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Circuit Theory Ci it Th


Electronic & Communication Engineering Danang University of Technology

Course Administration
Electric circuit theory; Analysis of circuits with sinusoidal signals; Phasors, system functions, and complex frequency, frequency response; Computer analysis of electrical circuits; Power and energy; Two port network theory; Laboratory in basic electrical engineering topics.

Grading policies:
HW (20%) + Lab (30%) + Midterm (20%) + Final exam (30%)

James W. Nilsson and Susan A. Ridel, Electric Circuits, 8th edition, Prentice-Hall, 2008. edition Prentice Hall 2008 (Chapters 9 18) 9-18)

Lessons in Electric Circuits (a free series of textbooks, http://www faqs org/docs/electric/ ) Acknowledgement: courses materials are supported by EE, UW

Prerequisites by Topic q y p
Time-independent (dc) circuit analysis Transient analysis of electric circuits in the time domain Solution of first and second order linear DEs. Manipulation of complex numbers (add, subtract, multiply, divide, divide complex conjugate absolute value phase etc ) conjugate, value, phase, etc.).

Sinusoidal excitation and average power (Ch. 9,10) Laplace transformation (Ch. 12) Transfer functions - The LT in Circuit Analysis (Ch. 13) Frequency response - Frequency Selective Circuits (Ch. 14) Active Filter Circuits (Ch. 15) Two-Port Circuits (Ch. 18)

Previews by Topic

Laboratory y
Introduction to laboratory instruments (power supply, multimeter, function generator, oscilloscope). Step input response of RC circuits. Report required. AC steady state analysis of RC and RLC circuits, frequency response, response simple filters Report required filters. required. Operational amplifiers in both time and frequency domains. Report required. p q Design and analysis of simple and more complex filters. Report required.

Prerequisites q
The prerequisite (mainly from EE 215):
use Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's current and voltage laws. apply circuit theorems to speed up analysis of circuits containing: parallel or series combinations of elements, voltage/current dividers. use Thevenin & Norton equi. circuits to simplify the analysis process. use controlled voltage and current sources, linearity and superposition. write current and voltage equations resulting from node analysis and mesh (or loop) analysis. analyze circuits containing capacitors, i d t l i it t i i it inductors, i addition t resistors. in dditi to i t analyze circuits containing op-amps, including limits on linear behavior. analyze first-order and second-order circuits in the time domain. integrate and diff i t t d differentiate common f ti t functions. ti solve first and second order linear differential equations. manipulate complex numbers (add, subtract, multiply, divide, complex conjugate, conjugate absolute value phase (argument) etc ) value, (argument), etc.). manipulate vectors and matrices up to dimension 3 or 4

Objectives j
At the end of the course, you will be able to :
Analyze a circuit given sinusoidal inputs. Compute average power consumed or supplied by a circuit. Design simple circuits for maximum power transfer to a load. Apply Laplace T. techniques to simplify the analysis of complex circuits. Analyze circuits in the frequency domain. Use several alternative techniques in time-domain and frequency-domain to analyze the same circuit. Design i l i it from ti D i simple circuits f time-domain and f d i d frequency-domain specifications. d i ifi ti Use two-port models and parameters to simplify the analysis of large circuits. Use SPICE as a computer tool to verify a design, and to confirm time-domain and frequency domain analysis results frequency-domain results. Use basic laboratory instruments: oscilloscope, power supply, function generator, multi-meter. Measure basic signal parameters: amplitude frequency etc amplitude, frequency, etc. Measure and compute basic circuit parameters from measurements

How to cooperate ?
Instructors: Pham V. Tuan ( Office hours: 1 h Offi h hour right after each class, at ECE office i ht ft h l t ffi Teaching assistants: Nguyen Thi Hong Yen ( Tran T M Hanh (t2mhanh@yahoo com vn) T.M. ( TA hours: 2 hours per HW Lab assistants Nguyen T Kien (kienntrung83@gmail com) T. ( Nguyen The Nghia ( Support you during Lab hours: 1 Lab per week Collaboration policy p y HWs are assigned to each individual student Labs are assigned to each group of 3-4 students Allow to discuss solving methods, compare results Copy answers from anything you has not generated: CHEATING

Lecture 1 Sinusoidal Steady-State A l i Si id l St d St t Analysis () (I)

(chapter 9)

Learning goals L i l
Understand physical meanings of sinusoidal (ac) signals Understand the meaning of rms value of sinusoidal (ac) signals Understand phasor concepts and be able to perform a phasor transform and an inverse phasor transform Be able to transform a circuit with a sinusoidal source into frequency domain using phasor concepts Know how to apply circuit analysis methods to solve a pp y y circuit in frequency domain Be able to analyze circuits containing ideal transformer/ linear transformers using phasor method

Sinusoidal Source
Sinusoidal voltage/current source produce a voltage/current that varies sinusoidally in time

v(t ) = Vm cos(t + )

: radian (rad) = 2 f f : frequency (Hz) 1 f = T

T : period(s) p ( )
What happen if reducing to ( ) zero ? (if > 0 and if < 0) Vm : magnitude of the source : angular frequency of the sinusoidal function

: phase angel


Sinusoidal Source/ rms Value

rms value: root mean square p value of the waveform is the amplitude of DC source that would have the same average power output as the sinusoid The rms of a periodic func is defined as square root of func. the mean value of the squared func.

