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Kinder Theme:_____________________ Phase: ___ E

___C ___A

Objective: __________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Standard Expectations

____ L/S.K.1 Listens and responds to basic commands, instructions, and routine questions during story time using expressions to demonstrate engagement. ____L/S.K.2 Demonstrates the development of early phonemic awareness and the alphabetic principle when participating in listening and speaking activities. ____L/S.K.3 Uses basic vocabulary to identify familiar concepts related to self, family, and to interact with peers. ____L/S.K.4 Offers and responds to greetings and farewells using appropriate courtesy expressions. ____L/S.K.5 Uses both verbal and nonverbal forms of communication to express feelings and needs; reacts to pictures and simple language cues after listening to read alouds.


Thinking Skill ___Observe/remember ___Compare/contrast ___ Order ___ Group / label ___ Classify ___ Infer ___ Analyze ___ Logic Reason ___ Evaluate ___ Problem solving ___ Decision Making

LISTENING SPEAKING The student uses the English language to interpret oral input, construct meaning, interact with confidence both verbally and nonverbally, and express ideas effectively in a variety of personal, social, and academic contexts.

____ Routine Activities ____ Review previous lesson ____ Song:______________ ________________________ ____ Conversation in relation to _____________________ ________________________ ____ Picture walk ____Read aloud ___Game_______________ ___ Other: ______________ _______________________ Development ____ Introduce vocabulary, theme, concept, or new skill. ____ Reading (guided, orally, silent) ____ Systematic practice ____ Oral discussion ____ Brainstorm the concept ______________________ ____ Review skills given ____ Written practice exercise ____ Observe pictures to express their knowledge ___ Other: ______________ _______________________ _______________________ I. Closing Assessment

Material ___ Movie ___ Poem ___ Song ___ Crayons ___ Scissors ___ Pictures ___ Flashcards ___ CD ___ Magazines ___ Transparencies ___ Worksheet ___ Objects ___ Cassette ___ Computer Program ___ Other: __________ __________________

READING The student uses reading strategies, literary analysis, and critical thinking skills to construct meaning and develop an understanding as well as an appreciation of a variety of genres of both fiction and nonfiction.

____R.K.1 Identifies vowels and consonants; associates the sounds. ____R.K.2 Uses basic aural phonemic awareness strategies to manipulate sounds. ____R.K.3 Uses context clues and illustrations to identify details and to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words. ____R.K.4 Demonstrates awareness of main character(s) and uses picture cues to identify similarities and differences between characters within narrative texts.

WRITING The student effectively communicates to a variety of audiences in all forms of writing through the use of the writing process, proper grammar, and age appropriate expressive vocabulary.

____W.K.1 Identifies and traces the letters of the alphabet using linear and curved strokes; recognizes uppercase and lowercase letters. ____W.K.2 Writes the letters that represent first name. ____W.K.3 Forms the letters of the alphabet using a variety of manipulatives, identifies the initial consonant in words or pictures by tracing and circling, and attempts to write the letters using print techniques. ____W.K.4 Illustrates to express feelings, concepts related to family, and personal experiences.

____ Hand-out: ________________________ _______________________ _______________________ ____ Graphic Organizer (______________________) ____ Poem(_____________) ____ Conceptual Map ____ Drawing (Illustrate) ____ Oral Presentation ______________________ _ ____ Dramatizations ____ Story Maps ____ Other: _____________ _______________________ Assignment: ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

Technology ___ Projector ___ TV ___ Computer ___ CD Player ___ VCR ___ Other: __________ ___________________

Comments: ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________


Grade: 1st Theme:_____________________ Phase: ___ E



Objective: __________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Standard Expectations

