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My Facebook Friends List It occurred to me recently that having my Facebook friends on a list is of the utmost importance.

Mainly because one of my Facebook friends told me how utterly important it is to put my friends on a list. I suppose this is because I now have so many friends I no longer know who my friends are. When I first started a Facebook page, I only had a hundred or so friends and therefore, my page was my list, but now evidently I need a list for my list. It does make sense if you think about it. You want to disseminate information to the people whove asked for it, without bombarding those who dont. I probably dont need to let my friends in Joplin know about my next stand-up date in San Diego as they are more concerned with rebuilding their town after the tornado than knowing when Im going to be funny again in a town they have no plans on visiting. So, I started some lists. I put some people on them. And then a funny thing happened. I was left with people I didnt know, or people I thought I knew, but didnt just because their name sounded like someone else I knew. Then there is my wifes family. She is Hispanic and although there are 70 million Hispanics in this country they unfortunately only have eight names to go around. Im left to decide which Carlos or which Maria you might be, and youve decided to use a fuzzy bunny or a low rider as your profile picture which is no help. How do I remedy these hanging chads of my Facebook friends? I have a plan. Well, its not a plan so much as a questionnaire. Please take the following Which list do I belong on? quiz, then compare your answers to mine and let me know how many you got right. I promise it will be fun. I promise this is not some hierarchical this list is better than that list type of categorization. It is truly so I wont keep sending you invites to things in San Diego when you live in Missouri, or forwarding on real estate marketing seminar information when you are an actor friend of mine. As the clich goes, its not you, its me. I am fatigued by event invitations as I am sure you are. If we can all be more selective by creating Iists of our friends that want to be in the loop on certain subjects we all benefit, right? I promise I wont delete anyone.* Ironically, you will probably learn more about me in the process. And please feel free to duplicate this for your own Facebook page when youre done. *Unless youre a pervert. (This could turn out to be highly educational for me, too!) THE QUESTIONS: Because I love TV & movies, I will be basing my entire questionnaire on film and television, but feel free to pick a topic or topics you are passionate about when you make your own list. 1. What are my Favorite Movies of all time?

2. What are my current Favorite Movies? 3. What are my channeling surfing movies? (The movies I will always watch when there is nothing else on and I randomly run across it.) 4. What are some of my favorite movie quotes? 5. What are my current favorite TV shows? 6. What are my favorite TV shows of all time?

Answers: Favorite Movies of all time: (in no particular order) (Worth 11 points) Fifth Element, Galaxy Quest, Breakfast Club, Pulp Fiction, Dazed & Confused, Poltergeist, Unbreakable, The Incredibles, Bladerunner, Terminator, Time Bandits

Current Movie Favorites: (Worth 10 points) I Love You, Man, The Hangover, Wristcutters: A Love Story, In Bruges, Bunny and the Bull, Toy Story 3, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, Part II, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Kick-Ass, 500 Days of Summer

Channel Surfing Movies: (also includes anything on the first two lists, but those dont count twice. Cmon!) (Worth 20 points) Tomb Raider, Men In Black, Die Hard 4, Iron Giant, Amelie, The Proposal, Natural Born Killers, Sahara, Shawshank Redemption, Armageddon, any Harry Potter movie, The Sixth Sense, A Bugs Life, Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill: Volume I, 50 First Dates, Somethings Gotta Give, Miss Congeniality, Chasing Amy, Clerks

Favorite Movie Quotes: (Worth 13 points) I wanna touch the butt. Finding Nemo Lets get out of here, before one of those things kills, Guy. Galaxy Quest I see you managed to get your shirt off. Galaxy Quest

Hold on to your butts. Jurassic Park Aziz, light! The Fifth Element And Vivian has run himself over. High Class Twit of the Year contest from, And Now for Something Completely Different I want to have babies. You cant have babies. Dont you oppress me! (Two men discuss being pregnant.) Life of Brian This house is clean. Poltergeist Mom, Dad, dont touch it. Its evil. Time Bandits Nothing is over. NOTHING! First Blood Puff, puff, give! Friday They call it a Royale with Cheese. They got the metric system over there. They dont know what the fuck a quarter-pounder is. Pulp Fiction Look at the brains on Brad! Pulp Fiction

Current TV Favorites: (Worth 9 Points) Burn Notice, White Collar, Mad Men, The Daily Show, Psych, The Mentalist, Bones, Castle, So You Think You Can Dance

All Time TV Favorites: (Worth 12 Points) Mork & Mindy, Barney Miller, The Tick, South Park, The Simpsons, The Cosby Show, Kids in the Hall, Saturday Night Live, Rockford Files, Hill Street Blues, Columbo, ER

Conclusions: Possibility of 75 points. If you come up with something I didnt think of you automatically make it to my super tight list. No questions asked. 0-2 points: We dont know each other. Obviously. However, that means you are a friend of a friend and thats great! Let me know who our mutual friend(s) is/are. However, these are really popular movies and I am concerned about your guessing skills. Never enter a game show. 3-5 points: We probably knew each in the 90s. Why? Because I cant remember anything from then either. Which means youll go in my friends from Kansas City List.

6-10 points: Heres where it gets trickier. Where all of your answers from the all time categories? Then you were probably a friend growing up. Youll go in the Kansas City List, too. Were all your answers in the movie quotes category? You are probably an actor Ive spent time with on set, as every set devolves to a famous movie quote-off lasting approximately 5 minutes to 5 hours. Were all your correct answers in the current categories? Then you are probably a friend in San Diego. Are you an actor? A comedian? A writer? Other entertainment industry? A real estate agent, or related to the industry? A friend I hang with at parties? A distant relative? Or something else I havent thought of yet? Let me know so I can put you on the right list. 10 25 points: We are probably very close friends or you are somehow related to me. Thats an easy one. There is a 99.9% chance you are already on one of my lists. More than 25 points: You are my wife. No one else knows that much about me

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