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PreIuce ................................................................................................. p.
CIupLer 1. TIe RIgIL To Be RIcI ......................................................... p. q
CIupLer z. TIere Is A ScIence oI GeLLIng RIcI .................................... p. ;
CIupLer . s OpporLunILv MonopoIIzed? ........................................... p. 1o
CIupLer q. TIe IrsL PrIncIpIe In TIe ScIence oI GeLLIng RIcI .......... p. 1
CIupLer =. ncreusIng IIe ................................................................... p. 18
CIupLer 6. How RIcIes Come Lo You .................................................. p. z
CIupLer ;. GruLILude ............................................................................ p. z;
CIupLer 8. TIInkIng In LIe CerLuIn Wuv ............................................. p. o
CIupLer . How Lo Use LIe WIII .......................................................... p. q
CIupLer 1o. urLIer Use oI LIe WIII .................................................... p. 8
CIupLer 11. AcLIng In LIe CerLuIn Wuv ................................................ p. q
CIupLer 1z. EIhcIenL AcLIon ................................................................ p. q8
CIupLer 1. GeLLIng InLo LIe RIgIL BusIness ...................................... p. =z
CIupLer 1q. TIe mpressIon oI ncreuse ............................................ p. ==
CIupLer 1=. TIe AdvuncIng Mun ......................................................... p. =8
CIupLer 16. Some CuuLIons, und ConcIudIng ObservuLIons ............... p. 61
CIupLer 1;. Summurv oI LIe ScIence oI GeLLIng RIcI ......................... p. 6=


THS book Is prugmuLIcuI, noL pIIIosopIIcuI; u prucLIcuI munuuI, noL u LreuLIse
upon LIeorIes. L Is InLended Ior LIe men und women wIose mosL pressIng need
Is Ior monev; wIo wIsI Lo geL rIcI hrsL, und pIIIosopIIze uILerwurd. L Is Ior LIose
wIo Iuve, so Iur, Iound neILIer LIe LIme, LIe meuns, nor LIe opporLunILv Lo go
deepIv InLo LIe sLudv oI meLupIvsIcs, buL wIo wunL resuILs und wIo ure wIIIIng
Lo Luke LIe concIusIons oI scIence us u busIs Ior ucLIon, wILIouL goIng InLo uII LIe
processes bv wIIcI LIose concIusIons were reucIed.
L Is expecLed LIuL LIe reuder wIII Luke LIe IundumenLuI sLuLemenLs upon IuILI,
jusL us Ie wouId Luke sLuLemenLs concernIng u Iuw oI eIecLrIcuI ucLIon II LIev were
promuIguLed bv u MurconI or un EdIson; und, LukIng LIe sLuLemenLs upon IuILI,
LIuL Ie wIII prove LIeIr LruLI bv ucLIng upon LIem wILIouL Ieur or IesILuLIon. Eve-
rv mun or womun wIo does LIIs wIII cerLuInIv geL rIcI; Ior LIe scIence IereIn up-
pIIed Is un exucL scIence, und IuIIure Is ImpossIbIe. or LIe benehL, Iowever, oI
LIose wIo wIsI Lo InvesLIguLe pIIIosopIIcuI LIeorIes und so secure u IogIcuI busIs
Ior IuILI, wIII Iere cILe cerLuIn uuLIorILIes.
TIe monIsLIc LIeorv oI LIe unIverse LIe LIeorv LIuL One Is AII, und LIuL AII Is One;
TIuL one SubsLunce munIIesLs ILseII us LIe seemIng munv eIemenLs oI LIe muLe-
rIuI worId -Is oI HIndu orIgIn, und Ius been gruduuIIv wInnIng ILs wuv InLo LIe
LIougIL oI LIe wesLern worId Ior Lwo Iundred veurs. L Is LIe IounduLIon oI uII
LIe OrIenLuI pIIIosopIIes, und oI LIose oI DescurLes, SpInozu, eIbnILz, ScIopen-
Iuuer, HegeI, und Emerson.
TIe reuder wIo wouId dIg Lo LIe pIIIosopIIcuI IounduLIons oI LIIs Is udvIsed Lo
reud HegeI und Emerson Ior IImseII.
n wrILIng LIIs book Iuve sucrIhced uII oLIer consIderuLIons Lo pIuInness und
sImpIIcILv oI sLvIe, so LIuL uII mIgIL undersLund. TIe pIun oI ucLIon IuId down
IereIn wus deduced Irom LIe concIusIons oI pIIIosopIv; IL Ius been LIorougIIv
LesLed, und beurs LIe supreme LesL oI prucLIcuI experImenL; IL works. I vou wIsI
Lo know Iow LIe concIusIons were urrIved uL, reud LIe wrILIngs oI LIe uuLIors
menLIoned ubove; und II vou wIsI Lo reup LIe IruILs oI LIeIr pIIIosopIIes In ucLuuI
prucLIce, reud LIIs book und do exucLIv us IL LeIIs vou Lo do.
The Aothor
Chopter 1
WHATEVER muv be suId In pruIse oI poverLv, LIe IucL remuIns LIuL IL Is noL pos-
sIbIe Lo IIve u reuIIv compIeLe or successIuI IIIe unIess one Is rIcI. No mun cun rIse
Lo IIs greuLesL possIbIe IeIgIL In LuIenL or souI deveIopmenL unIess Ie Ius pIenLv
oI monev; Ior Lo unIoId LIe souI und Lo deveIop LuIenL Ie musL Iuve munv LIIngs
Lo use, und Ie cunnoL Iuve LIese LIIngs unIess Ie Ius monev Lo buv LIem wILI.
A mun deveIops In mInd, souI, und bodv bv mukIng use oI LIIngs, und socIeLv Is so
orgunIzed LIuL mun musL Iuve monev In order Lo become LIe possessor oI LIIngs;
LIereIore, LIe busIs oI uII udvuncemenL Ior mun musL be LIe scIence oI geLLIng
TIe objecL oI uII IIIe Is deveIopmenL; und evervLIIng LIuL IIves Ius un InuIIenubIe
rIgIL Lo uII LIe deveIopmenL IL Is cupubIe oI uLLuInIng.
Mun`s rIgIL Lo IIIe meuns IIs rIgIL Lo Iuve LIe Iree und unresLrIcLed use oI uII LIe
LIIngs wIIcI muv be necessurv Lo IIs IuIIesL menLuI, spIrILuuI, und pIvsIcuI un-
IoIdmenL; or, In oLIer words, IIs rIgIL Lo be rIcI.
n LIIs book, sIuII noL speuk oI rIcIes In u hguruLIve wuv; Lo be reuIIv rIcI does
noL meun Lo be suLIshed or conLenLed wILI u IILLIe. No mun ougIL Lo be suLIshed
wILI u IILLIe II Ie Is cupubIe oI usIng und enjovIng more. TIe purpose oI NuLure Is
LIe udvuncemenL und unIoIdmenL oI IIIe; und everv mun sIouId Iuve uII LIuL cun
conLrIbuLe Lo LIe power; eIegunce, beuuLv, und rIcIness oI IIIe; Lo be conLenL wILI
Iess Is sInIuI.
TIe mun wIo owns uII Ie wunLs Ior LIe IIvIng oI uII LIe IIIe Ie Is cupubIe oI IIvIng
Is rIcI; und no mun wIo Ius noL pIenLv oI monev cun Iuve uII Ie wunLs. IIe Ius
udvunced so Iur, und become so compIex, LIuL even LIe mosL ordInurv mun or
womun requIres u greuL umounL oI weuILI In order Lo IIve In u munner LIuL even
upproucIes compIeLeness. Everv person nuLuruIIv wunLs Lo become uII LIuL LIev
ure cupubIe oI becomIng; LIIs desIre Lo reuIIze InnuLe possIbIIILIes Is InIerenL In
Iumun nuLure; we cunnoL IeIp wunLIng Lo be uII LIuL we cun be. Success In IIIe
Is becomIng wIuL vou wunL Lo be; vou cun become wIuL vou wunL Lo be onIv bv
mukIng use oI LIIngs, und vou cun Iuve LIe Iree use oI LIIngs onIv us vou become
rIcI enougI Lo buv LIem. To undersLund LIe scIence oI geLLIng rIcI Is LIereIore
LIe mosL essenLIuI oI uII knowIedge.
TIere Is noLIIng wrong In wunLIng Lo geL rIcI. TIe desIre Ior rIcIes Is reuIIv LIe
desIre Ior u rIcIer, IuIIer, und more ubundunL IIIe; und LIuL desIre Is pruIseworLIv.
TIe mun wIo does noL desIre Lo IIve more ubundunLIv Is ubnormuI, und so LIe
mun wIo does noL desIre Lo Iuve monev enougI Lo buv uII Ie wunLs Is ubnormuI.
TIere ure LIree moLIves Ior wIIcI we IIve; we IIve Ior LIe bodv, we IIve Ior LIe
mInd, we IIve Ior LIe souI. No one oI LIese Is beLLer or IoIIer LIun LIe oLIer; uII
ure uIIke desIrubIe, und no one oI LIe LIree--bodv, mInd, or souI--cun IIve IuIIv II
eILIer oI LIe oLIers Is cuL sIorL oI IuII IIIe und expressIon. L Is noL rIgIL or nobIe Lo
IIve onIv Ior LIe souI und denv mInd or bodv; und IL Is wrong Lo IIve Ior LIe InLeI-
IecL und denv bodv or souI.
We ure uII ucquuInLed wILI LIe IouLIsome consequences oI IIvIng Ior LIe bodv und
denvIng boLI mInd und souI; und we see LIuL reul IIIe meuns LIe compIeLe expres-
sIon oI uII LIuL mun cun gIve IorLI LIrougI bodv, mInd, und souI. WIuLever Ie cun
suv, no mun cun be reuIIv Iuppv or suLIshed unIess IIs bodv Is IIvIng IuIIv In everv
IuncLIon, und unIess LIe sume Is Lrue oI IIs mInd und IIs souI. WIerever LIere Is
unexpressed possIbIIILv, or IuncLIon noL perIormed, LIere Is unsuLIshed desIre.
DesIre Is possIbIIILv seekIng expressIon, or IuncLIon seekIng perIormunce.
Mun cunnoL IIve IuIIv In bodv wILIouL good Iood, comIorLubIe cIoLIIng, und wurm
sIeILer; und wILIouL Ireedom Irom excessIve LoII. ResL und recreuLIon ure uIso
necessurv Lo IIs pIvsIcuI IIIe .
He cunnoL IIve IuIIv In mInd wILIouL books und LIme Lo sLudv LIem, wILIouL op-
porLunILv Ior LruveI und observuLIon, or wILIouL InLeIIecLuuI compunIonsIIp.
To IIve IuIIv In mInd Ie musL Iuve InLeIIecLuuI recreuLIons, und musL surround
IImseII wILI uII LIe objecLs oI urL und beuuLv Ie Is cupubIe oI usIng und upprecIuL-
To IIve IuIIv In souI, mun musL Iuve Iove; und Iove Is denIed expressIon bv pov-
A mun`s IIgIesL IuppIness Is Iound In LIe besLowuI oI benehLs on LIose Ie Ioves;
Iove hnds ILs mosL nuLuruI und sponLuneous expressIon In gIvIng. TIe mun wIo
Ius noLIIng Lo gIve cunnoL hII IIs pIuce us u Iusbund or IuLIer, us u cILIzen, or us
u mun. L Is In LIe use oI muLerIuI LIIngs LIuL u mun hnds IuII IIIe Ior IIs bodv,
deveIops IIs mInd, und unIoIds IIs souI. L Is LIereIore oI supreme ImporLunce Lo
IIm LIuL Ie sIouId be rIcI.
L Is perIecLIv rIgIL LIuL vou sIouId desIre Lo be rIcI; II vou ure u normuI mun or
womun vou cunnoL IeIp doIng so. L Is perIecLIv rIgIL LIuL vou sIouId gIve vour
besL uLLenLIon Lo LIe ScIence oI GeLLIng RIcI, Ior IL Is LIe nobIesL und mosL neces-
surv oI uII sLudIes. I vou negIecL LIIs sLudv, vou ure dereIIcL In vour duLv Lo vour-
seII, Lo God und IumunILv; Ior vou cun render Lo God und IumunILv no greuLer
servIce LIun Lo muke LIe mosL oI vourseII.
Chopter z
THERE Is u ScIence oI geLLIng rIcI, und IL Is un exucL scIence, IIke uIgebru or urILI-
meLIc. TIere ure cerLuIn Iuws wIIcI govern LIe process oI ucquIrIng rIcIes; once
LIese Iuws ure Ieurned und obeved bv unv mun, Ie wIII geL rIcI wILI muLIemuLIcuI
TIe ownersIIp oI monev und properLv comes us u resuIL oI doIng LIIngs In u cer-
LuIn wuv; LIose wIo do LIIngs In LIIs CerLuIn Wuv, wIeLIer on purpose or uccI-
denLuIIv, geL rIcI; wIIIe LIose wIo do noL do LIIngs In LIIs CerLuIn Wuv, no muLLer
Iow Iurd LIev work or Iow ubIe LIev ure, remuIn poor.
L Is u nuLuruI Iuw LIuL IIke cuuses uIwuvs produce IIke eIIecLs; und, LIereIore, unv
mun or womun wIo Ieurns Lo do LIIngs In LIIs cerLuIn wuv wIII InIuIIIbIv geL rIcI.
TIuL LIe ubove sLuLemenL Is Lrue Is sIown bv LIe IoIIowIng IucLs:
GeLLIng rIcI Is noL u muLLer oI envIronmenL, Ior, II IL were, uII LIe peopIe In cerLuIn
neIgIborIoods wouId become weuILIv; LIe peopIe oI one cILv wouId uII be rIcI,
wIIIe LIose oI oLIer Lowns wouId uII be poor; or LIe InIubILunLs oI one sLuLe wouId
roII In weuILI, wIIIe LIose oI un udjoInIng sLuLe wouId be In poverLv.
BuL evervwIere we see rIcI und poor IIvIng sIde bv sIde, In LIe sume envIronmenL,
und oILen enguged In LIe sume vocuLIons. WIen Lwo men ure In LIe sume IocuIILv,
und In LIe sume busIness, und one geLs rIcI wIIIe LIe oLIer remuIns poor, IL sIows
LIuL geLLIng rIcI Is noL, prImurIIv, u muLLer oI envIronmenL. Some envIronmenLs
muv be more IuvorubIe LIun oLIers, buL wIen Lwo men In LIe sume busIness ure
In LIe sume neIgIborIood, und one geLs rIcI wIIIe LIe oLIer IuIIs, IL IndIcuLes LIuL
geLLIng rIcI Is LIe resuIL oI doIng LIIngs In u CerLuIn Wuv.
And IurLIer, LIe ubIIILv Lo do LIIngs In LIIs cerLuIn wuv Is noL due soIeIv Lo LIe pos-
sessIon oI LuIenL, Ior munv peopIe wIo Iuve greuL LuIenL remuIn poor, wIIIe oLIer
wIo Iuve verv IILLIe LuIenL geL rIcI.
SLudvIng LIe peopIe wIo Iuve goL rIcI, we hnd LIuL LIev ure un uveruge IoL In uII
respecLs, IuvIng no greuLer LuIenLs und ubIIILIes LIun oLIer men. L Is evIdenL LIuL
LIev do noL geL rIcI becuuse LIev possess LuIenLs und ubIIILIes LIuL oLIer men Iuve
noL, buL becuuse LIev Iuppen Lo do LIIngs In u CerLuIn Wuv.
GeLLIng rIcI Is noL LIe resuIL oI suvIng, or LIrIIL; munv verv penurIous peopIe ure
poor, wIIIe Iree spenders oILen geL rIcI.
Nor Is geLLIng rIcI due Lo doIng LIIngs wIIcI oLIers IuII Lo do; Ior Lwo men In LIe
sume busIness oILen do uImosL exucLIv LIe sume LIIngs, und one geLs rIcI wIIIe
LIe oLIer remuIns poor or becomes bunkrupL.
rom uII LIese LIIngs, we musL come Lo LIe concIusIon LIuL geLLIng rIcI Is LIe re-
suIL oI doIng LIIngs In u CerLuIn Wuv.
I geLLIng rIcI Is LIe resuIL oI doIng LIIngs In u CerLuIn Wuv, und II IIke cuuses
uIwuvs produce IIke eIIecLs, LIen unv mun or womun wIo cun do LIIngs In LIuL
wuv cun become rIcI, und LIe wIoIe muLLer Is brougIL wILIIn LIe domuIn oI exucL
TIe quesLIon urIses Iere, wIeLIer LIIs CerLuIn Wuv muv noL be so dIIhcuIL LIuL
onIv u Iew muv IoIIow IL. TIIs cunnoL be Lrue, us we Iuve seen, so Iur us nuLuruI
ubIIILv Is concerned. TuIenLed peopIe geL rIcI, und bIockIeuds geL rIcI; InLeIIec-
LuuIIv brIIIIunL peopIe geL rIcI, und verv sLupId peopIe geL rIcI; pIvsIcuIIv sLrong
peopIe geL rIcI, und weuk und sIckIv peopIe geL rIcI.
Some degree oI ubIIILv Lo LIInk und undersLund Is, oI course, essenLIuI; buL In so
Iur nuLuruI ubIIILv Is concerned, unv mun or womun wIo Ius sense enougI Lo reud
und undersLund LIese words cun cerLuInIv geL rIcI.
AIso, we Iuve seen LIuL IL Is noL u muLLer oI envIronmenL. ocuLIon counLs Ior
someLIIng; one wouId noL go Lo LIe IeurL oI LIe SuIuru und expecL Lo do success-
IuI busIness.
GeLLIng rIcI InvoIves LIe necessILv oI deuIIng wILI men, und oI beIng wIere LIere
ure peopIe Lo deuI wILI; und II LIese peopIe ure IncIIned Lo deuI In LIe wuv vou
wunL Lo deuI, so mucI LIe beLLer. BuL LIuL Is ubouL us Iur us envIronmenL goes.
I unvbodv eIse In vour Lown cun geL rIcI, so cun vou; und II unvbodv eIse In vour
sLuLe cun geL rIcI, so cun vou.
AguIn, IL Is noL u muLLer oI cIoosIng some purLIcuIur busIness or proIessIon.
PeopIe geL rIcI In everv busIness, und In everv proIessIon; wIIIe LIeIr nexL-door
neIgIbors In LIe sume vocuLIon remuIn In poverLv.
L Is Lrue LIuL vou wIII do besL In u busIness wIIcI vou IIke, und wIIcI Is congenIuI
Lo vou; und II vou Iuve cerLuIn LuIenLs wIIcI ure weII deveIoped, vou wIII do besL
In u busIness wIIcI cuIIs Ior LIe exercIse oI LIose LuIenLs.


AIso, vou wIII do besL In u busIness wIIcI Is suILed Lo vour IocuIILv; un Ice-creum
purIor wouId do beLLer In u wurm cIImuLe LIun In GreenIund, und u suImon hsIerv
wIII succeed beLLer In LIe NorLIwesL LIun In IorIdu, wIere LIere ure no suImon.
BuL, usIde Irom LIese generuI IImILuLIons, geLLIng rIcI Is noL dependenL upon vour
engugIng In some purLIcuIur busIness, buL upon vour IeurnIng Lo do LIIngs In u
CerLuIn Wuv. I vou ure now In busIness, und unvbodv eIse In vour IocuIILv Is geL-
LIng rIcI In LIe sume busIness, wIIIe vou ure noL geLLIng rIcI, IL Is becuuse vou ure
noL doIng LIIngs In LIe sume Wuv LIuL LIe oLIer person Is doIng LIem.
No one Is prevenLed Irom geLLIng rIcI bv Iuck oI cupILuI. True, us vou geL cupILuI
LIe Increuse becomes more eusv und rupId; buL one wIo Ius cupILuI Is uIreudv
rIcI, und does noL need Lo consIder Iow Lo become so. No muLLer Iow poor vou
muv be, II vou begIn Lo do LIIngs In LIe CerLuIn Wuv vou wIII begIn Lo geL rIcI; und
vou wIII begIn Lo Iuve cupILuI. TIe geLLIng oI cupILuI Is u purL oI LIe process oI geL-
LIng rIcI; und IL Is u purL oI LIe resuIL wIIcI InvurIubIv IoIIows LIe doIng oI LIIngs
In LIe CerLuIn Wuv. You muv be LIe pooresL mun on LIe conLInenL, und be deepIv
In debL; vou muv Iuve neILIer IrIends, Inuence, nor resources; buL II vou begIn
Lo do LIIngs In LIIs wuv, vou musL InIuIIIbIv begIn Lo geL rIcI, Ior IIke cuuses musL
produce IIke eIIecLs. I vou Iuve no cupILuI, vou cun geL cupILuI; II vou ure In LIe
wrong busIness, vou cun geL InLo LIe rIgIL busIness; II vou ure In LIe wrong Iocu-
LIon, vou cun go Lo LIe rIgIL IocuLIon; und vou cun do so by beuinninu in yoor
present bosiness und in yoor present locution Lo do LIIngs In LIe CerLuIn
Wuv wIIcI cuuses success.
Chopter g
NO mun Is kepL poor becuuse opporLunILv Ius been Luken uwuv Irom IIm; be-
cuuse oLIer peopIe Iuve monopoIIzed LIe weuILI, und Iuve puL u Ience uround
IL. You muv be sIuL oII Irom engugIng In busIness In cerLuIn IInes, buL LIere ure
oLIer cIunneIs open Lo vou. ProbubIv IL wouId be Iurd Ior vou Lo geL conLroI oI
unv oI LIe greuL ruIIroud svsLems; LIuL heId Is preLLv weII monopoIIzed. BuL LIe
eIecLrIc ruIIwuv busIness Is sLIII In ILs InIuncv, und oIIers pIenLv oI scope Ior enLer-
prIse; und IL wIII be buL u verv Iew veurs unLII LruIhc und LrunsporLuLIon LIrougI
LIe uIr wIII become u greuL IndusLrv, und In uII ILs bruncIes wIII gIve empIovmenL
Lo Iundreds oI LIousunds, und perIups Lo mIIIIons, oI peopIe. WIv noL Lurn vour
uLLenLIon Lo LIe deveIopmenL oI uerIuI LrunsporLuLIon, InsLeud oI compeLIng wILI
J.J. HIII und oLIers Ior u cIunce In LIe sLeum ruIIwuv worId?
