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Constantine I


Founder of Catholicism, the first Catholic pope, and a syncretizing compromiser Christianity slowly developed at the Catechetical School of Alexandria, Egypt over several hundred years, beginning in about 190 CE. The head and founder of this first school of Christianity was Pantaenus, and over time other men became the headmasters, such as Clement, Origen, Epiphanius, Tertullian, Augustine, and so on. These are called the "fathers" of the "church", and yet in their writings they describe a sect called THE NATSARIM, who are the first followers of Yahusha, the Mashiach (see Acts 24:5). These "fathers" called the Natsarim "heretics" because the Natsarim were teaching and obeying the Commandments of Yahuah. From this School of Alexandria, "bishops" were spawned who promoted doctrinal control, and these "Nicolaitanes" propagated a hierarchical ruling class that controlled all teachings. The stage was set for a centralized, fascist corporate entity to arise. That opportunity appeared when a man with "universal" power seized control over religious beliefs. That man was Constantine I. Constantine brought his empire together, "universalizing" (Catholicizing) the diverse religious traditions through special "Councils" and official edicts. His empire was fractured with many different religious systems, so he sought to invent a religion that would appeal to everyone, and thus bring peace. Sun-day was declared a day of rest, which appeased the majority, which were Pagan sun-worshippers. Easter (Ishtar, Asherah) was another familiar Pagan festival, which he mixed up with the resurrection of Israel's Messiah, Yahusha. Bringing together many religions into one, he produced the first hybrid system, which Scripture represented as a "multi-headed" beast. The various heads of this beast are the many Pagan religions brought together into one functioning entity. Syncretism, Supersessionism, and "replacement theology" are all related efforts to this "universal" religious merger. Supersessionism: "According to Supersessionism (also sometimes called replacement theology), the bloodlines of Israel are either no longer considered to be Yahuah's chosen people, or their proper calling is frustrated pending their acceptance of Yahusha as the promised Mashiach." -- Wikipedia Supersessionism is entirely a Gentile's appraisal of the situation, and seriously flawed. Syncretism: "Syncretism is the attempt to reconcile disparate, even opposing, beliefs and to meld practices of various schools of thought. It is especially associated with the attempt to merge and analogize several originally discrete traditions, especially in the theology and mythology of religion, and thus assert an underlying unity." -- Wikipedia Between the coming of Yahusha ha'Mashiach and Constantine, a period of almost 300 years, a slow transformation occurred. The faith went from the RELIGION OF Yahusha to a RELIGION ABOUT Yahusha. But really, ours is more than a "religion"; we are citizens in a KINGDOM (a government, over a people: ISRAEL), and we obey the instructions for living which Yahusha has given to us, out of our trust and love for Him, our KING. Our "Constitution" or "wedding vows" is the Covenant, the TEN WORDS. And, we will rule WITH Yahusha if we are found to be worthy

