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Customer Self Service Programmers Guide

November 2008

Inventory & Distribution Management Software

Customer Self Service Programmers Guide: Table of contents

2 Overview

Table of Contents
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Display information customers need . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5

Display info.

Rev: 11/24/2008

Copyright 1998-2009 Alterity, Inc. All rights reserved.

Customer Self Service Programmers Guide: Overview

3 Overview

Redesigning the Customer Self Service module overview

Standard template or your own design
The ACCTivate! Customer Self Service (CSS) module is designed to provide your customers with important and timely information about their accounts, orders, invoices and payments. Through the download and installation of the module you are provided with web pages to present this information to your customers on your website. These web pages have a standard design. However, your web designer or web developer can incorporate your own style into the module so it can look and feel similar to your existing website.

Display info.

Requirement guidelines
There are practically no design limitations, but there are a couple of requirements that you must follow in order to display information correctly: 1. You must use the Web Class Manager (WC) tags (i.e. <WC@COMPANY></WC@COMPANY>) correctly by nesting the corresponding database information within the tags (the following pages will list each WC tag and the database information that corresponds to each). These tags allow information from your ACCTivate! database to display correctly on the web pages based on the information in your ACCTivate! database and the customer who is logged into the module. They will be provided with a live look at their account status and details.

The menu page provided with the Customer Self Service module. Modify the module to be consistent with the design of your own website. You can stylize or change any aspect of the provided pages such as the background color, images, buttons, font or even the layout.

2. To stylize any of the information within the WC tags nest the WC tags and the database information they define between the tags used for formatting and stylizing. For example, if you want to display the name of your company in a different font, you can code it as follows with font attributes specific to the appearance you want: <font size=6 face=Arial><WC@COMPANY>Name</WC@COMPANY> </font> 3. Only the <WC@COMPANY> and <WC@CUSTOMER> tags can be used on various pages through out the module to display information. Other tags can only be used on the pages they are designated to in the template. For example, <WC@ORDERDETAILS> tags can only be used on the order details page; when used on another page the requested information will not be displayed or the user will receive an error message.

Customer Self Service Programmers Guide: Overview

4 Overview

4. For information that has multiple results (i.e. orders) use the <WC@COLUMN> tags, so that all orders for the logged in customer are displayed. To get the results on the right, the following code is used in a table: <WC@ORDERS> <tr> <td><WC@COLUMN>OrderNumber</WC@COLUMN></td> <td><WC@COLUMN>OrderDate</ WC@COLUMN></td> <td><WC@COLUMN>OrderStatus</ WC@COLUMN></td> </tr> </WC@ORDERS> Note: Information surrounded by <WC@COLUMN> tags must remain as organized in the template with all the information for the specific record in individual rows. But information not nested within <WC@COLUMN> tags can be organized as desired.
In the orders page of the template the order details database names (refer to following pages for a complete list) are nested within the <WC@COLUMN> tags to display all orders for the logged-in customer.

Display info.

The <WC@COLUMN> tags are used throughout the template to list the following information: > Multiple orders and details about each > Multiple customer payments and details about each > Multiple invoices and details about each 5. Do not change the filenames or extensions of the provided files. Changing this will cause the module to not function properly. 6. You can add additional static pages, but only the provided pages can be dynamic and work with the database. 7. After the redesign is complete, either point a link from your existing website to the new Customer Self-Service module or give your customers a direct link to the new address. * The CSS module must be run from the same server that your ACCTivate! data resides on.

Design and style changes

You can modify any of the page elements or add any page elements. > Add and/or change images > Stylize the fonts (i.e. font face, font size, font color, etc.) > Change the colors > Change the layout > Add a background color or image > Use different buttons > There are virtually no limits when it comes to the design of the module design the page how you want and then add in the elements of the CSS module. When modifying the provided standard template, use tags and style sheets (you can add to the provided external style sheet or attach your own, add inline styles or embed styles) as appropriate. If you are reorganizing the structure of the pages simply cut the WC tags and the nested information from the provided code and paste them where needed. *Remember: information defined by <WC@COLUMN> tags must remain organized as it is in the template. *Refer to: the lists that follow for the WC tags you can use and the nested information that corresponds to each.