____L/S.1.1 Listens and responds to basic commands, instructions, and routine questions during story time using expressions to demonstrate engagement. ____L/S.1.2 Develops and demonstrates phonemic awareness and auditory discrimination to identify distinctive sounds. ____L/S.1.3 Uses basic vocabulary and language patterns to identify and describe familiar concepts related to self, to family, and to interact with peers. ____L/S.1.4 Offers and responds to greetings and farewells using the appropriate courtesy expressions. ____L/S.1.5 Uses both verbal and nonverbal forms of communication to express feelings, needs, experiences, and reacts to pictures and simple language cues after listening to read alouds. ____R.1.1 Recognizes letter-sound relationships to decode words and phrases fluently. ____R.1.2 Uses phonemic awareness strategies to manipulate sounds and form new monosyllabic words. ____R.1.3 Uses context clues and illustrations to identify details and to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words; demonstrates an acquisition of grade level vocabulary. ____R.1.4 Identifies the main character(s) and uses picture cues to identify similarities and differences between characters within narrative text. ____R.1.5 Identifies story organization of beginning, middle, and end within narrative text. ____ W.1.1 Recognizes and writes the letters of the alphabet; writes initial and final consonants in CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) pattern words. ____W/1.2 Writes name correctly; copies words and simple three word sentences using left to right, top to bottom progression; applies appropriate spacing between letters and words; uses phonemic awareness and phonics strategies to spell words. ____W/1.3 Identifies a complete sentence using capitalization; recognizes ending punctuation. ____W.1.4 Writes to describe a picture, person, or object; writes sentences of two or three words in length. ____W.1.5 Uses a picture dictionary as an aid to the writing process.

Initial ____ Routine Activities ____ Review previous lesson ____ Song:______________ ________________________ ____ Conversation in relation to _____________________ ________________________ ____ Oral preview of the story they are about to read. ___Game_______________ ___ Other: ______________ _______________________ Development ____ Introduce vocabulary, theme, concept, or new skill. ____ Reading (guided, orally, silent) ____ Systematic practice ____ Oral discussion ____ Brainstorm the concept ______________________ ____ Review skills given ____ Written practice exercise ____ Observe pictures to express their knowledge ___ Other: ______________ _______________________ _______________________ II. Closing Assessment

Thinking Skill ___Observe/remember ___Compare/contrast ___ Order ___ Group / label ___ Classify ___ Infer ___ Analyze ___ Logic Reason ___ Evaluate ___ Problem solving ___ Decision Making

LISTENING SPEAKING The student uses the English language to interpret oral input, construct meaning, interact with confidence both verbally and nonverbally, and express ideas effectively in a variety of personal, social, and academic contexts.

Material ___ Movie ___ Poem ___ Song ___ Crayons ___ Scissors ___ Pictures ___ Flashcards ___ CD ___ Magazines ___ Transparencies ___ Worksheet ___ Objects ___ Cassette ___ Computer Program ___ Other: __________ __________________

READING The student uses reading strategies, literary analysis, and critical thinking skills to construct meaning and develop an understanding as well as an appreciation of a variety of genres of both fiction and nonfiction.

WRITING The student effectively communicates to a variety of audiences in all forms of writing through the use of the writing process, proper grammar, and age appropriate expressive vocabulary.

____ Copy from board ____ Hand-out: ________________________ _______________________ _______________________ ____ Graphic Organizer (______________________) ____ Poem(_____________) ____ Conceptual Map ____ Cooperative Work ____ Drawing (Illustrate) ____ Oral Presentation ______________________ _ ____ Dramatizations ____ Story Maps ____ Other: _____________ _______________________ Assignment: ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

Technology ___ Projector ___ TV ___ Computer ___ CD Player ___ VCR ___ Other: __________ ___________________

Comments: ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ __________________

Date:________________________ Grade: 2nd Theme:______________________ Phase: ___ E ___C


Objective:___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Standard

LISTENING SPEAKING The student uses the English language to interpret oral input, construct meaning, interact with confidence both verbally and nonverbally, and express ideas effectively in a variety of personal, social, and academic contexts.

