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My three Styles of Management I am an Office Manager/ Financial Secretary at Treadwell Elementary.

I have some very important roles to perform regarding financial planning and disbursements as well as training office staff and making sure that everyone has the knowledge to perform the task at hand. I have to make sure that the teachers are submitting timely documents as required, also. So I decided to research under Management styles. After performing the Knowledge Train test by answering 6 questions on Test your Management Style. I decided to research my three management styles of management answers, according to Knowledge Train; Authoritative, Democratic and Coaching Management. Even though I disagree with a lot of the information regarding the management styles listed, some of the literature is true. Authoritative / Autocratic Management Style Styles of management result from the dynamics between the culture of the organization and each individuals approach to management issues (Davidmann 1982) It is a matter of fact that different managers used different styles of management. The choice depends on the situation and the ability of nursery manager to organize the wok. One more reason in choosing the style is the task. Companys performance depends mostly on the chosen style of management. (Davidmann 1982) Authoritative style is the styles when all decisions are made at the top of organization and then theses decisions are implemented to managers. The decisions can be made by either board of management or senior manager or senior management team. Authoritative management style is needed in case when senior manager has to implement decisions made by board of trustees , local councilor 's sub-committee or other outside body with a management role for the establishment (Davidmann 1982)

This management style is too dominating and repressive and it demands personnel to obey all the s and decisions even without any questions . Authoritarian style can arouse rebellion or low benefits from personnel. The next drawback is that authoritative doesnt suggest any communication and consulting between leaders and common employees. It means that the manager makes up decision himself without listening to others (Davidmann 1982) I think that a company would hardly benefit from authoritarian management style, though it is useful in certain situations. Despite the fact that authoritative style leads to conflicts and low outputs from personnel, it is useful when it is necessary make up quick decision or when situation is critical and power is required. Authoritative style works also when there is no need for the input of decision meaning that decision wont change the desired results. Also it is used when motivation of employees isnt affected by decision-making process (Davidmann 1982) The art of decision making is not easy. It requires time and patience to understand the matter fully and then arrive at a conclusion. There are carious ways devised for decision making. One of the methods of decision making calls upon authoritative decision making. Authoritative decision making might be recommended only for team leaders or project managers who have the required ability to use this method of devising decisions. Authoritative decision making is used when a person held responsible has all the knowledge and expertise to churn out the best possible solution to the problem. In such conditions the leader is the sole person to make a decision. This type of decision making has its own benefits and flaws. (Davidmann 1982) Authoritative Style Because of the volatile nature of the dictatorial style, more leaders and managers opt for the authoritative style. (Brown 2007)

The authoritative leader traits are: seldom lets others make decisions, feels he/she is the most qualified and experienced, considers his/her views to be most valid, lacks confidence in others abilities, critical of differing opinions, rarely gives recognition, is easily offended, uses others for his/her benefit, action oriented, highly competitive. (Brown 2007) The biggest weakness of this style is the failure to recognize the skills and abilities within other people. They are often denied opportunities to use or exhibit their skills in decision-making venues. (Brown 2007) Yet, the greatest strength of this style is to produce action when it is needed. (Brown 2007) The Authoritative style is appropriate: (Brown 2007) When new hires are unfamiliar with their jobs If there is constant misuse of authority When company rules are broken When you are the sole person responsible for a decision Pros... The first and foremost benefit of authoritative decision making is that usually the project manager is a person who is capable of churning out the best decision at turbulent times. So, in a situation when the project manager has to decide quickly about critical things - approve certain imperfections, make schedule adjustments, etc. - he should use this mode of decision making. When making this kind of decision the person should know that the responsibility is solely his, with all the benefits and drawbacks. Cons It is rightly said that where there is light there is darkness. The authoritative decision making has its dark side too. The biggest problem of this technique is that one wrong decision can cost the

business big in terms of lost customers, revenue, or reputation. In management terms, this type of decision making is not much preferred as it involves only a single person - what if the proposed answer is not "the answer?" Two heads are better than one... If wrongly used, this type of decision making can be also harmful to ones self - several wrong decisions and a person loses self-esteem and has doubts about his decisions, work attitudes that cannot be acceptable for a project manager or a team leader. If the person does not possess the complete knowledge about the situation and is use to making decisions with the counseling of colleagues then taking this step into the art of decision making can be dangerous for anyone - the person is just not used to having this much authority... It should be noted that counseling is always a better option as a person hears all the solutions to the problem, and it is possible that others are thinking clearer and better on the situation than the project manager. In addition the authoritative decision making technique must be used with extreme caution under stressful and emotional conditions as this can alter the decision and the project leader may choose badly. Developing an Authoritative Management Style (Philley 2011) Being an authoritative manager means being a leader of leaders, encouraging the leaders below you on the organization chart to think, rather than simply doing what you tell them to do. There are six characteristics that mark an effective leader of leaders: y y y y y Competence Collaboration Compassion Commitment to vision Communication

