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Thought Vibration

The Law of Attraction in the Thought World

Author o! Thought For"# $ Th# La% o! th# N#% Thought

Original Publication THE LIBRAR& HELF '()*

##+ o! Li!# ,ub-i.hing ,rint#+ in th# Unit#+ tat#. o! A/#ri"a 0))*

AM,LE CO,& %%%1 ##+2O!2Li!#2,ub-i.hing1"o/


Edited by R#31 Lu4 N#%/an5 CCHT $ ,hin#a. ,ar6hur.t 7ui/b8 ,hi-o.o9hi"a- o"i#t8 Co98right5 0))* All rights reserved.

I BN: (;*2)2<<;2)'==)2*

Originally edited by Th# N#% Thought ,ub-i.hing Co/9an8 Co98right5 '()* CHICAGO5 ILLINOI

##+ o! Li!# ,ub-i.hing ,rint#+ in th# Unit#+ tat#. o! A/#ri"a 0))*

AM,LE CO,& %%%1 ##+2O!2Li!#2,ub-i.hing1"o/


In December, 1901, William Walker Atkinson, in assuming the editorship of the popular maga ine !"W T#$%&#T, in' troduced himself to the readers of that periodical in a memo' rable article( That article contained a clear, ringing, forceful statement of his indi)idual creed, that of which nothing can af' ford a deeper insight into the character and inner self of the man whose name appears as author of this book( It is the cr*s' talli ed e+pression of the world'principles, the truths, which his writings seek to illuminate, and in m* opinion should be read b* e)er* student of his works as the ke* to the philosoph* he teaches( ,or this reason there has been prefi+ed to this, his latest book, under the title, -.* Working /reed,- the most )ital of the fundamental beliefs enunciated b* .r( Atkinson in that fa' mous introductor* statement of 1901( !one can read the recur' ring, ringing, -I 0"LI"1"- of this author, without feeling an answering thrill of e+altation and power( To those who read this book I would sa* ' imbue *ourself thoroughl* with the broad and beautiful spirit of those few preliminar* paragraphs, that *ou ma* pass on understandingl* to the perusal of the teachings which follow(

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Those who ha)e an opportunit* to refer to the article from which this /reed is taken, should do so( It tells of the work, the material success, followed b* o)er'strain, ph*sical and mental breakdown and financial disaster, which marked the earlier *ears of William Walker Atkinson( It shows how he came to know what he now holds to be T#" T2%T# and how, in his own life, he has demonstrated its )alue( ,or from mental and ph*sical wreck and financial ruin, he wrought through its prin' ciples, perfect health, mental )igor and material prosperit*( .r( Atkinson, during the man* *ears of his connection with the maga ine, !"W T#$%&#T, built for himself an enduring place in the hearts of its readers( ,or four *ears his literar* work was confined to its pages 3including in addition, three books for its publishers4, and article after article of wonderful strength and )ital force flowed from his pen( During this time, se)eral series of -lessons- appeared, under )ar*ing titles, in re' gard to the application of the Law of Attraction in the Thought World ' lessons which created a sensation and e+erted a won' derful influence upon the li)es of those who applied their prin' ciples( The* were written in .r( Atkinson5s own sparkling, in' timate st*le, teeming with thought, force, energ*, fire ' but shorn of all atmosphere of the stud*, all attempt at -fine writ' ing,- polished periods or dignified metaphor, and all affecta' tion or assumption of superior learning( $ne of .r( Atkinson5s cardinal principles is, -6tand on *our own feet,- and he deprecates an* attempt to read infallibilit* into his writings( ,or this reason, we ha)e again prefaced the present work with a -,oreword,- in which he seeks to instill into all students of !ew Thought ' whether as e+pressed in his writings or in those of others ' the 7ualit* of self'dependence( A reading of this ,oreword will gi)e the student a clear idea of the attitude of mind in which .r( Atkinson thinks this, and all other indi)idual interpretations of life, should be approached( With -.* Working /reed- and the -,oreword- as guides, the present reader should enter upon T#$%&#T 1I02A' TI$!, the book proper, in a spirit calculated to e+tract the greatest possible )alue(

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T#$%&#T 1I02ATI$! embraces two series of the )ital lessons mentioned abo)e, with some additional articles b* .r( Atkinson, following out the same line of teaching( The order of the lessons has been somewhat changed in the combination8 and for further continuit* and clearness, new lesson titles, in the form of chapter headings, ha)e been selected( The publish' ers ha)e preferred to retain the familiar unstudied st*le of the lessons, as originall* written, rather than to sub9ect the articles to the literar* re)ision b* the author, which usuall* precedes publication in book form( The* contend that .r( Atkinson5s mightiest influence, his greatest strength and power, lies in his simple, straightforward, and at times e)en collo7uial language ' the kind which -e)en m* little son can understand,- as wrote in gratitude one earnest student( It is such writing that the world needs ' writing which can be read and apprehended b* the -little sons- of the world, whether known as children or as men( There is a great deal of so'called -fine writing- on !ew Thought sub9ects, beautiful sentences full of high, though sometimes mist* thought8 but this world needs common, practical, e)er*da* application of this thought( Where there is one reader for the literar* master' piece, there are a hundred readers 3plus e)en that other one4, for the book written as a keen, li)e, human man talks, and writ' ten about the difficulties, the problems, the possibilities of the a)erage citi en of the world( This is a truth .r( Atkinson has mastered, and it is with in' tention he casts from him the restrictions of an academic st*le( #e speaks, alwa*s, not in dignified tones to -the public,but in the language of a friend to :$%( It can be said of him in praise, as of another before him, -The common people heard him gladl*;- ' the highest, most enduring tribute that can be paid to a leader of men( 2ecognition is due to Louise 2adford Wells for the re)ision of the proofs of this book, the selection of its title and chapter headings, and the ordered arrangement of the lessons( ,2A!<LI! L( 0"22: "ditor of !ew Thought =une 1>, 190? ' /hicago, Illinois
AM,LE CO,& %%%1 ##+2O!2Li!#2,ub-i.hing1"o/


AM,LE CO,& %%%1 ##+2O!2Li!#2,ub-i.hing1"o/


TA0L" $, /$!T"!T6
@reface Table of /ontents /hapter /ontents ,orward .* Working /reed /#A@T"2
I( II( III( I1( 1( 1I( 1II( 1III( IE( E( EI( EII( EIII( EI1( E1( E1I( The Law of Attraction in the Thought World Thought Wa)es A Their @rocess of 2eproduction A Talk About the .ind .ind'0uilding The 6ecret of the Will Immunit* to In9urious Thought Attraction The Transmutation of !egati)e Thought The Law of .ental /ontrol Asserting the Life ,orce Training the #abit'.ind The @s*cholog* of "motion De)eloping !ew 0rain /ells The Attracti)e @ower G Desire ,orce The &reat D*namic ,orces /laiming :our $wn Law G !ot /hance 1 ? 1B 19 CB CD BC BD F0 FB F? >0 >> >9 ?F H0