L Is quILe Lrue LIuL II vou ure u workmun In LIe empIov oI LIe sLeeI LrusL vou Iuve
verv IILLIe cIunce oI becomIng LIe owner oI LIe pIunL In wIIcI vou work; buL IL Is
uIso Lrue LIuL II vou wIII commence Lo ucL In u CerLuIn Wuv, vou cun soon Ieuve LIe
empIov oI LIe sLeeI LrusL; vou cun buv u Iurm oI Irom Len Lo IorLv ucres, und enguge
In busIness us u producer oI IoodsLuIIs. TIere Is greuL opporLunILv uL LIIs LIme Ior
men wIo wIII IIve upon smuII LrucLs oI Iund und cuILIvuLe LIe sume InLensIveIv;
sucI men wIII cerLuInIv geL rIcI. You muv suv LIuL IL Is ImpossIbIe Ior vou Lo geL
LIe Iund, buL um goIng Lo prove Lo vou LIuL IL Is noL ImpossIbIe, und LIuL vou cun
cerLuInIv geL u Iurm II vou wIII go Lo work In u CerLuIn Wuv.
AL dIIIerenL perIods LIe LIde oI opporLunILv seLs In dIIIerenL dIrecLIons, uccord-
Ing Lo LIe needs oI LIe wIoIe, und LIe purLIcuIur sLuge oI socIuI evoIuLIon wIIcI
Ius been reucIed. AL presenL, In AmerIcu, IL Is seLLIng Lowurd ugrIcuILure und LIe
uIIIed IndusLrIes und proIessIons. Toduv, opporLunILv Is open beIore LIe IucLorv
worker In IIs IIne. L Is open beIore LIe busIness mun wIo suppIIes LIe Iurmer
more LIun beIore LIe one wIo suppIIes LIe IucLorv worker; und beIore LIe proIes-
sIonuI mun wIo wuILs upon LIe Iurmer more LIun beIore LIe one wIo serves LIe
workIng cIuss.
TIere Is ubundunce oI opporLunILv Ior LIe mun wIo wIII go wILI LIe LIde, InsLeud
oI LrvIng Lo swIm uguInsL IL.
So LIe IucLorv workers, eILIer us IndIvIduuIs or us u cIuss, ure noL deprIved oI
opporLunILv. TIe workers ure noL beIng kepL down bv LIeIr musLers; LIev ure
noL beIng ground bv LIe LrusLs und combInuLIons oI cupILuI. As u cIuss, LIev ure
wIere LIev ure becuuse LIev do noL do LIIngs In u CerLuIn Wuv. I LIe workers oI
AmerIcu cIose Lo do so, LIev couId IoIIow LIe exumpIe oI LIeIr broLIers In BeI-
gIum und oLIer counLrIes, und esLubIIsI greuL depurLmenL sLores und co-operu-
LIve IndusLrIes; LIev couId eIecL men oI LIeIr own cIuss Lo oIhce, und puss Iuws
IuvorIng LIe deveIopmenL oI sucI co-operuLIve IndusLrIes; und In u Iew veurs LIev
couId Luke peuceubIe possessIon oI LIe IndusLrIuI heId.
TIe workIng cIuss muv become LIe musLer cIuss wIenever LIev wIII begIn Lo do
LIIngs In u CerLuIn Wuv; LIe Iuw oI weuILI Is LIe sume Ior LIem us IL Is Ior uII oLI-
ers. TIIs LIev musL Ieurn; und LIev wIII remuIn wIere LIev ure us Iong us LIev
conLInue Lo do us LIev do. TIe IndIvIduuI worker, Iowever, Is noL IeId down bv
LIe Ignorunce or LIe menLuI sIoLIIuIness oI IIs cIuss; Ie cun IoIIow LIe LIde oI op-
porLunILv Lo rIcIes, und LIIs book wIII LeII IIm Iow.
No one Is kepL In poverLv bv u sIorLness In LIe suppIv oI rIcIes; LIere Is more LIun
enougI Ior uII. A puIuce us Iurge us LIe cupILoI uL WusIIngLon mIgIL be buIIL Ior
everv IumIIv on eurLI Irom LIe buIIdIng muLerIuI In LIe UnILed SLuLes uIone; und
under InLensIve cuILIvuLIon, LIIs counLrv wouId produce wooI, coLLon, IInen, und
sIIk enougI Lo cIoLI eucI person In LIe worId hner LIun SoIomon wus urruved In
uII IIs gIorv; LogeLIer wILI Iood enougI Lo Ieed LIem uII IuxurIousIv.
TIe vIsIbIe suppIv Is prucLIcuIIv InexIuusLIbIe; und LIe InvIsIbIe suppIv reuIIv S
Iverythinu yoo see on eurth is mude Irom one oriuinul sobstunce, oot
oI which ull thinus proceed.
New orms ure consLunLIv beIng mude, und oIder ones ure dIssoIvIng; buL uII ure
sIupes ussumed bv One TIIng.
TIere Is no IImIL Lo LIe suppIv oI ormIess SLuII, or OrIgInuI SubsLunce. TIe unI-
verse Is mude ouL oI IL; buL IL wus noL uII used In mukIng LIe unIverse. TIe spuces
In, LIrougI, und beLween LIe Iorms oI LIe vIsIbIe unIverse ure permeuLed und
hIIed wILI LIe OrIgInuI SubsLunce; wILI LIe IormIess SLuII; wILI LIe ruw muLerIuI
oI uII LIIngs. Ten LIousund LImes us mucI us Ius been mude mIgIL sLIII be mude,
und even LIen we sIouId noL Iuve exIuusLed LIe suppIv oI unIversuI ruw muLe-
No mun, LIereIore, Is poor becuuse nuLure Is poor, or becuuse LIere Is noL enougI
Lo go uround.
NuLure Is un InexIuusLIbIe sLoreIouse oI rIcIes; LIe suppIv wIII never run sIorL.
OrIgInuI SubsLunce Is uIIve wILI creuLIve energv, und Is consLunLIv producIng
more Iorms. WIen LIe suppIv oI buIIdIng muLerIuI Is exIuusLed, more wIII be
produced; wIen LIe soII Is exIuusLed so LIuL IoodsLuIIs und muLerIuIs Ior cIoLIIng
wIII no Ionger grow upon IL, IL wIII be renewed or more soII wIII be mude. WIen
uII LIe goId und sIIver Ius been dug Irom LIe eurLI, II mun Is sLIII In sucI u sLuge
oI socIuI deveIopmenL LIuL Ie needs goId und sIIver, more wIII produced Irom LIe
ormIess. TIe ormIess SLuII responds Lo LIe needs oI mun; IL wIII noL IeL IIm be
wILIouL unv good LIIng.
TIIs Is Lrue oI mun coIIecLIveIv; LIe ruce us u wIoIe Is uIwuvs ubundunLIv rIcI, und
II IndIvIduuIs ure poor, IL Is becuuse LIev do noL IoIIow LIe CerLuIn Wuv oI doIng
LIIngs wIIcI mukes LIe IndIvIduuI mun rIcI.
TIe ormIess SLuII Is InLeIIIgenL; IL Is sLuII wIIcI LIInks. L Is uIIve, und Is uIwuvs
ImpeIIed Lowurd more IIIe.
L Is LIe nuLuruI und InIerenL ImpuIse oI IIIe Lo seek Lo IIve more; IL Is LIe nuLure
oI InLeIIIgence Lo enIurge ILseII, und oI conscIousness Lo seek Lo exLend ILs boundu-
rIes und hnd IuIIer expressIon. TIe unIverse oI Iorms Ius been mude bv ormIess
IvIng SubsLunce, LIrowIng ILseII InLo Iorm In order Lo express ILseII more IuIIv.
TIe unIverse Is u greuL IvIng Presence, uIwuvs movIng InIerenLIv Lowurd more
IIIe und IuIIer IuncLIonIng.
NuLure Is Iormed Ior LIe udvuncemenL oI IIIe; ILs ImpeIIIng moLIve Is LIe Increuse
oI IIIe. or LIIs cuuse, evervLIIng wIIcI cun possIbIv mInIsLer Lo IIIe Is bounLIIuIIv
provIded; LIere cun be no Iuck unIess God Is Lo conLrudIcL IImseII und nuIIIIv IIs
own works.
You ure noL kepL poor bv Iuck In LIe suppIv oI rIcIes; IL Is u IucL wIIcI sIuII dem-
onsLruLe u IILLIe IurLIer on LIuL even LIe resources oI LIe ormIess SuppIv ure uL
LIe commund oI LIe mun or womun wIII ucL und LIInk In u CerLuIn Wuv.
Chopter a
THOUGHT Is LIe onIv power wIIcI cun produce LungIbIe rIcIes Irom LIe orm-
Iess SubsLunce. TIe sLuII Irom wIIcI uII LIIngs ure mude Is u subsLunce wIIcI
LIInks, und u LIougIL oI Iorm In LIIs subsLunce produces LIe Iorm.
OrIgInuI SubsLunce moves uccordIng Lo ILs LIougILs; everv Iorm und process vou
see In nuLure Is LIe vIsIbIe expressIon oI u LIougIL In OrIgInuI SubsLunce. As LIe
ormIess SLuII LIInks oI u Iorm, IL Lukes LIuL Iorm; us IL LIInks oI u moLIon, IL
mukes LIuL moLIon. TIuL Is LIe wuv uII LIIngs were creuLed. We IIve In u LIougIL
worId, wIIcI Is purL oI u LIougIL unIverse. TIe LIougIL oI u movIng unIverse ex-
Lended LIrougIouL ormIess SubsLunce, und LIe TIInkIng SLuII movIng uccord-
Ing Lo LIuL LIougIL, Look LIe Iorm oI svsLems oI pIuneLs, und muInLuIns LIuL Iorm.
TIInkIng SubsLunce Lukes LIe Iorm oI ILs LIougIL, und moves uccordIng Lo LIe
LIougIL. HoIdIng LIe Ideu oI u cIrcIIng svsLem oI suns und worIds, IL Lukes LIe
Iorm oI LIese bodIes, und moves LIem us IL LIInks. TIInkIng LIe Iorm oI u sIow-
growIng ouk Lree, IL moves uccordIngIv, und produces LIe Lree, LIougI cenLurIes
muv be requIred Lo do LIe work. n creuLIng, LIe ormIess seems Lo move uccord-
Ing Lo LIe IInes oI moLIon IL Ius esLubIIsIed; LIe LIougIL oI un ouk Lree does noL
cuuse LIe InsLunL IormuLIon oI u IuII-grown Lree, buL IL does sLurL In moLIon LIe
Iorces wIIcI wIII produce LIe Lree, uIong esLubIIsIed IInes oI growLI.
Everv LIougIL oI Iorm, IeId In LIInkIng SubsLunce, cuuses LIe creuLIon oI LIe
Iorm, buL uIwuvs, or uL IeusL generuIIv, uIong IInes oI growLI und ucLIon uIreudv
TIe LIougIL oI u Iouse oI u cerLuIn consLrucLIon, II IL were Impressed upon orm-
Iess SubsLunce, mIgIL noL cuuse LIe InsLunL IormuLIon, oI LIe Iouse; buL IL wouId
cuuse LIe LurnIng oI creuLIve energIes uIreudv workIng In Lrude und commerce
InLo sucI cIunneIs us Lo resuIL In LIe speedv buIIdIng oI LIe Iouse. And II LIere
were no exIsLIng cIunneIs LIrougI wIIcI LIe creuLIve energv couId work, LIen LIe
Iouse wouId be Iormed dIrecLIv Irom prImuI subsLunce, wILIouL wuILIng Ior LIe
sIow processes oI LIe orgunIc und InorgunIc worId.
No thoouht oI Iorm cun be impressed opon Oriuinul Sobstunce with-
oot cuosinu the creution oI the Iorm.
Mun Is u LIInkIng cenLer, und cun orIgInuLe LIougIL. AII LIe Iorms LIuL mun IusI-
Ions wILI IIs Iunds musL hrsL exIsL In IIs LIougIL; Ie cunnoL sIupe u LIIng unLII
Ie Ius LIougIL LIuL LIIng.
And so Iur mun Ius conhned IIs eIIorLs wIoIIv Lo LIe work oI IIs Iunds; Ie Ius
uppIIed munuuI Iubor Lo LIe worId oI Iorms, seekIng Lo cIunge or modIIv LIose uI-
reudv exIsLIng. He Ius never LIougIL oI LrvIng Lo cuuse LIe creuLIon oI new Iorms
bv ImpressIng IIs LIougILs upon ormIess SubsLunce.
WIen mun Ius u LIougIL-Iorm, Ie Lukes muLerIuI Irom LIe Iorms oI nuLure, und
mukes un Imuge oI LIe Iorm wIIcI Is In IIs mInd. He Ius, so Iur, mude IILLIe or no
eIIorL Lo co-operuLe wILI ormIess nLeIIIgence; Lo work wILI LIe uLIer. He Ius
noL dreumed LIuL Ie cun do wIuL Ie seeLI LIe uLIer doIng. Mun resIupes und
modIhes exIsLIng Iorms bv munuuI Iubor; Ie Ius gIven no uLLenLIon Lo LIe ques-
LIon wIeLIer Ie muv noL produce LIIngs Irom ormIess SubsLunce bv communI-
cuLIng IIs LIougILs Lo IL. We propose Lo prove LIuL Ie muv do so; Lo prove LIuL unv
mun or womun muv do so, und Lo sIow Iow. As our hrsL sLep, we musL Iuv down
LIree IundumenLuI proposILIons.
IrsL, we usserL LIuL LIere Is one orIgInuI IormIess sLuII, or subsLunce, Irom wIIcI
uII LIIngs ure mude. AII LIe seemIngIv munv eIemenLs ure buL dIIIerenL presenLu-
LIons oI one eIemenL; uII LIe munv Iorms Iound In orgunIc und InorgunIc nuLure
ure buL dIIIerenL sIupes, mude Irom LIe sume sLuII. And LIIs sLuII Is LIInkIng sLuII;
u LIougIL IeId In IL produces LIe Iorm oI LIe LIougIL. TIougIL, In LIInkIng sub-
sLunce, produces sIupes. Mun Is u LIInkIng cenLer, cupubIe oI orIgInuI LIougIL; II
mun cun communIcuLe IIs LIougIL Lo orIgInuI LIInkIng subsLunce, Ie cun cuuse
LIe creuLIon, or IormuLIon, oI LIe LIIng Ie LIInks ubouL. To summurIze LIIs:
There is u thinkinu stoII Irom which ull thinus ure mude, und which,
in its oriuinul stute, permeutes, penetrutes, und lls the interspuces oI
the oniverse.
A thoouht, in this sobstunce, prodoces the thinu thut is imuued by the
Mun cun Iorm thinus in his thoouht, und, by impressinu his thoouht
opon Iormless sobstunce, cun cuose the thinu he thinks uboot to be
L muv be usked II cun prove LIese sLuLemenLs; und wILIouL goIng InLo deLuIIs,
unswer LIuL cun do so, boLI bv IogIc und experIence.
ReusonIng buck Irom LIe pIenomenu oI Iorm und LIougIL, come Lo one orIgInuI
LIInkIng subsLunce; und reusonIng Iorwurd Irom LIIs LIInkIng subsLunce, come
Lo mun`s power Lo cuuse LIe IormuLIon oI LIe LIIng Ie LIInks ubouL.
And bv experImenL, hnd LIe reusonIng Lrue; und LIIs Is mv sLrongesL prooI.
I one mun wIo reuds LIIs book geLs rIcI bv doIng wIuL IL LeIIs IIm Lo do, LIuL Is
evIdence In supporL oI mv cIuIm; buL II everv mun wIo does wIuL IL LeIIs IIm Lo do
geLs rIcI, LIuL Is posILIve prooI unLII some one goes LIrougI LIe process und IuIIs.
TIe LIeorv Is Lrue unLII LIe process IuIIs; und LIIs process wIII noL IuII, Ior everv
mun wIo does exucLIv wIuL LIIs book LeIIs IIm Lo do wIII geL rIcI.
Iuve suId LIuL men geL rIcI bv doIng LIIngs In u CerLuIn Wuv; und In order Lo do
so, men musL become ubIe Lo LIInk In u cerLuIn wuv.
A mun's wuy oI doinu thinus is the direct resolt oI the wuy he thinks
uboot thinus.
To do LIIngs In u wuv vou wunL Lo do LIem, vou wIII Iuve Lo ucquIre LIe ubIIILv Lo
LIInk LIe wuv vou wunL Lo LIInk; LIIs Is LIe hrsL sLep Lowurd geLLIng rIcI.
To think whut yoo wunt to think is to think TRLTH, reuurdless oI up-
Everv mun Ius LIe nuLuruI und InIerenL power Lo LIInk wIuL Ie wunLs Lo LIInk,
buL IL requIres Iur more eIIorL Lo do so LIun IL does Lo LIInk LIe LIougILs wIIcI
ure suggesLed bv uppeurunces. To LIInk uccordIng Lo uppeurunce Is eusv; Lo LIInk
LruLI regurdIess oI uppeurunces Is IuborIous, und requIres LIe expendILure oI more
power LIun unv oLIer work mun Is cuIIed upon Lo perIorm.
TIere Is no Iubor Irom wIIcI mosL peopIe sIrInk us LIev do Irom LIuL oI susLuIned
und consecuLIve LIougIL; IL Is LIe IurdesL work In LIe worId. TIIs Is especIuIIv
Lrue wIen LruLI Is conLrurv Lo uppeurunces. Everv uppeurunce In LIe vIsIbIe worId
Lends Lo produce u correspondIng Iorm In LIe mInd wIIcI observes IL; und LIIs
cun onIv be prevenLed bv IoIdIng LIe LIougIL oI LIe TRUTH.
To Iook upon LIe uppeurunce oI dIseuse wIII produce LIe Iorm oI dIseuse In vour
own mInd, und uILImuLeIv In vour bodv, unIess vou IoId LIe LIougIL oI LIe LruLI,
wIIcI Is LIuL LIere Is no dIseuse; IL Is onIv un uppeurunce, und LIe reuIILv Is
To Iook upon LIe uppeurunces oI poverLv wIII produce correspondIng Iorms In
vour own mInd, unIess vou IoId Lo LIe LruLI LIuL LIere Is no poverLv; LIere Is onIv
To LIInk IeuILI wIen surrounded bv LIe uppeurunces oI dIseuse, or Lo LIInk rIcIes
wIen In LIe mIdsL oI uppeurunces oI poverLv, requIres power; buL Ie wIo ucquIres
LIIs power becomes u MASTER MND. He cun conquer IuLe; Ie cun Iuve wIuL Ie
TIIs power cun onIv be ucquIred bv geLLIng IoId oI LIe busIc IucL wIIcI Is beIInd
uII uppeurunces; und LIuL IucL Is LIuL LIere Is one TIInkIng SubsLunce, Irom wIIcI
und bv wIIcI uII LIIngs ure mude.
TIen we musL grusp LIe LruLI LIuL everv LIougIL IeId In LIIs subsLunce becomes
u Iorm, und LIuL mun cun so Impress IIs LIougILs upon IL us Lo cuuse LIem Lo Luke
Iorm und become vIsIbIe LIIngs.
WIen we reuIIze LIIs, we Iose uII doubL und Ieur, Ior we know LIuL we cun creuLe
wIuL we wunL Lo creuLe; we cun geL wIuL we wunL Lo Iuve, und cun become wIuL
we wunL Lo be. As u hrsL sLep Lowurd geLLIng rIcI, vou musL beIIeve LIe LIree Iun-
dumenLuI sLuLemenLs gIven prevIousIv In LIIs cIupLer; und In order Lo empIusIze
LIem. repeuL LIem Iere:-
There is u thinkinu stoII Irom which ull thinus ure mude, und which,
in its oriuinul stute, permeutes, penetrutes, und lls the interspuces oI
the oniverse.
A thoouht, in this sobstunce, prodoces the thinu thut is imuued by the
Mun cun Iorm thinus in his thoouht, und, by impressinu his thoouht
opon Iormless sobstunce, cun cuose the thinu he thinks uboot to be
You musL Iuv usIde uII oLIer concepLs oI LIe unIverse LIun LIIs monIsLIc one; und
vou musL dweII upon LIIs unLII IL Is hxed In vour mInd, und Ius become vour Iu-
bILuuI LIougIL. Reud LIese creed sLuLemenLs over und over uguIn; hx everv word
upon vour memorv, und medILuLe upon LIem unLII vou hrmIv beIIeve wIuL LIev
suv. I u doubL comes Lo vou, cusL IL usIde us u sIn. Do noL IIsLen Lo urgumenLs
uguInsL LIIs Ideu; do noL go Lo cIurcIes or IecLures wIere u conLrurv concepL oI
LIIngs Is LuugIL or preucIed. Do noL reud muguzInes or books wIIcI LeucI u dII-
IerenL Ideu; II vou geL mIxed up In vour IuILI, uII vour eIIorLs wIII be In vuIn.
Do noL usk wIv LIese LIIngs ure Lrue, nor specuIuLe us Lo Iow LIev cun be Lrue;
sImpIv Luke LIem on LrusL.
TIe scIence oI geLLIng rIcI begIns wILI LIe ubsoIuLe uccepLunce oI LIIs IuILI.
