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Number Systems (Concept 1) Lets brush up some painted cube funda We assume the cube is divided into n^3

small cubes. no. of small cubes with ONLY 3 sides painted : 8( all the corner cubes ) no. of small cubes with ONLY 2 sides painted : A cube is painted on 2 sides means, it is on the edge of the bigger cube ,and we have 12 edges, each having n cubes. but since the corner cubes are painted on 3 sides, we need to neglect them. so in effect, for each side we will have (n-2) small cubes with only 2 sides painted. thus, then number is, 12 * (n-2) no of small cubes with ONLY 1 side painted : for each face of the cube ( 6 faces ) we have (n-2)^2 small cubes with only one side painted. and we have 6 faces in total. so th number is, 6*(n-2)^2 no of small cubes with NO sides painted : if we remove the top layer of small cubes from the big cube we will end up a chunk of small cubes with no sides painted. this number will be equal to, (n-2)^3.

Also, remember for Cuboids with all different sizes, the following are the results: a x b x c (All lengths different) Three faces - 8 (all the corner small cubes of the cuboid) Two faces - There are two (a-2) units of small cubes on one face of the cuboid and there is a pair of such faces. Hence, number of such small cubes corresponding dimension a of the cuboid = 4(a-2). Similarly, for others. So, total with two faces painted = 4(a - 2) + 4(b - 2) + 4(c - 2) One face - Since each face of the cuboid is a combination two different dimensions, hence for the face which is a combination of a and b dimensions, the number of small cubes is 2* (a-2)(b-2) [multipliesd by 2 because there are 2 such faces for the combination] Similarly, for others. So, total with one face painted = 2(a - 2)(b - 2) + 2(a - 2)(c - 2) + 2(b - 2)(c - 2) Zero faces - The entire volume of small cubes except for two cubes in each of the rows and

columns will not be painted at all. hence this is the simplest ... (a - 2)(b - 2)(c - 2) You can put different integer values for number of small cubes producing different edge lengths of cuboid to get varied results. To verify for a cube, put a=b=c=L, you get Three faces - 8 Two faces - 12(L - 2) One face - 6(L - 2)^2 Zero faces - (L - 2)^3 how to put 9 identical rings in 4 fingers. concept= n+r-1Cr-1 this formula is used to distribute n identical things among r people. if the 9 rings are named, a1,a2,a3....a7,a8,a9 we want to distribute them among 4 fingers, means we want to make four groups out of this 9 rings. so if we arrange the 9 rings side by side. _a1_a2_a3 _a4_ a5_ a6_ a7_a8_a9_ we need three separator to divide them in 4 groups. and we can put the separator at any of the black space above. suppose I put first separator after a1, second after a4, 3rd after a6 so groups are a1 a2,a3,a4 a5,a6 a7,a8,a9 that means I can say I have total 12 items ( 9+3) to arrange them selves. that is 12! but 9 rings are identical and 3 separators are also identical so final answer shd be = 12!/9!*3 if we replace 9 with n,3 with r we get n+r-1Cr-1 2. how to distribute 9 different rings among 4 fingers. just a single change rings are different, so we dont have to divide by 9!, so answer = 12!/3! general formula = n+r-1Pr-1 both of the above Q are of arrangement and distribution. examples where this concept can be used. 1. distribute 1o chocolates aming 6 children such that no children is empty handed. 2. find whole number solutions for X+Y+Z = 22

3. find natural number solutions for X+Y+Z= 22 4. total number of terms in (a+b+c+d)^15 concept 3. total number of squares which can be made from size in N*N size square. = 1^2 + 2^2 + 3^3 .....N^2 like for 2*2 square we can have total 5 squares, 4 square of 1*1, and the 2*2 square itself. concept 4. total number of rectangles which can be made from N*N square. = 1^3+2^3+3^3.....n^3 concept 5. A plane( restricted) is to be divided in N distinct parts, find the minimum number of lines to do so. formula = > sigma X = N-1 X is the minimum number of lines. suppose we want to divide plane in 16 distinct parts sigma5 = 15 so answer is 5 lines.

