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Diversity Networks Build an Inclusive Environment

By Doria M. Camaraza
Senior Vice President and General Manager, American Express, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

talent that represents the world we live in and the organization we are a part of is critical to our success.

iversiTy anD inClusion are not just buzz words at American Express they are business imperatives. By having a diverse and inclusive organization, we strengthen our competitive advantage which is critical to achieving our vision of becoming the worlds most respected service brand. Talent that represents the world we live in and the organization we are a part of is critical to our success. Diverse perspectives, experiences and backgrounds help us generate new ideas, attract top talent and enable us to provide superior service to our customers. This ensures we evolve with the changing needs of our customers and meet the demands of todays global marketplace. Our goal is to create an inclusive work environment where respect for individual differences is promoted; where the unique contribution of each employee is valued; and where every employee is encouraged to develop to his or her fullest potential. One of the ways that we promote this initiative at American Express is through our diversity networks. The focus of the diversity network at American Express is to build an inclusive environment that leverages the unique experiences, talents, skills and perspectives of all our employees. In Fort Lauderdale, our diversity employee networks sponsor programs that enhance professional and personal growth. Participants engage in educational activities, including job fairs and cultural events, act as liaisons to management and to the community, participate in outreach and volunteer programs, support employee recruitment and retention initiatives and enhance marketing efforts in targeted communities. These grassroots networks offer support, opportunities to exchange information and forums to promote employee awareness. Open to all employees across the company, American Express employee networks are built around topics of interest to a wide range of diverse groups. Our focus is on leveraging our diversity accomplishments to drive our business forward and fostering inclusive leadership capabilities globally to create an engaging work environment that attracts and retains top talent. PDJ
Doria Camaraza is senior vice president and general manager for the American Express Service Center in Fort Lauderdale. She assumed her role in May 2005. As the Fort Lauderdale SVP/GM, Doria also serves as the executive owner of the Global Billing and Payment Services Network.
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