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Dhumapana in science vision Dhuma =gaseous state drug pana inhalation.

Dhumapana is the Scientific research proved method which is used to prevent and treat various disorders by using different drugs and if not done in scientific way under the guidance of experienced vaidya is having life threatening adverse effects-acute or chronic in nature.This method is false way used in drug addiction world Eg.tobaccos-char as-ganja-brown sugar ,poisons etc .through smoking and results in to various adverse effects acute or chronic in nature. Any substance can occur in any state. Under standard atmospheric conditions, water exists as a liquid. But if we lower the temperature below 0 degrees Celsius, or 32 degrees Fahrenheit, water changes its state into a solid called ice. Similarly, if we heat a volume of water above 100 degrees Celsius, or 212 degrees Fahrenheit, water changes its state into a gas called water vapor. Changes in the state of matter are physical changes, not chemical changes. A molecule of water vapor has the same chemical composition, H2O, as a molecule of liquid water or a molecule of ice. In dhumapana the drug gets converted in gaseous state and route of administration is nasal or oral Gaseous state drug is having physical change not change in chemical composition hence active drug Is directly entering in upper respiratory tract , lower respiratory tract , head ,stomach ,blood and through blood to the cell level-molecule level. in gaseous state drug is having weak bonding as compare to liquid and solid state hence drug action is very fast as compare to liquid and solid state.

Drug locally acting in mouth ,nose ,pharynx, larynx,lung,brain, stomach effects on body. Hence Acharya Charak has given initial indication on urdhva jatrugata diseases.Drug is directly absorbed in blood through gaseous Exchange and acts on each and every tissue ,genetic Level also hence acharya charak has described Dhumapana indications On systemic disorders also.

Acharya Charak has described dhumapana in prevention and cure of vata and kapha predominant disorders.Any body can use drug in gaseous state for its potent and quick action for its local effects or systemic effects.Dhuma pana treatment can be used in all branches of health sciences by using advance technology.

Drug is entering directly in body for its action,No action of digestive enzymes on drug hence no hydrolysis of drug.Drug dose is minimized. Fast actions and fast

results. Adverse effects minimized.Very effective in Acute disorders also.Advance method of drug administration.Gastro intestinal adverse effects of drug minimized.

Adverse effects
Addiction is possible in persons having no self control.If drugs are not used properly minor to major adverse effects are possible in relation to that drugs.

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