____L/S.2.1 Listens and responds to simple commands, instructions, and statements, and is able to answer the 5-W Questions (who, what, when, where, and why) during story time using expressions to demonstrate engagement. ____L/S.2.2 Applies phonemic awareness and auditory discrimination to identify distinctive sounds. ____L/S.2.3 Uses appropriate vocabulary and language patterns to identify, describe, and classify familiar concepts related to self, family, and environment, and to interact with peers. ____L/S.2.4 Demonstrates verbal and nonverbal forms of greetings, farewells, and introductions using the appropriate courtesy expressions in simple sentences. ____L/S.2.5 Expresses feelings, needs, ideas, and experiences; discusses learned concepts from content area or class readings using acquired language.
____ R.2.1 Uses letter-sound relationships to decode words and

___ Routine Activities ___ Review previous lesson ___ Song ___ Conversation in relation to ___________________ ___ Oral preview of the story they are about to read ___ Game ___ Other: ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

Thinking Skill
___Observe/remember ___Compare/contrast ___ Order ___ Group / label ___ Classify ___ Infer ___ Analyze ___ Logic Reason ___ Evaluate ___ Problem solving ___ Decision Making


Develo pment Material

___ Movie ___ Poem ___ Song ___ Crayons ___ Scissors ___ Pictures ___ Flashcards ___ CD ___ Magazines __ Transparencies ___ Worksheet ___ Objects ___ Cassette ___ Computer Program ___ Other: __________ ___________________

READING The student uses reading strategies, literary analysis, and critical thinking skills to construct meaning and develop an understanding as well as an appreciation of a variety of genres of both fiction and nonfiction.

phrases fluently. ____R.2.2 Uses phonemic awareness strategies to manipulate sounds and to form new multisyllabic words; reads words and phrases in simple narrative text fluently. ____R.2.3 Uses context clues and acknowledges resources as a support to build vocabulary, verify meaning, and determine the meaning of unfamiliar words; demonstrates an acquisition of gradelevel vocabulary and transfers word meaning into a variety of narrative texts. ____R.2.4 Identifies and states the main character; establishes similarities and differences between characters; identifies the setting within narrative text. ____R.2.5 Demonstrates an understanding of story organization of beginning, middle, and end; makes predictions within narrative text. ____W.2.1 Matches all uppercase letters to their corresponding lowercase counterparts; arranges words in alphabetical order using first letter criteria. ____W.2.2 Uses phonemic awareness and phonics strategies to write simple words; applies correct letter and spacing. ____W.2.3 Applies correct capitalization and punctuation marks in declarative and interrogative sentences; identifies the main parts of speech. ____W.2.4 Writes to express feelings, familiar topics, experiences, and describe a picture; uses high frequency words to write simple sentences of three to four words in length; applies correct word spacing.

___ Introduce vocabulary, theme, concept, or new skill. ___ Reading (guided, orally, silent) ___ Systematic practice ___ Oral discussion ___ Brainstorm the concept ____________ ___ Review skills given ___ Written practice exercise ___ Observe pictures to express their knowledge ___ Other: __________ ___________________ __________________

IV. V.

WRITING The student effectively communicates to a variety of audiences in all forms of writing through the use of the writing process, proper grammar, and age appropriate expressive vocabulary.

___ Comic strip ___ Graphic Organizer (_________________) ___Poem(__________) ___ Independent writing ___ Journal Entry ___ Conceptual Map ___ Cooperative Work ___ Writing logs ___ Drawing (Illustrate) ___ Oral Presentation ___ Reflexive Diaries ___ Anecdotal Records ___ Dramatizations ___ Story Maps ___ Other: __________ ___________________ ___________________

Closing Assess ment

___ Projector ___ TV ___ Computer ___ CD Player ___ VCR ___ Other: __________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________

Comments: ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

____W.2.5 Uses the dictionary as an aid in the writing process; uses visual aids to support generating ideas.

___________________ ___________________ ___________________


Date: ___________________________Grade: 3rd Theme: ______________________ Phase: __E __C __A Objective:__________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Standard
LISTENING SPEAKING: The student uses the English language to interpret oral input, construct meaning, interact with confidence both verbally and nonverbally, and express ideas effectively in a variety of personal, social, and academic contexts.

