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ProfTentacles rapclassroom JOHNSAYERS reflectivemaths coope83 GeogJo laurap40 SexEdUKation PivotalEllie web20education cherrylkd GeographyCarrie GreenAPLEd PivotalEllie GeographyCarrie

JOHNSAYERS cherrylkd ProfTentacles pivotalpaul cherrylkd DigitalBlonde GreenAPLEd rapclassroom ICTmagic DigitalBlonde rapclassroom mikeatedji ukedchat CreativeEdu web20education RayFleming PivotalEllie

21:15 21:14 21:14 21:13 21:10 21:10 21:09 21:09 21:09 21:08 21:08 21:08 21:07 21:06 21:06 21:06 21:06 21:05 21:05 21:04 21:04 21:04 21:04 21:04 21:04 21:03 21:03 21:03 21:03 21:02 21:02 21:02

rapclassroom ICTmagic PivotalEllie debbisimpson mikeatedji careerseventsuk BobToms100 emmamorgan2011 ePaceonline PivotalEllie coope83 rebeccagcole mikeatedji CreativeEdu ukedchat GeekPeter CreativeEdu DavidPott john_at_muuua mikeatedji chrisleach78 cleverfiend PivotalEllie ePaceonline cherrylkd mikeatedji Mando_Commando rebeccagcole Biolady99

21:02 21:02 21:02 21:01 21:01 21:01 21:01 21:01 21:01 21:01 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 20:59 20:59 20:59 20:59 20:59 20:59 20:59 20:59 20:59 20:59 20:59 20:59

CreativeEdu ukedchat ePaceonline rapclassroom CreativeEdu PivotalEllie GeographyCarrie ukedchat mikeatedji MathsChatterbox fmfgerard mikeatedji careerseventsuk ukedchat cherrylkd CreativeEdu john_at_muuua SexEdUKation GeekPeter debbisimpson PivotalEllie GreenAPLEd jamesed11 CreativeEdu john_at_muuua CreativeEdu cherrylkd PivotalEllie SexEdUKation

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teachitso GeekPeter Mando_Commando mikeatedji SexEdUKation SusanElkinJourn MattFothergill cleverfiend ukedchat john_at_muuua RossMannell CreativeEdu ePaceonline laurap40 JOHNSAYERS mikeatedji altyapple GeographyCarrie cherrylkd rapclassroom ePaceonline chrismcd53 SusanElkinJourn PeteJeffreys john_at_muuua GeographyCarrie prairnasharma CreativeEdu kenradical john_at_muuua

20:55 20:55 20:55 20:55 20:55 20:55 20:55 20:55 20:55 20:55 20:55 20:55 20:54 20:54 20:54 20:54 20:54 20:54 20:54 20:54 20:54 20:54 20:54 20:54 20:54 20:53 20:53 20:53 20:53 20:53

PivotalEllie thought_weavers debbisimpson ePaceonline CreativeEdu ukedchat Biolady99 altyapple Mando_Commando ELTtech chrismcd53 StuBillington PeteJeffreys GeographyCarrie john_at_muuua monieclaire mikeatedji Smichael920 ePaceonline SusanElkinJourn thought_weavers john_at_muuua CreativeEdu ukedchat pda3 PivotalEllie ePaceonline GeographyCarrie cherrylkd mikeatedji geraldhaigh1

20:53 20:53 20:53 20:53 20:53 20:53 20:52 20:52 20:52 20:52 20:52 20:52 20:52 20:51 20:51 20:51 20:51 20:51 20:51 20:51 20:51 20:51 20:51 20:51 20:51 20:51 20:50 20:50 20:50 20:50 20:50

JimiJib BobToms100 MathsChatterbox Smichael920 mikeatedji DavidPott john_at_muuua CreativeEdu john_at_muuua john_at_muuua PivotalEllie GreenAPLEd paulshoesmith SusanElkinJourn PeteJeffreys reflectivemaths bluemoonjules ePaceonline mikeatedji laurap40 joanne_rich RossMannell ePaceonline GeographyCarrie SexEdUKation CreativeEdu ukedchat SusanElkinJourn ePaceonline

20:50 20:50 20:50 20:49 20:49 20:49 20:49 20:49 20:49 20:49 20:48 20:48 20:48 20:48 20:48 20:48 20:48 20:48 20:48 20:48 20:48 20:48 20:48 20:48 20:48 20:48 20:48 20:47 20:47

PivotalEllie pda3 rapclassroom ePaceonline kenradical john_at_muuua chrisleach78 JOHNSAYERS mikeatedji CreativeEdu ukedchat monieclaire thought_weavers ePaceonline chrismcd53 john_at_muuua kenradical SusanElkinJourn joanne_rich SexEdUKation smurfatik debbisimpson

20:47 20:47 20:47 20:47 20:47 20:47 20:47 20:47 20:47 20:47 20:47 20:47 20:47 20:46 20:46 20:46 20:46 20:46 20:46 20:46 20:46 20:46

ICTEvangelist ICTmagic ePaceonline GreenAPLEd MathsChatterbox john_at_muuua PivotalEllie

20:46 20:46 20:46 20:46 20:46 20:46 20:46

rapclassroom altyapple mikeatedji ePaceonline chrisleach78 ePaceonline joanne_rich JOHNSAYERS PivotalEllie alicewoolley1 john_at_muuua Sian_Rowland CreativeEdu ukedchat smurfatik ukedchat CreativeEdu GeographyCarrie debbisimpson ePaceonline kenradical mikeatedji altyapple emmamorgan2011 SusanElkinJourn CreativeEdu Smichael920 davidhunter GeographyCarrie

20:46 20:46 20:45 20:45 20:45 20:45 20:45 20:45 20:45 20:45 20:45 20:45 20:45 20:45 20:45 20:45 20:45 20:44 20:44 20:44 20:44 20:44 20:44 20:44 20:44 20:44 20:44 20:44 20:43

mattharding007 kenradical rapclassroom smurfatik MattFothergill GeekPeter Mando_Commando RossMannell joanne_rich chrisleach78 ePaceonline thought_weavers andyhampton PivotalEllie john_at_muuua GreenAPLEd mattharding007 PeteJeffreys smurfatik GeographyCarrie Biolady99 PivotalEllie ukedchat chrisleach78 john_at_muuua mikeatedji Mando_Commando

20:43 20:43 20:43 20:43 20:43 20:43 20:43 20:43 20:43 20:43 20:43 20:43 20:42 20:42 20:42 20:42 20:42 20:42 20:42 20:42 20:42 20:41 20:41 20:41 20:41 20:41 20:41

ePaceonline PivotalEllie PeteJeffreys JOHNSAYERS mattharding007 GeekPeter geoninja mikeatedji ePaceonline debbisimpson ukedchat CreativeEdu kenradical rapclassroom chrisleach78 JOHNSAYERS john_at_muuua Sian_Rowland kenradical MathsChatterbox ukedchat CreativeEdu CreativeEdu SusanElkinJourn PivotalEllie PeteJeffreys monieclaire Redjamiet TAtoTeacher thought_weavers altyapple

20:41 20:41 20:41 20:41 20:41 20:41 20:41 20:41 20:40 20:40 20:40 20:40 20:40 20:40 20:40 20:40 20:40 20:40 20:40 20:40 20:40 20:40 20:39 20:39 20:39 20:39 20:39 20:39 20:39 20:39 20:39

RossMannell pda3 ePaceonline maz_blaze90 kenradical JOHNSAYERS Nic5Harrison CreativeEdu PivotalEllie GeekPeter Redjamiet mattbuxton10 john_at_muuua joanne_rich pda3 alex_n_hall Biolady99 chrisleach78 rapclassroom andyhampton ukedchat ePaceonline CreativeEdu mattharding007 john_at_muuua GreenAPLEd ePaceonline debbisimpson

20:39 20:39 20:39 20:38 20:38 20:38 20:38 20:38 20:38 20:38 20:38 20:38 20:38 20:38 20:38 20:38 20:38 20:38 20:38 20:38 20:38 20:38 20:38 20:37 20:37 20:37 20:37 20:37

JOHNSAYERS SusanElkinJourn CreativeEdu Sian_Rowland RossMannell mikeatedji john_at_muuua chrisleach78 MathsChatterbox laurap40 Mr_J_Light ePaceonline Mr_D_Cheng mikeatedji thought_weavers mikeatedji smurfatik MrG_ICT reflectivemaths PivotalEllie GeekPeter kenradical john_at_muuua Sian_Rowland mattharding007 DigitalBlonde altyapple andyhampton ukedchat

20:37 20:37 20:37 20:37 20:37 20:37 20:37 20:37 20:37 20:37 20:37 20:37 20:37 20:37 20:36 20:36 20:36 20:36 20:36 20:36 20:36 20:36 20:36 20:36 20:35 20:35 20:35 20:35 20:35

CreativeEdu mikeatedji Mr_J_Light ePaceonline PhilWheeler1 ePaceonline RossMannell JOHNSAYERS smurfatik serenity100 john_at_muuua pivotalpaul ePaceonline DexNott SusanElkinJourn PivotalEllie mikeatedji maz_blaze90 rapclassroom andyhampton PhilWheeler1 christoclifford mikeatedji CreativeEdu john_at_muuua xPunzx thought_weavers ePaceonline

20:35 20:35 20:35 20:35 20:35 20:35 20:35 20:35 20:35 20:35 20:35 20:35 20:35 20:34 20:34 20:34 20:34 20:34 20:34 20:34 20:34 20:34 20:34 20:34 20:34 20:33 20:33 20:33

mattbuxton10 PivotalEllie PhilWheeler1 CreativeEdu ukedchat ePaceonline JOHNSAYERS serenity100 GreenAPLEd reflectivemaths pivotalpaul ePaceonline ukedchat mikeatedji CreativeEdu PivotalEllie maz_blaze90 john_at_muuua chrisleach78 joanne_rich JOHNSAYERS KonfluxTheatre kenradical john_at_muuua geraldhaigh1 PivotalEllie Sian_Rowland laurap40

20:33 20:33 20:33 20:33 20:33 20:33 20:33 20:33 20:33 20:33 20:33 20:32 20:32 20:32 20:32 20:32 20:32 20:32 20:32 20:32 20:31 20:31 20:31 20:31 20:31 20:31 20:31 20:31

GeographyCarrie GeekPeter TheHeadsOffice chrisleach78 Mr_D_Cheng ePaceonline reflectivemaths DexNott ePaceonline PeteJeffreys mikeatedji Smichael920 john_at_muuua TheHeadsOffice PivotalEllie davidhunter pda3 serenity100 ukedchat PivotalEllie rapclassroom GreenAPLEd ePaceonline PhilWheeler1 ukedchat john_at_muuua CreativeEdu reflectivemaths CreativeEdu GeekPeter chrisleach78

20:31 20:31 20:31 20:31 20:31 20:31 20:31 20:31 20:31 20:30 20:30 20:30 20:30 20:30 20:30 20:30 20:30 20:30 20:30 20:30 20:30 20:30 20:30 20:30 20:30 20:30 20:30 20:30 20:30 20:29 20:29

maz_blaze90 Sian_Rowland Smichael920 PeteJeffreys thought_weavers RossMannell geraldhaigh1 TheHeadsOffice CreativeEdu monieclaire ikeontoast PivotalEllie john_at_muuua Mando_Commando ePaceonline CreativeEdu maz_blaze90 teachitso pivotalpaul PivotalEllie CreativeEdu thought_weavers chrisleach78 maz_blaze90 DigitalBlonde debbisimpson john_at_muuua PivotalEllie geraldhaigh1 pda3

20:29 20:29 20:29 20:29 20:29 20:29 20:29 20:29 20:29 20:28 20:28 20:28 20:28 20:28 20:28 20:28 20:28 20:28 20:28 20:28 20:28 20:28 20:28 20:28 20:28 20:28 20:27 20:27 20:27 20:27

DexNott GeekPeter TheHeadsOffice ePaceonline lastchild lastchild Bluebear27 mikeatedji serenity100 JOHNSAYERS Sian_Rowland CreativeEdu Bluebear27 pivotalpaul PeteJeffreys Bluebear27 kenradical john_at_muuua Biolady99 pda3 maz_blaze90 PivotalEllie Biolady99 ikeontoast mattbuxton10 PivotalEllie ePaceonline rapclassroom chrisleach78