) i+ + +i) +i+

AM,LE CO,& %%%1 ##+2O!2Li!#2,ub-i.hing1"o/


THE LAW OF ATTRACTION IN THE THOUGHT WORLD $ne great Law ' Thought a manifestation of energ* ' Thought 1ibration ' 1ibrations of light and heat differ solel* in rate of )ibration ' #uman brain onl* instrument capable of registering thought'wa)es ' "+periments in telepath* pro)e the law of thought' attraction ' Like attracts like in the thought'world 'The wireless telegraph* of the mind ' A field of energ* with established laws(

THOUGHT2 WAVE AND THEIR ,OWER OF RE,RODUCTION #ow thought'wa)es tra)erse the sea of mind ' The power possessed of reproducing themsel)es ' 1ibrations which affect us ' those which do not ' wh*I ' We are what we ha)e thought oursel)es into being ' The agenc* of others5 thoughts in shaping our destin* ' The working of the Law of Attraction illustrated b* the .arconi wireless instruments ' The mind has man* degrees of pitch ' @ositi)e thought ' !egati)e thought ' We are positi)e to some, negati)e to others ' A knowledge of .ental Law can change us from negati)e to positi)e ' .ore people on negati)e plane than on positi)e plane ' /onse7uentl* more negati)e thought')ibrations ' #ow to counterbalance them ' Affirmations and auto'suggestions and their uses ' "stablishing new mental attitudes ' De)elopment of the Will ' A high tension not at all times desirable ' Ad)antage of changing from positi)e to recepti)e, at will(

A TALK ABOUT THE MIND .an has but one mind ' ,unctions along two lines of mental effort ' @assi)e effort often result of )ibrator* impulses imparted in ages long past ' Acti)e effort new'born ' Thought impulse and motion impulse result of acti)e effort ' Acti)e function creates, passi)e function obe*s orders and suggestions ' Acti)e function sends forth )ibrations ' The force of habit ' Appetenc* ' The impulse of the @rimal /ause ' JLife'forceK ' .ental culture and mental de)elopment, two different things ' The amenabilit* of the mind to the will ' The Will, the outward manifestation of the I A. ' The attraction of the Absolute ' The real man the master ' Acti)e and passi)e functions but tools( AM,LE CO,& %%%1 ##+2O!2Li!#2,ub-i.hing1"o/


MIND BUILDING The power of man ' %nconscious mind'building ' The -I,- the so)ereign of the mind ' The %ni)ersal Will ' The master* of the Lower 6elf ' The mental misgo)erned b* irresponsible faculties ' The reestablishment of order in the mental kingdom ' The first battle ' The con7uest of the Lesser 6elf b* the 2eal 6elf ' Affirmation and "+ercise(

THE ECRET o! THE WILL The Will'@ower and its capabilit* of being de)eloped, disciplined, controlled and directed ' ")er* man the possessor, potentiall*, of a strong will ' The great power'house of the %ni)ersal Will'@ower ' Will does not need training, but mind does ' .ind, the instrument ' .entall* la * people ' 6trong will follows strong desire ' The price of attainment ' The real test ' The secret of the de)elopment of the Will ' Auto'suggestion and e+ercise(

HOW TO BECOME IMMUNE TO IN>URIOU THOUGHT ATTRACTION The first thing to do ' ,ear thought ' 6trong e+pectanc* a powerful magnet ' The man who fears ' #ow to o)ercome the habit of fear ' A waste of time to fight negati)e thought b* den*ing it ' The right mental attitude ' 6etting new )ibrations in motion ' The con7uest of fear the first important step ' The positi)e will pre)ail(

THE TRAN MUTATION OF NEGATIVE THOUGHT Worr* the child of fear ' The moti)e underl*ing action ' The causes that result in success ' #ow desire acts ' Worr* negati)e and death' producing ' Desire and ambition positi)e and life'producing ' The transmutation of worr* ' &etting into harmon* with the right thought'wa)es ' 6etting in motion the Law of Attraction ' ,ear paral* es desire ' $nce rid of it, difficult* melts awa* ' The working of a might* Law ' The things we worr* about ' Things ad9ust themsel)es ' The storing'up of energ* ' Where are the feared AM,LE CO,& %%%1 ##+2O!2Li!#2,ub-i.hing1"o/


things ' 0etter wa*s of o)ercoming ob9ectionable thoughts than b* fighting them(

THE LAW OF MENTAL CONTROL Thoughts either faithful ser)ants or t*rannical masters ' 6ome of our best mental work performed for us when our conscious mentalit* is at rest ' The ke* to the m*ster* ' The man who understands how to run his mental engine ' 6lowing down the mind(

A ERTING THE LIFE FORCE A general awakening needed ' Let Life flow through us, manifesting in thought, word and deed ' The e+pression of conscious life ' Affirmation and "+ercise(

TRAINING THE @HABIT2MIND@ The sub'conscious mind ' Importance of transmitting proper impulses ' Automatic habits ' -Which of these two things shall I doI- ' ,orming a new habit ' 0reaking an old one ' The -9ust'onceidea ' The mind a piece of paper ' .ental creases(

THE , &CHOLOG& OF THE EMOTION "motions dependent largel* upon habit ' .a* be repressed, increased, de)eloped, changed ' When to master an undesirable emotion ' =ealous* ' its growth ' 2age ' the habit of feeling and acting JmeanK ' Worr* ' /ontinued thought manifests in action ' ,ault'finding ' The chronic nagger ' !egati)e emotions and their recurrence ' #ow to choke out these habits(

DEVELO,ING NEW BRAIN CELL %ndesirable states of feeling ' We are not the creatures of our emotions ' The ma9orit* of the race so go)erned to a great degree ' .an the real master of emotions ' The de)elopment of new brain' cells ' The disuse of old brain'cells with undesirable manifestations ' The brain ' the organ and instrument of the mind ' $ur tendencies, temperaments and predispositions ' The millions of unused brain' cells ' .ental attitudes ac7uired or discarded at will ' The mind clears the wa* for thoughts good for the indi)idual, interposes resistance to those which are harmful ' $ne positi)e thought will AM,LE CO,& %%%1 ##+2O!2Li!#2,ub-i.hing1"o/


counteract a number of negati)e thoughts ' -#olding the thought- ' #ow to culti)ate a certain habit of action ' 2idding oneself of a mental trait(

THE ATTRACTIVE ,OWER 2 DE IRE FORCE .ental leaks ' The man or woman in search of success ' When mental force operates best ' The mind works on the sub'conscious plane along the line of the ruling passion or desire ' 6cattering thought'force ' &etting out of the current of attraction ' .* personal e+perience ' Lo)e at the bottom of the whole of life(

THE GREAT D&NAMIC FORCE The difference between the successful strong men and the unsuccessful weak men ' "nerg* and In)incible Determination ' "nerg* not rare ' Wasted ner)e'force ' The #uman Will ' a great d*namic force ' The people who ha)e Jarri)edK ' are the* ordinar*, after allI ' .ade of the stuff of those about them ' Wherein does their greatness lieI ' 0elief in themsel)es ' The right use of material ' The -trick- of greatness ' The good things locked up in *our mind ' The ine+haustible suppl*(