Customer Self Service Programmers Guide: Display information customers need

5 Overview

Display information customers need

What information do you want your customers to view about their accounts? You are not limited to the information displayed in the template pages, other pieces can be added. However, you must use the following WC tags correctly with the corresponding database field names to accurately display the information to your customers. To display any of the following information, nest the database field names as they are in the list, between the corresponding WC tags. This will pull the corresponding information from your database and display it on the web page.

Display info.

Display company information

The company information to the right can be displayed on any page and in any manner as long as each is nested as is within <WC@COMPANY> and </WC@COMPANY>. For example, to display the company name the following code is used in the template: <WC@COMPANY>Name</WC@COMPANY>

Company information
The following information can be defined within WC@COMPANY tags:

> Name > Address1 > Address2 > City > State > Zip > Phone > Fax > EMail

In the login page of the template all the company information listed in the box above is requested and some of it is requested in other pages to display it in the header and footer.

Customer Self Service Programmers Guide: Display information customers need

6 Overview

Display customer information

The information to the right specific to the logged-in customer can be displayed on any page and in any manner as long as each is nested as is within <WC@CUSTOMER> and </WC@CUSTOMER>. For example, to display the customer name for the logged-in customer the following code is used in the template: <WC@CUSTOMER>Name</WC@CUSTOMER>

Customer information
The following information can be defined within WC@CUSTOMER tags:
> CustID* > CompanyName > Name* > Salutation > FirstName > MiddleName > LastName > Suffix > Address* > Address2* > Address3 > Address4 > City* > State* > Zip* > Country* > Phone* > PhoneDesc > Fax > FaxDesc > Email > EmailDesc > AltPhone > AltPhoneDesc > Mobile > MobileDesc > Pager > PagerDesc > ARAcntId > TermsCode* > CreditLimit > CreditHold* > BalDue* > Status > Comment > ShipToAddress1 > ShipToAddress2 > ShipToAddress3 > ShipToAddress3 > ShipToCity > ShipToState > ShipToZip > ShipToCountry > PO > Taxable > TaxPCt > FrtTaxPct > TaxPercentText > SchedSubTotal > SchedDiscountAmount > SchedSalesTax > SchedShippingCharge > SchedTotalAmount > SubTotal > DiscountType > InvoiceDiscountPct > DiscountAmount > SalesTax > TotalAmount > Reference > TermsCode > TermsDescription > SchedTerms > DiscountAvailable > NextInvoiceNumber > ContractID > JobNumber > DeleiveredTo > DeliveredBy > DeliveryDate > DeliveryMiles > NumberOfPackages > PackageWeight > SalesCategory > POPrice > OrderNumber > VendorPO > VendorPOLine

Display info.

The customer account page of the template displays the information in the table (above) for the logged-in customer through the use of the WC@CUSTOMER code.

* Database names used in the template. Other names in the lists can be used as needed.

Customer Self Service Programmers Guide: Display information customers need

7 Overview

Display information about customer orders

The sales order information to the right specific to the logged-in customer can be displayed on the orders and order details page, as long as they are all nested as is within <WC@ORDERS> and </WC@ORDERS>. To list all orders for the customer the <WC@ORDERS> and <WC@COLUMN> tags are used (refer to pg. 2 (#3) for an example).

Order information
The following information can be defined within WC@ORDERS tags:
> OrderNumber* > Type > OrderDate* > OrderStatus* > StatusDate > StatusChangedBy > Completed > ShipVia* > FOB > RequestedShipDate > ShipmentPromisedDate > DontShipBefore > DontShipAfter > QuotedDaysToShip > SoldToOverride > SoldToName > TotalAmount* > SoldToAddress1 > SoldToAddress2 > SoldToAddress3 > SoldToAddress4 > SoldToCity > SoldToState > SoldToZip > SoldToCountry > ShipToOverride > ShipToAttn > ShipToDescription > BillAddress* > ShipAddress* > PO* > Discount* > Sales Tax*

Display info.

The orders page of the template displays the information in the table for the logged-in customer.

