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CIS 2109 - Database and File Management Systems Department of Computer and Information Sciences

Objectives This is an introductory course in database and file management systems. It will help students to develop an understanding of the role of data, file management and database systems in information systems. At the completion of this course, you should: Instructor: Name: Office: Office hours: Phone Number: E-mail: Web resources: Lab Instructor: Office: Office Hours: Phone Number: E-Mail: Hours Class Hours: Section 001: Mon,We,Fri 11:00 11:50 Room: TL-403B Develop an appreciation of the role of data, files and databases in information systems. Understand the database development activities during the System Development Cycle (SDLC) Be familiar with the data modeling concepts (E-R and Class diagrams) used in database design. Be able to create databases and pose complex SQL queries of relational databases. Develop appreciation of several DBMSs (ACESS SQL Server and ORACLE) Be familiar with a broad range of data management issues including data integrity and security. Utilize a CASE tool for data modeling and schema creation Dr. G. Baram Room 1040, Wachman Hall Mon, Wed 1:00 3:00 and by appointment 215-204-6847 Ying Dai 1000 Wachman Hall

Lab Hours: Section 001: Tue Prerequisites 11:00 11:50 Room CC207

CIS 1048 Introduction to IS&T CIS 1073 (formerly CIS81): Computer Programming and Higher Level Language With minimum Grade C. If you are registered for this course, but do not meet the pre-requisite, contact the instructor immediately. Students who have not completed the pre-requisites will not be awarded a grade for this course. 1. Modern Database Management 7th Edition by Hoffer, McFadden, and Prescott. Published by Addison Wesley. 2. Lab Material posted on the web. Password is required



Lab and assignments Project Midterm Exam Final Exam Others and quizzes

30% 20% 20% 20% 10%

Assignments and lab projects and schedules will be available from the course web site. Students are expected to view/download the assignments and lab projects. Thus students should make it a point to visit it frequently. Failing to check the course web site is not an acceptable excuse for late submission, or missing exams. Late submissions, unless permitted, will not be accepted. The others portion of the grade will be a subjective part reflecting class participation, effort, individual contribution to the project, project presentation and significant improvement during the semester. Assignment & Quizzes There will be several assignments. It includes data modeling and SQL projects. The assignments have to be submitted at the beginning of class on the due date. In addition there may be announced or unannounced quizzes/assignments. Lab Attendance is REQUIRED. During each lab session you will be expected to complete the lab material provided with the syllabus bellow. Your work and progress will be reviewed and evaluated at designated milestones. Furthermore, you may do the cases listed in the Lab schedule for extra credit. The cases will be collected at the end of the semester. Project Each group of students will select a project which they will work on through the semester. It involves the design of the database, forms, reports and a switchboard for a real life system of their choice. Grading Scale Grading is expected to be on the following scale:
95+ 90-94 87-89 83-86 80-82 77-79 73-76 70-72 67-69 63-66 60-62 0-60 A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF

This is just a guideline, the final grading may differ from this scale. NOTE: The minimum passing grade for the course is "C". Participation Engaging in a conversation with others is one of the best ways to learn. The participation grade is designed to acknowledge that people who actively participate in class activities do learn more than people who do not. The grade is based on your participation in-class and on-line. Communication Scheduled office hours, E-mail, posting on the web and special meetings may be used to communicate with the instructor. I encourage you to contact me ASAP and not wait till the last minute to resolve problems.

CIS 109 - Database and File Management Systems

Important Dates

Students should regularly visit the course web site and the course web conferencing for all announcements. Some important dates are: Tue, Jan 18, 2011: Jan 31, 2011 Mon, May 2, 2011 To be announced First Day of class. Last day to drop. Last day of class. Final.


Attendance is expected, and will be recorded from time to time. Absences for legitimate professional activities and illnesses are acceptable only if prior notice is given to the instructor by e-mail or phone. Scheduling conflicts with your work, extra-curricular activities, or any other such activities is not a valid excuse. Also, review Temple University attendance policy at Although attendance is not a part of the course evaluation it has a direct effect on class participation. If you are not in class you cannot participate. Attendance and class participation will be taken into account for final grading. Class participation means that you attend class regularly and have completed your assigned readings. It means that you ask relevant questions and make informed comments in class.


Exams will be in class and in the lab. They may use application/problem solving questions, short answer and a combination of multiple choice. The content for exams is cumulative, i.e. all material covered up to the day of exam may be included. Exams will generally be based on material covered in class, but not necessarily restricted to it. There will be no make up exams. Academic Honesty and Ethics Temple University, the school, the department and I expect you to observe the highest ethical standards. Simply put, we count on you to do the right thing. You are expected to always do your own work. When working in the lab, on your projects or team project you may consult, study as a group but always submit your own original work. All violations of academic honesty will be handled according to university policy.

Disability Disclosure Any student who has a need for accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact me privately to discuss the specific situation as soon as possible. Student must provide me with a note from the office of Disability Resources and Services at in 100 Ritter Annex, 215-204-1280, regarding their disability.

Tentative Schedule:

This is a tentative outline of when the various topics will be covered. You are expected to have read the designated chapters prior to attending the class. Wee k 1 Date Topic Reading


Introduction, The Database Environment Page 3

Chapter 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Last week of class

File processing the development process, E-R modelling Relational Database model, Normalization Relational Database model, Normalization Physical Database Design, intro to SQL SQL, Midterm Recess Data and Database Administration Object Oriented Modeling Object Oriented Modeling Client/Server and Databases Distributed databases Data warehousing Froject presentation

Chapter 2, notes Chapter 3 Chapter 4,5 Chapter 4,5,6 Chapter 7 Chapter 9

Chapter 5 Chapter 5,12 Chapter 5,12 Chapter 8,10 Chapter 11 Chapter 14

Lab schedule:

Scheduled labs for this course are based on the enclosed lab material. This is a tentative session schedule, a final schedule will be provided later. The labs are mainly self-directed with help available to answer questions and solve problems. They are not meant for instruction or completing assignments. To derive maximum mileage from the labs you should read the sessions designated ahead of time. You are expected to be thoroughly familiar with usage of Windows operating systems and ACCESS (covered in CIS 1055, formerlyCIS 55). We ek 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Date Topic

First Week Access I Access II Access III OD I OD II Access IV Web DB I Web DB II

No Lab Creating Tables and Queries using Access Creating Forms and Reports using Access Creating Switchboard, Menus and Modules using Access and VB Introduction to CASE Tool (Oracle Designer) Creating ERD using CASE tool Normalization in Access Creating Tables and Queries using Oracle Web DB Creating Forms, Reports and Menus using Oracle Web DB

CIS 109 - Database and File Management Systems

10 11 12 13 14


Creating Tables and Relationships using SQL Server Basic queries using SQL Server Advanced Queries using SQL Server Work on team project Work on team project

Assignment /Project Submission Schedule

Date Due


(To be announced)

Assignment 1 ERDs Assignment 2 Normalization Assignment 3 SQL

Last week of class

Team project presentation

Page 5

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