CLAIMING &OUR OWN !othing too good for *ou ' :our direct inheritance ' &reat things lost for want of asking ' The Law takes *ou in earnest ' :ou are a manifestation of the Whole Thing ' :ou must first awaken to a reali ation that *ou are merel* asking for *our own ' The Law will do its work ' The h*pnotism of Jhumilit*K ' The great things in the /osmos which await *our coming of age ' The pla*things of life ' $ur game'tasks ' The difference between the master of circumstances and the sla)e of circumstances(

LAW 2 NOT CHANCE The attracti)e power of thought ' -A matter of luck- ' A magnificent illustration of the Law of Attraction ' A strong belief as efficacious as a strong wish ' The man who -gets there- ' The man who fails ' !o such thing as chance ' Law e)er*where ' @lan and purpose ' cause and effect ' &etting into the current ' The right )ibrations

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AM,LE CO,& %%%1 ##+2O!2Li!#2,ub-i.hing1"o/


I am in receipt of a letter from an earnest student of !ew Thought, who writes me that he is endea)oring to put into practice the teachings for which I stand( That is all right ' I think he will get some good out of the practice 3I know that I do4( 0ut here is where the trouble comes in ' he goes on to sa* that he is a Jfaithful discipleK of mine and is content to Jsit at the feet of the Teacher(K !ow, if *ou will pardon the slang, I must sa* that such talk makes me tired( I wish no -disciples(- Disciples are mere parrots, repeating what one sa*s ' mere human sheep, trotting along after some conceited old bellwether( I do not wish to pose as a bellwether, nor do I wish a flock of human sheep trotting after me( I want e)er* one of m* fellow students of .ental 6cience to be his own bellwether( I like comradeship and mutual help ' the help of interdependence( 0ut I don5t like this talk of master and disciple ' of leader and follower ' this talk and idea of dependence( As for sitting at an*one5s feet, the idea arouses all the spirit of independence within me( I don5t want to sit at an*one5s feet ' and I don5t want an*one to sit at mine( I am willing, and often
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glad, to listen to some teacher and to pick from his teachings such bits of truth as m* mind is read* to recei)e( I am willing to sa* -I don5t know,- and to accept from others that which appeals to me as truth8 not because the other sa*s that it is truth, but because m* mind recogni es it as such( I take m* own, where)er I find it, because I recogni e it as mine( I know that all students and teachers get their knowledge from the onl* source of suppl* ' the* can5t get it from an*where else( And if some other fellow happens to see a particular bit of truth, before I do, I gladl* accept a portion of it from his hands ' be he king or beggar8 while if I happen to see the thing first, I will gladl* share it with all who are read* for it and who ma* want it, without feeling that I am a -leader,- or -teacher,- or that the* are -followers- or -disciples(We are all fellow students ' that5s all( I recogni e no man as m* master ' and I spurn the person who would call me -.aster,- if there be an* so foolish( This feet'sitting talk makes me )er*, )er* wear*( I am full* aware that certain teachers con)e* the idea that the* are chosen mouthpieces of the Infinite and that all true teachings must bear their hall' mark( And I also know the fanatical de)otion and bigotr* that man* of the followers of such teachers manifest( 0ut this is all child5s pla*( The teachers, sooner or later, will be brought up against good, hard stone walls, and their heads will be bruised, until the* reali e -9ust where the* are at(- And the -disciples- will ha)e some indi)idualit* knocked into them later on and will be made to stand upon their own feet, b* reason of the props being knocked from under them( The !ew Thought aims at making individuals - not at con)erting people into dro)es of sheep, following the tinkle of the bell of some conceited old bellwether, who imagines that he is the Whole Thing( The growing soul must reali e that it has, within itself, all that it re7uires( It ma* gladl* accept from others suggestions, ad)ice, bits of knowledge and the like, as it goes along ' the soul, itself, being the onl* 9udge of what it re7uires at each particular stage( 0ut, in the end, it must do its own work and must stand on its own feet(
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All the teachings in the world will not help *ou, unless *ou take hold of the matter *ourself, and work out *our own sal)ation( :ou cannot get true mental or spiritual teaching b* simpl* pa*ing so much for a course of lessons and doing nothing *ourself( :ou must bring something to the teacher, before *ou can take an*thing awa*( :ou must work up to an understanding, before the teachings of another will do *ou an* good( The teacher ma* make a suggestion that will open up a line of thought for *ou, or he ma* point out a wa* that has pro)ed of )alue to him and thus sa)e *ou much time and trouble( 0ut *ou must do the real work *ourself( A teacher ma* be so filled with the truth that he will o)erflow, and *ou will get some of the o)erflow( I belie)e that truth is -catching(- 0ut e)en so, unless *ou make that truth *our own b* li)ing it out and appl*ing it to *our needs, it will do *ou no good( And so long as *ou are content to -sit at his feet,- and do the -disciple- act, *ou will not grow one inch( :ou will be merel* a reflection of the teacher, instead of being an indi)idual( We need a 9ogging up on this point e)er* once in a while, -lest we forget(- It is so eas* to ha)e *our thoughts predigested for *ou b* some teacher or writer ' so eas* to recei)e *our teaching in capsules( It is so nice to be able to sit down and swallow the tabloid that the teacher or writer kindl* has prepared for *ou, and imagine that *ou are getting the real thing( 0ut I tell *ou, friends ' it won5t do the work( Imbibe all the teachings *ou please, but *ou ha)e got to get down to business, *ourself( :ou can5t gi)e someone else a power of attorne* to do the work in *our place( Life accepts no substitutes ' *ou must step out, *ourself( It is might* eas* ' this idea of pa*ing so much, in time or mone*, to some teacher or writer and then sneaking into the <ingdom of #ea)en, holding on to his skirts ' but it won5t work( :ou5)e got to do some hustling on *our own account, and don5t *ou make an* mistake about this fact( .an* of *ou are running around after teachers, preachers, prophets, seers, -illuminated souls,- and what not, e+pecting that *our little fee
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for courses of lessons, pri)ate teachings and all the rest, is going to land *ou right up in the front rank( Don5t *ou belie)e a word of it( :ou5)e got to go through the motions *ourself, before *ou will attain an*thing( :ou can5t sneak in that wa* ' it won5t work I look around me and see man* of these poor creatures -sitting at the feet- of some one or other, sinking their indi)idualit* in that of the teacher and not daring to think an original thought, lest it conflict with some notion of their -.aster(- These good souls are so full of the teaching the* are imbibing, the* will repeat it b* the *ard, phrase after phrase, like a well'trained parrot( 0ut the* don5t understand a bit of it( The* are like the moon which shines b* reason of the reflection of the sun5s ra*s and has no light or heat of its own( The talk of these -disciples- and -sitters'at'the'feet- is nothing but moonshine ' mere reflected light( .oons are dead, cold things ' no light ' no heat ' no fire ' no energ*( Dead, dead, dead ' cold, barren and -pla*ed'out(6top this moon business and build *ourself up into a sun( :ou ha)e it in *ou ' manifest it( 6tart *ourself in motion, and manifest life( Don5t suppose that *ou must be able to sol)e all the riddles of the %ni)erse, before *ou can do an*thing( !e)er mind about those riddles, 9ust *ou get down to the task that lies ahead of *ou, and throw into it some of that great life principle that is within *ou, waiting for a chance to manifest itself( Don5t make the mistake of supposing that this or that teacher has sol)ed the great riddle. If he sa*s he has, he is onl* bluffing and whistling to keep up courage( #e ma* ha)e found a good'si ed chunk of the truth, and if he is willing to pass *ou a bit of it, all right ' but he hasn5t the Whole Thing, b* a might* sight( The Whole Thing isn5t placing itself in the e+clusi)e control of an* little bit of itself( !o one has a monopol* of knowing ' a corner on the Truth( It is *ours as much as an*bod*5s ' but *ou must dig for it( Don5t bother about the theories or the unsol)able riddles ' 9ust get down to business ' and begin to live( 6ometimes, I amuse m*self b* reading some of the theories and -e+planations- of those who think that the* ha)e hold of the
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Whole Thing( After I get through with the theories of one -dead'sure- chap, I take up the directl* opposite theories of another fellow, who considers himself the special mouthpiece of the Absolute( Whew; It5s a great brain'shaker( If *ou5re not careful, *ou will find *ourself being ser)ed a nice dish of scrambled brains( When I get sort of -stewed'up- o)er such things, I go out into the sun and fall back on the -Laughing @hilosoph*,which soon brings me around all right( !othing will puncture these bubbles so 7uickl* as a good dose of laughter( Laughter is the onl* thing that keeps the race from madness( The sense of humor is &od5s best gift to man( Tr* it the ne+t time *ou get -stewed up- with -high statements,- -basic truths,- -a+iomatic principles(- 0eware of an* teachings that will not stand the test of the sunn* out'of'doors and the application of the Laughing @hilosoph*( 6hun the teachings that re7uire a pursed'up mouth and a strained, preternaturall* sober face( #a)e nothing to do with teachings that re7uire a dim, dark, sunless room to be absorbed in( 0eware of teachings and doctrines that bear the must* smell of the cell upon them( /arr* out into the sun the teachings that are offered *ou, and see whether or not the* fade( Appl* the chemical of laughter, and ascertain whether the stuff bleaches( 2emember this test when *ou are perple+ed or worried o)er some strange theor* or doctrine ' no matter from whence it comes( If an*one tells *ou that which will not bear the test ' discard the teaching, for it is spurious, in that e)ent( Tr* this on m* writings, along with the others( 6top being moons( 6top li)ing b* reflected light( &et into action and con)ert *ourself into a living sun( :ou can do it( It is within *our power( ")er* human soul contains within it the elements of the sun ' get to work and e+press *ourself( 6tiffen up *our backbone, and hold *our head erect( Don5t be afraid to sa*, -I am IT(This is a straight'from'the'shoulder talk( Don5t tell me that *ou are disciples of mine ' I disown *ou( I refuse to ha)e disciples( Don5t tr* to sit at m* feet( If *ou do ' I will use m*
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feet to push *ou off the platform( I need room to swing m* feet about and don5t want people sitting there( 0ut if *ou wish to call me -0rother,- or -,ellow 6tudent,or -6choolmate in the <indergarten of &od,- I will be glad to ha)e *ou do so( That5s all we are, after all ' little babes, tugging awa* at the breast of the Absolute( ~ William Walker Atkinson