20:27 20:27 20:27 20:27 20:27 20:27 20:27 20:27 20:27 20:27 20:26 20:26 20:26 20:26 20:26 20:26 20:26 20:26 20:26 20:26 20:26 20:26 20:26 20:26 20:26 20:26 20:25 20:25 20:25

Sian_Rowland DigitalBlonde mikeatedji ukedchat ePaceonline GeekPeter laurap40 ePaceonline PeteJeffreys john_at_muuua CreativeEdu ukedchat maz_blaze90 smurfatik john_at_muuua ePaceonline PivotalEllie DexNott rapclassroom mikeatedji chrisleach78 PivotalEllie tomhenzley john_at_muuua Mr_J_Light geraldhaigh1 ukedchat CreativeEdu

20:25 20:25 20:25 20:25 20:25 20:25 20:25 20:24 20:24 20:24 20:24 20:24 20:24 20:24 20:24 20:24 20:24 20:23 20:23 20:23 20:23 20:23 20:23 20:23 20:23 20:23 20:23 20:23

GeekPeter ePaceonline mikeatedji ePaceonline pivotalpaul ikeontoast PivotalEllie john_at_muuua reflectivemaths serenity100 ukedchat CreativeEdu MrG_ICT PivotalEllie GeekPeter ePaceonline tomhenzley kenradical monieclaire teachitso john_at_muuua BucksPeasant debbisimpson mikeatedji PivotalEllie john_at_muuua ukedchat krivett1 CreativeEdu

20:23 20:23 20:23 20:23 20:22 20:22 20:22 20:22 20:22 20:22 20:22 20:22 20:22 20:22 20:22 20:22 20:22 20:22 20:21 20:21 20:21 20:21 20:21 20:21 20:21 20:21 20:21 20:21 20:21

ikeontoast PeteJeffreys john_at_muuua tomhenzley jcem Sian_Rowland PivotalEllie gavinsmart geraldhaigh1 CreativeEdu chrisleach78 debbisimpson ePaceonline pipkinzoo normal_for_jp kenradical cloud_burst PeteJeffreys john_at_muuua GeekPeter ePaceonline ukedchat CreativeEdu ePaceonline smurfatik ePaceonline tonycassidy PivotalEllie Mr_J_Light

20:21 20:21 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:20 20:19 20:19 20:19 20:19 20:19 20:19 20:19 20:19 20:19 20:19 20:19 20:19

john_at_muuua tonycassidy PivotalEllie chrisleach78 clairelowe2 kenradical ikeontoast mikeatedji JOHNSAYERS john_at_muuua pivotalpaul mattbuxton10 rapclassroom PivotalEllie ePaceonline Smichael920 krivett1 GeographyCarrie GeekPeter DexNott teachitso

20:19 20:19 20:18 20:18 20:18 20:18 20:18 20:18 20:18 20:18 20:18 20:18 20:18 20:18 20:18 20:17 20:17 20:17 20:17 20:17 20:17

ePaceonline kenradical tonycassidy Spongelab ikeontoast ePaceonline

20:17 20:17 20:17 20:17 20:17 20:17

MrG_ICT debbisimpson pda3 krivett1 ePaceonline john_at_muuua ePaceonline pda3 rapclassroom tonycassidy mikeatedji PivotalEllie rapclassroom cloud_burst Smichael920 kenradical pivotalpaul geraldhaigh1 CreativeEdu ukedchat PivotalEllie mikeatedji GeographyCarrie krivett1 JOHNSAYERS pivotalpaul john_at_muuua ePaceonline

20:17 20:17 20:17 20:17 20:17 20:16 20:16 20:16 20:16 20:16 20:16 20:16 20:16 20:16 20:16 20:16 20:16 20:16 20:16 20:16 20:16 20:15 20:15 20:15 20:15 20:15 20:15 20:15

tonycassidy PivotalEllie ukedchat smurfatik CreativeEdu ikeontoast mikeatedji PivotalEllie pivotalpaul CreativeEdu ePaceonline monieclaire pda3 rapclassroom tonycassidy debbisimpson john_at_muuua Mr_D_Cheng Redjamiet krivett1 PivotalEllie john_at_muuua ikeontoast Sian_Rowland PivotalEllie ePaceonline cloud_burst teachitso

20:15 20:15 20:15 20:15 20:15 20:14 20:14 20:14 20:14 20:14 20:14 20:14 20:14 20:14 20:14 20:14 20:14 20:14 20:14 20:13 20:13 20:13 20:13 20:13 20:13 20:13 20:13 20:13



pivotalpaul serenity100 kenradical john_at_muuua mikeatedji tonycassidy CreativeEdu PivotalEllie GeekPeter PivotalEllie DavidPott emmamorgan2011 pivotalpaul rapclassroom john_at_muuua tonycassidy CreativeEdu ePaceonline PivotalEllie john_at_muuua rapclassroom kenradical john_at_muuua CreativeEdu Smichael920 ukedchat krivett1

20:13 20:13 20:13 20:13 20:13 20:12 20:12 20:12 20:12 20:12 20:12 20:12 20:12 20:12 20:12 20:11 20:11 20:11 20:11 20:11 20:11 20:11 20:10 20:10 20:10 20:10 20:10

GeekPeter PivotalEllie tonycassidy PivotalEllie pivotalpaul ukedchat CreativeEdu JOHNSAYERS mikeatedji rapclassroom Mr_D_Cheng john_at_muuua teachitso pivotalpaul PivotalEllie ukedchat CreativeEdu tonycassidy GeekPeter john_at_muuua pivotalpaul JOHNSAYERS kenradical GeographyCarrie Mr_J_Light PivotalEllie cloud_burst CreativeEdu kenradical john_at_muuua

20:10 20:10 20:10 20:10 20:10 20:10 20:10 20:10 20:09 20:09 20:09 20:09 20:09 20:09 20:09 20:09 20:09 20:09 20:08 20:08 20:08 20:08 20:08 20:08 20:08 20:08 20:08 20:08 20:08 20:08

pivotalpaul Sian_Rowland JOHNSAYERS Dunfordjames mikeatedji krivett1 ePaceonline cloud_burst PivotalEllie mikeatedji john_at_muuua GeekPeter Mr_D_Cheng bt2bn kenradical krivett1 teachitso rapclassroom tonycassidy cloud_burst Mr_D_Cheng john_at_muuua GeographyCarrie pivotalpaul PivotalEllie GeekPeter mikeatedji Dunfordjames bt2bn Mr_J_Light rapclassroom

20:07 20:07 20:07 20:07 20:07 20:07 20:07 20:07 20:07 20:07 20:07 20:07 20:07 20:07 20:07 20:07 20:06 20:06 20:06 20:06 20:06 20:06 20:06 20:06 20:06 20:06 20:06 20:06 20:05 20:05 20:05

PivotalEllie john_at_muuua mikeatedji GeographyCarrie ukedchat CreativeEdu PhilipEdmundson tonycassidy PivotalEllie bt2bn john_at_muuua kenradical Mr_J_Light bt2bn PivotalEllie ePaceonline pda3 PhilipEdmundson Mr_D_Cheng bt2bn john_at_muuua mikeatedji Redjamiet

20:05 20:05 20:05 20:05 20:05 20:05 20:04 20:04 20:04 20:04 20:04 20:04 20:04 20:03 20:03 20:03 20:03 20:03 20:03 20:03 20:03 20:02 20:02

@SexEdUKation @mikeatedji That's a good one. Also, have a single point of contact for concerned parents on SRE matters #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: Why not subscribe to the #ukedchat summary blog feed... it's #ukedchat distilled @GeogJo @epaceonline #ukedchat is brilliant!!!! @coope83 Ooh. Good idea. We have one of those gps too. #ukedchat @MathsChatterbox I love this idea! Not sure about my bottom set year 8 maths group though....? #ukedchat @JOHNSAYERS @ePaceonline #ukedchat Thank-you I was watching from the sidelines to get ideas for nqt year. Very useful. Really enjoyed taking part and following #ukedchat. Spurs me on even more for twitter and blogs at school. I need a better understanding tho @mikeatedji another tip- use term sexual orientation rather than sexuality when talking to parents #ukedchat 1/2 @rebeccagcole #ukedchat Ooh, that is good. I like that. I'm going to steal that idea and tell others about it! The Social Web: Presentation and Resources via @AngelaMaiers #blc11 #edreform #edchat #ukedchat #semanticweb #rscon3 @ePaceonline #ukedchat thanks for chat. Missed most of it but will catch summary. RT @PivotalEllie: NQT tip 20: Change your focus to catch children doing the right thing. Model the behaviour that you expect to see. #ukedchat #nqttips Thanks everyone, was a very interesting discussion. #ukedchat NQT tip 20: Change your focus to catch children doing the right thing. Model the behaviour that you expect to see. #ukedchat #nqttips RT @DavidPott: #ukedchat General advice tonight: try lots of different strategies. No single strategy will reach every parent. Thanks @ePaceonline brilliant #ukedchat this week:) @altyapple #ukedchat I've never been on it either before or since slt. Think its unprofessional and potentially dangerous We make first contact through text using KKS, then email, then focus groups. Used this for reports, SRE and drugs. Getting 50%+ #ukedchat @bevevans22 #ukedchat it was....emotional @debbisimpson #ukedchat Yes that might be better. I'd still rather steer clear I think RT @geraldhaigh1: This discussion isn't taking account of all the very important work that Becta did on using technology for parental engagement. #ukedchat @rebeccagcole that's good, think it's very important for the head to be seen by parents and students- regularly! #ukedchat @mikeatedji In which case, many thanks! #ukedchat @ePaceonline Thanks for hosting and for the RTs. Have a good weekend. #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: RT @joanne_rich: #ukedchat parent voice questionnaires - we send them out with a raffle ticket -to win 50 voucher - 85% return rate Thanks to host and co-inquirers! #ukedchat @rapclassroom #ukedchat Sorry, that was meant as an unreserved compliment on your contributions! Thanks @epaceonline for hosting a great #ukedchat and thanks to everyone for joining in, even though it's the holidays! Thanks @epaceonline for hosting a great #ukedchat and thanks to everyone for joining in, even though it's the holidays! Blog post #scoopit the best #socialmedia #curation #edtools in #education20 #edchat #ukedchat #iste11 #rscon3 #blc11 @DavidPott @geraldhaigh1 I think 'personal' phone no. is more meaningful than generic - it shows you care more to parents #ukedchat @careerseventsuk #ukedchat Brilliant. And who doesn't like a cake? Make tea too & put a few chairs out....

@mikeatedji Not sure how to interpret that! In need of intonation and facial expression! #ukedchat We are all talking around the same issues of trust, openness & cooperation. We're the professionals & need to make it a priority. #ukedchat RT @DavidPott: #ukedchat General advice tonight: try lots of different strategies. No single strategy will reach every parent. @cherrylkd #ukedchat can see how a whole school FB might look more friendly & familar than a website or VLE tho; @ePaceonline #ukedchat Thank you very much for hosting and to everyone @PivotalEllie #ukedchat It works a treat as parents who would normally just pick-up in a car or stand at the gate are tempted in for a snoop BBC Parliament now "Lessons from 'Jamie's Dream School' Committee": coverage of Education select committee #ukedchat #ukedchat Each of my Family SEAL groups also have facebook groups - works brilliantly. Don't knock it unless you've tried it. #ukedchat a huge thank you to all participants in tonight's debate what fantastic ideas generated. @ukedchat @epaceonline Thanks for another great #ukedchat @reflectivemaths We have a T'ing& l'ing group in our school, we use twtter 2 share links & ideas so it got unfiltered 4 ths. #ukedchat #ukedchat our newish head teacher is on the playground every morning and every evening. Parents value face to face contact. @rapclassroom #ukedchat Not sure you could say something irrelevant if you tried! @epaceonline did you just visit the homes of difficult kids? how did you decide who to visit? #ukedchat It's 9pm and I'm calling time on @epaceonline's great #ukedchat discussion on hard to reach parents. Archiving will begin at 9.15pm @ukedchat #ukedchat Kind of, I work with student data but also work directly with underachieving student as well, an unusual mix I know! It's 9pm and I'm calling time on @epaceonline's great #ukedchat discussion on hard to reach parents. Archiving will begin at 9.15pm #ukedchat General advice tonight: try lots of different strategies. No single strategy will reach every parent. @ePaceonline thanks for tonight! great work. will be away for the rest of the month, so best wishes to everyone. Happy holidays! #ukedchat RT @rapclassroom: See 'hard to reach' as a gap that you would like to close.Consider what you could do to move closer, and your motivations. Listen! #ukedchat Thanks for tonights #ukedchat - 1st I've really been able to follow all night @CreativeEdu we have good parental engagement but it could be much better - currently looking at ways to improve this! #ukedchat @rebeccagcole #ukedchat And do you have control of texts as a class teacher or does it have to go thro office? RT @rapclassroom: See 'hard to reach' as a gap that you would like to close.Consider what you could do to move closer, and your motivations. Listen! #ukedchat @debbisimpson @emmamorgan2011 #ukedchat if left to me I'd ban it for all school staff for anything school related. TAs ignore the policy @SexEdUKation #ukedchat Excellent, thank you @CreativeEdu occasionally when needs must. #ukedchat particularly when absenteeism is am issue. #ukedchat our parents love texts home. Immediate positive messages. Never used for negatives. RT @ukedchat: Why not subscribe to the #ukedchat summary blog feed... it's #ukedchat distilled

