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Name: Teacher: Course: History Date: January 14th 2011 The Rise of Nation: Canada's Greatest Days Canada

is the essence of not being, English, American, French, nonetheless united as a strong country when Canadians of all provinces feel at home in all parts of the country, and when they feel that all Canada belongs to them. (Mike Myers and Pierre Trudeau). During a time period of a year, we experience a moment in which we grow, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically, as we reminisce on our moments that define ourselves, our first love, our first cry of fear, and of joy. On July 1st we celebrate Canada's birthday and recall our most patriotic defining moments. A defining moment, is something that has shape Canada, into the nation that it is today. There have been many defining moments in Canadian history. The three most defining moments are Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Suez Canal Crisis and Canada's role during World War I. The rise of nation is not possible with a life line, as the heart of populace supports the growth of Canada.

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe (Anatole France). Throughout the birth of Canada, since 1867, Canada has witnessed twenty two prime minsters; however, the legacy of Canada's fifteen Prime Minster, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, is undisputed as Canada's most renowned Prime minster, as he led through Canada's darkness days (Website. C) Pierre Trudeau Born October 18 1919, in Montreal to elite, Quebecois Family. Trudeau received education from prestige schools from University of Montreal studying law. As a student he enlisted to join the war, however, he was opposed to conscription; he continued his education at Harvard, institutions in Paris and London. As a youth, Trudeau had an aspiration to rule, and to

transform Canadian society. He received his first taste of politics working as a advisor to the Privy Council, before returning to Montreal to teach law at the University of Montreal in 1965 he received seats in the Liberal party, as they where in search of candidates to run for the party in a federal election. Within a year he would be appointed Minister of Justice and he reformed divorce laws as well as liberalized laws on abortion and homosexuality. After Lester. B Pearson resigned as Prime Minster from office, the Liberals won leadership with Pierre Trudeau. In his term in office, Trudeau was labelled by the press by Trudeaumanina, (Website. A) With such comments as Just watch me during the FLQ crisis. The FLQ, or Front de Liberation Quebec, were a movement, that wanted a independent and socialist Quebec, by using propaganda and violence to promote their movement (Website. D). Trudeau enforced the War Measures Act during a hostage situation between a British diplomat for Quebec Premier, which quickly resolved the situation and the terrorists were detained. With Quebec, requesting separation from English speaking Canada, Trudeau passed one of the most important bills, The Official Languages Act, making French and English the official languages, therefore creating a bilingual nation. Trudeau is known for his unquestionably flamboyant life, as a swinging bachelor living on the fast lane, with a-list celebrities lurking each turn. Pierre Elliot Trudeau did not have the image of a Politician; however was the leader Canada needed. Trudeau is one of the great forefathers of the 20th Canadian history, through his contributions in his early years in politics, to preventing the rise of a terror cell, and passing the Official Language Act; acknowledging him to be Canada's most renowned Prime Minster. You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist,(Golda Meir and Indira Gandhi) In a world, captivated by violence and war, it is important that peace must be introduced, peace, being the absence of violence deeds and war; however it takes more to create peace. Peacekeepers make it their priority to attempt to restore order and stop fighting without the agreement of the warring sides. The United Nations are a recognized force in peacekeeping and look to the brave men and women of Canada to

enforce their peacekeeping missions as the are second to none in terms of delivering results. Canadians have received respect for their devotion through their missions from Bosnia, Croatia, Somalia, Rwanda and many more war torn countries (A. Bolotta p.354). They roam through extremely dangerous conditions to restore peace and solidarity among the most difficult situations. Since 1956, Canadians have being distinguished as peacekeepers, with their effort in the Suez Canal Crisis, a situation with a Canal waterway Underneath Egypt, which connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Indian Ocean; as it was Britain's properly and a stronghold to their Sea Power and trade. Egypts decision to take control of the Canal, resulting to Israel, France and Britain invading Egypt, taking back what is rightfully theirs, However in a century where allies are vital, Egypt's ally USSR, threatens to get involved, as the United States prepares to support Britain and France, therefore, as the sight of World War III is possible. The world seeks help to resolve the crisis before it escalates. Canada's Secretary of State for external affairs Lester. B Pearson, would present a resolution to the Suez crisis, by calling an immediate stop to the shooting, impose U.N peacekeepers to monitor the border, Canal and withdrawal of the invading troops; earning himself a Noble prize for peace. He eventually became Prime Minster in 1963 as the Liberal Leader. With a desire to improve French-English relations, along with federal-provincial relations. Lester. B Pearson was recognized for the introduction of Pension Plan and nationwide Medicare Plan, which set Canada apart from several countries such as the United States. Lester. B Pearson continued to revolutionize the life of Canada, during the flag debates, by making the Maple Leaf, the national flag of Canada. A flag, representing the people and land of Canada, a country that exceed all limitations as peacekeepers, as the Suez Canal Crisis, started with darkness among many, as the struggle was fought, stepping out the canal to a brighter tomorrow. He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past (George Owell). The 20th century was known for several discovers, Olympic moments, and most visible, various display of warfare, such as the infamous World Wars. Canadas role in World War I was