servants of our King. Yes, He is also our High Priest, but what we have to do with is much more than simply a religion. Hebrew elements, especially the Words of Yahuah (His Commandments), were railed against by the revisionist, anti-Semitic "Church fathers". Constantine's revisionism began a process, melding Paganism together with the Messiah of Israel - "hybridizing" Paganism with the Truth. Borrowed Pagan processes poisoned humanity so severely, and tyranny reigned so supremely, that the period from Constantine and the Reformation has been dubbed "the Dark Ages". The only "Christian" game on the planet was Catholicism for over 1000 years. The Knights Templar, Opus Dei, Frere' Macon, Illuminati, Jesuits, and the Inquisition were the ultimate "fruit" of this dark, nicolaitan organization begat by Constantine, the Roman Catholic Church (RCC). It's primary goal, or AGENDA, has been to move it's capital from Rome to Jerusalem. see article: Today, the Natsarim are arising on the "hills of Ephraim", among the nations (Jer. 31). We are the "watchmen" (Natsarim) who are working to restore the original paths, and repair the breach. Constantine I made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. He didn't adopt a religion, but built it out of already existing ones - to bring PEACE to his empire. His goal was to "univeralize" the diverse beliefs into one state-sponsored religion that would appease the majority of those he ruled, and that majority was like himself, PAGAN. "Catholic" is Latin for "universal". He is a "saint" to the Catholic (universal) hierarchy, yet he murdered several members of his family, and close friend. One important tip to remember: people don't get to decide who gets to be a saint. It's a choice we make individually, and hangs on only one requirement: that we obey the Covenant Yahuah provided for us. Also, it's entirely necessary to be a saint while you're alive and living among us, if you intend to be a saint at any later time. The way you can distinguish between who is a saint and who isn't is by whether or not they keep the Commandments of Yahuah. As emperor of Rome, Constantine inherited the titles of the Caesars, including "Pontifex Maximus", and the title of "pope", or father of the empire. The title, "pope" was bestowed upon Caesar, who was a "priest" and a "king". Caesar's position was one of absolute power and authority. The concept of FASCISM was borne from Caesar's totalitarian reign over both moral and secular aspects - his decisions were not questioned. He sat as an all-wise SHAMAN priest, and was the high priest of Janus. But he was also considered to be elohim; even his image had to be bowed to as a person would enter a public building. In his presence, a person had to "genuflect" before him, just as we see the Roman Catholic institution requires of their devotees in their Pagan temples. It is customary for visitors to bow on one knee and kiss the ring of the "pope" today. Constantine would officially be the 1st "pope" of the Catholic/Christian Church, since no "bishop of Rome" ever conceived of such a title as pope being associated with himself. Neither were there any other elders (bishops) anywhere else thinking they were the "head" of any Earthly reign over the Body of Mashiach. The following poster is intended to be humorous, not judgmental of the dead emperor Constantine -- hopefully it will put into perspective the fact that he and several others "rule the world from the grave" by the changes they imposed on us so long ago. EMPEROR CONSTANTINE I ESTABLISHED CHRISTIANITY AS THE OFFICIAL RELIGION OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. (THE WORD "CHRISTIANITY" IS NOT FOUND IN SCRIPTURE, NEITHER IS THERE SUCH A RELIGION KNOWN FROM GENESIS TO REVELATION). BEFORE THE FIRST "CHURCH COUNCIL" IN THE YEAR 325 AT NICEA (NICENE COUNCIL), HE INSTITUTED THE "EDICT OF CONSTANTINE" (321 CE). THIS EDICT COMPELLED THE ENTIRE EMPIRE TO OBSERVE THE "DAY OF THE SUN" AS A DAY OF REST FROM WORK, TO GIVE HONOR TO THE SUN DEITY. ONLY FARMERS WERE EXEMPTED FROM CERTAIN DUTIES, AND IT WAS ENFORCED UNDER PENALTY OF DEATH. THIS IS CARRIED OVER IN THE "BLUE LAWS" SEEN IN GOVERNMENTAL

LEGISLATION WORLD-WIDE TODAY. IN SPITE OF HIS TOLERANT ATTITUDE TOWARD CHRISTIANITY, AND HIS APPARENT CONVERSION TO SOME LEVEL OF BELIEF AND PRACTICE OF IT, CONSTANTINE CONTINUED TO MINT COINS IN HONOR OF SOL INVICTUS, THE ROMAN SUN DEITY, UNTIL AT LEAST 335 CE. REBELLION IS AS WITCHCRAFT -- BUT WITCHCRAFT (SATANIC SUN WORSHIP) IS DEFINITELY WITCHCRAFT. NIMROD IS AS NIMROD DOES. AT THE COUNCIL OF NICEA IN 325 CE, CONSTANTINE PRESIDED WITH HIS SON OVER A BODY OF MESSIANIC ELDERS. THEY FORMULATED UNIVERSAL (EMPIRE-WIDE) DOGMAS CONCERNING ARIANISM, PERCEIVED AS A HERESY OVER THE NATURE OF "THE TRINITY". THIS COUNCIL ALSO ESTABLISHED THE UNIVERSAL OBSERVANCE OF "EASTER", A FORMERLY PAGAN OBSERVANCE BROUGHT OVER AND DISGUISED AS AN ANNUAL CELEBRATION OF THE RESURRECTION OF Yahusha. What's wrong with Christianity? "My brothers, if one of you should wander from the Truth and someone should bring him back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins." ~ James 5:19-20 (Ya'aqob 5:19-20) You can help people get straightened out. You may know many of the things contained on this page, but perhaps if they are presented to you clearly enough, you may agree with the unquestionable conclusion that the world has strayed far from the faith once delivered to the saints. But if you honestly feel these facts are incorrect, point out the mistakes and I'll receive a true blessing for having learned the Truth. Or, if Yahuah doesn't mind that we've changed a few things, then all I really need is the Scriptural evidence, and I'll fall right in line behind what those Scriptures teach us. Piecing together the true facts on the development of what we have come to believe is often not pursued by the average person. We can see what's wrong with the other religions of the world easily, because we look at their development; but what about Christianity? Are there facts to uncover that may reveal any errors of the past? Well, yes there are. Consider the Sabbath. Some foundational errors may be found in the writings of Constantine's "historian", Eusebius, who wrote the Ecclesiastical History, and recorded the "Life of the Blessed Emperor Constantine". The RCC (and the Protestants) consider Eusebius to be a "Church Father". But, the official outlawing of the 7th day Sabbath was through the Council of Laodicea in Phrygia Pacatiana 364 A.D. Canon XXIX.: "Christians must not judaize by resting on the Sabbath, but must work on that day, rather honouring the Lord's Day; and, if they can, resting then as Christians. But if any shall be found to be judaizers, let them be anathema from Christ." Judaize? Is Yahusha a "Judaizer"? Did He not give Israel the Torah? There's only one body of Messiah, not two. And, Yahusha is the Messiah of Israel, so why would an Israelite have to change their way of living (religion) to accept their own Messiah? If we are to walk as Yahusha walked, it would be hard to explain why we would not have a Passover, or Sabbath