Coaching mind-set

Competence means that, in a pinch, you could do any of the jobs of the people under you. You probably won't be able to do the work as well or as quickly as the people who do it every day, but you should be able to muddle along if you have to. The reason this is so important is that your employees must believe that you know what you're talking about when you set goals with them and when you evaluate their work. They must believe that you have at least a concept of what is possible vs. impossible, and what tools are required to do the job. Let's look at a simple example to see how this works. (Philley 2011) You have recently introduced a new service to your dog-walking business. You will have your employees not only walk your clients' dogs, but also transport the dogs to and from their vet appointments and doggie day care. You purchase an economy car so your employees can transport the dogs. You set a goal for your employees to sign up at least ten clients for this service during the first week. You have a client base of 60 dogs, so you think this is a realistic goal. Because you have never done any of the field work yourself, you failed to realize that 50 of your client dogs are Great Danes who don't fit into an economy car. This leaves your employees with a pool of only 10 clients to whom they can try to sell the new service, making your goal of signing up 10 dogs seem a lot less realistic. (Philley 2011) Collaboration means that you encourage your employees to work together to find solutions. It means realizing that the best ideas come from groups rather than from one person who pretends to know everything. Although you will have some level of competence at all of the jobs your staff does, you need to recognize that someone who does the job every day is likely to have a higher level of competence and should be consulted when changes need to be made. Allowing

your staff to have input, rather than simply dictating changes will help you to come up with better solutions and see potential pitfalls before they derail a new process. (Philley 2011) The old adage about two heads being better than one is very often true. Allowing your employees to help you solve a problem takes a lot of the pressure off of you, and expands the number of possible solutions because several people are working on the problem. (Philley 2011) The wise manager will take advantage of his employee's knowledge and skills rather than dictating changes and expecting employees to simply go along because the boss said so. Your employees may be more than happy to follow your directives, but only because they know the operation will fail because you don't have the intimate knowledge of the tasks required to create a workable plan. They will be laughing all the way to the bank when you have to pay them to sit around through the downtime created by your failed process, waiting for maintenance to fix whatever went wrong. (Philley 2011) To prevent this sad turn of events, a leader of leaders presents the problem to the experts and asks for solutions. The leader may set certain parameters regarding cost or scope of the project, but then he should sit down and shut up, allowing the people who will be responsible for working the new project to develop a process that meets not only the goals of the project, but also their needs. Here's an example to show how this works. (Philley 2011) You are currently making widgets at 90% of your factory's capacity, working 8 hours per day. Your best customer has asked if you would be able to double his order for the next three weeks. This would put you at 125% of capacity. You could arbitrarily mandate that all employees work 10-hour days for the next three weeks, or you could present the problem to your staff and ask how they would like to handle it. They may come up with the 10-hour day solution, or they may think of something entirely different, like speeding up the widget-making machine by a factor

that would allow the increase in production without your incurring the overtime. (Philley 2011) They might tell you they don't feel physically capable of working at the demanding job of making widgets 10-hours a day, but that they are willing to work Saturdays for the next three weeks. They might suggest having all employees work a 10-hour day for four days a week only, with days off to be staggered throughout the week so that enough employees are present to run production six- or seven-days a week. This option would be attractive because you don't have to pay any overtime, but you get a bump in production that you may even be able to carry over after the three weeks' timeframe, allowing you to add customers. (Philley 2011) The big benefit to allowing your employees to design the solution to a problem is that you will have their buy-in, and they will be committed to making the solution work. If you had simply demanded that everyone work two hours of overtime each day, the employees may well have been present for ten hours, but they may have resented it so much that they worked more slowly or created problems so that your production goals were not met. (Philley 2011) Earlier this week, we talked about several different management styles, and decided the authoritative style was the best. We also talked about the first two steps to developing an authoritative style: competence and collaboration. Today we'll pick up where we left off, considering the third element: compassion. (Philley 2011) Compassion means recognizing that your employees are human beings with lives outside of your company. Although you pour your blood, sweat, and tears into the company, your employees probably don't have that level of commitment because it is not their "baby". To many of your employees, your company offers "just a job", while to you it is a way of life, or maybe even a family legacy, passed down through many generations. Your employees may be willing

