. Thus, in this
case, it may perhaps be better to use a range oI concentrations between 0.25M and
0.5M. Thus, this will help to narrow down the exact concentration oI the cell sap. The
experiment may also been carried out using an egg rather than potato tubors or
perhaps another substance could have been used to more appropriately show what is
happening when the substance is placed in diIIerent sucrose solutions.

Even though, in conclusion, I have Iound out that when a substance is placed in a
more concentrated solution, it loses water in order Ior equalization to occur and thus
in the case oI the potato tubors, they will decrease in mass and length. Furthermore,
when placed in a less concentration solution, the tubors will gain water in order Ior
equalization to occur and so they will increase in mass and length. And also Irom my
experiment, I have determined the potato cell sap concentration to be 0.46M.

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