AM,LE CO,& %%%1 ##+2O!2Li!#2,ub-i.hing1"o/



I BELIEVE that the mind of man contains the greatest of all forces - that thought is one of the greatest manifestations of energy. I BELIEVE that the man who understands the use of thought-force can make of himself practically what he will. I BELIEVE that, not only is one's body subject to the control of the mind, but that, also, one may change environment, "luck," circumstances, by positive thought taking the place of negative. know that the " !an and "ill" attitude will carry one forward to success that will seem miraculous to the man on the " !an't" plane. I BELIEVE that "thoughts are things" and that the #aw of $ttraction in the thought world will draw to one just what he desires - or fears. I BELIEVE in the gospel of work - in "hustling." I BELIEVE in the %O, as well as the $&. know that the man who will take advantage of the power of the mind, and who will manifest that power in action, will go forward to success as surely and as steadily as the arrow from the bow of the skilled archer. I BELIEVE in the 'rotherhood of &an. I BELIEVE in being kind. I BELIEVE in everyone minding his own business - and allowing everyone else the same privilege. I BELIEVE that we have no right to condemn - "let him who is without sin cast the first stone.( I BELIEVE that he who hates is an assassin) that he who covets is a thief) that he who lusts is an adulterer) that the gist
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of a crime is in its desire. *eeing this - looking into our own hearts - how can we condemn+ I BELIEVE that evil is but ignorance. I BELIEVE that "to know all is to forgive all." I BELIEVE that there is good in every man - let us help him to manifest it. I BELIEVE in the absolute e,uality of the man and the woman - sometimes think that the odds are slightly in favor of the woman. I BELIEVE in the sacredness of se- - but also believe that se- manifests on the spiritual and mental planes, as well as on the physical. $nd believe that, to the pure, all things are pure. I BELIEVE that man is immortal - that the .eal *elf is spirit, which uses mind and body as its tools and manifests itself, according to the fitness of the tools. I BELIEVE that man is rapidly growing into a new plane of consciousness, in which he will know himself as he is - will recogni/e the $& - the *omething "ithin. I BELIEVE that there is an nfinite Power in, and of, all things. I BELIEVE that, although today we have but the faintest idea of that power, still we will steadily grow to comprehend it more fully - will get in closer touch with it. 0ven now we have momentary glimpses of its e-istence - a momentary consciousness of oneness with the $bsolute. I BELIEVE that the greatest happiness consists in maintaining toward the $bsolute the attitude of the trusting child, who, feeling no doubt of the parent's love - no doubt of his wisdom - places his little hand in that of the parent and says, "#ead 1hou me on." I BELIEVE that he who feels towards the $bsolute the trustfulness of the babe, which places its little tired head close to the breast of the mother, will also be conscious of the tender, answering pressure, as the babe is drawn just a little closer to the mother-heart. ~ William Walker Atkinson
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~ THE LAW OF ATTRACTION ~ IN THE THOUGHT WORLD On# Gr#at La% The %ni)erse is go)erned b* Law ' one great Law( Its manifestations are multiform, but )iewed from the %ltimate, there is but one Law( We are familiar with some of its manifestations but are almost totall* ignorant of certain others( 6till, we are learning a little more e)er* da* ' the )eil is being graduall* lifted( We speak learnedl* of the Law of &ra)itation but ignore that e7uall* wonderful manifestation ' The Law of Attraction in the Thought World( We are familiar with that wonderful manifestation of law which draws and holds together the atoms of which matter is composed( We recogni e the power of the law that attracts bodies to the earth, that holds the circling worlds in their places ' but we close our e*es to the might* law that draws to us the things we desire or fear, that makes or mars our li)es( Thought a /ani!#.tation o! #n#rg8 When we come to see that thought is a force ' a manifestation of energ* ' ha)ing a magnet'like power of attraction, we will begin to understand the wh* and wherefore of man* things that ha)e heretofore seemed dark to us( There is no stud* that will so well repa* the student for his time and trouble as the stud* of the
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workings of this might* law of the world of thought ' the Law of Attraction( Thought Vibration When we think, we send out )ibrations of a fine ethereal substance, which are as real as the )ibrations manifesting light, heat, electricit*, magnetism( That these )ibrations are not e)ident to our fi)e senses is no proof that the* do not e+ist( A powerful magnet will send out )ibrations and e+ert a force sufficient to attract to itself a piece of steel weighing a hundred pounds, but we can neither see, taste, smell, hear nor feel the might* force( These thought )ibrations, likewise, cannot be seen, tasted, smelled, heard nor felt in the ordinar* wa*8 although it is true there are on record cases of persons peculiarl* sensiti)e to ps*chic impressions, who ha)e percei)ed powerful thought' wa)es ' and )er* man* of us can testif* that we ha)e distinctl* felt the thought )ibrations of others, both whilst in the presence of the sender and at a distance( Telepath* and its kindred phenomena are not idle dreams( Light and heat are manifested b* )ibrations of a far lower intensit* than those of thought, but the difference is solel* in the rate of )ibration( Vibration. o! -ight an+ h#at +i!!#r in rat# o! 3ibration The annals of science throw an interesting light upon this 7uestion( @rof( "lisha &ra*, an eminent scientist, sa*s in his little book, The .iracles of !atureL There is much food for speculation in the thought that there e+ist sound'wa)es that no human ear can hear and color'wa)es of light that no e*e can see( The long, dark, soundless space between F0,000 and F00,000,000,000,000 )ibrations per second, and the infinit* of range be*ond H00,000,000,000,000 )ibrations per second, where light ceases in the uni)erse of motion, makes it possible to indulge in speculation( .( .( Williams, in his work entitled, J6hort /hapters in 6cience,K sa*sL There is no gradation between the most rapid undulations or tremblings that produce our sensation of sound and the slowest
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of those which gi)e rise to our sensations of gentlest warmth( There is a huge gap between them, wide enough to include another world of motion, all l*ing between our world of sound and our world of heat and light8 and there is no good reason whate)er for supposing that matter is incapable of such intermediate acti)it*, or that such acti)it* ma* not gi)e rise to intermediate sensations, pro)ided there are organs for taking up and sensif*ing their mo)ements( I cite the abo)e authorities merel* to gi)e *ou food for thought ' not to attempt to demonstrate to *ou the fact that thought )ibrations e+ist( The last'named fact has been full* established to the satisfaction of numerous in)estigators of the sub9ect, and a little reflection will show *ou that it coincides with *our own e+periences( We often hear repeated the well'known .ental 6cience statement, "1houghts are things," and we sa* these words o)er, without consciousl* reali ing 9ust what is the meaning of the statement( If we full* comprehended the truth of the statement and the natural conse7uences of the truth back of it, we should understand man* things which ha)e appeared dark to us and would be able to use the wonderful power ' thought force - 9ust as we use an* other manifestation of energy( As I ha)e said, when we think, we set into motion )ibrations of a )er* high degree, -but 9ust as real as the )ibrations of light, heat, sound, electricit*(- And when we understand the laws go)erning the production and transmission of these )ibrations, we will be able to use them in our dail* life, 9ust as we do the better known forms of energ*( That we cannot see, hear, weigh or measure these )ibrations is no proof that the* do not e+ist( There e+ist wa)es of sound which no human ear can hear, although some of these are undoubtedl* registered b* the ear of some of the insects, and others are caught b* delicate scientific instruments in)ented b* man( :et there is a great gap between the sounds registered b* the most delicate instrument and the limit which man5s mind, reasoning b* analog*, knows to be the boundar* line between sound'wa)es and some other forms of )ibration(