____L/S.3.1 Listens carefully during a read aloud from a variety of narrative texts to comprehend and identify the main character and setting. ____L/S.3.2 Applies phonemic awareness and auditory discrimination and distinguishes between singular/plural forms as well as past/present tense of regular verbs. ____L/S.3.3 Listens and responds to, gives commands, provides both instructions and directions; shares answers and formulates the 5-W Questions (who, what, when, where, and why). ____L/S.3.4 Uses and applies appropriate language structure with formal and informal expressions to identify, describe, and classify familiar concepts in relation to personal experiences, preferences, interests, and environment. ____L/S.3.5 Identifies and states the main idea or topic of an oral message or class reading from a variety of simple informational texts and uses transitions to tell and retell a story using acquired vocabulary and appropriate language structure to personal experiences. _____R.3.1 Decodes words and phrases to read fluently. ____R.3.2 Applies phonemic awareness strategies to identify syllables and word family patterns. ____R.3.3 Uses context clues and resources to build vocabulary, verify meaning, determine the meaning of unfamiliar words, and to transfer meaning into a variety of narrative and informational texts. ____R.3.4 Identifies and states the main character(s), identifies character traits, establishes similarities and differences between characters, and identifies setting within narrative text. ____R.3.5 Uses story organization of beginning, middle, and end within narrative text to state and organize events; makes predictions and connections. ____R.3.6 Recognizes differences between fiction and nonfiction; identifies fact and opinion; recognizes main idea in simple informational text.

Initial ___ Routine Activities ___ Review previous lesson ___ Song ___ Conversation in relation to __________ ___________________ __________________ ___ Oral preview of the story they are about to read ___ Game ___ Other: __________ __________________ VI. Develop ment ___ Introduce vocabulary, theme, concept, or new skill. ___ Reading (guided, orally, silent) ___ Systematic practice ___ Oral discussion ___ Brainstorm the concept ___________ ___ Review skills given ___ Written practice exercise ___ Observe pictures to express their knowledge ___ Other: _________ __________________ __________________ Closing Assessment ___ Comic strip ___ Graphic Organizer (_________________) ___ Poem (________________) ___ Independent writing ___ Journal Entry ___ Conceptual Map ___ Cooperative Work ___ Writing logs ___ Drawing (Illustrate) ___ Oral Presentation ___ Reflexive Diaries ___ Anecdotal Records ___ Dramatizations ___ Story Maps ___Test ___Art Activity ___ Other: ___________________ ___________________ Assignment:

Thinking Skill
__Observe/remember __Compare/contrast ___ Order ___ Group / label ___ Classify ___ Infer ___ Analyze ___ Logic Reason ___ Evaluate ___ Problem solving ___ Decision Making

Material ___ Movie ___ Poem ___ Song ___ Crayons ___ Scissors ___ Pictures ___ Flashcards ___ CD ___ Magazines __ Transparencies ___ Worksheet ___ Objects ___ Cassette ___ Computer Program ___ Other:________ _________________ _________________ _________________ Technology ___ Projector ___ TV ___ Computer ___ CD Player ___ VCR ___ Other: _________________ _________________ _________________

READING The student uses reading strategies, literary analysis, and critical thinking skills to construct meaning and develop an understanding as well as an appreciation of a variety of genres of both fiction and nonficion.

WRITING The student effectively communicates to a variety of audiences in all forms of writing through the use of the writing process, proper grammar, and age appropriate

____W.3.1 Arranges words in alphabetical order using first and second letter criteria. W.3.2 Applies phonemic awareness and phonics strategies to correctly spell words that have two letter clusters, common spelling patterns, and uncommon consonant patterns. ____W.3.3 Applies basic grammar and mechanics to write complete declarative and interrogative sentences of three to five words in length; identifies declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, and imperative types of sentences; identifies the parts of speech. ____W.3.4 Recognizes descriptive and narrative writing forms; writes words,phrases, and simple sentences to develop descriptive and narrative three

Comments: _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

expressive vocabulary.

sentence paragraphs. ____W.3.5 Applies the dictionary as an aid in the writing process; uses simple prewriting techniques to generate ideas.