Chopter g
YOU musL geL rId oI LIe IusL vesLIge oI LIe oId Ideu LIuL LIere Is u DeILv wIose wIII
IL Is LIuL vou sIouId be poor, or wIose purposes muv be served bv keepIng vou In
TIe nLeIIIgenL SubsLunce wIIcI Is AII, und In AII, und wIIcI IIves In AII und IIves
In vou, Is u conscIousIv IvIng SubsLunce. BeIng u conscIousIv IIvIng subsLunce, IL
musL Iuve LIe nuLure und InIerenL desIre oI everv IIvIng InLeIIIgence Ior Increuse
oI IIIe. Everv IIvIng LIIng musL conLInuuIIv seek Ior LIe enIurgemenL oI ILs IIIe,
becuuse IIIe, In LIe mere ucL oI IIvIng, musL Increuse ILseII.
A seed, dropped InLo LIe ground, sprIngs InLo ucLIvILv, und In LIe ucL oI IIvIng pro-
duces u Iundred more seeds; IIIe, bv IIvIng, muILIpIIes ILseII. L Is Iorever Becom-
Ing More; IL musL do so, II IL conLInues Lo be uL uII.
nLeIIIgence Is under LIIs sume necessILv Ior conLInuous Increuse. Everv LIougIL
we LIInk mukes IL necessurv Ior us Lo LIInk unoLIer LIougIL; conscIousness Is con-
LInuuIIv expundIng. Everv IucL we Ieurn Ieuds us Lo LIe IeurnIng oI unoLIer IucL;
knowIedge Is conLInuuIIv IncreusIng. Everv LuIenL we cuILIvuLe brIngs Lo LIe mInd
LIe desIre Lo cuILIvuLe unoLIer LuIenL; we ure subjecL Lo LIe urge oI IIIe, seekIng
expressIon, wIIcI ever drIves us on Lo know more, Lo do more, und Lo be more.
n order Lo know more, do more, und be more we musL Iuve more; we musL Iuve
LIIngs Lo use, Ior we Ieurn, und do, und become, onIv bv usIng LIIngs. We musL geL
rIcI, so LIuL we cun IIve more.
TIe desIre Ior rIcIes Is sImpIv LIe cupucILv Ior Iurger IIIe seekIng IuIhIImenL; everv
desIre Is LIe eIIorL oI un unexpressed possIbIIILv Lo come InLo ucLIon. L Is power
seekIng Lo munIIesL wIIcI cuuses desIre. TIuL wIIcI mukes vou wunL more monev
Is LIe sume us LIuL wIIcI mukes LIe pIunL grow; IL Is IIe, seekIng IuIIer expres-
TIe One IvIng SubsLunce musL be subjecL Lo LIIs InIerenL Iuw oI uII IIIe; IL Is
permeuLed wILI LIe desIre Lo IIve more; LIuL Is wIv IL Is under LIe necessILv oI
creuLIng LIIngs.
TIe One SubsLunce desIres Lo IIve more In vou; Ience IL wunLs vou Lo Iuve uII LIe
LIIngs vou cun use.
L Is LIe desIre oI God LIuL vou sIouId geL rIcI. He wunLs vou Lo geL rIcI becuuse
Ie cun express IImseII beLLer LIrougI vou II vou Iuve pIenLv oI LIIngs Lo use In
gIvIng IIm expressIon. He cun IIve more In vou II vou Iuve unIImILed commund
oI LIe meuns oI IIIe.
TIe unIverse desIres vou Lo Iuve evervLIIng vou wunL Lo Iuve.
NuLure Is IrIendIv Lo vour pIuns.
EvervLIIng Is nuLuruIIv Ior vou.
Muke up vour mInd LIuL LIIs Is Lrue.
L Is essenLIuI, Iowever LIuL yoor porpose shoold hurmonize with the por-
pose thut is in All.
You musL wunL reuI IIIe, noL mere pIeusure oI sensuuI gruLIhcuLIon. IIe Is LIe per-
Iormunce oI IuncLIon; und LIe IndIvIduuI reuIIv IIves onIv wIen Ie perIorms everv
IuncLIon, pIvsIcuI, menLuI, und spIrILuuI, oI wIIcI Ie Is cupubIe, wILIouL excess
In unv.
You do noL wunL Lo geL rIcI In order Lo IIve swInIsIIv, Ior LIe gruLIhcuLIon oI unI-
muI desIres; LIuL Is noL IIIe. BuL LIe perIormunce oI everv pIvsIcuI IuncLIon Is u
purL oI IIIe, und no one IIves compIeLeIv wIo denIes LIe ImpuIses oI LIe bodv u
normuI und IeuILIIuI expressIon.
You do noL wunL Lo geL rIcI soIeIv Lo enjov menLuI pIeusures, Lo geL knowIedge, Lo
gruLIIv umbILIon, Lo ouLsIIne oLIers, Lo be Iumous. AII LIese ure u IegILImuLe purL
oI IIIe, buL LIe mun wIo IIves Ior LIe pIeusures oI LIe InLeIIecL uIone wIII onIv Iuve
u purLIuI IIIe, und Ie wIII never be suLIshed wILI IIs IoL.
You do noL wunL Lo geL rIcI soIeIv Ior LIe good oI oLIers, Lo Iose vourseII Ior LIe
suIvuLIon oI munkInd, Lo experIence LIe jovs oI pIIIunLIropv und sucrIhce. TIe
jovs oI LIe souI ure onIv u purL oI IIIe; und LIev ure no beLLer or nobIer LIun unv
oLIer purL.
You wunL Lo geL rIcI In order LIuL vou muv euL, drInk, und be merrv wIen IL Is LIme
Lo do LIese LIIngs; In order LIuL vou muv surround vourseII wILI beuuLIIuI LIIngs,
see dIsLunL Iunds, Ieed vour mInd, und deveIop vour InLeIIecL; In order LIuL vou
muv Iove men und do kInd LIIngs, und be ubIe Lo pIuv u good purL In IeIpIng LIe
worId Lo hnd LruLI.
BuL remember LIuL exLreme uILruIsm Is no beLLer und no nobIer LIun exLreme
seIhsIness; boLI ure mIsLukes.
GeL rId oI LIe Ideu LIuL God wunLs vou Lo sucrIhce vourseII Ior oLIers, und LIuL vou
cun secure IIs Iuvor bv doIng so; God requIres noLIIng oI LIe kInd.
WIuL Ie wunLs Is LIuL vou sIouId muke LIe mosL oI vourseII, Ior vourseII, und Ior
oLIers; und yoo cun help others more by mukinu the most oI yoorselI
thun in uny other wuy.
You cun muke LIe mosL oI vourseII onIv bv geLLIng rIcI; so IL Is rIgIL und pruIse-
worLIv LIuL vou sIouId gIve vour hrsL und besL LIougIL Lo LIe work oI ucquIrIng
Remember, Iowever, LIuL LIe desIre oI SubsLunce Is Ior uII, und ILs movemenLs
musL be Ior more IIIe Lo uII; IL cunnoL be mude Lo work Ior Iess IIIe Lo unv, becuuse
IL Is equuIIv In uII, seekIng rIcIes und IIIe.
nLeIIIgenL SubsLunce wIII muke LIIngs Ior vou, buL IL wIII noL Luke LIIngs uwuv
Irom some one eIse und gIve LIem Lo vou.
You musL geL rId oI LIe LIougIL oI compeLILIon. You ure Lo creuLe, noL Lo compeLe
Ior wIuL Is uIreudv creuLed.
You do noL Iuve Lo Luke unvLIIng uwuv Irom unv one.
You do noL Iuve Lo drIve sIurp burguIns.
You do noL Iuve Lo cIeuL, or Lo Luke udvunLuge. You do noL need Lo IeL unv mun
work Ior vou Ior Iess LIun Ie eurns.
You do noL Iuve Lo coveL LIe properLv oI oLIers, or Lo Iook uL IL wILI wIsIIuI eves;
no mun Ius unvLIIng oI wIIcI vou cunnoL Iuve LIe IIke, und LIuL wILIouL LukIng
wIuL Ie Ius uwuv Irom IIm.
You ure Lo become u creuLor, noL u compeLILor; vou ure goIng Lo geL wIuL vou
wunL, buL In sucI u wuv LIuL wIen vou geL IL everv oLIer mun wIII Iuve more LIun
Ie Ius now.
um uwure LIuL LIere ure men wIo geL u vusL umounL oI monev bv proceedIng In
dIrecL opposILIon Lo LIe sLuLemenLs In LIe purugrupI ubove, und muv udd u word
oI expIunuLIon Iere. Men oI LIe pIuLocruLIc Lvpe, wIo become verv rIcI, do so
someLImes pureIv bv LIeIr exLruordInurv ubIIILv on LIe pIune oI compeLILIon; und
someLImes LIev unconscIousIv reIuLe LIemseIves Lo SubsLunce In ILs greuL pur-
poses und movemenLs Ior LIe generuI rucIuI upbuIIdIng LIrougI IndusLrIuI evoIu-
LIon. RockeIeIIer, CurnegIe, Morgun, eL uI., Iuve been LIe unconscIous ugenLs oI
LIe Supreme In LIe necessurv work oI svsLemuLIzIng und orgunIzIng producLIve
IndusLrv; und In LIe end, LIeIr work wIII conLrIbuLe ImmenseIv Lowurd Increused
IIIe Ior uII. TIeIr duv Is neurIv over; LIev Iuve orgunIzed producLIon, und will
soon be socceeded by the uuents oI the moltitode, who will oruunize
the muchinery oI distribotion.
TIe muILI-mIIIIonuIres ure IIke LIe monsLer repLIIes oI LIe preIIsLorIc erus; LIev
pIuv u necessurv purL In LIe evoIuLIonurv process, buL LIe sume Power wIIcI pro-
duced LIem wIII dIspose oI LIem. And IL Is weII Lo beur In mInd LIuL LIev Iuve
never been reuIIv rIcI; u record oI LIe prIvuLe IIves oI mosL oI LIIs cIuss wIII sIow
LIuL LIev Iuve reuIIv been LIe mosL ubjecL und wreLcIed oI LIe poor.
RIcIes secured on LIe compeLILIve pIune ure never suLIsIucLorv und permunenL;
LIev ure vours Loduv, und unoLIer`s Lomorrow. Remember, II vou ure Lo become
rIcI In u scIenLIhc und cerLuIn wuv, vou musL rIse enLIreIv ouL oI LIe compeLILIve
LIougIL. You musL never LIInk Ior u momenL LIuL LIe suppIv Is IImILed. JusL us
soon us vou begIn Lo LIInk LIuL uII LIe monev Is beIng cornered und conLroIIed
bv bunkers und oLIers, und LIuL vou musL exerL vourseII Lo geL Iuws pussed Lo sLop
LIIs process, und so on; In LIuL momenL vou drop InLo LIe compeLILIve mInd, und
vour power Lo cuuse creuLIon Is gone Ior LIe LIme beIng; und wIuL Is worse, vou
wIII probubIv urresL LIe creuLIve movemenLs vou Iuve uIreudv InsLILuLed.
KNOW LIuL LIere ure counLIess mIIIIons oI doIIurs` worLI oI goId In LIe moun-
LuIns oI LIe eurLI, noL veL brougIL Lo IIgIL; und know LIuL II LIere were noL, more
wouId be creuLed Irom TIInkIng SubsLunce Lo suppIv vour needs.
KNOW LIuL LIe monev vou need wIII come, even II IL Is necessurv Ior u LIousund
men Lo be Ied Lo LIe dIscoverv oI new goId mInes Lo-morrow.
Never look ut the visible sopply; look ulwuys ut the limitless riches in
Iormless Sobstunce, und KNOW thut they ure cominu to yoo us Iust us
yoo cun receive und ose them. Nobodv, bv cornerIng LIe vIsIbIe suppIv, cun
prevenL vou Irom geLLIng wIuL Is vours.
So never uIIow vourseII Lo LIInk Ior un InsLunL LIuL uII LIe besL buIIdIng spoLs wIII
be Luken beIore vou geL reudv Lo buIId vour Iouse, unIess vou Iurrv. Never worrv
ubouL LIe LrusLs und combInes, und geL unxIous Ior Ieur LIev wIII soon come Lo
own LIe wIoIe eurLI. Never geL uIruId LIuL vou wIII Iose wIuL vou wunL becuuse
some oLIer person beuLs vou Lo IL. TIuL cunnoL possIbIv Iuppen; vou ure noL
seekIng unv LIIng LIuL Is possessed bv unvbodv eIse; vou ure cuusIng wIuL vou
wunL Lo be creuLed Irom IormIess SubsLunce, und LIe suppIv Is wILIouL IImILs.
SLIck Lo LIe IormuIuLed sLuLemenL:
There is u thinkinu stoII Irom which ull thinus ure mude, und which,
in its oriuinul stute, permeutes, penetrutes, und lls the interspuces oI
the oniverse.
A thoouht, in this sobstunce, prodoces the thinu thut is imuued by the
Mun cun Iorm thinus in his thoouht, und, by impressinu his thoouht
opon Iormless sobstunce, cun cuose the thinu he thinks uboot to be
Chopter o
WHEN suv LIuL vou do noL Iuve Lo drIve sIurp burguIns, do noL meun LIuL vou
do noL Iuve Lo drIve unv burguIns uL uII, or LIuL vou ure ubove LIe necessILv Ior
IuvIng unv deuIIngs wILI vour IeIIow men. meun LIuL vou wIII noL need Lo deuI
wILI LIem unIuIrIv; vou do noL Iuve Lo geL someLIIng Ior noLIIng, bot cun uive
to every mun more thun yoo tuke Irom him.
You cunnoL gIve everv mun more In cusI murkeL vuIue LIun vou Luke Irom IIm,
buL vou cun gIve IIm more In use vuIue LIun LIe cusI vuIue oI LIe LIIng vou Luke
Irom IIm. TIe puper, Ink, und oLIer muLerIuI In LIIs book muv noL be worLI LIe
monev vou puv Ior IL; buL II LIe Ideus suggesLed bv IL brIng vou LIousunds oI doI-
Iurs, vou Iuve noL been wronged bv LIose wIo soId IL Lo vou; LIev Iuve gIven vou
u greuL use vuIue Ior u smuII cusI vuIue.
eL us suppose LIuL own u pIcLure bv one oI LIe greuL urLIsLs, wIIcI, In unv
cIvIIIzed communILv, Is worLI LIousunds oI doIIurs. Luke IL Lo BuIhn Ruv, und
bv suIesmunsIIp Induce un EskImo Lo gIve u bundIe oI Iurs worLI $=oo Ior IL.
Iuve reuIIv wronged IIm, Ior Ie Ius no use Ior LIe pIcLure; IL Ius no use vuIue Lo
IIm; IL wIII noL udd Lo IIs IIIe.
BuL suppose gIve IIm u gun worLI $=o Ior IIs Iurs; LIen Ie Ius mude u good
burguIn. He Ius use Ior LIe gun; IL wIII geL IIm munv more Iurs und mucI Iood; IL
wIII udd Lo IIs IIIe In everv wuv; IL wIII muke IIm rIcI.
WIen vou rIse Irom LIe compeLILIve Lo LIe creuLIve pIune, vou cun scun vour busI-
ness LrunsucLIons verv sLrIcLIv, und II vou ure seIIIng unv mun unvLIIng wIIcI does
noL udd more Lo IIs IIIe LIun LIe LIIng Ie guve vou In excIunge, vou cun uIIord Lo
sLop IL. You do noL Iuve Lo beuL unvbodv In busIness. And II vou ure In u busIness
wIIcI does beuL peopIe, geL ouL oI IL uL once.
GIve everv mun more In use vuIue LIun vou Luke Irom IIm In cusI vuIue; LIen vou
ure uddIng Lo LIe IIIe oI LIe worId bv everv busIness LrunsucLIon.
I vou Iuve peopIe workIng Ior vou, vou musL Luke Irom LIem more In cusI vuIue
LIun vou puv LIem In wuges; buL vou cun so orgunIze vour busIness LIuL IL wIII be
hIIed wILI LIe prIncIpIe oI udvuncemenL, und so LIuL eucI empIovee wIo wIsIes
Lo do so muv udvunce u IILLIe everv duv.
You cun muke vour busIness do Ior vour empIovees wIuL LIIs book Is doIng Ior
vou. You cun so conducL vour busIness LIuL IL wIII be u sorL oI Iudder, bv wIIcI
everv empIovee wIo wIII Luke LIe LroubIe muv cIImb Lo rIcIes IImseII; und gIven
LIe opporLunILv, II Ie wIII noL do so IL Is noL vour IuuIL.
And hnuIIv, becuuse vou ure Lo cuuse LIe creuLIon oI vour rIcIes Irom ormIess
SubsLunce wIIcI permeuLes uII vour envIronmenL, IL does noL IoIIow LIuL LIev ure
Lo Luke sIupe Irom LIe uLmospIere und come InLo beIng beIore vour eves.
I vou wunL u sewIng mucIIne, Ior InsLunce, do noL meun Lo LeII vou LIuL vou
ure Lo Impress LIe LIougIL oI u sewIng mucIIne on TIInkIng SubsLunce unLII LIe
mucIIne Is Iormed wILIouL Iunds, In LIe room wIere vou sIL, or eIsewIere. BuL
II vou wunL u sewIng mucIIne, IoId LIe menLuI Imuge oI IL wILI LIe mosL posILIve
cerLuInLv LIuL IL Is beIng mude, or Is on ILs wuv Lo vou. AILer once IormIng LIe
LIougIL, Iuve LIe mosL ubsoIuLe und unquesLIonIng IuILI LIuL LIe sewIng mucIIne
Is comIng; never LIInk oI IL, or speuk, oI IL, In unv oLIer wuv LIun us beIng sure Lo
urrIve. CIuIm IL us uIreudv vours.
L wIII be brougIL Lo vou bv LIe power oI LIe Supreme nLeIIIgence, ucLIng upon
LIe mInds oI men. I vou IIve In MuIne, IL muv be LIuL u mun wIII be brougIL Irom
Texus or Jupun Lo enguge In some LrunsucLIon wIIcI wIII resuIL In vour geLLIng
wIuL vou wunL.
I so, LIe wIoIe muLLer wIII be us mucI Lo LIuL mun`s udvunLuge us IL Is Lo vours.
Do noL IorgeL Ior u momenL LIuL LIe TIInkIng SubsLunce Is LIrougI uII, In uII,
communIcuLIng wILI uII, und cun Inuence uII. TIe desIre oI TIInkIng SubsLunce
Ior IuIIer IIIe und beLLer IIvIng Ius cuused LIe creuLIon oI uII LIe sewIng mucIInes
uIreudv mude; und IL cun cuuse LIe creuLIon oI mIIIIons more, und wIII, wIenever
men seL IL In moLIon bv desIre und IuILI, und bv ucLIng In u CerLuIn Wuv.
You cun cerLuInIv Iuve u sewIng mucIIne In vour Iouse; und IL Is jusL us cerLuIn
LIuL vou cun Iuve unv oLIer LIIng or LIIngs wIIcI vou wunL, und wIIcI vou wIII
use Ior LIe udvuncemenL oI vour own IIIe und LIe IIves oI oLIers.
You need noL IesILuLe ubouL uskIng IurgeIv; IL Is vour uLIer`s pIeusure Lo gIve
vou LIe kIngdom, suId Jesus.
OrIgInuI SubsLunce wunLs Lo IIve uII LIuL Is possIbIe In vou, und wunLs vou Lo Iuve
uII LIuL vou cun or wIII use Ior LIe IIvIng oI LIe mosL ubundunL IIIe.
I vou hx upon vour conscIousness LIe IucL LIuL LIe desIre vou IeeI Ior LIe posses-
sIon oI rIcIes Is one wILI LIe desIre oI OmnIpoLence Ior more compIeLe expres-
sIon, vour IuILI becomes InvIncIbIe.
Once suw u IILLIe bov sILLIng uL u pIuno, und vuInIv LrvIng Lo brIng Iurmonv ouL oI
LIe kevs; und suw LIuL Ie wus grIeved und provoked bv IIs InubIIILv Lo pIuv reuI
musIc. usked IIm LIe cuuse oI IIs vexuLIon, und Ie unswered, cun IeeI LIe mu-
sIc In me, buL cun`L muke mv Iunds go rIgIL. TIe musIc In IIm wus LIe URGE
oI OrIgInuI SubsLunce, conLuInIng uII LIe possIbIIILIes oI uII IIIe; uII LIuL LIere Is oI
musIc wus seekIng expressIon LIrougI LIe cIIId.
God, LIe One SubsLunce, Is LrvIng Lo IIve und do und enjov LIIngs LIrougI Iumun-
ILv. He Is suvIng wunL Iunds Lo buIId wonderIuI sLrucLures, Lo pIuv dIvIne Iur-
monIes, Lo puInL gIorIous pIcLures; wunL IeeL Lo run mv errunds, eves Lo see mv
beuuLIes, Longues Lo LeII mIgILv LruLIs und Lo sIng murveIous songs, und so on.
AII LIuL LIere Is oI possIbIIILv Is seekIng expressIon LIrougI men. God wunLs LIose
wIo cun pIuv musIc Lo Iuve pIunos und everv oLIer InsLrumenL, und Lo Iuve LIe
meuns Lo cuILIvuLe LIeIr LuIenLs Lo LIe IuIIesL exLenL; He wunLs LIose wIo cun up-
precIuLe beuuLv Lo be ubIe Lo surround LIemseIves wILI beuuLIIuI LIIngs; He wunLs
LIose wIo cun dIscern LruLI Lo Iuve everv opporLunILv Lo LruveI und observe; He
wunLs LIose wIo cun upprecIuLe dress Lo be beuuLIIuIIv cIoLIed, und LIose wIo
cun upprecIuLe good Iood Lo be IuxurIousIv Ied.
He wunLs uII LIese LIIngs becuuse IL Is HImseII LIuL enjovs und upprecIuLes LIem;
IL Is God wIo wunLs Lo pIuv, und sIng, und enjov beuuLv, und procIuIm LruLI und
weur hne cIoLIes, und euL good Ioods. L Is God LIuL workeLI In vou Lo wIII und Lo
do, suId PuuI.
