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Goal-directed Instructional Design Plan - Persuasive Writing & Chinese Philosophies Author - Allison Thompson 1.

A problem or a need Students should be able to write an effective, persuasive essay, grounded in evidence, and that follows the standard rules of writing a 3-5 paragraph essay. 2. A real-world performance After learning about three different ancient Chinese philosophies about ruling a country, students are to choose one of those philosophies and write an essay stating why that particular philosophy would be best for the school to combat a bullying problem in the school. 3. An instructional objective the objectives are based on the final outcome, activity or test. These objectives will each be different for the four types of knowledge; performing skills, recalling facts, identifying examples of concepts, and applying principles. a. Students will be able to write an effective persuasive essay following writing conventions b. Students will be able to provide specific examples of the philosophy they chose (Confucianism, Daoism, or Legalism) c. Students will be able to connect the definitions of the philosophy to current, realworld examples. d. Students will be able to use a digital forum to present their persuasive essay. 4. A set of essential content the basic ideas and skills that will allow the learner to complete the task or understand the content. Students will need to know how to write an effective persuasive essay. There will be a peer-editing component to this process - students will need to be familiar with peer editing expectations. Students will need to know the main points of each of the three Chinese philosophies we studied. Students will need to know how to effectively connect the philosophy to their schools bullying problem. Students will need to be able to present their speeches in a digital format (wordle, animoto video, podcast, or iMovie)

Michigan State University, Educational Technology Programs

5. An evaluation consisting of a test or observation an assessment, observation or product showing that the objectives can be accomplished in the real-world setting. Students will be writing speeches that will be trying to persuade others to adopt their points of view. The real-world context is the bullying in the schools. The original lesson just had students writing the essays that were graded by me. In this re-designed lesson, it would be awesome to have multiple levels of assessment: *teacher-graded essay for content/rubric *teacher/student graded digital representation for content, rubric, and tech expectations *small group presentations with different points of view (philosophies) and have a minidebate where students try to convince those with different ideas to their own points of view. 6. A method to help participants learn the method to deliver the content; a lesson. A. Refresh/review the 3 main philosophies with a graphic organizer where students will work in groups to complete their own organizer with key points of the 3 philosophies B. Review bullying scenario, rubric, and writing expectations as a class. C. Give students different examples of persuasive writing. Have them highlight words and phrases that persuade the reader to do something. Discuss as a class. D. Show a commercial and discuss techniques and tactics that the commercial uses to persuade viewers to do something (buy their product) E. Allow students time to draft rough drafts on computers. F. Peer editing using track changes on their laptops. G. Students draft final copies of essays & begin working on digital representation of their essays. H. Share in small groups their digital formats & discuss pros/cons of their particular philosophy choice.

Michigan State University, Educational Technology Programs

Motivation: Meaningfullness Having students use the school as the context for applying Chinese philosophy helps students see the bigger picture of the philosophies. According to the school climate survey done earlier in the year, many students do feel like bullying is a problem/issue so this is an effective way for students to take a stand and say what they feel about that particular issue.

Pleasant consequences students will be able to effectively write a persuasive essay. Students will also be able to share their work on many levels: peer editing, final copies, digital formats. Students will also be able to use their technologies in a new and effective manner. Students will have ownership over what many view as a growing problem in our school.

Novelty Commercial/Political cartoon that shows the elements of persuasion.

Socialization - Students will have several opportunities to socialize and collaborate with their peers. First, they will be discussing in small groups the commercial and its elements. Secondly, they will spend time reviewing the main points of each of the three philosophies. Thirdly, they will share their rough drafts and peer edit their essays. Fourth, students will share their final, digital copies of their persuasive pieces.

Michigan State University, Educational Technology Programs

Audience For what audience are you designing this lesson? Consider the following: Age - 7th grade students

Skill level: Students will need to have an understanding of the three ancient Chinese philosophies studied (Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism). Students will also need to know the conventions of writing an effective persuasive essay. Students will need to know the expectations of peer editing and be able to use the Track Changes feature on their computers. To share their writing, students will need to be able to use conventions of writing. Students will also need to know how to use the technology tool they decide to use to showcase their digital representation of a persuasive essay.

Prerequisite knowledge (including technology background) Students will need to know what a persuasive essay looks and sounds like. Students will need to know basic writing conventions. Students will need to know the philosophies and their main points. Students will need to know how to save, edit, and share their essays. Students will need to know how to use Track Changes on their computers. Students will need to know how to use whichever technology tool they choose podcast using Garage Band, iMovie, Animoto, etc. Students will need to know how to share that digital copy.

Technology Needs the computers, software, programs (such as Angel or other CMSs) printers, equipment, Internet access, time in the computer lab will be needed to successfully complete your technology-rich lesson. Students in my district have their own MacBooks. Therefore, time outside the classroom isnt necessary. YouTube clips (commercials) IMovie and Garage Band will be necessary (installed on their computers) Electronic Drop Box & Printers for hard copy of final essays.

Michigan State University, Educational Technology Programs

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