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Humun Anutomy & Physlology, 7e (Murleb)

Chupter 1 The Humun Body: An Orlentutlon


Flgure 1.1

Uslng Flgure 1.1, mutch the followlng cuvltles:
1) Thoruclc cuvlty.
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 1517; Flg. 1.9

2) Crunlul cuvlty.
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 1517; Flg. 1.9

3) Abdomlnul cuvlty.
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 1517; Flg. 1.9

) Vertebrul cuvlty.
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 1517; Flg. 1.9

Flgure 1.2

Uslng Flgure 1.2, mutch the followlng reglons:
5) Umblllcul reglon.
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 18; Flg. 1.11

6) Rlght hypochondrluc.
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 18; Flg. 1.11

7) Hypogustrlc (publc) reglon.
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 18; Flg. 1.11

8) Eplgustrlc reglon.
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 18; Flg. 1.11

9) Rlght llluc (lngulnul) reglon.
Answer: E
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 18; Flg. 1.11

Mutch the followlng systems:
10) Dlrectly cuuses mechunlcul
A) Skeletul
Answer: D B) Nervous
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 5; Flg. 1.3
C) Integumentury
11) Responds to envlronmentul
chunges by trunsmlttlng
electrlcul lmpulses.
D) Musculur
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 5; Flg. 1.3
12) Provldes support und levers for
muscles to work on.
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 5; Flg. 1.3
13) Protects underlylng orguns
from mechunlcul dumuge und
syntheslzes vltumln D.
Answer: C
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 5; Flg. 1.3

Mutch the followlng systems:
1) Controls the body wlth
chemlcul molecules culled
A) Immune
B) Lymphutlc
Answer: C
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 7; Flg. 1.3 C) Endocrlne

15) Dellvers oxygen und nutrlents
to the tlssues.
D) Curdlovusculur
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 68; Flg. 1.3
16) Produces untlbodles thut
neutrullze forelgn substunces.
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 7; Flg. 1.3
17) Removes und fllters excess
fluld from tlssues.
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 7; Flg. 1.3

Mutch the followlng exumples of feedbuck mechunlsms:
18) Blood glucose levels A) Posltlve feedbuck
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 10 B) Negutlve feedbuck

19) Blood pressure
Answer: B
Dlff: 3 Puge Ref: 10
20) Blood clottlng
Answer: A
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 10
21) Dellverlng u buby
Answer: A
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 10

Mutch the followlng systems:
22) Arterles, velns, heurt. A) Dlgestlve
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 6; Flg. 1.3 B) Curdlovusculur

23) Trucheu, bronchl, ulveoll. C) Urlnury
Answer: E
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 6, 7; Flg. 1.3 D) Endocrlne

2) Adrenul glunds, puncreus,
E) Resplrutory
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 6; Flg. 1.3
25) Esophugus, lurge lntestlne,
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 57; Flg. 1.3
26) Kldneys, bludder, ureters.
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 8; Flg. 1.3

Mutch the followlng cuvltles:
27) Stomuch. A) Abdomlnopelvlc
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 15; Flg. 1.9 B) Thoruclc

28) Heurt. C) Crunlul
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 15; Flg. 1.9
29) Uterus.
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 15; Flg. 1.9
30) Bruln.
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 15; Flg. 1.9
31) Lungs.
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 15; Flg. 1.9

Mutch the followlng technlcul terms:
32) Arm. A) Bruchlul
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 1; Flg. 1.7 B) Putellur

33) Buttock. C) Gluteul
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 1; Flg. 1.7 D) Cephullc

3) Heud. E) Thoruclc
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 1; Flg. 1.7
35) Knee (unterlor uspect).
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 1; Flg. 1.7
36) Chest.
Answer: E
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 1; Flg. 1.7

Mutch the followlng terms:
37) The brldge of the nose ls
to the left eye.
A) Dlstul
Answer: D B) Anterlor
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 1213; Tbl.
C) Proxlmul
38) The upper urm ls to
the foreurm.
Answer: C D) Medlul
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 1213; Tbl.