Problems on Intersection of Straight lines , Circles, Formation of Points and Formation of Triangles, Quadrilaterals Etc Basic Concept Fundas 1. If there are n number of straight lines , They intersect each other in nc2 ways 2. If there are m number of circles , They intersect each other in 2*(mc2) ways = m (m-1)= 2p2 ways 3. When n straight lines and m circles intersect each other , they intersect in at most 2 * m * n = 2* ( no. of circles ) * ( no.of straight lines) 4. When n parallel lines intersect m straight lines , Then no. of parallelograms possible = nc2 * mc2= mn (m-1) (n-1)/4 5. There is one case when collinear and non- collinear points are given , and asked how many triangles it can formed=> The funda for this - ( Triangles that can be formed with all points ) ( Triangles formed with collinear points ) And the same funda is applied whenever such variations in condition occurs 6. For quadrilaterals standard approach is followed

A cuboid with dimensions l, b and h is painted on surface and then cut into cubes of 1cm3 sizes. Now how many cubes have none of the faces painted, how many cubes have one face painted, how many

cubes have two faces painted and how many cubes have three faces painted. Ans: No of cubes with no face(side) painted is (l-2)(b-2)(h-2) No of cubes with one face(side) painted is 2(l-2)(b-2) + 2(b-2)(h-2) + 2(l-2)(h-2) No of cubes with two faces(sides) painted is 4(l-2) + 4(b-2) + 4(h-2) No of cubes with three faces(sides) painted is 8 (always constant) No of cubes with four or more faces (sides) painted is zero. If problem statement says its cube instead of cubiod with k cm sides. Then the answers will be (k-2)3, 6(k-2)2, 12(k-2), 8 and zero respectively.

maxima & minima - 07-07-2010, 11:38 PM

1.if f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c, how to find maximum, minimum . USE first derivation test. f'(x)= 2aX+b. find value of X for which , 2ax+b= 0. when a>0, at this value of X, f(x) is minimum. when a<0 at this value of X , F(x) is maximum. now example.... f(x) = X^2 + 4X + 3. if 2X+4 = 0 X= -2 here a>0, so at x=-2, f(x) will attain minimum value. f(-2) = 4-8+3 = -1. if f(x) = -X^2 + 4X + 3 f"(x) = -2x + 4 X= 2. f(2) = -4+8+3 = 7 is the maximum value of f(x). generalizing for f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c, x=-b/2a (2ax+c=o)gives maximum or minimum value of f(x) depending upon a>0 or a<0. for more examples and explanation with graphs visit the linkFirst derivative Test second derivative test

2. f(x) = l x-a l + l x-b l + l x-c l for such questions, either at x=a or x= b or x= c or x=avg(a,b,c) will f(x) minimum. f(x) = l x-2 l + l x-8 l + l x-11 l here x= 2+8+11/3 = 7 will give the minimum value ( f(7) = 11) f(x) = l x-2 l + l x-5 l + l x-11 l here x= 5 will give the minimum value. ( f(5) = 9) 3. when sum of any quantities is constant, there product is maximum when they are equal. example. if 3x+5y=15. find maximum value of x^2*y^3. here 3x+5y=15 => 3x/2 + 3x/2 + 5y/3 + 5y/3 + 5y/3 = 15.--------------1 as I said, when sum of any quantities is constant, there product is maximum when they are equal. here sum is constant. so when 3x/2 = 5y/3. we get maximum value of x^2*y^3.

taking 3x/2 = 5y/3 putting it in 1, => 5(3x/2) = 15. =>x=2. and y = 9/5. answer is 2^2*(9/5)^3. generalizing it, how to find maximum value of x^m*y^n where ax+by=P. a,b,x,y>0 x^m*y^n is maximum when ax/m = by/ n = p/m+n 4. when the product of any quantity is constant, sum of the all the quantity is minimum, when they are equal. xy^3 = 64. find minimum value of x+12y. we need to adjust x+12y, accordingly. x+12y = x+ (12y/3)*3 now, x*(12y/3)^3= 64 *64 ( coz xy^3 = 64)-----------1 the product is constant. so the sum of the quantities will be minimum when quantities are equal. take x= 12y/3 putting it in 1, we get x= 8 =>12y/3 = 8, y = 2. minimum value of x+12y = 8+24 = 32. generalizing it, how to find minimum value of ax+by where x^m*y^n=P a,b,x,y>0 ax+by is minimum when ax/m = by/n

