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Club Rules

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Stevenage and District Motorcycle Club

Club Rules
Here are the latest set of club rules, recently agreed at the AGM. Please feel free to print off a set if you wish, or I will supply a set to any member that requires them.


1a lb lc 1d 1e 1f 1g The club shall be called THE STEVENAGE AND DISTRICT MOTOR CYCLE CLUB and shall aim to encourage and protect motorcycling interests in the area. The club shall be affiliated to the ACU and BMF and the fee for which shall be included in the annual subscription. The club shall be a members club and shall be run independently of any personal interests. The club shall be open to anybody interested in motorcycles regardless of vehicles owned. The club shall from time to time organise ride outs for members and their friends and competitions open to members. The club holds no liabilities for any accident, damage or personal injury occurred whilst out on any club organised event. It is the responsibility of the club member for their own safety and insurance. The clubs headquarters shall be The Robin Hood, High Street, Walkern, Herts.

2a 2b 2c 2d

The club shall be governed by a committee consisting of the President, Vice Presidents, Chairman, Secretary, Treasure and four Committee members. The last four of the above categories to be elected annually at the AGM. At least four days notice of a committee meeting to be given to committee members. In the event of a committee member vacating office or being suspended. The committee shall immediately appoint another in their place. In the event of a committee member absenting themselves without accepted excuse from three consecutive meetings. They shall be considered to have resigned from the committee.


The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the clubs headquarters or another suitable venue on the clubs Monday night nearest to March 1st each year. At the AGM the officers for the coming year shall be proposed and seconded by members of the club and elected by ballot vote.



Club Rules

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3c 3d 3e 3f

All registered members from the preceding year shall be entitled to vote in the election of officers. At the AGM the Treasurer shall present a report and have the books open for inspection by members. The books shall be certified by two auditors to be elected at the AGM. The annual subscription shall be determined at the AGM and approved by the members present. Subscriptions are not returnable. The annual subscription shall be payable at the AGM. Or in the case of new members within 30 days of joining. Subscriptions to be halved after 1st December each year. At a general meeting be it the AGM or Extraordinary, a majority of votes shall decide a resolution, the Chairman having the casting vote in the event of even voting.


4a 4b 4c 4d

Special general meetings may be called at any time by direction of the committee or at the written requisition of not less than one fifth of the members. The committee shall not make any modification to these rules nor decide to make any alteration to the clubs HQ without the authority of a general meeting. Fourteen days notice to be given of any general meeting. Seven members to form a quorum. If a member wishes a matter to be raised at any general meeting, the text of such matter shall be sent to the Secretary, at least seven clear days before any such meeting, so that it may be included in the agenda.


In the event of a grave breach of club rules by a member or the conduct of a member making it desirable that they should cease to be a member, a committee meeting shall be held at which that member shall be invited to attend. The committee shall decide as to whether expulsion from the club is necessary. No member shall be expelled or suspended except by a resolution supported by at least two thirds of the members of the committee present at the meeting. Any member wishing to resign their membership shall give notice of their desire in writing to the Secretary.

5b 5c

6a 6b 6c

Every member shall agree to abide by the rules of the club and any modification made in accordance with such. In the event of a dispute or disagreement as to the interpretation of the rules of the club, members shall agree to accept the decision of the committee as final and binding. On joining the club, each member shall be informed that the club rules are available to view on the clubs web site, or on request, they will be given/sent a copy of these rules.

(Rules amended AGM Feb.2008)

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This website designed and produced by the Club Webmaster - David Kinch


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