to work late some of the time, but they are not likely to miss very many of their kids' soccer games to do so. (Philley 2011) When you show compassion, your employees know that you understand their lives outside the company are important to them. The best way to do this is to schedule time regularly to get to know your employees. Whether you simply walk around your place of business and spend a few minutes chatting with your team or whether you rely on the company grapevine, you want to make sure you understand what is going out outside of the office. To be sure, there are certain employees who observe a strict separation of work and home. You will never hear them talk about their lives and they won't have anything in their offices that will tell you anything about home. It's important to respect the privacy of people who do this. (Philley 2011) However, most people bring a little bit of their home lives into the workplace every day. Whether it's a picture of Junior in his prom tux or a ball cap from their favorite sports team, most people have at least one thing in their workspace that demonstrates an interest in something other than work. Take the time to notice these things and strike up a conversation about them. If you need to, keep index cards on each employee that you can refer to before you leave your desk. For example, you might walk through your company lunchroom and see Marilyn showing off the proofs of her son's senior pictures to her co-workers. After you've oohed and aahed over the pictures, go back to your office and make a note that her son is a senior. In May, ask if the company can contribute something to her son's graduation party, or simply ask when the ceremony will be. You don't have to go, but you do have to take a genuine interest in the fact that her family is experiencing a momentous occasion. You might ask if the son has college plans, then in August, ask if she needs any boxes to help him pack. It takes you roughly two

minutes to do this, and it can reap huge dividends in terms of company loyalty and employee cooperation. (Philley 2011) And it should go without saying that you attend funerals when your employees' parents or other close family members die, and you send a get-well card or even flowers or a fruit basket when your employees are seriously ill. (Philley 2011) You may also create company policies that encourage compassion. For example, every company has at least one person who never seems to go on vacation. You might consider having a vacation-sharing plan where employees can donate unused days to someone who needs some extra time off, perhaps due to a terminally ill child. It costs you nothing, and generates a lot of goodwill. You might set up an employee assistance fund where employees who have experienced some sort of tragedy can apply for help. (Set this up through an established charity so you are not the one personally making decisions on whether the death of a husband qualifies for more or less money than a fire that takes the family home.) (Philley 2011) Commitment to vision means that you never let your mind stray from the vision and mission of the company. When you're running on fumes, trying to get enough work done to make payroll at the end of the week, it can be easy to cut corners or to make snap decisions that serve well in the short-run but don't stand the test of time. A leader of leaders must have an unwavering eye on the overall goals of the company and assure that all decisions are in alignment with those goals. Let's say one of your company's goals is to have a safety record that beats your industry's average. One day as you're walking through your plant, you notice that a guard is missing from a piece of machinery. You ask the machine operator where the guard is, and he says it was removed to make it easier to fix problems quickly. In theory, this might sound like a good idea. After all, fixing problems quickly means less downtime and higher profits, right? But think for

just a minute about what the lack of a guard might mean in terms of safety performance. Is it really worth someone's fingers being lost to save a few minutes of downtime? What would you say when you made that phone call to the injured person's spouse? (Philley 2011) Even if you look at it in terms of profit, you have to consider how much you would have to pay in OSHA fines if you were inspected. That amount is likely to be much more than the amount you pay someone for the time it takes to remove the guard after the machine is tagged out during a breakdown. (Philley 2011) As the owner of the company, it's your job to think through some of the quick decisions that people make on the fly to see if they really make sense in terms of the big picture. It actually ends up being pretty easy if you have a firm commitment to vision. (Philley 2011) Communication is closely tied to commitment to vision. In order to keep all of your leaders going in the same direction, you must clearly communicate the vision to them. Again, this goes back to the road trip example we talked about when defining management styles. If you send all of your employees on a trip without clearly communicating where they are supposed to go and when they are supposed to get there, the chances of them all arriving are pretty slim. A coaching mindset is important because one of the best ways to develop leaders among your staff is to allow them to make mistakes without fear of reprisal. You want your staff to experiment with new ways of doing things so you can find the best way. You want them to innovate and design new processes and products that allow your company to grow. Where would we be if Edison hadn't experimented to invent the light bulb or if Bill Gates hadn't tried new things to make computers accessible to the masses? (Philley 2011) And there is no doubt in my mind that if you let your employees experiment, there will be things that don't work out as planned. That's where the coaching mindset comes in. Rather than writing