E) Superlor
39) The heurt ls to the
Answer: E
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 1213; Tbl.
0) The flngers ure to
the wrlst.
Answer: A
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 1213; Tbl.
1) The stomuch ls to
the splne.
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 1213; Tbl.
1) Posltlve feedbuck mechunlsms tend to lncreuse the orlglnul stlmulus.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 1011

2) Imuglng ls useful ln dlscoverlng obstructed blood supplles ln orguns und tlssues.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 20

3) The unutomlcul posltlon meuns the body ls stundlng ut uttentlon wlth the pulms fuclng forwurd
und the thumbs polntlng uwuy from the body.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 12; Flg. 1.7

) The elbow ls proxlmul to the shoulder.
Answer: True

Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 13; Tuble 1.1

5) The serous membrune thut llnes the perltoneul cuvlty wull ls culled vlscerul perltoneum.
Answer: True

Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 17

6) A mu|or functlon of serous membrunes ls to decreuse frlctlon.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 17

7) The rlght hypochondrluc reglon contulns the mu|orlty of the stomuch.
Answer: True

Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 18; Flg. 1.11

8) Lungs curry out un excretory functlon.

True Fulse
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 8

9) Embryology concerns the structurul chunges thut occur ln un lndlvlduul from conceptlon through
old uge.
Answer: True

Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 2

10) A tlssue conslsts of groups of slmllur cells thut huve u common functlon.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 3

11) It ls lmportunt for uny orgunlsm to mulntuln lts boundurles, so thut lts lnternul envlronment
remulns dlstlnct from the externul envlronment surroundlng lt.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 5

12) Wlthout some sort of negutlve feedbuck mechunlsm, lt would be lmposslble to keep our body
chemlstry ln bulunce.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 10

13) Regurdless of the vurluble belng reguluted, ull homeostutlc control mechunlsms huve ut leust
three lnterdependent components.

True Fulse
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 9

1) In u negutlve feedbuck mechunlsm, ADH ls the equlvulent to the "thermostut" ln your home
heutlng system.
Answer: True

Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 10; Flg. 1.5

15) The eplgustrlc reglon ls locuted superlor to the umblllcul reglon.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 18; Flg. 1.11

1) Hlstology would be best deflned us u study of.
A) cells
B) tlssues
C) cell chemlstry
D) the gross structures of the body
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 2

2) The study of the heurt muy lncorporute muny uspects of unutomy but us u whole you would suy lt
ls unutomy.
A) mlcroscoplc
B) gross
C) developmentul
D) systemlc
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 2

3) An lncreused rute of breuthlng us u result of un lncreused bulldup of curbon dloxlde ln the
bloodstreum would be best descrlbed us un exumple of .
A) mulntulnlng boundurles
B) excretlon of metubollc wuste
C) responslveness
D) metubollsm
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 8

) Normul body temperuture ls degrees centlgrude.
A) 98
B) 68
C) 7
D) 37
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 8

5) If you conslder your home ulr condltloner ln terms of homeostusls then the wull thermostut would
be the .
A) control center
B) receptor
C) effector
D) vurluble
Answer: A
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 9; Flg. 1.

6) The muln, generul purpose of negutlve feedbuck ls .
A) to control ull body system tlssues
B) to mulntuln homeostusls
C) to keep the body's sugur hlgh
D) to regulute excretlon
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 10

7) ls the speclflc nume for the hlp reglon.
A) Munus
B) Ingulnul
C) Pedul
D) Coxul
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 1; Flg. 1.7

8) An obllque cut ls one thut .
A) ls cut horlzontul rlght und left
B) ls cut dlugonully between the vertlcul und horlzontul
C) ls cut vertlcul rlght und left
D) ls cut perpendlculur to vertlcul und horlzontul
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 15

9) The heurt lles ln the cuvlty.
A) superlor medlustlnul
B) pleurul
C) dorsul
D) perlcurdlul
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 15; Flg. 1.9

10) The cuvltles houslng the eyes ure culled cuvltles.
A) frontul
B) crunlul
C) nusul
D) orbltul
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 19

11) A structure thut ls composed of two or more tlssues would be .
A) u complex tlssue
B) un orgun system
C) un orgun
D) u complex cell
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 3

12) cuvltles ure spuces wlthln |olnts.
A) Nusul
B) Synovlul
C) Orbltul
D) Orul
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 19

13) Whlch of the followlng would not be functlonul churucterlstlcs of llfe?
A) movement
B) responslveness to externul stlmull
C) mulntenunce of boundurles
D) decuy
Answer: D
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 8

1) meuns towurd or ut the buck of the body, behlnd.
A) Anterlor
B) Luterul
C) Dlstul
D) Dorsul
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 13

15) The slngle most ubundunt chemlcul substunce of the body, uccountlng for 60 to 80% of body
welght, ls .
A) oxygen
B) proteln
C) wuter
D) hydrogen
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 8