TIe desIre vou IeeI Ior rIcIes Is LIe InhnILe, seekIng Lo express HImseII In vou us
He sougIL Lo hnd expressIon In LIe IILLIe bov uL LIe pIuno.
So vou need noL IesILuLe Lo usk IurgeIv.
Your purL Is Lo IocuIIze und express LIe desIre Lo God.
TIIs Is u dIIhcuIL poInL wILI mosL peopIe; LIev reLuIn someLIIng oI LIe oId Ideu
LIuL poverLv und seII-sucrIhce ure pIeusIng Lo God. TIev Iook upon poverLv us u
purL oI LIe pIun, u necessILv oI nuLure. TIev Iuve LIe Ideu LIuL God Ius hnIsIed
HIs work, und mude uII LIuL He cun muke, und LIuL LIe mujorILv oI men musL sLuv
poor becuuse LIere Is noL enougI Lo go uround. TIev IoId Lo so mucI oI LIIs erro-
neous LIougIL LIuL LIev IeeI usIumed Lo usk Ior weuILI; LIev Lrv noL Lo wunL more
LIun u verv modesL compeLence, jusL enougI Lo muke LIem IuIrIv comIorLubIe.
recuII now LIe cuse oI one sLudenL wIo wus LoId LIuL Ie musL geL In mInd u cIeur
pIcLure oI LIe LIIngs Ie desIred, so LIuL LIe creuLIve LIougIL oI LIem mIgIL be
Impressed on ormIess SubsLunce. He wus u verv poor mun, IIvIng In u renLed
Iouse, und IuvIng onIv wIuL Ie eurned Irom duv Lo duv; und Ie couId noL grusp
LIe IucL LIuL uII weuILI wus IIs. So, uILer LIInkIng LIe muLLer over, Ie decIded
LIuL Ie mIgIL reusonubIv usk Ior u new rug Ior LIe oor oI IIs besL room, und un
unLIrucILe couI sLove Lo IeuL LIe Iouse durIng LIe coId weuLIer. oIIowIng LIe In-
sLrucLIons gIven In LIIs book, Ie obLuIned LIese LIIngs In u Iew monLIs; und LIen
IL duwned upon IIm LIuL Ie Iud noL usked enougI. He wenL LIrougI LIe Iouse In
wIIcI Ie IIved, und pIunned uII LIe ImprovemenLs Ie wouId IIke Lo muke In IL; Ie
menLuIIv udded u buv wIndow Iere und u room LIere, unLII IL wus compIeLe In IIs
mInd us IIs IdeuI Iome; und LIen Ie pIunned ILs IurnIsIIngs.
HoIdIng LIe wIoIe pIcLure In IIs mInd, Ie begun IIvIng In LIe CerLuIn Wuv, und
movIng Lowurd wIuL Ie wunLed; und Ie owns LIe Iouse now, und Is rebuIIdIng IL
uILer LIe Iorm oI IIs menLuI Imuge. And now, wILI sLIII Iurger IuILI, Ie Is goIng on
Lo geL greuLer LIIngs. L Ius been unLo IIm uccordIng Lo IIs IuILI, und IL Is so wILI
vou und wILI uII oI us.
THE IIIusLruLIons gIven In LIe IusL cIupLer wIII Iuve conveved Lo LIe reuder LIe
IucL LIuL LIe hrsL sLep Lowurd geLLIng rIcI Is Lo convev LIe Ideu oI vour wunLs Lo
LIe ormIess SubsLunce.
TIIs Is Lrue, und vou wIII see LIuL In order Lo do so IL becomes necessurv Lo reIuLe
vourseII Lo LIe ormIess nLeIIIgence In u IurmonIous wuv.
To secure LIIs IurmonIous reIuLIon Is u muLLer oI sucI prImurv und vILuI Impor-
Lunce LIuL sIuII gIve some spuce Lo ILs dIscussIon Iere, und gIve vou InsLrucLIons
wIIcI, II vou wIII IoIIow LIem, wIII be cerLuIn Lo brIng vou InLo perIecL unILv oI
mInd wILI God.
TIe wIoIe process oI menLuI udjusLmenL und uLonemenL cun be summed up In
one word, gruLILude.
IrsL, vou beIIeve LIuL LIere Is one nLeIIIgenL SubsLunce, Irom wIIcI uII LIIngs
proceed; second, vou beIIeve LIuL LIIs SubsLunce gIves vou evervLIIng vou desIre;
und LIIrd, vou reIuLe vourseII Lo IL bv u IeeIIng oI deep und proIound gruLILude.
Munv peopIe wIo order LIeIr IIves rIgILIv In uII oLIer wuvs ure kepL In poverLv
bv LIeIr Iuck oI gruLILude. HuvIng receIved one gIIL Irom God, LIev cuL LIe wIres
wIIcI connecL LIem wILI HIm bv IuIIIng Lo muke ucknowIedgmenL.
L Is eusv Lo undersLund LIuL LIe neurer we IIve Lo LIe source oI weuILI, LIe more
weuILI we sIuII receIve; und IL Is eusv uIso Lo undersLund LIuL LIe souI LIuL Is
uIwuvs gruLeIuI IIves In cIoser LoucI wILI God LIun LIe one wIIcI never Iooks Lo
HIm In LIunkIuI ucknowIedgmenL.
TIe more gruLeIuIIv we hx our mInds on LIe Supreme wIen good LIIngs come Lo
us, LIe more good LIIngs we wIII receIve, und LIe more rupIdIv LIev wIII come;
und LIe reuson sImpIv Is LIuL LIe menLuI uLLILude oI gruLILude druws LIe mInd InLo
cIoser LoucI wILI LIe source Irom wIIcI LIe bIessIngs come.
I IL Is u new LIougIL Lo vou LIuL gruLILude brIngs vour wIoIe mInd InLo cIoser Iur-
monv wILI LIe creuLIve energIes oI LIe unIverse, consIder IL weII, und vou wIII see
LIuL IL Is Lrue. TIe good LIIngs vou uIreudv Iuve Iuve come Lo vou uIong LIe IIne
oI obedIence Lo cerLuIn Iuws. GruLILude wIII Ieud vour mInd ouL uIong LIe wuvs bv
wIIcI LIIngs come; und IL wIII keep vou In cIose Iurmonv wILI creuLIve LIougIL
und prevenL vou Irom IuIIIng InLo compeLILIve LIougIL.
GruLILude uIone cun keep vou IookIng Lowurd LIe AII, und prevenL vou Irom IuIIIng
InLo LIe error oI LIInkIng oI LIe suppIv us IImILed; und Lo do LIuL wouId be IuLuI
Lo vour Iopes.
TIere Is u uw oI GruLILude, und IL Is ubsoIuLeIv necessurv LIuL vou sIouId observe
LIe Iuw, II vou ure Lo geL LIe resuILs vou seek.
TIe Iuw oI gruLILude Is LIe nuLuruI prIncIpIe LIuL ucLIon und reucLIon ure uIwuvs
equuI, und In opposILe dIrecLIons.
TIe gruLeIuI ouLreucIIng oI vour mInd In LIunkIuI pruIse Lo LIe Supreme is u
liberution or expenditore oI Iorce; it cunnot Iuil to reuch thut to which
it uddressed, und the reuction is un instuntuneoos movement towurds
Druw nIgI unLo God, und He wIII druw nIgI unLo vou. TIuL Is u sLuLemenL oI
psvcIoIogIcuI LruLI.
And II vour gruLILude Is sLrong und consLunL, LIe reucLIon In ormIess SubsLunce
wIII be sLrong und conLInuous; LIe movemenL oI LIe LIIngs vou wunL wIII be uI-
wuvs Lowurd vou. NoLIce LIe gruLeIuI uLLILude LIuL Jesus Look; Iow He uIwuvs
seems Lo be suvIng, LIunk TIee, uLIer, LIuL TIou IeuresL me. You cunnoL ex-
ercIse mucI power wILIouL gruLILude; Ior IL Is gruLILude LIuL keeps vou connecLed
wILI Power.
BuL LIe vuIue oI gruLILude does noL consIsL soIeIv In geLLIng vou more bIessIngs
In LIe IuLure. WILIouL gruLILude vou cunnoL Iong keep Irom dIssuLIshed LIougIL
regurdIng LIIngs us LIev ure.
TIe momenL vou permIL vour mInd Lo dweII wILI dIssuLIsIucLIon upon LIIngs us
LIev ure, vou begIn Lo Iose ground. You hx uLLenLIon upon LIe common, LIe ordI-
nurv, LIe poor, und LIe squuIId und meun; und vour mInd Lukes LIe Iorm oI LIese
LIIngs. TIen vou wIII LrunsmIL LIese Iorms or menLuI Imuges Lo LIe ormIess, und
LIe common, LIe poor, LIe squuIId, und meun wIII come Lo vou.
To permIL vour mInd Lo dweII upon LIe InIerIor Is Lo become InIerIor und Lo sur-
round vourseII wILI InIerIor LIIngs.
On LIe oLIer Iund, Lo hx vour uLLenLIon on LIe besL Is Lo surround vourseII wILI
LIe besL, und Lo become LIe besL.
TIe CreuLIve Power wILIIn us mukes us InLo LIe Imuge oI LIuL Lo wIIcI we gIve
our uLLenLIon.
We ure TIInkIng SubsLunce, und LIInkIng subsLunce uIwuvs Lukes LIe Iorm oI LIuL
wIIcI IL LIInks ubouL.
TIe gruLeIuI mInd Is consLunLIv hxed upon LIe besL; LIereIore IL Lends Lo become
LIe besL; IL Lukes LIe Iorm or cIurucLer oI LIe besL, und wIII receIve LIe besL.
AIso, IuILI Is born oI gruLILude. TIe gruLeIuI mInd conLInuuIIv expecLs good LIIngs,
und expecLuLIon becomes IuILI. TIe reucLIon oI gruLILude upon one`s own mInd
produces IuILI; und everv ouLgoIng wuve oI gruLeIuI LIunksgIvIng Increuses IuILI.
He wIo Ius no IeeIIng oI gruLILude cunnoL Iong reLuIn u IIvIng IuILI; und wILIouL u
IIvIng IuILI vou cunnoL geL rIcI bv LIe creuLIve meLIod, us we sIuII see In LIe IoI-
IowIng cIupLers.
L Is necessurv, LIen, Lo cuILIvuLe LIe IubIL oI beIng gruLeIuI Ior everv good LIIng
LIuL comes Lo vou; und Lo gIve LIunks conLInuousIv.
And becuuse uII LIIngs Iuve conLrIbuLed Lo vour udvuncemenL, vou sIouId IncIude
uII LIIngs In vour gruLILude.
Do noL wusLe LIme LIInkIng or LuIkIng ubouL LIe sIorLcomIngs or wrong ucLIons
oI pIuLocruLs or LrusL mugnuLes. TIeIr orgunIzuLIon oI LIe worId Ius mude vour
opporLunILv; uII vou geL reuIIv comes Lo vou becuuse oI LIem.
Do noL ruge uguInsL, corrupL poIILIcIuns; II IL were noL Ior poIILIcIuns we sIouId IuII
InLo unurcIv, und vour opporLunILv wouId be greuLIv Iessened.
God Ius worked u Iong LIme und verv puLIenLIv Lo brIng us up Lo wIere we ure In
IndusLrv und governmenL, und He Is goIng rIgIL on wILI HIs work. TIere Is noL
LIe IeusL doubL LIuL He wIII do uwuv wILI pIuLocruLs, LrusL mugnuLes, cupLuIns
oI IndusLrv, und poIILIcIuns us soon us LIev cun be spured; buL In LIe meunLIme,
beIoId LIev ure uII verv good. Remember LIuL LIev ure uII IeIpIng Lo urrunge LIe
IInes oI LrunsmIssIon uIong wIIcI vour rIcIes wIII come Lo vou, und be gruLeIuI
Lo LIem uII. TIIs wIII brIng vou InLo IurmonIous reIuLIons wILI LIe good In everv-
LIIng, und LIe good In evervLIIng wIII move Lowurd vou.
Chopter S
TURN buck Lo cIupLer 6 und reud uguIn LIe sLorv oI LIe mun wIo Iormed u menLuI
Imuge oI IIs Iouse, und vou wIII geL u IuIr Ideu oI LIe InILIuI sLep Lowurd geLLIng
rIcI. You musL Iorm u cIeur und dehnILe menLuI pIcLure oI wIuL vou wunL; vou
cunnoL LrunsmIL un Ideu unIess vou Iuve IL vourseII.
You musL Iuve IL beIore vou cun gIve IL; und munv peopIe IuII Lo Impress TIInkIng
SubsLunce becuuse LIev Iuve LIemseIves onIv u vugue und mIsLv concepL oI LIe
LIIngs LIev wunL Lo do, Lo Iuve, or Lo become.
L Is noL enougI LIuL vou sIouId Iuve u generuI desIre Ior weuILI Lo do good
wILI; evervbodv Ius LIuL desIre.
L Is noL enougI LIuL vou sIouId Iuve u wIsI Lo LruveI, see LIIngs, IIve more, eLc.
Evervbodv Ius LIose desIres uIso. I vou were goIng Lo send u wIreIess messuge Lo
u IrIend, vou wouId noL send LIe IeLLers oI LIe uIpIubeL In LIeIr order, und IeL IIm
consLrucL LIe messuge Ior IImseII; nor wouId vou Luke words uL rundom Irom LIe
dIcLIonurv. You wouId send u coIerenL senLence; one wIIcI meunL someLIIng.
WIen vou Lrv Lo Impress vour wunLs upon SubsLunce, remember LIuL IL musL be
done bv u coIerenL sLuLemenL; vou musL know wIuL vou wunL, und be dehnILe.
You cun never geL rIcI, or sLurL LIe creuLIve power InLo ucLIon, bv sendIng ouL un-
Iormed IongIngs und vugue desIres.
Go over vour desIres jusL us LIe mun Iuve descrIbed wenL over IIs Iouse; see
jusL wIuL vou wunL, und geL u cIeur menLuI pIcLure oI IL us vou wIsI IL Lo Iook wIen
vou geL IL.
TIuL cIeur menLuI pIcLure vou musL Iuve conLInuuIIv In mInd, us LIe suIIor Ius In
mInd LIe porL Lowurd wIIcI Ie Is suIIIng LIe sIIp; vou musL keep vour Iuce Lowurd
IL uII LIe LIme. You musL no more Iose sIgIL oI IL LIun LIe sLeersmun Ioses sIgIL oI
LIe compuss.
L Is noL necessurv Lo Luke exercIses In concenLruLIon, nor Lo seL upurL specIuI LImes
Ior pruver und uIhrmuLIon, nor Lo go InLo LIe sIIence, nor Lo do occuIL sLunLs
oI unv kInd. TIere LIIngs ure weII enougI, buL uII vou need Is Lo know wIuL vou
wunL, und Lo wunL IL budIv enougI so LIuL IL wIII sLuv In vour LIougILs.
Spend us mucI oI vour IeIsure LIme us vou cun In conLempIuLIng vour pIcLure, buL
no one needs Lo Luke exercIses Lo concenLruLe IIs mInd on u LIIng wIIcI Ie reuIIv
wunLs; IL Is LIe LIIngs vou do noL reuIIv cure ubouL wIIcI requIre eIIorL Lo hx vour
uLLenLIon upon LIem.
And unIess vou reuIIv wunL Lo geL rIcI, so LIuL LIe desIre Is sLrong enougI Lo IoId
vour LIougILs dIrecLed Lo LIe purpose us LIe mugneLIc poIe IoIds LIe needIe oI LIe
compuss, IL wIII IurdIv be worLI wIIIe Ior vou Lo Lrv Lo currv ouL LIe InsLrucLIons
gIven In LIIs book.
TIe meLIods IereIn seL IorLI ure Ior peopIe wIose desIre Ior rIcIes Is sLrong
enougI Lo overcome menLuI IuzIness und LIe Iove oI euse, und muke LIem work.
TIe more cIeur und dehnILe vou muke vour pIcLure LIen, und LIe more vou dweII
upon IL, brIngIng ouL uII ILs deIIgILIuI deLuIIs, LIe sLronger vour desIre wIII be; und
LIe sLronger vour desIre, LIe eusIer IL wIII be Lo IoId vour mInd hxed upon LIe
pIcLure oI wIuL vou wunL.
SomeLIIng more Is necessurv, Iowever, LIun mereIv Lo see LIe pIcLure cIeurIv. I
LIuL Is uII vou do, vou ure onIv u dreumer, und wIII Iuve IILLIe or no power Ior uc-
BeIInd vour cIeur vIsIon musL be LIe purpose Lo reuIIze IL; Lo brIng IL ouL In Lun-
gIbIe expressIon.
And beIInd LIIs purpose musL be un InvIncIbIe und unwuverIng ATH LIuL LIe
LIIng Is uIreudv vours; LIuL IL Is uL Iund und vou Iuve onIv Lo Luke possessIon oI
Ive In LIe new Iouse, menLuIIv, unLII IL Lukes Iorm uround vou pIvsIcuIIv. n LIe
menLuI reuIm, enLer uL once InLo IuII enjovmenL oI LIe LIIngs vou wunL.
WIuLsoever LIIngs ve usk Ior wIen ve pruv, beIIeve LIuL ve receIve LIem, und ve
sIuII Iuve LIem, suId Jesus.
See LIe LIIngs vou wunL us II LIev were ucLuuIIv uround vou uII LIe LIme; see vour-
seII us ownIng und usIng LIem. Muke use oI LIem In ImugInuLIon jusL us vou wIII
use LIem wIen LIev ure vour LungIbIe possessIons. DweII upon vour menLuI pIc-
Lure unLII IL Is cIeur und dIsLIncL, und LIen Luke LIe MenLuI ALLILude oI OwnersIIp
Lowurd evervLIIng In LIuL pIcLure. Tuke possessIon oI IL, In mInd, In LIe IuII IuILI
LIuL IL Is ucLuuIIv vours. HoId Lo LIIs menLuI ownersIIp; do noL wuIver Ior un In-
sLunL In LIe IuILI LIuL IL Is reuI.
And remember wIuL wus suId In u proceedIng cIupLer ubouL gruLILude; be us
LIunkIuI Ior IL uII LIe LIme us vou expecL Lo be wIen IL Ius Luken Iorm. TIe mun
wIo cun sIncereIv LIunk God Ior LIe LIIngs wIIcI us veL Ie owns onIv In ImugInu-
LIon, Ius reuI IuILI. He wIII geL rIcI; Ie wIII cuuse LIe creuLIon oI wIuLsoever Ie
You do noL need Lo pruv repeuLedIv Ior LIIngs vou wunL; IL Is noL necessurv Lo LeII
God ubouL IL everv duv.
Use noL vuIn repeLILIons us LIe IeuLIen do, suId Jesus suId Lo IIs pupIIs, Ior
vour uLIer knoweLI LIe ve Iuve need oI LIese LIIngs beIore ve usk HIm.
Your purL Is Lo InLeIIIgenLIv IormuIuLe vour desIre Ior LIe LIIngs wIIcI muke Ior
u Iurger IIIe, und Lo geL LIese desIre urrunged InLo u coIerenL wIoIe; und LIen Lo
Impress LIIs WIoIe DesIre upon LIe ormIess SubsLunce, wIIcI Ius LIe power
und LIe wIII Lo brIng vou wIuL vou wunL.
You do noL muke LIIs ImpressIon bv repeuLIng sLrIngs oI words; vou muke IL bv
IoIdIng LIe vIsIon wILI unsIukubIe PURPOSE Lo uLLuIn IL, und wILI sLeudIusL
ATH LIuL vou do uLLuIn IL.
TIe unswer Lo pruver Is noL uccordIng Lo vour IuILI wIIIe vou ure LuIkIng, buL uc-
cordIng Lo vour IuILI wIIIe vou ure workIng.
You cunnoL Impress LIe mInd oI God bv IuvIng u specIuI SubbuLI duv seL upurL Lo
LeII HIm wIuL vou wunL, und LIe IorgeLLIng HIm durIng LIe resL oI LIe week. You
cunnoL Impress HIm bv IuvIng specIuI Iours Lo go InLo vour cIoseL und pruv, II vou
LIen dIsmIss LIe muLLer Irom vour mInd unLII LIe Iour oI pruver comes uguIn.
OruI pruver Is weII enougI, und Ius ILs eIIecL, especIuIIv upon vourseII, In cIurI-
IvIng vour vIsIon und sLrengLIenIng vour IuILI; buL IL Is noL vour oruI peLILIons
wIIcI geL vou wIuL vou wunL. n order Lo geL rIcI vou do noL need u sweeL Iour
oI pruver; vou need Lo pruv wILIouL ceusIng. And bv pruver meun IoIdIng
sLeudIIv Lo vour vIsIon, wILI LIe purpose Lo cuuse ILs creuLIon InLo soIId Iorm, und
LIe IuILI LIuL vou ure doIng so.
BeIIeve LIuL ve receIve LIem.
TIe wIoIe muLLer Lurns on receIvIng, once vou Iuve cIeurIv Iormed vour vIsIon.
WIen vou Iuve Iormed IL, IL Is weII Lo muke un oruI sLuLemenL, uddressIng LIe Su-
preme In reverenL pruver; und Irom LIuL momenL vou musL, In mInd, receIve wIuL
vou usk Ior. Ive In LIe new Iouse; weur LIe hne cIoLIes; rIde In LIe uuLomobIIe;


go on LIe journev, und conhdenLIv pIun Ior greuLer journevs. TIInk und speuk oI
uII LIe LIIngs vou Iuve usked Ior In Lerms oI ucLuuI presenL ownersIIp. mugIne un
envIronmenL, und u hnuncIuI condILIon exucLIv us vou wunL LIem, und IIve uII LIe
LIme In LIuL ImugInurv envIronmenL und hnuncIuI condILIon. MInd, Iowever, LIuL
vou do noL do LIIs us u mere dreumer und cusLIe buIIder; IoId Lo LIe ATH LIuL
LIe ImugInurv Is beIng reuIIzed, und Lo LIe PURPOSE Lo reuIIze IL. Remember LIuL
IL Is IuILI und purpose In LIe use oI LIe ImugInuLIon wIIcI muke LIe dIIIerence
beLween LIe scIenLIsL und LIe dreumer. And IuvIng Ieurned LIIs IucL, IL Is Iere LIuL
vou musL Ieurn LIe proper use oI LIe WIII.