RT @cleverfiend:we visit every new intake parent (special school with a small entry) I've also dropped off v good/naughty pupils! #ukedchat RT @cleverfiend:we visit every new intake parent (special school with a small entry) I've also dropped off v good/naughty pupils! #ukedchat #ukedchat @GreenAPLEd Not in my experience! But has to be carefully thought through See 'hard to reach' as a gap that you would like to close.Consider what you could do to move closer, and your motivations. Listen! #ukedchat @cleverfiend I'm sure that must make a HUGE difference to parental engagment? #ukedchat @careerseventsuk #ukedchat Yes my neice's school has a cake sale every friday - each class takes it in turns to host and parents come & buy RT @MathsChatterbox: @GeographyCarrie Things like watching youtube lessons is a great way to promote independent learners - and if parents watch -fab!! #ukedchat @geekpeter is your role pastoral? #ukedchat RT @SexEdUKation: @mikeatedji key is getting school community as majority to challenge homophobia then homophobic voices become minority and quieter #ukedchat @GeographyCarrie Things like watching youtube lessons is a great way to promote independent learners - and if parents watch -fab!! #ukedchat RT @MathsChatterbox: Parents interacting with children to and from school. Car Number Plate Maths #ukedchat @SexEdUKation #ukedchat That's well put. The distinction b/w sex and relationships seems to disappear in minds when gay rels discussed #ukedchat my son's primary holds many events (e.g. cake sales) an hour before the end of school. Parents are encouraged to walk around. Why not subscribe to the #ukedchat summary blog feed... it's #ukedchat distilled @Sian_Rowland @emmamorgan2011 #ukedchat We do. But as teachers aren't on fb it takes parents to tell us by mistake. Why not subscribe to the #ukedchat summary blog feed... it's #ukedchat distilled @ICTmagic thanks. one more for my leadership team. :-) #ukedchat @mikeatedji key is getting school community as majority to challenge homophobia then homophobic voices become minority and quieter #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: Last five minutes... time to get on your soapbox & summarise your views/ideas on hard to reach parents #ukedchat @ICTmagic #ukedchat that's really interesting, are you primary or secondary? @pivotalpaul #ukedchat Ah the political correctness police! @CreativeEdu think this could be very dangerous and may lead the teacher open to all sorts of allegations #ukedchat RT @reflectivemaths: #ukedchat any advice on how to convince my school to unblock and use twitter? @JOHNSAYERS and there will be a summary too #ukedchat @GeographyCarrie to clarify... if they seem 'dumb' it may well be because we have not engaged them effectively #ukedchat RT @mikeatedji: #ukedchat Last plea for a successful inclusion policy. I would be really interested to see what is working for you @ICTmagic @GeographyCarrie #ukedchat Thanks. It strengthens my argument with staff. I think it's very wrong! @DexNott #ukedchat Yes understood. Actually might be a good idea to have a dinnerlady with resp for parent liaison. RT @mikeatedji: @SexEdUKation #ukedchat I would classify homophobic parents as "hard to reach"...

Until teaching is professionalised why should parents listen to teachers? Would you listen to all of your colleagues? #ukedchat @ukedchat #ukedchat I have but I am not a teacher, I am a member of support staff. @ukedchat never in a million years!!! enough bother with kids on Facebook can't see inviting hard to reach parents would work. #ukedchat RT @rapclassroom: We have to accept that if we want real parental engagement they will want proof that they are listened to #ukedchat Parents that do attend meeting on SRE may sway policy to views of minority than majority? so maximise engagement opportunities #ukedchat @Mando_Commando #ukedchat I'm not sure about it either. Just wondered how people felt & whether it bears on engaging parents. #ukedchat I had parents as friends on FB but they were friends before I joined the school. Didn't accept any others though. @CreativeEdu we visit every new intake parent (special school with a small entry) I've also dropped off v good/naughty pupils! #ukedchat Last five minutes... time to get on your soapbox & summarise your views/ideas on hard to reach parents #ukedchat @ICTmagic Who uses it, why and how? #ukedchat @PivotalEllie #ukedchat Yes,security to protect children may be necessary but it can make informal visits hard. Last five minutes... time to get on your soapbox & summarise your views/ideas on hard to reach parents #ukedchat @john_at_muuua #ukedchat absolutley #ukedchat use fb for my nursery but only parents accepted as friends. Rules for staff on their involvement. V successful 4 parents I can't wait for the archive of this weeks #ukedchat so many brilliant ideas for parental involvement:) thank goodness it's July:) #ukedchat Last plea for a successful inclusion policy. I would be really interested to see what is working for you @ukedchat #ukedchat yes but there are always two of us RT @john_at_muuua: @ePaceonline honesty with parents. They are not dumb. #ukedchat <--- seems obvious, but very true! @john_at_muuua not me! trying 2 stop TAs doing it. They tell too much and it's not right. Wondered how other sch deal with it #ukedchat We have to accept that if we want real parental engagement they will want proof that they are listened to #ukedchat RT @CreativeEdu: Do you ever visit parents in their homes? #ukedchat I did this regularly and found it invaluable @ukedchat #ukedchat Definitely not - leaving yourself wide open to all sorts - GTC code of conduct - bringing profession into disrepute etc @john_at_muuua Yes, yes, yes, With you on both counts. #ukedchat @ukedchat Our FS visit parents at home when the child joins, but that's the only time it happens. What would a home visit be for? #ukedchat @ePaceonline honesty with parents. They are not dumb. #ukedchat @PeteJeffreys I just sit and talk - 2-6min lectures. Students also use them like a podcast on phones/headphones. #ukedchat Nice RT @krivett1: #ukedchat we have a triadic interview led by the chn and it is really successful, they talk abt their learning+challenges RT @aClilToClimb: All U need 2 know abt attending #RSCON3 Plz RT! If thr's sth U'd lk 2 add, comments welcome! #ukedchat #edchat #eltchat Blogged about the success of using Twitter this year if anyone is interested! #ukedchat @SusanElkinJourn Yes. My dept (English) teaches Latin too. but it's the veil of secrecy that I hate. communication must be clear. #ukedchat

@DexNott #ukedchat Yes, what a benefit to a school. Of course it doesn't have to be SLT, but often is. @laurap40 policy sounds very rigid! Perhaps write to them and ask for clear explanation! #ukedchat @ICTmagic #ukedchat school fb account sounds like a good idea #ukedchat Lost count of tweets coming many good ideas, any last thoughts? How about the one thing that has really worked? Do you ever visit parents in their homes? #ukedchat Do you ever visit parents in their homes? #ukedchat RT @StuBillington: Google+ prob better than fb as you can restrict posts to different "circles" of "friends". #ukedchat @cherrylkd #ukedchat no parents pupils or even current work colleagues as soon as I reached smt @SusanElkinJourn I still prefer polite formalities. My kids school use first names and I'm not keen. #ukedchat RT @aClilToClimb: All U need 2 know abt attending #RSCON3 Plz RT! If thr's sth U'd lk 2 add, comments welcome! #ukedchat #edchat #eltchat @reflectivemaths #ukedchat. Our problem is not unblocking it - but getting parents to use it! Google+ prob better than fb as you can restrict posts to different "circles" of "friends". #ukedchat @GeographyCarrie @GeographyCarrie Do you video yourself infront of an IWB or do a video screen capture or something else? #ukedchat @cherrylkd NO! FB is a personal social networking site. Keep the boundaries clearly defined! #ukedchat @cherrylkd Don't. We're in a profession role. should doctors be friends with their patients? #ukedchat @coope83 #ukedchat The problem at that MK school springs to mind! @SexEdUKation #ukedchat I would classify homophobic parents as "hard to reach"... @ePaceonline huge thanks for tonight's #ukedchat sorry to leave early! RT @Mean_Teacher: #ukedchat we also have a teaching and non teaching HOY so someone is almost always availabl (cont) @john_at_muuua Oh I see. Agree. (But also think Latin a wonderful language teaching resource.) #ukedchat #ukedchat a few parents call me by first name, I really like that. A little strange at first but makes perfect sense! @geraldhaigh1 cool idea. will share it with my leadership team. #ukedchat Don't forget to include links that you think will add to today's #ukedchat discussion, they'll appear in the summary too Don't forget to include links that you think will add to today's #ukedchat discussion, they'll appear in the summary too RT @Smichael920: Sorry 2 leave early folks. B4 I go thought these maybe of interest. 2 of r big successes w/parents #ukedchat @RossMannell #ukedchat Maybe 1 problem with new security is it does stop the 'open door' policy. Must find ways to still be welcoming @Smichael920 #ukedchat thanks @MathsChatterbox I make revision vids for my students too. I find parents watch them too so they can give better support at home #ukedchat @Sian_Rowland @emmamorgan2011 #ukedchat What's the general opinion on fb? Do teachers allow parents to be friends on fb? RT @ICTmagic: The school should be an inseparable hub of the community. Keep children save, yes, but let the community in. #ukedchat Some success in engaging older women to work on playground games. Interesting with ethnic groups. Get the grans, and mums follow.#ukedchat

RT @MathsChatterbox: When little, Einsteins mum always asked him, 'What questions did you ask in school today?' If we could get parents to ask this! #ukedchat @chrisleach78 #ukedchat Good idea. Engage parents & chn, parents of each yr grp cud b asked how they use a schl subject in their lives/work. To reinforce maths in class, I told chn to watch similar lesson on youtube. Several parents sat down with pen & paper as well. #ukedchat Sorry 2 leave early folks. B4 I go thought these maybe of interest. 2 of r big successes w/parents #ukedchat @rapclassroom #ukedchat Again, absolutely! This nis fundamental. I wonder how often it is really defined/thought about RT @geraldhaigh1: This discussion isn't taking account of all the v important work Becta did on using tech for parental engagement #ukedchat @SusanElkinJourn :-) I was thinking that too! #ukedchat RT @reflectivemaths: #ukedchat any advice on how to convince my school to unblock and use twitter? RT @reflectivemaths: #ukedchat any advice on how to convince my school to unblock and use twitter? @SusanElkinJourn latin used by the church to give secret information that air of mystery. #ukedchat @DexNott #ukedchat That is invaluable isn't it. Particularly when a member of SMT has taught lots of the parents. @chrisleach78 yes, definitely! Must be a very large and diverse range in any set of parents in any school... #ukedchat RT @geraldhaigh1: This discussion isn't taking account of all the very important work that Becta did on using technology for parental engagement. #ukedchat @john_at_muuua Better not ask what they do call you then! #ukedchat @debbisimpson @emmamorgaon2011 It's our school policy for staff not to be friends with parents of pupils due to past probs. #ukedchat #ukedchat any advice on how to convince my school to unblock and use twitter? @CreativeEdu: RT@emmamorgan2011 #ukedchat does anyone else facebook friend parents? Anyone definitely would not.? < not in a million RT @mattharding007: #ukedchat We started a topic by inviting parents in to do activities with their children. They also help us get displays up. Everyone wins! RT @chrismcd53: @mikeatedji #ukedchat We have a very clear code of conduct which we refer to constantly - can't change parent's behaviour but.. @thought_weavers #ukedchat all staff laptops owned by DoEC. Twitter in school needs to be put forward as plan. Strict island wide policy @MattFothergill #ukedchat re. Raffle tickets I know it's bribery really but the parent's love it #ukedchat Being in a small seaside town in the last yrs with a class,many chances for informal meets.Broke the ice.Made parents feel welcome RT @smurfatik: Re Parents evenings attendance, how about putting on some student led entertainment or art exhibition on at same time #ukedchat @SusanElkinJourn I wait for the lead from individual parents. #ukedchat And perhaps that's the answer to all of this! That way you get a much better input/engagement from parents as many won't have the time/inclination for separate sex ed meeting #ukedchat RT@emmamorgan2011 #ukedchat does anyone else facebook friend parents? Anyone definitely would not.? RT@emmamorgan2011 #ukedchat does anyone else facebook friend parents? Anyone definitely would not.? @john_at_muuua @jackieschneider #ukedchat Why is education jargon like Latin? RT @Mando_Commando: #ukedchat one contact can build a relationship with parents rather than them feeling bombarded by 14 indiv teachers. (secondary)