concept of CRT : before getting to chinese remainder theorem , let me explain whats the need for it? problem: find the smallest number when divided by 5 leaves 3 and when divided by 7 leaves 4 common approach divisor of 5 + 3 - 3,8,13,18,23,28,33 divisor of 7 + 4 - 4,11,18,25,32 18 is common to both series .. so we have the answer... same is the case with chinese remainder theorem find the remainder of 3^1001 divided by 1001 ... 1001 - 7*11*13

so find the remainder when 3^1001 divided by 1001 3^1001 / 7 ----> 3^5/7 , remainder - 5 3^1001/11 ----> 3/7 ,remainder - 3 3^1001/13 ----> 3^5/13 , remainder - 9 so we get 7a + 5 = 11b + 3 = 13c+9 now what is word interpretation of the above statement .. find the smallest number which when divided by 7 gives remainder 5 , when divided by 11 leaves remainder 3 and when divided by 13 leaves remainder 9? first take any two condition , i always prefer big numbers 11b + 3 = 13c + 9 divisor of 13 + 9 = 9,22,35,48,61,74,87,100,113,126,139 divisor of 11 + 3 - 3,14,25,36,47,58,69,80,91,102,113 so smallest number is 113 whats the next number then ? its of form LCM(11,13) + 113 = 143k + 113 so we have combined two conditions so now our job is to compare this with third one 143k + 113 = 7a + 5 143k + 108 = 7a 140+ 3k + 105 + 3 = 7a so 3k + 3 should give 0 remainder when divided by 7 so k = 6 final remainder is hence 143(6) + 113 = 971 this is all about chinese remainder theorem to sum up , use this theorem only when denominator is factorisable to prime factors.


1. A number is base N is divisible by N-1, when the sum of digits in base N is divisible by N-1 2. When digits of a number N1 in base N are rearranged to form a number N2, then N2-N1 is always divisible by N-1. 3. If a number in base N has even number of digits and that number is a palindrome, then the number is divisible by N+1


1. A number 2342a121 is in base 8 and it is divisible by 7. Find the value of a. 2. A palindromic number in base 16 will always be divisible by which number? 3. A five digit number is in base 19. It is rearranged to form another 5 digit number. The difference of these numbers will be divisible by ??
Zeller's Rule : With this technique named after its founder Zeller, you can solve any 'Dates and Calendars' problems.

Zellers rule can be used to find the day on any particular date in the calendar in the history. All you have to know is the formula given below and how to use it. Zeller's Rule Formula: F = K + [(13xM - 1)/5] + D + [D/4] + [C/4] - 2C K = Date => for 25/3/2009, we take 25 In Zellers rule months start from march. M = Month no. => Starts from March. March = 1, April = 2, May = 3 Nov. = 9, Dec = 10, Jan = 11 Feb. = 12 D = Last two digits of the year => for 2009 = 09 C = The first two digits of century => for 2009 = 20

Example: 25/03/2009 F = 25 + [{(13 x1)- 1}/5] + 09 + 09/4 + 20/4 - (2 x 20) = 25 + 12/5 + 09 + 09/4 + 20/4 - 2x20 =25+2+09+2+5-40 [ We will just consider the integral value and ignore the value after decimal] = 43 - 40 = Replace the number with the day using the information given below. 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

6 = Saturday 7 = Sunday So it's Wednesday on 25th march, 2009.

If the number is more than 7, divide the no. by 7. The remainder will give you the day.


This shortcut method is used when the lettors of the given word are not repeated. Given word is MASTER The letters of the are M,A,S,T,E,R. Write the alphabetical order of the letters of the given word ' MASTER ' as A,E,M,R,S,T Now strike off the first letter M. A,E,M,R,S,T. Then count the no.of letters before M, and it is equal to 2,which is the coefficient of 5!. Again strike off the first letter A. A,E,M,R,S,T Then count the no.of letters before A and it is equal to 0 which is coefficient of 4! Again strike off the first letter S. A,E,M,R,S,T Then count the no.of letters before S and it is equal to 2 which is coeffcient of 3! Again strike off the first letter T. A,E,M,R, S, T Then count the no.of letters before T and it is equal to 2 which is coeffcient of 2! Again strike off the first letter E. A,E, M,R, S,T Then count the no.of letters before E and it is equal to 0 which is coeffcient of 1! Finally add 1 to the above values to get the rank of the word MASTER as follows: 2(5!) + 0(4!) +2(3!)+2(2!)+0(1!)+1=257