Chopter o
TO seL ubouL geLLIng rIcI In u scIenLIhc wuv, vou do noL Lrv Lo uppIv vour wIII
power Lo unvLIIng ouLsIde oI vourseII.
Your Iuve no rIgIL Lo do so, unvwuv.
L Is wrong Lo uppIv vour wIII Lo oLIer men und women, In order Lo geL LIem Lo do
wIuL vou wIsI done.
L Is us ugrunLIv wrong Lo coerce peopIe bv menLuI power us IL Is Lo coerce LIem
bv pIvsIcuI power. I compeIIIng peopIe bv pIvsIcuI Iorce Lo do LIIngs Ior vou
reduces LIem Lo sIuverv, compeIIIng LIem bv menLuI meuns uccompIIsIes exucLIv
LIe sume LIIng; LIe onIv dIIIerence Is In meLIods. I LukIng LIIngs Irom peopIe bv
pIvsIcuI Iorce Is robberv, LIen LukIng LIIngs bv menLuI Iorce Is robberv uIso; LIere
Is no dIIIerence In prIncIpIe.
You Iuve no rIgIL Lo use vour wIII power upon unoLIer person, even Ior IIs own
good; Ior vou do noL know wIuL Is Ior IIs good. TIe scIence oI geLLIng rIcI does
noL requIre vou Lo uppIv power or Iorce Lo unv oLIer person, In unv wuv wIuLso-
ever. TIere Is noL LIe sIIgILesL necessILv Ior doIng so; Indeed, unv uLLempL Lo use
vour wIII upon oLIers wIII onIv Lend Lo deIeuL vour purpose.
You do noL need Lo uppIv vour wIII Lo LIIngs, In order Lo compeI LIem Lo come Lo
TIuL wouId sImpIv be LrvIng Lo coerce God, und wouId be IooIIsI und useIess, us
weII us IrreverenL.
You do noL Iuve Lo compeI God Lo gIve vou good LIIngs, unv more LIun vou Iuve
Lo use vour wIII power Lo muke LIe sun rIse.
You do noL Iuve Lo use vour wIII power Lo conquer un unIrIendIv deILv, or Lo muke
sLubborn und rebeIIIous Iorces do vour bIddIng.
SubsLunce Is IrIendIv Lo vou, und Is more unxIous Lo gIve vou wIuL vou wunL LIun
vou ure Lo geL IL.
To geL rIcI, vou need onIv Lo use vour wIII power upon vourseII.
WIen vou know wIuL Lo LIInk und do, LIen vou musL use vour wIII Lo compeI
vourseII Lo LIInk und do LIe rIgIL LIIngs. TIuL Is LIe IegILImuLe use oI LIe wIII In
geLLIng wIuL vou wunL--Lo use IL In IoIdIng vourseII Lo LIe rIgIL course. Use vour
wIII Lo keep vourseII LIInkIng und ucLIng In LIe CerLuIn Wuv.
Do noL Lrv Lo projecL vour wIII, or vour LIougILs, or vour mInd ouL InLo spuce, Lo
ucL on LIIngs or peopIe.
Keep vour mInd uL Iome; IL cun uccompIIsI more LIere LIun eIsewIere.
Use vour mInd Lo Iorm u menLuI Imuge oI wIuL vou wunL, und Lo IoId LIuL vIsIon
wILI IuILI und purpose; und use vour wIII Lo keep vour mInd workIng In LIe RIgIL
TIe more sLeudv und conLInuous vour IuILI und purpose, LIe more rupIdIv vou
wIII geL rIcI, becuuse vou wIII muke onIv POSTVE ImpressIons upon SubsLunce;
und vou wIII noL neuLruIIze or oIIseL LIem bv neguLIve ImpressIons.
TIe pIcLure oI vour desIres, IeId wILI IuILI und purpose, Is Luken up bv LIe orm-
Iess, und permeuLes IL Lo greuL dIsLunces-LIrougIouL LIe unIverse, Ior uII know.
As LIIs ImpressIon spreuds, uII LIIngs ure seL movIng Lowurd ILs reuIIzuLIon; everv
IIvIng LIIng, everv InunImuLe LIIng, und LIe LIIngs veL uncreuLed, ure sLIrred Lo-
wurd brIngIng InLo beIng LIuL wIIcI vou wunL. AII Iorce begIns Lo be exerLed In
LIuL dIrecLIon; uII LIIngs begIn Lo move Lowurd vou. TIe mInds oI peopIe, everv-
wIere, ure Inuenced Lowurd doIng LIe LIIngs necessurv Lo LIe IuIhIIIng oI vour
desIres; und LIev work Ior vou, unconscIousIv.
BuL vou cun cIeck uII LIIs bv sLurLIng u neguLIve ImpressIon In LIe ormIess Sub-
sLunce. DoubL or unbeIIeI Is us cerLuIn Lo sLurL u movemenL uwuv Irom vou us IuILI
und purpose ure Lo sLurL one Lowurd vou. L Is bv noL undersLundIng LIIs LIuL mosL
peopIe wIo Lrv Lo muke use oI menLuI scIence In geLLIng rIcI muke LIeIr IuIIure.
Everv Iour und momenL vou spend In gIvIng Ieed Lo doubLs und Ieurs, everv Iour
vou spend In worrv, everv Iour In wIIcI vour souI Is possessed bv unbeIIeI, seLs
u currenL uwuv Irom vou In LIe wIoIe domuIn oI InLeIIIgenL SubsLunce. AII LIe
promIses ure unLo LIem LIuL beIIeve, und unLo LIem onIv. NoLIce Iow InsIsLenL
Jesus wus upon LIIs poInL oI beIIeI; und now vou know LIe reuson wIv.
SInce beIIeI Is uII ImporLunL, IL beIooves vou Lo guurd vour LIougILs; und us vour
beIIeIs wIII be sIuped Lo u verv greuL exLenL bv LIe LIIngs vou observe und LIInk
ubouL, IL Is ImporLunL LIuL vou sIouId commund vour uLLenLIon.
And Iere LIe wIII comes InLo use; Ior IL Is bv vour wIII LIuL vou deLermIne upon
wIuL LIIngs vour uLLenLIon sIuII be hxed.
I vou wunL Lo become rIcI, vou musL noL muke u sLudv oI poverLv.
TIIngs ure noL brougIL InLo beIng bv LIInkIng ubouL LIeIr opposILes. HeuILI Is
never Lo be uLLuIned bv sLudvIng dIseuse und LIInkIng ubouL dIseuse; rIgILeous-
ness Is noL Lo be promoLed bv sLudvIng sIn und LIInkIng ubouL sIn; und no one
ever goL rIcI bv sLudvIng poverLv und LIInkIng ubouL poverLv.
MedIcIne us u scIence oI dIseuse Ius Increused dIseuse; reIIgIon us u scIence oI
sIn Ius promoLed sIn, und economIcs us u sLudv oI poverLv wIII hII LIe worId wILI
wreLcIedness und wunL.
Do noL LuIk ubouL poverLv; do noL InvesLIguLe IL, or concern vourseII wILI IL. Never
mInd wIuL ILs cuuses ure; vou Iuve noLIIng Lo do wILI LIem.
WIuL concerns vou Is LIe cure.
Do noL spend vour LIme In cIurILubIe work, or cIurILv movemenLs; uII cIurILv onIv
Lends Lo perpeLuuLe LIe wreLcIedness IL uIms Lo erudIcuLe.
do noL suv LIuL vou sIouId be Iurd IeurLed or unkInd, und reIuse Lo Ieur LIe crv
oI need; buL vou musL noL Lrv Lo erudIcuLe poverLv In unv oI LIe convenLIonuI wuvs.
PuL poverLv beIInd vou, und puL uII LIuL perLuIns Lo IL beIInd vou, und muke
GeL rIcI; LIuL Is LIe besL wuv vou cun IeIp LIe poor.
And vou cunnoL IoId LIe menLuI Imuge wIIcI Is Lo muke vou rIcI II vou hII vour
mInd wILI pIcLures oI poverLv. Do noL reud books or pupers wIIcI gIve cIrcum-
sLunLIuI uccounLs oI LIe wreLcIedness oI LIe LenemenL dweIIers, oI LIe Iorrors oI
cIIId Iubor, und so on. Do noL reud unvLIIng wIIcI hIIs vour mInd wILI gIoomv
Imuges oI wunL und suIIerIng.
You cunnoL IeIp LIe poor In LIe IeusL bv knowIng ubouL LIese LIIngs; und LIe
wIde-spreud knowIedge oI LIem does noL Lend uL uII Lo do uwuv wILI poverLv.
WIuL Lends Lo do uwuv wILI poverLv Is noL LIe geLLIng oI pIcLures oI poverLv InLo
vour mInd, buL geLLIng pIcLures oI weuILI InLo LIe mInds oI LIe poor.
You ure noL deserLIng LIe poor In LIeIr mIserv wIen vou reIuse Lo uIIow vour mInd
Lo be hIIed wILI pIcLures oI LIuL mIserv.
PoverLv cun be done uwuv wILI, noL bv IncreusIng LIe number oI weII Lo do peopIe
wIo LIInk ubouL poverLv, buL bv IncreusIng LIe number oI poor peopIe wIo pur-
pose wILI IuILI Lo geL rIcI.
TIe poor do noL need cIurILv; LIev need InspIruLIon. CIurILv onIv sends LIem u
IouI oI breud Lo keep LIem uIIve In LIeIr wreLcIedness, or gIves LIem un enLerLuIn-
menL Lo muke LIem IorgeL Ior un Iour or Lwo; buL InspIruLIon wIII cuuse LIem Lo
rIse ouL oI LIeIr mIserv. I vou wunL Lo IeIp LIe poor, demonsLruLe Lo LIem LIuL
LIev cun become rIcI; prove IL bv geLLIng rIcI vourseII.
TIe onIv wuv In wIIcI poverLv wIII ever be bunIsIed Irom LIIs worId Is bv geLLIng
u Iurge und consLunLIv IncreusIng number oI peopIe Lo prucLIce LIe LeucIIngs oI
LIIs book.
PeopIe musL be LuugIL Lo become rIcI bv creuLIon, noL bv compeLILIon.
Everv mun wIo becomes rIcI bv compeLILIon LIrows down beIInd IIm LIe Iudder
bv wIIcI Ie rIses, und keeps oLIers down; buL everv mun wIo geLs rIcI bv creu-
LIon opens u wuv Ior LIousunds Lo IoIIow IIm, und InspIres LIem Lo do so.
You ure noL sIowIng Iurdness oI IeurL or un unIeeIIng dIsposILIon wIen vou
reIuse Lo pILv poverLv, see poverLv, reud ubouL poverLv, or LIInk or LuIk ubouL IL, or
Lo IIsLen Lo LIose wIo do LuIk ubouL IL. Use vour wIII power Lo keep vour mInd O
LIe subjecL oI poverLv, und Lo keep IL hxed wILI IuILI und purpose ON LIe vIsIon
oI wIuL vou wunL.
Chopter 1o
YOU cunnoL reLuIn u Lrue und cIeur vIsIon oI weuILI II vou ure consLunLIv LurnIng
vour uLLenLIon Lo opposIng pIcLures, wIeLIer LIev be exLernuI or ImugInurv.
Do noL LeII oI vour pusL LroubIes oI u hnuncIuI nuLure, II vou Iuve Iud LIem, do
noL LIInk oI LIem uL uII. Do no LeII oI LIe poverLv oI vour purenLs, or LIe IurdsIIps
oI vour eurIv IIIe; Lo do unv oI LIese LIIngs Is Lo menLuIIv cIuss vourseII wILI LIe
poor Ior LIe LIme beIng, und IL wIII cerLuInIv cIeck LIe movemenL oI LIIngs In vour
eL LIe deud burv LIeIr deud, us Jesus suId.
PuL poverLv und uII LIIngs LIuL perLuIn Lo poverLv compIeLeIv beIInd vou.
You Iuve uccepLed u cerLuIn LIeorv oI LIe unIverse us beIng correcL, und ure resL-
Ing uII vour Iopes oI IuppIness on ILs beIng correcL; und wIuL cun vou guIn bv
gIvIng Ieed Lo conIcLIng LIeorIes?
Do noL reud reIIgIous books wIIcI LeII vou LIuL LIe worId Is soon comIng Lo un
end; und do noL reud LIe wrILIng oI muck-rukers und pessImIsLIc pIIIosopIers
wIo LeII vou LIuL IL Is goIng Lo LIe devII.
TIe worId Is noL goIng Lo LIe devII; IL Is goIng Lo God.
L Is wonderIuI BecomIng.
True, LIere muv be u good munv LIIngs In exIsLIng condILIons wIIcI ure dIsugree-
ubIe; buL wIuL Is LIe use oI sLudvIng LIem wIen LIev ure cerLuInIv pussIng uwuv,
und wIen LIe sLudv oI LIem onIv Lends Lo cIeck LIeIr pussIng und keep LIem wILI
us? WIv gIve LIme und uLLenLIon Lo LIIngs wIIcI ure beIng removed bv evoIuLIon-
urv growLI, wIen vou cun IusLen LIeIr removuI onIv bv promoLIng LIe evoIuLIon-
urv growLI us Iur us vour purL oI IL goes?
No muLLer Iow IorrIbIe In seemIng muv be LIe condILIons In cerLuIn counLrIes,
secLIons, or pIuces, vou wusLe vour LIme und desLrov vour own cIunces bv consId-
erIng LIem.


You sIouId InLeresL vourseII In LIe worId`s becomIng rIcI.
TIInk oI LIe rIcIes LIe worId Is comIng InLo, InsLeud oI LIe poverLv IL Is growIng
ouL oI; und beur In mInd LIuL LIe onIv wuv In wIIcI vou cun ussIsL LIe worId In
growIng rIcI Is bv growIng rIcI vourseII LIrougI LIe creuLIve meLIod--noL LIe
compeLILIve one.
GIve vour uLLenLIon wIoIIv Lo rIcIes; Ignore poverLv.
WIenever vou LIInk or speuk oI LIose wIo ure poor, LIInk und speuk oI LIem us
LIose wIo ure becomIng rIcI;us LIose wIo ure Lo be congruLuIuLed ruLIer LIun
pILIed. TIen LIev und oLIers wIII cuLcI LIe InspIruLIon, und begIn Lo seurcI Ior LIe
wuv ouL.
Becuuse suv LIuL vou ure Lo gIve vour wIoIe LIme und mInd und LIougIL Lo rIcI-
es, IL does noL IoIIow LIuL vou ure Lo be sordId or meun.
To become reuIIv rIcI Is LIe nobIesL uIm vou cun Iuve In IIIe, Ior IL IncIudes eve-
rvLIIng eIse.
On LIe compeLILIve pIune, LIe sLruggIe Lo geL rIcI Is u GodIess scrumbIe Ior power
over oLIer men; buL wIen we come InLo LIe creuLIve mInd, uII LIIs Is cIunged.
AII LIuL Is possIbIe In LIe wuv oI greuLness und souI unIoIdmenL, oI servIce und
IoILv endeuvor, comes bv wuv oI geLLIng rIcI; uII Is mude possIbIe bv LIe use oI
I vou Iuck Ior pIvsIcuI IeuILI, vou wIII hnd LIuL LIe uLLuInmenL oI IL Is condILIonuI
on vour geLLIng rIcI.
OnIv LIose wIo ure emuncIpuLed Irom hnuncIuI worrv, und wIo Iuve LIe meuns
Lo IIve u cure-Iree exIsLence und IoIIow IvgIenIc prucLIces, cun Iuve und reLuIn
MoruI und spIrILuuI greuLness Is possIbIe onIv Lo LIose wIo ure ubove LIe com-
peLILIve buLLIe Ior exIsLence; und onIv LIose wIo ure becomIng rIcI on LIe pIune
oI creuLIve LIougIL ure Iree Irom LIe degrudIng Inuences oI compeLILIon. I vour
IeurL Is seL on domesLIc IuppIness, remember LIuL Iove ourIsIes besL wIere
LIere Is rehnemenL, u IIgI IeveI oI LIougIL, und Ireedom Irom corrupLIng Inu-
ences; und LIese ure Lo be Iound onIv wIere rIcIes ure uLLuIned bv LIe exercIse oI
creuLIve LIougIL, wILIouL sLrIIe or rIvuIrv.
You cun uIm uL noLIIng so greuL or nobIe, repeuL, us Lo become rIcI; und vou
musL hx vour uLLenLIon upon vour menLuI pIcLure oI rIcIes, Lo LIe excIusIon oI uII
LIuL muv Lend Lo dIm or obscure LIe vIsIon.
You musL Ieurn Lo see LIe underIvIng TRUTH In uII LIIngs; vou musL see beneuLI
uII seemIngIv wrong condILIons LIe GreuL One IIe ever movIng Iorwurd Lowurd
IuIIer expressIon und more compIeLe IuppIness.
L Is LIe LruLI LIuL LIere Is no sucI LIIng us poverLv; LIuL LIere Is onIv weuILI.
Some peopIe remuIn In poverLv becuuse LIev ure IgnorunL oI LIe IucL LIuL LIere Is
weuILI Ior LIem; und LIese cun besL be LuugIL bv sIowIng LIem LIe wuv Lo uIu-
ence In vour own person und prucLIce.
OLIers ure poor becuuse, wIIIe LIev IeeI LIuL LIere Is u wuv ouL, LIev ure Loo InLeI-
IecLuuIIv IndoIenL Lo puL IorLI LIe menLuI eIIorL necessurv Lo hnd LIuL wuv und bv
LruveI IL; und Ior LIese LIe verv besL LIIng vou cun do Is Lo urouse LIeIr desIre bv
sIowIng LIem LIe IuppIness LIuL comes Irom beIng rIgILIv rIcI.
OLIers sLIII ure poor becuuse, wIIIe LIev Iuve some noLIon oI scIence, LIev Iuve
become so swumped und IosL In LIe muze oI meLupIvsIcuI und occuIL LIeorIes LIuL
LIev do noL know wIIcI roud Lo Luke. TIev Lrv u mIxLure oI munv svsLems und IuII
In uII. or LIese, uguIn, LIe verv besL LIIng, Lo do Is Lo sIow LIe rIgIL wuv In vour
own person und prucLIce; un ounce oI doIng LIIngs Is worLI u pound oI LIeorIz-
TIe verv besL LIIng vou cun do Ior LIe wIoIe worId Is Lo muke LIe mosL oI vour-
You cun serve God und mun In no more eIIecLIve wuv LIun bv geLLIng rIcI; LIuL Is,
II vou geL rIcI bv LIe creuLIve meLIod und noL bv LIe compeLeLIve one.
AnoLIer LIIng. We usserL LIuL LIIs book gIves In deLuII LIe prIncIpIes oI LIe scIence
oI geLLIng rIcI; und II LIuL Is Lrue, vou do noL need Lo reud unv oLIer book upon LIe
subjecL. TIIs muv sound nurrow und egoLIsLIcuI, buL consIder: LIere Is no more
scIenLIhc meLIod oI compuLuLIon In muLIemuLIcs LIun bv uddILIon, subLrucLIon,
muILIpIIcuLIon, und dIvIsIon; no oLIer meLIod Is possIbIe. TIere cun be buL one
sIorLesL dIsLunce beLween Lwo poInLs. TIere Is onIv one wuv Lo LIInk scIenLIh-
cuIIv, und LIuL Is Lo LIInk In LIe wuv LIuL Ieuds bv LIe mosL dIrecL und sImpIe rouLe
Lo LIe gouI. No mun Ius veL IormuIuLed u brIeIer or Iess compIex svsLem LIun
LIe one seL IorLI IereIn; IL Ius been sLrIpped oI uII non-essenLIuIs. WIen vou com-
mence on LIIs, Iuv uII oLIers usIde; puL LIem ouL oI vour mInd uILogeLIer.
Reud LIIs book everv duv; keep IL wILI vou; commIL IL Lo memorv, und do noL
LIInk ubouL oLIer svsLems und LIeorIes. I vou do, vou wIII begIn Lo Iuve doubLs,
und Lo be uncerLuIn und wuverIng In vour LIougIL; und LIen vou wIII begIn Lo
muke IuIIures.
AILer vou Iuve mude good und become rIcI, vou muv sLudv oLIer svsLems us mucI
us vou pIeuse; buL unLII vou ure quILe sure LIuL vou Iuve guIned wIuL vou wunL, do
noL reud unvLIIng on LIIs IIne buL LIIs book, unIess IL be LIe uuLIors menLIoned
In LIe PreIuce.
And reud onIv LIe mosL opLImIsLIc commenLs on LIe worId`s news; LIose In Iur-
monv wILI vour pIcLure.
AIso, posLpone vour InvesLIguLIons InLo LIe occuIL. Do noL dubbIe In LIeosopIv,
SpIrILuuIIsm, or kIndred sLudIes. L Is verv IIkeIv LIuL LIe deud sLIII IIve, und ure
neur; buL II LIev ure, IeL LIem uIone; mInd vour own busIness.