@smurfatik #ukedchat Yes good idea. If you go out of your way to make sure that you are available for them, then the relationship improves #ukedchat Maths demos can easily be shared via an iPad: RT @ICTmagic: The school should be an inseparable hub of the community. Keep children save, yes, but let the community in. #ukedchat @RossMannell #ukedchat, this worked incredibly well in the projects I ran. @joanne_rich do it! We've used it since Nov to share HL and feedback from foreign field trips amongst many things #ukedchat @SusanElkinJourn not sure mine ever even use my second name! #ukedchat #ukedchat on my school blog I asked parents for examples of how they use ICT in their jobs had a small but very interesting response @davidhunter #ukedchat well if twitter 30 min then DM for issues private chats and open forum to introduce basic content, resources etc Hmw RT @thought_weavers: @ukedchat @mikeatedji I've explained before that using their own experience of school as a criteria for succes now is unfair #ukedchat RT @rapclassroom: We have to ask how is our school is 'hard to reach'? What does it represent? What is its culture? #ukedchat RT @rapclassroom: We have to ask how is our school is 'hard to reach'? What does it represent? What is its culture? #ukedchat @emmamorgan2011 #ukedchat wow! can't imagine ever doing that @ukedchat @mikeatedji I've explained before that using their own experience of school as a criteria for succes now is unfair #ukedchat RT @joanne_rich: @CreativeEdu #ukedchat making parents evenings more accessible provide creche, refreshments and social area @mikeatedji #ukedchat We have a very clear code of conduct which we refer to constantly can't change parent's behaviour but.. RT @Sian_Rowland: @emmamorgan2011 I'm pretty wary about being friends with parents on fb. Do you have a separate account? #ukedchat -ditto @altyapple @emmamorgan2011 and mine. Do you have a separate professional profile? #ukedchat #ukedchat Do 21st cent teachers encourage 'their' parents to use first names? #ukedchat loving the idea of using Twitter but we too have it blocked - maybe a discussion with IT needed In relation to engaging parents in sex and relationships education host stalls/info presentations at existing parents eves etc. #ukedchat @Biolady99 and cakes made by the students in hospitality :) got to show off the students somehow #ukedchat @emmamorgan2011 #ukedchat does anyone else facebook friend parents? Anyone definitely would not.? RT @gavinsmart: #ukedchat Wordle - Consultation on Proposed Increases to Contributions for Members of the Teachers Pension Scheme. The school should be an inseparable hub of the community. Keep children save, yes, but let the community in. #ukedchat RT @mattharding007: #ukedchat Another thing we've done is get 'loud' parents in to volunteer to do positive th (cont) @rapclassroom @mikeatedji totally agree. Teachers should b learning and developing their knowledge of other cultures! #ukedchat @PeteJeffreys Very few indeed. Encouragement, especially via mum and dad, can only be beneficial in developing enquiring minds #ukedchat @CreativeEdu Be honest with them. direct. Clear. and never patronising in any way. respect other people's cultures. #ukedchat @DexNott #ukedchat Yes exactly.

@mikeatedji We have to ask how is our school is 'hard to reach'? What does it represent? What is its culture? #ukedchat @emmamorgan2011 #ukedchat friends on Facebook sends shivers down my spine @rapclassroom #ukedchat Absolutely - Look at results of EBacc between different groups...It's not serving BME pupils. Inevitable knock on RT @smurfatik: when in the USA we were expected to tell parents how to contact us and what times & be available to any parent at those times #ukedchat #ukedchat use parents to give feedback from a professional point of view, eg we have one magazine editor who will be useful RT @PivotalEllie: @DexNott #ukedchat Send more notes, make more positive phone calls, emails, invitations to parents eve, anything but more persistently @chrisleach78 #ukedchat great idea to utilise parent's skills - it's amazing what they can do and who they know if you ask @GreenAPLEd true but we've all got to use a wide range of techniques to try and collect all parents responses on their children. #ukedchat @DexNott #ukedchat Yes maybe. Surely it is about developing trusting relationships. How do you do that with your hard to reach? RT @geraldhaigh1: As an aside, when I became head I published my home phone number to parents as an act of trust. Used rarely and not once abused. #ukedchat @emmamorgan2011 lovely idea! #ukedchat... but yes my authority bans facebook :-( @emmamorgan2011 I'm pretty wary about being friends with parents on fb. Do you have a separate account? #ukedchat RT @mikeatedji: #ukedchat How do you deal with parents who have very different ideas about role of education or how to discipline? RT @mikeatedji: #ukedchat How do you deal with parents who have very different ideas about role of education or how to discipline? @PivotalEllie yep it helped working parents plan coz it was same time every wk, so no last min arrangements to annoy employers #ukedchat 15 mins left of this week's #ukedchat discussion "Hard to reach parents practical help & suggestions" with host @ePaceonline 15 mins left of this week's #ukedchat discussion "Hard to reach parents practical help & suggestions" with host @ePaceonline Also, having a creche for younger siblings at parents evening helps boost numbers attending #ukedchat @chrisleach78 #ukedchat maybe not :) sounds like a great idea! I definitely think VLEs cd be used more for this @PeteJeffreys #ukedchat agree, we should try to avoid using jargon & language that has little meaning / relevance to those outside education @smurfatik lovely idea #ukedchat #ukedchat How do you deal with parents who have very different ideas about role of education or how to discipline? @Mando_Commando #ukedchat tried that parents very determined to meet subject teachers #ukedchat I am 'friends' with a lot of my parents on facebook - helps break down barriers and aids communication. #ukedchat Social event for parents of children in a single class? For establishing contact etc. Esp yr 7. have you tried this in your school? does it work? @joanne_rich #ukedchat R home school group meet each term. Opp 2 meet informally & discuss sch related issues, we have lots of pupils there 2! #ukedchat @JOHNSAYERS #ukedchat are you thinking a one to one dm or a forum. Trouble is if parents talking to one anothe (cont) RT @smurfatik: Re Parents evenings attendance, how about putting on some student led entertainment or art exhibition on at same time #ukedchat

#ukedchat We started a topic by inviting parents in to do activities with their children. They also help us get displays up. Everyone wins! @thought_weavers totally agree, we persuaded our SLT, blocking needs to be tackled head on if it has a negative impact #ukedchat @mikeatedji Yes under-represenatation of BME teachers is complex...but I'd suggest not unrelated to this issue at hand..#ukedchat Re Parents evenings attendance, how about putting on some student led entertainment or art exhibition on at same time #ukedchat @joanne_rich #ukedchat love the raffle ticket idea. We do a questionnaire but don't get 85% back! @Mando_Commando #ukedchat That's a good point but the tutor doesn't have subject specific knowledge for all the subjects! #ukedchat one contact can build a relationship with parents rather than them feeling bombarded by 14 indiv teachers. (secondary) @chrisleach78 #ukedchat Sounds like a good idea to involve parents in mentoring of they have skills. @CreativeEdu #ukedchat making parents evenings more accessible - provide creche, refreshments and social area @debbisimpson I then left before I had chance to promote it, assume it got forgotten about : ( #ukedchat @Mean_Teacher #ukedchat great all about making parents feel comfortable in school and breaking down barriers #ukedchat twitter, like YT can b unblocked in schools, innovative head + techy person & it's done! Saying it's blocked is not an excuse! @mattharding007 neat idea, must try that and get them to do it through the VLE too #ukedchat @smurfatik #ukedchat Yes, really important, but also to make sure you have a variety of times that working parents can get you too @GeekPeter very much so. More skills specific. Not general comments. Hence the bar charts and simplicity. #ukedchat @JOHNSAYERS some parents don't engage with planner. Works well for some if used properly and checked!! #ukedchat #ukedchat Another thing we've done is get 'loud' parents in to volunteer to do positive things! Quickly spreads around school gates! @MathsChatterbox Love the piece of Einstein knowledge - wonder how often chn *ask* deep questions. #ukedchat when in the USA we were expected to tell parents how to contact us and what times & be available to any parent at those times #ukedchat @geoninja Agree - and it makes the students very happy too. I always get a big thanks for that one! #postcards #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: RT @joanne_rich: #ukedchat parent voice questionnaires - we send them out with a raffle ticket -to win 50 voucher - 85% return rate @DexNott #ukedchat Send more notes, make more positive phone calls, emails, invitations to parents eve, anything but more persistently RT @price2710: #ukedchat use of scho ol website to model work and maths processes using page recorder. Helps them feel being thought about. Is it useful to know what skills and careers parents have and see if they can be utilised in school? #ukedchat @kenradical may i ask, from a cultural/class perspective, are white middle-class parents easier to engage? #ukedchat @rapclassroom #ukedchat I would suggest this is not straightforward but imperative nevertheless #ukedchat secondary contact with patents can b confusing due 2 large numbers of subject staff. Keep it simple with 1 contact - form tutor.

RT @Nic5Harrison: I think our partnership with parents is key to supporting pupils and helping them reach their full potential - I welcome all ideas #ukedchat @DexNott #ukedchat What I mean is that we just need to do the things we do with all parents REALLY persistently with hard to reach. @ukedchat #ukedchat Parents evenings with longer to talk, a more informal setting & less formulaic jargon to make us mroe approachable. @davidhunter love the idea of twitter half hour per week #ukedchat @ePaceonline So do we! Very excited to see how it all works out. Hopefully will switch on those children who are switched off too! #ukedchat @john_at_muuua So there is a lot of regular subject specific dialogue at your school between parents and home? #ukedchat @PhilipEdmundson #ukedchat I teach in u.s. and the postcards have been very effective. Great especially great for any good news @rapclassroom #ukedchat completely agree! #ukedchat@Redjamiet some of the initiatives can be expensive but the value of home school working effectively together worth it @chrisleach78 #ukedchat how did it go? RT @joanne_rich: #ukedchat parent voice questionnaires - we send them out with a raffle ticket -to win 50 voucher - 85% return rate RT @joanne_rich: #ukedchat parent voice questionnaires - we send them out with a raffle ticket -to win 50 voucher - 85% return rate @andyhampton #ukedchat can't you start and be the pioneer - show others what they are missing! @mikeatedji If there's no diversity in the staffroom, and there is in the community, school needs to take long hard look at itself #ukedchat At previous school I set up parents area on vle - had eSafety advice, info about maths methods etc and a forum #ukedchat planners on review eves parents have evidence of homework from subjects see consistency of school policy. Interesting SLT check #ukedchat @GeekPeter actually the opposite. We made it our own, subject specific and relevant. ALL our dialogue revolves around it. #ukedchat @maz_blaze90 Cup of tea and something to take home like an information sheet. #ukedchat @john_at_muuua @laurap40 @PivotalEllie such a shame if Twitter is blocked, its amazing at engaging parents #ukedchat, esp. for field trips! Parents interacting with children to and from school. Car Number Plate Maths #ukedchat How can you make parents evenings an inviting prospect for parents? #ukedchat How can you make parents evenings an inviting prospect for parents? #ukedchat @mattbuxton10 impressive dedication to even keep trying! #ukedchat addict? #ukedchat Once wrote booklet for SSAT called 'Parental Involvement'. Just thought I'd mention that. Long out of print, of course. @debbisimpson #ukedchat Yes absolutely. Maybe it could be an informal thing where teachers identify key parents? Like @theheadsoffice @ukedchat @chrisleach78 #ukedchat We've also started a parents forum, direct line to HT, valued by parents & some easy fixes have been made. @rapclassroom #ukedchat i agree! #ukedchat by that I mean where it is/was successful then ask for parents to demo why in schools RT @andyhampton: General hit rate of communication with home has improved massively since we adopted text and email systems #ukedchat RT @joanne_rich: #ukedchat parent voice questionnaires - we send them out with a raffle ticket - all returned go in draw to win 50 voucher - 85% return rate @chrisleach78 that's a great idea I'll use that #ukedchat