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And there are light wa)es which the e*e of man does not register, some of which ma* be detected b* more delicate instruments, and man* more so fine that the instrument has not *et been in)ented which will detect them, although impro)ements are being made e)er* *ear and the une+plored field graduall* lessened( As new instruments are in)ented, new )ibrations are registered b* them ' and *et the )ibrations were 9ust as real before the in)ention of the instrument as afterward( 6upposing that we had no instruments to register magnetism ' one might be 9ustified in den*ing the e+istence of that might* force, because it could not be tasted, felt, smelt, heard, seen, weighed or measured( And *et the might* magnet would still send out wa)es of force sufficient to draw to it pieces of steel weighing hundreds of pounds( Hu/an brain on-8 in.tru/#nt "a9ab-# o! r#gi.t#ring thought2%a3#. "ach form of )ibration re7uires its own form of instrument for registration( At present, the human brain seems to be the onl* instrument capable of registering thought wa)es, although occultists sa* that in this centur* scientists will in)ent apparatus sufficientl* delicate to catch and register such impressions( And from present indications, it looks as if the in)ention named might be e+pected at an* time( The demand e+ists and undoubtedl* will be soon supplied( E49#ri/#nt. in t#-#9ath8 9ro3# -a% o! thought2attra"tion 0ut to those who ha)e e+perimented along the lines of practical telepath*, no further proof is re7uired than the results of their own e+periments( We are sending out thoughts of greater or lesser intensit* all the time, and we are reaping the results of such thoughts( !ot onl* do our thought'wa)es influence oursel)es and others, but the* ha)e a drawing power ' the* attract to us the thoughts of others, things, circumstances, people, -luck,- in accord with the character of the thought uppermost in our minds(

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Li6#2attra"t.2-i6# in th# thought2%or-+ Thoughts of love will attract to us the lo)e of others8 circumstances and surroundings, in accord with the thought ' people who are of like thought( Thoughts of anger, hate, envy, malice and jealousy will draw to us the foul brood of kindred thoughts emanating from the minds of others8 circumstances in which we will be called upon to manifest these )ile thoughts and will recei)e them in turn from others8 people who will manifest inharmon*8 and so on( A strong thought, or a thought long continued, will make us the center of attraction for the corresponding thought'wa)es of others( Like'attracts'like in the thought world ' as *e sow, so shall *e reap( 0irds of a feather flock together in the thought world8 curses, like chickens, come home to roost ' and bring their friends with them( Th# %ir#-#.. t#-#gra9h8 o! th# /in+ The man or woman who is filled with love sees love on all sides and attracts the lo)e of others( The man with hate in his heart gets all the hate he can stand( The man who thinks fight generall* runs up against all the fight he wants, before he gets through( And so it goes ' each gets what he calls for o)er the wireless telegraph* of the mind( The man who rises in the morning feeling grump* usuall* manages to ha)e the whole famil* in the same mood, before the breakfast is o)er( The nagging woman generall* finds enough to gratif* her nagging propensit* during the da*( This matter of thought attraction is a serious one( When *ou stop to think of it, *ou will see that a man reall* makes his own surroundings ' although he blames others for it( I ha)e known people who understood this law to hold a positi)e, calm thought and be absolutel* unaffected b* the inharmon* surrounding them( The* were like the )essel from which the oil had been poured on the troubled waters ' the* rested safel* and calml*, whilst the tempest raged around them( $ne is not at the merc* of the fitful storms of thought, after he has learned the workings of the Law(
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A !i#-+ o! #n#rg8 %ith -a%. We ha)e passed through the age of ph*sical force on to the age of intellectual supremac* and are now entering a new and almost unknown field ' that of psychic power( This field of energ* has its established laws, as well as ha)e the others, and we should ac7uaint oursel)es with them, or we will be crowded to the wall, as are the ignorant on the planes of effort( I will endea)or to make plain to *ou the great underl*ing principles of this new field of energ* which is opening up before us, that *ou ma* be able to make use of this great power, and appl* it for legitimate and worth* purposes, 9ust as men are using steam, electricit* and other forms of energ* toda*(