Display details about customer orders

WC@ORDERDETAILS tags The sales order details to the right specific to the loggedin customer and the sales order can be displayed on the order details page (when an order is selected on the orders page), as long as they are all nested as is within <WC@ ORDERDETAILS> and </WC@ORDERDETAILS>. For example, to display product information for multiple products of the order the <WC@ORDERDETAILS> and <WC@COLUMN> tags are used. In the template the following code displays the product ID for each product listed: <WC@ORDERDETAILS> <WC@COLUMN>ProductID</WC@COLUMN> </WC@ORDERDETAILS>

Order details
The following information can be defined within WC@ORDERDETAILS tags:
> LineNumber > ProductID* > Warehouse > Description* > QtyOrdered* > QtyShipped > QtyPicked > QtyScheduled > QtyInvoiced > QtyBackordered > Completed > Unit > PriceCode > Price* > PriceUnit > PriceUnitFactor > PriceUnitFactorType > Freight > Amount* > Taxable > ProductClass > Length > Weight > VariableLength > VariableWeight > Specification > Note > InventoryControlType > QtyLotSerial

The orders details page of the template displays the information in the table for the logged-in customer.

Customer Self Service Programmers Guide: Display information customers need

8 Overview

WC@INVOICES tags The <WC@INVOICES> tags are used on the order details page to list the invoice numbers of the invoices for the specific order. Note: Do not confuse these tags with <WC@INVOICE> used on the invoice details page. For example, to list the invoice numbers the following code is used in the template without nested information: <WC@INVOICES> </WC@INVOICES>

Display info.

Display customer payment information

The payment information to the right specific to the logged-in customer can be displayed on the customer payment page, as long as they are all nested as is within <WC@PAYMENTS> and </WC@PAYMENTS>. For example, to display payment information for multiple payments by the customer the <WC@PAYMENTS> and <WC@COLUMN> tags are used. In the template the following code displays the reference number (i.e. check number, credit card number) for each payment listed: <WC@PAYMENTS> <WC@COLUMN>CheckNo</WC@COLUMN> </WC@PAYMENTS>

Payment information
The following information can be defined within WC@PAYMENTS tags:

> CheckNo > TxnDate > CheckAmt > MOP (method of payment)
The payment information used in the template. Other information can be displayed according to your database information.

The payments page of the template displays the information in the table for the logged-in customer.

Customer Self Service Programmers Guide: Display information customers need

9 Overview

Display payment details

<WC@PAYMENTDETAILS> The payment details information to the right can be displayed on the payment details page (when a payment is selected on the customer payments page), as long as they are all nested as is within <WC@PAYMENTDETAILS> and </WC@PAYMENTDETAILS>. For example, to display the payment details for all payments made corresponding to the specific payment reference the <WC@PAYMENTDETAILS> and <WC@COLUMN> tags are used. In the template the following code displays the invoice number for each payment listed: <WC@PAYMENTDETAILS> <WC@COLUMN>InvNo</WC@COLUMN> </WC@PAYMENTDETAILS>

Payment details
The following information can be defined within WC@PAYMENTDETAILS tags:

> InvNo > AmtPaid

The payment detail information used in the template. Other information can be displayed according to your database information.

Display info.

<WC@CHECK> The payment details information to the right can be displayed in any manner on the payment details page (when a payment is selected on the customer payments page), as long as each is nested as is within <WC@CHECK> and </WC@CHECK>. For example, to display the payment method, payment reference number and the date the payment was received the following code is used in the template: <WC@CHECK>Type</WC@CHECK>: <WC@CHECK>Number</WC@CHECK><br> Date Received: <WC@CHECK>Date</WC@CHECK> Type Number Date

Payment details
The following information can be defined within WC@CHECK tags:

> Type > Number > Date > CheckAmt

The header of the payment details page in the template displays the above information by using the <WC@CHECK> tags.

Customer Self Service Programmers Guide: Display information customers need

10 Overview

Display customer invoice information

The invoice information to the right specific to the loggedin customer can be displayed on the customer invoices page, as long as they are all nested as is within <WC@GETINVOICES> and <WC@GETINVOICES>. For example, to display invoice information for multiple invoices for the specific customer the <WC@GETINVOICES> and <WC@COLUMN> tags are used. In the template the following code displays the invoice number for each invoice listed: <WC@GETINVOICES> <WC@COLUMN>InvNo</WC@COLUMN> </WC@GETINVOICES>

Invoice information
The following information can be defined within WC@GETINVOICES tags: > InvNo > InvDate > Terms > DueDate > SOOrderNo > CustPO > InvTotal > InvBal

Display info.