@MrG_ICT #ukedchat Yes, commenting in blogs is reinforcement for kids. If parents take the time to comment, it will pay dividends. RT @joanne_rich: #ukedchat parent voice questionnaires - we send them out with a raffle ticket - all returned go in draw to win 50 voucher - 85% return rate @mattharding007 #ukedchat ,think this will be money very well spent. if twitter blocked in sch, try putting tweetdeck on laptop and running that. works for me! (and fb) #ukedchat @GreenAPLEd #ukedchat thats not my experience, we don't discourage, but maybe don't actively encourage either! Reward token stamps in planner. Parents see which subjects they get recognition in for achievement #ukedchat I think our partnership with parents is key to supporting pupils and helping them reach their full potential - I welcome all ideas #ukedchat RT @jackieschneider: Schools need to lose the jargon #ukedchat <I COMPLETELY agree! @reflectivemaths #ukedchat It must be about both. We shld have a whole range of techniques 2 engage parents- select your tool 4 each parent @john_at_muuua #ukedchat APP is subject specific though and I doubt much dialogue takes place between parents and school on APP? #ukedchat many good ideas but, alas, money is needed here to 'get' parents in differing areas together, use good practice me thinks Apologies 2 anyone who tries to interact with me; remote caravan in Norfolk + N0kia + TM0b = tough going!! #ukedchat RT @SusanElkinJourn: RT @jackieschneider: Schools need to lose the jargon #ukedchat... precisely the 'secret knowledge' i said. like latin #ukedchat parent voice questionnaires - we send them out with a raffle ticket - all returned go in draw to win 50 voucher - 85% return rate RT @CreativeEdu: RT @chrisleach78: #ukedchat we have a termly parents forum opportunity for parents to put ideas, suggestions etc to SMT RT @jackieschneider: Schools need to lose the jargon #ukedchat RT @CreativeEdu: RT@_kellydare use three methods to communicate: image, vocal, writing. <I love this (don't forget the #ukedchat!) @DigitalBlonde just showed them some if the comments the kids were getting from a global audience #ukedchat @mikeatedji @GreenAPLEd We teachers need to actively learn about cultures that we are less familiar with - need to reach out! #ukedchat @MrG_ICT want to do this but havin real trouble persuading teachers that class blogging is a sound idea at present. #ukedchat RT @chrisleach78: #ukedchat we have a termly parents forum - opportunity for parents to put ideas, suggestions etc to SMT RT @RossMannell: @serenity100 #ukedchat Training for working with parents is a great idea. We may be there for the children but parental support is essential RT @chrisleach78: #ukedchat we have a termly parents forum - opportunity for parents to put ideas, suggestions etc to SMT #ukedchat We've just appointed a Learning Mentor specifically to target parents who need help parenting and getting their children to school RT @laurap40: @PivotalEllie #ukedchat Twitter blocked in school... ditto @kenradical primary probably involve parents more. Secondary students probably discourage parents to get to involved with school! #ukedchat RT @Mr_J_Light: @ePaceonline lots of working parents have praised uploading assemblies and productions onto learning platforms #ukedchat @PivotalEllie #ukedchat very much depends on the personality of the parents who volunteer for this role -

How many schools use planners for contact? A ASD chd needs homework comments putting in planner. Mum loves. Reward token stamps. #ukedchat RT @jackieschneider: Schools need to lose the jargon #ukedchat RT@_kellydare use three methods to communicate: image, vocal, writing. <I love this (don't forget the #ukedchat!) @smurfatik Yes need to put ourselves out there for working parents #ukedchat @serenity100 #ukedchat Training for working with parents is a great idea. We may be there for the children but parental support is essential RT @DexNott: #ukedchat sorry are we talking "hard to reach" or just some occasionally apathetic busy disinterested preoccupied? @GeekPeter we've used APP for a while now, translated as bar charts and easy language. not dumb, just clear. #ukedchat #ukedchat we have a termly parents forum - opportunity for parents to put ideas, suggestions etc to SMT When little, Einsteins mum always asked him, 'What questions did you ask in school today?' If we could get parents to ask this! #ukedchat @PivotalEllie #ukedchat taught all my 3 girls so really able to look at it from schools and parents point of view. Twitter blocked in school @ePaceonline lots of working parents have praised uploading assemblies and productions onto learning platforms #ukedchat RT @reflectivemaths: Are we talking 'hard to reach' as in very busy _or_ just not very interested? #ukedchat Interesting point #ukedchat lots of great ideas- has anyone had parents who are too involved? We have 1 in particular who slagged us off at yr6 eve - grrrr RT @PivotalEllie: #ukedchat Can you have key parents who are sort of leaders of groups of parents so that they make sure others are involved? communicated 2? #ukedchat should we 'reward' the more engaged parents to encourage the hard to reach ones! Ie participation in school trips etc??? @rapclassroom #ukedchat But what happens if there isn't that diversity in the staffroom? How openly are issues of diversity discussed? @Sian_Rowland it has probs too, like the 1 kid who had no one turn up or reaching those working parents #ukedchat Exploring EVERY Yr5 having blog next year. Encourage children to get parents to comment. #ukedchat Are we talking 'hard to reach' as in very busy _or_ just not very interested? #ukedchat @DexNott #ukedchat one can so quickly escalate in2 another. It must B about engaging ALL parents. Teaching is about engaging ALL pupils. @john_at_muuua You're right there, data isn't a very user friendly thing at the best of times! #ukedchat #ukedchat I tried 'parent voice' and sent out 50 questionnaires and got v few back and those that did moaned about stuff out of my control! @DexNott i'm talking about absent parents, confrontational ones who's baggage prevents interest. #ukedchat @serenity100 Essential in ITT. Otherwise a huge shock when you start teaching. #ukedchat #ukedchat Being a teacher would be far easier without parents. And children. My displays would be ace! @chrisleach78 what was your winning line to convince them #ukedchat @kenradical #ukedchat parents much more willing to engage at primary. At secondary Pupils don't always want parents involved General hit rate of communication with home has improved massively since we adopted text and email systems #ukedchat RT @thought_weavers: #ukedchat were gonna be using twitter and blogging. Setting family project linked to themes has been very popular!

RT @thought_weavers: #ukedchat were gonna be using twitter and blogging. Setting family project linked to themes has been very popular! RT @rapclassroom: @GeographyCarrie Yes a racially and culturally diverse staff is helpful I think #ukedchat Events that challenge stereotypes e.g. Day with dad involving dad's reading with children and females in science also got lots in #ukedchat RT @serenity100: #ukedchat I have pushed for more about working with parents in our teacher training courses - but not always seen as a priority. Thoughts? @ukedchat @kenradical not yet but its on the to do list for next term #ukedchat RT @smurfatik: @Sian_Rowland it only takes getting a few of those 'hard to reach' & then word of mouth gets the others #ukedchat #ukedchat In the last classes I taught, I produced DVDs as part of work samples.Kids working & talking.Always brought interest from parents. @tonycassidy I send home from Sims ev week an email of students achievements and behaviour. #ukedchat so if you make contact you can back up @Sian_Rowland it only takes getting a few of those 'hard to reach' & then word of mouth gets the others #ukedchat #ukedchat I have pushed for more about working with parents in our teacher training courses but not always seen as a priority. Thoughts? @xPunzx too much 'secret knowledge' in secondary. if parents only knew we can predict the GCSE from Year 7... #ukedchat @serenity100 #ukedchat great idea. I want to know that teachers care about my chd first and foremost, SIMS reports alienate parents #ukedchat This ukedchat is brilliant...I can't keep up with all the great ideas coming in, keep them coming... #ukedchat sorry are we talking "hard to reach" or just some occasionally apathetic busy disinterested preoccupied? @geraldhaigh1 #ukedchat Exactly what I used to do with 6th formers as their A level teacher. Also email. V rarely abused, as you say. #ukedchat Can you have key parents who are sort of leaders of groups of parents so that they make sure others are involved? communicated 2? @GreenAPLEd #ukedchat ...from bitter experience! @xPunzx not nec more closed, just more adults dealing with each child, so harder to make consistent contact #ukedchat @GeographyCarrie Yes a racially and culturally diverse staff is helpful I think #ukedchat As a Head I find the only thing that works to get reluctant parents involved is to ring them and keep ringing.#ukedchat RT @MrG_ICT: RT @JOHNSAYERS: #ukedchat blogging great for parents to be involved. Get parents to check class individual blogs and add comments:) <Agree oh yes! @CreativeEdu: Lots of people suggesting we need 'parent voice' as well as 'student voice' perhaps? #ukedchat @GreenAPLEd #ukedchat This is nice idea but beware- they can be as full of prejudice/stereotypical views as anyone. Need to vet!! @TheHeadsOffice hello! have you and @dailydenouement had a chance to catch up re next week's #ukedchat yet? RT @CreativeEdu: RT @PivotalEllie: It is so important to tell parents when things go right, not just when they go wrong. #ukedchat equally @kenradical think theres a more 'open' environment in primary, whereas secondary more closed #ukedchat #ukedchat sometimes feel parents have no accountability. Eg ECM used to apply to everyone EXCEPT parents/family. Very odd! RT @PhilWheeler1: #ukedchat we have invited a few round, used achievement lunches & evenings.

We have a VP & AP for Community & Parental Engagement; responsibility of all but clear direction & accountability 4all as well!! #ukedchat @laurap40 #ukedchat It's very hard but worth persistence. #ukedchat we have invited a few round, used achievement lunches & evenings. RT @PivotalEllie: It is so important to tell parents when things go right, not just when they go wrong. #ukedchat RT @PivotalEllie: It is so important to tell parents when things go right, not just when they go wrong. #ukedchat RT @GreenAPLEd: @CreativeEdu invite parents to speak in assembly especially in primary school to introduce their culture to school community #ukedchat @davidhunter safety so you don't get stalked etc. Contact through twitter, school phone so controlled contact #ukedchat @GeekPeter #ukedchat when new in teaching used the surname thing on purpose - have mellowed! @CreativeEdu invite parents to speak in assembly especially in primary school to introduce their culture to school community #ukedchat @ukedchat Hire a TA that speaks the relevant language. #ukedchat RT @serenity100: @pivotalpaul #ukedchat I got a CDRom of photos one year. Didn't need a written report. Was informative and personal and is treasured! #ukedchat we ran projects like 'Crafty Sew and Sews' for parents to learn crafts, we got great take up and it really broke down barriers. RT @ICTmagic: happiest moment when 2 bitterly split parents put aside differences & watched child's drama performance. #ukedchat @ikeontoast #ukedchat Well I wd sugggest those w parenting experience only need apply! think I cd be allergic to idea of parenting classes RT @ICTmagic: happiest moment when 2 bitterly split parents put aside differences & watched child's drama performance. #ukedchat @TheHeadsOffice #ukedchat Nice - that is a very efficient method too! Watch the chain reaction @Sian_Rowland true, but not all acknowledge pupils SEN!! KItchen sci was in mainstream tho #ukedchat @GeekPeter it's not the data, but how we interpret and present it that matters. #ukedchat @CreativeEdu its taken me a while to convince marketing team that blogging is a good marketing tool #ukedchat #ukedchat has anyone tried on-line reporting such as learning gateway etc as a way of engaging parents? Was it any good? @Dunfordjames trips that involve outside agency (Army etc) they give feedback and you. Try enthuse the chd and open door to folks #ukedchat @CreativeEdu our transition PlayinaDay for Yr7- fab for parental involvement.Parents engage & learn by watching their kids perform #ukedchat #ukedchat Are Primary schools better than Secondary at involving parents? I work in 2ndary and suspect so. If so, why? @CreativeEdu Me too. I considered that route myself, but thankfully had conflicting issues. I would have been a nightmare! #ukedchat @thought_weavers Give a tricky parent a job. I had a threatening dad. Phoned him, "Hey, you've got a roofrack on your car..."#ukedchat @pda3 #ukedchat Agree - if teachers write notes 2 parents, then parents R more likely 2 write notes back. Teachers cn choose who 2 focus on. @maz_blaze90 Often special schools have closer relationships with parents because of comms regarding their children's needs. #ukedchat @PivotalEllie #ukedchat 3 kids over 3 schools I'm the advocate at my sch for working family. Drip drip feed but 'always done it like this'