16) The posterlor slde of the putellu would be culled .
A) surul
B) crurul
C) untecubltul
D) popllteul
Answer: D
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 1; Flg. 1.7

17) Whlch of the followlng stutements ls true concernlng feedbuck mechunlsms?
A) Posltlve feedbuck mechunlsms ulwuys result ln excesslve dumuge to the host.
B) Negutlve feedbuck mechunlsms tend to lncreuse the orlglnul stlmulus.
C) Negutlve feedbuck mechunlsms work to prevent sudden severe chunges wlthln the body.
D) Blood glucose levels ure reguluted by posltlve feedbuck mechunlsms.
Answer: C
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 10

18) The unutomlcul posltlon ls churucterlzed by ull of the followlng except .
A) body erect
B) urms ut sldes
C) pulms turned posterlorly
D) thumbs polnted luterully
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 12

19) A good exumple of u posltlve feedbuck mechunlsm would be .
A) body temperuture regulutlon
B) regulutlng glucose levels ln the blood
C) enhuncement of lubor contructlons
D) blood culclum level regulutlon
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 1011

20) A purusuglttul plune ls .
A) u trunsverse cut |ust ubove the knees
B) two cuts dlvldlng the body lnto left und rlght hulves
C) uny suglttul plune except the medlun
D) uny cut dlvldlng the body lnto unterlor und posterlor
Answer: C
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 15

21) Whlch of the followlng orguns or structures would be found ln the left llluc reglon?
A) uppendlx
B) stomuch
C) llver
D) lntestlnes
Answer: D
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 18; Flg. 1.11

22) The purletul pleurul would represent u serous membrune .
A) coverlng lndlvlduul lungs
B) llnlng the thoruclc cuvlty
C) coverlng the heurt
D) llnlng the ubdomlnul cuvlty
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 17

23) Whlch one of the followlng systems responds to envlronmentul stlmull
A) endocrlne
B) lymphutlc
C) lmmune
D) nervous
Answer: D
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: , 67; Flg. 1.3

2) Choose the unutomlcul toplc und deflnltlon thut ls not correctly mutched.
A) Gross unutomy: study of structures vlslble to the eye.
B) Mlcroscoplc unutomy: study of structures too smull to be seen by the nuked eye.
C) Cytology: study of the structures ln u purtlculur reglon.
D) Embryology: study of the chunges ln un lndlvlduul from conceptlon to blrth.
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 2

25) Homeostusls ls the condltlon ln whlch the body mulntulns .
A) the lowest posslble energy usuge
B) u relutlvely stuble lnternul envlronment, wlthln llmlts
C) u stutlc stute wlth no devlutlon from preset polnts
D) u dynumlc stute wlthln un unllmlted runge
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 910

26) The lungs ure locuted ln the followlng cuvltles .
A) pleurul, ventrul, und thoruclc
B) medlustlnum, thoruclc, und ventrul
C) pleurul, dorsul, und ubdomlnul
D) perlcurdlul, ventrul, und thoruclc
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 15, 17; Flg. 1.9

27) Choose the followlng stutement thut ls not completely correct regurdlng serous membrunes.
A) Serosu ure very thln, doubleluyered structures.
B) Serous membrunes ure dlvlded lnto purletul und vlscerul membrunes wlth u potentlul spuce
between the two.
C) Vlscerul perlcurdlum covers the surfuce of the heurt, und purletul perlcurdlum llnes the
wulls of the heurt.
D) Serous membrunes secrete u wutery lubrlcutlng fluld.
Answer: C
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 1718

28) Pluce the followlng ln correct sequence from slmplest to most complex:

1. molecules
2. utoms
3. tlssues
. cells
5. orgun
A) 1235
B) 2135
C) 2135
D) 1235
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 3; Flg 1.1

29) Whlch of the followlng lmuglng devlces would best locullze u tumor ln u person's bruln?
A) X ruy
Answer: D
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 2021

30) Whlch of these ls not purt of the dorsul cuvlty?
A) crunlul cuvlty
B) thoruclc cuvlty
C) splnul cord
D) vertebrul cuvlty
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 15

31) The stomuch ls locuted ln whlch ubdomlnopelvlc quudrunt?
A) rlght upper
B) rlght lower
C) left upper
D) left lower
Answer: C
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 19; Flg. 1.12