1st operation: square

v(t ) v 2 (t )

Sinusoidal Source/ rms Value

2nd operation: mean
2 rms

1 = T

T 0

v 2 ( t )dt

which yields:

Integrate v2 over a period and dividing by T to obtain mean (can be from t0 to t0 + T with arbitrary t0)

Vm 2 2 d 1 T 2 Vm cos 2 ( t + )dt = cos 2 T 0 T 0 = t + 1 1 2 where d = dt And cos = 2 + 2 cos 2 Vm 2 2 Vm 2 = 0 d = 2 (T = 2 ) 4

Sinusoidal Source/ rms Value

3rd operation: root ?


Vm = 2

- Sinusoidal source rms value: It is not a function of either the frequency or the phase angle - It will be used to calculate power

Sinusoidal Source/ rms Value

Problem 9.6

Sinusoidal Source/ rms Value

Vm cos( t ) -- Vm cos( t + ) (

: phase advance
move waveform to the left

isthephaseangleofthewaveformanditsreference h h l f h f d f

Sinusoidal Source/ rms Value

Example: p

cos(t ) = sin t or sin(t + ) = cos t 2 2 Cosine lags 90 to sine Sine advances 90 to cosine

thatthewaveformhasalreadymovethrough y g attimet=0; isthusthephaseadvanceof thewaveform

Sinusoidal Source/ rms Value

Sinusoidal Source/ rms Value

Sinusoidal Source/ rms Value

Sinusoidal Response p
Consider a circuit: i it
t=0 Vs V R L

i (t )

Vs = Vm cos(t + ) Fi d i (t ) @ t > 0 Find

Hard way: using differential equation (find step response)

( Vm cos( t + ) iR L di ( t ) = 0 KVL:Solvefori ( t ) dt d


i ( t ) = i p ( t ) [ steadystatesolution] y + in ( t ) [ arbitraryconstantchosentomatch theinitialcondition]

Sinusoidal Response p
Hard way: using differential equation (find step response)
Vm cos( t + ) iR L di ( t ) = 0 KVL:Solvefori ( t ) dt


i ( t ) = i p ( t ) [ steadystatesolution] + in ( t ) [ arbitraryconstantchosentomatch theinitialcondition]

Then the final solution is:

R 2 + 2 L2 L with = tan 1 R i(t ) = Vm cos( t + ) Vm R 2 + 2 L2 cos( )e
Rt L


Sinusoidal Response p
Homogeneous solution (natural response):
tryih ( t ) = Ce st : substituteinto L di ( t ) + Ri ( t ) = 0 dt

R sL + R = 0 s = L

Thusany Thus any ih ( t ) = Ce


C:arbitraryconstant C:arbitrary constant


Sinusoidal Response p
Particular solution (forced response): ( p )
Vs ( t ) = Vm cos( t + )

The Th response of the circuit to this circuitry will also f th i it t thi i it ill l be sinusoidal A general form would be
i p ( t ) = A cos( t + ) A aretheconstanttobefound

Sinusoidal Response p
Important: the response of a linear circuit to a sinusoidal excitation is also a sinusoid of the same frequency, but with possibly differing amplitude and phase Substitute ip(t) into the differential equation:
Vm cos( t + ) = RA cos( t + ) LA sin( t + ) di ( t ) Vm cos( t + ) = Ri ( t ) + L dt

= RA cos( t + )cos + RA sin( t + )sin LA sin( t + )cos + LA cos( t + )sin

i ( i i Trig identities: sin( ) = sin cos sin cos T i id i i

cos( ) = cos cos m sin sin

Sinusoidal Response p
That yields
Vm = RA cos + LA sin (1) 0 = RA sin LA cos (2)

From 1st equation:

A= Vm R cos + L sin
sin L = R cos

2nd equation:
tan =

How to eliminate out of A solution ?