We have lang and cultural barriers at school, we have to rely on talents of staff and sometimes even other parents #ukedchat @serenity100 For some staff I think its a status thing, they do think of parents as inferior to them in a way #ukedchat @PivotalEllie I called them positive wizards - those you only have to tweak! #ukedchat @PeteJeffreys probably #ukedchat #ukedchat we found putting a BBQ on really got more parents attending events RT @DexNott: #ukedchat listen carefully2 child &2 parents we too often want to give advice/lecture just listen and respond kindly thoughtfully tirelessly Does it matter what we're trying to contact hard to reach parents about? #ukedchat #ukedchat listen carefully2 child &2 parents we too often want to give advice/lecture just listen and respond kindly thoughtfully tirelessly #ukedchat If your child is doing well it is great going into school, but what if the news is always bad, puts you off! Hard to keep up with the pace of #ukedchat - great ideas from people. A brilliant first time so far & we're only half way through! RT @CreativeEdu: Anyone got any great ideas for getting over language / cultural barriers that sometimes prevent engagement? #ukedchat We finish each topic w/presentation & review & always ask 'how can we involve families?' #ukedchat @CreativeEdu Maybe parents should not be governors in their own children's schools. #ukedchat @CreativeEdu How about using the ch as tranlators?#ukedchat @CreativeEdu @serenity100 #ukedchat That is such a lovely idea! @JOHNSAYERS #ukedchat exchanging phone numbers seems to be a but of a no no. Why do you reckon this is? #ukedchat The power of a simple paper based home/school planner or reading diary shouldn't be underestimated if used properly. @pivotalpaul #ukedchat I got a CDRom of photos one year. Didn't need a written report. Was informative and personal and is treasured! Anyone got any great ideas for getting over language / cultural barriers that sometimes prevent engagement? #ukedchat @TheHeadsOffice yes It is like getting a group of influential ppls on your side - they can help you with others! #ukedchat @ICTmagic So perhaps you've change your mind that you don't need to speak to some parents...or didn't mean it when you said it.. #ukedchat @ukedchat invite parents to come in for an 'open day' while school is working to see what goes on #ukedchat #ukedchat I think heads set agendas as well how open does the school feel? is it welcoming for parents? #ukedchat @ePaceonline maybe they should all have Twitter accounts? Halfway through #ukedchat - anyone here for the first time? It's fast, it's furious, but it's fantastic! @geraldhaigh1 yes. Significantly so. Thus there should be good CPD on it. anyone had CPD about parents? #ukedchat Anyone got any great ideas for getting over language / cultural barriers that sometimes prevent engagement? #ukedchat @krivett1 and for the ones that don't answer their phones? #ukedchat Halfway through #ukedchat - anyone here for the first time? It's fast, it's furious, but it's fantastic! @pivotalpaul #ukedchat But in secondary data is the best info staff have on a student, it is hard not to use a report or data as a start. @Sian_Rowland I think a couple of mums sneaked in as well #ukedchat

@Sian_Rowland healthy option then? our parents will do pretty much 'anything' if they think there's a cup of tea in it! #ukedchat @smurfatik Realy good idea, wish more schools opened their classroom doors like that. #ukedchat @ukedchat @LeydenASCI used a lot but most recently for residential visits. Parents loved keeping in touch that way #ukedchat @chrisleach78 Good to hear. Do you think that says more about your families' social status etc? (Notice you're a private sch?) #ukedchat #ukedchat were gonna be using twitter and blogging. Setting family project linked to themes has also been very popular this year! #ukedchat There are some parents who aren't interested.Had 1 family where,despite glowing reports & invites,made it clear weren't interested This discussion isn't taking account of all the very important work that Becta did on using technology for parental engagement. #ukedchat You can't reach them all quickly so identify a group & work on those first then build using them to spread the word.#ukedchat RT @chrisleach78: Anyone else from a boarding school in tonights #ukedchat @mikeatedji #ukedchat thanks. @mikeatedji #ukedchat who else is gonna do it? :) RT @pivotalpaul: #ukedchat parents hate computer gen impersonal reports , they like handwritten, personal comm, treat the child as data and prnts run a mile @ikeontoast I agree. But as I said, on our list of priorities, this should not be the top. The kids matter more, #ukedchat #ukedchat we text and email parents to using SchoolComms. Been a huge success. Feedback has been very positive. Instant win! #ukedchat Support groups then started to share ideas with teachers and heads working as partners instead o (cont) @john_at_muuua though now I'm a mum I can empathise a little on that front! #ukedchat but still some parents don't show - and that's heartbreak for the kids who have been looking forward to sharing with mum #ukedchat Contentious: in parents eves in the past its been clear that a colleague (or two) is letting students down. Impacts parent support #ukedchat #ukedchat parents hate computer gen impersonal reports , they like handwritten, personal comm, treat the child as data and prnts run a mile @GeekPeter #ukedchat Just checking! Would be weird if it was the same school, but mine was a secondary in Wolverhampton. @john_at_muuua I've definitely seen that a lot with parent governors keen to represent their own kid above all others.. #ukedchat #ukedchat persistence can be key. Got a tricky parent at the moment, I speak to her every hometime on the playground! @PeteJeffreys didn't really have any issue with that luckily but shall have to be watchful of that #ukedchat at current sch, (SLD) dedicated parent-liaison person. lots of coffee mornings, open door policy. #ukedchat @chrisleach78 I love the dads and dens idea #ukedchat RT @serenity100: #ukedchat set up a film club but for families too @rapclassroom oh yes. everyone does. I had a hairdresser that I had to stop using because he hated teachers + didn't know I am 1!#ukedchat @laurap40 #ukedchat Do schools do enough to ensure working parents can get involved. It is not always a case of 'won't' but 'can't' @ikeontoast @john_at_muuua @CreativeEdu Becta's evidence was that parental engagement is significant in school improvement. #ukedchat RT @geraldhaigh1: Excellent set of video and written case studies on parental engagement on the Microsoft site here #ukedchat

#ukedchat wisdom from older staf2 b shared but knowing the families well being interested non judgmental supportive imptnt & exhausting @PivotalEllie @serenity100 #ukedchat If you ring a parent and use Mr Bloggs as your name they'll always think of you as Mr Bloggs not Fred RT @PivotalEllie: It is so important to tell parents when things go right, not just when they go wrong. #ukedchat #ukedchat I set up support groups for parents of pupils with ADHD, they valued sharing their thoughts, cathartic for them. RT @john_at_muuua RT @jcem: #ukedchat who needs 3 texts about your child must wear black school shoes in Septemb... RT @jcem #ukedchat who needs 3 texts about your child must wear black school shoes in September on the last day ... RT @DavidPott: #ukedchat Involve the children and the parents will follow. So get the kids to sing/demo/act something. Hey presto! A captive audience. @CreativeEdu #ukedchat Yes...that's why role of governors is crucial - too many are excluded #ukedchat set up a film club but for families too @davidhunter agree 5 mins to discuss a year is a joke!! #ukedchat @chrisleach78 awesome idea! I presume you said dads or other male significant others! #ukedchat @GeographyCarrie it's exceedingly polite of you to thank me during the cut and thrust of #ukedchat! - exemplary manners :-) RT @PivotalEllie: It is so important to tell parents when things go right, not just when they go wrong. #ukedchat @ePaceonline #ukedchat i always start relationships with parents /children with humility, i will earn their respect, no need to give it RT @PivotalEllie: @GeekPeter #ukedchat wld it help if parents & teachers used 1st names when speaking 2 each other? Surely surnames can B reserved 4 ppls? RT @pda3: #ukedchat Welcoming, friendly staff, teachers and office staff alike, can make schools more approachable for reticent parents. RT @maz_blaze90 "parents have to want to engage" - - > totally agree, most of the time this is beyond our control and remit #ukedchat @TheHeadsOffice Precisely. But are we actually trained to confront this? All we can do is send the child home happy as the message #ukedchat RT @CreativeEdu: RT @kenradical: #ukedchat has anyone had experience of using a classblog to increase parental engagement? @kenradical #ukedchat Primary, but I'm sure post 16 would enjoy! Adding a feedburner link for email subscription can help for readers. @Sian_Rowland mostly kid pressure, and offer of biscuits. attendance not great, but if one more positive relationship, worth it #ukedchat @GeekPeter #ukedchat Where do you work? RT @ukedchat: RT @GeographyCarrie: I like adding a parent comment box onto homework sheets to encourage parental involvement in homework #ukedchat @john_at_muuua #ukedchat nope! And I have so many parents not engaged but gotta keep trying for kids benefit :) Our Net Servs also created online data portal 4 parents; live data from CMIS to online Learning Gateway re asst, attnce, behav etc #ukedchat @GeekPeter #ukedchat I hated it! I was 23 years old and felt like an old woman RT @chrisleach78: Our foundation stage ran a dads and dens morning - invited dads in to build shelters with their kids on a sat morning - v popular #ukedchat @john_at_muuua @ikeontoast Teachers come with baggage too... #ukedchat Our foundation stage ran a dads and dens morning - invited dads in to build shelters with their kids on a sat morning - v popular #ukedchat

@maz_blaze90 Hmm I've done those and got only a few parents. How do you get them in? #ukedchat RT @geraldhaigh1: Excellent set of video and written case studies on parental engagement on the Microsoft site here #ukedchat @ikeontoast #ukedchat Why do you think teachers are in a position to provide that training? Especially if not parents themselves... RT @price2710:#ukedchat we text parents info as well rather than relying on letters (don't forget the hashtag!) RT @laurap40: #ukedchat as a full time working mum I feel a 'bad' parent as I can't attend all the schools efforts to involve parents. Balancing act. @PivotalEllie #ukedchat I thought our school was the only place female staff got called Madam haha! #ukedchat as a full time working mum I feel a 'bad' parent as I can't attend all the schools efforts to involve parents. Balancing act. @chrisleach78 #ukedchat there the same difficulty in boarding schools? @chrisleach78 Great idea to reward home comments on blogs. How do chn whose parents don't engage react/feel? #ukedchat @ikeontoast even Michael Gove seems to see schools are they were for him, not how they are now. #ukedchat RT @krivett1: #ukedchat we have a triadic interview led by the chn and it is really successful, they talk about their learning + challenges RT @krivett1: #ukedchat we have a triadic interview led by the chn and it is really successful, they talk about their learning + challenges ran 'kitchen science' sessions in the evenings. things parents could take home/do again with kids. parents have to want to engage #ukedchat @Sian_Rowland very +ve. Main comments school seemed much more welcoming & parents more confident at contacting me directly #ukedchat @ikeontoast I agree. But parents come with baggage. Is it our role to re-educate them too? #ukedchat @pivotalpaul #ukedchat agree totally and always my experience working in some very tough areas. @GeekPeter #ukedchat I know! I used to be called 'Madam' in my school. I never got used to it. #ukedchat lots good stuff here r we really thinking about really difficult oft intractable situations with a minority oft take lot energy @ICTmagic You suggested that there were some that you needed to talk to and they didn't show. I asked you why only some. #ukedchat @monieclaire #ukedchat Fair enough and good luck...perhaps look out for it Anyone else from a boarding school in tonights #ukedchat @reflectivemaths #ukedchat I think U have 2 do everything U do w/ other parents, but more persistently! Just like managing difficult ppls. our bring an adult to sch days and afternoons have also helped engage most of our parents/families- + parents say they value #ukedchat @CreativeEdu my fear is that the 'parent voice' is only the 'what about my child' voice. I can sympathise. #ukedchat @debbisimpson viewing photos of events, videos of assemblies etc... so far, but early days and i like the idea of posting. Thanks #ukedchat Excellent set of video and written case studies on parental engagement on the Microsoft site here #ukedchat RT @ePaceonline: #ukedchat Working with parents - share hints and tips that work, we can learn a lot from each other. RT @ePaceonline: #ukedchat Working with parents - share hints and tips that work, we can learn a lot from each other.