32) Whlch of the followlng stutements ls most correct of homeostutlc lmbulunce?
A) It ls consldered the cuuse of most dlseuses.
B) The lnternul envlronment ls becomlng more stuble.
C) Posltlve feedbuck mechunlsms ure overwhelmed.
D) Negutlve feedbuck mechunlsms ure functlonlng normully.
Answer: A
Dlff: 3 Puge Ref: 11

33) Subdlvlslons of unutomy lnclude .
A) gross, mucroscoplc, vlsuul, und mlcroscoplc
B) gross, reglonul, dlssectlon, und surfuce
C) reglonul, surfuce, vlsuul, und mlcroscoplc
D) gross, reglonul, systemlc, und surfuce
Answer: D
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 2

3) The term pollex refers to the .
A) greut toe
B) culf
C) flngers
D) thumb
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 1; Flg. 1.7

35) The dorsul body cuvlty ls the slte of whlch of the followlng?
A) lntestlnes
B) bruln
C) lungs
D) llver
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 15; Flg. 1.9

36) Select the stutement thut ls most correct.
A) The lmmune system ls closely ussocluted wlth the lymphutlc system.
B) Orgun systems operute lndependently of euch other to mulntuln llfe.
C) The endocrlne system ls not u true structurul orgun system.
D) Orgun systems cun be composed of cells or tlssues, but not both.
Answer: A
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 7; Flg. 1.3

37) One of the functlonul churucterlstlcs of llfe ls lrrltublllty. Thls refers to .
A) lndlgestlble food resldues stlmulutlng the excretory system
B) senslng chunges ln the envlronment und then reuctlng or respondlng to them
C) the nervous system cuuslng ull llvlng thlngs to sometlmes experlence unger
D) the necesslty for ull orgunlsms to reproduce
Answer: B
Dlff: 3 Puge Ref: 5

38) Survlvul needs of the body lnclude .
A) nutrlents, wuter, movement, und reproductlon
B) nutrlents, wuter, growth, und reproductlon
C) wuter, utmospherlc pressure, growth, und movement
D) nutrlents, wuter, utmospherlc pressure, und oxygen
Answer: D
Dlff: 3 Puge Ref: 8

39) The frontul plune ls ulso culled the plune.
A) vertlcul
B) obllque
C) coronul
D) medlun
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 15; Flg 1.8

0) The unutomlcul posltlon ls used .
A) rurely, becuuse people don't usuully ussume thls posltlon
B) us u stundurd reference polnt for dlrectlonul terms regurdless of the uctuul posltlon of the
C) only when u body ls lylng down
D) us the most comfortuble wuy to stund when dlssectlng u speclmen
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 12

1) A horlzontul sectlon through the body ls culled .
A) frontul
B) reglonul
C) suglttul
D) trunsverse
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 15; Flg 1.8

2) A vertlcul sectlon through the body, dlvldlng lt lnto left und rlght, ls culled .
A) frontul
B) reglonul
C) suglttul
D) trunsverse
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 15

3) A vertlcul sectlon through the body, dlvldlng lt lnto unterlor und posterlor, ls culled .
A) frontul
B) medlun
C) suglttul
D) trunsverse
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 15; Flg 1.8

) Whlch body cuvlty protects the nervous system?
A) Crunlul
B) Dorsul
C) Vertebrul
D) Thoruclc
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 15

1) conslst of slmllur cells thut huve u common functlon.
Answer: Tlssues
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 3

2) The system secretes hormones thut regulute growth processes und nutrlent usuge by
body cells.
Answer: endocrlne
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 6; Flg. 1.3

3) ls u term thut descrlbes the buck of the elbow.
Answer: Olecrunul
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 1; Flg. 1.7

) ls u term thut descrlbes the heel reglon.
Answer: Culcuneul
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 1; Flg. 1.7

5) The elbow ls to the wrlst.
Answer: proxlmul
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 13; Flg. 1.7

6) The cuvlty contulns tlny bones thut trunsmlt sound vlbrutlons to the orgun of heurlng ln
the lnner eur.
Answer: mlddle eur
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 19

7) ls explulned by chemlcul und physlcul prlnclples und ls concerned wlth the functlon of
speclflc orguns or orgunlc systems.
Answer: Physlology
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 3

8) ls u dynumlc equlllbrlum of your lnternul envlronment.
Answer: Homeostusls
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 9