up an employee whose experiment didn't work, you need to spend that time and energy figuring out why it didn't work and what can be tried the next time to make the process more successful. If your employees get in trouble for trying out new ideas, they will stop trying, and you will be stuck using the same processes for the entire time you are in business, while your competitors race ahead of you by being innovative. (Philley 2011) When you take a coaching mindset, your employees know they are free to experiment within certain parameters that you can set up to minimize your risks. You may want to have them try something new using only scrap product, or only on weekends. You might want to set a dollar limit for what they can spend. What you don't want to do is punish them for an experiment that doesn't work out. Even failed experiments can be highly valuable, as they provide you with information you can make use of when you design the next experiment. In fact, it has been said that the only failure is the failure to learn from mistakes. (Philley 2011) If you beat up employees who make mistakes, you will train them to hide their mistakes. Hidden mistakes cannot be used to educate the company, and you will be doomed to having several employees make the same mistake. It's much more valuable to have your employees share their experience and what was learned from it, so that others can go on to make different mistakes rather than re-learning the same lesson. (Philley 2011) Democratic management style Business Management Democratic style is defined as multilateral approach which is a platform to create team involvement in the decision process. In the western societies, populations rely on critical thinking to create effective work platforms. One may argue that such setting creates a greater desire for individuals to participate in decision making. Creating such democratic platform which will allow participants / employees to be a part of decision making process may create benefits

such as diversified input, creation of emotional attachment and extra effort by employees. This may ultimately result in a greater poll of ideas and easier implementation. One may argue that a greater diversity of ideas and easier implementation may create superior possibilities of organizational and individual success. Another important component in democratic management is the reduced supervision. According to Struab Less control by a manager often yields more productivity from conscientious, capable workers.. Further, the delegation of power and accountability may increase the efficiency of individual team members. One may argue that individuals which are trusted with decision power but realize the personal accountability may have a greater incentive to put extra effort in their project. Countries such as Sweden and Norway which have adapted democratic management as official national management standard have become innovative leaders in work automation and work design.. One may argue that such innovations may create a better platform for pioneering work design. Choosing democratic management can have a tremendous positive influence by creating a work environment in which individuality and personal input is taken into account. The integration of such personal attributes will ultimately create more involved employees which in turn may increase loyalty, productivity and efficiency.

A democratic style of management will put trust in employees and encourage them to make decisions. They will delegate to them the authority to do this (empowerment) and listen to their advice. This requires good two-way communication and often involves democratic discussion groups, which can offer useful suggestions and ideas. Managers must be willing to encourage leadership skills in subordinates. The ultimate democratic system occurs when decisions are made based on the majority view of all workers. However, this is not feasible for the majority of decisions taken by a business-

indeed one of the criticisms of this style is that it can take longer to reach a decision. This style has close links with Herzbergs motivators and Maslows higher order skills and also applies to McGregors theory Y view of workers. Traits of a Democratic Management Style A Democratic Management Style manager has some common traits. In contrast to the Authoritative Management Style, he or she is seen as a mild approach personnel in term of control and sometimes indecisive. Managers of this Democratic Management Style are considered someone do not want to make his own decision. He is perceived to be someone who plays safe in carry out new task since decision has gone through one more layer of consideration i.e. the staffs. Pros Encourage group decision Look more friendly Value opinion from staff Reduce implementation conflicts Cons Decision made may not be the best for the company Time consuming Conflict among support and non-support group (about the) Staff may not have enough knowledge about the decision

There are situation where a democratic management style is most appropriate. Below are some examples: y y y y y y y When the manager is new to the job Unpopular decision affecting the benefits of the staffs Management seek new ideas Different interest group Election Board meetings Social activities