@PivotalEllie We're all people at the end of the day, personally I hate being called Mr or Sir, even by the kids!!! #ukedchat RT @pivotalpaul: #ukedchat worth remembering that all parents want the best for their children, it is just that some don't know how to go about it #ukedchat There's distinction b/w hard to reach cos of attitude + those who dont hv access to language.How effectively to reach the latter? @GeekPeter #ukedchat think this makes a big difference, first name terms make big difference help break down barriers #ukedchat worth remembering that all parents want the best for their children, it is just that some don't know how to go about it @john_at_muuua: @CreativeEdu Our duty is to give the student good memories, not the parents. #ukedchat>>but kids do better with prnts keen RT @serenity100: @PivotalEllie @GeekPeter completely agree - think using surnames creates unnecessary barrier #ukedchat @debbisimpson teachers were REALLY uncomfortable with it. +it was early days of such tech and wasn't accepted. #ukedchat anyone got somethitng that specifically worked with 'hard to reach' parents? #ukedchat @PivotalEllie @GeekPeter completely agree - think using surnames creates unnecessary barrier #ukedchat Lots of people suggesting we need 'parent voice' as well as 'student voice' perhaps? #ukedchat Lots of people suggesting we need 'parent voice' as well as 'student voice' perhaps? #ukedchat RT @CreativeEdu: RT @kenradical: #ukedchat has anyone had experience of using a classblog to increase parental engagement?<Works for a few. @serenity100 @geekpeter #ukedchat So maybe that would be a good starting point when you first meet parents. @PivotalEllie #ukedchat The parents meet with the form tutors twice a year about their academic progress at Parents Day RT @teachitso: RT Key- @DexNott #ukedchat careful, thoughtful wording about incidents expectations helps. High expectations of youngsters echo with parents @PivotalEllie @GeekPeter fully agree- parents in my class use first name- and 2bh wouldn't mind if ch did 2 #ukedchat @pda3 #ukedchat have you used in primary or secondary? most seem to be in primary, am keen to try with Post16 @mikeatedji #ukedchat I'm an NQT so I haven't got much experience of that yet! Just interested in why so far.... RT Key- @DexNott #ukedchat careful, thoughtful wording about incidents expectations helps. High expectations of youngsters echo with parents @ikeontoast the ones who don't need them! #ukedchat My 'hard to reach' parents tend to be the ones where I need extra support. They promise me everything & don't deliver anything #ukedchat @john_at_muuua #ukedchat do you know why? @CreativeEdu #ukedchat I agree with you, but for those who do have a policy, perhaps someone could share a great example?... @chrisleach78 #ukedchat Excellent - and such an easy thing to share! Good idea. RT @jcem: #ukedchat who needs 3 texts about your child must wear black school shoes in September on the last day of the summer term?!? Harassment? Nag RT @GeographyCarrie: I like adding a parent comment box onto homework sheets to encourage parental involvement in homework #ukedchat #ukedchat parents just want to feel valued, respected, listened 2 not judged. Esp if their chn r difficult. Often r lookng 4 help RT @GeographyCarrie: I like adding a parent comment box onto homework sheets to encourage parental involvement in homework #ukedchat

#ukedchat parents needs parenting classes and we need training to provide these...but would parents go? RT @GeographyCarrie: I like adding a parent comment box onto homework sheets to encourage parental involvement in homework #ukedchat <Great! @tonycassidy mine was that I trained locally, left, then returned 20 years later. Hence the horror! #ukedchat our class website has helped engage some trad' 'hard to reach' parents- started of engaging on-line, most now engage 'in person' 2 #ukedchat #ukedchat who needs 3 texts about your child must wear black school shoes in September on the last day of the summer term?!? Harassment? Nag @smurfatik A bold move but a good one. What are the reactions? #ukedchat @GeekPeter #ukedchat wld it help if parents & teachers used 1st names when speaking 2 each other? Surely surnames can B reserved 4 ppls? #ukedchat Wordle - Consultation on Proposed Increases to Contributions for Members of the Teachers Pension Scheme. As an aside, when I became head I published my home phone number to parents as an act of trust. Used rarely and not once abused. #ukedchat @krivett1 that could be done via a class blog too? @kenradical #ukedchat @PivotalEllie #ukedchat yep, it made them want to go home and share with their parents, grandparents etc @Mr_J_Light #ukedchat do you get parents posting to Fronter - talking about it- getting involved as well as viewing? #ukedchat Working with parents - share hints and tips that work, we can learn a lot from each other. we had 'bring your parent to school day' for yr7, to go to core subs. Was brill but lots of pressure with 8 parents in my room! #ukedchat #ukedchat having had other jobs and hard times before teaching career sometimes makes me seem more human/approachable even. RT @smurfatik: Also invited parents in to actual y7 science lessons to see what we do in class. Good for those who had -ve experiences themselves #ukedchat #ukedchat never give up :-) you may need a thick skin @ukedchat Getting parents in for workshops on how to support their parents may not reach parents who still feel disengaged? #ukedchat @debbisimpson I was in a school that tried that, but it put people off! #ukedchat @Smichael920 #ukedchat Some of our pastoral managers call the parents by their first name, I think that's a big advantage! RT @rapclassroom: Parents are much more than resources to help us cope with challenging behaviour in class. How do we communicate this to them? #ukedchat RT @kenradical: #ukedchat has anyone had experience of using a classblog to increase parental engagement? RT @kenradical: #ukedchat has anyone had experience of using a classblog to increase parental engagement? RT @pivotalpaul: #ukedchat ask parents for help and advice, value their expertise, use their skills, start the relationship with humility and an open mind Also invited parents in to actual y7 science lessons to see what we do in class. Good for those who had -ve experiences themselves #ukedchat @PivotalEllie ~@Smichael920 Family support/outreach workers are worth weight in gold, do fantastic job in breaking down barriers #ukedchat RT @ikeontoast: #ukedchat parental engagement needs to be looked at on 'school to school' basis! Can vary a lot even within miles of each other @chrisleach78 #ukedchat Ah, bribery - I like it! Use of our vle fronter has really opened up to all parents the wonderful things we do at school. We get hundreds of views Weekly #ukedchat

@CreativeEdu I don't believe you can or should. Our duty is to give the student good memories, not the parents. #ukedchat @john_at_muuua not had that yet... but I do feel there is a 'pressure' not to stay so long in one school #ukedchat @GeekPeter #ukedchat And do they feed back information to the teachers? How do the teachers develop relationships with parents? #ukedchat I told children they would get rewarded for any comments they got on their blog posts from home - extra house points RT @ukedchat: How can you persuade parents who have unpleasant memories of school that it's not such a bad place? #ukedchat @ikeontoast #ukedchat agreed. Some parents simply don't want to engage and don't care @kenradical #ukedchat parents who aren't interested don't seem interested in commenting in blog! They are happy to know it's happening tho @monieclaire #ukedchat Does that resonate? Or do you have different experience? parents eve are often quiet! I like to meet parents on times that suit them where we can have longer chat. phone, person email. #ukedchat @tonycassidy definitely. But scary when mothers remember you teaching them! #ukedchat #ukedchat ask parents for help and advice, value their expertise, use their skills, start the relationship with humility and an open mind We did loads ICT Home Access schemes (eLF, Becta, C4P etc) & always got parents 2 come in 2 collect kit, provisional training etc #ukedchat Parents are much more than resources to help us cope with challenging behaviour in class. How do we communicate this to them? #ukedchat #ukedchat Is it the same parents that always get involved with everything? Can you use those key parents to engage others? Ask their advice RT @GeekPeter: @PivotalEllie I work in secondary but not as a teacher, a lot of our parental contact is handled by non-teaching pastoral staff #ukedchat #ukedchat r family support worker was a gr8 appointment. She is often the bridge between home & sch. Not a teacher which is important #ukedchat I have always found listening first is the best. You often hear the 'why' from parents in what they DON'T say I like adding a parent comment box onto homework sheets to encourage parental involvement in homework #ukedchat @PivotalEllie I work in secondary but not as a teacher, a lot of our parental contact is handled by non-teaching pastoral staff #ukedchat #ukedchat careful and thoughtful wording about incidents expectations helps. High expectations of youngsters and echo this with parents challenge: make parents understand the values of your school- and what they look like in practice. RT @ikeontoast: #ukedchat not to b negative but hard to reach parents more often than not stay hard to reach! So much that needs undone-beyond our expertise @krivett1 #ukedchat ace idea! @Sian_Rowland agreed- engagement and strategies vary from community to community and individual to individual #ukedchat Get parents familiar with the edtech their kids are using - help take learning outside of the classroom too #ukedchat #ukedchat not to b negative but hard to reach parents more often than not stay hard to reach! So much that needs undone-beyond our expertise RT @krivett1: #ukedchat send home a class book or photo album, recording or DVD of some class events, have the chn sell it to their parents

RT @JOHNSAYERS: #ukedchat blogging great for parents to be involved. Get parents to check class individual blogs and add comments:) <Agree @john_at_muuua #ukedchat visited a schol where different staff posted videos of themsleves talking about thei (cont) RT @DavidPott: #ukedchat Involve the children and the parents will follow. So get the kids to sing/demo/act something. Hey presto! A captive audience. #ukedchat send home a class book or photo album, recording or DVD of some class events, have the chn sell it to their parents RT @cloud_burst: #ukedchat when speaking to parents be truthful, but positive, foster an equal partnership ethos @tonycassidy that's just what i'm looking 4, continuity between subjects. In my own it's cool, but schools isolate subjects 2 much #ukedchat #ukedchat Breaking down barriers very important, working side by side with parents, how can WE work together, non judgmental language RT @CreativeEdu: Just remembered this fab video project @jodieworld did to engage parents: #ukedchat RT @Smichael920: #ukedchat some parents are hard to reach because their own time in sch was so negative. This is often r 1st obstacle 2 overcome RT @Sian_Rowland: I think we also need to remember that many parents had negative experiences at school themselves so you need to gain their trust #ukedchat RT @Sian_Rowland: I think we also need to remember that many parents had negative experiences at school themselves so you need to gain their trust #ukedchat RT @ePaceonline: #ukedchat Had projects to involve parents, v successful, encouraging them to volunteer and mentor pupils. @ICTmagic I'm suggesting our assumptions about parents might affect their 'reachability'. Such as when we 'need' to talk to them #ukedchat #ukedchat when speaking to parents be truthful, but positive, foster an equal partnership ethos #ukedchat some parents are hard to reach because their own time in sch was so negative. This is often r 1st obstacle 2 overcome #ukedchat has anyone had experience of using a classblog to increase parental engagement? #ukedchat whatever fits, bingo, quiz, yoga classes, using the hall as a party venue et etc Online reporting has to become real engagement. Then parents' evenings are more productive because both sides are more prepared. #ukedchat How can you persuade parents who have unpleasant memories of school that it's not such a bad place? #ukedchat How can you persuade parents who have unpleasant memories of school that it's not such a bad place? #ukedchat @Dunfordjames #ukedchat Sounds good. @monieclaire #ukedchat Perhaps 'cos of the patronising assumptions being made or the only time they're contacted is to ask something of em Do we need to think about the question of why some parents are hard to reach before we discuss how to reach them? #ukedchat #ukedchat hard to reach parents r hard to reach, bottom line. As creative as we can be, it is still difficult with some for varying reasons #ukedchat blogging is a great way for parents to be involved. Always get parents to check class individual blogs and add comments:) #ukedchat for the most hard to reach parents they need a reason to come to the school site that is initially nothing to do with their child @debbisimpson in my context no. Despite the theory working, the parents are not interested. Elsewhere it does. #ukedchat RT @smurfatik: We invited parents to come view our Dragons Den projects, set up like a pro expo with a conference. That was very successful #ukedchat

