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Asociacin Costarricense de Geotecnia: 30 aos apoyando el desarrollo nacional

Costa Rican Society for Geotechnics: 30 years supporting national development


San Jos, Costa Rica Hotel San Jos Palacio

19 al 21 de agosto 2009


Solicitud de artculos
Call for Papers












Asociacin Costarricense de Geotecnia: 30 aos apoyando el desarrollo nacional

Costa Rican Society for Geotechnics: 30 years supporting national development

Solicitud de artculos
Call for Papers
Siguiendo su tradicin de promover el desarrollo de la geotecnia en Costa Rica, la Asociacin Costarricense de Geotecnia organiza este ao el X Congreso Nacional de Geotecnia (congeo), el cual se llevar a cabo en San Jos, Costa Rica. Se trata de un evento ya consolidado como un medio de divulgacin y promocin de los trabajos de construccin e investigacin de geotecnia en nuestro medio. A lo largo de sus 9 ediciones anteriores ha podido, adems, proyectarse tambin a nivel regional, con la participacin de profesionales centroamericanos y con la presencia de expertos del ms alto nivel en las diferentes especialidades geotcnicas. El lema del X Congeo es: Asociacin Costarricense de Geotecnia: 30 aos apoyando el desarrollo del pas. Continuing its long tradition as promoter of the development of geotechnics in Costa Rica, the Costa Rican Association for Geotechnics is organizing this year the 10th National Congress on Geotechnics (congeo) which will take place at San Jos, Costa Rica. It is an already well established event as a means of promoting and publicizing many geotechnical construction and investigation works in the country. Throughout its 9 previous editions, the congeo has been able to produce an impact also to the Region, with participants from Central American and with the presence of many top-level consultants and experts from different fields of Geotechnics. The motto for the X Congeo is: Costa Rican Society for Geotechnics: 30 years supporting national development.

Solicitud de artculos
Call for Papers
Asociacin Costarricense de Geotecnia: 30 aos apoyando el desarrollo nacional Costa Rican Society for Geotechnics: 30 years supporting national development

La manera ideal de celebrar esas tres dcadas de continuo aporte al progreso nacional es, precisamente, reunirnos nuevamente este ao en una actividad de alto nivel tcnico, a fin de aportar al pas y a la regin, una riqueza an mayor de apoyo tcnico con el propsito de tener siempre obras ms seguras y de valor social. El Comit Organizador del X Congeo invita a profesionales y expertos a presentar sus artculos para ser incluidos y divulgados, en alguno de los siguientes ejes temticos: Excavaciones subterrneas Cimentaciones de estructuras Vulnerabilidad y riesgo Deslizamientos y estabilidad de laderas Obras especiales Geotecnia ambiental Geotecnia forense Investigacin y desarrollo en geotecnia

The best way to celebrate these three decades of continuous contribution to the national progress is, indeed, to meet again this year on a high-level technical congress, in order to provide the country and the region an even greater wealth of technical knowledge and experience to guarantee safer works with social value. The Organizing Committee of the X Congeo invites professionals and experts to submit their papers to be included and disclosed into the Congress documentation, in one of the following thematic areas: Underground excavations Foundation of structures Vulnerability and risk Landslides and slide stabilization works Special Works Environmental geotechnics Investigation and development Forensic geotechnics Research and development in geotechnics

Entrega de resmenes y artculos

Submission of abstracts and papers
Asociacin Costarricense de Geotecnia: 30 aos apoyando el desarrollo nacional Costa Rican Society for Geotechnics: 30 years supporting national development

Se solicita a los profesionales y expertos enviar su Resumen en espaol de 300 palabras o menos, acompaado del correspondiente Abstract en ingls, al Comit Tcnico del Congeo, antes del 27 de marzo del 2009. Los Resmenes debern ser preparados utilizando el Word y no deben incluir grficos ni figuras. El resumen debe indicar el ttulo del trabajo, el nombre y apellidos del o los autores, empresa u organizacin en que labora, departamento, cargo, telfono, fax, e-mail, direccin fsica de empresa, pas, cdigo postal y grado acadmico. Los archivos electrnicos debern ser remitidos como adjuntos en un correo electrnico remitido a la direccin: Los autores de los artculos aceptados sern notificados a ms tardar el 30 de abril del 2009. El texto completo del artculo deber ser recibido por el Comit Tcnico antes del 30 de junio del 2009, junto con la inscripcin de al menos uno de los autores. Los artculos podrn ser escritos en espaol o en ingls. Todos los artculos aceptados sern incluidos en las Memorias del Congreso, si son entregados antes de las fechas lmite. El Comit Tcnico decidir cules artculos sern presentados oralmente en las sesiones del Congeo. Puede buscar ms informacin en el sitio web:

Experts are requested to submit papers for the Congeo. A Spanish abstract with its corresponding English translation, not exceeding 300 words should be sent to the Technical Committee before 27th March 2009. Abstracts must be prepared using Word, and must not include any visuals. The abstract must indicate the title of the work and the full name of the author(s). Also, the company or organization for which they work, department, position, e-mail, telephone numbers, fax number, post office address of the company, country, zip code and academic degree. They must be sent as attachments to an email addressed to Authors of accepted papers will be notified not later than 30th April 2009. The full text must be received by the Technical Committee before 30th June 2009, together with the inscription of one of the authors. Papers must be written in Spanish or English. All accepted papers shall be included in the Proceedings of the Congeo if received in time. The Technical Committee shall decide which papers will be orally presented in the working sessions of the Congress. More information about the X Congeo is available on

Asociacin Costarricense de Geotecnia: 30 aos apoyando el desarrollo nacional Costa Rican Society for Geotechnics: 30 years supporting national development

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