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~ THOUGHT2WAVE $ ~ THEIR ,ROCE OF RE,RODUCTION Ho% thought2%a3#. tra3#r.# th# .#a o! /in+ Like a stone thrown into the water, thought produces ripples and wa)es which spread out o)er the great ocean of thought( There is this difference, howe)er ' the wa)es on the water mo)e onl* on a le)el plane in all directions, whereas thought'wa)es mo)e in all directions from a common center, 9ust as do the ra*s from the sun( =ust as we here on earth are surrounded b* a great sea of air, so are we surrounded b* a great sea of mind( $ur thought'wa)es mo)e through this )ast mental ether, e+tending, howe)er, in all directions, as I ha)e e+plained, becoming somewhat lessened in intensit*, according to the distance tra)ersed, because of the friction occasioned b* the wa)es coming in contact with the great bod* of mind surrounding us on all sides( Th# 9o%#r 9o..#..#+ o! r#9ro+u"ing th#/.#-3#. These thought'wa)es ha)e other 7ualities differing from the wa)es on the water( The* ha)e the propert* of reproducing themselves( In this respect, the* resemble sound'wa)es, rather than wa)es upon the water( =ust as a note of the )iolin will cause the thin glass to )ibrate and sing, so will a strong thought tend to awaken similar )ibrations in minds attuned to recei)e it( .an*
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of the stra* thoughts which come to us are but reflections or answering )ibrations to some strong thought sent out b* another( 0ut unless our minds are attuned to recei)e it, the thought will not likel* affect us( Vibration. %hi"h a!!#"t u. an+ tho.# %hi"h +o not 2 why? If we are thinking high and great thoughts, our minds ac7uire a certain ke*note corresponding to the character of the thoughts we ha)e been thinking( And, this ke*note once established, we will be apt to catch the )ibrations of other minds ke*ed to the same thought( $n the other hand, let us get into the habit of thinking thoughts of an opposite character, and we will soon be echoing the low order of thought emanating from the minds of the thousands thinking along the same lines( W# ar# %hat %# ha3# thought our.#-3#. into b#ing We are largel* what we ha)e thought oursel)es into being, the balance being represented b* the character of the suggestions and thought of others, which ha)e reached us either directl* b* )erbal suggestions or telepathicall* b* means of such thought' wa)es( Our general mental attitude, howe)er, determines the character of the thought'wa)es recei)ed from others, as well as the thoughts emanating from oursel)es( We recei)e onl* such thoughts as are in harmon* with the general mental attitude held b* oursel)es8 the thoughts not in harmon* affecting us )er* little, as the* awaken no response in us( The man who belie)es thoroughl* in himself and maintains a positi)e strong mental attitude of confidence and determination is not likel* to be affected b* the ad)erse and negati)e thoughts of discouragement and failure emanating from the minds of other persons, in whom these last 7ualities predominate( At the same time, these negati)e thoughts, if the* reach one whose mental attitude is pitched on a low ke*, deepen his negati)e state and add fuel to the fire which is consuming his strength ' or, if *ou prefer this figure, ser)e to further smother the fire of his energ* and acti)it*(