centred on the social aspect, politically conscription crisis and military battles. As volunteers rushes to enlistment office to fight overseas (Norman. Leach p.7), Canadians at the home front received their first time in the 20th century to portray patriotism, by supporting their boys overseas. As the brave soldiers fought, Canadians devoted their efforts to support their troops; as such groups like the Red Cross and Dorcas Club, collected fund and sew pyjamas and socks (A. Bolotta p.58). Families, wives, mothers and children contributed, by buying victory bonds, as a loan to the government, to be paid back with interest. Reduce their cost of living and the government imposed rationing and limiting cost of spending, to help ensure equality; all in hope of being finical able to support their troops (A. Bolotta p.166). Along with social involvement in the war effort, as casualties increased, soldiers returned wounded, amputated to share their horrifying memories of trench warfare. As images of soldiers, destroyed the image of propaganda as men fought victorious, Prime Minster Borden recognized a declining amount of volunteers, threatening their likelihood of victory, therefore conscription was enforced. However, Quebec citizens oppose the decision being force to enlist in the army, for the reason that they believed it was not their obligation to defend Britain or France, especially after the French abandoned them during the British conquest. To ensure conscription, the Military Voters Act, which gave soldiers, women with relatives or love ones, for the first time to vote; However Germany and Austria-Hungry immigrates were not allowed voting, and would received prejudice and hatred, as the Act was passed allowing conscription. (A. Bolotta 63-64). Prior to World War I, Canadas militarys presence was little to none, however by the end, they were be distinguished as Storm Troops given by Germans, similar to a storm, they could not be stopped and assaulted the enemy with a innovative skill, tenacity, ferocity and courage (Norman. Leach p.4). From Vimy Ridge, in which they achieve, what many saw as impossible, after failure from French and British Troops, after three days of fighting, with only 15000 strong (Norman. Leach p.16-17). The Canadians, proved their valour, to be elite soldiers and took upon the task of Passchendale with Candida General Arthur Curie (N.M Christie p.8), as his

soldiers took to hell on earth (N.M Christie vii) as soldiers and horses sunk through the thick mud. In a flooded trench, the bloated bodies of some German soldiers are floating. Here and there, too, arms and legs of dead men stick out from the mud, and awful faces appear, blackened by days and weeks under the beating sun. I try to turn from those dreadful sights, but everywhere I look, bodies emerge, shapelessly, from their shroud of mud. It would seem that life could never return to these field of abundant death- Private Jacques Lapointe. Canadians would continue to hold their reputation as storm soldiers as nine Canadians received the greatest honour for heroism in the British Commonwealth, The Victoria Crosses; Private Cecil Kinross is an example as he single handedly attacked a German machine gun detachment across open ground, killing six of the enemy atop and capturing the position(Norman. Leach p.33). We are the Dead, Short days ago we lived, felt down, saw sunset glow, Loved, and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders Fields On Veterans Day, we take a moment to give respect to all the brave men, who died, fighting for a nation, we are all proud to call home. A defining moment is something that has shape Canada, into the nation that it is today. There have been many defining moments in Canadian History. The three most defining moments are Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Suez Canal Crisis, and Canada's role during World War I. As Canada enter a decades, of hope, peace and prosperity, moments will come along that will change the way we perceive each other and ourselves, moments will come and go, but defining moments will always be remembered.

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