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The Hegelian Statist Virus in the Republican Party


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S o m e a d s a r e p r o vi d e d b y G o o g l e



Th e y a r e n o t e n d o r s e d b y Th e Ne w Am e r i ca n

It was the indefatigable investigative histo rian, Anto ny Sutto n, who finally expo sed the Hegelian statist virus that has plagued American po litics since the early 20 th century. His amazing investigatio n into Yales Skull and Bo nes secret so ciety, also kno wn as The Order, has no w made it po ssible to understand why the Republican Party has no t fulfilled its expected ro le as a co nservative defender o f the principles embo died in the Declaratio n o f Independence and the Co nstitutio n. Instead o f being a bulwark against leftist so cialism, it has been a dialectical acco mplice in mo ving America to ward the New Wo rld Order. And that is why America is no w beco ming a so cialist state. Unlike Jo hn Birch So ciety fo under Ro bert Welch, who had lo ng believed in the existence o f a co mmunistinsider co nspiracy in the United States, Sutto n did no t believe in such a grand po litical co nspiracy until a great American patrio t sent him a bundle o f materials that had belo nged to her father who had been a member o f this secret so ciety at Yale, which is actually an o ffsho o t o f the German Illuminati. The papers no t o nly o pened Sutto ns eyes, but helped him understand why America had helped establish the co mmunist regime in Russia while at the same time pretending to be anti-co mmunist. Yo u can actually listen to Charlo tte Iserbyt explain why and ho w she sent these papers to Anto ny Sutto n o n the Alex Jo nes talk sho w o n Yo uTube. In fact, there is plenty abo ut The Order o n Yo uTube, including a segment fro m 6 0 Minutes. But they do no t say much abo ut ho w the Hegelian dialectic has been used in advancing co ngressio nal legislatio n and making administratio n po licy. As Sutto n writes: In this [dialectical] pro cess change requires co nflict, and co nflict requires the clash o f o ppo sites. Yo u cant just

have a right, yo u must have a right and a left. At heart, all leftists, including Republican statists, believe, like the Fabians in England, that so cialism is inevitable that it is the result o f a natural eco no mic evo lutio n to ward the to tal so cialist state and that the best way to co ntro l its develo pment in a po sitive way is to master Hegels dialectical fo rmula so that we get the kind o f so cialism we want. What kind is that? No bo dy kno ws, including the so cialists. All we do kno w is that it means the end o f individual freedo m as we have kno wn it in America. Republican statists call it the New Wo rld Order leading to ward a wo rld go vernment with the United Natio ns as the Wo rld Parliament. But since American dialecticians kno w that it canno t be achieved all at o nce, they are trying to engineer incremental steps to ward wo rld go vernment by first creating regio nal entities such as the Euro pean Unio n and an eco no mic unio n in No rth America including Mexico , the United States, and Canada as o ne po litical unit. In an article in Human Events, May 19 , 20 0 6 , Jero me Co rsi wro te: President Bush intends to abro gate U.S. so vereignty to the No rth American Unio n, a new eco no mic and po litical entity which the President is quietly fo rming, much as the Euro pean Unio n has fo rmed. The blueprint President Bush is fo llo wing was laid o ut in a 20 0 5 repo rt entitled "Building a No rth American Co mmunity" published by the left-o f-center Co uncil o n Fo reign Relatio ns (CFR). The CFR repo rt co nnects the do ts between the Bush administratio n's actual po licy o n illegal immigratio n and the drive to create the No rth American Unio n: At their meeting in Waco , Texas, at the end o f March 20 0 5, U.S. President Geo rge W. Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fo x, and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin co mmitted their go vernments to a path o f co o peratio n and jo int actio n. We welco me this impo rtant develo pment and o ffer this repo rt to add urgency and specific reco mmendatio ns to strengthen their effo rts. Why wo uld a co nservative Republican President advance a pro gram that wo uld destro y o ur co nstitutio nal republic, end U.S. so vereignty, and submerge us in a No rth American Unio n? The truth is that Geo rge W. Bush is no t a co nservative Republican. Hes a dialectical Republican, o beying the vo ws he to o k when he was initiated into The Order. In fact, if yo u examine the entire Bush administratio n fro m beginning to end yo u can see that it fo llo ws the dialectical pattern o n such issues as immigratio n; war; regio nal unio n; increasing the federal debt thro ugh greatly increased federal spending; enhancement o f liberal pro grams such as the reautho rizatio n o f the Elementary and Seco ndary Educatio n Act o f 19 6 5 No Child Left Behind with the help o f Ted Kennedy; and, o f co urse, the co ntro versial financial bailo ut. Once yo u understand Geo rge W. Bushs co mmitment to the dialectical pro cess, then everything in his administratio n makes sense. Also , yo u begin to understand why Bushs Bo nesman father Geo rge H. W.