@teachitso @john_at_muuua length of service within the community also helps as well I feel #ukedchat RT @CreativeEdu: I've used 'a day as a student' for engaging governors before... could work with parents?? #ukedchat #ukedchat: 15 minutes gone already. @epaceonline is hosting the discussion on "Hard to reach parents practical help & suggestions" We invited parents to come view our Dragons Den projects, set up like a pro expo with a conference. That was very successful #ukedchat #ukedchat: 15 minutes gone already. @epaceonline is hosting the discussion on "Hard to reach parents practical help & suggestions" #ukedchat parental engagement needs to be looked at on 'school to school' basis! Can vary a lot even within miles of each other RT @rapclassroom: @mikeatedji Would you blame them if they did! Whose culture is the school teaching?! #ukedchat @pivotalpaul blogged about Difficult Parents a while ago: #ukedchat @CreativeEdu #ukedchat thanks, it was my child coming home from summer sch with a list of what he had done that day that inspired the idea I've used 'a day as a student' for engaging governors before... could work with parents?? #ukedchat #ukedchat Had projects to involve parents, v successful, encouraging them to volunteer and mentor pupils. @mikeatedji #ukedchat pissed off? Why? #ukedchat Information evenings are useful, but often poorly attended. Digital recording and then publishing via website can help. @mikeatedji Would you blame them if they did! Whose culture is the school teaching?! #ukedchat @john_at_muuua subjects and staff, it is a rare thing but I have taught some of my ex-yr11 for five years. #ukedchat #ukedchat are learning platforms helpful in home/school communications? RT @Sian_Rowland: I think we also need to remember that many parents had negative experiences at school themselves so you need to gain their trust #ukedchat #ukedchat science learning centres run a course called SCRUFF - we are looking into it but is designed for pupils and patents! #ukedchat many parents just want chn taught and they not involved, good ideas is showing off terms work RT @Sian_Rowland: I think we also need to remember that many parents had negative experiences at school themselves so you need to gain their trust #ukedchat @Sian_Rowland #ukedchat It all has so much to do with trust and about developing relationships. @kenradical there are a few around. would love to hear about one that works well. #ukedchat RT @ePaceonline: #ukedchat my experience running project for EiC Action Zone was poverty & lack of confidence kept parents away from schools,we did outreach I think we also need to remember that many parents had negative experiences at school themselves so you need to gain their trust #ukedchat @tonycassidy #ukedchat Yes email is a good idea. As long as they know how to get you. #ukedchat we had projects aimed at building up parent's confidence beginning in homes and then in schools. Often own schooling been hard. #ukedchat make sure you use a medium that is accepable to the parent -pain to keep track of but worth it @tonycassidy Great point. Timetabling for continuity is very rare at secondary level. #ukedchat

#ukedchat important to make swift contacts and as several say bring good news as well as demands @CreativeEdu #ukedchat thanks Pooky, i knew i had written about the wristbands somewhere! #ukedchat send home photos of children in action at school - science drama, discussion talking points for families - works well in primary @john_at_muuua don't think so, think its something we bought into, can't find it online, grrr #ukedchat @tonycassidy continuity? between subjects? Staff? please elaborate. #ukedchat #ukedchat Has anyone had experience of parents of BME pupils getting pi***d off with being asked to talk about their "culture"? @PivotalEllie its more difficult at secondary to find the time, or arrange times. email is very effective and can break the ice #ukedchat RT @Smichael920: #ukedchat texting parents with positibe messages is a simple & effective method of building relationships RT @DavidPott: #ukedchat Involve the children and the parents will follow. So get the kids to sing/demo/act something. Hey presto! A captive audience. @ukedchat @PivotalEllie We have Parents Day in secondary where the parents come in to see the form tutor. #ukedchat @cloud_burst #ukedchat Sounds excellent. particularly like ask them how they want to be contacted. That is empowering for parents #ukedchat Involve the children and the parents will follow. So get the kids to sing/demo/act something. Hey presto! A captive audience. #ukedchat I run Family SEAL workshops at school - different year group each term. Builds relationships that last. #ukedchat i prefer the positive note to the text or email, pos notes can be kept, held in records of achievmt, be displayed on fridge etc RT @ukedchat: RT @ePaceonline: #ukedchat Let's start thinking outside box, how 'parent friendly are schools and how open are parents to engage? @kenradical is the text system you use available for us? #ukedchat at secondary continuity with classes aids engaging with parents #ukedchat Just remembered this fab video project @jodieworld did to engage parents: #ukedchat #ukedchat my experience running project for EiC Action Zone was poverty & lack of confidence kept parents away from schools,we did outreach @tonycassidy #ukedchat I think it is about communication really. If you know how to communicate and feel safe to do that then it works @CreativeEdu actually the reverse. fewer parents evening, but more focused on communicating well. #ukedchat @ICTmagic Why would you only 'need' to speak to some parents? Doesn't this show assumptions about why you want to reach them? #ukedchat #ukedchat text system at our school has had a huge impact and is really easy to use @teachitso :-) my daughter's school does that every term, but just for her. I only came in at the last parents' evening. nice idea.#ukedchat RT @PivotalEllie: #ukedchat Has anyone changed the format of parents evenings to try to engage more parents? #ukedchat texting parents with positibe messages is a simple & effective method of building relationships RT @PivotalEllie: #ukedchat Has anyone changed the format of parents evenings to try to engage more parents? #ukedchat we use FB and have a shared page for me and the parents, they love it as it showcases the kids' ongoing learning

@ukedchat @ePaceonline It also depends on the teacher they are talking to and the relationships #ukedchat @Mr_J_Light #ukedchat Sounds good . RT @PivotalEllie: @tonycassidy #ukedchat I like knowing when and where the teacher is available to talk to me. @tonycassidy #ukedchat I like knowing when and where the teacher is available to talk to me. @GeographyCarrie #ukedchat i also used the wristbands for self, peer and group assessment, particularly in active lessons If you're taking part in #ukedchat don't forget to use the hashtag or none of the rest of us will see your pearls of wisdom If you're taking part in #ukedchat don't forget to use the hashtag or none of the rest of us will see your pearls of wisdom #ukedchat it meant I wasn't ringing parents with negative it was to help their chd. It's got them interested in chd work n teacher. #ukedchat I'm writing on inclusion. Is anyone willing to share good policy or framework for inclusion, while we're about it? Please... Do we want parents to have a greater say in their child's education? Or are we merely hoping they can make our job easier? #ukedchat #ukedchat we are moving to vertical tutoring - 2 tutors per group to make parental contact easier! @ePaceonline problem 2: schools have to report certain information, but MUST use language accessible to all. not secret code. #ukedchat @john_at_muuua I hope what I write will make them better! #ukedchat @GeographyCarrie #ukedchat the wristbands are the same ones that you get at swimming pools/festivals, cheap, multicoloured and kids love em @cloud_burst #ukedchat invite them in for a chat with you, or for a look around the classroom or? With the ppls? In an evening? RT @ePaceonline: #ukedchat Let's start thinking outside box, how 'parent friendly are schools and how open are parents to engage? RT @ePaceonline: #ukedchat Let's start thinking outside box, how 'parent friendly are schools and how open are parents to engage? Some of us must be parents- what do you like when visiting a school? #ukedchat #ukedchat Actually go to the parents house!! We expect them to come to school so why shouldn't we go to them? @ePaceonline problem 1: parents come to schools with a prior experience of school we are judged by. #ukedchat @GeographyCarrie #ukedchat you can also use them for subtle communication with parents re conduct - eg 2 green dots = bad day etc #ukedchat parents and chd work together. I invite parents in to school and they present with chd. Parents feedback they loved getting close #ukedchat being flexible with times is far easier said than done We have contact books at our school that in theory provide a written contact with home. But older students tend not to use them #ukedchat RT @PivotalEllie: @Mr_J_Light #ukedchat Do you use it in discussions about attainment, effort, behaviour or all three? #ukedchat Has anyone changed the format of parents evenings to try to engage more parents? #ukedchat be flexible with contact times This might be useful for tonight's #ukedchat - Overcoming 10 common barriers to parental engagement: @mikeatedji #ukedchat secondary - its @RGSHistory @teachitso nice idea... but 'prescriptions'? the Dr will see you now? #ukedchat

@GeographyCarrie you can write on them and the children note down what they have done that day to aid conversation at home #ukedchat The assembly sandwich can work: invite parents in to their child's assembly and before or at midway point get your message across. #ukedchat #ukedchat the doomsday project. Parents share pics they took 25 years or so ago (if not past pics) chd find place pic took n recreate #ukedchat consistent phone calls - for good and for bad - are excellent... Love shocking with good news! Can have + effect on whole groups @kenradical #ukedchat love that idea -primary or secondary? i do the first contact is most important thing, and yes, regular contact keeps the channels open #ukedchat #ukedchat Wow, great input so far. Let's start thinking outside box, how 'parent friendly are schools and how open are parents to engage? #ukedchat invite parents in at the begining of the year Some parents will always be hard to reach. Try to make links but be prepared for some of them not to want to meet us even half way.#ukedchat RT @kenradical: @mikeatedji #ukedchat our dept has a twitter feed where EAL parents use GoogleTranslate to receive HomeLearning updates How do schools report data to parents? #ukedchat @GeographyCarrie And they're the ones that have more interesting things to do than discuss their children's education #ukedchat @PhilipEdmundson #ukedchat love the stickers idea! #ukedchat What do we want to engage these parents to do? Is it important to have contact with all parents? @mikeatedji #ukedchat our dept has a twitter feed where EAL parents use GoogleTranslate to receive HomeLearning updates RT @rapclassroom: But it's worth asking why you want to 'reach' them first...#ukedchat @john_at_muuua I fill out 'prescriptions' with parents. A list of 2-4 things the kid should do. It guides the conversation well. #ukedchat But it's worth asking why you want to 'reach' them first...#ukedchat I guess for many parents the first contact may be when something goes wrong #ukedchat #ukedchat dont just contact parents when thins aren't going well #ukedchat as a hod I make each member of dept send one postcard per class per week home, simple, effective, loved by kids & parents @mikeatedji Of course, but too often true. Not sure the self interest really helps. #ukedchat @pivotalpaul how do the wristbands work? #ukedchat #ukedchat the simple, small and often strategies work with parents. Home visits are my fav for the most challenging but this is not for all @Mr_J_Light #ukedchat Do you use it in discussions about attainment, effort, behaviour or all three? RT @Sian_Rowland: Remember parents are your clients so treat them like you value their business. #ukedchat #ukedchat How do you involve parents who have English as additional language? #ukedchat blogging, twitter, parents evening. Not great for hard to reach - disengaged, angry at schools from their time. Solve? #ukedchat @tonycassidy I've had mixed response with postcards - but I guess if it works for a few it's worth doing. @PivotalEllie it has done and it definitely helps to have the backing of your head when having these discussions. #ukedchat If you can't reach someone you can ask/tell them to move closer - or you can move yourself...#ukedchat

@PhilipEdmundson Good idea. @pivotalpaul also uses wristbands to note down what ppls have done in school that day - works well.#ukedchat My school is in a very 'challenging' area. parents are often the ones being challenging. #ukedchat @john_at_muuua: #ukedchat unfortunately often true, not always tho The parents who come to parents eve are often the ones without email at home, lack of phone etc. Really difficult to make contact #ukedchat Feel free to jump into the #ukedchat discussion - tonight we're talking about "Hard to reach parents practical help & suggestions" Feel free to jump into the #ukedchat discussion - tonight we're talking about "Hard to reach parents practical help & suggestions" #ukedchat with the phrase " ask me what I've done well today..." written on them to encourage that important three way discussion. RT @PhilipEdmundson: #ukedchat - I have found that praise postcards are an effective direct link to home with a swift positive slant and will be trying stickers @Mr_D_Cheng #ukedchat That's a good idea. Shows you are open and contactable. #ukedchat 12 different teachers in a huge building can be quite intimidating for some people, esp if they had neg edu exp themselves. @mikeatedji I would say that parent governors are too often only 'in it for themselves'. rarely concerned about all the kids. #ukedchat Web2.0 and social networking can be an aid to contacting those parents who never can come to school with work commitments #ukedchat RT @PivotalEllie: @Mr_J_Light #ukedchat How do parents react to being shown other children's work. Does that make difficult conversations? #ukedchat is it easier in primary when students are picked up by parents/carers and direct contact happens all the time @pda3 #ukedchat Yes, we have to change our own behaviour if we want parents to change theirs @kenradical This is such a pity and happens all too often #ukedchat #ukedchat Welcoming, friendly staff, teachers and office staff alike, can make schools more approachable for reticent parents. #ukedchat - I have found that praise postcards are an effective direct link to home with a swift positive slant and will be trying stickers #ukedchat I've started passing out my email address on all letters and on cards at parents evening - much easier to stay in touch @geographycarrie #ukedchat that's a hard one re:parents evening - direct contact - sec struggle with lack of meeting at the school gates. @Sian_Rowland aren't children our clients? #ukedchat #ukedchat Is there a representative cross section of your school's parents acting as governors? @ePaceonline #photo story is ace kids love it #ukedchat

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