day (the real one), or the appointed festivals He lived by (and as Elohim, gave them to Israel). Also, it is far more likely that Goliath of Gath had an Easter basket and solstice tree than our Messiah did; after all, these items are rooted in idolatry, not the Torah of Yahuah. The "universalizing" of the diverse religions of the Romans has had its effect. Constantine started the ball rolling, the goal being to purge the "new" faith of all remnants of the Ioudia (Yahudim/Jews). It was altered beyond all recognition. If only the Pagan elements in Christianity burned people like hot sauce; maybe then they would notice them. From the writings of Eusebius, we have the result of Constantine's edict (321 CE) clearly shown to us: "All things whatsoever that it was duty to do on the Sabbath, these we have transferred to the Lord's day." ("Lord" being Baal). (Eusebius, Commentary on the Psalms, quoted by Moses Stuart, Commentary on the Apocalypse, vol. II, 9.40.) That statement shows that Constantine indeed was "transferring" the "duties" of the Sabbath to Sun-day. It was an edict enforced under pain of death. When Yahusha told us, "pray that your flight not be in winter, or on a Sabbath" (Mt. 24), do you imagine He was only talking to future "Judaizers" that may still be clinging to the "non-Catholic" error of resting on the real Sabbath? If we were trying to solve a mystery, or a calculus formula, we'd make certain of getting the correct answer, no matter how many variables there were. Yahuah does not change or vary His ways, yet people can't seem to solve the most simple of puzzles concerning how the true Sabbath became "Satyr-Day", and the Pagan's "Day of the Sun" became Rome's day of rest. Constantine did not outlaw Pagan practices in the least, but "universalized" the diverse beliefs of his empire. Constantine's "Edict of Milan" (313) outlawed the persecution of foreign religions. Several gnostic forms of what was to become known as Christianity were still in their primitive stages. There were also "Natsarim", the sect within the Israelite faith that remained faithful to the Torah, and kept close guard over the Commandments, while believing in Yahusha faithfully. This edict or proclamation of Milan established a toleration for foreign religions, which included the Natsarim and related gnostic sects. People who would otherwise be arrested and sentenced to death became protected by this edict. The Edict of Constantine (321) established the Sun-Day as the day of rest for the empire, and carried the death penalty for violations. Farmers were exempted if they had to conduct their duties, but urban dwellers were expected to honor the sun by resting. Natsarim living at that time had to rest on both days, and so this produced the "weekend" we have now in the western world. Eventually, the State religion (Catholicism) outlawed resting on the true Shabbat, and persecuted the Natsarim for it (Epiphanius is one "Church father" that wrote of the Natsarim, referring to them as "heretics" because they continued to obey the 10 Commandments). The change of the day of rest was predicted to occur at Daniel 7:25. This "beast" thought to change "times" and "law"; but the end of the "times" of the Gentiles will be very soon.

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