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coulombs law: the magnitude of the electric force between two charges is directly prpotional to each charge and inversely propotional to the square of the distance between them. 2. electric field: as a space around an electric charge which exerts a force on a test charge located within it. 3. electric potential: as the work acquired by a test charge in an electric field. 4. the uses of electrostatics : van de graaff generator,electrostatic precipitor,paint sprayer,copier,laser printer. Plastic(-) Wool(+) Ebonit(-) glass(+) Comb(-) Wool(+) Silk(-) Hair(+) + -

excretion system in human 1.excretory system: discharging process of waste matters that are not required by the body
~liver. Function: a) destroying diseases germs and neutralizing poison that enters into the body b)as formation place of prothrombin and fibrinogen c) as place to change provitamin a to be b. d)contorolling sugar evel in the blood. e) as formation place of urea. * disorders and diseases in liver a) hepatitis b)diabetes mellitus ~lung. ~kidney. Function: a)filter blood from the renal artery that comes from aorta that is waste matters that are not required but found in the blood and colected in the form urine. b) keep water equilibrium inside the body,by the following method. *kidney consits of three parts: cortex , medulla , pelvis. * the order of urine discharging is as followa: Glomerulus- bowmans capsule-small collecting duct-big collecting-pelvis-ureter-urinary bladder-urine discharging duct(urethra) * disorders and diseases in kidney: Nephritis Diabetes insipidus Albuminuria Kidney stone ~skin. Function : a)as excretory organ b) as protector c) as place of feeler sense and touching sense d) as place to store surplus of fat e)as place to form vitamin d f) as regulator of body temperature. * the disorders aliment and diseases in skin: The athlete foot The ringworm Rash biduran The psoriases The skin cancer

Reproductive system

1. man reproduction organs: a) a pair of testis b) scrotum c) sperm tubulous d) epididymis e) vas deferens f) urethra g) penis h) two semen sacs i) prostate gland j) cowper gland 2) woman reproduction organs: a) ovarium: produce egg cell(ovum) b)oviduct: to help move the ovum c) uterus d) cervix e)vagina 3) disease in human reproduction system a) AIDS - body immunity decreases -lymphocte decreases -body weight decreases -body is weak continuously without cause -hot and cold fever like flu disease -releases a lot of sweat at night -has a headache continuosly - lymphatetic gland is swollen for more than 3 months -dry cough -outh of breath -chronic diarrhea B) the gonorrhea c) the syphilis d) the genital herpes

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