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Th# ag#n"8 o! oth#r.A thought. in .ha9ing our +#.tin8 We attract to us the thoughts of others of the same order of thought( The man who thinks success will be apt to get into tune with the minds of others thinking likewise, and the* will help him, and he them( The man who allows his mind to dwell constantl* upon thoughts of failure brings himself into close touch with the minds of other -failure- people, and each will tend to pull the other down, still more( The man who thinks that all is e)il is apt to see much e)il and will be brought into contact with others, who will seem to pro)e his theor*( And the man who looks for good in e)er*thing and e)er*bod* will be likel* to attract to himself the things and people corresponding to his thought( Th# %or6ing o! th# La% o! Attra"tion i--u.trat#+ b8 th# Mar"oni %ir#-#.. in.tru/#nt. We generall* see that for which we look( :ou will be able to carr* this idea more clearl*, if *ou will think of the .arconi wireless instruments, which recei)e the )ibrations onl* from the sending instrument which has been attuned to the same ke*, while other telegrams are passing through the air in near )icinit*, without affecting the instrument( The same law applies to the operations of thought( "e receive only that which corresponds to our mental attunement. If we ha)e been discouraged, we ma* rest assured that we ha)e dropped into a negati)e ke* and ha)e been affected, not onl* b* our own thoughts, but ha)e also recei)ed the added depressing thoughts of similar character, which are constantl* being sent out from the minds of other unfortunates, who ha)e not *et learned the Law of Attraction in the Thought World( And if we occasionall* rise to heights of enthusiasm and energ*, how 7uickl* we feel the inflow of the courageous, daring, energetic, positive thoughts being sent out b* the live men and women of the world( Th# /in+ ha. /an8 +#gr##. o! 9it"h We recogni e this, without much trouble, when we come in personal contact with people and feel their )ibrations '
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depressing or in)igorating ' as the case ma* be( 0ut the same law operates when we are not in their presence, although less strongl*( The mind has man* degrees of pitch, ranging from the highest positi)e note to the lowest negati)e note, with man* notes in between, )ar*ing in pitch, according to their respecti)e distance from the positi)e or negati)e e+treme( ,o.iti3# thought When *our mind is operating along positive lines, *ou feel strong, buoyant, bright, cheerful, happy, confident and courageous, and are enabled to do *our work well, to carr* out *our intentions and progress on *our road to success( :ou send out strong, positi)e thought, which affects others and causes them to co'operate with *ou or to follow *our lead, according to their own mental ke*note( N#gati3# thought When *ou are pla*ing on the e+treme negative end of the mental ke*board, *ou feel depressed, weak, passive, dull, fearful, cowardly - and *ou find *ourself unable to make progress or to succeed( And *our effect upon others is practicall* nil( :ou are led b*, rather than leading others, and are used as a human door'mat or football b* more positi)e persons( W# ar# 9o.iti3# to .o/# 2 n#gati3# to oth#r. In some persons, the positive element seems to predominate and in others, the negative 7ualit* seems more in e)idence( There are, of course, widel* )ar*ing degrees of positi)eness and negati)eness, and 0 ma* be negati)e to A, while positi)e to /( When two people first meet, there is generall* a silent mental conflict in which their respecti)e minds test their 7ualit* of positi)eness, and fi+ their relati)e position toward each other( This process ma* be unconscious, in man* cases, but it occurs, ne)ertheless( The ad9ustment is often automatic, but occasionall*, the struggle is so sharp ' the opponents being so well'matched ' that the matter forces itself into the consciousness of the two people( 6ometimes both parties are so much alike in their degrees of positi)eness that the* practicall* fail to come to terms, mentall*8 the* ne)er reall* are able to get along with each other, and the*
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are either mutuall* repelled and separate ' or else sta* together, amid constant broils and wrangling( Kno%-#+g# o! /#nta- -a% "an "hang# u. !ro/ n#gati3# to 9o.iti3# We are positi)e or negati)e to e)er* one with whom we ha)e relations( We ma* be positi)e to our children, our emplo*ees and dependents, but we are, at the same time, negati)e to others to whom we occup* inferior positions, or whom we ha)e allowed to assert themsel)es o)er us( $f course, something ma* occur, and we will suddenl* become more positi)e toward the man or woman to whom we ha)e, heretofore, been negati)e( We fre7uentl* see cases of this kind( And as the knowledge of these mental laws becomes more general, we will see man* more instances of persons asserting themsel)es and making use of their new'found power( 0ut remember, *ou possess the power to raise the ke*note of *our mind to a positi)e pitch by an effort of the will( And, of course, it is e7uall* true that *ou ma* allow *ourself to drop into a low, negati)e note b* carelessness or a weak will( Mor# 9#o9-# on n#gati3# 9-an# than on 9o.iti3# 9-an# There are more people on the negati)e plane of thought than on the positi)e plane, and conse7uentl*, there are more negati)e thought )ibrations in operation in our mental atmosphere( 0ut, happil* for us, this is counterbalanced b* the fact that a positive thought is infinitely more powerful than a negative one ' and if, b* force of will, we raise oursel)es to a higher mental ke*, we can shut out the depressing thoughts and ma* take up the )ibrations corresponding with our changed mental attitude( A!!ir/ation. an+ auto2.ugg#.tion. an+ th#ir u.#. n#% /#nta- attitu+#. This is one of the secrets of the affirmations and auto' suggestions used b* the se)eral schools of .ental 6cience and other !ew Thought cults( There is no particular merit in affirmations of themsel)es, but the* ser)e a twofold purposeL 314 The* tend to establish new mental attitudes within us and act wonderfull* in the direction of character building ' the science of making oursel)es o)er(
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3C4 The* tend to raise the mental ke*note, so that we ma* get the benefit of the positi)e thought'wa)es of others on the same plane of thought( Whether or not we belie)e in them, we are constantl* making affirmations( The man who asserts that he can and will do a thing ' and asserts it earnestl* ' de)elops in himself the 7ualities conduci)e to the well'doing of that thing, and at the same time places his mind in the proper ke* to recei)e all the thought' wa)es likel* to help him in the doing( If, on the other hand, one sa*s and feels that he is going to fail, he will choke and smother the thoughts coming from his own subconscious mentalit*, which are intended to help him, and at the same time will place himself in tune with the failure-thought of the world ' and there is plent* of the latter kind of thought around, I can tell *ou; Do not allow *oursel)es to be effected b* the ad)erse and negati)e thoughts of those around *ou( 2ise to the upper chambers of *our mental dwelling, and ke* *ourself up to a strong pitch, awa* abo)e the )ibrations on the lower planes of thought( Then *ou will not onl* be immune to their negati)e )ibrations but will be in touch with the great bod* of strong positive thought coming from those of *our own plane of de)elopment( .* aim will be to direct and train *ou in the proper use of thought and will, that *ou ma* ha)e *ourself well in hand and ma* be able to strike the positi)e ke* at an* moment *ou ma* feel it necessar*( It is not necessar* to strike the e-treme note on all occasions( The better plan is to keep *ourself in a comfortable ke*, without much strain, and to ha)e the means at command whereb* *ou can raise the pitch at once, when occasion demands( 0* this knowledge, *ou will not be at the merc* of the old, automatic action of the mind, but ma* ha)e it well under *our own control( D#3#-o9/#nt o! th# Wi-De)elopment of the will is )er* much like the de)elopment of a muscle ' a matter of practice and gradual impro)ement( At first, it is apt to be tiresome, but at each trial, one grows stronger, until the new strength becomes real and permanent( .an* of us ha)e made oursel)es positi)e under sudden calls or emergencies(
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We are in the habit of -bracing up,- when occasion demands( 0ut b* intelligent practice, *ou will be so much strengthened that *our habitual state will be e7ual to *our -bracing up- stage now, and then when *ou find it necessar* to appl* the spur, *ou will be able to reach a stage not dreamed of at present( A high t#n.ion not at a-- ti/#. +#.irab-# A+3antag# o! "hanging !ro/ 9o.iti3# to r#"#9ti3# 2 at will Do not understand me as ad)ocating a high tension, continuousl*( This is not at all desirable, not onl* because it is apt to be too much of a strain upon *ou, but also because *ou will find it desirable to relie)e the tension at times and become receptive, that *ou ma* absorb impressions( It is well to be able to rela+ and assume a certain degree of recepti)eness, knowing that *ou are alwa*s able to spring back to the more positi)e state at will( The habituall* strongl* positi)e man loses much en9o*ment and recreation( Positive - *ou gi)e out e+pressions8 receptive - *ou take in impressions( Positive - *ou are a teacher8 receptive - a pupil( It is not onl* a good thing to be a good teacher ' but it is also )er* important to be a good listener, at times(

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~ A TALK ABOUT THE MIND ~ Man ha. but on# /in+ Fun"tion. a-ong t%o -in#. o! /#nta- #!!ort .an has but one mind, but he has man* mental faculties, each facult* being capable of functioning along two different lines of mental effort( There are no distinct di)iding lines separating the two se)eral functions of a facult*, but the* shade into each other, as do the colors of the spectrum( ,a..i3# #!!ort o!t#n r#.u-t o! 3ibrator8 i/9u-.#. i/9art#+ in ag#. -ong 9a.t An active effort of an* facult* of the mind is the result of a direct impulse imparted at the time of the effort( A passive effort of an* facult* of the mind is the result of either a preceding acti)e effort of the same mind8 an acti)e effort of another along the lines of suggestion8 thought )ibrations from the mind of another8 thought impulses from an ancestor, transmitted b* the laws of heredit* 3including impulses transmitted from generation to generation, from the time of the original )ibrator* impulse imparted b* the @rimal /ause ' which impulses graduall* unfold and unsheathe, when the proper state of e)olutionar* de)elopment is reached4(