_________________ _________________ _________________

Date: ________________________

Grade: 4th Theme: ______________________ Phase: __E __C __A

Objective: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Standard Expectations

____L/S.4.1 Listens and responds during a read aloud from a variety of narrative texts to comprehend and identify main character and setting. ____L/S.4.2 Recognizes simple homophones and figurative language. ____L/S.4.3 Listens and responds to complex instructions, complete statements, and answers and formulates the 5 W-Questions as well as how questions (who, what, when, where, why, and how) in formal and informal discussions. ____L/S.4 .4 Applies correct language patterns to organize events from read alouds of narrative texts. ____L/S.4.5 Identifies, states, and paraphrases the main idea or topic and important details from learned concepts or read alouds of a variety of simple informational texts; uses transitions to tell, retell, and explain a story using acquired vocabulary and appropriate language structure. ____R.4.1 Decodes words and phrases; reads fluently. ____R.4.2 Analyzes the text and identifies text features to enhance comprehension.
READING The student uses reading strategies, literary analysis, and critical thinking skills to construct meaning and develop an understanding as well as an appreciation of a variety of genres of both fiction and nonfiction

Initial ___ Routine Activities ___ Review previous lesson ___ Song ___ Conversation in relation to ________ ___ Oral preview of the story they are about to read ___ Game ___ Other: __________ ___________________ Development ___ Introduce vocabulary, theme, concept, or new skill. ___ Reading (guided, orally, silent) ___ Systematic practice ___ Oral discussion ___ Brainstorm the concept ___________ ___ Review skills given ___ Written practice exercise ___ Observe pictures to express their knowledge ___ Other: _________ __________________ __________________ Closing Assessment ___ Comic strip ___ Graphic Organizer (_________________) ___ Poem(_________) ___ Independent writing ___ Journal Entry ___ Conceptual Map ___ Cooperative Work ___ Writing logs ___ Drawing (Illustrate) ___ Oral Presentation ___ Reflexive Diaries ___ Anecdotal Records ___ Dramatizations ___ Story Maps ___Test ___Art Activity ___ Other: ____________ _____________________ _____________________

Thinking Skill ___Observe/remember ___Compare/contrast ___ Order ___ Group / label ___ Classify ___ Infer ___ Analyze ___ Logic Reason ___ Evaluate ___Problem solving ___ Decision Making

_____LISTENING SPEAKING The student uses the English language to interpret oral input, construct meaning, interact with confidence both verbally and nonverbally, and express ideas effectively in a variety of personal, social, and academic contexts.

Material ___ Movie ___ Poem ___ Song ___ Crayons ___ Scissors ___ Pictures ___ Flashcards ___ CD ___ Magazines __ Transparencies ___ Worksheet ___ Objects ___ Cassette ___ Computer Program ___ Other: __________ ___________________

____R.4.3 Uses context clues and resources to build vocabulary, verify meaning, determine the meaning of unfamiliar words, and transfer meaning into a variety of narrative and expository texts. ____R.4.4 Identifies the main character(s), compares and contrasts character traits, and identifies setting within narrative and expository text. ____R.4.5 Uses story organization of beginning, middle, and end to identify sequence within narrative and expository text; makes predictions and connections. ____R.4.6 Identifies differences between fiction and nonfiction; identifies main idea or topic and fact and opinion in informational text.

Technology ___ Projector ___ TV ___ Computer ___ CD Player ___ VCR ___ Other: ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ __________________

____W.4.1 Arranges words in alphabetical order using first, second, and third letter criteria. ____W.4.2 Applies phonemic awareness, phonics strategies, and structural analysis to correctly spell words that have three letter clusters, common spelling patterns, and uncommon consonant patterns. ____W.4.3 Uses appropriate grammar and mechanics to write complete declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences; identifies the parts of speech correctly. ____W.4.4 Identifies elements in descriptive and narrative forms of writing; uses a variety of sentence types to write descriptive and narrative paragraphs. ____W.4.5 Follows the writing process; applies prewriting strategies to generate ideas; uses the dictionary as an aid in the writing process; identifies spelling errors in writing. Assignment: Comment: _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ __________________

WRITING The student effectively communicates to a variety of audiences in all forms of writing through the use of the writing process, proper grammar, and age appropriate expressive vocabulary.