WIerever LIe spIrILs oI LIe deud muv be, LIev Iuve LIeIr own work Lo do, und LIeIr
own probIems Lo soIve; und we Iuve no rIgIL Lo InLerIere wILI LIem. We cunnoL
IeIp LIem, und IL Is verv doubLIuI wIeLIer LIev cun IeIp us, or wIeLIer we Iuve
unv rIgIL Lo Lrespuss upon LIeIr LIme II LIev cun. eL LIe deud und LIe IereuILer
uIone, und soIve vour own probIem; geL rIcI. I vou begIn Lo mIx wILI LIe occuIL,
vou wIII sLurL menLuI crosscurrenLs wIIcI wIII sureIv brIng vour Iopes Lo sIIp-
wreck. Now, LIIs und LIe precedIng cIupLers Iuve brougIL us Lo LIe IoIIowIng
sLuLemenL oI busIc IucLs:--
There is u thinkinu stoII Irom which ull thinus ure mude, und which,
in its oriuinul stute, permeutes, penetrutes, und lls the interspuces oI
the oniverse.
A thoouht, in this sobstunce, Prodoces the thinu thut is imuued by the
Mun cun Iorm thinus in his thoouht, und, by impressinu his thoouht
opon Iormless sobstunce, cun cuose the thinu he thinks uboot to be
In order to do this, mun most puss Irom the competitive to the creutive
mind; he most Iorm u cleur mentul pictore oI the thinus he wunts, und
hold this pictore in his thoouhts with the xed PLRPOSI to uet whut
he wunts, und the onwuverinu IAITH thut he does uet whut he wunts,
closinu his mind uuuinst ull thut muy tend to shuke his porpose, dim
his vision, or qoench his Iuith.
And In uddILIon Lo uII LIIs, we sIuII now see LIuL Ie musL IIve und ucL In u CerLuIn
Chopter 11
THOUGHT Is LIe creuLIve power, or LIe ImpeIIIng Iorce wIIcI cuuses LIe creuLIve
power Lo ucL; LIInkIng In u CerLuIn Wuv wIII brIng rIcIes Lo vou, buL vou musL noL
reIv upon LIougIL uIone, puvIng no uLLenLIon Lo personuI ucLIon. TIuL Is LIe rock
upon wIIcI munv oLIerwIse scIenLIhc meLupIvsIcuI LIInkers meeL sIIpwreck--
LIe IuIIure Lo connecL LIougIL wILI personuI ucLIon.
We Iuve noL veL reucIed LIe sLuge oI deveIopmenL, even supposIng sucI u sLuge
Lo be possIbIe, In wIIcI mun cun creuLe dIrecLIv Irom ormIess SubsLunce wILIouL
nuLure`s processes or LIe work oI Iumun Iunds; mun musL noL onIv LIInk, buL IIs
personuI ucLIon musL suppIemenL IIs LIougIL.
Bv LIougIL vou cun cuuse LIe goId In LIe IeurLs oI LIe mounLuIns Lo be ImpeIIed
Lowurd vou; buL IL wIII noL mIne ILseII, rehne ILseII, coIn ILseII InLo doubIe eugIes,
und come roIIIng uIong LIe rouds seekIng ILs wuv InLo vour pockeL.
Under LIe ImpeIIIng power oI LIe Supreme SpIrIL, men`s uIIuIrs wIII be so ordered
LIuL some one wIII be Ied Lo mIne LIe goId Ior vou; oLIer men`s busIness Lrunsuc-
LIons wIII be so dIrecLed LIuL LIe goId wIII be brougIL Lowurd vou, und vou musL
so urrunge vour own busIness uIIuIrs LIuL vou muv be ubIe Lo receIve IL wIen IL
comes Lo vou. Your LIougIL mukes uII LIIngs, unImuLe und InunImuLe, work Lo
brIng vou wIuL vou wunL; buL vour personuI ucLIvILv musL be sucI LIuL vou cun
rIgILIv receIve wIuL vou wunL wIen IL reucIes vou. You ure noL Lo Luke IL us cIur-
ILv, nor Lo sLeuI IL; vou musL gIve everv mun more In use vuIue LIun Ie gIves vou
In cusI vuIue.
TIe scIenLIhc use oI LIougIL consIsLs In IormIng u cIeur und dIsLIncL menLuI Im-
uge oI wIuL vou wunL; In IoIdIng IusL Lo LIe purpose Lo geL wIuL vou wunL; und In
reuIIzIng wILI gruLeIuI IuILI LIuL vou do geL wIuL vou wunL.
Do noL Lrv Lo 'projecL` vour LIougIL In unv mvsLerIous or occuIL wuv, wILI LIe Ideu
oI IuvIng IL go ouL und do LIIngs Ior vou; LIuL Is wusLed eIIorL, und wIII weuken
vour power Lo LIInk wILI sunILv.
TIe ucLIon oI LIougIL In geLLIng rIcI Is IuIIv expIuIned In LIe precedIng cIupLers;
vour IuILI und purpose posILIveIv Impress vour vIsIon upon ormIess SubsLunce,
sIon, receIved Irom vou, seLs uII LIe creuLIve Iorces uL work N AND THROUGH
L Is noL vour purL Lo guIde or supervIse LIe creuLIve process; uII vou Iuve Lo do
wILI LIuL Is Lo reLuIn vour vIsIon, sLIck Lo vour purpose, und muInLuIn vour IuILI
und gruLILude.
BuL vou musL ucL In u CerLuIn Wuv, so LIuL vou cun upproprIuLe wIuL Is vours
wIen IL comes Lo vou; so LIuL vou cun meeL LIe LIIngs vou Iuve In vour pIcLure,
und puL LIem In LIeIr proper pIuces us LIev urrIve.
You cun reuIIv see LIe LruLI oI LIIs. WIen LIIngs reucI vou, LIev wIII be In LIe
Iunds oI oLIer men, wIo wIII usk un equIvuIenL Ior LIem.
And vou cun onIv geL wIuL Is vours bv gIvIng LIe oLIer mun wIuL Is IIs.
Your pockeLbook Is noL goIng Lo be LrunsIormed InLo u orLunuLu`s purse, wIIcI
sIuII be uIwuvs IuII oI monev wILIouL eIIorL on vour purL.
TIIs Is LIe crucIuI poInL In LIe scIence oI geLLIng rIcI; rIgIL Iere, wIere LIougIL
und personuI ucLIon musL be combIned. TIere ure verv munv peopIe wIo, con-
scIousIv or unconscIousIv, seL LIe creuLIve Iorces In ucLIon bv LIe sLrengLI und
persIsLence oI LIeIr desIres, buL wIo remuIn poor becuuse LIev do noL provIde Ior
LIe recepLIon oI LIe LIIng LIev wunL wIen IL comes.
Bv LIougIL, LIe LIIng vou wunL Is brougIL Lo vou; bv ucLIon vou receIve IL.
WIuLever vour ucLIon Is Lo be, IL Is evIdenL LIuL vou musL ucL NOW. You cunnoL
ucL In LIe pusL, und IL Is essenLIuI Lo LIe cIeurness oI vour menLuI vIsIon LIuL vou
dIsmIss LIe pusL Irom vour mInd. You cunnoL ucL In LIe IuLure, Ior LIe IuLure Is noL
Iere veL. And vou cunnoL LeII Iow vou wIII wunL Lo ucL In unv IuLure conLIngencv
unLII LIuL conLIngencv Ius urrIved.
Becuuse vou ure noL In LIe rIgIL busIness, or LIe rIgIL envIronmenL now, do noL
LIInk LIuL vou musL posLpone ucLIon unLII vou geL InLo LIe rIgIL busIness or en-
vIronmenL. And do noL spend LIme In LIe presenL LukIng LIougIL us Lo LIe besL
course In possIbIe IuLure emergencIes; Iuve IuILI In vour ubIIILv Lo meeL unv
emergencv wIen IL urrIves.
I vou ucL In LIe presenL wILI vour mInd on LIe IuLure, vour presenL ucLIon wIII be
wILI u dIvIded mInd, und wIII noL be eIIecLIve.
PuL vour wIoIe mInd InLo presenL ucLIon.
Do noL gIve vour creuLIve ImpuIse Lo OrIgInuI SubsLunce, und LIen sIL down und
wuIL Ior resuILs; II vou do, vou wIII never geL LIem. AcL now. TIere Is never unv
LIme buL now, und LIere never wIII be unv LIme buL now. I vou ure ever Lo begIn Lo
muke reudv Ior LIe recepLIon oI wIuL vou wunL, vou musL begIn now.
And vour ucLIon, wIuLever IL Is, musL mosL IIkeIv be In vour presenL busIness or
empIovmenL, und musL be upon LIe persons und LIIngs In vour presenL envIron-
You cunnoL ucL wIere vou ure noL; vou cunnoL ucL wIere vou Iuve been, und vou
cunnoL ucL wIere vou ure goIng Lo be; vou cun ucL onIv wIere vou ure.
Do noL boLIer us Lo wIeLIer vesLerduv`s work wus weII done or III done; do Loduv`s
work weII.
Do noL Lrv Lo do Lomorrow`s work now; LIere wIII be pIenLv oI LIme Lo do LIuL
wIen vou geL Lo IL.
Do noL Lrv, bv occuIL or mvsLIcuI meuns, Lo ucL on peopIe or LIIngs LIuL ure ouL oI
vour reucI.
Do noL wuIL Ior u cIunge oI envIronmenL, beIore vou ucL; geL u cIunge oI envIron-
menL bv ucLIon.
You cun so ucL upon LIe envIronmenL In wIIcI vou ure now, us Lo cuuse vourseII
Lo be LrunsIerred Lo u beLLer envIronmenL.
HoId wILI IuILI und purpose LIe vIsIon oI vourseII In LIe beLLer envIronmenL, buL
ucL upon vour presenL envIronmenL wILI uII vour IeurL, und wILI uII vour sLrengLI,
und wILI uII vour mInd.
Do noL spend unv LIme In duv dreumIng or cusLIe buIIdIng; IoId Lo LIe one vIsIon
oI wIuL vou wunL, und ucL NOW.
Do noL cusL ubouL seekIng some new LIIng Lo do, or some sLrunge, unusuuI, or re-
murkubIe ucLIon Lo perIorm us u hrsL sLep Lowurd geLLIng rIcI. L Is probubIe LIuL
vour ucLIons, uL IeusL Ior some LIme Lo come, wIII be LIose vou Iuve been perIorm-
Ing Ior some LIme pusL; buL vou ure Lo begIn now Lo perIorm LIese ucLIons In LIe
CerLuIn Wuv, wIIcI wIII sureIv muke vou rIcI.
I vou ure enguged In some busIness, und IeeI LIuL IL Is noL LIe rIgIL one Ior vou,
do noL wuIL unLII vou geL InLo LIe rIgIL busIness beIore vou begIn Lo ucL.
Do noL IeeI dIscouruged, or sIL down und IumenL becuuse vou ure mIspIuced. No
mun wus ever so mIspIuced buL LIuL Ie couId noL hnd LIe rIgIL pIuce, und no mun
ever becume so InvoIved In LIe wrong busIness buL LIuL Ie couId geL InLo LIe rIgIL
HoId LIe vIsIon oI vourseII In LIe rIgIL busIness, wILI LIe purpose Lo geL InLo
IL, und LIe IuILI LIuL vou wIII geL InLo IL, und ure geLLIng InLo IL; buL ACT In vour
presenL busIness. Use vour presenL busIness us LIe meuns oI geLLIng u beLLer one,
und use vour presenL envIronmenL us LIe meuns oI geLLIng InLo u beLLer one. Your
vIsIon oI LIe rIgIL busIness, II IeId wILI IuILI und purpose, wIII cuuse LIe Supreme
Lo move LIe rIgIL busIness Lowurd vou; und vour ucLIon, II perIormed In LIe Cer-
LuIn Wuv, wIII cuuse vou Lo move Lowurd LIe busIness.
I vou ure un empIovee, or wuge eurner, und IeeI LIuL vou musL cIunge pIuces In
order Lo geL wIuL vou wunL, do noL 'projecL vour LIougIL InLo spuce und reIv upon
IL Lo geL vou unoLIer job. L wIII probubIv IuII Lo do so.
HoId LIe vIsIon oI vourseII In LIe job vou wunL, wIIIe vou ACT wILI IuILI und pur-
pose on LIe job vou Iuve, und vou wIII cerLuInIv geL LIe job vou wunL.
Your vIsIon und IuILI wIII seL LIe creuLIve Iorce In moLIon Lo brIng IL Lowurd vou,
und vour ucLIon wIII cuuse LIe Iorces In vour own envIronmenL Lo move vou Lo-
wurd LIe pIuce vou wunL. n cIosIng LIIs cIupLer, we wIII udd unoLIer sLuLemenL
Lo our svIIubus:
There is u thinkinu stoII Irom which ull thinus ure mude, und which,
in its oriuinul stute, permeutes, penetrutes, und lls the interspuces oI
the oniverse.
A thoouht, in this sobstunce, prodoces the thinu thut is imuued by the
Mun cun Iorm thinus in his thoouht, und, by impressinu his thoouht
opon Iormless sobstunce, cun cuose the thinu he thinks uboot to be
In order to do this, mun most puss Irom the competitive to the creu-
tive mind; he most Iorm u cleur mentul pictore oI the thinus he wunts,
und hold this pictore in his thoouhts with the xed PLRPOSI to uet
whut he wunts, und the onwuverinu IAITH thut he does uet whut he
wunts, closinu his mind to ull thut muy tend to shuke his porpose, dim
his vision, or qoench his Iuith.
Thut he muy receive whut he wunts when it comes, mun most uct NOW
opon the people und thinus in his present environment.
Chopter 1z
YOU musL use vour LIougIL us dIrecLed In prevIous cIupLers, und begIn Lo do
wIuL vou cun do wIere vou ure; und vou musL do A LIuL vou cun do wIere vou
You cun udvunce onIv be beIng Iurger LIun vour presenL pIuce; und no mun Is
Iurger LIun IIs presenL pIuce wIo Ieuves undone unv oI LIe work perLuInIng Lo
LIuL pIuce.
TIe worId Is udvunced onIv bv LIose wIo more LIun hII LIeIr presenL pIuces.
I no mun quILe hIIed IIs presenL pIuce, vou cun see LIuL LIere musL be u goIng
buckwurd In evervLIIng. TIose wIo do noL quILe hII LIeIr presenL pIuces ure deud
weIgIL upon socIeLv, governmenL, commerce, und IndusLrv; LIev musL be currIed
uIong bv oLIers uL u greuL expense. TIe progress oI LIe worId Is reLurded onIv bv
LIose wIo do noL hII LIe pIuces LIev ure IoIdIng; LIev beIong Lo u Iormer uge und u
Iower sLuge or pIune oI IIIe, und LIeIr Lendencv Is Lowurd degeneruLIon. No socIeLv
couId udvunce II everv mun wus smuIIer LIun IIs pIuce; socIuI evoIuLIon Is guIded
bv LIe Iuw oI pIvsIcuI und menLuI evoIuLIon. n LIe unImuI worId, evoIuLIon Is
cuused bv excess oI IIIe.
WIen un orgunIsm Ius more IIIe LIun cun be expressed In LIe IuncLIons oI ILs own
pIune, IL deveIops LIe orguns oI u IIgIer pIune, und u new specIes Is orIgInuLed.
TIere never wouId Iuve been new specIes Iud LIere noL been orgunIsms wIIcI
more LIun hIIed LIeIr pIuces. TIe Iuw Is exucLIv LIe sume Ior vou; vour geLLIng rIcI
depends upon vour uppIvIng LIIs prIncIpIe Lo vour own uIIuIrs.
Everv duv Is eILIer u successIuI duv or u duv oI IuIIure; und IL Is LIe successIuI duvs
wIIcI geL vou wIuL vou wunL. I evervduv Is u IuIIure, vou cun never geL rIcI; wIIIe
II everv duv Is u success, vou cunnoL IuII Lo geL rIcI.
I LIere Is someLIIng LIuL muv be done Loduv, und vou do noL do IL, vou Iuve IuIIed
In so Iur us LIuL LIIng Is concerned; und LIe consequences muv be more dIsusLrous
LIun vou ImugIne.
You cunnoL Ioresee LIe resuILs oI even LIe mosL LrIvIuI ucL; vou do noL know LIe
workIngs oI uII LIe Iorces LIuL Iuve been seL movIng In vour beIuII. MucI muv be
dependIng on vour doIng some sImpIe ucL; IL muv be LIe verv LIIng wIIcI Is Lo
open LIe door oI opporLunILv Lo verv greuL possIbIIILIes. You cun never know uII
LIe combInuLIons wIIcI Supreme nLeIIIgence Is mukIng Ior vou In LIe worId oI
LIIngs und oI LIIngs und oI Iumun uIIuIrs; vour negIecL or IuIIure Lo do some smuII
LIIng muv cuuse u Iong deIuv In geLLIng wIuL vou wunL.
Do, everv duv, A LIuL cun be done LIuL duv.
TIere Is, Iowever, u IImILuLIon or quuIIhcuLIon oI LIe ubove LIuL vou musL Luke
InLo uccounL.
You ure noL Lo overwork, nor Lo rusI bIIndIv InLo vour busIness In LIe eIIorL Lo do
LIe greuLesL possIbIe number oI LIIngs In LIe sIorLesL possIbIe LIme.
You ure noL Lo Lrv Lo do Lomorrow`s work Loduv, nor Lo do u week`s work In u
It is reully not the nomber oI thinus yoo do, bot the IIIICIINCY oI
euch sepurute uction thut coonts.
Everv ucL Is, In ILseII, eILIer u success or u IuIIure.
Everv ucL Is, In ILseII, eILIer eIIecLIve or IneIhcIenL.
Everv IneIhcIenL ucL Is u IuIIure, und II vou spend vour IIIe In doIng IneIhcIenL ucLs,
vour wIoIe IIIe wIII be u IuIIure.
TIe more LIIngs vou do, LIe worse Ior vou, II uII vour ucLs ure IneIhcIenL ones.
On LIe oLIer Iund, everv eIhcIenL ucL Is u success In ILseII, und II everv ucL oI vour
IIIe Is un eIhcIenL one, vour wIoIe IIIe MUST be u success.
TIe cuuse oI IuIIure Is doIng Loo munv LIIngs In un IneIhcIenL munner, und noL
doIng enougI LIIngs In un eIhcIenL munner.
You wIII see LIuL IL Is u seII-evIdenL proposILIon LIuL II vou do noL do unv IneIh-
cIenL ucLs, und II vou do u suIhcIenL number oI eIhcIenL ucLs, vou wIII become rIcI.
I, now, IL Is possIbIe Ior vou Lo muke eucI ucL un eIhcIenL one, vou see uguIn LIuL
LIe geLLIng oI rIcIes Is reduced Lo un exucL scIence, IIke muLIemuLIcs.
TIe muLLer Lurns, LIen, on LIe quesLIons wIeLIer vou cun muke eucI sepuruLe ucL
u success In ILseII. And LIIs vou cun cerLuInIv do.
You cun muke eucI ucL u success, becuuse A Power Is workIng wILI vou; und
A Power cunnoL IuII.
Power Is uL vour servIce; und Lo muke eucI ucL eIhcIenL vou Iuve onIv Lo puL power
InLo IL.
Everv ucLIon Is eILIer sLrong or weuk; und wIen everv one Is sLrong, vou ure ucLIng
In LIe CerLuIn Wuv wIIcI wIII muke vou rIcI.
Everv ucL cun be mude sLrong und eIhcIenL bv IoIdIng vour vIsIon wIIIe vou ure
doIng IL, und puLLIng LIe wIoIe power oI vour ATH und PURPOSE InLo IL.
L Is uL LIIs poInL LIuL LIe peopIe IuII wIo sepuruLe menLuI power Irom personuI
ucLIon. TIev use LIe power oI mInd In one pIuce und uL one LIme, und LIev ucL In
unoLIer puce und uL unoLIer LIme. So LIeIr ucLs ure noL successIuI In LIemseIves;
Loo munv oI LIem ure IneIhcIenL. BuL II A Power goes InLo everv ucL, no muLLer
Iow commonpIuce, everv ucL wIII be u success In ILseII; und us In LIe nuLure oI
LIIngs everv success opens LIe wuv Lo oLIer successes, vour progress Lowurd wIuL
vou wunL, und LIe progress oI wIuL vou wunL Lowurd vou, wIII become Increus-
IngIv rupId.
Remember LIuL successIuI ucLIon Is cumuIuLIve In ILs resuILs. SInce LIe desIre Ior
more IIIe Is InIerenL In uII LIIngs, wIen u mun begIns Lo move Lowurd Iurger IIIe
more LIIngs uLLucI LIemseIves Lo IIm, und LIe Inuence oI IIs desIre Is muILI-
Do, everv duv, uII LIuL vou cun do LIuL duv, und do eucI ucL In un eIhcIenL mun-
n suvIng LIuL vou musL IoId vour vIsIon wIIIe vou ure doIng eucI ucL, Iowever
LrIvIuI or commonpIuce, do noL meun Lo suv LIuL IL Is necessurv uL uII LImes Lo see
LIe vIsIon dIsLIncLIv Lo ILs smuIIesL deLuIIs. L sIouId be LIe work oI vour IeIsure
Iours Lo use vour ImugInuLIon on LIe deLuIIs oI vour vIsIon, und Lo conLempIuLe
LIem unLII LIev ure hrmIv hxed upon memorv. I vou wIsI speedv resuILs, spend
prucLIcuIIv uII vour spure LIme In LIIs prucLIce.
Bv conLInuous conLempIuLIon vou wIII geL LIe pIcLure oI wIuL vou wunL, even Lo
LIe smuIIesL deLuIIs, so hrmIv hxed upon vour mInd, und so compIeLeIv LrunsIerred
Lo LIe mInd oI ormIess SubsLunce, LIuL In vour workIng Iours vou need onIv Lo
menLuIIv reIer Lo LIe pIcLure Lo sLImuIuLe vour IuILI und purpose, und cuuse vour
besL eIIorL Lo be puL IorLI. ConLempIuLe vour pIcLure In vour IeIsure Iours unLII
vour conscIousness Is so IuII oI IL LIuL vou cun grusp IL InsLunLIv. You wIII become
so enLIused wILI ILs brIgIL promIses LIuL LIe mere LIougIL oI IL wIII cuII IorLI LIe
sLrongesL energIes oI vour wIoIe beIng.
eL us uguIn repeuL our svIIubus, und bv sIIgILIv cIungIng LIe cIosIng sLuLemenLs
brIng IL Lo LIe poInL we Iuve now reucIed.
