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Cambridge University

May Ball Presidents Society

The committee shall be called The May Ball Presidents Society.


The aim of the Society shall be to collaborate in any activities connected to the Cambridge University May Balls, ranging from information-sharing to the collective raising of money for pre-selected charities.


While the main satisfaction of this aim shall be to widen the scope for mutual gains and seek cost efficiency for all Cambridge May Balls, the Society may expand into other areas in satisfaction of its aims, as the committee sees fit.


The Society shall be governed by a committee of circa 18 colleges, headed by an executive committee. The executive committee shall comprise of a Chairman (a College May Ball President), Secretary (a Society member), Webmaster (a Society member) and Honorary Officer (the RAG President).


The Committee, with the exception of the Honorary Officer, shall consist of all College May Ball Presidents in statu pupillari.


No member of the executive committee shall be liable for any debt or other obligation of the society except where he or she has personally authorized it in writing.


Office shall be for one academic year.

Officers of all individual College May Ball Committees shall be de facto members of the Society, and shall have the right to add information / requests to Society agenda at any meeting. This right will also be extended to members of the University of Cambridge as a whole, and facilitated by advertisement through channels agreed by the committee.


In normal circumstances, the Society will aim to hold at least one meeting each term: Meeting I, Michaelmas - introduction & summary of latest Minutes; provision of college committee officer lists and contact details; discussion of future

collaboration; RAG charity presentation followed by committee decision; AOB. Meeting II, Lent reports; AOB. Meeting III, Summer summary of latest Minutes; progress

- summary of latest Minutes; progress reports; RAG announcement of total charitable donation & presentation of total to charity representative; committee hand-over ceremony; AOB.


The May Ball Presidents Society pledges to uphold the laws of the land.


The Society pledges not to endorse or engage in any activity which is likely to cause unreasonable offence or upset, either among the fellowship body or the University as a whole.


When appropriate, joint collaboration between May Balls will be regulated by means of signed contracts, of which the signatories shall be on the one side the party seeking business, and on the other a member of the current committee.


The May Ball Presidents Society shall at all times uphold this constitution.

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