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A"ti3# #!!ort n#%2born The active effort is new'born ' fresh from the mint, whilst the passive effort is of less recent creation, and in fact, is often the result of )ibrator* impulses imparted in ages long past( The active effort makes its own wa*, brushing aside the impeding )ines and kicking from its path the obstructing stones( The passive effort tra)els along the beaten path( Thought an+ /otion i/9u-.# r#.u-t o! active e ort A thought'impulse, or motion'impulse, originall* caused b* an active effort of facult* ma* become, b* continued repetition or habit, strictl* automatic8 the impulse gi)en it b* the repeated acti)e effort de)eloping a strong momentum, which carries it on, along passi)e lines, until stopped b* another acti)e effort or its direction changed b* the same cause( A"ti3# !un"tion creates ,a..i3# !un"tion obeys orders and s!ggestions $n the other hand, thought'impulses, or motion'impulses, continued along passive lines ma* be terminated or corrected b* an acti)e effort( The active function creates, changes or destroys( The passive function carries on the work gi)en it b* the acti)e function and obeys orders and suggestions( A"ti3# !un"tion .#n+. !orth 3ibration. The acti)e function produces the thought habit, or motion' habit, and imparts to it the )ibrations which carr* it on along the passi)e lines, thereafter( The acti)e function also has the power to send forth )ibrations, which neutrali e the momentum of the thought'habit or motion'habit8 it also is able to launch a new thought'habit or motion'habit, with stronger )ibrations ' which o)ercomes and absorbs the first thought or motion and substitutes the new one( Th# !or"# o! habit All thought'impulses or motion'impulses, once started on their errands, continue to )ibrate along passi)e lines, until corrected or terminated b* subse7uent impulses imparted b* the acti)e function or other controlling power( The continuance of
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the original impulse adds momentum and force to it and renders its correction or termination more difficult( This e+plains that which is called the Jforce of habit(K I think that this will be readil* understood b* those who ha)e struggled to o)ercome a habit which had been easil* ac7uired( The Law applies to good habits, as well as bad( The moral is ob)ious( 6e)eral of the faculties of the mind often combine to produce a single manifestation( A task to be performed ma* call for the combined e+ercise of se)eral faculties, some of which ma* manifest b* acti)e effort and others, b* passi)e effort( The meeting of new conditions ' new problems ' calls for the e+ercise of active effort8 whilst a familiar problem or task can be easil* handled b* the passive effort, without the assistance of his more enterprising brother( A99#t#n"8 There is in !ature an instincti)e tendenc* of li)ing organisms to perform certain actions8 the tendenc* of an organi ed bod* to seek that which satisfies the wants of its organism( This tendenc* is sometimes called Jappetenc*(K It is reall* a passi)e mental impulse, originating with the impetus imparted b* the @rimal /ause and transmitted along the lines of e)olutionar* de)elopment, gaining strength and power as it progresses( Th# i/9u-.# o! th# ,ri/a- Cau.# BLi!#2!or"#C The impulse of the @rimal /ause is assisted b* the powerful upward attraction e+erted b* the Absolute( In plant life, this tendenc* is plainl* discernible, ranging from the lesser e+hibitions in the lower t*pes to the greater in the higher t*pes( It is that which is generall* spoken of as the life force in plants( It is, howe)er, a manifestation of rudimentar* mentation, functioning along the lines of passi)e effort( In some of the higher forms of plant life, there appears a faint color of independent -life action- ' a faint indication of choice of )olition( Writers on plant life relate man* remarkable instances of this phenomenon( It is, undoubtedl*, an e+hibition of rudimentar* acti)e mentation(

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In the lower animal kingdom, a )er* high degree of passi)e mental effort is found( And, )ar*ing in degree in the se)eral families and species, a considerable amount of acti)e mentation is apparent( The lower animal undoubtedl* possesses reason onl* in a lesser degree than man, and in fact, the displa* of )olitional mentation e+hibited b* an intelligent animal is often nearl* as high as that shown b* the lower t*pes of man or b* a *oung child( As a child, before birth, shows in its bod* the stages of the physical e)olution of man, so does a child, before and after birth ' until maturit* ' manifest the stages of the mental e)olution of man( .an, the highest t*pe of life *et produced ' at least upon this planet ' shows the highest form of passi)e mentation, and also a much higher de)elopment of acti)e mentation than is seen in the lower animals8 and *et, the degrees of that power )ar* widel* among the different races of men( ")en among men of our race, the different degrees of acti)e mentation are plainl* noticeable8 these degrees not depending, b* an* means, upon the amount of -culture,- social position or educational ad)antages possessed b* the indi)idual( M#nta- "u-tur# an+ /#nta- +#3#-o9/#nt 2 t%o +i!!#r#nt thing. .ental culture and mental development are two )er* different things( :ou ha)e but to look around *ou to see the different stages of the de)elopment of acti)e mentation in man( The reasoning of man* men is scarcel* more than passi)e mentation, e+hibiting but little of the 7ualities of )olitional thought( The* prefer to let other men think for them( Acti)e mentation tires them, and the* find the instincti)e, automatic, passi)e mental process much easier( Their minds work along the lines of least resistance( The* are but little more than human sheep( Among the lower animals and the lower t*pes of men, acti)e mentation is largel* confined to the grosser faculties ' the more material plane8 the higher mental faculties working along the instincti)e, automatic lines of the passi)e function( As the lower forms of life progressed in the e)olutionar* scale, the* de)eloped new faculties, which were latent within them( These faculties alwa*s manifested in the form of rudimentar*, passi)e
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functioning, and afterwards worked up, through higher passi)e forms, until the acti)e functions were brought into pla*( The e)olutionar* process still continues, the in)ariable tendenc* being toward the goal of highl* de)eloped active mentation( This e)olutionar* progress is caused b* the )ibrator* impulse imparted b* the @rimal /ause, aided b* the uplifting attraction of the Absolute( This law of e)olution is still in progress, and man is beginning to de)elop new powers of mind, which, of course, are first manifesting themsel)es along the lines of passive effort( 6ome men ha)e de)eloped these new faculties to a considerable degree, and it is possible that, before long, man will be able to e+ercise them along the line of their acti)e functions( In fact, this power has alread* been attained b* a few( This is the secret of the $riental occultists and of some of their $ccidental brethren( Th# a/#nabi-it8 o! th# /in+ to th# will The amenabilit* of the mind to the will can be increased b* properl* directed practice( That which we are in the habit of referring to as the -strengthening of the will- is, in realit*, the training of the mind to recogni e and absorb the power within( The will is strong enough ' it does not need strengthening ' but the mind needs to be trained to recei)e and act upon the suggestions of the will( Th# will 2 th# out%ar+ /ani!#.tation o! th# I AM The will is the outward manifestation of the I A.( The willcurrent is flowing in full strength along the spiritual wires ' but *ou must learn how to raise the trolle*'pole to touch it, before the mental car will mo)e( This is a somewhat different idea from that which *ou ha)e been in the habit of recei)ing from writers on the sub9ect of will-power, but it is correct, as *ou will demonstrate to *our own satisfaction, if *ou will follow up the sub9ect b* e+periments along the proper lines( Th# attra"tion o! th# Ab.o-ut# The attraction of the Absolute is drawing man upward ' and the )ibrator* force of the @rimal Impulse has not *et e+hausted itself( The time of e)olutionar* de)elopment has come when man can help himself( The man who understands the Law can
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accomplish wonders b* means of the de)elopment of the powers of the mind8 whilst the man who turns his back upon the truth will suffer from his lack of knowledge of the Law( Th# R#a- Man 2 th# /a.t#r #e who understands the laws of his mental being de)elops his latent powers and uses them intelligentl*( #e does not despise his passi)e mental functions, but makes good use of them, also8 charges them with the duties for which the* are best fitted8 and is able to obtain wonderful results from their work, ha)ing mastered them and trained them to do the bidding of the #igher 6elf( When the* fail to do their work properl*, he regulates them, and his knowledge pre)ents him from meddling with them, unintelligentl*, and thereb* doing himself harm( #e de)elops the faculties and powers latent within him and learns how to manifest them along the line of acti)e mentation, as well as passi)e( A"ti3# an+ ,a..i3# !un"tion. but too-. #e knows that the 2eal .an within him is the master to whom both acti)e and passi)e functions are but tools( #e has banished fear and en9o*s freedom( 2e has found himself. 2e has learned the secret of the $&.

THI I A AM,LE CO,& 3@ages are unnumbered(4

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