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The existence of God is proven in these documents.

A - PROVING GOD EXISTS - God Named The First Human Being.

B - PROVING GOD EXISTS - The True Nature Of Political Reality.
C - PROVING GOD EXISTS - Things And Names.
D - PROVING GOD EXISTS - The Power Of God.
D - PROVING GOD EXISTS - Sport Is Invented.
E - PRVOING GOD EXISTS - The Initials Of The Names Of God Applied To The Creation
Of Things And The Means Of Production.

B - PROVING GOD EXISTS - The True Nature Of Political Reality

The true nature of political reality is that God exists, that there is only one
God, that the power of God exists, that as the power exists and as God created
human beings it is inevitable that God must desire to share his power with human
beings, that God has done this, that God has shared his power with his friends,
that God has come to live in the world to share his power with his friends, that
God's chosen friends are the state and capitalism, that God therefore is a
capitalist-royalist, that God is the power and intelligence behind the means of

The true nature of political reality therefore is that God exists, that God's
power exists, that God is living in the world, that God has come to live in the
world to share his power with his chosen friends, that those such chosen friends
of God are the state and capitalism, that God is therefore a capitalist-royalist,
that God is the power and intelligence behind the means of production. This is the
true nature of political reality and the true nature of political reality is

- God exists.
- God is living in the world
- God has shared his power with the state and capitalism.
- God is a capitalist-royalist, the power and intelligence behind the means of

These revelations of the existence of God the true nature of political reality are
expressed by God in the Bible = God exists - God's power exists - there is only
one God - God is a living God, a God who has come to live in the world to share
his power with human beings - God has shared his power with human beings, with the
state and capitalism - God is a Royalist - God is a capitalist who invented all
things on this earth, who invented the means of production

God exists and God's power exists.

Mark 12 : 24
'You do not know the scriptures, nor the power of God.'

There is only one God.

Mark 12:32
'There is one God, and there is none other but he.'
John 10: 30
'I and the father are one.'

God is a living God, a God who has come to live in the world.
Matthew 16: 16
'And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou are the Christ, the Son of the living

God is a royalist.
John 18: 37
'Yes I am a King.'

God is a capitalist, the power and intelligence behind the means of production.
Genesis 1: ! - 2 : 3
God created things and names
John 1 : 1-3
God invented things and names, God invented all words.

God has shared his power with the state and capitalism.
John 1 : 12
'But as many as received them, to them he gave power to become the sons of God,
even to them that believe in his name.'
(God has given his power to his chosen friends, has shared his power with the
state and capitalism.)


The existence of God and the powers of God are also revealed in such things as
Paradise, Ballet, Cool, Hair, Rugby, Gymnastics, Elocution.

PARADISE. What does the word paradise mean. Obviously the word paradise means
para-di-se which means parallel dimensions see.

- Heaven after death. If you die you go to the parallel dimension of heaven.
- Heaven on earth. Knowing about God's power on earth means that you know about
parallel dimensions, atomic power etc. God has shared this power with the state
and capitalism obviously.

BALLET. Ballet dancers are cool, they have the power and intelligence of God to
perform ballet. They know how to control physiology, mind and body.

Obviously God gave the ballet to the White Russians, he shared his power with
them, and having done so obviously didn't want to destroy that tradition. This
illustrates, proves that marxism was an ideological deceit, an anti-socialist
philosophy and strategy.

COOL: Ballet dancers obviously have God's power, atomic power and know how to be
cool. If you didn't know how to be cool and realised that others have God's power
and know how to be cool then obviously you would desire to have that power also
and know how to be cool.

Therefore, we know that God exists and we know that God knows how to pacify the
mind. Therefore there is no need for psychiatry obviously.

If psychiatry was abolished then all people would know this, and all people could
have God's power. I want to abolish psychiatry.

HAIR. Why did a person write a musical about hair. Obviously to make the mind
think about God's power, atomic power. if you have God's power, atomic power, you
can fashion your hair in various ways,

RUGBY. The atomic idea is obviously written in the game of Rugby. You would always
be living in fear playing that game unless you were safe. The solution is God's
power, atomic power. Obviously God's has shared his power with the game of Rugby.

GYMNASTICS. Obviously you need God's power and intelligence to perform gymnastics.

ELOCUTION. The ability to be able to speak in public and to sing is a power of God
given to human beings.


As it is proven that God exists, it is revealed that God invented the means of
production. God is the power and intelligence behind the means of production. It
is proven that human beings don't invent things, don't invent products, but that
God does. It is proven that the ideas for the invention of products, and the names
of such products, are with God before they are with human beings, and that
therefore human beings can only know the ideas for the invention of products and
the names of such product by means of inspiration from God.

And in relation to performing arts such as ballet, gymnastics, acting, music for
example, it is shown, illustrated, proved that you cannot perform these performing
arts without the power and intelligence of God.

Therefore, it is revealed that human beings can't really do anything without

having the power and intelligence of God, and without God inspiring them.


The true nature of political reality is that God exists, that God has come to live
in the world to share his power with his friends, the state and capitalism, that
God is a capitalise-royalist, the power and intelligence behind the means of

Therefore, as the true nature of political reality is revealed, the true nature of
the political concept of socialism is revealed. The true nature of the political
concept of socialism is that, as socialism is a political concept to do with the
desire for control of economic power, control of the means of production, and as
the original socialists objected to all war, and as the true nature of political
reality is revealed, socialism is to be a democratic socialism that is democratic
and doesn't seek to do away with capitalism, but to seek for some control of
economic power, of the means of production, independently of capitalism by
peaceful means. As such the true nature of the political concept of socialism
could only be a minority realisation if it could be realised.

The true nature of the political concept of socialism therefore is revealed by

revealing this true nature of political reality. The true nature of the political
concept of socialism is that, as the original socialist objects to all war, and as
the political concept of socialism has to do with the desire for control of the
means of production, and as the true nature of political reality is that the means
of production are controlled by God, the state and capitalism, socialism is a
democratic socialism, a socialism that values liberal democracy, and seeks for
some control of economic power, of the means of production by peaceful means.

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