Sinusoidal Response p
Square both equation and then add together (to eliminate )
Vm 2 = R 2 A2 cos 2 + 2 LRA2 cos sin + 2 L2 A2 sin 2 0 = R 2 A2 sin 2 2 LRA2 cos sin + 2 L2 A2 cos 2

This yields:
Vm 2 = R 2 A2 + 2 L2 A2

A= Vm R 2 + 2 L2

Sinusoidal Response p
Particular solution is
i p (t ) = Vm R 2 + 2 L2 cos( t + ) = tan 1


Completer solution is
i ( t ) = i p ( t ) + ih ( t ) = Vm R 2 + 2 L2 cos( t + ) + Ce
Rt L

Sinusoidal Response p
The initial condition: i(t=0)=0 ( ) Thus V
i ( t = 0) =
m 2 2 2

R + L Vm cos( ) C= 2 2 2 R + L

cos( ) + C = 0

Then the final solution is

R + L L with = tan 1 R
2 2 2

i(t ) =


cos( t + )

Vm R + L
2 2 2

cos( )e


1st tem: steady-state response (why ? Exist as long as ..) 2nd term: transient response (why ? Go to infinitesimal)

Sinusoidal Response p
Steady-state solution (sss): the solution is a sinusoidal function linear circuit li i it as source sss h th same f has the frequency

amplitude change to p g phase change These characteristics help you understand the motivation of PHASOR method where you only need to take care AMPLITUDE & PHASE



Since the shape and frequency of the steady state response are known, only the amplitude and the phase need to be determined f each signal i th circuit, d t i d for h i l in the i it these can be represented by a complex number called a PHASOR PHASOR
e j = cos j sin Eulers identity:
cos = R e e j ;sin = I m e j
Real part

{ }

{ }

Imaginary part

Phasor Transform
Our original sinusoid can be rewritten as follows:
v ( t ) = Vm cos( t + ) = Vm R e e j ( t + ) j j t = R e Vm e e { amplitude+phase

The phasor for v(t) then can be defined as

V =Vm e j = P [v ( t )] P : phaseoperatororphasortransform


domain V

v ( t ) = Vm cos( t + ) timedomain V = Vm e j frequency domain frequencydomain = Vm

polar form rectangular form

( (complex domain) p )

= Vm cos + jVm sin

Examples: v ( t ) = 150sin(377t + 140 ) V = ?

v ( t ) = 100(cos 300t + 45 ) V = ?

Examples: v ( t ) = 150sin(377t + 140 ) V = ?

v ( t ) = 100(cos 300t + 45 ) V = ?


v ( t ) = 150sin(377 t + 140 ) V = ? )

P {v ( t )} = 15050o sin = cos ( 90o )

v ( t ) = 100(cos 300t + 45 ) V = ?

P {v ( t )} = 10045 = V

Inverse Phasor Transform

Inverse phasor operation transfers the v(t) from a frequency domain to a time domain 1 Inverse phasor transform P :
P 1 Vm e j = Re Vm e j e j t j t = Re V e


V = 100e ; = 300 rad , Findv(t)=? Find v(t)=? s



v ( t ) = 100cos(300t + 45o )V

Sinusoidal Response p
Consider a circuit:
i (t )
t=0 Vs V R L

Vs = Vm cos(t + )

Fi d i (t ) @ t > 0 Find

Hard way: using differential equation (find step response)

( Vm cos( t + ) iR L di ( t ) = 0 KVL:Solvefori ( t ) dt d


i ( t ) = i p ( t ) [ steadystatesolution] y + in ( t ) [ arbitraryconstantchosentomatch theinitialcondition]

Phasor Method
Analyze this circuit again, using phasor: y g gp
i (t )
t=0 R L

v s ( t ) = Vm cos( t + ) thus: V = Vm e j

vs (t )

For t>0

di ( t ) vs (t ) = i(t ) R + L dt
i ( t ) = I m cos ( t + ); phasor: I = I m e j j t i ( t ) = Re I e

Phasor Method
Substitute these into the differential equation:
Re Vm e j e j t = Re RI m e j e j t + Re j LI m e j e j t

The sum of real parts is the same as the real part of the sum t f th If we choose to use sine function in steadstate analysis, we should have: y , This yields: Vm e j = ( R + j L) I m e j

Phasor Method

Vm e j 1 L = and = tan R + j L R

Since Since R + j L = R 2 + 2 L2 e j 1 1 Therefore , = e j R + j L R 2 + 2 L2


Phasor Method
I m e j Vm e j = R + j L Vm e j R 2 + 2 L2 Vm e j ( )
Vm R + L
2 2 2

I m e j = Ime

e j

L and = tan 2 2 2 R R + L
and =

Im =

The steady-state response is: steady state

i(t ) = Vm R + L
2 2 2

cos( t + )

A lot easier than differential equations

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