There is u thinkinu stoII Irom which ull thinus ure mude, und which,
in its oriuinul stute, permeutes, penetrutes, und lls the interspuces oI
the oniverse.
A thoouht, in this sobstunce, prodoces the thinu thut is imuued by the
Mun cun Iorm thinus in his thoouht, und, by impressinu his thoouht
opon Iormless sobstunce, cun cuose the thinu he thinks uboot to be
In order to do this, mun most puss Irom the competitive to the creu-
tive mind; he most Iorm u cleur mentul pictore oI the thinus he wunts,
und do, with Iuith und porpose, ull thut cun be done euch duy, doinu
euch sepurute thinu in un eIcient munner.
Chopter 1g
SUCCESS, In unv purLIcuIur busIness, depends Ior one LIIng upon vour possess-
Ing In u weII-deveIoped sLuLe LIe IucuILIes requIred In LIuL busIness.
WILIouL good musIcuI IucuILv no one cun succeed us u LeucIer oI musIc; wILIouL
weII-deveIoped mecIunIcuI IucuILIes no one cun ucIIeve greuL success In unv oI
LIe mecIunIcuI Lrudes; wILIouL LucL und LIe commercIuI IucuILIes no one cun suc-
ceed In mercunLIIe pursuILs. BuL Lo possess In u weII-deveIoped sLuLe LIe IucuILIes
requIred In vour purLIcuIur vocuLIon does noL Insure geLLIng rIcI. TIere ure mu-
sIcIuns wIo Iuve remurkubIe LuIenL, und wIo veL remuIn poor; LIere ure bIuck-
smILIs, curpenLers, und so on wIo Iuve exceIIenL mecIunIcuI ubIIILv, buL wIo do
noL geL rIcI; und LIere ure mercIunLs wILI good IucuILIes Ior deuIIng wILI men
wIo neverLIeIess IuII.
TIe dIIIerenL IucuILIes ure LooIs; IL Is essenLIuI Lo Iuve good LooIs, buL IL Is uIso es-
senLIuI LIuL LIe LooIs sIouId be used In LIe RIgIL Wuv. One mun cun Luke u sIurp
suw, u squure, u good pIune, und so on, und buIId u Iundsome urLIcIe oI IurnILure;
unoLIer mun cun Luke LIe sume LooIs und seL Lo work Lo dupIIcuLe LIe urLIcIe, buL
IIs producLIon wIII be u boLcI. He does noL know Iow Lo use good LooIs In u suc-
cessIuI wuv.
TIe vurIous IucuILIes oI vour mInd ure LIe LooIs wILI wIIcI vou musL do LIe work
wIIcI Is Lo muke vou rIcI; IL wIII be eusIer Ior vou Lo succeed II vou geL InLo u busI-
ness Ior wIIcI vou ure weII equIpped wILI menLuI LooIs.
GeneruIIv speukIng, vou wIII do besL In LIuL busIness wIIcI wIII use vour sLrongesL
IucuILIes; LIe one Ior wIIcI vou ure nuLuruIIv besL hLLed. BuL LIere ure IImILu-
LIons Lo LIIs sLuLemenL, uIso. No mun sIouId regurd IIs vocuLIon us beIng Irrevo-
cubIv hxed bv LIe LendencIes wILI wIIcI Ie wus born.
You cun geL rIcI In ANY busIness, Ior II vou Iuve noL LIe rIgIL LuIenL Ior vou cun
deveIop LIuL LuIenL; IL mereIv meuns LIuL vou wIII Iuve Lo muke vour LooIs us vou
go uIong, InsLeud oI conhnIng vourseII Lo LIe use oI LIose wILI wIIcI vou were
born. L wIII be EASER Ior vou Lo succeed In u vocuLIon Ior wIIcI vou uIreudv
Iuve LIe LuIenLs In u weII-deveIoped sLuLe; buL vou CAN succeed In unv vocuLIon,
Ior vou cun deveIop unv rudImenLurv LuIenL, und LIere Is no LuIenL oI wIIcI vou
Iuve noL uL IeusL LIe rudImenL.
You wIII geL rIcI mosL eusIIv In poInL oI eIIorL, II vou do LIuL Ior wIIcI vou ure besL
hLLed; buL vou wIII geL rIcI mosL suLIsIucLorIIv II vou do LIuL wIIcI vou WANT Lo
DoIng wIuL vou wunL Lo do Is IIIe; und LIere Is no reuI suLIsIucLIon In IIvIng II we
ure compeIIed Lo be Iorever doIng someLIIng wIIcI we do noL IIke Lo do, und cun
never do wIuL we wunL Lo do. And IL Is cerLuIn LIuL vou cun do wIuL vou wunL Lo
do; LIe desire Lo do IL Is prooI LIuL vou Iuve wILIIn vou LIe power wIIcI cun do
DesIre Is u munIIesLuLIon oI power.
TIe desIre Lo pIuv musIc Is LIe power wIIcI cun pIuv musIc seekIng expressIon
und deveIopmenL; LIe desIre Lo InvenL mecIunIcuI devIces Is LIe mecIunIcuI LuI-
enL seekIng expressIon und deveIopmenL.
WIere LIere Is no power, eILIer deveIoped or undeveIoped, Lo do u LIIng, LIere Is
never unv desIre Lo do LIuL LIIng; und wIere LIere Is sLrong desIre Lo do u LIIng, IL
Is cerLuIn prooI LIuL LIe power Lo do IL Is sLrong, und onIv requIres Lo be deveIoped
und uppIIed In LIe RIgIL Wuv.
AII LIIngs eIse beIng equuI, IL Is besL Lo seIecL LIe busIness Ior wIIcI vou Iuve LIe
besL deveIoped LuIenL; buL II vou Iuve u sLrong desIre Lo enguge In unv purLIcuIur
IIne oI work, vou sIouId seIecL LIuL work us LIe uILImuLe end uL wIIcI vou uIm.
You cun do wIuL vou wunL Lo do, und IL Is vour rIgIL und prIvIIege Lo IoIIow LIe
busIness or vocuLIon wIIcI wIII be mosL congenIuI und pIeusunL.
You ure noL obIIged Lo do wIuL vou do noL IIke Lo do, und sIouId noL do IL excepL
us u meuns Lo brIng vou Lo LIe doIng oI LIe LIIng vou wunL Lo do.
I LIere ure pusL mIsLukes wIose consequences Iuve pIuced vou In un undesIrubIe
busIness or envIronmenL, vou muv be obIIged Ior some LIme Lo do wIuL vou do noL
IIke Lo do; buL vou cun muke LIe doIng oI IL pIeusunL bv knowIng LIuL IL Is mukIng
IL possIbIe Ior vou Lo come Lo LIe doIng oI wIuL vou wunL Lo do.
I vou IeeI LIuL vou ure noL In LIe rIgIL vocuLIon, do noL ucL Loo IusLIIv In LrvIng Lo
geL InLo unoLIer one. TIe besL wuv, generuIIv, Lo cIunge busIness or envIronmenL
Is bv growLI.
Do noL be uIruId Lo muke u sudden und rudIcuI cIunge II LIe opporLunILv Is pre-
senLed, und vou IeeI uILer cureIuI consIderuLIon LIuL IL Is LIe rIgIL opporLunILv;
buL never Luke sudden or rudIcuI ucLIon wIen vou ure In doubL us Lo LIe wIsdom
oI doIng so.
TIere Is never unv Iurrv on LIe creuLIve pIune; und LIere Is no Iuck oI opporLu-
WIen vou geL ouL oI LIe compeLILIve mInd vou wIII undersLund LIuL vou never
need Lo ucL IusLIIv. No one eIse Is goIng Lo beuL vou Lo LIe LIIng vou wunL Lo do;
LIere Is enougI Ior uII. I one spuce Is Luken, unoLIer und u beLLer one wIII be
opened Ior vou u IILLIe IurLIer on; LIere Is pIenLv oI LIme. WIen vou ure In doubL,
wuIL. uII buck on LIe conLempIuLIon oI vour vIsIon, und Increuse vour IuILI und
purpose; und bv uII meuns, In LImes oI doubL und IndecIsIon, cuILIvuLe gruLILude.
A duv or Lwo spenL In conLempIuLIng LIe vIsIon oI wIuL vou wunL, und In eurnesL
LIunksgIvIng LIuL vou ure geLLIng IL, wIII brIng vour mInd InLo sucI cIose reIuLIon-
sIIp wILI LIe Supreme LIuL vou wIII muke no mIsLuke wIen vou do ucL.
TIere Is u mInd wIIcI knows uII LIere Is Lo know; und vou cun come InLo cIose
unILv wILI LIIs mInd bv IuILI und LIe purpose Lo udvunce In IIIe, II vou Iuve deep
MIsLukes come Irom ucLIng IusLIIv, or Irom ucLIng In Ieur or doubL, or In IorgeLIuI-
ness oI LIe RIgIL MoLIve, wIIcI Is more IIIe Lo uII, und Iess Lo none.
As vou go on In LIe CerLuIn Wuv, opporLunILIes wIII come Lo vou In IncreusIng
number; und vou wIII need Lo be verv sLeudv In vour IuILI und purpose, und Lo
keep In cIose LoucI wILI LIe AII MInd bv reverenL gruLILude.
Do uII LIuL vou cun do In u perIecL munner everv duv, buL do IL wILIouL IusLe,
worrv, or Ieur. Go us IusL us vou cun, buL never Iurrv.
Remember LIuL In LIe momenL vou begIn Lo Iurrv vou ceuse Lo be u creuLor und
become u compeLILor; vou drop buck upon LIe oId pIune uguIn.
WIenever vou hnd vourseII IurrvIng, cuII u IuIL; hx vour uLLenLIon on LIe menLuI
Imuge oI LIe LIIng vou wunL, und begIn Lo gIve LIunks LIuL vou ure geLLIng IL. TIe
exercIse oI GRATTUDE wIII never IuII Lo sLrengLIen vour IuILI und renew vour
Chopter 1a
WHETHER vou cIunge vour vocuLIon or noL, vour ucLIons Ior LIe presenL musL be
LIose perLuInIng Lo LIe busIness In wIIcI vou ure now enguged.
You cun geL InLo LIe busIness vou wunL bv mukIng consLrucLIve use oI LIe busIness
vou ure uIreudv esLubIIsIed In; bv doIng vour duIIv work In u CerLuIn Wuv.
And In so Iur us vour busIness consIsLs In deuIIng wILI oLIer men, wIeLIer per-
sonuIIv or bv IeLLer, LIe kev-LIougIL oI uII vour eIIorLs musL be Lo convev Lo LIeIr
mInds LIe ImpressIon oI Increuse.
ncreuse Is wIuL uII men und uII women ure seekIng; IL Is LIe urge oI LIe ormIess
nLeIIIgence wILIIn LIem, seekIng IuIIer expressIon.
TIe desIre Ior Increuse Is InIerenL In uII nuLure; IL Is LIe IundumenLuI ImpuIse oI
LIe unIverse. AII Iumun ucLIvILIes ure bused on LIe desIre Ior Increuse; peopIe ure
seekIng more Iood, more cIoLIes, beLLer sIeILer, more Iuxurv, more beuuLv, more
knowIedge, more pIeusure-- Increuse In someLIIng, more IIIe.
Everv IIvIng LIIng Is under LIIs necessILv Ior conLInuous udvuncemenL; wIere In-
creuse oI IIIe ceuses, dIssoIuLIon und deuLI seL In uL once.
Mun InsLIncLIveIv knows LIIs, und Ience Ie Is Iorever seekIng more. TIIs Iuw oI
perpeLuuI Increuse Is seL IorLI bv Jesus In LIe purubIe oI LIe LuIenLs; onIv LIose
wIo guIn more reLuIn unv; Irom IIm wIo IuLI noL sIuII be Luken uwuv even LIuL
wIIcI Ie IuLI.
TIe normuI desIre Ior Increused weuILI Is noL un evII or u repreIensIbIe LIIng; IL
Is sImpIv LIe desIre Ior more ubundunL IIIe; IL Is uspIruLIon.
And becuuse IL Is LIe deepesL InsLIncL oI LIeIr nuLures, uII men und women ure uL-
LrucLed Lo IIm wIo cun gIve LIem more oI LIe meuns oI IIIe.
n IoIIowIng LIe CerLuIn Wuv us descrIbed In LIe IoregoIng puges, vou ure geLLIng
conLInuous Increuse Ior vourseII, und vou ure gIvIng IL Lo uII wILI wIom vou deuI.
You ure u creuLIve cenLer, Irom wIIcI Increuse Is gIven oII Lo uII.
Be sure oI LIIs, und convev ussurunce oI LIe IucL Lo everv mun, womun, und cIIId
wILI wIom vou come In conLucL. No muLLer Iow smuII LIe LrunsucLIon, even II IL
be onIv LIe seIIIng oI u sLIck oI cundv Lo u IILLIe cIIId, puL InLo IL LIe LIougIL oI
Increuse, und muke sure LIuL LIe cusLomer Is Impressed wILI LIe LIougIL.
Convev LIe ImpressIon oI udvuncemenL wILI evervLIIng vou do, so LIuL uII peopIe
sIuII receIve LIe ImpressIon LIuL vou ure un AdvuncIng Mun, und LIuL vou ud-
vunce uII wIo deuI wILI vou. Even Lo LIe peopIe wIom vou meeL In u socIuI wuv,
wILIouL unv LIougIL oI busIness, und Lo wIom vou do noL Lrv Lo seII unvLIIng, gIve
LIe LIougIL oI Increuse.
You cun convev LIIs ImpressIon bv IoIdIng LIe unsIukubIe IuILI LIuL vou, vour-
seII, ure In LIe Wuv oI ncreuse; und bv IeLLIng LIIs IuILI InspIre, hII, und permeuLe
everv ucLIon.
Do evervLIIng LIuL vou do In LIe hrm convIcLIon LIuL vou ure un udvuncIng per-
sonuIILv, und LIuL vou ure gIvIng udvuncemenL Lo evervbodv.
eeI LIuL vou ure geLLIng rIcI, und LIuL In so doIng vou ure mukIng oLIers rIcI, und
conIerrIng benehLs on uII.
Do noL bousL or brug oI vour success, or LuIk ubouL IL unnecessurIIv; Lrue IuILI Is
never bousLIuI.
WIerever vou hnd u bousLIuI person, vou hnd one wIo Is secreLIv doubLIuI und
uIruId. SImpIv IeeI LIe IuILI, und IeL IL work ouL In everv LrunsucLIon; IeL everv
ucL und Lone und Iook express LIe quIeL ussurunce LIuL vou ure geLLIng rIcI; LIuL
vou ure uIreudv rIcI. Words wIII noL be necessurv Lo communIcuLe LIIs IeeIIng Lo
oLIers; LIev wIII IeeI LIe sense oI Increuse wIen In vour presence, und wIII be uL-
LrucLed Lo vou uguIn.
You musL so Impress oLIers LIuL LIev wIII IeeI LIuL In ussocIuLIng wILI vou LIev
wIII geL Increuse Ior LIemseIves. See LIuL vou gIve LIem u use vuIue greuLer LIun
LIe cusI vuIue vou ure LukIng Irom LIem.
Tuke un IonesL prIde In doIng LIIs, und IeL evervbodv know IL; und vou wIII Iuve no
Iuck oI cusLomers. PeopIe wIII go wIere LIev ure gIven Increuse; und LIe Supreme,
wIIcI desIres Increuse In uII, und wIIcI knows uII, wIII move Lowurd vou men und
women wIo Iuve never Ieurd oI vou. Your busIness wIII Increuse rupIdIv, und vou
wIII be surprIsed uL LIe unexpecLed benehLs wIIcI wIII come Lo vou. You wIII be
ubIe Irom duv Lo duv Lo muke Iurger combInuLIons, secure greuLer udvunLuges, und
Lo go on InLo u more congenIuI vocuLIon II vou desIre Lo do so.
BuL doIng LIIng uII LIIs, vou musL never Iose sIgIL oI vour vIsIon oI wIuL vou wunL,
or vour IuILI und purpose Lo geL wIuL vou wunL.
eL me Iere gIve vou unoLIer word oI cuuLIon In regurd Lo moLIves.
Bewure oI LIe InsIdIous LempLuLIon Lo seek Ior power over oLIer men.
NoLIIng Is so pIeusunL Lo LIe unIormed or purLIuIIv deveIoped mInd us LIe exer-
cIse oI power or domInIon over oLIers. The desire to role Ior selsh uruti-
cution hus been the corse oI the world. or counLIess uges kIngs und Iords
Iuve drencIed LIe eurLI wILI bIood In LIeIr buLLIes Lo exLend LIeIr domInIons;
LIIs noL Lo seek more IIIe Ior uII, buL Lo geL more power Ior LIemseIves.
Toduv, LIe muIn moLIve In LIe busIness und IndusLrIuI worId Is LIe sume; men
mursIuI LIeIr urmIes oI doIIurs, und Iuv wusLe LIe IIves und IeurLs oI mIIIIons In
LIe sume mud scrumbIe Ior power over oLIers. CommercIuI kIngs, IIke poIILIcuI
kIngs, ure InspIred bv LIe IusL Ior power.
Jesus suw In LIIs desIre Ior musLerv LIe movIng ImpuIse oI LIuL evII worId He
sougIL Lo overLIrow. Reud LIe LwenLv-LIIrd cIupLer oI MuLLIew, und see Iow He
pIcLures LIe IusL oI LIe PIurIsees Lo be cuIIed MusLer, Lo sIL In LIe IIgI pIuces, Lo
domIneer over oLIers, und Lo Iuv burdens on LIe bucks oI LIe Iess IorLunuLe; und
noLe Iow He compures LIIs IusL Ior domInIon wILI LIe broLIerIv seekIng Ior LIe
Common Good Lo wIIcI He cuIIs HIs dIscIpIes.
ook ouL Ior LIe LempLuLIon Lo seek Ior uuLIorILv, Lo become u musLer, Lo be
consIdered us one wIo Is ubove LIe common Ierd, Lo Impress oLIers bv IuvIsI
dIspIuv, und so on.
TIe mInd LIuL seeks Ior musLerv over oLIers Is LIe compeLILIve mInd; und LIe
compeLILIve mInd Is noL LIe creuLIve one. n order Lo musLer vour envIronmenL
und vour desLInv, IL Is noL uL uII necessurv LIuL vou sIouId ruIe over vour IeIIow
men und Indeed, wIen vou IuII InLo LIe worId`s sLruggIe Ior LIe IIgI pIuces, vou
begIn Lo be conquered bv IuLe und envIronmenL, und vour geLLIng rIcI becomes u
muLLer oI cIunce und specuIuLIon.
Bewure oI LIe compeLILIve mInd!! No beLLer sLuLemenL oI LIe prIncIpIe oI creuLIve
ucLIon cun be IormuIuLed LIun LIe IuvorILe decIuruLIon oI LIe IuLe GoIden RuIe
Jones oI ToIedo: WIuL wunL Ior mvseII, wunL Ior evervbodv.
Chopter 1g
WHAT Iuve suId In LIe IusL cIupLer uppIIes us weII Lo LIe proIessIonuI mun und
LIe wuge-eurner us Lo LIe mun wIo Is enguged In mercunLIIe busIness.
No muLLer wIeLIer vou ure u pIvsIcIun, u LeucIer, or u cIergvmun, II vou cun gIve
Increuse oI IIIe Lo oLIers und muke LIem sensIbIe oI LIe IucL, LIev wIII be uLLrucLed
Lo vou, und vou wIII geL rIcI. TIe pIvsIcIun wIo IoIds LIe vIsIon oI IImseII us u
greuL und successIuI IeuIer, und wIo works Lowurd LIe compIeLe reuIIzuLIon oI
LIuL vIsIon wILI IuILI und purpose, us descrIbed In Iormer cIupLers, wIII come InLo
sucI cIose LoucI wILI LIe Source oI IIe LIuL Ie wIII be pIenomenuIIv successIuI;
puLIenLs wIII come Lo IIm In LIrongs.
No one Ius u greuLer opporLunILv Lo currv InLo eIIecL LIe LeucIIng oI LIIs book LIun
LIe prucLILIoner oI medIcIne; IL does noL muLLer Lo wIIcI oI LIe vurIous scIooIs
Ie muv beIong, Ior LIe prIncIpIe oI IeuIIng Is common Lo uII oI LIem, und muv be
reucIed bv uII uIIke. TIe AdvuncIng Mun In medIcIne, wIo IoIds Lo u cIeur men-
LuI Imuge oI IImseII us successIuI, und wIo obevs LIe Iuws oI IuILI, purpose, und
gruLILude, wIII cure everv curubIe cuse Ie underLukes, no muLLer wIuL remedIes
Ie muv use.
n LIe heId oI reIIgIon, LIe worId crIes ouL Ior LIe cIergvmun wIo cun LeucI IIs
Ieurers LIe Lrue scIence oI ubundunL IIIe. He wIo musLers LIe deLuIIs oI LIe scI-
ence oI geLLIng rIcI, LogeLIer wILI LIe uIIIed scIences oI beIng weII, oI beIng greuL,
und oI wInnIng Iove, und wIo LeucIes LIese deLuIIs Irom LIe puIpIL, wIII never Iuck
Ior u congreguLIon. TIIs Is LIe gospeI LIuL LIe worId needs; IL wIII gIve Increuse
oI IIIe, und men wIII Ieur IL gIudIv, und wIII gIve IIberuI supporL Lo LIe mun wIo
brIngs IL Lo LIem.