NO. OF SQUARES AND RECTANGLES IN A CHESSBOARD in a chessboard,there are 8*8 squares. in a 2*2 chessboard, there are 5 squares (4 small aquares, 1 big square). similarly in an n*n chessboard, there are 1^2 +2^2+....+n^2 squares. so in a 8*8 chessboard, n=8 => no.of squares = 1^2 +2^2+3^2+.....+8^2 = [n (n+1) (2n+1)]/6 (summation formula) = 204 rectangles : in a 2*2 chessboard, there are 9 rectangles (4 1*1s,1 2*2,2 2*1s, 2 1*2s) for an n*n chessboard, there are 1^3 +2^3+3^3+.....+n^3 rectangles.

so for an 8*8 chessboard, there are, rectangles = 1^3+2^3+....+8^3 => no. of rectangles = [{n^2}{(n+1)^2}/4 n=8, we get no. of rectangles = 1296 **No. of rectangles that are not squares in an 8*8 chessboard => 1296- 204 = 1092

Consider a circle with circumference 200 sq metres and two people A and B moving in clockwise direction with speeds 5m/s and 9m/s a) when do they meet at the starting point for the first time ? b) after how much time will they meet for the first time ? c) at how many distinct points they meet ? d) if they move in opposite direction then in how many distinct points do they meet ? ans a) time taken by A to reach the starting point for the first time is 200/5 = 40 sec, for the second time 80 seconds for the third time 120 seconds and so on ....... similarly time taken by B to reach the starting place is 200/9 for the second time 2 * 200/9 for the third time 3 * 200/9 so they meet for first time at the starting point at the LCM of their time periods which are 40 and 200/9 in this case and hence they will meet at t= 200 for the first time . ans b )this should be solved using the relative speed concept time taken for them to meet for the first time will be relative distance/ relative speed here relative distance is 200 and relative speed is 95=4. so ans is 200/4= 50 ans c)when 2 bodies are moving in circular motion in same direction the number of distinct points where they meet is the difference of the speeds . here it is 9-5 = 4 distinct points. the lcm of the speeds must be 1 ans d ) when 2 bodies move in circular motion in opposite direction then the number of distict points they meet is the sum of the speeds here it will be 14 . the lcm of the speeds must be 1

e) find the number of distict points at which 2 bodies with speed 4 and 8 meet when they move in clockwise direcion and when they move in anticlock wise direction ? here we first need to divide the HCF so we get 1:2 now using the formula stated above the number of distict point they meet when moving in same direction will be 2-1 = the number of distict point they meet when moving in opposite direction is 2+1 = 3 f)consider three bodies a,b,c with speeds 5,9,13 respectively moving in clock-wise direction now number of distinct points at which all three meet ? a-b = 4 b-c = 4 a-c = 8 so number of distinct points will be the hcf of the differences which is 4 ans. g)consider three bodies a,b with speeds 5,9 respectively moving in clock-wise direction and c with speed 13 in anti-clockwise direction now number of distinct points at which all three meet ? a-b=4 a+c=18 b+c=22 hcf is 2 so they all will meet at 2 distinct points.

last 2 digits of a number

divide the number by 100 then it will give the last 2 digits if division is cumbersome u may use one of the following methods: points to remember : if last 2 digits are 25 then (abcdef25)^z where z is a natural number will always give the last 2 digit as 25. if last 2 digits are 76 then (abcdef76)^z where z is a natural number will always give the last 2 digit as 76. if the last digit is 1 say the number is (abcdefg1)^thgfds then the units digit will be 1 and the tens digit will be g*s e.g (1231)^4563 last 2 digits will be 91. (sdfdsf24)^ odd = last 2 digits 24

(dfdsfd24)^even = last 2 digits 76 (dbfh26)^odd = last 2 digits 26 (dfdsaf26)^even = last 2 digits 76

few examples : last 2 digits for (71)^45 = 51 (2)^32 = (2^10)^3 * 2^2 = (1024)^3 *2^2 = asjahsj76 *4 = sdnsj04 (6)^76 = (3*2)^76 = (81)^19 * (1024)^7 * (2)^6 = aks21 * 24 * 64 = ss56

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