Date: ________________________

Grade: 5th Theme: ______________________ Phase: __E __C __A

Objective: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Standard Expectations

____L/S.5.1 Listens and responds during a read aloud from a variety of narrative texts to comprehend, identify, and describe characters and setting. ____L/S.5.2 Identifies and uses homophones and recognizes figurative language. ____L/S.5.3 Listens, responds to, and analyzes complex instructions; expresses self using complete sentences; answers and formulates both closed and open-ended questions in both formal and informal scenarios. ____L/S.5.4 Applies correct language patterns to organize events from read alouds in a variety of narrative texts. ____L/S.5.5 Identifies, states, and paraphrases the main idea or topic and important details from learned concepts or read alouds of a variety of simple informational texts; uses transitions to tell, retell, and explain a story using acquired vocabulary and appropriate language structure.

Initial ___ Routine Activities ___ Review previous lesson ___ Song ___ Conversation in relation to ____________ ___ Oral preview of the story they are about to read ___ Game ___ Other: ____________ _____________________ Development VII. ___ Introduce vocabulary, theme, concept, or new skill. ___ Reading (guided, orally, silent) ___ Systematic practice ___ Oral discussion ___ Brainstorm the concept ___________ ___ Review skills given ___ Written practice exercise ___ Observe pictures to express their knowledge ___ Other: _________ __________________ Closing Assessment ___ Comic strip ___ Graphic Organizer (___________________) ___ Poem(___________) ___ Independent writing ___ Journal Entry ___ Conceptual Map ___ Cooperative Work ___ Writing logs ___ Drawing (Illustrate) ___ Oral Presentation ___ Reflexive Diaries ___ Anecdotal Records ___ Dramatizations ___ Story Maps ___Test ___Art Activity ___ Other: ____________ _____________________ ___________________

Thinking Skill ___Observe/remember ___Compare/contrast ___ Order ___ Group / label ___ Classify ___ Infer ___ Analyze ___ Logic Reason ___ Evaluate ___Problem solving ___ Decision Making

LISTENING SPEAKING The student uses the English language to interpret oral input, construct meaning, interact with confidence both verbally and nonverbally, and express ideas effectively in a variety of personal, social, and academic contexts.

Material ___ Movie ___ Poem ___ Song ___ Crayons ___ Scissors ___ Pictures ___ Flashcards ___ CD ___ Magazines __ Transparencies ___ Worksheet ___ Objects ___ Cassette ___ Computer Program ___ Other: __________ ___________________

____R.5.1 Analyzes the text and uses text features to enhance comprehension.
READING The student uses reading strategies, literary analysis, and critical thinking skills to construct meaning and develop an understanding as well as an appreciation of a variety of genres of both fiction and nonfiction

____R.5.2 Applies context clues, reference sources, and other vocabulary expansion strategies to assess word meaning; uses prefixes and suffixes to determine the meaning of words. ____R.5.3 Distinguishes main character from supporting characters, compares and contrasts character traits, and describes setting in fiction. ____R.5.4 Explains the differences between fiction and nonfiction; states the main idea and topic and identifies fact and opinion in expository text. ____R.5.5 Identifies sequence of events and cause and effect, organizes plot, makes predictions and connections, and recognizes problem and solution in narrative and expository text.

Technology ___ Projector ___ TV ___ Computer ___ CD Player ___ VCR ___ Other: ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

____W.5.1 Applies common spelling patterns and structural analysis to correctly spell words. ____W.5.2 Recognizes a complete sentence and a fragment; writes complete declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences. ____W.5.3 Uses the parts of speech correctly in sentences; demonstrates understanding of subjects and objects with the use of prepositional phrases in sentences. ____W.5.4 Identifies elements in descriptive and narrative forms of writing; uses a variety of sentence types to construct a paragraph; applies organizational patterns to connect ideas in narrative and descriptive paragraphs. ____W.5 Follows the writing process; applies prewriting strategies to generate ideas; uses the dictionary as an aid in the writing process; identifies spelling, capitalization, and ending punctuation errors. Assignment: Comment: _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ __________________

WRITING The student effectively communicates to a variety of audiences in all forms of writing through the use of the writing process, proper grammar, and age appropriate expressive vocabulary.

