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An example proof by mathematic induction

Suppose we are set the problem of proving the statement: For every natural number n, 8n 2n is divisible by 6 How do we go about it ? Since it is a statement about every natural number, then it will probably involve a proof by mathematical induction. So (Step 1:) Identify the precise statement P (n) which needs to be proved. In this case P (n): 8n 2n is divisible by 6 Every proof (by induction) of a statement For every natural number n the statement P (n) is true always has the same structure. There are always two cases, the base case, and the inductive case. The next step is (Step 2:) State the base case, namely P (0). In this example this amounts to 80 20 is divisible by 6 Then (Step 3:) Use your ingenuity, and repetoire of mathematical facts to prove the base case. This is usually relatively straightforward. In this example the proof revolves around the two facts, m0 is 1 for any m, and 0 is divisible by any number. Having nished the base case we move on to (Step 4:) State the inductive case. This is always the hypothetical inference: For an arbitrary natural number k, P (k) implies P (k + 1) Even though at this stage you might not know how you are going to do this, it is best to unravel it. In other words write down (a) what the inductive hypothesis actually is (b) what we are required to deduce from it. In this example we have (a) We are assuming 8k 2k is divisible by 6 (b) We are required to deduce from (IH) that 8(k+1) 2(k+1) is divisible by 6 The next step is 1 required statement (IH)

(Step 5:) Show how the required statement follows from the inductive hypothesis. This is always non-trivial, and requires ingenuity. Normally it means massaging the requirement until somewhere inside it you can see the possibility for applying the inductive hypothesis (IH). For this example of how this is done see the proof in Figure 1. Having completed the base case and the inductive case, the overall proof is now completed. Finally (Step 6:) Write up the proof in a coherent manner, showing its structure, as we have just outlined it. For an example proof write-up see Figure 1. The layout used there can be used for any proof by mathematical induction.

Let P (n) be the statement 8n 2n is divisible by 6. We prove by mathematical induction that the statement P (n) is true, for every natural number n. Proof: There are two cases. Base case: We prove P (0) is true; namely 80 20 is divisible by 6. The proof is by direct calculations, using the fact that m0 = 1 for any number m. So 80 20 = 1 1 =0 By the denition of division, 0 is divisible by 6; it follows that 80 20 is divisible by 6. This is the end of the base case. Inductive case: We have to prove that for an arbitrary natural number k, the hypothetical statement P (k) implies P (k + 1) is true To this end suppose P (k) is true. So we are assuming 8k 2k is divisible by 6 Using this inductive hypothesis (IH) we have to show P (k + 1) follows, namely 8(k+1) 2(k+1) is divisible by 6 First let us manipulate the expression in question: 8(k+1) 2(k+1) = 8 8k 2(k+1) = 8 (8k 2k ) + 8 2k 2(k+1) = 8 (8k 2k ) + 8 2k 2 2k = 8 (8k 2k ) + 6 2K (1) (IH)

So we only have to prove 8 (8k 2k ) + 6 2k . But (a) by the inductive hypothesis (IH), we know that (8k 2k ) is divisible by 6 (b) by denition, 6 2k is divisible by 6 (c) by propoerties of addition, if A is divisible by 6, and B is divisible by 6 then so is A + B. Applying (a), (b), and (c) we can conclude 8 (8k 2k ) + 6 2k is divisible by 6. In other words we have established (1), from the Inductive Hypothesis. This is the end of the inductive case. It follows by mathematical induction, that P (n) is true for every natural number n. Figure 1: A proof by mathematical induction

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