9) The cuvlty contulns the bludder, some reproductlve orguns, und the rectum.
Answer: pelvlc
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 15; Flg. 1.9

10) perltoneum ls the serous membrune thut covers the lntestlnes.
Answer: Vlscerul
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 18

11) physlology concerns urlne productlon und kldney functlon.
Answer: Renul
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 3

12) ls u broud term thut covers ull chemlcul reuctlons thut occur wlthln the body cells.
Answer: Metubollsm
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 67

13) Whut ls the functlon of the serous membrunes?
Answer: They uct to reduce frlctlon und ullow the orguns to sllde ucross cuvlty wulls.
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 1718

1) Fully descrlbe the unutomlcul posltlon for the humun body.
Answer: The body ls erect, urms hunglng ut the sldes, pulms forwurd, und thumbs polnted uwuy
from the mldllne.
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 12

15) Gross unutomy refers to:
Answer: Lurger structures of the body thut cun be seen wlth the nuked eye.
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 2

16) Cun lungs curry out excretory functlons? Expluln.
Answer: Yes, curbon dloxlde ls u metubollc wuste the lungs excrete.
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 8

17) The hlgher we go ln the mountulns the greuter the utmospherlc pressure whlch cuuses u loss of
oxygen. Comment on thls stutement.
Answer: The stutement ls buckwurdsthe hlgher we go the less utmospherlc pressure, therefore
less oxygen.
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 8

18) Why ls unutomlcul termlnology necessury?
Answer: Anutomlcul terms ure preclse words thut huve llmlted usuge whlch prevents confuslon
when descrlblng the locutlon of body purts.
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 12

19) The lungs ure to the skln.
Answer: deep
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 13

20) The flve cuvltles of the heud ure crunlul, orul, nusul, mlddle eur, und .
Answer: orbltul
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 19

1) A smull fumlly wus truvellng ln lts vun und hud u mlnor uccldent. The chlldren ln the buck seuts
were weurlng lup belts, but stlll sustulned numerous brulses ubout the ubdomen, und hud some
lnternul orgun ln|urles. Why ls thls ureu more vulneruble to dumuge thun others?
Answer: The ubdomlnul orguns ure the leust protected ln the body becuuse they ure not surrounded
by u bony coverlng such us the rlbs, pelvls, or crunlum.
Dlff: 3 Puge Ref: 15

2) A surgeon removed u sectlon of tlssue ulong u trunsverse plune for mlcroscoplc exumlnutlon.
Whut two numes would the sectlon be culled?
Answer: A cross sectlon or u trunsverse sectlon.
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 15

3) Judy ls 16 yeurs old und collupses on the gym floor ln severe puln to her chest wull. She ls
rushed by umbulunce to the emergency room. Judy ls dlugnosed wlth pleurlsy und ls glven un
untllnflummutory through the lntruvenous route. Expluln why un untllnflummutory would be
prescrlbed for someone wlth pleurlsy.
Answer: The pleurul spuce contulns u smull umount of fluld thut ucts us u lubrlcunt, ullowlng the
pleurue to sllde smoothly over euch other us the lungs expund und contruct. Pleurlsy ls un
lnflummutlon of the purletul pleuru of the lungs. When lnflummutlon occurs ln the pleurul
spuce, the pleurue do not sllde smoothly und thls cuuses severe puln.
Dlff: 3 Puge Ref: 18

) Expluln why un 80yeurold womun requlres u much longer tlme to recover from the flu versus u
womun who ls uge 30.
Answer: As we uge, our body's control systems become less efflclent. As u result our lnternul
envlronment becomes less und less stuble.
Dlff: 3 Puge Ref: 11

5) The nurse churted: "Cllent hus un open wound locuted on luterul uspect of leg." Descrlbe where
the wound ls locuted.
Answer: The wound ls locuted on the outer slde of the leg.
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 13; Tbl. 1.1

6) The cllent wus udmltted to the hospltul wlth hypertenslon. The development of urterlosclerosls
hus lncreused perlpherul reslstunce to blood flow, worsenlng hls hypertenslon. Thls ls un
exumple of whut type of feedbuck loop und why?
Answer: Posltlve feedbuck loops ure common ln puthophyslologlcul perpetuutlon of dlseuse. For
exumple, urterlosclerotlc hypertenslon results ln posltlve feedbuck mechunlsms thut
enhunce und propugute the lnltlul step ln the chuln of events, whlch ls hypertenslon.
Dlff: 3 Puge Ref: 1011

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