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Personal Responsibility In a Desirable E

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Engle named to oversee PRIDE initiative; will remain at helm of Operation UNITE

Education awards: A dair County Kare n Engle , who he ads the anti- High and Debbie Bradshaw drug organization O pe ration UNITE, Education awards: Russell will now also coordinate the PR IDE County Middle initiative in Southe rn and Easte rn Education awards: Letcher Ke ntuck y. County Central High Education awards: Corbin Middle, Engle be cam e pre side nt and chie f Corbin High, Whitley County Middle e x e cutive office r of both EKU-Corbin Campus adds rain organizations on Monday, June 25, following approval from PR IDE's garden with PRIDE PRIDE awards $346,000 for Board of Dire ctors. education Feed the Pill Dragon at free Engle re pla ce s form e r PR IDE Ex e cutive Dire ctor R icha rd Thom a s, "Clean Your Medicine Cabinet Out who we nt to work for the Ke ntuck y Day" events Lindsey Wilson College rain O ffice of C haritable Gam ing e arlie r garden will fix drainage and this m onth. educate community Education awards: Mt. Vernon "Kare n is no strange r to PR IDE, having se rve d thre e ye a rs a s its Elementary School e x e cutive dire ctor," said Fifth District C ongre ssm an Harold "Hal" 2010 PRIDE Spring Cleanup Roge rs. "I k now he r k nowle dge and le ade rship will se rve both A wards organizations we ll as the y continue to m ak e Southe rn and Educator of the Year A wards: Easte rn Ke ntuck y a de sirable pla ce to live ." Lynn Stivers, St. Camillus A cademy PRIDE, which prom ote s Pe rsonal Re sponsibility In a De sirable Educator of the Year A wards: Environm e nt in 38 countie s, was launche d in 1997 by R oge rs Hans Doderer, Paintsville High a nd the late Ge ne ral Jam e s Bick ford, form e r Se cre ta ry of the Education awards: Runyon Ke ntuck y Natural R e source s and Environm e ntal Prote ction Elementary School, Shelby Valley Cabine t. The ir vision was to re store the natural be a uty of the ir High School and St. Francis of native re gion by e ncouraging citize ns to tak e re sponsibility for A ssisi School prote cting the ir e nvironm e nt a nd by providing the e duca tion Roadside PRIDE funds awarded a nd re source s the y ne e d to do so. PRIDE volunteer record: 31,239 in Spring Cleanup PRIDE unite s citize ns with the re source s of fe de ral, state and Runyon Elementary opens local gove rnm e nts in orde r to: 1) im prove wate r quality in the recycling center re gion, 2) cle an up ille gal trash dum ps and othe r solid waste Field trip to a floating classroom proble m s, a nd 3) prom ote e nvironm e ntal a wa re ne ss a nd Laurel Lake Cleanup: Volunteers e duca tion. The first two goa ls a re a im e d a t cle a ning up the e x isting proble m s cre ate d by the re gion's two prim ary pollution encouraged to preregister PRIDE Clean Sweep of US 27 in source s: dum ping trash ille gally and discharging raw se wage through straight pipe s or failing se ptic syste m s. The third goal Somerset 325 PRIDE volunteers cleaned at a ddre sse s the ne e d to bre a k the cycle of pollution. Cumberland Falls PRIDE awards $587,500 for Cre ate d by R oge rs in 2003, O pe ration UNITE, which stands for Unlawful Narcotics Inve stigations, Tre a tm e nt & Education, is a Spring Cleanup Month re gional anti-drug initiative e m powe ring citize ns groups and 2010 ENVIRONMENTA L com m unity le ade rs in 29 Southe rn and Easte rn Ke ntuck y EDUCA TION CONTRA CTS: countie s. A PPLICA TIONS DUE MA Y 14 PRIDE septic system grants Through co m m unity coalitions, UNITE se e k s to fight this drug available for limited time e pide m ic by e x panding drug a wa re ne ss a nd e duca tion Spring Cleanup planning program s to k e e p pe ople from using drugs; coordinating drug workshops: March 2, 3, 5, 9 tre a tm e nt a nd outre a ch program s for those who a re a lre a dy PRIDE/Corps of Engineers Sec. a ddicte d; a nd ope ra ting re giona l unde rcove r law e nforce m e nt 531 Program: A pplications due task force s for inte rdiction and prose cution of those de aling Jan. 31 drugs. Hinkle Contracting cleaned dump for McCreary County with PRIDE "I am hum ble d by the confide nce C ongre ssm an R oge rs has 2009 PRIDE Campus of the Year e x pre sse d in m y ability to coordina te two of his flagship A wards program s," Engle said. "I se e so m uch pote ntial for PR IDE and October is Roadside PRIDE UNITE to m ak e a diffe re nce in the live s of e ve ry pe rson in Month Southe rn and Easte rn Ke ntuck y." PRIDE Envi Youth Conferences 1 million volunteer hours "Both organizations are le d by a quality staff," she continue d. invested in environment "I will utilize this tale nt to e x pand e x isting program s and cre ate $355,087 in PRIDE ne w opportunitie s." Environmental Education Grants Rogers Scholars pick up litter at Engle , a native of Pik e C ounty, work e d for R oge rs fro m 1994 to Lake Cumberland 1999, first as case work e r in Pik e ville the n a s a fie ld PRIDE welcomes Keeney and re pre se ntative and proje ct m anage r in Hazard. She le ft to Osborne to Board be com e assistant dire ctor of PRIDE, a nd was prom ote d to its Donate now for E. Ky. flood e x e cutive dire ctor in May 2000 Thre e ye ars late r Engle was