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Bush referred to a New Wo rld Order in an address he gave to Co ngress o n September 11, 19 9 0 as we were embarking o n Desert Sto rm, o ur war to get Saddam Hussein o ut o f Kuwait. In his last paragraph he said: Once again, Americans have stepped fo rward to share a tearful go o dbye with their families befo re leaving fo r a strange and distant sho re. At this very mo ment, they serve to gether with Arabs, Euro peans, Asians, and Africans in defense o f principle and the dream o f a new wo rld o rder. That's why they sweat and to il in the sand and the heat and the sun. If they can co me to gether under such adversity, if o ld adversaries like the So viet Unio n and the United States can wo rk in co mmo n cause, then surely we who are so fo rtunate to be in this great Chamber Demo crats, Republicans, liberals, co nservatives can co me to gether to fulfill o ur respo nsibilities here. The dream o f a new wo rld o rder! What kind o f a dream is it, and why wo uld an American President have it? Or wo uld it be a nightmare fo r patrio tic Americans? Ro bert Welch believed that there was a Co mmunist co nspiracy to destro y the American republic which reached into the highest levels o f o ur po litical establishment. And that is why The Jo hn Birch So ciety was so vicio usly attacked by the establishment. And that is why co nservative Bo nesman William F. Buckley, Jr. tried so hard to discredit Welch and destro y The Jo hn Birch So ciety. In case yo u are unfamiliar with Hegels dialectical pro cess o f ho w histo ry advances to ward a final to tal state, read here my previo us article, When Can We Start Cutting the Size o f Go vernment? in which I explain ho w the dialectic wo rks. But also get Anto ny Sutto ns bo o ks, particularly Americas Secret Establishment, which are available thro ugh Abebo o ks. Is Barack Obama also a dialectician? As a Marxist, he is. Remember, Marx called the pro cess leading to co mmunism Dialectical Materialism. Therefo re, every Marxist is well acquainted with ho w the dialectic wo rks to advance so ciety to ward co mmunism. Of co urse, in Russia and China, co mmunism was impo sed by brute fo rce. But they go t help fro m American dialecticians. On the matter o f the No rth American Unio n, it had been assumed by the dialecticians and their acco mplices that the American peo ple co uld be led to accept such a Unio n thro ugh pro paganda fro m a co ntro lled media, dumbed-do wn multicultural educatio n, and o ther cultural fo rces. But the pro blem is that Americans still have to o much freedo m and to o many o f them are still wedded to the principles o f the Fo unding Fathers, who were anything but dialecticians. Meanwhile, the NAFTA (No rth American Free Trade Agreement) superhighway fro m Mexico to Canada is planned to be built thro ugh Texas. The co ncept o f a new No rth American currency, the amero , had been advanced by a Canadian eco no mist, and an immigratio n amnesty pro gram is also being discussed in certain establishment circles. All o f these pro grams were and still are parts o f the grand pro gram fo r advancing the No rth American Unio n. But it was ho ped by the dialecticians that Americans wo uld no t be able to co nnect the do ts. And so Ro bert Welch was right. There is a grand co nspiracy in the highest reaches o f the American establishment to destro y the American co nstitutio nal republic. On the left it is co mpo sed o f o vert Marxist,

co mmunist dialectical materialists, and o n the right it is co mpo sed o f several hundred active Hegelian dialecticians fro m The Order at Yale who pro mo te each o ther into such high places as the presidency. And the latter have many acco mplices drawn to po wer fo r their o wn material benefit. The so lutio n? Only dedicated co nstitutio nalists including Tea Partiers can rid the Republican Party o f its Hegelian virus. They can do this by backing genuine co nservative candidates in primaries against RINO Republicans. The electio n in 20 12 will be impo rtant no t o nly in ho w it defeats Obama but also in what kind o f Republicans take po wer. A new Republican President must be co mmitted to the resto ratio n o f o ur co nstitutio nal republic and the dismantling o f the bureaucratic superstructure in Washingto n, created by the liberals and dialecticians to advance us to ward the to tal state. If carried o ut by a new co nstitutio nalist go vernment, it will be seen as the new American Revo lutio n fo r freedo m. As fo r Skull and Bo nes, it has been so to tally expo sed and is no w all o ver Yo uTube and the Internet, that it has had to change its tarnished public image. It no w admits wo men, Jews, and blacks. William F. Buckley, Jr., sued The Order to prevent it fro m admitting wo men. But he lo st and is no w go ne. What the new Bo nesmen and Bo neswo men do when they leave Yale will be clo sely watched by American patrio ts.

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Marcy Fleming said:

Sam' s B e st Pie ce Very good analysis of the Insider- Communist Conspiracy. I met Tony Sutton at a party in his home in Cupertino in Santa Clara Valley in the 70s. As a woman and a Jew I will not be rushing to join the Bonesmen. As for Master Buckley, good riddance to bad rubbish ! Read the John McManus book on him. vote vote up down
Aug us t 0 2, 20 11 Vo te s : +1

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