Coaching Management (Tough) The coaching profession has exploded in recent years, diversifying across many different fields and industries. All of these people are dedicated to helping others achieve their goals, improve aspects of themselves or their business, or move forwards from where they are today. In a work environment, the role of a manager-coach can be described as: Achieving results and excellence through others rather than personally taking care of things, and focusing on developing employees in order to achieve business results rather than micromanaging their every move. Adopting coaching as a management style requires managers to help other people unlock their potential and enhance their own performance. Its about supporting people to learn instead of telling them what the answers are. The mindset of the manager-coach is to create an environment that fosters learning, independent thinking and opportunities to contribute. The manager-coach doesnt want to be seen as a solution provider. Rather, they want to be seen as a facilitator, paving the way for team

members to achieve their results. Coach Managers are a role model for others. They are excellent listeners and communicators, providing perspective and encouragement whilst setting high standards and expectations. (Tough) 1. Stop thinking about employees as people that need to be controlled or managed and give them the latitude to take actions and make decisions. Trust is a vital component of this equation. If you cant trust people to do their jobs well, then you either have the wrong people in the jobs, or you have the right people but you havent trained them sufficiently. A third option is that the people are properly skilled, but the manager just cant let go. 2. Listen, listen. If there are unhappy or disgruntled people in your business, you can guarantee that at some stage theyve tried to tell you what the problem is. Its likely you werent listening (or didnt want to listen), or perhaps your initial reaction made the person think twice about bringing the problem to you. Truly listening is one of the greatest skills to develop, regardless of your role. Good listeners are genuinely interested, convey empathy, and want to find out whats behind the conversation. Great coaches are great listeners without exception. 3. Focus on developing the strengths of each employee rather than managing merely for results. Identify each persons development needs and commit to following through on them. When people are growing and improving, their enthusiasm and effectiveness is greater. And they feel more connected and loyal to the company for supporting them. 4. Endorse effort and growth instead of pointing out failures or errors. As individuals, we all know how seldom we are given positive feedback, but how often we are reminded of our mistakes. Instead of pointing out errors, the coach-manager accepts them as learning opportunities and uses them to develop their employees. The focus is on making sure the same

mistake doesnt happen again by fixing the source of the problem. 5. Stop providing solutions. Managers often achieve their positions after being technical specialists, and so will have an opinion or view on how to "fix" situations or problems. The mindset is that it's usually faster to tell someone what to do, or do it yourself, than give your employees an opportunity to figure it out. By always providing the answers, managers take away the learning opportunity for their employees to come up with alternative (and potentially better) ways of doing things. If you catch yourself about to provide the answer, take a deep breath and ask a question like: What would you do in this situation? 6. As a manager, stop making all the decisions. You don't have all the answers all of the time. Engage those around you - your team and peers - when it comes to finding a way forwards. Involvement breeds ownership and engagement. The more you can find opportunities for people to contribute to the decision-making process and encourage people to have their say, the more your employees will feel connected and satisfied with the company. 7. Be unconditionally constructive - no exceptions. Don't patronize or be critical of others - take complete responsibility for how you are heard. If you catch yourself about to make negative remarks, take a breath and rephrase your words to get your message across without the emotional attachment. It is possible to phrase everything in constructive terms even a negative sentiment. Practice makes perfect! 8. Create an environment where people want to work with you, and feel valued and respected. Make it clear to your employees what they are responsible for, but give them the latitude to go about it in their own way. In short, treat them the way you would want to be treated. Coaching Management (Stowell 1995)

Management coaching creates a spirit of collaboration, allows for open communication, and builds trust and respect in the relationship. The road to high-performance and win-win partnerships has plenty of falling rocks, potholes, and detours. However, if you are able to read the road signs, you can steer around many of these obstacles. The secret to successful management coaching lies in avoiding the seven most common coaching mistakes. We can reduce unnecessary conflict, turnover, and frustration during times of change if we are aware of these obstacles and commit to developing our coaching skills accordingly. Positives (Stowell 1995) Ask, talk, and engage people in the spirit of inquiry and understanding. You don't need to wait until you have an ironclad case. Keep people in perspective, and budget time to talk with them. Explore situations and find solutions to common problems. Be selective and focused with conversation topics rather than comprehensive. People appreciate talking about one or two issues at a time. Don't swamp them with too many suggestions and changes. One quality solution is more important that a lot of weak ones. Plan ahead. Rehearse your thoughts in your mind. Don't go on for more than about 30 seconds on any one point. Generally, when you spend more than 55% of the time talking, you are overstepping the boundaries. Ask questions. Inquire before you advocate. Try to guide rather than dictate. Find out what the other person knows and what solutions they have in mind. Proper management coaching often requires a step back to look at all the factors. Usually serious problems have many roots. Be a little vulnerable by looking for your own contribution to the