Date: ________________________

Grade: 6th Theme: ______________________ Phase: __E __C __A

Objective: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Standard Expectations

____L/S.6.1 Listens and responds during a read aloud from a variety of fiction and text styles to comprehend, identify, and relate to character and setting. ____L/S.6.2 Distinguishes between homophones and identifies figurative language. ____L/S.6.3 Listens, responds to, and analyzes complex instructions and statements; applies instructions and directions; answers and formulates both closed and open-ended questions in a variety of scenarios. ____L/S.6.4 Applies correct language patterns to identify and organize events in a variety of narrative texts and text styles. ____L/S.6.5 States the main idea or topic and important details from learned concepts or read alouds of a variety of expository texts; applies understanding to summarize the text using acquired vocabulary and appropriate language structure. ____R.6.1 Analyzes the text and distinguishes text features to enhance comprehension.
READING The student uses reading strategies, literary analysis, and critical thinking skills to construct meaning and develop an understanding as well as an appreciation of a variety of genres of both fiction and nonfiction

Initial ___ Routine Activities ___ Review previous lesson ___ Song ___ Conversation in relation to ________ ___ Oral preview of the story they are about to read ___ Game ___ Other: __________ ___________________ Development ___ Introduce vocabulary, theme, concept, or new skill. ___ Reading (guided, orally, silent) ___ Systematic practice ___ Oral discussion ___ Brainstorm the concept ___________ ___ Review skills given ___ Written practice exercise ___ Observe pictures to express their knowledge ___ Other: _________ __________________ __________________ Closing Assessment ___ Comic strip ___ Graphic Organizer (_________________) ___ Poem(_________) ___ Independent writing ___ Journal Entry ___ Conceptual Map ___ Cooperative Work ___ Writing logs ___ Drawing (Illustrate) ___ Oral Presentation ___ Reflexive Diaries ___ Anecdotal Records ___ Dramatizations ___ Story Maps ___Test ___Art Activity ___ Other: ____________ _____________________ _____________________

Thinking Skill ___Observe/remember ___Compare/contrast ___ Order ___ Group / label ___ Classify ___ Infer ___ Analyze ___ Logic Reason ___ Evaluate ___Problem solving ___ Decision Making

LISTENING SPEAKING The student uses the English language to interpret oral input, construct meaning, interact with confidence both verbally and nonverbally, and express ideas effectively in a variety of personal, social, and academic contexts.

Material ___ Movie ___ Poem ___ Song ___ Crayons ___ Scissors ___ Pictures ___ Flashcards ___ CD ___ Magazines __ Transparencies ___ Worksheet ___ Objects ___ Cassette ___ Computer Program ___ Other: __________ ___________________

____R.6.2 Applies context clues, reference sources, and other vocabulary expansion strategies to assess word meaning; uses prefixes, suffixes, and root words to determine the meaning of unfamiliar and compound words. ____R.6.3 Distinguishes main character from supporting characters, compares and contrasts character traits, and describes the setting in fiction. ____R.6.4 Sorts and organizes relevant events, identifies cause and effect, makes predictions and inferences, and identifies problem and solution in narrative and expository text. ____R.6.5 Explains the differences between fiction and nonfiction; identifies fact and opinion; states main idea or topic and determines important details.

Technology ___ Projector ___ TV ___ Computer ___ CD Player ___ VCR ___ Other: ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ __________________

____W.6.1 Examines spelling patterns and applies structural analysis to correctly spell words. ____W.6.2 Identifies complete sentences, fragments, and run-on sentences; uses a variety of sentence types in writing. ____W.6.3 Applies the parts of speech; identifies subjects and objects using prepositional phrases in sentences. ____W.6.4 Identifies elements in descriptive, narrative, and expository forms of writing; uses a variety of sentence types and basic organizational patterns to construct narrative, descriptive, and expository paragraphs. ____W.6.5 Uses the writing process; applies prewriting strategies to generate ideas; uses the dictionary as an aid in the writing process; identifies spelling, capitalization, and ending punctuation errors. Assignment: Comment: _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ __________________

WRITING The student effectively communicates to a variety of audiences in all forms of writing through the use of the writing process, proper grammar, and age appropriate expressive vocabulary.

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