e x e cutive dire ctor in May 2000. Thre e ye a rs late r Engle was tappe d by R oge rs to cre ate UNITE following a se rie s of ne wspape r article s de tailing the re gions drug e pide m ic. A graduate of Elk horn C ity High School, she re ce ive d a bache lor of scie nce de gre e in m anage m e nt with a m ark e ting m inor from Union C olle ge . Engle is a 2003 graduate of the Le ade rship Tri-C ounty program , re ce ive d the "2004 Aurora Awards Gold Award" for producing the 2003 PR IDE ENVI Awards show, was fe ature d by the C orbin Tim e s-Tribune ne wspape r in Se pte m be r 2005 as one of 20 succe ssful pe ople unde r a ge 40 in the Tri-C ounty are a (Knox , Laure l and W hitle y countie s), and re ce ive d Le ade rship Tri-C ounty's "W illiam D. Hack e r, M.D., Le ade r of the Ye ar 2006" award in January 2006. She is curre ntly a participant in the Le ade rship Ke ntuck y program . Curre ntly she is a m e m be r of the Union C olle ge Alum ni Associa tion a nd se rve s a s a m e m be r of Gove rnor Ernie Fle tche rs Drug C ontrol Asse ssm e nt Te a m a nd the C ouncil on Post-Se condary Education Nom inating Com m itte e . She is a form e r m e m be r of the Boa rd of Dire ctors for the C ha lle nge r Le arning C e nte r of Ke ntuck y. For m ore inform ation about O pe ration UNITE visit the ir we bsite atwww.ope rationunite .org. Poste d: 26 Jun 2007

Personal Responsibility In a Desirable E

victims Toyota field trips by PRIDE Campuses of the Year PRIDE educator available to schools next fall Wal-Mart sponsors Spring Cleanup Month in A pril Outdoor Venture Corporation sponsors PRIDE Spring Cleanup METH LA B SA FETY BRIEFING FOR VOLUNTEERS Spring Cleanup Month starts at Cumberland Falls PRIDE Clean Sweep of US 27 on A pril 17 "PRIDE: A Decade of Difference" on TV PRIDE announces fall cleanup results, prepares for Spring Cleanup PRIDE Spring Cleanup funds Spring Cleanup Workshops: March 9, 10, 12 Spring Cleanup workshops scheduled Pulaski County's gifted students share PRIDE in schools and WalMart Rockcastle Co. teen launches recycling in schools Envi A wards: Videos now online Corbin Bypass Cleanup kicked off Roadside PRIDE PRIDE education grants to serve 28,921 students Mt. Vernons new sewer line will protect water supply for 23,000 people Congressman Rogers sees PRIDE at Mt. Vernon Elementary Learning from a simulated diesel spill in KY River PRIDE donates wetland book to libraries Rogers Scholars clean up with PRIDE Columbia extends sewer to 85 homes Rogers Explorers serve community with PRIDE NOA A scientist dedicates Cold Hill Elementary lab Science Hill celebrates sewer improvements Green Month awards given at Earth Day Celebration Volunteers clean up Cumberland Falls with PRIDE Earth Day Celebration: Somerset Community College, A pril 20 PRIDE awards $142,000 for Spring Cleanup Spring Cleanup Kickoff A pril 5 at Cumberland Falls PRIDE Education Grants: A pplications due May 16 Wetland Restoration Institute: A pplications due A pril 24 Schools invited to join PRIDE Environmental Ed Outreach Program Corps spearheads cleanup effort while Lake Cumberland is lower Environmental educator to lead PRIDE in 2008 Roadside PRIDE A wards announced PRIDE awards environmental education grants Pulaski Co. & Somerset Schools join PRIDE Environmental Education Outreach Program PRIDE f d i t


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