WIuL Is now needed Is u demonsLruLIon oI LIe scIence oI IIIe Irom LIe puIpIL. We
wunL preucIers wIo cun noL onIv LeII us Iow, buL wIo In LIeIr own persons wIII
sIow us Iow. We need LIe preucIer wIo wIII IImseII be rIcI, IeuILIv, greuL, und
beIoved, Lo LeucI us Iow Lo uLLuIn Lo LIese LIIngs; und wIen Ie comes Ie wIII hnd
u numerous und IovuI IoIIowIng.
TIe sume Is Lrue oI LIe LeucIer wIo cun InspIre LIe cIIIdren wILI LIe IuILI und
purpose oI LIe udvuncIng IIIe. He wIII never be ouL oI u job. And unv LeucIer
wIo Ius LIIs IuILI und purpose cun gIve IL Lo IIs pupIIs; Ie cunnoL IeIp gIvIng IL Lo
LIem II IL Is purL oI IIs own IIIe und prucLIce.
WIuL Is Lrue oI LIe LeucIer, preucIer, und pIvsIcIun Is Lrue oI LIe Iuwver, denLIsL,
reuI esLuLe mun, Insurunce ugenL--oI evervbodv.
TIe combIned menLuI und personuI ucLIon Iuve descrIbed Is InIuIIIbIe; IL cunnoL
IuII. Everv mun und womun wIo IoIIows LIese InsLrucLIons sLeudIIv, perseverIngIv,
und Lo LIe IeLLer, wIII geL rIcI. TIe Iuw oI LIe ncreuse oI IIe Is us muLIemuLIcuIIv
cerLuIn In ILs operuLIon us LIe Iuw oI gruvILuLIon; geLLIng rIcI Is un exucL scIence.
TIe wuge-eurner wIII hnd LIIs us Lrue oI IIs cuse us oI unv oI LIe oLIers men-
LIoned. Do noL IeeI LIuL vou Iuve no cIunce Lo geL rIcI becuuse vou ure workIng
wIere LIere Is no vIsIbIe opporLunILv Ior udvuncemenL, wIere wuges ure smuII
und LIe cosL oI IIvIng IIgI. orm vour cIeur menLuI vIsIon oI wIuL vou wunL, und
begIn Lo ucL wILI IuILI und purpose.
Do uII LIe work vou cun do, everv duv, und do eucI pIece oI work In u perIecLIv
successIuI munner; puL LIe power oI success, und LIe purpose Lo geL rIcI, InLo
evervLIIng LIuL vou do.
BuL do noL do LIIs mereIv wILI LIe Ideu oI currvIng Iuvor wILI vour empIover, In
LIe Iope LIuL Ie, or LIose ubove vou, wIII see vour good work und udvunce vou; IL
Is noL IIkeIv LIuL LIev wIII do so.
TIe mun wIo Is mereIv u good workmun, hIIIng IIs pIuce Lo LIe verv besL oI IIs
ubIIILv, und suLIshed wILI LIuL, Is vuIuubIe Lo IIs empIover; und IL Is noL Lo LIe em-
pIover`s InLeresL Lo promoLe IIm; Ie Is worLI more wIere Ie Is.
To secure udvuncemenL, someLIIng more Is necessurv LIun Lo be Loo Iurge Ior
vour pIuce.
TIe mun wIo Is cerLuIn Lo udvunce Is LIe one wIo Is Loo bIg Ior IIs pIuce, und wIo
Ius u cIeur concepL oI wIuL Ie wunLs Lo be; wIo knows LIuL Ie cun become wIuL
Ie wunLs Lo be und wIo Is deLermIned Lo BE wIuL Ie wunLs Lo be.
Do noL Lrv Lo more LIun hII vour presenL pIuce wILI u vIew Lo pIeusIng vour em-
pIover; do IL wILI LIe Ideu oI udvuncIng vourseII. HoId LIe IuILI und purpose oI
Increuse durIng work Iours, uILer work Iours, und beIore work Iours. HoId IL In
sucI u wuv LIuL everv person wIo comes In conLucL wILI vou, wIeLIer Ioremun,
IeIIow workmun, or socIuI ucquuInLunce, wIII IeeI LIe power oI purpose rudIuLIng
Irom vou; so LIuL everv one wIII geL LIe sense oI udvuncemenL und Increuse Irom
vou. Men wIII be uLLrucLed Lo vou, und II LIere Is no possIbIIILv Ior udvuncemenL In
vour presenL job, vou wIII verv soon see un opporLunILv Lo Luke unoLIer job.
TIere Is u Power wIIcI never IuIIs Lo presenL opporLunILv Lo LIe AdvuncIng Mun
wIo Is movIng In obedIence Lo Iuw.
God cunnoL IeIp IeIpIng vou, II vou ucL In u CerLuIn Wuv; He musL do so In order
Lo IeIp HImseII.
TIere Is noLIIng In vour cIrcumsLunces or In LIe IndusLrIuI sILuuLIon LIuL cun keep
vou down. I vou cunnoL geL rIcI workIng Ior LIe sLeeI LrusL, vou cun geL rIcI on
u Len-ucre Iurm; und II vou begIn Lo move In LIe CerLuIn Wuv, vou wIII cerLuInIv
escupe Irom LIe cIuLcIes oI LIe sLeeI LrusL und geL on Lo LIe Iurm or wIerever
eIse vou wIsI Lo be.
I u Iew LIousunds oI ILs empIovees wouId enLer upon LIe CerLuIn Wuv, LIe sLeeI
LrusL wouId soon be In u bud pIIgIL; IL wouId Iuve Lo gIve ILs workIngmen more
opporLunILv, or go ouL oI busIness. Nobodv Ius Lo work Ior u LrusL; LIe LrusLs cun
keep men In so cuIIed IopeIess condILIons onIv so Iong us LIere ure men wIo ure
Loo IgnorunL Lo know oI LIe scIence oI geLLIng rIcI, or Loo InLeIIecLuuIIv sIoLIIuI Lo
prucLIce IL.
BegIn LIIs wuv oI LIInkIng und ucLIng, und vour IuILI und purpose wIII muke vou
quIck Lo see unv opporLunILv Lo beLLer vour condILIon.
SucI opporLunILIes wIII speedIIv come, Ior LIe Supreme, workIng In AII, und work-
Ing Ior vou, wIII brIng LIem beIore vou.
Do noL wuIL Ior un opporLunILv Lo be uII LIuL vou wunL Lo be; wIen un opporLunILv
Lo be more LIun vou ure now Is presenLed und vou IeeI ImpeIIed Lowurd IL, Luke IL.
L wIII be LIe hrsL sLep Lowurd u greuLer opporLunILv.
TIere Is no sucI LIIng possIbIe In LIIs unIverse us u Iuck oI opporLunILIes Ior LIe
mun wIo Is IIvIng LIe udvuncIng IIIe.
L Is InIerenL In LIe consLILuLIon oI LIe cosmos LIuL uII LIIngs sIuII be Ior IIm und
work LogeLIer Ior IIs good; und Ie musL cerLuInIv geL rIcI II Ie ucLs und LIInks In
LIe CerLuIn Wuv. So IeL wuge-eurnIng men und women sLudv LIIs book wILI greuL
cure, und enLer wILI conhdence upon LIe course oI ucLIon IL prescrIbes; IL wIII noL
Chopter 1o
MANY peopIe wIII scoII uL LIe Ideu LIuL LIere Is un exucL scIence oI geLLIng rIcI;
IoIdIng LIe ImpressIon LIuL LIe suppIv oI weuILI Is IImILed, LIev wIII InsIsL LIuL
socIuI und governmenLuI InsLILuLIons musL be cIunged beIore even unv consIder-
ubIe number oI peopIe cun ucquIre u compeLence.
BuL LIIs Is noL Lrue.
L Is Lrue LIuL exIsLIng governmenLs keep LIe musses In poverLv, buL LIIs Is be-
cuuse LIe musses do noL LIInk und ucL In LIe CerLuIn Wuv.
I LIe musses begIn Lo move Iorwurd us suggesLed In LIIs book, neILIer govern-
menLs nor IndusLrIuI svsLems cun cIeck LIem; uII svsLems musL be modIhed Lo
uccommoduLe LIe Iorwurd movemenL.
I LIe peopIe Iuve LIe AdvuncIng MInd, Iuve LIe uILI LIuL LIev cun become rIcI,
und move Iorwurd wILI LIe hxed purpose Lo become rIcI, noLIIng cun possIbIv
keep LIem In poverLv.
ndIvIduuIs muv enLer upon LIe CerLuIn Wuv uL unv LIme, und under unv govern-
menL, und muke LIemseIves rIcI; und wIen unv consIderubIe number oI IndIvIdu-
uIs do so under unv governmenL, LIev wIII cuuse LIe svsLem Lo be so modIhed us
Lo open LIe wuv Ior oLIers.
TIe more men wIo geL rIcI on LIe compeLILIve pIune, LIe worse Ior oLIers; LIe
more wIo geL rIcI on LIe creuLIve pIune, LIe beLLer Ior oLIers.
TIe economIc suIvuLIon oI LIe musses cun onIv be uccompIIsIed bv geLLIng u Iurge
number oI peopIe Lo prucLIce LIe scIenLIhc meLIod seL down In LIIs book, und be-
come rIcI. TIese wIII sIow oLIers LIe wuv, und InspIre LIem wILI u desIre Ior reuI
IIIe, wILI LIe IuILI LIuL IL cun be uLLuIned, und wILI LIe purpose Lo uLLuIn IL.
or LIe presenL, Iowever, IL Is enougI Lo know LIuL neILIer LIe governmenL under
wIIcI vou IIve nor LIe cupILuIIsLIc or compeLILIve svsLem oI IndusLrv cun keep vou
Irom geLLIng rIcI. WIen vou enLer upon LIe creuLIve pIune oI LIougIL vou wIII rIse
ubove uII LIese LIIngs und become u cILIzen oI unoLIer kIngdom.
BuL remember LIuL vour LIougIL musL be IeId upon LIe creuLIve pIune; vou ure
never Ior un InsLunL Lo be beLruved InLo regurdIng LIe suppIv us IImILed, or InLo
ucLIng on LIe moruI IeveI oI compeLILIon.
WIenever vou do IuII InLo oId wuvs oI LIougIL, correcL vourseII InsLunLIv; Ior
wIen vou ure In LIe compeLILIve mInd, vou Iuve IosL LIe cooperuLIon oI LIe MInd
oI LIe WIoIe.
Do noL spend unv LIme In pIunnIng us Lo Iow vou wIII meeL possIbIe emergencIes
In LIe IuLure, excepL us LIe necessurv poIIcIes muv uIIecL vour ucLIons Loduv. You
ure concerned wILI doIng Loduv`s work In u perIecLIv successIuI munner, und noL
wILI emergencIes wIIcI muv urIse Lomorrow; vou cun uLLend Lo LIem us LIev
Do noL concern vourseII wILI quesLIons us Lo Iow vou sIuII surmounL obsLucIes
wIIcI muv Ioom upon vour busIness IorIzon, unIess vou cun see pIuInIv LIuL vour
course musL be uILered Loduv In order Lo uvoId LIem.
No muLLer Iow Lremendous un obsLrucLIon muv uppeur uL u dIsLunce, vou wIII hnd
LIuL II vou go on In LIe CerLuIn Wuv IL wIII dIsuppeur us vou upproucI IL, or LIuL u
wuv over, LIougI, or uround IL wIII uppeur.
No possIbIe combInuLIon oI cIrcumsLunces cun deIeuL u mun or womun wIo Is
proceedIng Lo geL rIcI uIong sLrIcLIv scIenLIhc IInes. No mun or womun wIo obevs
LIe Iuw cun IuII Lo geL rIcI, unv more LIun one cun muILIpIv Lwo bv Lwo und IuII Lo
geL Iour.
GIve no unxIous LIougIL Lo possIbIe dIsusLers, obsLucIes, punIcs, or unIuvorubIe
combInuLIons oI cIrcumsLunces; IL Is LIme enougI Lo meeL sucI LIIngs wIen LIev
presenL LIemseIves beIore vou In LIe ImmedIuLe presenL, und vou wIII hnd LIuL
everv dIIhcuILv currIes wILI IL LIe wIerewILIuI Ior ILs overcomIng.
Guurd vour speecI. Never speuk oI vourseII, vour uIIuIrs, or oI unvLIIng eIse In u
dIscouruged or dIscourugIng wuv.
Never udmIL LIe possIbIIILv oI IuIIure, or speuk In u wuv LIuL InIers IuIIure us u
Never speuk oI LIe LImes us beIng Iurd, or oI busIness condILIons us beIng doubL-
IuI. TImes muv be Iurd und busIness doubLIuI Ior LIose wIo ure on LIe compeLI-
LIve pIune, buL LIev cun never be so Ior vou; vou cun creuLe wIuL vou wunL, und
vou ure ubove Ieur.
WIen oLIers ure IuvIng Iurd LImes und poor busIness, vou wIII hnd vour greuLesL
TruIn vourseII Lo LIInk oI und Lo Iook upon LIe worId us u someLIIng wIIcI Is Be-
comIng, wIIcI Is growIng; und Lo regurd seemIng evII us beIng onIv LIuL wIIcI Is
undeveIoped. AIwuvs speuk In Lerms oI udvuncemenL; Lo do oLIerwIse Is Lo denv
vour IuILI, und Lo denv vour IuILI Is Lo Iose IL.
Never uIIow vourseII Lo IeeI dIsuppoInLed. You muv expecL Lo Iuve u cerLuIn LIIng
uL u cerLuIn LIme, und noL geL IL uL LIuL LIme; und LIIs wIII uppeur Lo vou IIke IuII-
BuL II vou IoId Lo vour IuILI vou wIII hnd LIuL LIe IuIIure Is onIv uppurenL.
Go on In LIe cerLuIn wuv, und II vou do noL receIve LIuL LIIng, vou wIII receIve
someLIIng so mucI beLLer LIuL vou wIII see LIuL LIe seemIng IuIIure wus reuIIv u
greuL success.
A sLudenL oI LIIs scIence Iud seL IIs mInd on mukIng u cerLuIn busIness combI-
nuLIon wIIcI seemed Lo IIm uL LIe LIme Lo be verv desIrubIe, und Ie worked Ior
some, weeks Lo brIng IL ubouL. WIen LIe crucIuI LIme cume, LIe LIIng IuIIed In u
perIecLIv InexpIIcubIe wuv; IL wus us II some unseen Inuence Iud been workIng
secreLIv uguInsL IIm. He wus noL dIsuppoInLed; on LIe conLrurv, Ie LIunked God
LIuL IIs desIre Iud been overruIed, und wenL sLeudIIv on wILI u gruLeIuI mInd. n
u Iew weeks un opporLunILv so mucI beLLer cume IIs wuv LIuL Ie wouId noL Iuve
mude LIe hrsL deuI on unv uccounL; und Ie suw LIuL u MInd wIIcI knew more
LIun Ie knew Iud prevenLed IIm Irom IosIng LIe greuLer good bv enLungIIng IIm-
seII wILI LIe Iesser.
TIuL Is LIe wuv everv seemIng IuIIure wIII work ouL Ior vou, II vou keep vour IuILI,
IoId Lo vour purpose, Iuve gruLILude, und do, everv duv, uII LIuL cun be done LIuL
duv, doIng eucI sepuruLe ucL In u successIuI munner.
When yoo muke u Iuilore, it is becuose yoo huve not usked Ior enoouh;
keep on, und u luruer thinu then yoo were seekinu will certuinly come
to yoo. Remember this.
You wIII noL IuII becuuse vou Iuck LIe necessurv LuIenL Lo do wIuL vou wIsI Lo do.
I vou go on us Iuve dIrecLed, vou wIII deveIop uII LIe LuIenL LIuL Is necessurv Lo
LIe doIng oI vour work.
L Is noL wILIIn LIe scope oI LIIs book Lo deuI wILI LIe scIence oI cuILIvuLIng LuIenL;
buL IL Is us cerLuIn und sImpIe us LIe process oI geLLIng rIcI.
However, do noL IesILuLe or wuver Ior Ieur LIuL wIen vou come Lo unv cerLuIn pIuce
vou wIII IuII Ior Iuck oI ubIIILv; keep rIgIL on, und wIen vou come Lo LIuL pIuce,
LIe ubIIILv wIII be IurnIsIed Lo vou. TIe sume source oI AbIIILv wIIcI enubIed LIe
unLuugIL IncoIn Lo do LIe greuLesL work In governmenL ever uccompIIsIed bv u
sIngIe mun Is open Lo vou; vou muv druw upon uII LIe mInd LIere Is Ior wIsdom Lo
use In meeLIng LIe responsIbIIILIes wIIcI ure IuId upon vou. Go on In IuII IuILI.
SLudv LIIs book. Muke IL vour consLunL compunIon unLII vou Iuve musLered uII
LIe Ideus conLuIned In IL. WIIIe vou ure geLLIng hrmIv esLubIIsIed In LIIs IuILI,
vou wIII do weII Lo gIve up mosL recreuLIons und pIeusure; und Lo sLuv uwuv Irom
pIuces wIere Ideus conIcLIng wILI LIese ure udvunced In IecLures or sermons.
Do noL reud pessImIsLIc or conIcLIng IILeruLure, or geL InLo urgumenLs upon LIe
muLLer. Do verv IILLIe reudIng, ouLsIde oI LIe wrILers menLIoned In LIe PreIuce.
Spend mosL oI vour IeIsure LIme In conLempIuLIng vour vIsIon, und In cuILIvuLIng
gruLILude, und In reudIng LIIs book. L conLuIns uII vou need Lo know oI LIe scIence
oI geLLIng rIcI; und vou wIII hnd uII LIe essenLIuIs summed up In LIe IoIIowIng
Chopter 1
THERE Is u LIInkIng sLuII Irom wIIcI uII LIIngs ure mude, und wIIcI, In ILs orIgI-
nuI sLuLe, permeuLes, peneLruLes, und hIIs LIe InLerspuces oI LIe unIverse.
A LIougIL In LIIs subsLunce produces LIe LIIng LIuL Is Imuged bv LIe LIougIL.
Mun cun Iorm LIIngs In IIs LIougIL, und bv ImpressIng IIs LIougIL upon IormIess
subsLunce cun cuuse LIe LIIng Ie LIInks ubouL Lo be creuLed.
n order Lo do LIIs, mun musL puss Irom LIe compeLILIve Lo LIe creuLIve mInd; oLI-
erwIse Ie cunnoL be In Iurmonv wILI LIe ormIess nLeIIIgence, wIIcI Is uIwuvs
creuLIve und never compeLILIve In spIrIL.
Mun muv come InLo IuII Iurmonv wILI LIe ormIess SubsLunce bv enLerLuInIng u
IIveIv und sIncere gruLILude Ior LIe bIessIngs IL besLows upon IIm. GruLILude unI-
hes LIe mInd oI mun wILI LIe InLeIIIgence oI SubsLunce, so LIuL mun`s LIougILs
ure receIved bv LIe ormIess. Mun cun remuIn upon LIe creuLIve pIune onIv bv
unILIng IImseII wILI LIe ormIess nLeIIIgence LIrougI u deep und conLInuous
IeeIIng oI gruLILude.
Mun musL Iorm u cIeur und dehnILe menLuI Imuge oI LIe LIIngs Ie wIsIes Lo Iuve,
Lo do, or Lo become; und Ie musL IoId LIIs menLuI Imuge In IIs LIougILs, wIIIe
beIng deepIv gruLeIuI Lo LIe Supreme LIuL uII IIs desIres ure grunLed Lo IIm. TIe
mun wIo wIsIes Lo geL rIcI musL spend IIs IeIsure Iours In conLempIuLIng IIs VI-
sIon, und In eurnesL LIunksgIvIng LIuL LIe reuIILv Is beIng gIven Lo IIm. Too mucI
sLress cunnoL be IuId on LIe ImporLunce oI IrequenL conLempIuLIon oI LIe menLuI
Imuge, coupIed wILI unwuverIng IuILI und devouL gruLILude. TIIs Is LIe process
bv wIIcI LIe ImpressIon Is gIven Lo LIe ormIess, und LIe creuLIve Iorces seL In
TIe creuLIve energv works LIrougI LIe esLubIIsIed cIunneIs oI nuLuruI growLI,
und oI LIe IndusLrIuI und socIuI order. AII LIuL Is IncIuded In IIs menLuI Imuge
wIII sureIv be brougIL Lo LIe mun wIo IoIIows LIe InsLrucLIons gIven ubove, und
wIose IuILI does noL wuver. WIuL Ie wunLs wIII come Lo IIm LIrougI LIe wuvs oI
esLubIIsIed Lrude und commerce.
n order Lo receIve IIs own wIen IL sIuII come Lo IIm, mun musL be ucLIve; und
LIIs ucLIvILv cun onIv consIsL In more LIun hIIIng IIs presenL pIuce. He musL keep
In mInd LIe Purpose Lo geL rIcI LIrougI LIe reuIIzuLIon oI IIs menLuI Imuge. And
Ie musL do, everv duv, uII LIuL cun be done LIuL duv, LukIng cure Lo do eucI ucL In
u successIuI munner. He musL gIve Lo everv mun u use vuIue In excess oI LIe cusI
vuIue Ie receIves, so LIuL eucI LrunsucLIon mukes Ior more IIIe; und Ie musL so
IoId LIe AdvuncIng TIougIL LIuL LIe ImpressIon oI Increuse wIII be communI-
cuLed Lo uII wILI wIom Ie comes In conLucL.
TIe men und women wIo prucLIce LIe IoregoIng InsLrucLIons wIII cerLuInIv geL
rIcI; und LIe rIcIes LIev receIve wIII be In exucL proporLIon Lo LIe dehnILeness oI
LIeIr vIsIon, LIe hxILv oI LIeIr purpose, LIe sLeudIness oI LIeIr IuILI, und LIe depLI
oI LIeIr gruLILude.
The End

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