situation. This will help defuse the fireworks. Put your concerns in writing and see if the tone and spirit is there. Try to identify your contributions to the issues and concerns. Be open, up-front, and candid. Don't get defensive if others see your own shortcomings. Thank them for their openness and willingness to speak up. Negatives (Stowell 1995) Too many people assume that the best way to build strong relationships is to keep quiet, keep your head down and eyes closed. The worst thing you can do when you have a concern or even sense a problem is to let it fester. Some managers see coaching opportunities but procrastinate. They say to them, "I will make a move at the right moment when I am not so busy." We rationalized that there will be an ideal time to talk. As a result, we do more damage as we wait for this magical moment to appear. Many leaders open up to management coaching only after the list of topics is so long that it would topple a shopping cart. When you dump a list of concerns, people react by defending and covering up. When some supervisors do open up dialogue, they are unable to control the floodgates. The conversation whips into a firestorm of accusations, venting, and anger, and lecture. The vast majority of managers inadvertently dominate coaching discussions by simply talking 75% of the time or more. We sometimes mistakenly feel that we have more to say, more expertise, and wisdom. Many of us take pride in our expertise. As supervisors, we feel that we have a lot to offer, and that we know what is best. We forget that management coaching is really supposed to help

define the situation and facilitate an agreement or solution so that others can feel ownership. Once we begin selling our pre-formed ideas, our ability to brainstorm and participate diminishes. It is possible for well-intended discussions to degenerate into aggressive and angry feelings. When an employee feels attacked, he/she will simply cover up, deflect responsibility, and not speak up. People pack around resentment and seek ways to get even. People begin acting like victims rather than creative, empowered contributors. When you attack you make the issue personal rather than objective. Too many leaders do not create two-way relationships. It is easier to see the faults and needs of others than to identify them in ourselves. This phenomenon is called a "self-serving bias." Encourage and seek out feedback from others. If you model a willingness to develop and improve, others around you will also. Look at relationships as a business asset and competitive advantage. At times, it may seem that fighting, arguing, or screaming is faster and more effective than management coaching. Don't be fooled. These tactics only lead to stress, fatigue, and diminished motivation for everyone. High performance, win-win partnerships, on the other hand, helps the organization flourish and bring you personal satisfaction. (Stowell 1995) The true success of a leader can be measured by the success of the people that work for them. When managers and leaders adopt a coaching style, the productivity, motivation and satisfaction of the employees increases, which filters through to bottom line results. All this makes for an engaged workforce who are committed to giving the business as much as it is giving them. And as an extra incentive, adopting a coaching style of management results in a much more enjoyable workplace for everybody! (Tough)

In closing, as part of the management team, I feel that I have a lot to offer, and that I have an idea of what is expected and accepted. When I have my audit once a year, I receive valuable information regarding the how tos and the not tos. So, I have to enforce it with the entire School Staff. I have to make sure that everyone is on the same page. In my opinion one management is not affective alone because very situations are different. Some situations may require Coaching, some may require Democratic, and some may also require Authoritative.

References Davidmann, Manfred (1982. Styles of Management and Leadership. Retrieved February 2, 2007, from HYPERLINK "http /www .solbaram .org /articles /clm2 .html http /www .solbaram .org /articles /clm2 .html Brown, E. Leadership Styles: Dictatorial, Authoritative, Consultative, Participative (2007) Pros & Cons of Authoritative Decision Making (2010) The Entrepreneurs Handbook Posted by Beth Philley ProBiz President democratic management style Copyright 2011 Total Quality Assurance Service. How to Avoid Seven Common Management Coaching Mistakes Steven J. Stowell, PhD. CMOE Inc. 2005 Coaching - The New Word in Management Megan Tough, director of Action Plus, works with small business professionals who are ready to do more than just get by. Increase your income - decrease your stress! To learn more and to sign up for more FREE tips and articles like these, visit Article Source:

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