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1. A B C 2. A B C 3. A B C 4. A B C 5. A B C 6. A B C 7. A B C 8. A B C D 9.


Mark the right statement for the contemporary meaning of Marketing Profit must be achieved in the medium long term Company looks at the market and tries to influence it Benefit is for the entire society not only for the company or stakeholders Which of the following are parts of marketing? Strategic Control Introduction, Growth, Maturity and Decline What is the vision useful for? Inside the company Outside the company Both inside and outside the company A marketing plani s also useful for Defining a budget for advertising Defining ABC of client Defining working group in marketing office Why to realize an OTSW analysis? To analyze cost of marketing actions To understand how to position my company and products To evaluate my communication actions Is the price a competitive advantage? Yes No Only in some markets Which is the main difference between classic and modern segmentation? Classic is based on consumer, modern on groups Classic is based on consumer, modern on behaviors Classic is based on correlation, modern on consumer Which of the following are choice factors for consumer? Comfort Price Quality Innovation What is corporate identity? A definition of company communication elements The definition of unique image for the company The history of the company

10. What is the brand? A The trademark of the company B The name of the company C What customers think about me

11. Which of the following are positive trends for international marketing? A National government control B Growth of multinational companies C Increasing Duties 12. What is a competitive advantage? A The difference among competitors products B The reason why a customer choose my product C A factor that differentiate me and that I can be able to defend in time 13. Which of the following are part of marketing mix? A Product B Price C PR D Packaging E Placement F Publicity 14. What is pricing strategy for? A Determining the value of the product B Determining the profit of the company C Determining the limit of price for my product 15. Which are stages of the PLC (Product Life Cycle)? A Dog, Star, Question mark, Cash cow B Introduction, Growth, Maturity, Decline C Strenght, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat 16. Which of the following are communication instrument? A Mass media B PR C Outdoor 17. Which is a measure to evaluate the effectiveness of a communication campaign? A Budget B Time schedule C Target covering 18. Which of the following are relationship marketing instruments? A CRM B Telemarketing C Mailing 19. What are PR useful for? A Build Reputation B Branding C Selling 20. Which is the new way of communication of internet? A From company to consumer B From consumer to consumer C From consumer to company

21. Which of the following are functions of B2B Internet? A Expand sales B Produce information C Improve customer fidelity 22. Mark the main benefit of internet for marketing A Selling B Being social C Profiling the user

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