The invoice information used in the template. Other information can be displayed according to your database information.

Display invoice details

The invoice details to the right can be displayed on the invoice details page (when a invoice is selected from the customer invoices page), as long as they are all nested as is within <WC@INVOICEDETAILS> and </WC@INVOICEDETAILS>. For example, to display the invoice details specifically about products on the invoice the <WC@INVOICEDETAILS> and <WC@COLUMN> tags are used. In the template the following code displays the quantity of each product listed: <WC@INVOICEDETAILS> <WC@COLUMN>Quantity</WC@COLUMN> </WC@INVOICEDETAILS>

Invoice details
The following information can be defined within WC@INVOICEDETAILS tags:

> ProductID > Quantity > Description > Price > Amount
The invoice details specific to products on the invoice that are used in the template. Other information can be displayed according to your database information.

Note: On the invoice details page of the template <WC@INVOICEDETAILS> tags are used, but <WC@INVOICE> tags are also used to display other invoice details (refer to pg. 9).

Customer Self Service Programmers Guide: Display information customers need

11 Overview

Display more invoice information

WC@INVOICE tags The invoice information to the right specific to the logged-in customer can be displayed in any manner on the invoice details page, as long as each is nested as is within <WC@INVOICE> and </WC@INVOICE>. Note: Do not confuse these tags with <WC@INVOICES> used on the orders details page. For example, in the template on the invoice details page the <WC@INVOICE> tag is used to display more invoice details. The following code displays the invoice date of the specific invoice: <WC@INVOICE>InvoiceDate</WC@INVOICE>

Invoice information
The following information can be defined within WC@INVOICE tags:

> InvoiceNumber > InvoiceDate > BillAddress > ShipAddress > OrderNumber > PO > DeliveryDate > TermsDescription > DueDate > DiscountAvailable > DiscountDate
The invoice detail information used in the template. Other information can be displayed according to your database information.

Display info.

WC@PACKAGES tags The invoice information to the right about shipment details can be displayed in any manner on the invoice details page, as long as each is nested as is within <WC@PACKAGES> and </WC@PACKAGES>. These tags and the <WC@COLUMN> tags list information for shipments with tracking numbers that have been recorded in the system. To also display information for shipments without tracking numbers that have been recorded in the system use <WC@NOPACKAGES> tags (explained on pg. 10). The following code displays the tracking number for each shipment listed: <WC@PACKAGES> <WC@COLUMN>TrackingNumber</WC@COLUMN> </WC@PACKAGES>

Invoice information
The following information can be defined within WC@PACKAGES tags:

> TrackingNumber > Carrier > CarrierService

The invoice information used in the template about shipments that have tracking numbers provided. Other information can be displayed according to your database information.

Customer Self Service Programmers Guide: Display information customers need

12 Overview

WC@NOPACKAGES tags The invoice information to the right about shipment details can be displayed in any manner on the invoice details page, as long as each is nested as is within <WC@NOPACKAGES> and </WC@NOPACKAGES>. These tags and the <WC@COLUMN> tags list information for shipments that do not have tracking numbers recorded in the system. Note: Information nested within <WC@NOPACKAGES> tags and separate information nested within <WC@PACKAGES> tags (refer to pg. 8) can both be coded in the invoice details page. This will allow information to display whether or not the shipment has a tracking number recorded in the system. The following code displays the ship via for each shipment listed: <WC@NOPACKAGES> <WC@COLUMN>ShipVia</WC@COLUMN> </WC@NOPACKAGES>

Invoice information
The following information can be defined within WC@NOPACKAGES tags:

> ShipVia > Carrier > CarrierService > TrackingNumber

The invoice information used in the template about shipments that do not have tracking numbers provided. Other information can be displayed according to your database information.

Display info.

More WC tags
Included with the module are pages that only appear under certain circumstances, such as a problem with processing the customers request (Problem1.htm) or if there is no information for the customer under the category they request (Missing1.htm). These pages can be modified as well to match your websites appearance. > <WC@MISSING> tags are included in the code for Missing1.htm and define the following information: Type (the information that is missing) Number <WC@Problem> tags are included (without nested information) in the code for Problem1.htm. which can display a message about the problem that is not allowing the request to be processed (i.e. Invoice information is not currently available). <WC@MESSAGE> tags do not have nested information and display error messages.



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